Example #1
def read(file_nm, no_strips):
    """Reads a file with on the first uncommented line a bbox 
    (4 numbers separated by a space) and subsequently 0 or more lines with 
    points (2 numbers separated by a space) into a Strip Structure.
    If no valid box is found in the input file, it returns None.
    Otherwise a StripStructure with 0 or more points is returned.
    Returns - None or a StripStructure instance
    with open(file_nm, 'r') as fh:
        lines_without_comment = [
            c for c in fh.readlines() if not c.startswith('#')
        bbox = (lines_without_comment[0].strip().split())
        if len(bbox) == 4:  # there are exactly 2 coordinates in bbox
            if bbox[2] > bbox[0] and bbox[3] > bbox[
                    1]:  # ll and ul are satisfied
                structure = StripStructure(
                    Rectangle(Point(bbox[0], bbox[1]),
                              Point(bbox[2], bbox[3])), no_strips)
                points_list = [i.split() for i in lines_without_comment[1:]]
                for pt in points_list:
                    structure.append_point(Point(pt[0], pt[1]))
                return structure

                return None
            return None
def test_poincare_disk_model_line_through_diameter():
    model = PoincareDiskModel(Point(0, 0), radius=1)
    p1 = Point(1 / 6, 1 / 5)
    p2 = Point(2 / 6, 2 / 5)
    actual_line = model.line_through(p1, p2)
    expected_line = Line(Point(1 / 6, 1 / 5), slope=6 / 5)
def test_poincare_disk_model_line_through_hyperbolic():
    model = PoincareDiskModel(Point(0, 0), radius=1)
    p1 = Point(1 / 2, 1 / 2)
    p2 = Point(1 / 2, -1 / 2)
    actual_line = model.line_through(p1, p2)
    expected_line = PoincareDiskLine(Point(3 / 2, 0), (5 / 4)**0.5)
Example #4
def create_link(length, width):
    return Polygon([
        Point(0, -width / 2.0),
        Point(length, -width / 2.0),
        Point(length, width / 2.0),
        Point(0, width / 2.0)
Example #5
	def __get_point_distances(self, mytank, obstacle):
		d1 = get_distance(Point(obstacle[0]), mytank)
		d2 = get_distance(Point(obstacle[1]), mytank)
		d3 = get_distance(Point(obstacle[2]), mytank)
		d4 = get_distance(Point(obstacle[3]), mytank)
		return [d1, d2, d3, d4]
Example #6
def random_robot_arm_problem(methods):
    print 'Random Robot Arm Problem'
    robot = RobotArm(Point(10, 10), [ \
      (Point(-.5, 0), create_link(4, 1)), \
      (Point(3.5, 0), create_link(2, 1)), \
      (Point(1.5, 0), create_link(4, 1))

    start = (pi / 2, pi / 2, -pi / 4)
    goal = (-pi / 4, -pi / 6, -pi / 3)

    cspace = ConfigurationSpace([ \
      Range(-pi/2, pi/2), \
      Range(-pi/2, pi/2), \
      Range(-pi/2, pi/2)
    ], start, robot.distance, 3*[0.25])
  cspace = ConfigurationSpace([ \
    Range(-pi, pi, wrap_around = True), \
    Range(-pi, pi, wrap_around = True), \
    Range(-pi, pi, wrap_around = True)
  ], start, robot.distance, 3*[0.25])

    obstacles = []
    problem = Problem(20, 20, robot, obstacles, start, goal, cspace)
    for i in range(3):
        problem.generate_random_poly((3, 15), (1, 4))
    for method in methods:
        print 'Method', method
        problem.run_and_display(method, DISPLAY)
Example #7
 def path1(self, r, h, stepOver, passes, direction=CW):
     r0 = stepOver       # milling arc radius
     r1 = r0 / 3         # return radius
     a = degrees(pi / 2 + 2 * atan2(r0 - r1, r0))
     x = -r
     y = 0
     c0 = Point(x, y)
     path = []
     if direction == CW:
         arc0 = Arc(c0, r0, 270, 90, direction=CW)
         for i in range(passes):
             c1 = Point(x, arc0.p1.y + r1)
             arc1 = Arc(c1, r1, a, 270, direction=CW)
             x += r0
             c0 = Point(x, y)
             arc0 = Arc(c0, r0, 270, a, direction=CW)
             l = Line(arc1.p1, arc0.p0)
         a = 360 - a
         arc0 = Arc(c0, r0, 270, 90, direction=CCW)
         for i in range(passes):
             c1 = Point(x, arc0.p1.y - r1)
             arc1 = Arc(c1, r1, 90, a, direction=CCW)
             x += r0
             c0 = Point(x, y)
             arc0 = Arc(c0, r0, a, 90, direction=CCW)
             l = Line(arc1.p1, arc0.p0)
     return path
Example #8
    def test_concentric_true(self):
        # given the two circles
        circle1 = Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
        circle2 = Circle(Point(0, 0), 10)

        # then the circles are cocentric
Example #9
def jaco():
    I = Interface()

    # ------------------------Jaco---------------------------#
    ROBOT_URDF_PATH = '../models/jaco_pkg/jaco_description/urdf/test_jaco.urdf'
    BLOCK_URDF = "../ss-pybullet-master/models/drake/objects/block_for_pick_and_place_mid_size.urdf"
    END_EFFECTOR_LINK = 'jaco_eef_link'
    TABLE = '../models/table/table.urdf'
    CUBE_URDF = '../models/cube/%s_cube.urdf'
    TRAY_URDF = '../models/tray/tray.urdf'

    robot = I.load_model(ROBOT_URDF_PATH)

    redBlock1 = I.load_model(CUBE_URDF % 'red', Pose(Point(0.22, -0.2, 0.265)), fixed_base = False)
    redBlock2 = I.load_model(CUBE_URDF % 'red', Pose(Point(0.35, 0.05, 0.265)), fixed_base = False)
    greenBlock1 = I.load_model(CUBE_URDF % 'green', Pose(Point(0.38, -0.1, 0.2599)), fixed_base = False)
    greenBlock2 = I.load_model(CUBE_URDF % 'green', Pose(Point(0.38, 0.2, 0.2599)), fixed_base = False)
    table = I.load_model(TABLE, Pose(Point(0.35, 0.0, 0.05), Euler(0.0, 0.0, 1.57)), fixed_base = False, scaling = 0.3)

    # ------------------------Jaco---------------------------#

    velocities = Csv('JACO_velocities.csv',
                     ['joints_3', 'joints_5', 'joints_7', 'joints_9', 'joints_11', 'joints_13', 'joints_16',
                      'joints_19', 'joints_22'], mode = 'r').read()

    for joint, values in velocities.items():
        velocities[joint] = map(float, values)
    velocities = np.vstack(velocities.values())

    I.replay(robot, velocities.T)

Example #10
def test_line():
    l1 = Line(1, 0, 3) # x = 3
    l2 = Line(0, 2, 8) # y = 4
    l3 = Line(-1, 2, 1)

    p = Point(0, 3)
    check_almost_eq(l1.dist_to_point(p), 3.)
    check_almost_eq(l2.dist_to_point(p), 1.)
    check_almost_eq(l3.dist_to_point(p), np.sqrt(5.))

    check_eq_points(Line.cross(l1, l2), Point(3, 4))
    check_eq_points(Line.cross(l1, l3), Point(3, 2))
    check_eq_points(Line.cross(l2, l3), Point(7, 4))

    abc1 = Line(3, 2, 13)
    roth1 = Line.line_by_ro_theta_1(np.sqrt(13), np.arctan(2 / 3))
    abc2 = Line(1, 0, 5)
    roth2 = Line.line_by_ro_theta_1(5, 0)
    abc3 = Line(0, 1, 5)
    roth3 = Line.line_by_ro_theta_1(5, np.pi / 2)
    abc4 = Line(0, 1, -7)
    roth4 = Line.line_by_ro_theta_1(7, -np.pi / 2)
    check_eq_lines(abc1, roth1)
    check_eq_lines(abc2, roth2)
    check_eq_lines(abc3, roth3)
    check_eq_lines(abc4, roth4)

    for _ in range(100000):
        a, b,c = 0, 0, 0
        while abs(a) + abs(b) < 0.000001:
            a, b, c = [uniform(-100, 100) for _ in range(3)]
        l1 = Line(a, b, c)
        ro, theta = l1.ro(), l1.theta()
        l2 = Line.line_by_ro_theta_1(ro, theta)
        check_eq_lines(l1, l2)
Example #11
def fill_crd_and_frame():
    for i in range(len(to_change)):
        s = to_change[i]
        if is_useful(s):
Example #12
    def test_list_protocol(self):
        """A PolyLine should implement some of the same
        methods that the 'list' class implements, so that
        we can use it as if it were just a list of Points.

        pl = PolyLine()
        self.assertEqual(len(pl), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(pl), 1)
        self.assertEqual(pl[0], Point(0,0))
        self.assertEqual(len(pl), 2)
        self.assertEqual(pl[0], Point(0,0))
        self.assertEqual(pl[1], Point(2,3))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            p = pl[3]
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
            p = pl[-3]
        count = 0
        for pt in pl:
            self.assertEqual(pt, pl[count])
            count += 1
Example #13
def compute_fundamental_triangle(tessellation_configuration):
    """Compute the vertices of the hyperbolic triangle with the following

     - Vertex A lies at the origin.
     - Vertex C lies on the x-axis.
     - Vertex B is chosen so that angle CAB is pi / p, and (hyperbolic) angle
       ABC is pi / q.


    The desired point is B = (b_x, b_y). This point is on the line
    L: y = tan(pi / p) x and on an unknown circle C perpendicular to the unit
    circle with center G = (g_x, 0).

    If A = (0, 0) and D = (d_x, 0) is the intersection of the line [AG] with C,
    then we need (hyperbolic) angle ABD to be pi / q. This is the same as
    requiring that the tangent line to C at B forms an angle of pi / q with the
    line between A and (cos(pi / q), sin(pi / q)), which has slope
    tan(pi / p + pi / q).

    The slope of a tangent line to circle C at point B is given by

        y'(B) = -(b_x - g_x) / b_y

    Setting y'(B) = tan(pi / p + pi / q) and writing b_y in terms of b_x gives

        tan(pi / p + pi / q) tan(pi / p) = (g_x - b_x) / b_x

    Or, letting Z = tan(pi / p + pi / q) tan(pi / p),

        b_x(Z + 1) = g_x.

    Next, we use the fact that C and the unit circle are orthogonal to get a
    relationship between their radii (pythagorean theorem):

        1^2 + r^2 = g_x^2, where r^2 = (b_x - g_x)^2 + tan(pi / p)^2 b_x^2

    substituting in g = b_x (Z + 1) and solving for b_x,

        b_x = sqrt(1 / (1 + 2Z - (tan(pi / p))^2))

    We can then solve for b_y, g, and d_x trivially.
    p = tessellation_configuration.num_polygon_sides
    q = tessellation_configuration.num_polygons_per_vertex

    tan_p = math.tan(math.pi / p)
    Z = math.tan(math.pi / p + math.pi / q) * tan_p

    b_x = math.sqrt(1 / (1 + 2 * Z - tan_p ** 2))
    b_y = b_x * tan_p
    g_x = b_x * (Z + 1)
    d_x = g_x - math.sqrt(b_y ** 2 + (b_x - g_x) ** 2)

    A = Point(0, 0)
    B = Point(b_x, b_y)
    D = Point(d_x, 0)

    return [A, B, D]
Example #14
def test_line_segment_generation():

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        LineSegment(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(0, 0, 0))

    LineSegment(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
Example #15
def load():
    moons = []
    with open("input") as file:
        for line in file:
            x,y,z = [int(g) for g in re.findall("-?\d+", line)]
            moons.append(Moon(Point(x,y,z), Point(0,0,0)))
    return moons
Example #16
    def __init__(self, screen_size):
        self.screen_position = Point(0, 0)
        self.zoom = 1
        self.screen_size = screen_size

        self.meteor_models = []
        self.meteor_views = []
        for (position, radius,
             color) in [(Point(0, 0), 5, pygame.color.Color(100, 100, 100)),
                        (Point(10, 5), 3, pygame.color.Color(100, 100, 150)),
                        (Point(15, 16), 6, pygame.color.Color(150, 100, 100))]:
            (meteor_model, meteor_view) = create_pair(MeteorModel, MeteorView,
                                                      position, radius, color)

        self.player_models = []
        self.player_views = []
        (player_model, player_view) = create_pair(PlayerModel, PlayerView,
                                                  Point(1, -6))
        self.player = player_model

        self.should_quit = False
Example #17
def test_point_round():
    pt = Point(1.22, 2.33445, 2.3343)
    rounded = round(pt)
    assert rounded == Point(1, 2, 2)

    rounded = round(pt, 2)
    assert rounded == Point(1.22, 2.33, 2.33)
Example #18
    def test_pdist(self):
        p1 = Point(1, 2)
        p2 = Point(4, 6)
        assert pdist(p1, p2) == 5

        p1 = Point(8, 3)
        p2 = Point(7, 4)
        assert pdist(p1, p2) == pytest.approx(math.sqrt(2))
Example #19
def test_create_segment(ws, canvas, cleanup):
    layer = Layer('M2', 'pin')
    s = Segment.from_start_end(Point(0, 1), Point(10, 1), 2, layer)
    rod, = canvas.draw()

    assert rod.valid
    assert segment_equal(s, rod.db)
 def _apply_te_thickness(self, in_point):
     add_thick = 0.5 * self._te_thickness * in_point.x / self._chord
     if in_point.surface == Surfaces.TOP:
         out_point = in_point + Point(0, add_thick)
     elif in_point.surface == Surfaces.BTM:
         out_point = in_point + Point(0, -add_thick)
     out_point.surface = in_point.surface
     return out_point
Example #21
def test_point_distance():
    p0 = Point(1, 2, 3)
    p1 = Point(1, 2, 3)

    assert p0.distance_to(p1) == 0

    p2 = Point(3, 4, 12)
    assert p2.distance_to(Point.at_origin()) == 13
Example #22
def generate_segment(plot_side):
    min_segment = plot_side / 10
    point_1 = Point(uniform(0, plot_side), uniform(0, plot_side))
    while True:
        point_2 = Point(uniform(0, plot_side), uniform(0, plot_side))
        if Point.distance_between(point_1, point_2) > min_segment:
    return Segment(point_1, point_2)
Example #23
 def test_point_operations(self):
     p1 = Point(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
     v = Vec(4.0, 6.0, 8.0)
     p2 = Point(4.0, 6.0, 8.0)
     assert (p1 * 2).is_close(Point(2.0, 4.0, 6.0))
     assert (p1 + v).is_close(Point(5.0, 8.0, 11.0))
     assert (p2 - p1).is_close(Vec(3.0, 4.0, 5.0))
     assert (p1 - v).is_close(Point(-3.0, -4.0, -5.0))
Example #24
def test_parallel():
    l1 = Line()  # X-axis
    l2 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([4, 0, 0]), point=Point(8, 0, 0))
    l3 = Line.from_points(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
    l4 = Line.from_points(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(-1, -1, -1))
    assert l1.is_parallel(l2)
    assert not l1.is_parallel(l3)
    assert l3.is_parallel(l4)
Example #25
    def run(self):
        self._capture_manager.paused = False
        frame_generator = self.frames()
        frame = next(frame_generator)

        rois = detect(frame)
        self.save_rois(frame, rois)

        previous_angle = None
        while self._window_manager.window_created and frame is not None:
            frame = next(frame_generator)

            ok, rois = self._multi_tracker.update(frame)
            if ok and len(rois) > 1:
                upper, lower = Rectangle(*rois[0]), Rectangle(*rois[1])

                if not self._frame_no % 100:
                    new_rois = detect(frame)
                    if len(new_rois) >= 2:
                        new_similarity = roi_similarity(frame, *new_rois[:2])
                        old_similarity = roi_similarity(frame, upper, lower)
                        current_overlap = rois_overlap(upper, lower)
                        if old_similarity < 0.4 and new_similarity - old_similarity > 0.4:
                            for pair in zip(new_rois[:2], [upper, lower]):
                                overlap = rois_overlap(*pair)
                                if current_overlap > 0.2 or overlap < 0.4:
                                    self.save_rois(frame, new_rois[:2])

                current_angle = self.to_angle(upper, lower)
                if current_angle != previous_angle:
                    previous_angle = current_angle
                    self._angle_change.append(self.to_angle(upper, lower))

                base_angle_line = (
                    Point(upper.x, upper.y + upper.h//2),
                    Point(lower.x, upper.y + upper.h//2))
                current_angle_line = (
                    Point(upper.x, upper.y + upper.h//2),
                    self.count_point(current_angle, upper, lower))

                self._capture_manager.add_lines([current_angle_line, base_angle_line])
                self._capture_manager.add_rois([upper, lower])

                if not (previous_angle and self._capture_manager.paused):

            elif not self._capture_manager.paused:
                print("Tracking failure")
                if frame is not None and not self._frame_no % 15:
                    new_rois = detect(frame)
                    self.save_rois(frame, new_rois)


        if frame is None:
Example #26
 def clip(self, p1, p2):
     c1 = self.point_to_coordinates(p1)
     c2 = self.point_to_coordinates(Point(p1.x, p2.y))
     c3 = self.point_to_coordinates(p2)
     c4 = self.point_to_coordinates(Point(p2.x, p1.y))
     self.fp.write("path b;\n")
     self.fp.write("b := {0}--{1}--{2}--{3}--cycle;\n".format(
         c1, c2, c3, c4))
     self.fp.write("clip currentpicture to b;\n")
Example #27
def test_orthogonal():
    l1 = Line()  # X-axis
    l2 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 1, 0]), point=Point(0, 0,
                                                              0))  # Y-axis
    l3 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([1, 1, 0]), point=Point(0, 0, 0))
    l4 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 0, 1]), point=Point(0, 0, 0))
    assert l1.is_orthogonal(l2)
    assert l3.is_orthogonal(l4)
    assert not l1.is_orthogonal(l3)
Example #28
 def readLinesFromFile(self, filename):
     """Not in use currently"""
     with open(filename, 'r') as f:
         for line in f.readlines():
             if line[0] != '#':
                 data = [x for x in line.split('\t')]
                 points = [int(x) for x in data[0].split(',')]
                 self.tree.data.append(LineSegment(Point(points[0], points[1]), Point(
                     points[2], points[3]), int(data[1]), data[2][0:len(data[2]) - 1]))
Example #29
 def recur(node, depth=0):
     node_point = Point(node.value[0], node.value[1])
     if depth < self.max_recursion:
         for child in node.children:
             child_point = Point(child.value[0], child.value[1])
             Line(node_point, child_point).draw(window,
             recur(child, depth + 1)
Example #30
    def setUp(self):

        points = [
            Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            Point(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            Point(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        self.polygon = Polygon(points, Point(0.25, 0.25, 0.0))