Example #1
 def __cmp(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, mpq):
         res = gmp.mpq_cmp(self._mpq, other._mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, mpz):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         gmp.mpq_set_z(tmp_mpq, other._mpz)
         res = gmp.mpq_cmp(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, (int, long)):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         _pyint_to_mpq(other, tmp_mpq)
         res = gmp.mpq_cmp(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, float):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         gmp.mpq_set_d(tmp_mpq, other)
         res = gmp.mpq_cmp(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
         return None
     return res
Example #2
 def __eq__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, mpq):
         res = gmp.mpq_equal(self._mpq, other._mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, mpz):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         gmp.mpq_set_z(tmp_mpq, other._mpz)
         res = gmp.mpq_equal(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, (int, long)):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         _pyint_to_mpq(other, tmp_mpq)
         res = gmp.mpq_equal(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
     elif isinstance(other, float):
         tmp_mpq = _new_mpq()
         gmp.mpq_set_d(tmp_mpq, other)
         res = gmp.mpq_equal(self._mpq, tmp_mpq)
         return NotImplemented
     return res != 0
Example #3
    def __init__(self, *args):
        mpq() -> mpq(0,1)

             If no argument is given, return mpq(0,1).

        mpq(n) -> mpq

             Return an 'mpq' object with a numeric value n. Decimal and
             Fraction values are converted exactly.

        mpq(n,m) -> mpq

             Return an 'mpq' object with a numeric value n/m.

        mpq(s[, base=10]) -> mpq

             Return an 'mpq' object from a string s made up of digits in
             the given base. s may be made up of two numbers in the same
             base separated by a '/' character.

        #TODO kwargs (base)

        nargs = len(args)
        if nargs == 1 and isinstance(args[0], self.__class__):
            self._mpq = args[0]._mpq

        a = self._mpq = ffi.gc(_new_mpq(), _del_mpq)

        if nargs == 0:
            gmp.mpq_set_ui(a, 0, 1)
        elif nargs == 1:
            if isinstance(args[0], float):
                gmp.mpq_set_d(a, args[0])
            elif isinstance(args[0], (int, long)):
                _pyint_to_mpq(args[0], a)
            elif isinstance(args[0], mpz):
                gmp.mpq_set_z(a, args[0]._mpz)
            elif isinstance(args[0], str):
                _str_to_mpq(args[0], 10, a)
                raise TypeError('mpq() requires numeric or string argument')
        elif nargs == 2:
            if isinstance(args[0], str):
                _str_to_mpq(args[0], args[1], a)
            elif all(isinstance(arg, (int, long, mpz)) for arg in args):
                # Set Numerator
                if isinstance(args[0], mpz):
                    gmp.mpq_set_num(a, args[0]._mpz)
                    num = gmp.mpq_numref(a)
                    _pyint_to_mpz(args[0], num)

                # Set Denominator
                if args[1] == 0:
                    raise ZeroDivisionError("zero denominator in 'mpq'")

                if isinstance(args[1], mpz):
                    gmp.mpq_set_den(a, args[1]._mpz)
                    den = gmp.mpq_denref(a)
                    _pyint_to_mpz(args[1], den)
                # Numerator
                if isinstance(args[0], mpq):
                    gmp.mpq_set(a, args[0]._mpq)
                elif isinstance(args[0], float):
                    gmp.mpq_set_d(a, args[0])
                elif isinstance(args[0], (int, long)):
                    _pyint_to_mpq(args[0], a)
                elif isinstance(args[0], mpz):
                    gmp.mpq_set_z(a, args[0]._mpz)
                    raise TypeError('mpq() requires numeric or string argument')

                # Denominator
                b = _new_mpq()
                if isinstance(args[1], mpq):
                    gmp.mpq_set(b, args[1]._mpq)
                elif isinstance(args[1], float):
                    gmp.mpq_set_d(b, args[1])
                elif isinstance(args[1], (int, long)):
                    _pyint_to_mpq(args[1], b)
                elif isinstance(args[1], mpz):
                    gmp.mpq_set_z(b, args[1]._mpz)
                    raise TypeError('mpq() requires numeric or string argument')

                # Divide them
                if gmp.mpq_sgn(b) == 0:
                    raise ZeroDivisionError

                gmp.mpq_div(a, a, b)
            raise TypeError("mpq() requires 0, 1 or 2 arguments")

        # TODO only canonicalize when required (e.g. optimize mpq(42))