Example #1
def _check(value, path, type):
    """Private function to check the correctness of a value.

    :param value: Name of the directory
    :type value: str

    :param path: Path where the directory is located
    :type path: path

    :param type: it is a string defining the type that will e checked,
                 valid types are: GISBASE, GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME, MAPSET
    :type type: str

    :return: the value if verify else None and
             if value is empty return environmental variable
    :rtype: str
    if value and CHECK_IS[type](join(path, value)):
        return value
    elif value is '':
        from grass.pygrass.utils import getenv
        return getenv(type)
        raise GrassError("%s <%s> not found" % (type.title(),
                                                join(path, value)))
Example #2
    def __init__(self, start_time, end_time, dtype, mkeys):
        assert isinstance(start_time, datetime), \
            "start_time not a datetime object!"
        assert isinstance(end_time, datetime), \
            "end_time not a datetime object!"
        assert start_time <= end_time, "start_time > end_time!"

        self.start_time = start_time
        self.end_time = end_time
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.region = Region()
        self.xr = self.region.cols
        self.yr = self.region.rows
        # Check if region is at least 3x3
        if self.xr < 3 or self.yr < 3:
            msgr.fatal(u"GRASS Region should be at least 3 cells by 3 cells")

        self.dx = self.region.ewres
        self.dy = self.region.nsres
        self.reg_bbox = {
            'e': self.region.east,
            'w': self.region.west,
            'n': self.region.north,
            's': self.region.south
        self.overwrite = gscript.overwrite()
        self.mapset = gutils.getenv('MAPSET')
        self.maps = dict.fromkeys(mkeys)
        # init temporal module

        assert os.path.isfile(self.rules_h)
        assert os.path.isfile(self.rules_v)
        assert os.path.isfile(self.rules_def)
Example #3
def _check(value, path, type):
    """Private function to check the correctness of a value.

    :param value: Name of the directory
    :type value: str

    :param path: Path where the directory is located
    :type path: path

    :param type: it is a string defining the type that will e checked,
                 valid types are: GISBASE, GISDBASE, LOCATION_NAME, MAPSET
    :type type: str

    :return: the value if verify else None and
             if value is empty return environmental variable
    :rtype: str
    if value and CHECK_IS[type](join(path, value)):
        return value
    elif value is '':
        from grass.pygrass.utils import getenv
        return getenv(type)
        raise GrassError("%s <%s> not found" %
                         (type.title(), join(path, value)))
Example #4
 def format_id(name):
     """Take a map or stds name as input
     and return a fully qualified name, i.e. including mapset
     if '@' in name:
         return name
         return '@'.join((name, gutils.getenv('MAPSET')))
Example #5
def format_id(name):
    '''Take a map or stds name as input
    and return a fully qualified name, i.e. including mapset
    mapset = gutils.getenv('MAPSET')
    if '@' in name:
        return name
        return '@'.join((name, mapset))
Example #6
    def __init__(self, start_time, end_time, dtype, mkeys, region_id,
        assert isinstance(start_time, datetime), \
            "start_time not a datetime object!"
        assert isinstance(end_time, datetime), \
            "end_time not a datetime object!"
        assert start_time <= end_time, "start_time > end_time!"

        self.region_id = region_id
        self.raster_mask_id = raster_mask_id
        self.start_time = start_time
        self.end_time = end_time
        self.dtype = dtype

        self.old_mask_name = None

        # LatLon is not supported
        if gscript.locn_is_latlong():
            msgr.fatal(u"latlong location is not supported. "
                       u"Please use a projected location")
        # Set region
        if self.region_id:
            gscript.run_command("g.region", region=region_id)
        self.region = Region()
        self.xr = self.region.cols
        self.yr = self.region.rows
        # Check if region is at least 3x3
        if self.xr < 3 or self.yr < 3:
            msgr.fatal(u"GRASS Region should be at least 3 cells by 3 cells")
        self.dx = self.region.ewres
        self.dy = self.region.nsres
        self.reg_bbox = {
            'e': self.region.east,
            'w': self.region.west,
            'n': self.region.north,
            's': self.region.south
        # Set temporary mask
        if self.raster_mask_id:
        self.overwrite = gscript.overwrite()
        self.mapset = gutils.getenv('MAPSET')
        self.maps = dict.fromkeys(mkeys)
        # init temporal module
        # Create thread and queue for writing raster maps
        self.raster_lock = Lock()
        self.raster_writer_queue = Queue(maxsize=15)
        worker_args = (self.raster_writer_queue, self.raster_lock)
        self.raster_writer_thread = Thread(name="RasterWriter",
Example #7
    def switch_through_locations(queue):
        """Switches through a list of locations"""
        # Just to be sure we don't influence other tests.
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        import grass.pygrass.utils as pygrass_utils
        import grass.lib.gis as libgis

        names = []
        for location_name in ["test1", "test2", "abc"]:
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            gs.core._create_location_xy(tmp_path, location_name)
            with grass_setup.init(tmp_path / location_name):
                    (pygrass_utils.getenv("LOCATION_NAME"), location_name))
Example #8
def main():

        import pysptools.eea as eea
    except ImportError:
        gs.fatal(_("Cannot import pysptools \
                      (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysptools) library."
                      " Please install it (pip install pysptools)"
                      " or ensure that it is on path"
                      " (use PYTHONPATH variable)."))

        # sklearn is a dependency of used pysptools functionality
        import sklearn
    except ImportError:
        gs.fatal(_("Cannot import sklearn \
                      (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scikit-learn) library."
                      " Please install it (pip install scikit-learn)"
                      " or ensure that it is on path"
                      " (use PYTHONPATH variable)."))

        from cvxopt import solvers, matrix
    except ImportError:
        gs.fatal(_("Cannot import cvxopt \
                      (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cvxopt) library."
                      " Please install it (pip install cvxopt)"
                      " or ensure that it is on path"
                      " (use PYTHONPATH variable)."))

    # Parse input options
    input = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    prefix = options['prefix']
    endmember_n = int(options['endmember_n'])
    endmembers = options['endmembers']
    if options['maxit']:
        maxit = options['maxit']
        maxit = 0
    extraction_method = options['extraction_method']
    unmixing_method = options['unmixing_method']
    atgp_init = True if not flags['n'] else False

    # List maps in imagery group
        maps = gs.read_command('i.group', flags='g', group=input,

    # Validate input
    # q and maxit can be None according to manual, but does not work in current pysptools version
    if endmember_n <= 0:
        gs.fatal('Number of endmembers has to be > 0')
        """if (extraction_method == 'PPI' or
            extraction_method == 'NFINDR'):
            gs.fatal('Extraction methods PPI and NFINDR require endmember_n >= 2')
        endmember_n = None"""

    if maxit <= 0:
        maxit = 3 * len(maps)

    if endmember_n > len(maps) + 1:
        gs.warning('More endmembers ({}) requested than bands in \
                   input imagery group ({})'.format(endmember_n, len(maps)))
        if extraction_method != 'PPI':
            gs.fatal('Only PPI method can extract more endmembers than number \
                     of bands in the imagery group')

    if not atgp_init and extraction_method != 'NFINDR':
        gs.verbose('ATGP is only taken into account in \
                   NFINDR extraction method...')

    # Get metainformation from input bands
    band_types = {}
    img = None
    n = 0
    gs.verbose('Reading imagery group...')
    for m in maps:
        map = m.split('@')

        # Build numpy stack from imagery group
        raster = r.raster2numpy(map[0], mapset=map[1])
        if raster == np.float64:
            raster = float32(raster)
            gs.warning('{} is of type Float64.\
                        Float64 is currently not supported.\
                        Reducing precision to Float32'.format(raster))

        # Determine map type
        band_types[map[0]] = get_rastertype(raster)

        # Create cube and mask from GRASS internal NoData value
        if n == 0:
            img = raster
            # Create mask from GRASS internal NoData value
            mask = mask_rasternd(raster)
            img = np.dstack((img, raster))
            mask = np.logical_and((mask_rasternd(raster)), mask)

        n = n + 1

    # Read a mask if present and give waringing if not
    # Note that otherwise NoData is read as values
    gs.verbose('Checking for MASK...')
        MASK = r.raster2numpy('MASK', mapset=getenv('MAPSET')) == 1
        mask = np.logical_and(MASK, mask)
        MASK = None

    if extraction_method == 'NFINDR':
    # Extract endmembers from valid pixels using NFINDR function from pysptools
        gs.verbose('Extracting endmembers using NFINDR...')
        nfindr = eea.NFINDR()
        E = nfindr.extract(img, endmember_n, maxit=maxit, normalize=False,
                           ATGP_init=atgp_init, mask=mask)
    elif extraction_method == 'PPI':
    # Extract endmembers from valid pixels using PPI function from pysptools
        gs.verbose('Extracting endmembers using PPI...')
        ppi = eea.PPI()
        E = ppi.extract(img, endmember_n, numSkewers=10000, normalize=False,
    elif extraction_method == 'FIPPI':
    # Extract endmembers from valid pixels using FIPPI function from pysptools
        gs.verbose('Extracting endmembers using FIPPI...')
        fippi = eea.FIPPI()
        # q and maxit can be None according to manual, but does not work
        """if not maxit and not endmember_n:
            E = fippi.extract(img, q=None, normalize=False, mask=mask)
        if not maxit:
            E = fippi.extract(img, q=endmember_n, normalize=False, mask=mask)
        if not endmember_n:
            E = fippi.extract(img, q=int(), maxit=maxit, normalize=False,
            E = fippi.extract(img, q=endmember_n, maxit=maxit, normalize=False,
        E = fippi.extract(img, q=endmember_n, maxit=maxit, normalize=False,

    # Write output file in format required for i.spec.unmix addon
    if output:
        gs.verbose('Writing spectra file...')
        n = 0
        with open(output, 'w') as o:
            o.write('# Channels: {}\n'.format('\t'.join(band_types.keys())))
            o.write('# Wrote {} spectra line wise.\n#\n'.format(endmember_n))
            o.write('Matrix: {0} by {1}\n'.format(endmember_n, len(maps)))
            for e in E:
                o.write('row{0}: {1}\n'.format(n, '\t'.join([str(i) for i in  e])))
                n = n + 1

    # Write vector map with endmember information if requested
    if endmembers:
        gs.verbose('Writing vector map with endmembers...')
        from grass.pygrass import utils as u
        from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
        from grass.pygrass.vector import Vector
        from grass.pygrass.vector import VectorTopo
        from grass.pygrass.vector.geometry import Point

        # Build attribute table
        # Deinfe columns for attribute table
        cols = [(u'cat',       'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY')]
        for b in band_types.keys():
            cols.append((b.replace('.','_'), band_types[b]))
        # Get region information
        reg = Region()

        # Create vector map
        new = Vector(endmembers)
        new.open('w', tab_name=endmembers, tab_cols=cols)

        cat = 1
        for e in E:
            # Get indices
            idx = np.where((img[:,:]==e).all(-1))

            # Numpy array is ordered rows, columns (y,x)
            if len(idx[0]) == 0 or len(idx[1]) == 0:
                gs.warning('Could not compute coordinated for endmember {}. \
                            Please consider rescaling your data to integer'.format(cat))
                cat = cat + 1

            coords = u.pixel2coor((idx[1][0], idx[0][0]), reg)
            point = Point(coords[1] + reg.ewres / 2.0,
                          coords[0] - reg.nsres / 2.0)

            # Get attributes
            n = 0
            attr = []
            for b in band_types.keys():
                if band_types[b] == u'INTEGER':
                n = n + 1

            # Write geometry with attributes
            new.write(point, cat=cat,
            cat = cat + 1

        # Close vector map

    if prefix:
        # Run spectral unmixing
        import pysptools.abundance_maps as amaps
        if unmixing_method == 'FCLS':
            fcls = amaps.FCLS()
            result = fcls.map(img, E, normalize=False, mask=mask)
        elif unmixing_method == 'NNLS':
            nnls = amaps.NNLS()
            result = nnls.map(img, E, normalize=False, mask=mask)
        elif unmixing_method == 'UCLS':
            ucls = amaps.UCLS()
            result = ucls.map(img, E, normalize=False, mask=mask)

        # Write results
        for l in range(endmember_n):
            rastname = '{0}_{1}'.format(prefix, l + 1)
            r.numpy2raster(result[:,:,l], 'FCELL', rastname)
Example #9
 def is_current(self):
     """Check if the MAPSET is the working MAPSET"""
     return (self.name == getenv("MAPSET")
             and self.location == getenv("LOCATION_NAME")
             and self.gisdbase == getenv("GISDBASE"))
Example #10
    def open(
            # parameters valid only if mode == 'w'
        """Open a Vector map.

        :param mode: open a vector map in ``r`` in reading, ``w`` in writing
                     and in ``rw`` read and write mode
        :type mode: str
        :param layer: specify the layer that you want to use
        :type layer: int
        :param overwrite: valid only for ``w`` mode
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param with_z: specify if vector map must be open with third dimension
                       enabled or not. Valid only for ``w`` mode,
                       default: False
        :type with_z: bool
        :param tab_name: define the name of the table that will be generate
        :type tab_name: str
        :param tab_cols: define the name and type of the columns of the
                         attribute table of the vecto map
        :type tab_cols: list of pairs
        :param link_name: define the name of the link connecttion with the
        :type link_name: str
        :param link_key: define the nema of the column that will be use as
                         vector category
        :type link_key: str
        :param link_db: define the database connection parameters
        :type link_db: str
        :param link_driver: define witch database driver will be used
        :param link_driver: str

        Some of the parameters are valid only with mode ``w`` or ``rw``

        See more examples in the documentation of the ``read`` and ``write``
        with_z = libvect.WITH_Z if with_z else libvect.WITHOUT_Z
        # check if map exists or not
        if not self.exist() and mode != 'w':
            raise OpenError("Map <%s> not found." % self._name)
        if libvect.Vect_set_open_level(self._topo_level) != 0:
            raise OpenError("Invalid access level.")
        # update the overwrite attribute
        self.overwrite = overwrite if overwrite is not None else self.overwrite
        # check if the mode is valid
        if mode not in ('r', 'rw', 'w'):
            raise ValueError("Mode not supported. Use one of: 'r', 'rw', 'w'.")

        # check if the map exist
        if self.exist() and mode in ('r', 'rw'):
            # open in READ mode
            if mode == 'r':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                  self.mapset, str(layer))
            # open in READ and WRITE mode
            elif mode == 'rw':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_update2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                     self.mapset, str(layer))

            # instantiate class attributes
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        # If it is opened in write mode
        if mode == 'w':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_new(self.c_mapinfo, self.name, with_z)
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        if mode in ('w', 'rw') and tab_cols:
            # create a link
            link = Link(layer, link_name if link_name else self.name,
                        tab_name if tab_name else self.name, link_key, link_db,
            # add the new link
            # create the table
            table = link.table()
            table.create(tab_cols, overwrite=overwrite)

        # check the C function result.
        if openvect == -1:
            str_err = "Not able to open the map, C function return %d."
            raise OpenError(str_err % openvect)

        if len(self.dblinks) == 0:
            self.layer = layer
            self.table = None
            self.n_lines = 0
            self.layer = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).layer
            self.table = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).table()
            self.n_lines = self.table.n_rows()
        self.writeable = self.mapset == utils.getenv("MAPSET")
        # Initialize the finder
        self.find = {
            PointFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
            BboxFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
            PolygonFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table, self.writeable),
        self.find_by_point = self.find["by_point"]
        self.find_by_bbox = self.find["by_bbox"]
        self.find_by_polygon = self.find["by_polygon"]
Example #11
    def open(self, mode=None, layer=1, overwrite=None, with_z=None,
             # parameters valid only if mode == 'w'
             tab_name='', tab_cols=None, link_name=None, link_key='cat',
        """Open a Vector map.

        :param mode: open a vector map in ``r`` in reading, ``w`` in writing
                     and in ``rw`` read and write mode
        :type mode: str
        :param layer: specify the layer that you want to use
        :type layer: int
        :param overwrite: valid only for ``w`` mode
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param with_z: specify if vector map must be open with third dimension
                       enabled or not. Valid only for ``w`` mode,
                       default: False
        :type with_z: bool
        :param tab_name: define the name of the table that will be generate
        :type tab_name: str
        :param tab_cols: define the name and type of the columns of the
                         attribute table of the vecto map
        :type tab_cols: list of pairs
        :param link_name: define the name of the link connecttion with the
        :type link_name: str
        :param link_key: define the nema of the column that will be use as
                         vector category
        :type link_key: str
        :param link_db: define the database connection parameters
        :type link_db: str
        :param link_driver: define witch database driver will be used
        :param link_driver: str

        Some of the parameters are valid only with mode ``w`` or ``rw``

        See more examples in the documentation of the ``read`` and ``write``
        with_z = libvect.WITH_Z if with_z else libvect.WITHOUT_Z
        # check if map exists or not
        if not self.exist() and mode != 'w':
            raise OpenError("Map <%s> not found." % self._name)
        if libvect.Vect_set_open_level(self._topo_level) != 0:
            raise OpenError("Invalid access level.")
        # update the overwrite attribute
        self.overwrite = overwrite if overwrite is not None else self.overwrite
        # check if the mode is valid
        if mode not in ('r', 'rw', 'w'):
            raise ValueError("Mode not supported. Use one of: 'r', 'rw', 'w'.")

        # check if the map exist
        if self.exist() and mode in ('r', 'rw'):
            # open in READ mode
            if mode == 'r':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_old2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                  self.mapset, str(layer))
            # open in READ and WRITE mode
            elif mode == 'rw':
                openvect = libvect.Vect_open_update2(self.c_mapinfo, self.name,
                                                     self.mapset, str(layer))

            # instantiate class attributes
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        # If it is opened in write mode
        if mode == 'w':
            openvect = libvect.Vect_open_new(self.c_mapinfo, self.name, with_z)
            self.dblinks = DBlinks(self.c_mapinfo)

        if mode in ('w', 'rw') and tab_cols:
            # create a link
            link = Link(layer,
                        link_name if link_name else self.name,
                        tab_name if tab_name else self.name,
                        link_key, link_db, link_driver)
            # add the new link
            # create the table
            table = link.table()
            table.create(tab_cols, overwrite=overwrite)

        # check the C function result.
        if openvect == -1:
            str_err = "Not able to open the map, C function return %d."
            raise OpenError(str_err % openvect)

        if len(self.dblinks) == 0:
            self.layer = layer
            self.table = None
            self.n_lines = 0
            self.layer = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).layer
            self.table = self.dblinks.by_layer(layer).table()
            self.n_lines = self.table.n_rows()
        self.writeable =  self.mapset == utils.getenv("MAPSET")
        # Initialize the finder
        self.find = {'by_point': PointFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table,
                     'by_bbox': BboxFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table,
                     'by_polygon': PolygonFinder(self.c_mapinfo, self.table,
                                                 self.writeable), }
        self.find_by_point = self.find["by_point"]
        self.find_by_bbox  = self.find["by_bbox"]
        self.find_by_polygon = self.find["by_polygon"]