def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_fail(self):
        """ Various attempts to break RNA position and make sure that error are caught """
        tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    51    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    10    10"
        location_dict = {
            "ENSMUSG1": {
                "strand": "-",
                "regions": [
                    (100, 150),
                    (25, 50),

            convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict).chrom, "none")

        tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    51    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    175    175"

            convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict).chrom, "none")

        pybedtools.BedTool("chr1    x     y    ")
 def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_placement_split(self):    
     Makes sure that lists of regions works for both positive and negative strands
     tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    125    127    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    125    125".split())
     location_dict = {"ENSMUSG1" : {"strand" : "+", "regions" : [(0, 50),
                                                                 (100, 150),
     correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    75    77    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    125    125".split())
     self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict), correct_tool )
     tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    25    27    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    25    25".split())
     location_dict = {"ENSMUSG1" : {"strand" : "-", "regions" : [(100, 150),
                                                                 (0, 50),
     correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    73    75    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    25    25".split())
     self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict), correct_tool)
 def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_placement(self):
     Makes sure that the placement within a region or list of regions is correct
     interval = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    60    60".split())
     location_dict = {"ENSMUSG1" : {"strand" : "+", "regions" : [(0,100),
     correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    60    60".split())
     self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(interval, location_dict), correct_tool)
     interval = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -".split())
     location_dict = {"ENSMUSG1" : {"strand" : "-", "regions" : [(0,100),
     #individual_fraction, total_fraction
     correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    40    50    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -".split())
     x =  convert_to_mRNA_position(interval, location_dict)
     print x
     self.assertEqual(x, correct_tool)
    def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_placement_split(self):
        Makes sure that lists of regions works for both positive and negative strands

        tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    125    127    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    125    125"
        location_dict = {
            "ENSMUSG1": {
                "strand": "+",
                "regions": [
                    (0, 50),
                    (100, 150),

        correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    75    77    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    125    125"
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict),

        tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    25    27    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    25    25"
        location_dict = {
            "ENSMUSG1": {
                "strand": "-",
                "regions": [
                    (100, 150),
                    (0, 50),

        correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    73    75    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    25    25"
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict),
    def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_placement(self):
        Makes sure that the placement within a region or list of regions is correct

        interval = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    60    60"
        location_dict = {
            "ENSMUSG1": {
                "strand": "+",
                "regions": [
                    (0, 100),

        correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    +    60    60"
        self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(interval, location_dict),

        interval = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    50    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -".
        location_dict = {
            "ENSMUSG1": {
                "strand": "-",
                "regions": [
                    (0, 100),

        #individual_fraction, total_fraction
        correct_tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(
            "ENSMUSG1    40    50    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -".
        x = convert_to_mRNA_position(interval, location_dict)
        print x
        self.assertEqual(x, correct_tool)
 def test_convert_to_mRNA_position_fail(self):
     """ Various attempts to break RNA position and make sure that error are caught """
     tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    51    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    10    10".split())
     location_dict = {"ENSMUSG1" : {"strand" : "-", "regions" : [(100, 150),
     self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict).chrom, "none")
     tool = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list("ENSMUSG1    51    60    ENSMUSG1_1_83;ENSMUSG1_6_83    0    -    175    175".split())
     self.assertEqual(convert_to_mRNA_position(tool, location_dict).chrom, "none")
     pybedtools.BedTool("chr1    x     y    ")