def axes(*args, **kwargs): """ Add an axis at positon rect specified by axes() by itself creates a default full window axis axes(rect, axisbg='w') where rect=[left, bottom, width, height] in normalized (0,1) units background is the background color for the axis, default white axes(h, axisbg='w') where h is an axes instance makes h the current axis An Axes instance is returned axisbg is a color format string which sets the background color of the axes (default white) """ nargs = len(args) if args==0: return subplot(111) if nargs>1: error_msg('Only one non keyword arg to axes allowed') arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, Axes): Gcf().get_current_figwin().set_current_axes(arg) return arg else: rect = arg return Gcf().get_current_figwin().add_axes( rect=rect, **kwargs)
def add_segment(self, button): if not self.imageData: error_msg("Cannot create surface. Image data of surface renderer is not set.") return if self.nsurf==0: self.__adjust_scrollbar_threshold_for_data() self.nsurf +=1 intensity = self.__calculate_intensity_threshold() if intensity is None: return name = self.__create_segment_name(self.nsurf) if (not name) or name=="": return tree_iter = self.tree_surf.append(None) self.tree_surf.set(tree_iter, 0,self.nsurf, 1, name) self.__update_treeview_visibility() self.paramd[self.nsurf] = SurfParams(self.imageData, intensity, self.lastColor) params = self.paramd[self.nsurf] if self.nsurf==1: self.picker_surface_id = params.uuid params.label = name params.intensity = intensity params.set_color(self.lastColor, self.lastColorName) params.update_properties() self.render()
def axes(*args, **kwargs): """ Add an axis at positon rect specified by axes() by itself creates a default full window axis axes(rect, axisbg='w') where rect=[left, bottom, width, height] in normalized (0,1) units background is the background color for the axis, default white axes(h, axisbg='w') where h is an axes instance makes h the current axis An Axes instance is returned axisbg is a color format string which sets the background color of the axes (default white) """ nargs = len(args) if args == 0: return subplot(111) if nargs > 1: error_msg('Only one non keyword arg to axes allowed') arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, Axes): Gcf().get_current_figwin().set_current_axes(arg) return arg else: rect = arg return Gcf().get_current_figwin().add_axes(rect=rect, **kwargs)
def add_roi(self,*args): dialog = gtk.FileSelection('Choose filename for ROI mask') dialog.set_filename(shared.get_last_dir()) response = if response==gtk.RESPONSE_OK: fname = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() try: #Actually add ROI self.nroi+=1 tree_iter = self.tree_roi.append(None) self.tree_roi.set(tree_iter,0,self.nroi,1,os.path.split(fname)[1],2,fname,3,True) self.__update_treeview_visibility() roi_image_reader = vtkNiftiImageReader() roi_image_reader.SetFileName(fname) roi_image_reader.Update() roi_id = self.tree_roi.get(tree_iter,0) self.paramd[roi_id] = RoiParams(roi_image_reader.GetOutput()) #self.paramd[roi_id].update_pipeline() #print self.paramd[roi_id].intensity shared.set_file_selection(fname) except IOError: error_msg( 'Could not load ROI mask from %s' % fname, ) finally: self.__update_treeview_visibility() else: dialog.destroy() self.render()
def load_image(self, *args): if debug: print "loc3djr_maintoolbar.load_image()" debug = False reader = None pars = None if debug: reader = vtk.vtkImageReader2() reader.SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort() reader.SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian() reader.SetFileNameSliceOffset(120) reader.SetDataExtent(0, 511, 0, 511, 0, 106) reader.SetFilePrefix('/home/jdhunter/seizure/data/ThompsonK/CT/raw/1.2.840.113619.') reader.SetFilePattern( '%s%d.raw') reader.SetDataSpacing(25.0/512, 25.0/512, 0.125 ) reader.Update() else: dlg = widgets['dlgReader'] response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: try: reader = widgets.reader except AttributeError: pars = widgets.get_params() pars = widgets.validate(pars) if pars is None: error_msg('Could not validate the parameters', dlg) return reader = widgets.get_reader(pars) pars = widgets.get_params() pars = widgets.validate(pars) dlg.hide() if debug: print "reader=", reader if not reader: if debug: print "hit cancel, see if we can survive" else: imageData = reader.GetOutput() if debug: print "pars=", pars print "loc3djr_maintoolbar.load_image(): reader.GetOutput() is " , imageData print "load_image(): imageData.SetSpacing(", reader.GetDataSpacing(), " )" imageData.SetSpacing(reader.GetDataSpacing()) if debug: print "calling EventHandler().notify('set image data', imageData)" EventHandler().notify('set image data', imageData) if type(reader) == vtkNiftiImageReader: if debug: print "calling EventHandler().setNifti()" #XXX EventHandler().setNifti(reader.GetFilename()) EventHandler().setNifti(reader.GetQForm())
def hist(x, bins=10, noplot=0, normed=0): """ Compute the histogram of x. bins is either an integer number of bins or a sequence giving the bins. x are the data to be binned. if noplot is True, just compute the histogram and return the number of observations and the bins as an (n, bins) tuple. If noplot is False, compute the histogram and plot it, returning n, bins, patches If normed is true, the first element of the return tuple will be the counts normalized to form a probability distribtion, ie, n/(len(x)*dbin) """ n,bins = mlab.hist(x, bins, normed) width = bins[1]-bins[0] if noplot: return n, bins else: try: patches = gca().bar(bins, n, width=width) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def errorbar(x, y, e, u=None, fmt='b-'): """ Plot x versus y with error bars in e. if u is not None, then u gives the upper error bars and e gives the lower error bars. Otherwise e the error bars are symmetrix about y and given in the array e. fmt is the plot format symbol for y Return value is a length 2 tuple. The first element is a list of y symbol lines. The second element is a list of error bar lines. """ l0 = plot(x, y, fmt) e = to_arrays(Float, e) if u is None: u = e upper = y + u lower = y - e width = (max(x) - min(x)) * 0.005 a = gca() try: l1 = a.vlines(x, y, lower) l2 = a.vlines(x, y, upper) l3 = a.hlines(upper, x - width, x + width) l4 = a.hlines(lower, x - width, x + width) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def errorbar(x, y, e, u=None, fmt='b-'): """ Plot x versus y with error bars in e. if u is not None, then u gives the upper error bars and e gives the lower error bars. Otherwise e the error bars are symmetrix about y and given in the array e. fmt is the plot format symbol for y Return value is a length 2 tuple. The first element is a list of y symbol lines. The second element is a list of error bar lines. """ l0 = plot(x,y,fmt) e = to_arrays(Float, e) if u is None: u = e upper = y+u lower = y-e width = (max(x)-min(x))*0.005 a = gca() try: l1 = a.vlines(x, y, lower) l2 = a.vlines(x, y, upper) l3 = a.hlines(upper, x-width, x+width) l4 = a.hlines(lower, x-width, x+width) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def hist(x, bins=10, noplot=0, normed=0): """ Compute the histogram of x. bins is either an integer number of bins or a sequence giving the bins. x are the data to be binned. if noplot is True, just compute the histogram and return the number of observations and the bins as an (n, bins) tuple. If noplot is False, compute the histogram and plot it, returning n, bins, patches If normed is true, the first element of the return tuple will be the counts normalized to form a probability distribtion, ie, n/(len(x)*dbin) """ n, bins = mlab.hist(x, bins, normed) width = bins[1] - bins[0] if noplot: return n, bins else: try: patches = gca().bar(bins, n, width=width) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def load_image(self, *args): print "loc3djr_maintoolbar.load_image()" debug = False reader = None pars = None if debug: reader = vtk.vtkImageReader2() reader.SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort() reader.SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian() reader.SetFileNameSliceOffset(120) reader.SetDataExtent(0, 511, 0, 511, 0, 106) reader.SetFilePrefix( '/home/jdhunter/seizure/data/ThompsonK/CT/raw/1.2.840.113619.' ) reader.SetFilePattern('%s%d.raw') reader.SetDataSpacing(25.0 / 512, 25.0 / 512, 0.125) reader.Update() else: dlg = widgets['dlgReader'] response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: try: reader = widgets.reader except AttributeError: pars = widgets.get_params() pars = widgets.validate(pars) if pars is None: error_msg('Could not validate the parameters', dlg) return reader = widgets.get_reader(pars) pars = widgets.get_params() pars = widgets.validate(pars) dlg.hide() print "reader=", reader if not reader: print "hit cancel, see if we can survive" else: imageData = reader.GetOutput() print "pars=", pars print "loc3djr_maintoolbar.load_image(): reader.GetOutput() is ", imageData print "load_image(): imageData.SetSpacing(", reader.GetDataSpacing( ), " )" imageData.SetSpacing(reader.GetDataSpacing()) print "calling EventHandler().notify('set image data', imageData)" EventHandler().notify('set image data', imageData) if type(reader) == vtkNiftiImageReader: print "calling EventHandler().setNifti()" #XXX EventHandler().setNifti(reader.GetFilename()) EventHandler().setNifti(reader.GetQForm())
def take_all_shots(self, *args): """For each PyLocatorRenderWindow in list, take a SS""" if len(self._sts)==0: error_msg("Cannot take screenshots: \nNo instances registered.") return False fn_pattern = self.entryFn.get_text() mag = self.sbMag.get_value() for st in self._sts: st.take_screenshot(fn_pattern, mag)
def take_shot(self, button, idx): """For one PyLocatorRenderWindow, take a SS""" #print "take_shot", args if len(self._sts)==0: error_msg("Cannot take screenshots: \nNo instances registered.") return False fn_pattern = self.entryFn.get_text() mag = self.sbMag.get_value() self._sts[idx].take_screenshot(fn_pattern, mag)
def ok_clicked(w): fname = dialog.get_filename() shared.set_file_selection(fname) try: EventHandler().save_registration_as(fname) except IOError: error_msg('Could not save data to %s' % fname, ) else: self.fileName = fname dialog.destroy()
def propose_fn(self,*args): mri_fn = shared.lastSel if len(mri_fn) == 0: error_msg("Cannot propose filename: \nFilename of MRI unknown") return False for suff in [".nii.gz",".nii"]: if mri_fn.endswith(suff): mri_fn = mri_fn[:-len(suff)] self.entryFn.set_text(mri_fn+"_pylocator%03i.png") return True
def plot(*args, **kwargs): """ plot lines. *args is a variable length argument, allowing for multiple x, y pairs with an optional format string. For example, all of the following are legal plot(x,y) # plot Numeric arrays y vs x plot(x,y, 'bo') # plot Numeric arrays y vs x with blue circles plot(y) # plot y using x = arange(len(y)) plot(y, 'r+') # ditto with red plusses An arbitrary number of x, y, fmt groups can be specified, as in a.plot(x1, y1, 'g^', x2, y2, 'l-') Return value is a list of lines that were added The following line styles are supported: - : solid line -- : dashed line -. : dash-dot line : : dotted line | : verical lines . : points , : pixels o : circle symbols ^ : triangle up symbols v : triangle down symbols < : triangle left symbols > : triangle right symbols s : square symbols + : plus symbols The following color strings are supported b : blue g : green r : red c : cyan m : magenta y : yellow k : black w : white Line styles and colors are combined in a single format string """ try: lines = gca().plot(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg)
def figure(num=1): """ Create a new figure and return a handle to it If figure(num) already exists, make it active and return the handle to it. """ if num == 0: error_msg('Figure number can not be 0.\n' + \ 'Hey, give me a break, this is matlab compatability') return return Gcf(num).get_current_figwin().figure
def figure(num=1): """ Create a new figure and return a handle to it If figure(num) already exists, make it active and return the handle to it. """ if num==0: error_msg('Figure number can not be 0.\n' + \ 'Hey, give me a break, this is matlab compatability') return return Gcf(num).get_current_figwin().figure
def load_params_from_file(self, fname): dialog = self['dlgReader'] try: s = file(fname, 'r').read() except IOError: error_msg('Could not open %s for reading' % fname, dialog) return 0 p = Params() p.from_string(s) widgets.set_params(p) widgets['entryInfoFile'].set_text(fname) return 1
def bar(*args, **kwargs): """ bar(self, x, y, width=0.8) Make a bar plot with rectangles at x, x+width, 0, y x and y are Numeric arrays Return value is a list of Rectangle patch instances """ try: patches = gca().bar(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def vlines(*args, **kwargs): """ lines = vlines(x, ymin, ymax, color='k'): Plot vertical lines at each x from ymin to ymax. ymin or ymax can be scalars or len(x) numpy arrays. If they are scalars, then the respective values are constant, else the heights of the lines are determined by ymin and ymax Returns a list of lines that were added """ try: lines = gca().vlines(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def coplanar(self): numSelected = EventHandler().get_num_selected() if numSelected !=3: error_msg("You must first select exactly 3 markers", ) return # SetNormal is missing from the 4.2 python API so this is # a long winded way of setting the pw to intersect 3 # selected markers m1, m2, m3 = EventHandler().get_selected() p1 = m1.get_center() p2 = m2.get_center() p3 = m3.get_center() pw = pwo.get_pw() planeO = vtk.vtkPlaneSource() planeO.SetOrigin(pw.GetOrigin()) planeO.SetPoint1(pw.GetPoint1()) planeO.SetPoint2(pw.GetPoint2()) planeO.Update() planeN = vtk.vtkPlaneSource() planeN.SetOrigin(p1) planeN.SetPoint1(p2) planeN.SetPoint2(p3) planeN.Update() normal = planeN.GetNormal() planeO.SetNormal(normal) planeO.SetCenter( (p1[0] + p2[0] + p3[0])/3, (p1[1] + p2[1] + p3[1])/3, (p1[2] + p2[2] + p3[2])/3, ) planeO.Update() pwxyz = pwo.get_pwxyz() pw.SetOrigin(planeO.GetOrigin()) pw.SetPoint1(planeO.GetPoint1()) pw.SetPoint2(planeO.GetPoint2()) pw.UpdatePlacement() pwo.update_plane() pwo.Render() pwxyz.Render()
def hlines(*args, **kwargs): """ lines = hlines(self, y, xmin, xmax, fmt='k-') plot horizontal lines at each y from xmin to xmax. xmin or xmax can be scalars or len(x) numpy arrays. If they are scalars, then the respective values are constant, else the widths of the lines are determined by xmin and xmax Returns a list of line instances that were added """ try: lines = gca().hlines(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def on_buttonDir_clicked(button=None): dialog = gtk.FileSelection('Choose image file directory') dialog.set_filename(shared.get_last_dir()) dialog.set_transient_for(widgets['dlgReader']) dialog.set_filename(widgets['entryDir'].get_text()) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: dir = dialog.get_filename() if os.path.isdir(dir): widgets['entryDir'].set_text(dir) shared.set_file_selection(dir) dialog.destroy() else: error_msg('%s is not a directory' % dir, dialog) else: dialog.destroy()
def scatter(*args, **kwargs): """ scatter(self, x, y, s=None, c='b'): Make a scatter plot of x versus y. s is a size (in data coords) and can be either a scalar or an array of the same length as x or y. c is a color and can be a single color format string or an length(x) array of intensities which will be mapped by the colormap jet. If size is None a default size will be used """ try: patches = gca().scatter(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def show_correlation_props(self, button): dialog = gtk.FileSelection('Choose filename for correlation data') dialog.set_filename(shared.get_last_dir()) response = if response==gtk.RESPONSE_OK: fname = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() try: EventHandler().load_correlation_from(fname) except IOError: error_msg( 'Could not load correlation from %s' % fname, ) else: shared.set_file_selection(fname) self.fileName = fname else: dialog.destroy()
def show_correlation_props(self, button): dialog = gtk.FileSelection('Choose filename for correlation data') dialog.set_filename(shared.get_last_dir()) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: fname = dialog.get_filename() dialog.destroy() try: EventHandler().load_correlation_from(fname) except IOError: error_msg('Could not load correlation from %s' % fname, ) else: shared.set_file_selection(fname) self.fileName = fname else: dialog.destroy()
def axis(*v): """ axis() returns the current axis as a length a length 4 vector axis(v) where v= [xmin xmax ymin ymax] sets the min and max of the x and y axis limits """ try: v[0] except IndexError: xlim = gca().get_xlim() ylim = gca().get_ylim() return [xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]] v = v[0] if len(v) != 4: error_msg('v must contain [xmin xmax ymin ymax]') return gca().set_xlim([v[0], v[1]]) gca().set_ylim([v[2], v[3]]) draw_if_interactive()
def add_segment(self, button): 'render, man' val = self.get_intensity() if val is None: return name = self.entryName.get_text() if not len(name): error_msg('You must enter a name in the Intensity tab') return if not self.paramd.has_key(name): self.paramd[name] = SurfParams(, params = self.paramd[name] params.label = name params.intensity = val params.color = self.lastColor params.set_image_data( params.update_properties() self.update_segments_frame() self.update_pipeline_frame() self.update_picker_frame()
def save_params_to_file(self, fname): """ Pickle the params to file fname. If successful return 1 """ dialog = self['dlgReader'] pars = widgets.get_params() pars = widgets.validate(pars) if pars is None: error_msg('Invalid parameters') return 0 try: fh = file(fname, 'w') except IOError: error_msg('Could not open %s for writing' % fname, dialog) return 0 fh.write(str(pars)) widgets['entryInfoFile'].set_text(fname) return 1
def subplot(*args): """ Create a subplot command, creating axes with subplot(numRows, numCols, plotNum) where plotNum=1 is the first plot number and increasing plotNums fill rows first. max(plotNum)==numRows*numCols You can leave out the commas if numRows<=numCols<=plotNum<10, as in subplot(211) # 2 rows, 1 column, first (upper) plot subplot(111) is the default axis """ try: Gcf().get_current_figwin().add_subplot(*args) a = gca() except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def set(h, s, val): """ Set handle h property in string s to value val h can be a handle or vector of handles. h is an instance (or vector of instances) of a class, eg a Line2D or an Axes or AxisText. if s is 'somename', this function calls o.set_somename(val) for every instance in o in h """ if not iterable(h): h = [h] else: h = flatten(h) for o in h: try: func = 'o.set_%s(val)' % s eval(func, {}, {'o': o, 'val': val}) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def set(h, s, val): """ Set handle h property in string s to value val h can be a handle or vector of handles. h is an instance (or vector of instances) of a class, eg a Line2D or an Axes or AxisText. if s is 'somename', this function calls o.set_somename(val) for every instance in o in h """ if not iterable(h): h = [h] else: h = flatten(h) for o in h: try: func = 'o.set_%s(val)' % s eval(func, {}, {'o': o, 'val' : val}) except ValueError, msg: msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg) error_msg(msg) raise RuntimeError, msg
def validate(self, o): dlg = self['dlgReader'] if o.readerClass != 'vtkNiftiImageReader': if len(o.pattern) == 0: msg = 'You must supply a number pattern for entry %s.\n' % \ self['labelPattern'].get_label() + 'Consider "%d"' return error_msg(msg, dlg) if o.pattern[0] != '%': msg = '%s format string must begin with a %%.\n' % \ self['labelPattern'].get_label() + 'Consider "%d"' return error_msg(msg, dlg) if widgets['radiobuttonDimOther'].get_active(): dim1, dim2 = o.dimensions val = dim1 = str2posint_or_err(dim1, 'Other: dimension 1', dlg) if val is None: return None val = dim2 = str2posint_or_err(dim2, 'Other: dimension 2', dlg) if val is None: return None o.dimensions = dim1, dim2 val = o.first = str2int_or_err(o.first, widgets['labelFirst'], dlg) if val is None: return None val = o.last = str2posint_or_err(o.last, widgets['labelLast'], dlg) if val is None: return None if o.readerClass != 'vtkNiftiImageReader': fnames = self.get_file_names(o) for fname in fnames: if debug: print "validate(): doing fname ", fname if not os.path.exists(fname): return error_msg('Could not find file %s' % fname, dlg) if o.readerClass == 'vtkBMPReader': reader = vtk.vtkBMPReader() b = reader.CanReadFile(fname) if not b: return error_msg( 'Could not read file %s with reader %s' % (fname, o.readerClass), dlg) else: if len(o.extension) > 0: fname = os.path.join(o.dir, o.pattern + "." + o.extension) if not os.path.exists(fname): return error_msg('Could not find file %s' % fname, dlg) else: fname = o.pattern files = os.listdir(o.dir) match = False for file in files: file = file.split(".") if len(file) > 1: if file[0] == fname: if file[1] in ["nii", "img", "hdr"]: match = True break if not match: return error_msg( 'Could not find file %s with extension nii, img, hdr [.gz]' % fname, dlg) # Depth Field Of View val = o.dfov = str2posnum_or_err(o.dfov, widgets['labelDFOV'], dlg) if debug: print "dfov=", val if val is None: return None # Spacing between slices val = o.spacing = str2posnum_or_err(o.spacing, widgets['labelSpacing'], dlg) if debug: print "spacing=", val if val is None: return None # Size of header if o.header == '': o.header = 0 else: val = o.header = str2int_or_err(o.header, widgets['labelHeader'], dlg) if val is None: return None if debug: print "header=", val # Data mask if o.mask is not None: if o.mask == '': o.mask = None else: val = o.mask = str2int_or_err(o.mask, widgets['labelMask'], dlg) if val is None: return None if debug: print "mask=", val return o
def set_current_axes(self, a): if a not in self.axes.values(): error_msg('Axes is not in current figure') self.currentAxis = a
def validate(self, o): dlg = self['dlgReader'] if o.readerClass!='vtkNiftiImageReader': if len(o.pattern)==0: msg = 'You must supply a number pattern for entry %s.\n' % \ self['labelPattern'].get_label() + 'Consider "%d"' return error_msg(msg, dlg) if o.pattern[0]!='%': msg = '%s format string must begin with a %%.\n' % \ self['labelPattern'].get_label() + 'Consider "%d"' return error_msg(msg, dlg) if widgets['radiobuttonDimOther'].get_active(): dim1, dim2 = o.dimensions val = dim1 = str2posint_or_err(dim1, 'Other: dimension 1', dlg) if val is None: return None val = dim2 = str2posint_or_err(dim2, 'Other: dimension 2', dlg) if val is None: return None o.dimensions = dim1, dim2 val = o.first = str2int_or_err(o.first, widgets['labelFirst'], dlg) if val is None: return None val = o.last = str2posint_or_err(o.last, widgets['labelLast'], dlg) if val is None: return None if o.readerClass!='vtkNiftiImageReader': fnames = self.get_file_names(o) for fname in fnames: print "validate(): doing fname ", fname if not os.path.exists(fname): return error_msg('Could not find file %s' % fname, dlg) if o.readerClass=='vtkBMPReader': reader = vtk.vtkBMPReader() b = reader.CanReadFile(fname) if not b: return error_msg('Could not read file %s with reader %s' % (fname, o.readerClass), dlg) else: if len(o.extension) > 0: fname=os.path.join(o.dir,o.pattern+"."+o.extension) if not os.path.exists(fname): return error_msg('Could not find file %s' % fname, dlg) else: fname=o.pattern files=os.listdir(o.dir) match=False for file in files: file=file.split(".") if len(file)>1: if file[0]==fname: if file[1] in ["nii","img","hdr"]: match=True break if not match: return error_msg('Could not find file %s with extension nii, img, hdr [.gz]' % fname, dlg) # Depth Field Of View val = o.dfov = str2posnum_or_err(o.dfov, widgets['labelDFOV'], dlg) print "dfov=", val if val is None: return None # Spacing between slices val = o.spacing = str2posnum_or_err( o.spacing, widgets['labelSpacing'], dlg) print "spacing=", val if val is None: return None # Size of header if o.header=='': o.header = 0 else: val = o.header = str2int_or_err( o.header, widgets['labelHeader'], dlg) if val is None: return None print "header=", val # Data mask if o.mask is not None: if o.mask=='': o.mask = None else: val = o.mask = str2int_or_err( o.mask, widgets['labelMask'], dlg) if val is None: return None print "mask=", val return o
def checkPickerName(): if self.pickerName is None: error_msg("You must select the pick segment in the Picker tab") return False return True
def checkPickerName(): if self.pickerName is None: error_msg('You must select the pick segment in the Picker tab') return False return True
def checkPickerId(): if not self.picker_id: error_msg('Cannot insert marker. Choose surface first.') return False return True