Example #1
	def find_warehouse_location(cls, ship, land_manager):
		Finds a location for the warehouse on the given island
		@param LandManager: the LandManager of the island
		@return _BuildPosition: a possible build location
		moves = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
		island = land_manager.island
		world = island.session.world
		personality = land_manager.owner.personality_manager.get('FoundSettlement')
		options = []

		for (x, y), tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()):
			ok = False
			for x_offset, y_offset in moves:
				for d in xrange(2, 6):
					coords = (x + d * x_offset, y + d * y_offset)
					if coords in world.water_body and world.water_body[coords] == world.water_body[ship.position.to_tuple()]:
						# the planned warehouse should be reachable from the ship's water body
						ok = True
			if not ok:

			build_info = None
			point = Point(x, y)
			warehouse = Builder(BUILDINGS.WAREHOUSE, land_manager, point, ship = ship)
			if not warehouse:

			cost = 0
			for coords in land_manager.village:
				distance = point.distance(coords)
				if distance < personality.too_close_penalty_threshold:
					cost += personality.too_close_constant_penalty + personality.too_close_linear_penalty / (distance + 1.0)
					cost += distance

			for settlement_manager in land_manager.owner.settlement_managers:
				cost += warehouse.position.distance(settlement_manager.settlement.warehouse.position) * personality.linear_warehouse_penalty

			options.append((cost, warehouse))

		for _, build_info in sorted(options):
			(x, y) = build_info.position.get_coordinates()[4]
			if ship.check_move(Circle(Point(x, y), BUILDINGS.BUILD.MAX_BUILDING_SHIP_DISTANCE)):
				return build_info
		return None