Example #1
    def open(self, wdmpath, mode):
        """Opens a WDM file for read/write, read-only, or overwrite. Returns 
        the FORTRAN file number."""

        options = {'rw': 0, 'r': 1, 'w': 2}

        ronwfg = options[mode]

        choice = {0: 'for modification', 1: 'as read-only', 2: 'as a new file'}

        if os.path.exists(wdmpath) and mode == 'w':
            if self.verbose:
                print('warning: file %s exists, overwriting\n' % wdmpath)

        if wdmpath not in self.openfiles:
            if len(wdmpath) > 64:
                print('error, the file path must be 64 characters or less\n')

            retcode = hspf.wdbopnpy(len(self.openfiles) + 11, wdmpath, ronwfg)

            # this is a hack fix i've run into with some simulations

            if retcode == -5004:

                if self.verbose:

                    print('warning, file is already open')
                    print('trying to close open files\n')

                for i in range(100):

                retcode = hspf.wdbopnpy(
                    len(self.openfiles) + 11, wdmpath, ronwfg)

            if retcode == 0 and self.verbose:
                print('opened %s %s' % (wdmpath, choice[ronwfg]))
            if retcode == 1 and self.verbose:
                print('opened file %s' % wdmpath + ' but invalid filename')
            if retcode < 0:
                print('error: unable to open file {}\n'.format(wdmpath))
            self.openfiles[wdmpath] = len(self.openfiles) + 11

            # make a list of the dsns in file

            if ronwfg == 0 or ronwfg == 1:
                n = hspf.wddsnxpy(self.openfiles[wdmpath], 1)
                dsns = []
                while n != -1:
                    n = hspf.wddsnxpy(self.openfiles[wdmpath], n + 1)
                dsns = []
            self.dsns[len(self.openfiles) + 10] = dsns

        return self.openfiles[wdmpath]
Example #2
    def open(self, wdmpath, mode):
        """Opens a WDM file for read/write, read-only, or overwrite. Returns 
        the FORTRAN file number."""

        options = {'rw': 0, 'r': 1, 'w': 2}

        ronwfg  = options[mode]

        choice  = {0: 'for modification', 
                   1: 'as read-only', 
                   2: 'as a new file'}

        if os.path.exists(wdmpath) and mode == 'w':
            if self.verbose: 
                print('warning: file %s exists, overwriting\n' % wdmpath)

        if wdmpath not in self.openfiles:
            if len(wdmpath) > 64: 
                print('error, the file path must be 64 characters or less\n')

            retcode = hspf.wdbopnpy(len(self.openfiles) + 11, wdmpath, ronwfg)

            # this is a hack fix i've run into with some simulations

            if retcode == -5004: 

                if self.verbose: 

                    print('warning, file is already open')
                    print('trying to close open files\n')

                for i in range(100): hspf.seqclose(i)

                retcode = hspf.wdbopnpy(len(self.openfiles) + 11, wdmpath, 

            if retcode == 0 and self.verbose: 
                print('opened %s %s' % (wdmpath, choice[ronwfg]))
            if retcode == 1 and self.verbose: 
                print('opened file %s' % wdmpath + ' but invalid filename')
            if retcode  < 0:
                print('error: unable to open file {}\n'.format(wdmpath))
            self.openfiles[wdmpath] = len(self.openfiles) + 11

            # make a list of the dsns in file

            if ronwfg == 0 or ronwfg == 1: 
                n = hspf.wddsnxpy(self.openfiles[wdmpath], 1)
                dsns = []
                while n != -1:
                    n = hspf.wddsnxpy(self.openfiles[wdmpath], n + 1)
            else: dsns = []
            self.dsns[len(self.openfiles) + 10] = dsns

        return self.openfiles[wdmpath]
Example #3
    def __init__(self, 
                 verbose = False, 
                 messagepath = None,
        Initialize WDM environment.

        # path to hspfmsg.wdm

        directory = os.path.dirname(hspf.__file__)
        if messagepath is None:
            self.messagepath = '{}/pyhspf/core/hspfmsg.wdm'.format(directory)
        elif os.path.isfile(messagepath):
            self.messagepath = messagepath
            print('error: unable to open message file {}'.format(messagepath))

        self.verbose = verbose

        # start by making a dictionary of values of WDM attributes from the
        # adwdm message files source (this is done during compilation)

        with open('{}/pyhspf/core/attributes'.format(directory), 'rb') as f: 
            self.attributes = pickle.load(f)

        # FORTRAN subroutines from HSPF library
        # timdifpy: Time difference
        # wdbopnpy: Open WDM file
        # wdbsacpy: Set string attribute
        # wdbsaipy: Set integer attribute
        # wdbsarpy: Set real attribute
        # wdbsgcpy: Get string attribute
        # wdbsgipy: Get integer attribute
        # wdbsgrpy: Get real attribute
        # wdckdtpy: Check if DSN exists
        # wdflclpy: Close WDM file
        # wdlbaxpy: Create label for new DSN
        # wdtgetpy: Get time-series data
        # wdtputpy: Write time-series data
        # wddsrnpy: Renumber a DSN
        # wddsdlpy: Delete a DSN
        # wddsnxpy: Finds next DSN

        if self.verbose: print('Initializing WDM environment...\n')

        self.openfiles = {} # dictionary mapping filenames and FORTRAN numbers
        self.dsns      = {} # dictionary mapping openfiles to DSN lists 
        # open the message file, which contains SEQ data of all the different
        # types of information that can be stored in a WDM file

        if self.verbose: print('opening the message file')
        if hspf.wdbopnpy(9, self.messagepath, 1) == 0:
            self.openfiles[self.messagepath] = 9
            if self.verbose: print('successfully opened message file')
        elif self.verbose: print('unable to open message file')
        self.message = 9
Example #4
    def __init__(self, 
                 verbose = False, 
                 messagepath = None,
        Initialize WDM environment.

        # path to hspfmsg.wdm

        directory = os.path.dirname(hspf.__file__)
        if messagepath is None:
            self.messagepath = '{}/pyhspf/core/hspfmsg.wdm'.format(directory)
        elif os.path.isfile(messagepath):
            self.messagepath = messagepath
            print(('error: unable to open message file {}'.format(messagepath)))

        self.verbose = verbose

        # start by making a dictionary of values of WDM attributes from the
        # adwdm message files source (this is done during compilation)

        with open('{}/pyhspf/core/attributes'.format(directory), 'rb') as f: 
            self.attributes = pickle.load(f)

        # FORTRAN subroutines from HSPF library
        # timdifpy: Time difference
        # wdbopnpy: Open WDM file
        # wdbsacpy: Set string attribute
        # wdbsaipy: Set integer attribute
        # wdbsarpy: Set real attribute
        # wdbsgcpy: Get string attribute
        # wdbsgipy: Get integer attribute
        # wdbsgrpy: Get real attribute
        # wdckdtpy: Check if DSN exists
        # wdflclpy: Close WDM file
        # wdlbaxpy: Create label for new DSN
        # wdtgetpy: Get time-series data
        # wdtputpy: Write time-series data
        # wddsrnpy: Renumber a DSN
        # wddsdlpy: Delete a DSN
        # wddsnxpy: Finds next DSN

        if self.verbose: print('Initializing WDM environment...\n')

        self.openfiles = {} # dictionary mapping filenames and FORTRAN numbers
        self.dsns      = {} # dictionary mapping openfiles to DSN lists 
        # open the message file, which contains SEQ data of all the different
        # types of information that can be stored in a WDM file

        if self.verbose: print('opening the message file')
        if hspf.wdbopnpy(9, self.messagepath, 1) == 0:
            self.openfiles[self.messagepath] = 9
            if self.verbose: print('successfully opened message file')
        elif self.verbose: print('unable to open message file')
        self.message = 9
Example #5
def make_messagefile(lib, name = 'hspfmsg.wdm', verbose = True):
    """builds the HSPF message file from a list of the paths to the source
    sequential Fortran files (.SEQ)."""


    import hspf

    if verbose: print('building the HSPF message file')

    # SEQ files needed from the various subdirectories in LIB3.2\MSG

    adwdmseqs  = ['ATTR001', 'ATTR051', 'ATTR101', 'ATTR151', 'ATTR201', 
                  'ATTR301', 'ATTR351', 'ATTR401']
    aideseqs   = ['MESSAGE']
    waideseqs  = ['AWFEB', 'TSLIST', 'AGPLOT']
    awstatseqs = ['TSCMPR', 'A193', 'PROFDR']
    annseqs    = ['PGENER', 'QTPRNT']
    #hspfseqs   = ['hiouci', 'hprbut', 'hruntspt',  'himpqua', 
    #              'hspfitab', 'hrch', 'hdatut', 'hringeut', 'htsinsi', 
    #              'hringen', 'hspf', 'hspfec', 'hpersno', 'hperpho', 
    #              'hpernit', 'hperpes', 'hrchnut', 'hperwat', 'hrchaci', 
    #              'hrchgqu', 'hrchhyd', 'hrchphc', 'hrchsed', 'hrchhtr', 
    #              'hrchplk', 'hwdmut', 'hdssut', 'hdssx', 'hutop', 'hutopinp', 
    #              'hrunut', 'hrinseq', 'hrinwdm', 'hrindss', 'hruntsgw', 
    #              'himp', 'himpwat', 'hperagut', 'hruntsgq', 'hperqua', 'hper',
    #              'hruntsgp', 'hruntsgt', 'hruntspw', 'hutdura', 'hruntsut', 
    #              'hruntsgd', 'hruntspd', 'hrints', 'hrintss', 'htssut', 
    #              'specact', 'perlndts', 'implndts', 'rchrests', 'copyts', 
    #              'pltgents', 'displyts', 'duranlts', 'generts', 'mutsints', 
    #              'perlnd', 'implnd', 'rchres', 'copy', 'pltgen', 'disply', 
    #              'gener', 'duranl', 'mutsin']

    #newaqtseqs = ['sgtabl', 'agmap', 'prwplt', 'ucimod', 'ucirea', 'wsgsim',
    #              'wsgutl', 'dspeci', 'wsgsys', 'tsplot', 'durani', 'tsfreq',
    #              'sturbn']

    hspfseqs   = os.listdir('{}/hspf122'.format(lib))
    newaqtseqs = os.listdir('{}/NEWAQT12'.format(lib))


    # build a list of all the seq files from LIB3.0

    seqfiles = []

    for seq in aideseqs:   seqfiles.append('{}/AIDE/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in waideseqs:  seqfiles.append('{}/WAIDE/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in awstatseqs: seqfiles.append('{}/AWSTAT/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in annseqs:    seqfiles.append('{}/ANN/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in hspfseqs:   seqfiles.append('{}/hspf122/{}'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in newaqtseqs: seqfiles.append('{}/NEWAQT12/{}'.format(lib, seq))

    n = 35  # Fortran file number for the message file
    E = 99  # Fortran file number for the error file
    m = 36  # Fortran file number for the seq file
    if os.path.exists(name):
        if verbose: print('warning: message file exists, deleting')

    # open up the new file and the error file

    hspf.wdbopnpy(n, name, 2)

    # make the attribute file

    attributes = {}
    for seq in adwdmseqs:
        if verbose: print('adding attributes to the message file')
        p = lib + '/ADWDM/{}.SEQ'.format(seq)
        hspf.seqopen(p, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

        # make an independent Python file of the ADWDM attributes

        with open(p, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                if line[1:10] == 'ATTRIBUTE':
                    attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())] = \
                        WDMattribute(line[12:18], int(line[30:33].strip()))
                    current = attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())]
                if line[1:5] == 'TYPE': 
                if line[1:7] == 'LENGTH': 
                if line[1:5] == 'DESC': 
                if line[1:6] == 'RANGE': 
                if line[1:8] == 'DEFAULT': 
                if line[1:5] == 'HELP': 
                if line[:3] == '   ': 

    # work around for inconistency in lib3.0 (thanks Aquaterra)

    hspf.seqopen(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', m)
    hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    with open(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line[1:10] == 'ATTRIBUTE':
                attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())] = \
                    WDMattribute(line[12:18], int(line[30:33].strip()))
                current = attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())]
            if line[1:5] == 'TYPE': 
            if line[1:7] == 'LENGTH': 
            if line[1:5] == 'DESC': 
            if line[1:6] == 'RANGE': 
            if line[1:8] == 'DEFAULT': 
            if line[1:5] == 'HELP': 
            if line[:3] == '   ': 

    wdmattributes = {v.attribute: {'index':     k,
                                   'desc':      v.desc,
                                   'type':      v.type,
                                   'length':    v.length,
                                   'min':       v.min,
                                   'max':       v.max,
                                   'default':   v.default,
                                   'value':     v.value,
                                   'help':      v.help
                     for k, v in attributes.items()}

    with open('attributes', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(wdmattributes, f)

    # now import the data sets

    for f in seqfiles:
        if verbose: print('importing data from {}'.format(f))
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, n)

    # close up the wdm file and the error file

Example #6
def make_messagefile(lib, name='hspfmsg.wdm', verbose=True):
    """builds the HSPF message file from a list of the paths to the source
    sequential Fortran files (.SEQ)."""

    if verbose: print('building the HSPF message file')

    # SEQ files needed from the various subdirectories in LIB3.2\MSG

    adwdmseqs = [
        'ATTR001', 'ATTR051', 'ATTR101', 'ATTR151', 'ATTR201', 'ATTR301',
        'ATTR351', 'ATTR401'
    aideseqs = ['MESSAGE']
    waideseqs = ['AWFEB', 'TSLIST', 'AGPLOT']
    awstatseqs = ['TSCMPR', 'A193', 'PROFDR']
    annseqs = ['PGENER', 'QTPRNT']
    #hspfseqs   = ['hiouci', 'hprbut', 'hruntspt',  'himpqua',
    #              'hspfitab', 'hrch', 'hdatut', 'hringeut', 'htsinsi',
    #              'hringen', 'hspf', 'hspfec', 'hpersno', 'hperpho',
    #              'hpernit', 'hperpes', 'hrchnut', 'hperwat', 'hrchaci',
    #              'hrchgqu', 'hrchhyd', 'hrchphc', 'hrchsed', 'hrchhtr',
    #              'hrchplk', 'hwdmut', 'hdssut', 'hdssx', 'hutop', 'hutopinp',
    #              'hrunut', 'hrinseq', 'hrinwdm', 'hrindss', 'hruntsgw',
    #              'himp', 'himpwat', 'hperagut', 'hruntsgq', 'hperqua', 'hper',
    #              'hruntsgp', 'hruntsgt', 'hruntspw', 'hutdura', 'hruntsut',
    #              'hruntsgd', 'hruntspd', 'hrints', 'hrintss', 'htssut',
    #              'specact', 'perlndts', 'implndts', 'rchrests', 'copyts',
    #              'pltgents', 'displyts', 'duranlts', 'generts', 'mutsints',
    #              'perlnd', 'implnd', 'rchres', 'copy', 'pltgen', 'disply',
    #              'gener', 'duranl', 'mutsin']

    #newaqtseqs = ['sgtabl', 'agmap', 'prwplt', 'ucimod', 'ucirea', 'wsgsim',
    #              'wsgutl', 'dspeci', 'wsgsys', 'tsplot', 'durani', 'tsfreq',
    #              'sturbn']

    hspfseqs = os.listdir(lib + '/hspf122')
    newaqtseqs = os.listdir(lib + '/NEWAQT12')


    # build a list of all the seq files from LIB3.2

    seqfiles = []

    for seq in aideseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/AIDE/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in waideseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/WAIDE/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in awstatseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/AWSTAT/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in annseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/ANN/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in hspfseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/hspf122/%s' % seq)
    for seq in newaqtseqs:
        seqfiles.append(lib + '/NEWAQT12/%s' % seq)

    n = 35  # Fortran file number for the message file
    E = 99  # Fortran file number for the error file
    m = 36  # Fortran file number for the seq file

    if os.path.exists(name):
        if verbose: print('warning: message file exists, deleting')

    # open up the new file and the error file

    hspf.wdbopnpy(n, name, 2)

    # add the attributes from adwdm first

    for seq in adwdmseqs:
        if verbose: print('adding attributes to the message file')
        f = lib + '/ADWDM/%s.SEQ' % seq
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    # work around for inconistency in lib3.0 (thanks Aquaterra)

    hspf.seqopen(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', m)
    hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    # now import the data sets

    for f in seqfiles:
        if verbose: print(('importing data from %s' % f))
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, n)

    # close up the wdm file and the error file

Example #7
def make_messagefile(lib, name = 'hspfmsg.wdm', verbose = True):
    """builds the HSPF message file from a list of the paths to the source
    sequential Fortran files (.SEQ)."""

    if verbose: print('building the HSPF message file')

    # SEQ files needed from the various subdirectories in LIB3.2\MSG

    adwdmseqs  = ['ATTR001', 'ATTR051', 'ATTR101', 'ATTR151', 'ATTR201', 
                  'ATTR301', 'ATTR351', 'ATTR401']
    aideseqs   = ['MESSAGE']
    waideseqs  = ['AWFEB', 'TSLIST', 'AGPLOT']
    awstatseqs = ['TSCMPR', 'A193', 'PROFDR']
    annseqs    = ['PGENER', 'QTPRNT']
    #hspfseqs   = ['hiouci', 'hprbut', 'hruntspt',  'himpqua', 
    #              'hspfitab', 'hrch', 'hdatut', 'hringeut', 'htsinsi', 
    #              'hringen', 'hspf', 'hspfec', 'hpersno', 'hperpho', 
    #              'hpernit', 'hperpes', 'hrchnut', 'hperwat', 'hrchaci', 
    #              'hrchgqu', 'hrchhyd', 'hrchphc', 'hrchsed', 'hrchhtr', 
    #              'hrchplk', 'hwdmut', 'hdssut', 'hdssx', 'hutop', 'hutopinp', 
    #              'hrunut', 'hrinseq', 'hrinwdm', 'hrindss', 'hruntsgw', 
    #              'himp', 'himpwat', 'hperagut', 'hruntsgq', 'hperqua', 'hper',
    #              'hruntsgp', 'hruntsgt', 'hruntspw', 'hutdura', 'hruntsut', 
    #              'hruntsgd', 'hruntspd', 'hrints', 'hrintss', 'htssut', 
    #              'specact', 'perlndts', 'implndts', 'rchrests', 'copyts', 
    #              'pltgents', 'displyts', 'duranlts', 'generts', 'mutsints', 
    #              'perlnd', 'implnd', 'rchres', 'copy', 'pltgen', 'disply', 
    #              'gener', 'duranl', 'mutsin']

    #newaqtseqs = ['sgtabl', 'agmap', 'prwplt', 'ucimod', 'ucirea', 'wsgsim',
    #              'wsgutl', 'dspeci', 'wsgsys', 'tsplot', 'durani', 'tsfreq',
    #              'sturbn']

    hspfseqs   = os.listdir(lib + '/hspf122')
    newaqtseqs = os.listdir(lib + '/NEWAQT12')


    # build a list of all the seq files from LIB3.2

    seqfiles = []

    for seq in aideseqs:   seqfiles.append(lib + '/AIDE/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in waideseqs:  seqfiles.append(lib + '/WAIDE/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in awstatseqs: seqfiles.append(lib + '/AWSTAT/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in annseqs:    seqfiles.append(lib + '/ANN/%s.SEQ' % seq)
    for seq in hspfseqs:   seqfiles.append(lib + '/hspf122/%s' % seq)
    for seq in newaqtseqs: seqfiles.append(lib + '/NEWAQT12/%s' % seq)

    n = 35  # Fortran file number for the message file
    E = 99  # Fortran file number for the error file
    m = 36  # Fortran file number for the seq file
    if os.path.exists(name):
        if verbose: print('warning: message file exists, deleting')

    # open up the new file and the error file

    hspf.wdbopnpy(n, name, 2)

    # add the attributes from adwdm first

    for seq in adwdmseqs:
        if verbose: print('adding attributes to the message file')
        f = lib + '/ADWDM/%s.SEQ' % seq
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    # work around for inconistency in lib3.0 (thanks Aquaterra)

    hspf.seqopen(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', m)
    hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    # now import the data sets

    for f in seqfiles:
        if verbose: print('importing data from %s' % f)
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, n)

    # close up the wdm file and the error file

Example #8
def make_messagefile(lib, name='hspfmsg.wdm', verbose=True):
    """builds the HSPF message file from a list of the paths to the source
    sequential Fortran files (.SEQ)."""


    import hspf

    if verbose: print('building the HSPF message file')

    # SEQ files needed from the various subdirectories in LIB3.2\MSG

    adwdmseqs = [
        'ATTR001', 'ATTR051', 'ATTR101', 'ATTR151', 'ATTR201', 'ATTR301',
        'ATTR351', 'ATTR401'
    aideseqs = ['MESSAGE']
    waideseqs = ['AWFEB', 'TSLIST', 'AGPLOT']
    awstatseqs = ['TSCMPR', 'A193', 'PROFDR']
    annseqs = ['PGENER', 'QTPRNT']
    #hspfseqs   = ['hiouci', 'hprbut', 'hruntspt',  'himpqua',
    #              'hspfitab', 'hrch', 'hdatut', 'hringeut', 'htsinsi',
    #              'hringen', 'hspf', 'hspfec', 'hpersno', 'hperpho',
    #              'hpernit', 'hperpes', 'hrchnut', 'hperwat', 'hrchaci',
    #              'hrchgqu', 'hrchhyd', 'hrchphc', 'hrchsed', 'hrchhtr',
    #              'hrchplk', 'hwdmut', 'hdssut', 'hdssx', 'hutop', 'hutopinp',
    #              'hrunut', 'hrinseq', 'hrinwdm', 'hrindss', 'hruntsgw',
    #              'himp', 'himpwat', 'hperagut', 'hruntsgq', 'hperqua', 'hper',
    #              'hruntsgp', 'hruntsgt', 'hruntspw', 'hutdura', 'hruntsut',
    #              'hruntsgd', 'hruntspd', 'hrints', 'hrintss', 'htssut',
    #              'specact', 'perlndts', 'implndts', 'rchrests', 'copyts',
    #              'pltgents', 'displyts', 'duranlts', 'generts', 'mutsints',
    #              'perlnd', 'implnd', 'rchres', 'copy', 'pltgen', 'disply',
    #              'gener', 'duranl', 'mutsin']

    #newaqtseqs = ['sgtabl', 'agmap', 'prwplt', 'ucimod', 'ucirea', 'wsgsim',
    #              'wsgutl', 'dspeci', 'wsgsys', 'tsplot', 'durani', 'tsfreq',
    #              'sturbn']

    hspfseqs = os.listdir('{}/hspf122'.format(lib))
    newaqtseqs = os.listdir('{}/NEWAQT12'.format(lib))


    # build a list of all the seq files from LIB3.0

    seqfiles = []

    for seq in aideseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/AIDE/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in waideseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/WAIDE/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in awstatseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/AWSTAT/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in annseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/ANN/{}.SEQ'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in hspfseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/hspf122/{}'.format(lib, seq))
    for seq in newaqtseqs:
        seqfiles.append('{}/NEWAQT12/{}'.format(lib, seq))

    n = 35  # Fortran file number for the message file
    E = 99  # Fortran file number for the error file
    m = 36  # Fortran file number for the seq file

    if os.path.exists(name):
        if verbose: print('warning: message file exists, deleting')

    # open up the new file and the error file

    hspf.wdbopnpy(n, name, 2)

    # make the attribute file

    attributes = {}
    for seq in adwdmseqs:
        if verbose: print('adding attributes to the message file')
        p = lib + '/ADWDM/{}.SEQ'.format(seq)
        hspf.seqopen(p, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

        # make an independent Python file of the ADWDM attributes

        with open(p, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                if line[1:10] == 'ATTRIBUTE':
                    attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())] = \
                        WDMattribute(line[12:18], int(line[30:33].strip()))
                    current = attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())]
                if line[1:5] == 'TYPE':
                if line[1:7] == 'LENGTH':
                if line[1:5] == 'DESC':
                if line[1:6] == 'RANGE':
                if line[1:8] == 'DEFAULT':
                if line[1:5] == 'HELP':
                if line[:3] == '   ':

    # work around for inconistency in lib3.0 (thanks Aquaterra)

    hspf.seqopen(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', m)
    hspf.seqimport(n, m, 0)

    with open(lib + '/ADWDM/attr251.seq', 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line[1:10] == 'ATTRIBUTE':
                attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())] = \
                    WDMattribute(line[12:18], int(line[30:33].strip()))
                current = attributes[int(line[30:33].strip())]
            if line[1:5] == 'TYPE':
            if line[1:7] == 'LENGTH':
            if line[1:5] == 'DESC':
            if line[1:6] == 'RANGE':
            if line[1:8] == 'DEFAULT':
            if line[1:5] == 'HELP':
            if line[:3] == '   ':

    wdmattributes = {
        v.attribute: {
            'index': k,
            'desc': v.desc,
            'type': v.type,
            'length': v.length,
            'min': v.min,
            'max': v.max,
            'default': v.default,
            'value': v.value,
            'help': v.help
        for k, v in attributes.items()

    with open('attributes', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(wdmattributes, f)

    # now import the data sets

    for f in seqfiles:
        if verbose: print('importing data from {}'.format(f))
        hspf.seqopen(f, m)
        hspf.seqimport(n, m, n)

    # close up the wdm file and the error file
