def testQueue(self): """ Test that RawValues executes correctly. """ net = Network() # Create simple region to pass motor commands as displacement vectors (dx, dy) motor = net.addRegion("motor", "py.RawValues", json.dumps({"outputWidth": 2})) motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 0], 1) motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [1, 1]) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([True], output) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([1, 1], output) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([False], output)
def testRun(self): """ A simple NetworkAPI example with three regions. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // .------------------. // | encoder | // |(RDSEEncoderRegion)|<------ inital input // | | (INPUT.begin) // `-------------------' // | --------------. sp.bottomUpIn // |/ | // .-----------------. | // | sp | | // | (SPRegion) | | // | | | // `-----------------' | // | ^ // .-----------------. | // | tm | | // | (TMRegion) |-----' (tm.bottomUpOut) // | | // `-----------------' // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// """ """ Creating network instance. """ config = """ {network: [ {addRegion: {name: "encoder", type: "RDSEEncoderRegion", params: {size: 1000, sparsity: 0.2, radius: 0.03, seed: 2019, noise: 0.01}, phase: [1]}}, {addRegion: {name: "sp", type: "SPRegion", params: {columnCount: 1000, globalInhibition: true}, phase: [2]}}, {addRegion: {name: "tm", type: "TMRegion", params: {cellsPerColumn: 8, orColumnOutputs: true}, phase: [2]}}, {addLink: {src: "INPUT.begin", dest: "encoder.values", dim: [1]}}, {addLink: {src: "encoder.encoded", dest: "sp.bottomUpIn", mode: "overwrite"}}, {addLink: {src: "sp.bottomUpOut", dest: "tm.bottomUpIn"}}, {addLink: {src: "tm.bottomUpOut", dest: "sp.bottomUpIn"}} ]}""" net = Network() net.configure(config) net.initialize() # for debugging: print(net.getExecutionMap()) """ Force initial data. """ net.setInputData("begin", np.array([10])) """ Execute encoder once, the loop (sp and tm) 4 times """, [1]) # execute initial entry (phase 1), [2]) # execute loop 4 times (phase 2) # Here is how you access the buffers sp_input_buffer = np.array(net.getRegion('sp').getInputArray('bottomUpIn')) tn_output_buffer = np.array(net.getRegion('tm').getOutputArray('bottomUpOut')) self.assertEqual(sp_input_buffer.size, tn_output_buffer.size)
def testNetwork(self): """ A simple NetworkAPI example with three regions. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // .------------------. // | encoder | // sinewave data--->|(RDSEEncoderRegion)| // | | // `-------------------' // | // .-----------------. // | sp | // | (SPRegion) | // | | // `-----------------' // | // .-----------------. // | tm | // | (TMRegion) |---->anomaly score // | | // `-----------------' // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// """ """ Creating network instance. """ config = """ {network: [ {addRegion: {name: "encoder", type: "RDSEEncoderRegion", params: {size: 1000, sparsity: 0.2, radius: 0.03, seed: 2019, noise: 0.01}}}, {addRegion: {name: "sp", type: "SPRegion", params: {columnCount: 2048, globalInhibition: true}}}, {addRegion: {name: "tm", type: "TMRegion", params: {cellsPerColumn: 8, orColumnOutputs: true}}}, {addLink: {src: "encoder.encoded", dest: "sp.bottomUpIn"}}, {addLink: {src: "sp.bottomUpOut", dest: "tm.bottomUpIn"}} ]}""" net = Network() net.configure(config) # iterate EPOCHS times x = 0.00 for e in range(EPOCHS): # Data is a sine wave, (Note: first iteration is for x=0.01, not 0) x += 0.01 # advance one step, 0.01 radians s = math.sin(x) # compute current sine as data. # feed data to RDSE encoder via its "sensedValue" parameter. net.getRegion('encoder').setParameterReal64('sensedValue', s) # Execute one iteration of the Network object # Retreive the final anomaly score from the TM object's 'anomaly' output. (as a single element numpy array) score = np.array(net.getRegion('tm').getOutputArray('anomaly')) self.assertEqual(score, [1])
def testExecuteCommandListWithNoReset(self): """ Test that execute command executes the correct command with a list with reset 0. """ net = Network() # Create simple region to pass motor commands as displacement vectors (dx, dy) motor = net.addRegion("motor", "py.RawValues", json.dumps({"outputWidth": 2})) motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 0], 0) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([False], output)
def testEmptyQueue(self): """ Test that RawValues detects empty queue. """ net = Network() # Create simple region to pass motor commands as displacement vectors (dx, dy) motor = net.addRegion("motor", "py.RawValues", json.dumps({"outputWidth": 2})) try: output = list(np.array(motor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([0, 0], output)"Empty queue should throw exception") except: pass
def testOverlap(self): """Create a simple network to test the region.""" rawParams = {"outputWidth": 8 * 2048} net = Network() rawSensor = net.addRegion("raw", "py.RawSensor", json.dumps(rawParams)) l2c = net.addRegion("L2", "py.ColumnPoolerRegion", "")"raw", "L2", "UniformLink", "") self.assertEqual(rawSensor.getParameterUInt32("outputWidth"), l2c.getParameterUInt32("inputWidth"), "Incorrect outputWidth parameter") rawSensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [2, 4, 6], 0, 42) rawSensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [2, 42, 1023], 1, 43) rawSensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [18, 19, 20], 0, 44) # Run the network and check outputs are as expected
def testExecuteCommandListWithReset(self): """ Test that execute command executes the correct command with a list and reset set. """ net = Network() # Create simple region to pass sensor commands as displacement vectors (dx, dy) sensor = net.addRegion("sensor", "py.RawSensor", json.dumps({"outputWidth": 8})) sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 1], 1, 0) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([True], output)
def testSequence(self): """ Test that RawSensor executes correctly. """ net = Network() # Create simple region to pass sensor commands as displacement vectors (dx, dy) sensor = net.addRegion("sensor", "py.RawSensor", json.dumps({"outputWidth": 8})) sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 1], 1, 0) sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [1, 2], 0, 1) sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [2, 3], 0, 2) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([True], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("sequenceIdOut"))) self.assertEqual([0], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([False], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("sequenceIdOut"))) self.assertEqual([1], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("dataOut"))) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("resetOut"))) self.assertEqual([False], output) output = list(np.array(sensor.getOutputArray("sequenceIdOut"))) self.assertEqual([2], output)
def testCreateL4L6aLocationColumn(self): """ Test 'createL4L6aLocationColumn' by inferring a set of hand crafted objects """ scale = [] orientation = [] # Initialize L6a location region with 5 modules varying scale by sqrt(2) and # 4 different random orientations for each scale for i in range(5): for _ in range(4): angle = np.radians(random.gauss(7.5, 7.5)) orientation.append(random.choice([angle, -angle])) scale.append(10.0 * (math.sqrt(2)**i)) net = Network() createL4L6aLocationColumn(net, L4Params={ "columnCount": NUM_OF_COLUMNS, "cellsPerColumn": CELLS_PER_COLUMN, "activationThreshold": 15, "minThreshold": 15, "initialPermanence": 1.0, "implementation": "ApicalTiebreak", "maxSynapsesPerSegment": -1 }, L6aParams={ "moduleCount": len(scale), "scale": scale, "orientation": orientation, "anchorInputSize": NUM_OF_CELLS, "activationThreshold": 8, "initialPermanence": 1.0, "connectedPermanence": 0.5, "learningThreshold": 8, "sampleSize": 10, "permanenceIncrement": 0.1, "permanenceDecrement": 0.0, "bumpOverlapMethod": "probabilistic" }, inverseReadoutResolution=8) net.initialize() L6a = net.getRegion('L6a') sensor = net.getRegion('sensorInput') motor = net.getRegion('motorInput') # Keeps a list of learned objects learnedRepresentations = defaultdict(list) # Learn Objects self._setLearning(net, True) for objectDescription in OBJECTS: reset = True previousLocation = None L6a.executeCommand("activateRandomLocation") for iFeature, feature in enumerate(objectDescription["features"]): # Move the sensor to the center of the object locationOnObject = np.array([ feature["top"] + feature["height"] / 2., feature["left"] + feature["width"] / 2. ]) # Calculate displacement from previous location if previousLocation is not None: motor.executeCommand( 'addDataToQueue', list(locationOnObject - previousLocation)) else: motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 0]) previousLocation = locationOnObject # Sense feature at location sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', FEATURE_ACTIVE_COLUMNS[feature["name"]], reset, 0) reset = False # Save learned representations representation = L6a.getOutputArray("sensoryAssociatedCells") representation = np.array(representation).nonzero()[0] learnedRepresentations[(objectDescription["name"], iFeature)] = representation # Infer objects self._setLearning(net, False) for objectDescription in OBJECTS: reset = True previousLocation = None inferred = False features = objectDescription["features"] touchSequence = list(range(len(features))) random.shuffle(touchSequence) for iFeature in touchSequence: feature = features[iFeature] # Move the sensor to the center of the object locationOnObject = np.array([ feature["top"] + feature["height"] / 2., feature["left"] + feature["width"] / 2. ]) # Calculate displacement from previous location if previousLocation is not None: motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', locationOnObject - previousLocation) else: motor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', [0, 0]) previousLocation = locationOnObject # Sense feature at location sensor.executeCommand('addDataToQueue', FEATURE_ACTIVE_COLUMNS[feature["name"]], reset, 0) reset = False representation = L6a.getOutputArray("sensoryAssociatedCells") representation = np.array(representation).nonzero()[0] target_representations = set( learnedRepresentations[(objectDescription["name"], iFeature)]) inferred = (set(representation) <= target_representations) if inferred: break self.assertTrue(inferred)
""" Creating network instance. """ config = """ {network: [ {addRegion: {name: "encoder", type: "RDSEEncoderRegion", params: {size: 1000, sparsity: 0.2, radius: 0.03, seed: 2019, noise: 0.01}}}, {addRegion: {name: "sp", type: "SPRegion", params: {columnCount: 2048, globalInhibition: true}}}, {addRegion: {name: "tm", type: "TMRegion", params: {cellsPerColumn: 8, orColumnOutputs: true}}}, {addRegion: {name: "apicalTM", type: "py.ApicalTMPairRegion", params: {columnCount : 2048, basalInputWidth : 10, cellsPerColumn: 8, implementation: ApicalTiebreak}}}, {addLink: {src: "encoder.encoded", dest: "sp.bottomUpIn"}}, {addLink: {src: "sp.bottomUpOut", dest: "tm.bottomUpIn"}}, {addLink: {src: "sp.bottomUpOut", dest: "apicalTM.activeColumns"}} ]}""" net = Network() net.configure(config) # feed data to RDSE encoder via its "sensedValue" parameter. net.getRegion('encoder').setParameterReal64('sensedValue', 100) # Execute iteration of the Network object print(net.getRegion('tm')) print(net.getRegion('apicalTM')) print(net.getRegion('tm').getConnections( "")) # can be called because of this draft PR print( net.getRegion('apicalTM').getConnections("") ) # returns always None, it is region implemented in python, but it has not override getConnections print(net.getRegion( 'tm').getAlgorithmInstance()) # cannot call this, not accessible
def main(parameters=default_parameters, argv=None, verbose=True): if verbose: import pprint print("Parameters:") pprint.pprint(parameters, indent=4) print("") # Read the input file. records = [] with open(_INPUT_FILE_PATH, "r") as fin: reader = csv.reader(fin) headers = next(reader) next(reader) next(reader) for record in reader: records.append(record) net = Network() # Make the Encoders. These will convert input data into binary representations. dateEncoderRegion = net.addRegion( 'dateEncoder', 'DateEncoderRegion', str( dict(timeOfDay_width=parameters["enc"]["time"]["timeOfDay"][0], timeOfDay_radius=parameters["enc"]["time"]["timeOfDay"][1], weekend_width=parameters["enc"]["time"]["weekend"]))) valueEncoderRegion = net.addRegion( 'valueEncoder', 'RDSEEncoderRegion', str( dict(size=parameters["enc"]["value"]["size"], sparsity=parameters["enc"]["value"]["sparsity"], resolution=parameters["enc"]["value"]["resolution"]))) # Make the HTM. SpatialPooler & TemporalMemory & associated tools. spParams = parameters["sp"] spRegion = net.addRegion( 'sp', 'SPRegion', str( dict( columnCount=spParams['columnCount'], potentialPct=spParams["potentialPct"], potentialRadius=0, # 0 is auto assign as inputWith globalInhibition=True, localAreaDensity=spParams["localAreaDensity"], synPermInactiveDec=spParams["synPermInactiveDec"], synPermActiveInc=spParams["synPermActiveInc"], synPermConnected=spParams["synPermConnected"], boostStrength=spParams["boostStrength"], wrapAround=True))) tmParams = parameters["tm"] tmRegion = net.addRegion( 'tm', 'TMRegion', str( dict(columnCount=spParams['columnCount'], cellsPerColumn=tmParams["cellsPerColumn"], activationThreshold=tmParams["activationThreshold"], initialPermanence=tmParams["initialPerm"], connectedPermanence=spParams["synPermConnected"], minThreshold=tmParams["minThreshold"], maxNewSynapseCount=tmParams["newSynapseCount"], permanenceIncrement=tmParams["permanenceInc"], permanenceDecrement=tmParams["permanenceDec"], predictedSegmentDecrement=0.0, maxSegmentsPerCell=tmParams["maxSegmentsPerCell"], maxSynapsesPerSegment=tmParams["maxSynapsesPerSegment"])))'dateEncoder', 'sp', '', '', 'encoded', 'bottomUpIn')'valueEncoder', 'sp', '', '', 'encoded', 'bottomUpIn')'sp', 'tm', '', '', 'bottomUpOut', 'bottomUpIn') net.initialize() # Iterate through every datum in the dataset, record the inputs & outputs. inputs = [] anomaly = [] for count, record in enumerate(records): # Convert date string into Python date object. dateString = datetime.datetime.strptime(record[0], "%m/%d/%y %H:%M") # Convert data value string into float. consumption = float(record[1]) inputs.append(consumption) # Call the encoders to create bit representations for each value. These are SDR objects. dateEncoderRegion.setParameterInt64('sensedTime', int(dateString.timestamp())) valueEncoderRegion.setParameterReal64('sensedValue', consumption) anomaly.append(np.array(tmRegion.getOutputArray("anomaly"))[0]) try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print("WARNING: failed to import matplotlib, plots cannot be shown.") return plt.title("Anomaly Score") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Power Consumption") inputs = np.array(inputs) / max(inputs) plt.plot( np.arange(len(inputs)), inputs, 'red', np.arange(len(inputs)), anomaly, 'blue', ) plt.legend(labels=('Input', 'Anomaly Score')) return