Example #1
def test_ico():
    for float in (False, True):
        for crop in (0, 1, 2):
            for colors in (0, 1, 3, 4):
                fname = fnamebase + '%i.%i.%i.ico' % (float, crop, colors)
                rim = get_ref_im(colors, crop, float)
                imageio.imsave(fname, rim)
                im = imageio.imread(fname)
                mul = 255 if float else 1
                assert_close(rim * mul, im, 0.1)  # lossless
    # Meta data
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + '0.0.0.ico')
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(0), dict)
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(None), dict)  # But this print warning
    writer = imageio.save(fnamebase + 'I.ico')
    # Parameters. Note that with makealpha, RGBA images are read in incorrectly
    im = imageio.imread(fnamebase + '0.0.0.ico', makealpha=True)
    assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 4
    # Parameter fail
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imread, fname, notavalidkwarg=True)
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imsave, fnamebase + '1.gif', im, notavalidk=True)
    # Multiple images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims1 = im, np.column_stack([im, im]), np.row_stack([im, im])
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + 'I.ico', ims1)
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fnamebase + 'I.ico')
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        assert_close(im1, im2, 0.1)
Example #2
def test_read_and_write():

    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.mp4'

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, 'ffmpeg') as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
            assert (im.sum() / im.size) > 0  # pypy mean is broken
        assert im.sum() > 0

        # Seek
        im = R.get_data(120)
        assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, 'ffmpeg') as W:
        for im in ims1:

    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, 'ffmpeg')
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.0
Example #3
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip,
    """Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage)."""
    if colors is None:
        colors = 256
    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
        raise ImportError(
            "Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed,"
            " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = 0 if opt != 0 else "nq"

    writer = imageio.save(filename,
                          duration=1.0 / fps,
    logger(message="MoviePy - Building file %s with imageio." % filename)

    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger, dtype="uint8"):

Example #4
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt='wu', loop=0,
                            colors=None, verbose=True):
    Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage).
    For the moment ImageIO is not installed with CartoonPy. You need to install
    imageio (pip install imageio) to use this.



    if colors is None:

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
      raise ImportError("Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed,"
                         " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = 'wu' if opt!= 'nq' else 'nq' 
    writer = imageio.save(filename, duration=1.0/fps,
                          quantizer=quantizer, palettesize=colors)

    verbose_print(verbose, "\n[CartoonPy] Building file %s with imageio\n"%filename)
    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, progress_bar=True, dtype='uint8'):

Example #5
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt="wu", loop=0, colors=None, verbose=True):
    Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage).
    For the moment ImageIO is not installed with MoviePy. You need to install
    imageio (pip install imageio) to use this.



    if colors is None:
        colors = 256

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
        raise ImportError("Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed," " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = "wu" if opt != "nq" else "nq"
    writer = imageio.save(filename, duration=1.0 / fps, quantizer=quantizer, palettesize=colors)

    verbose_print(verbose, "\n[MoviePy] Building file %s with imageio\n" % filename)

    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, progress_bar=True, dtype="uint8"):

Example #6
def test_write_not_contiguous():

    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4"), "ffmpeg")
    assert R.format is imageio.formats["ffmpeg"]

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.mp4"

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, "ffmpeg") as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()

    # Save non contiguous data
    with imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg") as W:
        for im in ims1:
            # DOn't slice the first dimension since it won't be
            # a multiple of 16. This will cause the writer to expand
            # the data to make it fit, we won't be able to compare
            # the difference between the saved and the original images.
            im = im[:, ::2]
            assert not im.flags.c_contiguous

    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, "ffmpeg")

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1[:, ::2].astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #7
def test_simpleitk_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saveing tiff """
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff.tiff')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2, 'itk')
    im = imageio.imread(filename1, 'itk')
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1, 'itk')
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1, 'itk')
    raises(RuntimeError, W.set_meta_data, 1)
    assert W.format.name == 'ITK'
    R = imageio.read(filename1, 'itk')
    assert R.format.name == 'ITK'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data)
Example #8
def test_write_not_contiguous():

    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4"), "ffmpeg")
    assert R.format is imageio.formats["ffmpeg"]

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.mp4"

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, "ffmpeg") as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()

    # Save non contiguous data
    with imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg") as W:
        for im in ims1:
            # DOn't slice the first dimension since it won't be
            # a multiple of 16. This will cause the writer to expand
            # the data to make it fit, we won't be able to compare
            # the difference between the saved and the original images.
            im = im[:, ::2]
            assert not im.flags.c_contiguous

    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, "ffmpeg")

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1[:, ::2].astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #9
def test_simpleitk_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saveing tiff """
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test_tiff.tiff")

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2, "itk")
    im = imageio.imread(filename1, "itk")
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1, "itk")
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1, "itk")
    raises(RuntimeError, W.set_meta_data, 1)
    assert W.format.name == "ITK"
    R = imageio.read(filename1, "itk")
    assert R.format.name == "ITK"
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data)
Example #10
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt=0, loop=0,
                            colors=None, verbose=True, progress_bar=True,
    Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage).


      Boolean indicating whether to display a progress bar in the terminal
      while exporting the file.

      Callback function to call during export. It should accept
      the current frame index being exported and the total number
      of frames. It can be used to update a gui progressbar while
      running in a separate thread.


    if colors is None:
        colors = 256

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
        raise ImportError("Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed,"
                         " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = 0 if opt != 0 else 'nq'

    writer = imageio.save(

    verbose_print(verbose, "\n[MoviePy] Building file %s with imageio\n" % filename)

    # if progress callback was define, call it
    if callable(progress_cb):
        nframes = int(clip.duration*fps)+1
        count = 1

    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, progress_bar=progress_bar, dtype='uint8'):


        # if progress callback was define, call it
        if callable(progress_cb):
            progress_cb(count, nframes)
            count += 1
Example #11
def test_animated_gif():
    # Get images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims = []
    for i in range(10):
        im = im.copy()
        im[:, -5:, 0] = i * 20
    # Store - animated GIF always poops out RGB
    for float in (False, True):
        for colors in (3, 4):
            ims1 = ims[:]
            if float:
                ims1 = [x.astype(np.float32) / 256 for x in ims1]
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :colors] for x in ims1]
            fname = fnamebase + '.animated.%i.gif' % colors
            imageio.mimsave(fname, ims1, duration=0.2)
            # Retrieve
            ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname)
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims]  # fresh ref
            ims2 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims2]  # discart alpha
            for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
                assert_close(im1, im2, 1.1)
    # We can also store grayscale
    fname = fnamebase + '.animated.%i.gif' % 1
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, :1] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    # Irragular duration. You probably want to check this manually (I did)
    duration = [0.1 for i in ims]
    for i in [2, 5, 7]:
        duration[i] = 0.5
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.animated_irr.gif', ims, duration=duration)
    # Other parameters
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.animated.loop2.gif', ims, loop=2)
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + '.animated.loop2.gif')
    W = imageio.save(fnamebase + '.animated.palettes100.gif', palettesize=100)
    assert W._palettesize == 128
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_meta_data, -1)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, palettesize=300)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, quantizer='foo')
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, duration='foo')
    # Test subrectangles
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.subno.gif', ims, subrectangles=False)
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.subyes.gif', ims, subrectangles=True)
    s1 = os.stat(fnamebase + '.subno.gif').st_size
    s2 = os.stat(fnamebase + '.subyes.gif').st_size
    assert s2 < s1
    # Meta (dummy, because always {}
    assert isinstance(imageio.read(fname).get_meta_data(), dict)
Example #12
def test_format_selection(test_images):

    fname1 = test_images / "stent.swf"
    fname2 = fname1.with_suffix(".out.swf")

    F = imageio.formats["swf"]
    assert F.name == "SWF"
    assert type(imageio.formats[".swf"]) is type(F)

    assert type(imageio.read(fname1).format) is type(F)
    assert type(imageio.save(fname2).format) is type(F)
Example #13
def test_format_selection():
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/stent.swf', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.swf'
    F = imageio.formats['swf']
    assert F.name == 'SWF'
    assert imageio.formats['.swf'] is F
    assert imageio.read(fname1).format is F
    assert imageio.save(fname2).format is F
Example #14
def test_format_selection():
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/stent.swf', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.swf'
    F = imageio.formats['swf']
    assert F.name == 'SWF'
    assert imageio.formats['.swf'] is F
    assert imageio.read(fname1).format is F
    assert imageio.save(fname2).format is F
Example #15
def make_gif_kegg(path_id, entry_items, color_list, label_list=None, etype ='gene'):
    pathway_image, content_xml = get_req_xml_kegg(path_id)
    entity_graphic_dict = parse_entitys_dict(get_xml_element_of_kegg(content_xml))

    target_list = [i for i in \
               extract_graphic_entity(entry_items, color_list, entity_graphic_dict, etype, label_list)]

    del entity_graphic_dict
    movie = imageio.save(path_id + '.gif', fps=25)
    gif_make(movie, pathway_image, target_list, duration=13)
    del movie
Example #16
def test_npz_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saveing npz """
    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10), np.uint8) * 2
    im3 = np.ones((10, 10, 10), np.uint8) * 3
    im4 = np.ones((10, 10, 10, 10), np.uint8) * 4
    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_npz.npz')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1
    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 3
    # Volumes
    imageio.mvolsave(filename1, [im3, im3])
    im = imageio.volread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mvolread(filename1)
    assert (im == im3).all()
    assert len(ims) == 2
    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    assert W.format.name == 'NPZ'
    raises(RuntimeError, W.set_meta_data, {})  # no meta data support
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == 'NPZ'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    assert (ims[1] == im3).all()
    assert (ims[2] == im4).all()
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data, None)  # no meta data support
    raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data, 0)  # no meta data support
Example #17
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saveing tiff """
    need_internet()  # We keep a test image in the imageio-binary repo
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff.tiff')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 3, ims[0].shape

    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file('images/multipage_rgb.tif')
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({'planarconfig': 'planar'})
    assert W.format.name == 'TIFF'
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == 'TIFF'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    meta = R.get_meta_data()
    assert meta['is_rgb']
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)

    # Ensure imwrite write works round trip
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    R = imageio.imread(filename1)
    imageio.imwrite(filename3, R)
    R2 = imageio.imread(filename3)
    assert (R == R2).all()
Example #18
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saving tiff """
    need_internet()  # We keep a test image in the imageio-binary repo
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff.tiff')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 3, ims[0].shape

    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file('images/multipage_rgb.tif')
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({'planarconfig': 'planar'})
    assert W.format.name == 'TIFF'
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == 'TIFF'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    meta = R.get_meta_data()
    assert meta['orientation'] == 'top_left'
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)

    # Ensure imwrite write works round trip
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    R = imageio.imread(filename1)
    imageio.imwrite(filename3, R)
    R2 = imageio.imread(filename3)
    assert (R == R2).all()
Example #19
def test_npz_reading_writing(tmp_path):
    """Test reading and saveing npz"""

    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(

    im2 = np.ones((10, 10), np.uint8) * 2
    im3 = np.ones((10, 10, 10), np.uint8) * 3
    im4 = np.ones((10, 10, 10, 10), np.uint8) * 4

    filename1 = tmp_path / "test_npz.npz"

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 3

    # Volumes
    imageio.mvolsave(filename1, [im3, im3])
    im = imageio.volread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mvolread(filename1)
    assert (im == im3).all()
    assert len(ims) == 2

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    assert W.format.name == "NPZ"
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, W.set_meta_data, {})  # no meta data support
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == "NPZ"
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    assert (ims[1] == im3).all()
    assert (ims[2] == im4).all()
    # Fail
    pytest.raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    pytest.raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data, None)  # no meta data support
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, R.get_meta_data, 0)  # no meta data support
Example #20
def test_format_selection():


    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/stent.swf", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.swf"

    F = imageio.formats["swf"]
    assert F.name == "SWF"
    assert imageio.formats[".swf"] is F

    assert imageio.read(fname1).format is F
    assert imageio.save(fname2).format is F
Example #21
def test_format_selection():


    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/stent.swf", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.swf"

    F = imageio.formats["swf"]
    assert F.name == "SWF"
    assert imageio.formats[".swf"] is F

    assert imageio.read(fname1).format is F
    assert imageio.save(fname2).format is F
Example #22
def test_read_and_write():

    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4'), 'ffmpeg')
    assert R.format is imageio.formats['ffmpeg']

    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.mp4'

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, 'ffmpeg') as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
            assert (im.sum() / im.size) > 0  # pypy mean is broken
        assert im.sum() > 0

        # Get arbitrary data
        im1 = R.get_data(120)
        assert im1.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

        # Set image index
        im2 = R.get_next_data()
        assert im2.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

        im3 = R.get_next_data()
        assert im3.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
        assert (im1 == im3).all()
        assert not (im1 == im2).all()

    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, 'ffmpeg') as W:
        for im in ims1:

    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, 'ffmpeg')
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #23
def test_writer_more():
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.mp4'
    W = imageio.save(fname2, 'ffmpeg')
    with raises(ValueError):  # Invalid shape
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 5), np.uint8))
    W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 3), np.uint8))
    with raises(ValueError):  # Different shape from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 19, 3), np.uint8))
    with raises(ValueError):  # Different depth from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 4), np.uint8))
    with raises(RuntimeError):  # No meta data
        W.set_meta_data({'foo': 3})
Example #24
def test_writer_more():

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.mp4"

    W = imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg")
    with raises(ValueError):  # Invalid shape
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 5), np.uint8))
    W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 3), np.uint8))
    with raises(ValueError):  # Different shape from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 19, 3), np.uint8))
    with raises(ValueError):  # Different depth from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 4), np.uint8))
    with raises(RuntimeError):  # No meta data
        W.set_meta_data({"foo": 3})
Example #25
def test_writer_more(test_images):

    fname1 = test_images / "cockatoo.mp4"
    fname2 = fname1.with_suffix(".out.mp4")

    W = imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # Invalid shape
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 5), np.uint8))
    W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 3), np.uint8))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # Different shape from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 19, 3), np.uint8))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # Different depth from first image
        W.append_data(np.zeros((20, 20, 4), np.uint8))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # No meta data
        W.set_meta_data({"foo": 3})
Example #26
def test_ico():

    if os.getenv("TRAVIS", "") == "true" and sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
        skip("Freeimage ico is unstable for this Travis build")

    for float in (False, True):
        for crop in (0,):
            for colors in (1, 3, 4):
                fname = fnamebase + "%i.%i.%i.ico" % (float, crop, colors)
                rim = get_ref_im(colors, crop, float)
                rim = rim[:32, :32]  # ico needs nice size
                imageio.imsave(fname, rim)
                im = imageio.imread(fname)
                mul = 255 if float else 1
                assert_close(rim * mul, im, 0.1)  # lossless

    # Meta data
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + "0.0.1.ico")
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(0), dict)
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(None), dict)  # But this print warning
    writer = imageio.save(fnamebase + "I.ico")

    # Parameters. Note that with makealpha, RGBA images are read in incorrectly
    im = imageio.imread(fnamebase + "0.0.1.ico", makealpha=True)
    assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 4

    # Parameter fail
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imread, fname, notavalidkwarg=True)
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imsave, fnamebase + "1.gif", im, notavalidk=True)

    if sys.platform.startswith("win"):  # issue #21
        skip("Windows has a known issue with multi-icon files")

    # Multiple images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)[:32, :32]
    ims = [np.repeat(np.repeat(im, i, 1), i, 0) for i in (1, 2)]  # SegF on win
    ims = im, np.column_stack((im, im)), np.row_stack((im, im))  # error on win
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + "I2.ico", ims)
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fnamebase + "I2.ico")
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims, ims2):
        assert_close(im1, im2, 0.1)
Example #27
def test_ico(setup_library, tmp_path):

    fnamebase = str(tmp_path / "test")

    for isfloat in (False, True):
        for crop in (0, ):
            for colors in (1, 3, 4):
                fname = fnamebase + "%i.%i.%i.ico" % (isfloat, crop, colors)
                rim = get_ref_im(colors, crop, isfloat)
                rim = rim[:32, :32]  # ico needs nice size
                imageio.imsave(fname, rim, format="ICO-FI")
                im = imageio.imread(fname, format="ICO-FI")
                mul = 255 if isfloat else 1
                assert_close(rim * mul, im, 0.1)  # lossless

    # Meta data
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + "0.0.1.ico", format="ICO-FI")
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(0), dict)
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(None), dict)  # But this print warning
    writer = imageio.save(fnamebase + "I.ico", format="ICO-FI")

    # Parameters. Note that with makealpha, RGBA images are read in incorrectly
    im = imageio.imread(fnamebase + "0.0.1.ico",
    assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 4

    # Parameter fail
        fnamebase + "1.ico",
Example #28
def test_ico():

    if os.getenv('TRAVIS', '') == 'true' and sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
        skip('Freeimage ico is unstable for this Travis build')

    for isfloat in (False, True):
        for crop in (0, ):
            for colors in (1, 3, 4):
                fname = fnamebase + '%i.%i.%i.ico' % (isfloat, crop, colors)
                rim = get_ref_im(colors, crop, isfloat)
                rim = rim[:32, :32]  # ico needs nice size
                imageio.imsave(fname, rim)
                im = imageio.imread(fname)
                mul = 255 if isfloat else 1
                assert_close(rim * mul, im, 0.1)  # lossless

    # Meta data
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + '0.0.1.ico')
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(0), dict)
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(None), dict)  # But this print warning
    writer = imageio.save(fnamebase + 'I.ico')

    # Parameters. Note that with makealpha, RGBA images are read in incorrectly
    im = imageio.imread(fnamebase + '0.0.1.ico', makealpha=True)
    assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 4

    # Parameter fail
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imread, fname, notavalidkwarg=True)
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imsave, fnamebase + '1.gif', im, notavalidk=True)

    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):  # issue #21
        skip('Windows has a known issue with multi-icon files')

    # Multiple images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)[:32, :32]
    ims = [np.repeat(np.repeat(im, i, 1), i, 0) for i in (1, 2)]  # SegF on win
    ims = im, np.column_stack((im, im)), np.row_stack((im, im))  # error on win
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + 'I2.ico', ims)
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fnamebase + 'I2.ico')
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims, ims2):
        assert_close(im1, im2, 0.1)
Example #29
def test_read_and_write():
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.mp4'
    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, 'ffmpeg') as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
        assert im.sum() > 0
        # Seek
        im = R.get_data(120)
        assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, 'ffmpeg') as W:
        for im in ims1:
    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, 'ffmpeg')
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)
    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        assert diff.mean() < 2.0
    # Check loop
    R = imageio.read(fname2, 'ffmpeg', loop=True)
    im1 = R.get_next_data()
    for i in range(1, len(R)):
    im2 = R.get_next_data()
    im3 = R.get_data(0)
    im4 = R.get_data(2)  # touch skipping frames
    assert (im1 == im2).all()
    assert (im1 == im3).all()
    assert not (im1 == im4).all()
Example #30
def convert(filename, resolution, fps, filetype):
    Converts a recorded .golf file into a video.
    print(f'Converting {filename}...')
    with imageio.save(f'{filename.replace(GOLFR_EXTENSION, "")}.{filetype}', fps=fps) as writer:
        with open(filename, mode='r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            if len(lines) < 2:
                print(f"Error detected in {filename}")
            size = int(lines[0])
            image = np.empty(size * size, dtype=np.uint8)
            for line in tqdm(lines):
                image[np.fromstring(line, dtype=np.int32, sep=',')] = 0
                    np.repeat(np.repeat(image.reshape((size, size)), resolution, axis=1), resolution, axis=0)
Example #31
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saveing tiff """
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test_tiff.tiff")

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 3, ims[0].shape

    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file("images/multipage_rgb.tif")
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({"planarconfig": "planar"})
    assert W.format.name == "TIFF"
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == "TIFF"
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    meta = R.get_meta_data()
    assert meta["is_rgb"]
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
Example #32
def test_ico():
    for float in (False, True):
        for crop in (0, 1, 2):
            for colors in (1, 3, 4):
                fname = fnamebase + '%i.%i.%i.ico' % (float, crop, colors)
                rim = get_ref_im(colors, crop, float)
                imageio.imsave(fname, rim)
                im = imageio.imread(fname)
                mul = 255 if float else 1
                assert_close(rim * mul, im, 0.1)  # lossless
    # Meta data
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + '0.0.1.ico')
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(0), dict)
    assert isinstance(R.get_meta_data(None), dict)  # But this print warning
    writer = imageio.save(fnamebase + 'I.ico')
    # Parameters. Note that with makealpha, RGBA images are read in incorrectly
    im = imageio.imread(fnamebase + '0.0.1.ico', makealpha=True)
    assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 4
    # Parameter fail
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imread, fname, notavalidkwarg=True)
    raises(TypeError, imageio.imsave, fnamebase + '1.gif', im, notavalidk=True)

    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):  # issue #21
        skip('Windows has a known issue with multi-icon files')
    # Multiple images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims = [np.repeat(np.repeat(im, i, 1), i, 0) for i in (1, 2)]  # SegF on win
    ims = im, np.column_stack((im, im)), np.row_stack((im, im))  # error on win
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + 'I2.ico', ims)
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fnamebase + 'I2.ico')
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims, ims2):
        assert_close(im1, im2, 0.1)
Example #33
def test_read_and_write():
    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4'), 'ffmpeg')
    assert R.format is imageio.formats['ffmpeg']
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/cockatoo.mp4', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.mp4'
    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, 'ffmpeg') as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
            assert (im.sum() / im.size) > 0  # pypy mean is broken
        assert im.sum() > 0
        # Seek
        im = R.get_data(120)
        assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, 'ffmpeg') as W:
        for im in ims1:
    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, 'ffmpeg')
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)
    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #34
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt=0, loop=0,
                            colors=None, verbose=True, logger='bar'):
    Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage).



    if colors is None:
        colors = 256
    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
        error = ImportError("Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed,"
                         " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")
        raise error

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = 0 if opt != 0 else 'nq'

    writer = imageio.save(
    logger.info(msg='MoviePy - Building file %s with imageio.' % filename)

    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger, dtype='uint8'):

Example #35
def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt=0, loop=0,
                            colors=None, verbose=True, logger='bar'):
    Writes the gif with the Python library ImageIO (calls FreeImage).



    if colors is None:
        colors = 256
    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)

    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
        raise ImportError("Writing a gif with imageio requires ImageIO installed,"
                         " with e.g. 'pip install imageio'")

    if fps is None:
        fps = clip.fps

    quantizer = 0 if opt != 0 else 'nq'

    writer = imageio.save(
    logger(message='MoviePy - Building file %s with imageio.' % filename)

    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger, dtype='uint8'):

Example #36
def test_functions():
    """ Test the user-facing API functions """

    # Test help(), it prints stuff, so we just check whether that goes ok
    imageio.help()  # should print overview
    imageio.help("PNG")  # should print about PNG

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/chelsea.png", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-3] + "jpg"
    fname3 = fname1[:-3] + "notavalidext"
    open(fname3, "wb")

    # Test read()
    R1 = imageio.read(fname1)
    R2 = imageio.read(fname1, "png")
    assert R1.format is R2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.read, fname3)  # existing but not readable
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.read, "notexisting.barf")
    raises(IndexError, imageio.read, fname1, "notexistingformat")

    # Test save()
    W1 = imageio.save(fname2)
    W2 = imageio.save(fname2, "JPG")
    assert W1.format is W2.format
    # Fail
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.save, "~/dirdoesnotexist/wtf.notexistingfile")

    # Test imread()
    im1 = imageio.imread(fname1)
    im2 = imageio.imread(fname1, "png")
    assert im1.shape[2] == 3
    assert np.all(im1 == im2)

    # Test imsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname2):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname2)
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1[:, :, 0])
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname2)

    # Test mimread()
    fname3 = get_remote_file("images/newtonscradle.gif", test_dir)
    ims = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert isinstance(ims, list)
    assert len(ims) > 1
    assert ims[0].ndim == 3
    assert ims[0].shape[2] in (1, 3, 4)
    # Test protection
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        imageio.mimread("imageio:chelsea.png", "dummy", length=np.inf)

    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(

    # Test mimsave()
    fname5 = fname3[:-4] + "2.npz"
    if os.path.isfile(fname5):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname5)
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, [im[:, :, 0] for im in ims])
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, ims)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname5)

    # Test volread()
    fname4 = get_remote_file("images/stent.npz", test_dir)
    vol = imageio.volread(fname4)
    assert vol.ndim == 3
    assert vol.shape[0] == 256
    assert vol.shape[1] == 128
    assert vol.shape[2] == 128

    # Test volsave()
    volc = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3), np.uint8)  # color volume
    fname6 = os.path.join(test_dir, "images", "stent2.npz")
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, volc)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, vol)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Test mvolread()
    vols = imageio.mvolread(fname4)
    assert isinstance(vols, list)
    assert len(vols) == 1
    assert vols[0].shape == vol.shape

    # Test mvolsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, [volc, volc])
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, vols)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Fail for save functions
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, np.zeros((100, 100, 5)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [np.zeros((100, 100, 5))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [42])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 40)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [np.zeros((90, 90, 90, 40))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [42])
Example #37
 def save_normal_map(cls, normal_map, path):
     imageio.save(path, normal_map)
Example #38
def test_reading_saving():
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/stent.swf', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + '.out.swf'
    fname3 = fname1[:-4] + '.compressed.swf'
    fname4 = fname1[:-4] + '.out2.swf'
    # Read
    R = imageio.read(fname1)
    assert len(R) == 10
    assert R.get_meta_data() == {}  # always empty dict
    ims1 = []
    for im in R:
        assert im.shape == (657, 451, 4)
        assert mean(im) > 0
    # Seek
    assert (R.get_data(3) == ims1[3]).all()
    # Fails
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)  # No negative index
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 10)  # Out of bounds
    # Test loop
    R = imageio.read(fname1, loop=True)
    assert (R.get_data(10) == ims1[0]).all()
    # setting meta data is ignored
    W = imageio.save(fname2)
    W.set_meta_data({'foo': 3})
    # Write and re-read, now without loop, and with html page
    imageio.mimsave(fname2, ims1, loop=False, html=True)
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2)
    # Check images. We can expect exact match, since
    # SWF is lossless.
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        assert (im1 == im2).all()

    # Test compressed
    imageio.mimsave(fname3, ims2, compress=True)
    ims3 = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims3)
    for im1, im3 in zip(ims1, ims3):
        assert (im1 == im3).all()
    # Test conventional, Bonus, we don't officially support this.
    _swf = imageio.plugins.swf.load_lib()
    _swf.write_swf(fname4, ims1)
    ims4 = _swf.read_swf(fname4)
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims4)
    for im1, im4 in zip(ims1, ims4):
        assert (im1 == im4).all()
    # We want to manually validate that this file plays in 3d party tools
    # So we write a small HTML5 doc that we can load
    html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
            <embed src="%s">
            <br ><br >
            <embed src="%s">
            <br ><br >
            <embed src="%s">
            <br ><br >
            Written 2:
            <embed src="%s">
            """ % (fname1, fname2, fname3, fname4)
    with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_swf.html'), 'wb') as f:
        for line in html.splitlines():
            f.write(line.strip().encode('utf-8') + b'\n')
Example #39
def test_animated_gif():

    # Read newton's cradle
    ims = imageio.mimread("imageio:newtonscradle.gif")
    assert len(ims) == 36
    for im in ims:
        assert im.shape == (150, 200, 4)
        assert im.min() > 0
        assert im.max() <= 255

    # Get images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims = []
    for i in range(10):
        im = im.copy()
        im[:, -5:, 0] = i * 20

    # Store - animated GIF always poops out RGB
    for isfloat in (False, True):
        for colors in (3, 4):
            ims1 = ims[:]
            if isfloat:
                ims1 = [x.astype(np.float32) / 256 for x in ims1]
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :colors] for x in ims1]
            fname = fnamebase + ".animated.%i.gif" % colors
            imageio.mimsave(fname, ims1, duration=0.2)
            # Retrieve
            print("fooo", fname, isfloat, colors)
            ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname)
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims]  # fresh ref
            ims2 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims2]  # discart alpha
            for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
                assert_close(im1, im2, 1.1)

    # We can also store grayscale
    fname = fnamebase + ".animated.%i.gif" % 1
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, :1] for x in ims], duration=0.2)

    # Irragular duration. You probably want to check this manually (I did)
    duration = [0.1 for i in ims]
    for i in [2, 5, 7]:
        duration[i] = 0.5
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".animated_irr.gif", ims, duration=duration)

    # Other parameters
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".animated.loop2.gif", ims, loop=2, fps=20)
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + ".animated.loop2.gif")
    W = imageio.save(fnamebase + ".animated.palettes100.gif", palettesize=100)
    assert W._writer.opt_palette_size == 128
    # Fail
    assert raises(IndexError, R.get_meta_data, -1)
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, palettesize=300)
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, quantizer="foo")
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, duration="foo")

    # Add one duplicate image to ims to touch subractangle with not change

    # Test subrectangles
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".subno.gif", ims, subrectangles=False)
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".subyes.gif", ims, subrectangles=True)
    s1 = os.stat(fnamebase + ".subno.gif").st_size
    s2 = os.stat(fnamebase + ".subyes.gif").st_size
    assert s2 < s1

    # Meta (dummy, because always {})
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    assert isinstance(imageio.read(fname).get_meta_data(), dict)
Example #40
def test_functions():
    """ Test the user-facing API functions """
    # Test help(), it prints stuff, so we just check whether that goes ok
    imageio.help()  # should print overview
    imageio.help('PNG')  # should print about PNG
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/chelsea.png', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-3] + 'jpg'
    fname3 = fname1[:-3] + 'notavalidext'
    open(fname3, 'wb')
    # Test read()
    R1 = imageio.read(fname1)
    R2 = imageio.read(fname1, 'png')
    assert R1.format is R2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.read, fname3)  # existing but not readable
    raises(IOError, imageio.read, 'notexisting.barf')
    raises(IndexError, imageio.read, fname1, 'notexistingformat')
    # Test save()
    W1 = imageio.save(fname2)
    W2 = imageio.save(fname2, 'JPG')
    assert W1.format is W2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.save, 'wtf.notexistingfile')
    # Test imread()
    im1 = imageio.imread(fname1)
    im2 = imageio.imread(fname1, 'png')
    assert im1.shape[2] == 3
    assert np.all(im1 == im2)
    # Test imsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname2):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname2)
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1[:, :, 0])
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname2)
    # Test mimread()
    fname3 = get_remote_file('images/newtonscradle.gif', test_dir)
    ims = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert isinstance(ims, list)
    assert len(ims) > 1
    assert ims[0].ndim == 3
    assert ims[0].shape[2] in (1, 3, 4)
    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(
    # Test mimsave()
    fname5 = fname3[:-4] + '2.npz'
    if os.path.isfile(fname5):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname5)
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, [im[:, :, 0] for im in ims])
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, ims)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname5)
    # Test volread()
    fname4 = get_remote_file('images/stent.npz', test_dir)
    vol = imageio.volread(fname4)
    assert vol.ndim == 3
    assert vol.shape[0] == 256
    assert vol.shape[1] == 128
    assert vol.shape[2] == 128
    # Test volsave()
    volc = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3), np.uint8)  # color volume
    fname6 = fname4[:-4] + '2.npz'
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, volc)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, vol)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)
    # Test mvolread()
    vols = imageio.mvolread(fname4)
    assert isinstance(vols, list)
    assert len(vols) == 1
    assert vols[0].shape == vol.shape
    # Test mvolsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, [volc, volc])
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, vols)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)
    # Fail for save functions
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, np.zeros((100, 100, 5)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [np.zeros((100, 100, 5))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [42])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname4, np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 40)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname4, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname4, [np.zeros((90, 90, 90, 40))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname4, [42])
Example #41
def test_animated_gif():

    if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
        skip('On OSX quantization of freeimage is unstable')

    # Get images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims = []
    for i in range(10):
        im = im.copy()
        im[:, -5:, 0] = i * 20

    # Store - animated GIF always poops out RGB
    for isfloat in (False, True):
        for colors in (3, 4):
            ims1 = ims[:]
            if isfloat:
                ims1 = [x.astype(np.float32) / 256 for x in ims1]
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :colors] for x in ims1]
            fname = fnamebase + '.animated.%i.gif' % colors
            imageio.mimsave(fname, ims1, duration=0.2)
            # Retrieve
            ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname)
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims]  # fresh ref
            ims2 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims2]  # discart alpha
            for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
                assert_close(im1, im2, 1.1)

    # We can also store grayscale
    fname = fnamebase + '.animated.%i.gif' % 1
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, :1] for x in ims], duration=0.2)

    # Irragular duration. You probably want to check this manually (I did)
    duration = [0.1 for i in ims]
    for i in [2, 5, 7]:
        duration[i] = 0.5
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.animated_irr.gif', ims, duration=duration)

    # Other parameters
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.animated.loop2.gif', ims, loop=2, fps=20)
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + '.animated.loop2.gif')
    W = imageio.save(fnamebase + '.animated.palettes100.gif', palettesize=100)
    assert W._palettesize == 128
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_meta_data, -1)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, palettesize=300)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, quantizer='foo')
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, duration='foo')

    # Add one duplicate image to ims to touch subractangle with not change

    # Test subrectangles
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.subno.gif', ims, subrectangles=False)
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + '.subyes.gif', ims, subrectangles=True)
    s1 = os.stat(fnamebase + '.subno.gif').st_size
    s2 = os.stat(fnamebase + '.subyes.gif').st_size
    assert s2 < s1

    # Meta (dummy, because always {}
    assert isinstance(imageio.read(fname).get_meta_data(), dict)
Example #42
def test_functions(test_images, tmp_path):
    """Test the user-facing API functions"""

    # Test help(), it prints stuff, so we just check whether that goes ok
    imageio.help()  # should print overview
    imageio.help("PNG")  # should print about PNG

    fname1 = test_images / "chelsea.png"
    fname2 = tmp_path / fname1.with_suffix(".jpg").name
    fname3 = tmp_path / fname1.with_suffix(".notavalidext").name
    open(fname3, "wb")

    # Test read()
    R1 = imageio.read(fname1)
    R2 = imageio.read(fname1, "png")

    # this tests if the highest priority png plugin and the highest
    # priority fallback plugin match.
    # Do we really what to enforce this?
    assert type(R1) is type(R2)

    raises(ValueError, imageio.read, fname3)  # existing but not readable
    raises(IndexError, imageio.read, fname1, "notexistingformat")

    # Note: This is actually a test of Requests. We should probably
    # migrate or remove it.
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.read, "notexisting.barf")

    # Test save()
    W1 = imageio.save(fname2)
    W2 = imageio.save(fname2, "JPG")
    assert type(W1) is type(W2)
    # Fail
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.save,

    # Test imread()
    im1 = imageio.imread(fname1)
    im2 = imageio.imread(fname1, "png")
    assert im1.shape[2] == 3
    assert np.all(im1 == im2)

    # Test imsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname2):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname2)
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1[:, :, 0])
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname2)

    # Test mimread()
    fname3 = test_images / "newtonscradle.gif"
    ims = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert isinstance(ims, list)
    assert len(ims) > 1
    assert ims[0].ndim == 3
    assert ims[0].shape[2] in (1, 3, 4)
    # Test protection
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        imageio.mimread(test_images / "chelsea.png", "dummy", length=np.inf)

    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(

    # Test mimsave()
    fname5 = str(fname3.with_suffix(""))
    fname5 += "2.npz"
    if os.path.isfile(fname5):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname5)
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, [im[:, :, 0] for im in ims])
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, ims)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname5)

    # Test volread()
    fname4 = test_images / "stent.npz"
    vol = imageio.volread(fname4)
    assert vol.ndim == 3
    assert vol.shape[0] == 256
    assert vol.shape[1] == 128
    assert vol.shape[2] == 128

    # Test volsave()
    volc = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3), np.uint8)  # color volume
    fname6 = tmp_path / "stent2.npz"
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, volc)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, vol)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Test mvolread()
    vols = imageio.mvolread(fname4)
    assert isinstance(vols, list)
    assert len(vols) == 1
    assert vols[0].shape == vol.shape

    # Test mvolsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, [volc, volc])
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, vols)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Fail for save functions
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, np.zeros((100, 100, 5)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [np.zeros((100, 100, 5))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [42])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 40)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [np.zeros((90, 90, 90, 40))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [42])
Example #43
def save_tensor_as_color_img(img_tensor, filename):
    np_array = img_tensor.cpu().detach().numpy()
    imageio.save(filename, np_array)
Example #44
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saving tiff """
    need_internet()  # We keep a test image in the imageio-binary repo
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff.tiff')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1
    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()  # note: this does not imply that the shape match!
    assert len(ims) == 3
    for i in range(3):
        assert ims[i].shape == im2.shape
        assert (ims[i] == im2).all()

    # Read all planes as one array - we call it a volume for clarity
    vol = imageio.volread(filename1)
    vols = imageio.mvolread(filename1)
    assert vol.shape == (3, ) + im2.shape
    assert len(vols) == 1 and vol.shape == vols[0].shape
    for i in range(3):
        assert (vol[i] == im2).all()
    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file('images/multipage_rgb.tif')
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({'planarconfig': 'SEPARATE'})  # was "planar"
    assert W.format.name == 'TIFF'
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == 'TIFF'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    # meta = R.get_meta_data()
    # assert meta['orientation'] == 'top_left'  # not there in later version
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    im1 = imageio.imread(filename1)
    imageio.imwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.imread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 3
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()
    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip - volume like
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    im1 = imageio.volread(filename1)
    imageio.volwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.volread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 4
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()

    # Read metadata
    md = imageio.get_reader(filename2).get_meta_data()
    assert md['is_imagej'] is None
    assert md['description'] == 'shape=(2,3,10,10)'
    assert md['description1'] == ''
    assert md['datetime'] == datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 9, 9, 8, 29)
    assert md['software'] == 'tifffile.py'

    # Write metadata
    dt = datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 6, 15, 35, 5)
    w = imageio.get_writer(filename1, software='testsoftware')
    w.append_data(np.zeros((10, 10)), meta={'description': 'test desc',
                                            'datetime': dt})
    r = imageio.get_reader(filename1)
    md = r.get_meta_data()
    assert 'datetime' in md
    assert md['datetime'] == dt
    assert 'software' in md
    assert md['software'] == 'testsoftware'
    assert 'description' in md
    assert md['description'] == 'test desc'
Example #45
def test_read_and_write():

    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4"), "ffmpeg")
    assert R.format is imageio.formats["ffmpeg"]

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.mp4"

    frame1, frame2, frame3 = 41, 131, 227

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, "ffmpeg") as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
            assert (im.sum() / im.size) > 0  # pypy mean is broken
        assert im.sum() > 0

        # Seek to reference frames in steps. OUR code will skip steps
        im11 = R.get_data(frame1)
        im12 = R.get_data(frame2)
        im13 = R.get_data(frame3)

        # Now go backwards, seek will kick in
        im23 = R.get_data(frame3)
        im22 = R.get_data(frame2)
        im21 = R.get_data(frame1)

        # Also use set_image_index
        im32 = R.get_next_data()
        im33 = R.get_next_data()
        im31 = R.get_next_data()

        for im in (im11, im12, im13, im21, im22, im23, im31, im32, im33):
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

        assert (im11 == im21).all() and (im11 == im31).all()
        assert (im12 == im22).all() and (im12 == im32).all()
        assert (im13 == im23).all() and (im13 == im33).all()

        assert not (im11 == im12).all()
        assert not (im11 == im13).all()

    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg") as W:
        for im in ims1:

    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, "ffmpeg")
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)
    for im in ims2:
        assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #46
def test_read_and_write():

    R = imageio.read(get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4"), "ffmpeg")
    assert R.format is imageio.formats["ffmpeg"]

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/cockatoo.mp4", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-4] + ".out.mp4"

    frame1, frame2, frame3 = 41, 131, 227

    # Read
    ims1 = []
    with imageio.read(fname1, "ffmpeg") as R:
        for i in range(10):
            im = R.get_next_data()
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
            assert (im.sum() / im.size) > 0  # pypy mean is broken
        assert im.sum() > 0

        # Seek to reference frames in steps. OUR code will skip steps
        im11 = R.get_data(frame1)
        im12 = R.get_data(frame2)
        im13 = R.get_data(frame3)

        # Now go backwards, seek will kick in
        im23 = R.get_data(frame3)
        im22 = R.get_data(frame2)
        im21 = R.get_data(frame1)

        # Also use set_image_index
        im32 = R.get_next_data()
        im33 = R.get_next_data()
        im31 = R.get_next_data()

        for im in (im11, im12, im13, im21, im22, im23, im31, im32, im33):
            assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

        assert (im11 == im21).all() and (im11 == im31).all()
        assert (im12 == im22).all() and (im12 == im32).all()
        assert (im13 == im23).all() and (im13 == im33).all()

        assert not (im11 == im12).all()
        assert not (im11 == im13).all()

    # Save
    with imageio.save(fname2, "ffmpeg") as W:
        for im in ims1:

    # Read the result
    ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname2, "ffmpeg")
    assert len(ims1) == len(ims2)
    for im in ims2:
        assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)

    # Check
    for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
        diff = np.abs(im1.astype(np.float32) - im2.astype(np.float32))
        if IS_PYPY:
            assert (diff.sum() / diff.size) < 100
            assert diff.mean() < 2.5
Example #47
def test_animated_gif():

    # Read newton's cradle
    ims = imageio.mimread("imageio:newtonscradle.gif")
    assert len(ims) == 36
    for im in ims:
        assert im.shape == (150, 200, 4)
        assert im.min() > 0
        assert im.max() <= 255

    # Get images
    im = get_ref_im(4, 0, 0)
    ims = []
    for i in range(10):
        im = im.copy()
        im[:, -5:, 0] = i * 20

    # Store - animated GIF always poops out RGB
    for isfloat in (False, True):
        for colors in (3, 4):
            ims1 = ims[:]
            if isfloat:
                ims1 = [x.astype(np.float32) / 256 for x in ims1]
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :colors] for x in ims1]
            fname = fnamebase + ".animated.%i.gif" % colors
            imageio.mimsave(fname, ims1, duration=0.2)
            # Retrieve
            print("fooo", fname, isfloat, colors)
            ims2 = imageio.mimread(fname)
            ims1 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims]  # fresh ref
            ims2 = [x[:, :, :3] for x in ims2]  # discart alpha
            for im1, im2 in zip(ims1, ims2):
                assert_close(im1, im2, 1.1)

    # We can also store grayscale
    fname = fnamebase + ".animated.%i.gif" % 1
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, :1] for x in ims], duration=0.2)

    # Irragular duration. You probably want to check this manually (I did)
    duration = [0.1 for i in ims]
    for i in [2, 5, 7]:
        duration[i] = 0.5
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".animated_irr.gif", ims, duration=duration)

    # Other parameters
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".animated.loop2.gif", ims, loop=2, fps=20)
    R = imageio.read(fnamebase + ".animated.loop2.gif")
    W = imageio.save(fnamebase + ".animated.palettes100.gif", palettesize=100)
    assert W._writer.opt_palette_size == 128
    # Fail
    assert raises(IndexError, R.get_meta_data, -1)
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, palettesize=300)
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, quantizer="foo")
    assert raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname, ims, duration="foo")

    # Add one duplicate image to ims to touch subractangle with not change

    # Test subrectangles
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".subno.gif", ims, subrectangles=False)
    imageio.mimsave(fnamebase + ".subyes.gif", ims, subrectangles=True)
    s1 = os.stat(fnamebase + ".subno.gif").st_size
    s2 = os.stat(fnamebase + ".subyes.gif").st_size
    assert s2 < s1

    # Meta (dummy, because always {})
    imageio.mimsave(fname, [x[:, :, 0] for x in ims], duration=0.2)
    assert isinstance(imageio.read(fname).get_meta_data(), dict)
Example #48
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saving tiff """
    need_internet()  # We keep a test image in the imageio-binary repo
    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff.tiff')

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1
    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()  # note: this does not imply that the shape match!
    assert len(ims) == 3
    for i in range(3):
        assert ims[i].shape == im2.shape
        assert (ims[i] == im2).all()

    # Read all planes as one array - we call it a volume for clarity
    vol = imageio.volread(filename1)
    vols = imageio.mvolread(filename1)
    assert vol.shape == (3, ) + im2.shape
    assert len(vols) == 1 and vol.shape == vols[0].shape
    for i in range(3):
        assert (vol[i] == im2).all()
    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file('images/multipage_rgb.tif')
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({'planarconfig': 'SEPARATE'})  # was "planar"
    assert W.format.name == 'TIFF'
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == 'TIFF'
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    # meta = R.get_meta_data()
    # assert meta['orientation'] == 'top_left'  # not there in later version
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)
    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    im1 = imageio.imread(filename1)
    imageio.imwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.imread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 3
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()
    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip - volume like
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_tiff2.tiff')
    im1 = imageio.volread(filename1)
    imageio.volwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.volread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 4
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()
Example #49
def test_functions():
    """ Test the user-facing API functions """

    # Test help(), it prints stuff, so we just check whether that goes ok
    imageio.help()  # should print overview
    imageio.help("PNG")  # should print about PNG

    fname1 = get_remote_file("images/chelsea.png", test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-3] + "jpg"
    fname3 = fname1[:-3] + "notavalidext"
    open(fname3, "wb")

    # Test read()
    R1 = imageio.read(fname1)
    R2 = imageio.read(fname1, "png")
    assert R1.format is R2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.read, fname3)  # existing but not readable
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.read, "notexisting.barf")
    raises(IndexError, imageio.read, fname1, "notexistingformat")

    # Test save()
    W1 = imageio.save(fname2)
    W2 = imageio.save(fname2, "JPG")
    assert W1.format is W2.format
    # Fail
    raises(FileNotFoundError, imageio.save,

    # Test imread()
    im1 = imageio.imread(fname1)
    im2 = imageio.imread(fname1, "png")
    assert im1.shape[2] == 3
    assert np.all(im1 == im2)

    # Test imsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname2):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname2)
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1[:, :, 0])
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname2)

    # Test mimread()
    fname3 = get_remote_file("images/newtonscradle.gif", test_dir)
    ims = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert isinstance(ims, list)
    assert len(ims) > 1
    assert ims[0].ndim == 3
    assert ims[0].shape[2] in (1, 3, 4)
    # Test protection
    with raises(RuntimeError):
        imageio.mimread("imageio:chelsea.png", "dummy", length=np.inf)

    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(

    # Test mimsave()
    fname5 = fname3[:-4] + "2.npz"
    if os.path.isfile(fname5):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname5)
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, [im[:, :, 0] for im in ims])
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, ims)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname5)

    # Test volread()
    fname4 = get_remote_file("images/stent.npz", test_dir)
    vol = imageio.volread(fname4)
    assert vol.ndim == 3
    assert vol.shape[0] == 256
    assert vol.shape[1] == 128
    assert vol.shape[2] == 128

    # Test volsave()
    volc = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3), np.uint8)  # color volume
    fname6 = os.path.join(test_dir, "images", "stent2.npz")
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, volc)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, vol)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Test mvolread()
    vols = imageio.mvolread(fname4)
    assert isinstance(vols, list)
    assert len(vols) == 1
    assert vols[0].shape == vol.shape

    # Test mvolsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, [volc, volc])
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, vols)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)

    # Fail for save functions
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, np.zeros((100, 100, 5)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [np.zeros((100, 100, 5))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [42])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 40)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname6, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [np.zeros((90, 90, 90, 40))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname6, [42])
Example #50
            for s in range(SAMPLES):
                for imgs, view in [(imgs_birds_eye, 'view0'),
                                   (imgs_kinect, 'view1'),
                                   (imgs_bottom, 'view2')]:
                    first_fr = [imgs[0]]
                    last_fr = [imgs[-1]]
                    samps = sorted(random.sample(range(1, IN_T), k=OUT_T - 2))
                    img_out = first_fr + [imgs[i] for i in samps] + last_fr

                    gif_out = gif_out_dir + 'cond' + str(cntr) + '.samp' + str(
                        s) + '.' + view + '.gif'
                    print 'Outputing', len(img_out), 'images to', gif_out

                    writer = imageio.save(gif_out,
                                          duration=(IN_T / 20.) / OUT_T,
                    i = 0
                    for frame in img_out:
                        i += 1
                    print 'Wrote', i, 'frames for', view

                samps = [0] + samps + [IN_T - 1]
                # print 'Outputting', len(samps), 'samples'
                demoX[s, cntr, :, :7] = traj_angles[samps, :]
                demoX[s, cntr, :, 7:] = traj_eep[samps, :]
                demoU[s, cntr, :, :7] = traj_vels[samps, :]
                demoU[s, cntr, :, 7:] = traj_eep_vel[samps, :]

            cntr += 1
Example #51
def test_tifffile_reading_writing():
    """ Test reading and saving tiff """

    need_internet()  # We keep a test image in the imageio-binary repo

    im2 = np.ones((10, 10, 3), np.uint8) * 2

    filename1 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test_tiff.tiff")

    # One image
    imageio.imsave(filename1, im2)
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()
    assert len(ims) == 1

    # Multiple images
    imageio.mimsave(filename1, [im2, im2, im2])
    im = imageio.imread(filename1)
    ims = imageio.mimread(filename1)
    assert im.shape == im2.shape
    assert (im == im2).all()  # note: this does not imply that the shape match!
    assert len(ims) == 3
    for i in range(3):
        assert ims[i].shape == im2.shape
        assert (ims[i] == im2).all()

    # Read all planes as one array - we call it a volume for clarity
    vol = imageio.volread(filename1)
    vols = imageio.mvolread(filename1)
    assert vol.shape == (3, ) + im2.shape
    assert len(vols) == 1 and vol.shape == vols[0].shape
    for i in range(3):
        assert (vol[i] == im2).all()

    # remote multipage rgb file
    filename2 = get_remote_file("images/multipage_rgb.tif")
    img = imageio.mimread(filename2)
    assert len(img) == 2
    assert img[0].shape == (3, 10, 10)

    # Mixed
    W = imageio.save(filename1)
    W.set_meta_data({"planarconfig": "SEPARATE"})  # was "planar"
    assert W.format.name == "TIFF"
    R = imageio.read(filename1)
    assert R.format.name == "TIFF"
    ims = list(R)  # == [im for im in R]
    assert (ims[0] == im2).all()
    # meta = R.get_meta_data()
    # assert meta['orientation'] == 'top_left'  # not there in later version
    # Fail
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, -1)
    raises(IndexError, R.get_data, 3)

    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test_tiff2.tiff")
    im1 = imageio.imread(filename1)
    imageio.imwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.imread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 3
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()

    # Ensure imread + imwrite works round trip - volume like
    filename3 = os.path.join(test_dir, "test_tiff2.tiff")
    im1 = imageio.volread(filename1)
    imageio.volwrite(filename3, im1)
    im3 = imageio.volread(filename3)
    assert im1.ndim == 4
    assert im1.shape == im3.shape
    assert (im1 == im3).all()

    # Read metadata
    md = imageio.get_reader(filename2).get_meta_data()
    assert md["is_imagej"] is None
    assert md["description"] == "shape=(2,3,10,10)"
    assert md["description1"] == ""
    assert md["datetime"] == datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 9, 9, 8, 29)
    assert md["software"] == "tifffile.py"

    # Write metadata
    dt = datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 6, 15, 35, 5)
    with imageio.get_writer(filename1, software="testsoftware") as w:
        w.append_data(np.zeros((10, 10)),
                          "description": "test desc",
                          "datetime": dt
        w.append_data(np.zeros((10, 10)), meta={"description": "another desc"})
    with imageio.get_reader(filename1) as r:
        for md in r.get_meta_data(), r.get_meta_data(0):
            assert "datetime" in md
            assert md["datetime"] == dt
            assert "software" in md
            assert md["software"] == "testsoftware"
            assert "description" in md
            assert md["description"] == "test desc"

        md = r.get_meta_data(1)
        assert "description" in md
        assert md["description"] == "another desc"
Example #52
def test_functions():
    """ Test the user-facing API functions """
    # Test help(), it prints stuff, so we just check whether that goes ok
    imageio.help()  # should print overview
    imageio.help('PNG')  # should print about PNG
    fname1 = get_remote_file('images/chelsea.png', test_dir)
    fname2 = fname1[:-3] + 'jpg'
    fname3 = fname1[:-3] + 'notavalidext'
    open(fname3, 'wb')
    # Test read()
    R1 = imageio.read(fname1)
    R2 = imageio.read(fname1, 'png')
    assert R1.format is R2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.read, fname3)  # existing but not readable
    raises(IOError, imageio.read, 'notexisting.barf')
    raises(IndexError, imageio.read, fname1, 'notexistingformat')
    # Test save()
    W1 = imageio.save(fname2)
    W2 = imageio.save(fname2, 'JPG')
    assert W1.format is W2.format
    # Fail
    raises(ValueError, imageio.save, 'wtf.notexistingfile')
    # Test imread()
    im1 = imageio.imread(fname1)
    im2 = imageio.imread(fname1, 'png')
    assert im1.shape[2] == 3
    assert np.all(im1 == im2)
    # Test imsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname2):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname2)
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1[:, :, 0])
    imageio.imsave(fname2, im1)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname2)
    # Test mimread()
    fname3 = get_remote_file('images/newtonscradle.gif', test_dir)
    ims = imageio.mimread(fname3)
    assert isinstance(ims, list)
    assert len(ims) > 1
    assert ims[0].ndim == 3
    assert ims[0].shape[2] in (1, 3, 4)
    if IS_PYPY:
        return  # no support for npz format :(
    # Test mimsave()
    fname5 = fname3[:-4] + '2.npz'
    if os.path.isfile(fname5):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname5)
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, [im[:, :, 0] for im in ims])
    imageio.mimsave(fname5, ims)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname5)
    # Test volread()
    fname4 = get_remote_file('images/stent.npz', test_dir)
    vol = imageio.volread(fname4)
    assert vol.ndim == 3
    assert vol.shape[0] == 256
    assert vol.shape[1] == 128
    assert vol.shape[2] == 128
    # Test volsave()
    volc = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 3), np.uint8)  # color volume
    fname6 = fname4[:-4] + '2.npz'
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, volc)
    imageio.volsave(fname6, vol)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)
    # Test mvolread()
    vols = imageio.mvolread(fname4)
    assert isinstance(vols, list)
    assert len(vols) == 1
    assert vols[0].shape == vol.shape
    # Test mvolsave()
    if os.path.isfile(fname6):
    assert not os.path.isfile(fname6)
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, [volc, volc])
    imageio.mvolsave(fname6, vols)
    assert os.path.isfile(fname6)
    # Fail for save functions
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, np.zeros((100, 100, 5)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.imsave, fname2, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [np.zeros((100, 100, 5))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mimsave, fname5, [42])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname4, np.zeros((100, 100, 100, 40)))
    raises(ValueError, imageio.volsave, fname4, 42)
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname4, [np.zeros((90, 90, 90, 40))])
    raises(ValueError, imageio.mvolsave, fname4, [42])