Example #1
def test_endless_iter():
    x = range(2)
    it = util.endless_iter(x)
    assert next(it) == 0
    assert next(it) == 1
    assert next(it) == 0
Example #2
    def __init__(
        venv: vec_env.VecEnv,
        gen_algo: on_policy_algorithm.OnPolicyAlgorithm,
        discrim: discrim_nets.DiscrimNet,
        expert_data: Union[Iterable[Mapping], types.Transitions],
        expert_batch_size: int,
        n_disc_updates_per_round: int = 2,
        log_dir: str = "output/",
        normalize_obs: bool = True,
        normalize_reward: bool = True,
        disc_opt_cls: Type[th.optim.Optimizer] = th.optim.Adam,
        disc_opt_kwargs: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        gen_replay_buffer_capacity: Optional[int] = None,
        init_tensorboard: bool = False,
        init_tensorboard_graph: bool = False,
        debug_use_ground_truth: bool = False,
        """Builds AdversarialTrainer.

            venv: The vectorized environment to train in.
            gen_algo: The generator RL algorithm that is trained to maximize
                discriminator confusion. The generator batch size
                `self.gen_batch_size` is inferred from `gen_algo.n_steps`.
            discrim: The discriminator network. This will be moved to the same
                device as `gen_algo`.
            expert_data: Either a `torch.utils.data.DataLoader`-like object or an
                instance of `Transitions` which is automatically converted into a
                shuffled version of the former type.

                If the argument passed is a `DataLoader`, then it must yield batches of
                expert data via its `__iter__` method. Each batch is a dictionary whose
                keys "obs", "acts", "next_obs", and "dones", correspond to Tensor or
                NumPy array values each with batch dimension equal to
                `expert_batch_size`. If any batch dimension doesn't equal
                `expert_batch_size` then a `ValueError` is raised.

                If the argument is a `Transitions` instance, then `len(expert_data)`
                must be at least `expert_batch_size`.
            expert_batch_size: The number of samples in each batch yielded from
                the expert data loader. The discriminator batch size is twice this
                number because each discriminator batch contains a generator sample for
                every expert sample.
            n_discrim_updates_per_round: The number of discriminator updates after each
                round of generator updates in AdversarialTrainer.learn().
            log_dir: Directory to store TensorBoard logs, plots, etc. in.
            normalize_obs: Whether to normalize observations with `VecNormalize`.
            normalize_reward: Whether to normalize rewards with `VecNormalize`.
            disc_opt_cls: The optimizer for discriminator training.
            disc_opt_kwargs: Parameters for discriminator training.
            gen_replay_buffer_capacity: The capacity of the
                generator replay buffer (the number of obs-action-obs samples from
                the generator that can be stored).

                By default this is equal to `self.gen_batch_size`, meaning that we
                sample only from the most recent batch of generator samples.
            init_tensorboard: If True, makes various discriminator
                TensorBoard summaries.
            init_tensorboard_graph: If both this and `init_tensorboard` are True,
                then write a Tensorboard graph summary to disk.
            debug_use_ground_truth: If True, use the ground truth reward for
                This disables the reward wrapping that would normally replace
                the environment reward with the learned reward. This is useful for
                sanity checking that the policy training is functional.

        assert (
        ), "Requires call to imitation.util.logger.configure"
        self._global_step = 0
        self._disc_step = 0
        self.n_disc_updates_per_round = n_disc_updates_per_round

        if expert_batch_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f"expert_batch_size={expert_batch_size} must be positive.")

        self.expert_batch_size = expert_batch_size
        if isinstance(expert_data, types.Transitions):
            if len(expert_data) < expert_batch_size:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Provided Transitions instance as `expert_data` argument but "
                    "len(expert_data) < expert_batch_size. "
                    f"({len(expert_data)} < {expert_batch_size})."

            self.expert_data_loader = th_data.DataLoader(
            self.expert_data_loader = expert_data
        self._endless_expert_iterator = util.endless_iter(self.expert_data_loader)

        self.debug_use_ground_truth = debug_use_ground_truth
        self.venv = venv
        self.gen_algo = gen_algo
        self._log_dir = log_dir

        # Create graph for optimising/recording stats on discriminator
        self.discrim = discrim.to(self.gen_algo.device)
        self._disc_opt_cls = disc_opt_cls
        self._disc_opt_kwargs = disc_opt_kwargs or {}
        self._init_tensorboard = init_tensorboard
        self._init_tensorboard_graph = init_tensorboard_graph
        self._disc_opt = self._disc_opt_cls(
            self.discrim.parameters(), **self._disc_opt_kwargs

        if self._init_tensorboard:
            logging.info("building summary directory at " + self._log_dir)
            summary_dir = os.path.join(self._log_dir, "summary")
            os.makedirs(summary_dir, exist_ok=True)
            self._summary_writer = thboard.SummaryWriter(summary_dir)

        self.venv_buffering = wrappers.BufferingWrapper(self.venv)
        self.venv_norm_obs = vec_env.VecNormalize(

        if debug_use_ground_truth:
            # Would use an identity reward fn here, but RewardFns can't see rewards.
            self.venv_wrapped = self.venv_norm_obs
            self.gen_callback = None
            self.venv_wrapped = reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper(
                self.venv_norm_obs, self.discrim.predict_reward_train
            self.gen_callback = self.venv_wrapped.make_log_callback()
        self.venv_train = vec_env.VecNormalize(
            self.venv_wrapped, norm_obs=False, norm_reward=normalize_reward


        if gen_replay_buffer_capacity is None:
            gen_replay_buffer_capacity = self.gen_batch_size
        self._gen_replay_buffer = buffer.ReplayBuffer(
            gen_replay_buffer_capacity, self.venv
Example #3
def test_endless_iter_error():
    x = []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="no elements"):