def test_endless_iter(): x = range(2) it = util.endless_iter(x) assert next(it) == 0 assert next(it) == 1 assert next(it) == 0
def __init__( self, venv: vec_env.VecEnv, gen_algo: on_policy_algorithm.OnPolicyAlgorithm, discrim: discrim_nets.DiscrimNet, expert_data: Union[Iterable[Mapping], types.Transitions], expert_batch_size: int, n_disc_updates_per_round: int = 2, *, log_dir: str = "output/", normalize_obs: bool = True, normalize_reward: bool = True, disc_opt_cls: Type[th.optim.Optimizer] = th.optim.Adam, disc_opt_kwargs: Optional[Mapping] = None, gen_replay_buffer_capacity: Optional[int] = None, init_tensorboard: bool = False, init_tensorboard_graph: bool = False, debug_use_ground_truth: bool = False, ): """Builds AdversarialTrainer. Args: venv: The vectorized environment to train in. gen_algo: The generator RL algorithm that is trained to maximize discriminator confusion. The generator batch size `self.gen_batch_size` is inferred from `gen_algo.n_steps`. discrim: The discriminator network. This will be moved to the same device as `gen_algo`. expert_data: Either a ``-like object or an instance of `Transitions` which is automatically converted into a shuffled version of the former type. If the argument passed is a `DataLoader`, then it must yield batches of expert data via its `__iter__` method. Each batch is a dictionary whose keys "obs", "acts", "next_obs", and "dones", correspond to Tensor or NumPy array values each with batch dimension equal to `expert_batch_size`. If any batch dimension doesn't equal `expert_batch_size` then a `ValueError` is raised. If the argument is a `Transitions` instance, then `len(expert_data)` must be at least `expert_batch_size`. expert_batch_size: The number of samples in each batch yielded from the expert data loader. The discriminator batch size is twice this number because each discriminator batch contains a generator sample for every expert sample. n_discrim_updates_per_round: The number of discriminator updates after each round of generator updates in AdversarialTrainer.learn(). log_dir: Directory to store TensorBoard logs, plots, etc. in. normalize_obs: Whether to normalize observations with `VecNormalize`. normalize_reward: Whether to normalize rewards with `VecNormalize`. disc_opt_cls: The optimizer for discriminator training. disc_opt_kwargs: Parameters for discriminator training. gen_replay_buffer_capacity: The capacity of the generator replay buffer (the number of obs-action-obs samples from the generator that can be stored). By default this is equal to `self.gen_batch_size`, meaning that we sample only from the most recent batch of generator samples. init_tensorboard: If True, makes various discriminator TensorBoard summaries. init_tensorboard_graph: If both this and `init_tensorboard` are True, then write a Tensorboard graph summary to disk. debug_use_ground_truth: If True, use the ground truth reward for `self.train_env`. This disables the reward wrapping that would normally replace the environment reward with the learned reward. This is useful for sanity checking that the policy training is functional. """ assert ( logger.is_configured() ), "Requires call to imitation.util.logger.configure" self._global_step = 0 self._disc_step = 0 self.n_disc_updates_per_round = n_disc_updates_per_round if expert_batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError(f"expert_batch_size={expert_batch_size} must be positive.") self.expert_batch_size = expert_batch_size if isinstance(expert_data, types.Transitions): if len(expert_data) < expert_batch_size: raise ValueError( "Provided Transitions instance as `expert_data` argument but " "len(expert_data) < expert_batch_size. " f"({len(expert_data)} < {expert_batch_size})." ) self.expert_data_loader = th_data.DataLoader( expert_data, batch_size=expert_batch_size, collate_fn=types.transitions_collate_fn, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, ) else: self.expert_data_loader = expert_data self._endless_expert_iterator = util.endless_iter(self.expert_data_loader) self.debug_use_ground_truth = debug_use_ground_truth self.venv = venv self.gen_algo = gen_algo self._log_dir = log_dir # Create graph for optimising/recording stats on discriminator self.discrim = self._disc_opt_cls = disc_opt_cls self._disc_opt_kwargs = disc_opt_kwargs or {} self._init_tensorboard = init_tensorboard self._init_tensorboard_graph = init_tensorboard_graph self._disc_opt = self._disc_opt_cls( self.discrim.parameters(), **self._disc_opt_kwargs ) if self._init_tensorboard:"building summary directory at " + self._log_dir) summary_dir = os.path.join(self._log_dir, "summary") os.makedirs(summary_dir, exist_ok=True) self._summary_writer = thboard.SummaryWriter(summary_dir) self.venv_buffering = wrappers.BufferingWrapper(self.venv) self.venv_norm_obs = vec_env.VecNormalize( self.venv_buffering, norm_reward=False, norm_obs=normalize_obs, ) if debug_use_ground_truth: # Would use an identity reward fn here, but RewardFns can't see rewards. self.venv_wrapped = self.venv_norm_obs self.gen_callback = None else: self.venv_wrapped = reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper( self.venv_norm_obs, self.discrim.predict_reward_train ) self.gen_callback = self.venv_wrapped.make_log_callback() self.venv_train = vec_env.VecNormalize( self.venv_wrapped, norm_obs=False, norm_reward=normalize_reward ) self.gen_algo.set_env(self.venv_train) if gen_replay_buffer_capacity is None: gen_replay_buffer_capacity = self.gen_batch_size self._gen_replay_buffer = buffer.ReplayBuffer( gen_replay_buffer_capacity, self.venv )
def test_endless_iter_error(): x = [] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="no elements"): util.endless_iter(x)