test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs(*character_gear_buffs)

test_stats = stats.Stats(test_mh, test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs, **lst)

# Initialize talents..
if charInfo['talents'] == None:
    charInfo['talents'] = character_data.get_talents()
test_talents = talents.Talents(charInfo['talents'], test_class, test_level)

# Set up glyphs.
glyph_list = character_data.get_glyphs()
test_glyphs = glyphs.Glyphs(test_class, *glyph_list)

# Set up settings.
if character_data.get_mh_type() == 'dagger':
    print "\nALERT: Dagger found. Playing combat with a dagger should be a last resort, and is not recommended. \n\n"
test_cycle = settings.CombatCycle(use_rupture=True, ksp_immediately=True, revealing_strike_pooling=True, blade_flurry=charInfo['blade_flurry'])
test_settings = settings.Settings(test_cycle, response_time=.5, duration=360, dmg_poison='dp', utl_poison='lp', is_pvp=charInfo['pvp'],
                                  stormlash=charInfo['stormlash'], shiv_interval=charInfo['shiv'])

# Build a DPS object.
calculator = AldrianasRogueDamageCalculator(test_stats, test_talents, test_glyphs, test_buffs, test_race, test_settings, test_level)

# Compute EP values.
ep_values = calculator.get_ep()

# Compute DPS Breakdown.
dps_breakdown = calculator.get_dps_breakdown()
total_dps = sum(entry[1] for entry in dps_breakdown.items())
talent_ranks = calculator.get_talents_ranking()
test_stats = stats.Stats(test_mh, test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs, **lst)

# Initialize talents..
if charInfo['talents'] == None:
    charInfo['talents'] = character_data.get_talents()
test_talents = talents.Talents(charInfo['talents'], test_class, test_level)

# Set up glyphs.
glyph_list = character_data.get_glyphs()
test_glyphs = glyphs.Glyphs(test_class, *glyph_list)

# Set up settings.
raid_crits_per_second = 5
hemo_interval = 24  #'always', 'never', 24, 25, 26...
if not character_data.get_mh_type(
) == 'dagger' and not test_talents.shuriken_toss:
    if not hemo_interval == 'always':
        print "\nALERT: Viable dagger cycle not found, forced rotation to strictly Hemo \n"
    hemo_interval = 'always'
test_cycle = settings.SubtletyCycle(raid_crits_per_second,
test_settings = settings.Settings(test_cycle,

# Build a DPS object.
                         lst['haste'], lst['mastery'], test_mh, test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs,
                         pvp_power=lst['pvp_power'], pvp_resil=lst['pvp_resil'], pvp_target_armor=None)

# Initialize talents..
if charInfo['talents'] == None:
    charInfo['talents'] = character_data.get_talents()
test_talents = talents.Talents(charInfo['talents'], test_class, test_level)

# Set up glyphs.
glyph_list = character_data.get_glyphs()
test_glyphs = glyphs.Glyphs(test_class, *glyph_list)

# Set up settings.
raid_crits_per_second = 5
hemo_interval = 24 #'always', 'never', 24, 25, 26...
if not character_data.get_mh_type() == 'dagger' and not test_talents.shuriken_toss:
    if not hemo_interval == 'always':
        print "\nALERT: Viable dagger cycle not found, forced rotation to strictly Hemo \n"
    hemo_interval = 'always'
test_cycle = settings.SubtletyCycle(raid_crits_per_second, use_hemorrhage=hemo_interval)
test_settings = settings.Settings(test_cycle, response_time=.5, duration=360, dmg_poison='dp', utl_poison='lp', is_pvp=charInfo['pvp'],
                                  stormlash=charInfo['stormlash'], shiv_interval=charInfo['shiv'])

# Build a DPS object.
calculator = AldrianasRogueDamageCalculator(test_stats, test_talents, test_glyphs, test_buffs, test_race, test_settings, test_level)

# Compute EP values.
ep_values = calculator.get_ep()

# Compute DPS Breakdown.
dps_breakdown = calculator.get_dps_breakdown()
Example #4
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs(*character_gear_buffs)

test_stats = stats.Stats(test_mh, test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs, **lst)

# Initialize talents..
if charInfo['talents'] == None:
    charInfo['talents'] = character_data.get_talents()
test_talents = talents.Talents(charInfo['talents'], test_class, test_level)

# Set up glyphs.
glyph_list = character_data.get_glyphs()
test_glyphs = glyphs.Glyphs(test_class, *glyph_list)

# Set up settings.
if character_data.get_mh_type() == 'dagger':
    print "\nALERT: Dagger found. Playing combat with a dagger should be a last resort, and is not recommended. \n"
test_cycle = settings.CombatCycle(use_rupture=True, ksp_immediately=True, revealing_strike_pooling=True, blade_flurry=False)
test_settings = settings.Settings(test_cycle, response_time=.5, duration=360, dmg_poison='dp', utl_poison='lp', is_pvp=charInfo['pvp'],
                                  stormlash=charInfo['stormlash'], shiv_interval=charInfo['shiv'])

# Build a DPS object.
calculator = AldrianasRogueDamageCalculator(test_stats, test_talents, test_glyphs, test_buffs, test_race, test_settings, test_level)

# Compute EP values.
ep_values = calculator.get_ep()

# Compute DPS Breakdown.
dps_breakdown = calculator.get_dps_breakdown()
total_dps = sum(entry[1] for entry in dps_breakdown.items())
talent_ranks = calculator.get_talents_ranking()