Example #1
class PartitionCreator:
    Class to create nrfconnect partition containing FactoryData

    :param offset: This is a partition offset where data will be stored in device's flash memory
    :param length: This is a maximum partition size
    :param input: This is a path to input JSON file
    :param output: This is a path to output directory

    def __init__(self, offset: int, length: int, input: str,
                 output: str) -> None:
        self._ih = IntelHex()
        self._length = length
        self._offset = offset
        self._data_ready = False
        self._output = output
        self._input = input
            self.__data_to_save = self._convert_to_dict(self._load_json())
        except IOError:

    def generate_cbor(self):
        Generates .cbor file using cbor2 library.
        It generate a CBORTag 55799 which is user-specific tag

        if self.__data_to_save:
            # prepare raw data from Json
            cbor_data = cbor.dumps(self.__data_to_save)
            return cbor_data

    def create_hex(self, data: bytes):
        Creates .hex file from CBOR.
        This file can be write directly to device.

        if len(data) > self._length:
            raise ValueError(
                "generated CBOR file exceeds declared maximum partition size! {} > {}"
                .format(len(data), self._length))
        self._ih.putsz(self._offset, data)
        self._ih.write_hex_file(self._output + ".hex", True)
        self._data_ready = True
        return True

    def create_bin(self):
        Creates raw binary data of created previously .hex file

        if not self._data_ready:
            log.error("Please create hex file first!")
            return False
        self._ih.tobinfile(self._output + ".bin")
        return True

    def _convert_to_dict(data):
        Converts a list containing tuples ("key_name", "key_value") to a dictionary

        If "key_value" of data entry is a string-type variable and contains a HEX_PREFIX algorithm decodes it 
        to hex format to be sure that a cbor file will contain proper bytes.

        If "key_value" of data entry is a dictionary, algorithm appends it to the created dictionary.
        output_dict = dict()
        for entry in data:
            if not isinstance(entry, dict):
                log.debug("Processing entry {}".format(entry))
                if isinstance(data[entry],
                              str) and data[entry].startswith(HEX_PREFIX):
                    output_dict[entry] = codecs.decode(
                        data[entry][len(HEX_PREFIX):], "hex")
                elif isinstance(data[entry], str):
                    output_dict[entry] = data[entry].encode("utf-8")
                    output_dict[entry] = data[entry]
                output_dict[entry] = entry
        return output_dict

    def _load_json(self):
        Loads file containing a JSON data and converts it to JSON format

        :raises IOError: if provided JSON file can not be read out.
            with open(self._input, "rb") as json_file:
                return json.loads(json_file.read())
        except IOError as e:
            log.error("Can not read Json file {}".format(self._input))
            raise e