def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user if user == self.last_user: self.counter += 1 else: self.counter = 0 self.last_user = user self.db.put_ping(unicode(user), ircMsg.t) m = IRCMessage() if self.counter > self.threshold: #TODO: localize m.msg = "yarr, it's the {0} time you've called me!".format( self.counter) else: m.msg = "pong" = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("User: {0} pinged".format(user)) return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, result): m = IRCMessage() = m.user = ircMsg.user groups, lines = result group = groups[0] logging.debug("RegexTriggerLogged: {0}".format(groups)) try: try: index = int(group[0]) except: index = 1 m.msg = re.sub(group[1], group[2], lines[ircMsg.user][index]) m.directed = True except (IndexError, KeyError): #TODO: proper error message return ircMsg return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: search_query_list = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') search_query_list.pop(0) search_query = ' '.join(search_query_list) result = duckduckgo.query(search_query) irc_msg.msg = ' - '.join( [result.results[0].text, result.results[0].url]) except: irc_msg.msg = 'Cagadales, el API del pato es una mierda'\ '' return irc_msg
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] split_msg = ircMsg.arguments try: #TODO: fix more languages for wiki plugin if split_msg[0] in ['es', 'en', 'de', 'fr']: url = "http://" + split_msg[0] + "" split_msg = split_msg[1::] else: #TODO: wiki base url should depend on language url = "" except: url = "" term = re.sub(' ', '_', ' '.join(split_msg)) url += term logging.debug("Fetching wiki page: '{0}'.".format(url)) f = requests.get(url) data = f.text try: soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") basediv = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'mw-parser-output'}) peetexts = [pees.text for pees in basediv.findChildren('p')] basetext = " ".join(peetexts) p = basetext[:350] except Exception as e: logging.exception("Wiki: An error ocurred") ircMsg.msg = "Wiki: An error ocurred." return ircMsg m.msg = p = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() term = ' '.join(ircMsg.arguments) try: temblo = self.get_quake(term) except Exception as e: ircMsg.msg = e.args[0] return ircMsg ## Converting UNIX timestamp to human readable time. date_t = datetime.fromtimestamp(temblo['properties']['time'] / 1000) date = date_t.isoformat() response_string = "Quake in: {0} | Magnitude: {1} | Time: {2} | URI: {3}".format( temblo['properties']['place'], temblo['properties']['mag'], date, temblo['properties']['url']) m.msg = response_string = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg): """Gets called when the bot receives a message in a channel or via PM. Here is contained the main logic of tio_chema. Should dispatch messages to the plugins registered, depending if they register for a global or a specific trigger keyword. It blocks, so it should not include heavy or slow logic. Args: user: A string containing the origin user. channel: A string with the originating channel or PM channel. msg: A string containing the message recieved. """ directed = False if channel == self.factory.nick: directed = True message = IRCMessage(channel, msg, user, directed=directed) # #TODO: add channel trigger plugins (user defined actions) self._parseAndExecute(message)
def setUp(self): self.p = TwitterTextPlugin() self.n = IRCMessage("#test-channel", "", "josema", True)
def setUp(self): = "#test-channel" self.user = "******" self.m = IRCMessage(, "---", self.user, True)
def run_bot(): while 1: ircmsg = ircsock.recv(8192) ircmsg = ircmsg.strip('\n\r') # ping if ircmsg.find('PING :') != -1: ping() continue print print ircmsg if ircmsg[0] != ':': continue message = IRCMessage(ircmsg) print message if message.msgType == 'INVITE': joinchan( sendmsg(, '안녕하세요, 업무 봇입니다') sendmsg(, '업무 추가/제거는 주인만 가능하고 열람은 자유입니다') elif message.msgType == 'MODE': if message.msg == u'+o 업무봇': sendmsg(, '감사합니다 :)') if message.msg == u'-o 업무봇': sendmsg(, '......') elif message.msgType == 'PRIVMSG': parse = re.match(ur'업무봇\s+조회\s*(?P<limit>전체|[0-9]+)?', message.msg) if parse: worklist = dao.query(Work).filter(Work.done == False).order_by( Work.due) if worklist.count() == 0: sendmsg(, '남은 할 일이 없습니다') else: sendmsg(, '할 일 목록 :') limit = 5 if'limit') == u'전체': limit = None elif'limit') != None: limit = int('limit').decode('utf-8')) for work in worklist[:limit]: sendmsg(, '%s' % work) if re.match(ur'업무봇\s+(추가|제거|삭제|완료|종료)\s*(.*)', message.msg): if message.sender != '[email protected]': sendmsg(, '봇 주인만 업무 관리를 할 수 있습니다') else: work_pattern = re.compile( ur''' (?P<due_day> ((다+음|이번)주\s+[월화수목금토일]요일) | (오늘|내일|모레|\d+일\s*후) | ((\d+월\s*)?\d+일) )?\s* (?P<due_time> (\d+시\s*((\d+분)|반)?) )?\s* (?P<title>.*) ''', re.VERBOSE) parse = re.match(ur'업무봇\s+추가\s+(?P<content>.*)', message.msg) if parse: work_parse = work_pattern.match('content')) if work_parse: newWork = Work('title'),'due_day'),'due_time')) dao.add(newWork) try: dao.commit() except exc.SQLAlchemyError: sendmsg(, '이미 존재하는 업무입니다') dao.rollback() else: sendmsg(, '%s 추가되었습니다' % newWork) parse = re.match(ur'업무봇\s+(제거|삭제)\s+(?P<content>.*)', message.msg) if parse: print'content') work = dao.query(Work).filter( =='content')).first() dao.delete(work) dao.commit() sendmsg(, '%s 제거되었습니다' % work) parse = re.match(ur'업무봇\s+(완료|종료)\s+(?P<content>.*)', message.msg) if parse: work = dao.query(Work).filter( =='content')).first() work.done = True work.finished = dao.add(work) dao.commit()