def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) term = re.sub('^!temblor ', '', message) url = "" f = requests.get( url ) data = json.loads(f.text) for feature in data['features']: cadena = feature['properties']['place'] if cadena.upper().find( term.upper() ) != -1 : definiciones.append( feature ) size = len( definiciones ) temblo = definiciones[ randint( 0, size ) ] fecha_t = datetime.fromtimestamp( temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'time' ] / 1000 ) fecha = fecha_t.strftime( '%d/%M/%Y %H:%m:%s') respuesta = '' + str( temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'mag' ] ) + ' | ' + temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'place' ] + ' | ' + fecha + ' | '+ temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'url' ] m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): command = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') command_type = command[1] irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: args = command[2] func = self.function_dict[command_type] if args != '' or args is not None: print args; irc_msg.msg = func(args) else: irc_msg.msg = func('help') except: irc_msg.msg = logging.error('Error processing commands') return irc_msg
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) path = re.sub('^!tiny ', '', message) if not path: path = message print path if not path.startswith('http'): path = '%s%s' % ('http://', path) payload = {'url': path} url = "" f = requests.get(url, params=payload) data = f.text if data == '': respuesta = 'No se pudo transformar la url marica' else: respuesta = data m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) cal = subprocess.Popen(['calendar'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) wc = subprocess.Popen(['wc', '-l'], stdin=cal.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) num = wc.communicate() numero = int(num[0]) numero = randint(0, numero) cal = subprocess.Popen(['calendar'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) head = subprocess.Popen(['head', '-' + str(numero)], stdin=cal.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) tail = subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-1'], stdin=head.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) resp = tail.communicate() if len(resp) > 0: respuesta = resp[0] else: respuesta = '' #calendar | wc -l ; calendar | head -rand | tail -1 m.msg = '' + respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) cal = subprocess.Popen( [ 'calendar' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) wc = subprocess.Popen( [ 'wc', '-l' ], stdin=cal.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) num = wc.communicate() numero = int( num[0] ) numero = randint( 0, numero ) cal = subprocess.Popen( [ 'calendar'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) head = subprocess.Popen( [ 'head', '-' + str( numero ) ], stdin=cal.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) tail = subprocess.Popen( [ 'tail', '-1' ], stdin=head.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) resp = tail.communicate(); if len( resp ) > 0 : respuesta = resp[ 0 ] else: respuesta = '' #calendar | wc -l ; calendar | head -rand | tail -1 m.msg = '' + respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) term = re.sub('^!urbano ', '', message) payload = {'term': term} url = "" f = requests.get(url, params=payload) data = f.text soup = BeautifulSoup(data) tag = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'definition'}) for tagita in tag: if type(tagita.string) != types.NoneType: definiciones.append(tagita.string.strip()) respuesta = definiciones[randint(0, len(definiciones) - 1)] m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) term = re.sub('^!urbano ', '', message) payload = {'term': term } url = "" f = requests.get( url, params=payload) data = f.text soup = BeautifulSoup( data ) tag = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class' : 'definition' } ) for tagita in tag: if type(tagita.string) != types.NoneType : definiciones.append( tagita.string.strip() ) respuesta = definiciones[ randint( 0, len( definiciones ) - 1 ) ] m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() term = ' '.join(ircMsg.arguments) try: temblo = self.get_quake(term) except Exception as e: ircMsg.msg = e.args[0] return ircMsg ## Converting UNIX timestamp to human readable time. date_t = datetime.fromtimestamp(temblo['properties']['time'] / 1000) date = date_t.isoformat() response_string = "Quake in: {0} | Magnitude: {1} | Time: {2} | URI: {3}".format( temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'place' ], temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'mag' ], date, temblo[ 'properties' ][ 'url' ] ) m.msg = response_string = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): command = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') command_type = command[1] irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: args = command[2] func = self.function_dict[command_type] if args != '' or args is not None: print args irc_msg.msg = func(args) else: irc_msg.msg = func('help') except: irc_msg.msg = logging.error('Error processing commands') return irc_msg
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) lista_articulos = self.devolver_lista_de(self.baseurl) hp=randint(0,len(lista_articulos)-1) m.msg=''+lista_articulos[hp][2][:228] + '...... publicado el: ' + lista_articulos[hp][3] + ' en la seccion ' + lista_articulos[hp][9] = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) lista_articulos = self.devolver_lista_de(self.baseurl) hp = randint(0, len(lista_articulos) - 1) m.msg = '' + lista_articulos[hp][ 2][:228] + '...... publicado el: ' + lista_articulos[hp][ 3] + ' en la seccion ' + lista_articulos[hp][9] = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user toko = ircMsg.tokens[0] factz = self.db.get_factz(unicode(toko)) m = IRCMessage() m.msg = "{}".format(factz) = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("Queried factz :{0}".format(factz)) return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) p = subprocess.Popen(["fortune", "-a", "-n", "160", "-s"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, err = p.communicate() #TODO manejar err m.msg = output = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) topic = re.sub('^!preguntar ', '', message) respuesta = self.get_question( topic ) m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() conn = kwargs["connection"] m.msg = unicode() all_rows = conn.execute("select * from users").fetchall() choice = random.choice(all_rows) m.msg = "The selected user is {0}".format(choice[0]) = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("User: {0} hit the DB".format(user)) return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() m.msg = unicode() all_rows = conn.execute("select * from users").fetchall() choice = random.choice(all_rows) m.msg = "The selected user is {0}".format(choice[0]) = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("User: {0} hit the DB".format(user)) return m
def testIsInitialized(self): self.assertTrue(self.m.is_initialized()) q = IRCMessage() self.assertFalse(q.is_initialized()) ## Message with no channel should be false. = "#" q.msg = "notempty" self.assertFalse(q.is_initialized()) ## Adding directed testing. = q.directed = True self.assertFalse(q.is_initialized()) q.user = self.user self.assertTrue(q.is_initialized())
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) topic = re.sub('^!preguntar ', '', message) respuesta = self.get_question(topic) m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): m = IRCMessage() # Genera URL de letras letrarandom = lambda: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[random.randint( 0, 25)] # Parsea html de una URL sopa = lambda url: BeautifulSoup( requests.get(url).content, 'html.parser' ) # , from_encoding="utf-8") # URL random para encontrar autores urlautoresrandom = "" + letrarandom( ) # Sopa de autores sopa_de_autores = sopa(urlautoresrandom) # Hacer la link al autor links_de_autores = sopa_de_autores.find( id='citasautores').find_all('a') hrefs_de_autores = map(lambda l: l.get('href'), links_de_autores) link_a_autor = "" + hrefs_de_autores[ random.randint(0, len(hrefs_de_autores) - 1)] logging.debug("Link a autor: {0}".format(link_a_autor)) # Cuentas mas de una pagina el autor? Formar la URL numero_de_paginas = len( sopa(link_a_autor).find(id="paginas").find_all("a")) link_a_pagina = link_a_autor if numero_de_paginas > 1: npage_random = random.randint(1, numero_de_paginas) ## Encontrar pagina link_a_pagina = link_a_autor + "&page=" + unicode(npage_random) logging.debug("Link a pagina: %s" % link_a_pagina) # Con la URL de la pagina, formarla sopa_de_citas = sopa(link_a_pagina) citas = sopa_de_citas.find_all('blockquote') cita = citas[random.randint(0, len(citas) - 1)].text.strip() autor = sopa_de_citas.find('h1').text.strip() profesion = sopa_de_citas.find(id='bio').text.strip() texto = u"« {cita} » - {autor} : {profesion}".format( cita=cita, autor=autor, profesion=profesion) = m.user = ircMsg.user m.directed = True logging.debug(u"Proverbia: {0}".format(texto)) m.msg = texto return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) numero = re.sub('^!xkcd ', '', message) if numero.isdigit(): respuesta = self.get_comic( numero ) else: respuesta = self.get_current() m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) numero = re.sub('^!xkcd ', '', message) if numero.isdigit(): respuesta = self.get_comic(numero) else: respuesta = self.get_current() m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() url = '' req = requests.get(url) tree = ETree.fromstring(req.text.encode("UTF-8")) tag_list = tree.findall("./channel/item") tagita = choice(tag_list) respuesta = u"{} | {}".format(tagita.find("title").text, tagita.find("link").text) m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() url = '' f = requests.get( url ) data = f.text soup = BeautifulSoup( data ) tag = soup.find_all( 'entry' ) tagita = tag[ randint( 0, len( tag ) -1 ) ] respuesta = tagita.title.string.encode( 'utf8') + ' | ' +[ 'href' ].encode( 'utf8' ) m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole): user = ircMsg.user if user == self.last_user: self.counter += 1 else: self.counter = 0 self.last_user = user m = IRCMessage() if self.counter > self.threshold: #TODO: localize m.msg = "yarr, it's the {0} time you've called me!".format(self.counter) else: m.msg = "pong" = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() url = '' req = requests.get(url) tree = ETree.fromstring(req.text.encode("UTF-8")) tag_list = tree.findall("./channel/item") tagita = choice(tag_list) respuesta = u"{} | {}".format( tagita.find("title").text, tagita.find("link").text) m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user if user == self.last_user: self.counter += 1 else: self.counter = 0 self.last_user = user self.db.put_ping(unicode(user), ircMsg.t) m = IRCMessage() if self.counter > self.threshold: #TODO: localize m.msg = "yarr, it's the {0} time you've called me!".format(self.counter) else: m.msg = "pong" = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("User: {0} pinged".format(user)) return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): command = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') command_type = command[1] irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: func = self.func_dict[command_type] irc_msg.msg = func(command) except: irc_msg.msg = logging.error("Error processing commands") logging.debug(sys.exc_info()[1]) return irc_msg
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] message = ' '.join(ircMsg.msg.split()) board = re.sub('^!4chan ', '', message) existe = self.get_boards( board ) respuesta = '' if existe : respuesta = self.get_threads( board ) respuesta = 'Te recomiendo este thread ' + respuesta else : respuesta = 'Ese board mierda no existe' m.msg = respuesta = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): m = IRCMessage() # Genera URL de letras letrarandom = lambda : 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[random.randint(0,25)] # Parsea html de una URL sopa = lambda url: BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, 'html.parser')# , from_encoding="utf-8") # URL random para encontrar autores urlautoresrandom = ""+letrarandom() # Sopa de autores sopa_de_autores = sopa(urlautoresrandom) # Hacer la link al autor links_de_autores = sopa_de_autores.find(id='citasautores').find_all('a') hrefs_de_autores = map(lambda l: l.get('href'), links_de_autores) link_a_autor = ""+hrefs_de_autores[random.randint(0,len(hrefs_de_autores)-1)] logging.debug("Link a autor: {0}".format(link_a_autor)) # Cuentas mas de una pagina el autor? Formar la URL numero_de_paginas = len(sopa(link_a_autor).find(id="paginas").find_all("a")) link_a_pagina = link_a_autor if numero_de_paginas > 1: npage_random = random.randint(1,numero_de_paginas) ## Encontrar pagina link_a_pagina = link_a_autor + "&page=" + unicode(npage_random) logging.debug("Link a pagina: %s" % link_a_pagina) # Con la URL de la pagina, formarla sopa_de_citas = sopa(link_a_pagina) citas = sopa_de_citas.find_all('blockquote') cita = citas[random.randint(0,len(citas)-1)].text.strip() autor = sopa_de_citas.find('h1').text.strip() profesion = sopa_de_citas.find(id='bio').text.strip() texto = u"« {cita} » - {autor} : {profesion}".format(cita=cita, autor=autor, profesion=profesion) = m.user = ircMsg.user m.directed = True logging.debug(u"Proverbia: {0}".format(texto)) m.msg = texto return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user if user == self.last_user: self.counter += 1 else: self.counter = 0 self.last_user = user self.db.put_ping(unicode(user), ircMsg.t) m = IRCMessage() if self.counter > self.threshold: #TODO: localize m.msg = "yarr, it's the {0} time you've called me!".format( self.counter) else: m.msg = "pong" = m.user = user m.directed = True logging.debug("User: {0} pinged".format(user)) return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] split_msg = ircMsg.arguments try: #TODO: fix more languages for wiki plugin if split_msg[0] in ['es', 'en', 'de', 'fr']: url = "http://"+ split_msg[0] +"" split_msg = split_msg[1::] else: #TODO: wiki base url should depend on language url = "" except: url = "" term = re.sub( ' ', '_', ' '.join(split_msg)) url += term logging.debug("Fetching wiki page: '{0}'.".format(url)) f = requests.get(url) data = f.text try: soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") basediv = soup.find('div', attrs={'class' : 'mw-parser-output' }) peetexts = [pees.text for pees in basediv.findChildren('p')] basetext = " ".join(peetexts) p = basetext[:350] except Exception as e: logging.exception("Wiki: An error ocurred") ircMsg.msg = "Wiki: An error ocurred." return ircMsg m.msg = p = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: search_query_list = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') search_query_list.pop(0) search_query = ' '.join(search_query_list) result = duckduckgo.query(search_query) irc_msg.msg = ' - '.join( [result.results[0].text, result.results[0].url]) except: irc_msg.msg = 'Cagadales, el API del pato es una mierda'\ '' return irc_msg
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] split_msg = ircMsg.arguments try: #TODO: fix more languages for wiki plugin if split_msg[0] in ['es', 'en', 'de', 'fr']: url = "http://" + split_msg[0] + "" split_msg = split_msg[1::] else: #TODO: wiki base url should depend on language url = "" except: url = "" term = re.sub(' ', '_', ' '.join(split_msg)) url += term logging.debug("Fetching wiki page: '{0}'.".format(url)) f = requests.get(url) data = f.text try: soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") basediv = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'mw-parser-output'}) peetexts = [pees.text for pees in basediv.findChildren('p')] basetext = " ".join(peetexts) p = basetext[:350] except Exception as e: logging.exception("Wiki: An error ocurred") ircMsg.msg = "Wiki: An error ocurred." return ircMsg m.msg = p = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, result): m = IRCMessage() = m.user = ircMsg.user groups, lines = result group = groups[0] logging.debug("RegexTriggerLogged: {0}".format(groups)) try: try: index = int(group[0]) except: index = 1 m.msg = re.sub(group[1], group[2], lines[ircMsg.user][index]) m.directed = True except (IndexError, KeyError): #TODO: proper error message return ircMsg return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() term = ' '.join(ircMsg.arguments) try: temblo = self.get_quake(term) except Exception as e: ircMsg.msg = e.args[0] return ircMsg ## Converting UNIX timestamp to human readable time. date_t = datetime.fromtimestamp(temblo['properties']['time'] / 1000) date = date_t.isoformat() response_string = "Quake in: {0} | Magnitude: {1} | Time: {2} | URI: {3}".format( temblo['properties']['place'], temblo['properties']['mag'], date, temblo['properties']['url']) m.msg = response_string = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): user = ircMsg.user m = IRCMessage() definiciones = [] split_msg = ircMsg.arguments try: #TODO: fix more languages for wiki plugin if split_msg[0] in ['es', 'en', 'de', 'fr']: url = "http://"+ split_msg[0] +"" split_msg = split_msg[1::] else: #TODO: wiki base url should depend on language url = "" except: url = "" term = re.sub( ' ', '_', ' '.join(split_msg)) url += term logging.debug("Fetching wiki page: '{0}'.".format(url)) f = requests.get(url) data = f.text try: soup = BeautifulSoup( data ) tag = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class' : 'mw-content-ltr' } ) p = tag[0].p.text[:250] except: ircMsg.msg = "Wiki: An error ocurred." return ircMsg m.msg = p = m.user = user m.directed = True return m
def execute(self, ircMsg, userRole, *args, **kwargs): irc_msg = IRCMessage() = irc_msg.user = ircMsg.user irc_msg.directed = True try: search_query_list = ircMsg.msg.split(' ') search_query_list.pop(0) search_query = ' '.join(search_query_list) result = duckduckgo.query(search_query) irc_msg.msg = ' - '.join([ result.results[0].text, result.results[0].url ]) except: irc_msg.msg = 'Cagadales, el API del pato es una mierda'\ '' return irc_msg