Example #1
def get_manifest():
    if git.is_available():
        return git.get_filenames()

    # No git: find out source files
    config = get_config()
    target_languages = config.get_value('target_languages')

    exclude = frozenset(['.git', 'build', 'dist'])
    bad_files = compile('.*(~|pyc|%s)$' % '|'.join(target_languages))
    return get_files(exclude, filter=lambda x: not bad_files.match(x))
Example #2
def get_manifest():
    if git.is_available():
        return git.get_filenames()

    # No git: find out source files
    config = get_config()
    target_languages = config.get_value('target_languages')

    exclude = frozenset(['.git', 'build', 'dist'])
    bad_files = compile('.*(~|pyc|%s)$' % '|'.join(target_languages))
    return get_files(exclude, filter=lambda x: not bad_files.match(x))
Example #3
from itools.pkg import get_config, get_files, get_manifest, make_version
import itools.stl
from itools.fs import lfs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The command line parser
    version = 'itools %s' % itools.__version__
    description = ('Builds the package.')
    parser = OptionParser('%prog', version=version, description=description)

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')

    # Try using git facilities
    git_available = git.is_available()
    if not git_available:
        print "Warning: not using git."

    # Read configuration for languages
    config = get_config()
    source_language = config.get_value('source_language', default='en')
    target_languages = config.get_value('target_languages')

    # (1) Initialize the manifest file
    manifest = [x for x in get_manifest() if not islink(x)]
    # Find out the version string
    if git_available:
        version = make_version()
        open('version.txt', 'w').write(version)
Example #4
from itools.fs import lfs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The command line parser
    version = 'itools %s' % itools.__version__
    description = ('Builds the package.')
    parser = OptionParser('%prog', version=version, description=description)

    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')

    # Try using git facilities
    git_available = git.is_available()
    if not git_available:
        print "Warning: not using git."

    # Read configuration for languages
    config = get_config()
    source_language = config.get_value('source_language', default='en')
    target_languages = config.get_value('target_languages')

    # (1) Initialize the manifest file
    manifest = [ x for x in get_manifest() if not islink(x) ]
    # Find out the version string
    if git_available:
        version = make_version()
        open('version.txt', 'w').write(version)