Example #1
def op_commands(session, op_list):
    """ Run operational commands. """
    # Try a single op command
    print color('Single op command: show interfaces terse | match lo0', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0')

    # single op command with xml output
    print color('Single op command in xml format: show interfaces terse'
                ' | match lo0', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0', req_format='xml')

    # single op command with xpath filtering
    print color('Single op command with xpath filtering on package-'
                'information: show version', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show version', xpath_expr='//package-information')

    # Try a list of op commands, includes the following:
    #     regular command
    #     show version
    #     # command with piping
    #     show route | match
    print color('Multiple op commands from file:', 'yel')
    # loop over the commands in our file
    for cmd in clean_lines(op_list):
        print color(cmd, 'yel')
        print session.op_cmd(cmd)
Example #2
def op_commands(session, op_list):
    """ Run operational commands. """
    # Try a single op command
    print color('Single op command: show interfaces terse | match lo0', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0')

    # single op command with xml output
    print color(
        'Single op command in xml format: show interfaces terse'
        ' | match lo0', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show interfaces terse | match lo0', req_format='xml')

    # single op command with xpath filtering
    print color(
        'Single op command with xpath filtering on package-'
        'information: show version', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show version', xpath_expr='//package-information')

    # Try a list of op commands, includes the following:
    #     regular command
    #     show version
    #     # command with piping
    #     show route | match
    print color('Multiple op commands from file:', 'yel')
    # loop over the commands in our file
    for cmd in clean_lines(op_list):
        print color(cmd, 'yel')
        print session.op_cmd(cmd)
Example #3
def conn_timeout_test(host):
    """ Connect to a device that doesn't exist, hoping for a timeout. """
        Jaide(host, 'asdf', '123', connect_timeout=10)
    except socket.timeout:
        print color('The connection failed, as expected')
        return True
    print color('The connection did not fail, check settings for this test.',
Example #4
def conn_timeout_test(host):
    """ Connect to a device that doesn't exist, hoping for a timeout. """
        Jaide(host, 'asdf', '123', connect_timeout=10)
    except socket.timeout:
        print color('The connection failed, as expected')
        return True
    print color('The connection did not fail, check settings for this test.',
Example #5
def scp_tests(session, remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file):
    """ Try all four directions of SCP operations. """
    print color('Copying a single file TO device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_push(local_file, remote_dir, True)
    session.shell_cmd('rm %s/%s' % (remote_dir, os.path.basename(local_file)))

    print color('Copying a single file FROM device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_pull(remote_file, local_dir + '/', True)

    print color('Copying a directory TO device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_push(local_dir, remote_dir, True)
    session.shell_cmd('rm -R %s/%s' %
                      (remote_dir, os.path.basename(local_dir)))

    print color('Copying a directory FROM device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_pull(remote_dir, local_dir, True)
Example #6
def scp_tests(session, remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file):
    """ Try all four directions of SCP operations. """
    print color('Copying a single file TO device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_push(local_file, remote_dir, True)
    session.shell_cmd('rm %s/%s' % (remote_dir, os.path.basename(local_file)))

    print color('Copying a single file FROM device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_pull(remote_file, local_dir + '/', True)

    print color('Copying a directory TO device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_push(local_dir, remote_dir, True)
    session.shell_cmd('rm -R %s/%s' % (remote_dir,

    print color('Copying a directory FROM device', 'yel')
    print session.scp_pull(remote_dir, local_dir, True)
Example #7
def shell_commands(session, shell_list):
    """ Run shell commands. """
    # try a single shell command
    print color('Single shell command: pwd', 'yel')
    print session.shell_cmd('pwd')

    # try a shell command file
    # file contents:
    #    pwd
    #    cd /var/tmp
    #    pwd
    #    ls -lap
    #    touch my-new-file
    #    ls -lap
    print color('multiple shell commands from file:', 'yel')
    # loop over the commands in our file.
    for cmd in clean_lines(shell_list):
        print color(cmd, 'yel')
        print session.shell_cmd(cmd)
Example #8
def shell_commands(session, shell_list):
    """ Run shell commands. """
    # try a single shell command
    print color('Single shell command: pwd', 'yel')
    print session.shell_cmd('pwd')

    # try a shell command file
    # file contents:
    #    pwd
    #    cd /var/tmp
    #    pwd
    #    ls -lap
    #    touch my-new-file
    #    ls -lap
    print color('multiple shell commands from file:', 'yel')
    # loop over the commands in our file.
    for cmd in clean_lines(shell_list):
        print color(cmd, 'yel')
        print session.shell_cmd(cmd)
Example #9
def commit_tests(session):
    """ Attempt all manner of commit types. """
    print color('Starting commit log', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show system commit')

    print color('Attempting blank commit:', 'yel')
    print session.commit()

    print color('Attempting blank commit with comment:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(comment="blank with comment")

    print color('Attempting blank commit with comment and synchronize:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(comment="blank with comment and synch",

    print color('Attempting blank commit confirmed for 20 minutes:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(confirmed=1200)

    print color('Attempting to confirm the commit confirmed:', 'yel')
    print session.commit()

    print color('Attempting to commit at:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(at_time='23:59')

    print color('Ending commit Log:', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show system commit')
    print session.op_cmd('clear system commit')
Example #10
def main(host, username, password, second_host, second_password, third_host,
         remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file, set_list, op_list,
    """ Test suite for testing the jaide package core.py. """
    # open connection
    print color('Connecting to %s with %s / %s' % (host, username, password),
    session = Jaide(host, username, password)

    # test op and shell commands
    print color('Testing op commands', 'yel')
    op_commands(session, op_list)
    print color('Testing shell commands', 'yel')
    shell_commands(session, shell_list)

    # disconnect, change username/password/host, and do the commands again
    print color('Disconnecting first session', 'yel')

    # changing to the root user will test other use case of migration from
    # shell to cli on initialization of the connection
    print color(
        '\nChanging parameters to root:%s@%s' % (second_password, second_host),
    session.username = '******'
    session.password = second_password
    session.host = second_host

    print color('Testing op commands', 'yel')
    op_commands(session, op_list)
    print color('Testing shell commands', 'yel')
    shell_commands(session, shell_list)

    # scp tests here
    print color('Testing SCP operations', 'yel')
    scp_tests(session, remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file)

    print color(
        '\nTesting modifying conn_timeout to 10 seconds connection '
        'that will fail:', 'yel')
    print color(
        'the method \'connect\' should clock total time of 10 '
        'seconds:', 'yel')
    cProfile.runctx('conn_timeout_test(host)', globals(), {'host': third_host})

    print color('Disconnecting session again.', 'yel')

    # change back to non-root user for speed of tests.
    print color('\nChanging parameters to operate:[email protected]', 'yel')
    session.username = username
    session.password = password
    session.host = host

    # config diff test
    print color('Performing a config diff:', 'yel')
    config_diff_test(session, second_host)

    # commit check test
    print color('Performing a commit check:', 'yel')
    commit_check_test(session, set_list)

    # show | compare test
    print color('Performing a commit compare:', 'yel')
    compare_config_test(session, set_list)

    # commit option tests
    print color('Performing commit tests:', 'yel')

    # change session timeout
    print color(
        'changing timeout to 1 second and doing an RSI, '
        'which should timeout', 'yel')
    session.session_timeout = 1
        print session.op_cmd('request support information')
    except socket.timeout:
        print color('Timeout exceeded as expected')

    # print color('trying a shell command to timeout', 'yel')
    # try:
    #     print session.shell_cmd('scp /var/tmp/gimp-2.8.14.dmg /var/tmp/gimp-copy')
    # except socket.timeout:
    #     print color('Timeout exceeded as expected.')

Example #11
def commit_tests(session):
    """ Attempt all manner of commit types. """
    print color('Starting commit log', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show system commit')

    print color('Attempting blank commit:', 'yel')
    print session.commit()

    print color('Attempting blank commit with comment:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(comment="blank with comment")

    print color('Attempting blank commit with comment and synchronize:',
    print session.commit(comment="blank with comment and synch",

    print color('Attempting blank commit confirmed for 20 minutes:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(confirmed=1200)

    print color('Attempting to confirm the commit confirmed:', 'yel')
    print session.commit()

    print color('Attempting to commit at:', 'yel')
    print session.commit(at_time='23:59')

    print color('Ending commit Log:', 'yel')
    print session.op_cmd('show system commit')
    print session.op_cmd('clear system commit')
Example #12
def main(host, username, password, second_host, second_password, third_host,
         remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file, set_list, op_list,
    """ Test suite for testing the jaide package core.py. """
    # open connection
    print color('Connecting to %s with %s / %s' % (host, username,
                                                   password), 'yel')
    session = Jaide(host, username, password)

    # test op and shell commands
    print color('Testing op commands', 'yel')
    op_commands(session, op_list)
    print color('Testing shell commands', 'yel')
    shell_commands(session, shell_list)

    # disconnect, change username/password/host, and do the commands again
    print color('Disconnecting first session', 'yel')

    # changing to the root user will test other use case of migration from
    # shell to cli on initialization of the connection
    print color('\nChanging parameters to root:%s@%s' % (second_password,
                                                         second_host), 'yel')
    session.username = '******'
    session.password = second_password
    session.host = second_host

    print color('Testing op commands', 'yel')
    op_commands(session, op_list)
    print color('Testing shell commands', 'yel')
    shell_commands(session, shell_list)

    # scp tests here
    print color('Testing SCP operations', 'yel')
    scp_tests(session, remote_dir, local_dir, remote_file, local_file)

    print color('\nTesting modifying conn_timeout to 10 seconds connection '
                'that will fail:', 'yel')
    print color('the method \'connect\' should clock total time of 10 '
                'seconds:', 'yel')
    cProfile.runctx('conn_timeout_test(host)', globals(), {'host': third_host})

    print color('Disconnecting session again.', 'yel')

    # change back to non-root user for speed of tests.
    print color('\nChanging parameters to operate:[email protected]', 'yel')
    session.username = username
    session.password = password
    session.host = host

    # config diff test
    print color('Performing a config diff:', 'yel')
    config_diff_test(session, second_host)

    # commit check test
    print color('Performing a commit check:', 'yel')
    commit_check_test(session, set_list)

    # show | compare test
    print color('Performing a commit compare:', 'yel')
    compare_config_test(session, set_list)

    # commit option tests
    print color('Performing commit tests:', 'yel')

    # change session timeout
    print color('changing timeout to 1 second and doing an RSI, '
                'which should timeout', 'yel')
    session.session_timeout = 1
        print session.op_cmd('request support information')
    except socket.timeout:
        print color('Timeout exceeded as expected')

    # print color('trying a shell command to timeout', 'yel')
    # try:
    #     print session.shell_cmd('scp /var/tmp/gimp-2.8.14.dmg /var/tmp/gimp-copy')
    # except socket.timeout:
    #     print color('Timeout exceeded as expected.')
