Example #1
def test_memory_integration():
    """ Simple test of memory lazy evaluation.
    accumulator = list()
    # Rmk: this function has the same name than a module-level function,
    # thus it serves as a test to see that both are identified
    # as different.

    def f(l):
        return l

    for test in check_identity_lazy(f, accumulator):
        yield test

    # Now test clearing
    for compress in (False, True):
     for mmap_mode in ('r', None):
        # We turn verbosity on to smoke test the verbosity code, however,
        # we capture it, as it is ugly
            # To smoke-test verbosity, we capture stdout
            orig_stdout = sys.stdout
            orig_stderr = sys.stdout
            if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
                sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
                sys.stdout = io.BytesIO()
                sys.stderr = io.BytesIO()

            memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=10,
                            mmap_mode=mmap_mode, compress=compress)
            # First clear the cache directory, to check that our code can
            # handle that
            # NOTE: this line would raise an exception, as the database file is
            # still open; we ignore the error since we want to test what
            # happens if the directory disappears
            shutil.rmtree(env['dir'], ignore_errors=True)
            g = memory.cache(f)
            current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
            out = g(1)
            sys.stdout = orig_stdout
            sys.stderr = orig_stderr

        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(accumulator), \
                    current_accumulator + 1
        # Also, check that Memory.eval works similarly
        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, memory.eval(f, 1), out
        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(accumulator), \
                    current_accumulator + 1

    # Now do a smoke test with a function defined in __main__, as the name
    # mangling rules are more complex
    f.__module__ = '__main__'
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
Example #2
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection():
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    # For isolation with other tests
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    if not hasattr(warnings, 'catch_warnings'):
        # catch_warnings is new in Python 2.6

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
        # This is a temporary workaround until we get rid of
        # inspect.getargspec, see
        # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/247
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)

        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(w), 2
        yield nose.tools.assert_true, \
                "cannot detect" in str(w[-1].message).lower()
Example #3
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection():
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    # For isolation with other tests
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    if not hasattr(warnings, 'catch_warnings'):
        # catch_warnings is new in Python 2.6

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
        # This is a temporary workaround until we get rid of
        # inspect.getargspec, see
        # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/247
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)

        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(w), 2
        yield nose.tools.assert_true, \
                "cannot detect" in str(w[-1].message).lower()
Example #4
    def test_memory_func_with_kwonly_args():
        mem = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args)

        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3), (1, 2, 3, 'kw2'))

        # Making sure that providing a keyword-only argument by
        # position raises an exception
            "Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional parameter",
            func_cached, 1, 2, 3, {'kw2': 4})

        # Keyword-only parameter passed by position with cached call
        # should still raise ValueError
        func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4)

            "Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional parameter",
            func_cached, 1, 2, 3, {'kw2': 4})

        # Test 'ignore' parameter
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args, ignore=['kw2'])
        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4), (1, 2, 3, 4))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2='ignored'),
                                (1, 2, 3, 4))
    def test_memory_func_with_kwonly_args():
        mem = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args)

        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3), (1, 2, 3, 'kw2'))

        # Making sure that providing a keyword-only argument by
        # position raises an exception
            "Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional parameter",
            1, 2, 3, {'kw2': 4})

        # Keyword-only parameter passed by position with cached call
        # should still raise ValueError
        func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4)

            "Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional parameter",
            1, 2, 3, {'kw2': 4})

        # Test 'ignore' parameter
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args, ignore=['kw2'])
        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4), (1, 2, 3, 4))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2='ignored'), (1, 2, 3, 4))
Example #6
    def test_memory_func_with_kwonly_args(tmpdir):
        mem = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args)

        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3) == (1, 2, 3, 'kw2')

        # Making sure that providing a keyword-only argument by
        # position raises an exception
        with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            func_cached(1, 2, 3, kw2=4)
        excinfo.match("Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional "

        # Keyword-only parameter passed by position with cached call
        # should still raise ValueError
        func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4)

        with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            func_cached(1, 2, 3, kw2=4)
        excinfo.match("Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional "

        # Test 'ignore' parameter
        func_cached = mem.cache(func_with_kwonly_args, ignore=['kw2'])
        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4) == (1, 2, 3, 4)
        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2='ignored') == (1, 2, 3, 4)
Example #7
    def main():
        # Now test clearing
        for compress in (False, True):
            for mmap_mode in ('r', None):
                memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath,
                # First clear the cache directory, to check that our code can
                # handle that
                # NOTE: this line would raise an exception, as the database file is
                # still open; we ignore the error since we want to test what
                # happens if the directory disappears
                shutil.rmtree(tmpdir.strpath, ignore_errors=True)
                g = memory.cache(f)
                yield from g(1)
                current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
                out = yield from g(1)

            assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1
            # Also, check that Memory.eval works similarly
            evaled = yield from memory.eval(f, 1)
            assert evaled == out
            assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1

        # Now do a smoke test with a function defined in __main__, as the name
        # mangling rules are more complex
        f.__module__ = '__main__'
        memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
        yield from memory.cache(f)(1)
Example #8
    def test_memory_func_with_kwonly_args(tmpdir):
        memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
        func_cached = memory.cache(func_with_kwonly_args)

        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3) == (1, 2, 3, 'kw2')

        # Making sure that providing a keyword-only argument by
        # position raises an exception
        with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            func_cached(1, 2, 3, kw2=4)
        excinfo.match("Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional "

        # Keyword-only parameter passed by position with cached call
        # should still raise ValueError
        func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4)

        with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            func_cached(1, 2, 3, kw2=4)
        excinfo.match("Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional "

        # Test 'ignore' parameter
        func_cached = memory.cache(func_with_kwonly_args, ignore=['kw2'])
        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2=4) == (1, 2, 3, 4)
        assert func_cached(1, 2, kw1=3, kw2='ignored') == (1, 2, 3, 4)
Example #9
def test_memory_file_modification(capsys):
    # Test that modifying a Python file after loading it does not lead to
    # Recomputation
    dir_name = os.path.join(env['dir'], 'tmp_import')
    if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
    filename = os.path.join(dir_name, 'tmp_joblib_.py')
    content = 'def f(x):\n    print(x)\n    return x\n'
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:

    # Load the module:
    import tmp_joblib_ as tmp

    mem = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    f = mem.cache(tmp.f)
    # First call f a few times

    # Now modify the module where f is stored without modifying f
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:
        module_file.write('\n\n' + content)

    # And call f a couple more times

    # Flush the .pyc files
    # Now modify the module where f is stored, modifying f
    content = 'def f(x):\n    print("x=%s" % x)\n    return x\n'
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:

    # And call f more times prior to reloading: the cache should not be
    # invalidated at this point as the active function definition has not
    # changed in memory yet.

    # Now reload
    import tmp_joblib_ as tmp
    f = mem.cache(tmp.f)

    # And call f more times

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == '1\n2\nReloading\nx=1\n'
Example #10
def test_memory_file_modification(capsys, tmpdir):
    # Test that modifying a Python file after loading it does not lead to
    # Recomputation
    dir_name = tmpdir.mkdir('tmp_import').strpath
    filename = os.path.join(dir_name, 'tmp_joblib_.py')
    content = 'def f(x):\n    print(x)\n    return x\n'
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:

    # Load the module:
    import tmp_joblib_ as tmp

    mem = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    f = mem.cache(tmp.f)
    # First call f a few times

    # Now modify the module where f is stored without modifying f
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:
        module_file.write('\n\n' + content)

    # And call f a couple more times

    # Flush the .pyc files
    # Now modify the module where f is stored, modifying f
    content = 'def f(x):\n    print("x=%s" % x)\n    return x\n'
    with open(filename, 'w') as module_file:

    # And call f more times prior to reloading: the cache should not be
    # invalidated at this point as the active function definition has not
    # changed in memory yet.

    # Now reload
    import tmp_joblib_ as tmp
    f = mem.cache(tmp.f)

    # And call f more times

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == '1\n2\nReloading\nx=1\n'
Example #11
def test_call_and_shelve_lazily_load_stored_result(tmpdir):
    """Check call_and_shelve only load stored data if needed."""
    test_access_time_file = tmpdir.join('test_access')
    test_access_time = os.stat(test_access_time_file.strpath).st_atime
    # check file system access time stats resolution is lower than test wait
    # timings.
    assert test_access_time_file.read() == 'test_access'

    if test_access_time == os.stat(test_access_time_file.strpath).st_atime:
        # Skip this test when access time cannot be retrieved with enough
        # precision from the file system (e.g. NTFS on windows).
        pytest.skip("filesystem does not support fine-grained access time "

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(f)
    func_id, argument_hash = func._get_output_identifiers(2)
    result_path = os.path.join(memory.store_backend.location,
                               func_id, argument_hash, 'output.pkl')
    assert func(2) == 5
    first_access_time = os.stat(result_path).st_atime

    # Should not access the stored data
    result = func.call_and_shelve(2)
    assert isinstance(result, MemorizedResult)
    assert os.stat(result_path).st_atime == first_access_time

    # Read the stored data => last access time is greater than first_access
    assert result.get() == 5
    assert os.stat(result_path).st_atime > first_access_time
Example #12
def test_func_dir(tmpdir):
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    func_id = _build_func_identifier(f)
    location = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id)
    assert location == path
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    assert memory.location == os.path.dirname(g.store_backend.location)
    with warns(DeprecationWarning) as w:
        assert memory.cachedir == g.store_backend.location
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'cachedir' attribute has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    assert not g._check_previous_func_code()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    assert g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    func_id, args_id = g._get_output_identifiers(1)
    output_dir = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id)
    a = g(1)
    assert os.path.exists(output_dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, 'output.pkl'))
    assert a == g(1)
Example #13
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection(tmpdir):
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:

    assert len(warninfo) == 2
    assert "cannot detect" in str(warninfo[0].message).lower()
Example #14
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions(tmpdir):
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:
        assert a(0) == 0
        assert b(1) == 2
        assert a(1) == 1

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    assert len(warninfo) == 4
Example #15
def test_memory_pickle_dump_load(tmpdir, memory_kwargs):
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, **memory_kwargs)

    memory_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))

    # Compare Memory instance before and after pickle roundtrip
    compare(memory.store_backend, memory_reloaded.store_backend)
    compare(memory, memory_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memory) == hash(memory_reloaded)

    func_cached = memory.cache(f)

    func_cached_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func_cached))

    # Compare MemorizedFunc instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    compare(func_cached.store_backend, func_cached_reloaded.store_backend)
    compare(func_cached, func_cached_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(func_cached) == hash(func_cached_reloaded)

    # Compare MemorizedResult instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    memorized_result = func_cached.call_and_shelve(1)
    memorized_result_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memorized_result))

    compare(memorized_result, memorized_result_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memorized_result) == hash(memorized_result_reloaded)
Example #16
def test_memory_objects_repr(tmpdir):
    # Verify printable reprs of MemorizedResult, MemorizedFunc and Memory.

    def my_func(a, b):
        return a + b

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    memorized_func = memory.cache(my_func)

    memorized_func_repr = 'MemorizedFunc(func={func}, location={location})'

    assert str(memorized_func) == memorized_func_repr.format(

    memorized_result = memorized_func.call_and_shelve(42, 42)

    memorized_result_repr = ('MemorizedResult(location="{location}", '
                             'func="{func}", args_id="{args_id}")')

    assert str(memorized_result) == memorized_result_repr.format(

    assert str(memory) == 'Memory(location={location})'.format(
Example #17
def test_memory_recomputes_after_an_error_while_loading_results(
        tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath)

    def func(arg):
        # This makes sure that the timestamp returned by two calls of
        # func are different. This is needed on Windows where
        # time.time resolution may not be accurate enough
        return arg, time.time()

    cached_func = memory.cache(func)
    input_arg = 'arg'
    arg, timestamp = cached_func(input_arg)

    # Make sure the function is correctly cached
    assert arg == input_arg

    # Corrupting output.pkl to make sure that an error happens when
    # loading the cached result

    # Make sure that corrupting the file causes recomputation and that
    # a warning is issued.
    recorded_warnings = monkeypatch_cached_func_warn(cached_func, monkeypatch)
    recomputed_arg, recomputed_timestamp = cached_func(arg)
    assert len(recorded_warnings) == 1
    exception_msg = 'Exception while loading results'
    assert exception_msg in recorded_warnings[0]
    assert recomputed_arg == arg
    assert recomputed_timestamp > timestamp
Example #18
def test_memory_pickle_dump_load(tmpdir, memory_kwargs):
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, **memory_kwargs)

    memory_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))

    # Compare Memory instance before and after pickle roundtrip
    compare(memory.store_backend, memory_reloaded.store_backend)
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memory) == hash(memory_reloaded)

    func_cached = memory.cache(f)

    func_cached_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func_cached))

    # Compare MemorizedFunc instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    compare(func_cached.store_backend, func_cached_reloaded.store_backend)
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(func_cached) == hash(func_cached_reloaded)

    # Compare MemorizedResult instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    memorized_result = func_cached.call_and_shelve(1)
    memorized_result_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memorized_result))

            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memorized_result) == hash(memorized_result_reloaded)
Example #19
def test_func_dir(tmpdir):
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    assert g._get_func_dir() == path
    assert os.path.exists(path)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    assert not g._check_previous_func_code()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    assert g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    a = g(1)
    assert os.path.exists(dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(dir, 'output.pkl'))
    assert a == g(1)
Example #20
def test_memory_objects_repr(tmpdir):
    # Verify printable reprs of MemorizedResult, MemorizedFunc and Memory.

    def my_func(a, b):
        return a + b

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    memorized_func = memory.cache(my_func)

    memorized_func_repr = 'MemorizedFunc(func={func}, location={location})'

    assert str(memorized_func) == memorized_func_repr.format(
        func=my_func, location=memory.store_backend.location)

    memorized_result = memorized_func.call_and_shelve(42, 42)

    memorized_result_repr = ('MemorizedResult(location="{location}", '
                             'func="{func}", args_id="{args_id}")')

    assert str(memorized_result) == memorized_result_repr.format(

    assert str(memory) == 'Memory(location={location})'.format(
Example #21
def test_func_dir(tmpdir):
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    assert g._get_func_dir() == path
    assert os.path.exists(path)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    assert not g._check_previous_func_code()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    assert g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    a = g(1)
    assert os.path.exists(dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(dir, 'output.pkl'))
    assert a == g(1)
Example #22
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection(tmpdir):
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:

    assert len(warninfo) == 2
    assert "cannot detect" in str(warninfo[0].message).lower()
Example #23
def test_func_dir(tmpdir):
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    func_id = _build_func_identifier(f)
    location = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id)
    assert location == path
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    assert memory.location == os.path.dirname(g.store_backend.location)
    with warns(DeprecationWarning) as w:
        assert memory.cachedir == g.store_backend.location
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'cachedir' attribute has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    assert not g._check_previous_func_code()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    assert g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    func_id, args_id = g._get_output_identifiers(1)
    output_dir = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id)
    a = g(1)
    assert os.path.exists(output_dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, 'output.pkl'))
    assert a == g(1)
Example #24
def test_call_and_shelve_lazily_load_stored_result(tmpdir):
    """Check call_and_shelve only load stored data if needed."""
    test_access_time_file = tmpdir.join('test_access')
    test_access_time = os.stat(test_access_time_file.strpath).st_atime
    # check file system access time stats resolution is lower than test wait
    # timings.
    assert test_access_time_file.read() == 'test_access'

    if test_access_time == os.stat(test_access_time_file.strpath).st_atime:
        # Skip this test when access time cannot be retrieved with enough
        # precision from the file system (e.g. NTFS on windows).
        pytest.skip("filesystem does not support fine-grained access time "

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(f)
    func_id, argument_hash = func._get_output_identifiers(2)
    result_path = os.path.join(memory.store_backend.location, func_id,
                               argument_hash, 'output.pkl')
    assert func(2) == 5
    first_access_time = os.stat(result_path).st_atime

    # Should not access the stored data
    result = func.call_and_shelve(2)
    assert isinstance(result, MemorizedResult)
    assert os.stat(result_path).st_atime == first_access_time

    # Read the stored data => last access time is greater than first_access
    assert result.get() == 5
    assert os.stat(result_path).st_atime > first_access_time
Example #25
def test_func_dir():
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = os.path.join(env['dir'], 'joblib', *path)

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, g._get_func_dir(), path
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, os.path.exists(path)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    yield nose.tools.assert_false, \
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, \
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, \

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    a = g(1)
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, os.path.exists(dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(dir, 'output.pkl'))
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, a, g(1)
Example #26
 def main():
     memory = Memory(location=None, verbose=0)
     gg = memory.cache(ff)
     for _ in range(4):
         current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
         yield from gg(1)
         assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1
Example #27
def test_func_dir():
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split(".")
    path = os.path.join(env["dir"], "joblib", *path)

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, g._get_func_dir(), path
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, os.path.exists(path)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    yield nose.tools.assert_false, g._check_previous_func_code()
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "func_code.py"))
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    a = g(1)
    yield nose.tools.assert_true, os.path.exists(dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(dir, "output.pkl"))
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, a, g(1)
Example #28
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions(tmpdir):
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:
        assert a(0) == 0
        assert b(1) == 2
        assert a(1) == 1

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    assert len(warninfo) == 4
Example #29
def test_memory_eval(tmpdir):
    " Smoke test memory with a function with a function defined in an eval."
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)

    m = eval('lambda x: x')
    mm = memory.cache(m)

    assert mm(1) == 1
Example #30
def test_memory_eval():
    " Smoke test memory with a function with a function defined in an eval."
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)

    m = eval('lambda x: x')
    mm = memory.cache(m)

    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, 1, mm(1)
Example #31
def test_const_ndarray_as_cached_func_arg(tmpdir):
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    f_cache = memory.cache(f)
    arr = const_ndarray(np.array([0, 1, 2]))
    result = f_cache(arr) == f(arr)
    assert np.any(result)
    result = f_cache(arr) == f(arr)
    assert np.any(result)
Example #32
def test_memory_eval():
    " Smoke test memory with a function with a function defined in an eval."
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)

    m = eval("lambda x: x")
    mm = memory.cache(m)

    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, 1, mm(1)
Example #33
def test_memory_eval(tmpdir):
    " Smoke test memory with a function with a function defined in an eval."
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)

    m = eval('lambda x: x')
    mm = memory.cache(m)

    assert mm(1) == 1
Example #34
def test_memory_integration():
    """ Simple test of memory lazy evaluation.
    accumulator = list()

    # Rmk: this function has the same name than a module-level function,
    # thus it serves as a test to see that both are identified
    # as different.

    def f(l):
        return l

    for test in check_identity_lazy(f, accumulator):
        yield test

    # Now test clearing
    for compress in (False, True):
        for mmap_mode in ('r', None):
            memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'],
            # First clear the cache directory, to check that our code can
            # handle that
            # NOTE: this line would raise an exception, as the database file is
            # still open; we ignore the error since we want to test what
            # happens if the directory disappears
            shutil.rmtree(env['dir'], ignore_errors=True)
            g = memory.cache(f)
            current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
            out = g(1)

        yield assert_equal, len(accumulator), current_accumulator + 1
        # Also, check that Memory.eval works similarly
        yield assert_equal, memory.eval(f, 1), out
        yield assert_equal, len(accumulator), current_accumulator + 1

    # Now do a smoke test with a function defined in __main__, as the name
    # mangling rules are more complex
    f.__module__ = '__main__'
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
Example #35
def test_persistence():
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    output_dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, output, h.load_output(output_dir)
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, memory.cachedir, memory2.cachedir

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with cachedir=None works
    memory = Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #36
def test_persistence():
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    output_dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1)
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, output, h.load_output(output_dir)
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    yield nose.tools.assert_equal, memory.cachedir, memory2.cachedir

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with cachedir=None works
    memory = Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #37
def test_persistence(tmpdir):
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    output_dir, _ = h.get_output_dir(1)
    func_name = _get_func_fullname(f)
    assert output == _load_output(output_dir, func_name)
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    assert memory.cachedir == memory2.cachedir

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with cachedir=None works
    memory = Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #38
def test_persistence(tmpdir):
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    output_dir, _ = h.get_output_dir(1)
    func_name = _get_func_fullname(f)
    assert output == _load_output(output_dir, func_name)
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    assert memory.cachedir == memory2.cachedir

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with cachedir=None works
    memory = Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #39
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions():
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    # For isolation with other tests
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
        nose.tools.assert_equal(0, a(0))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(2, b(1))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(1, a(1))

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(w), 4)
Example #40
def test_memory_integration(tmpdir):
    """ Simple test of memory lazy evaluation.
    accumulator = list()
    # Rmk: this function has the same name than a module-level function,
    # thus it serves as a test to see that both are identified
    # as different.

    def f(l):
        return l

    check_identity_lazy(f, accumulator, tmpdir.strpath)

    # Now test clearing
    for compress in (False, True):
        for mmap_mode in ('r', None):
            memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=10,
                            mmap_mode=mmap_mode, compress=compress)
            # First clear the cache directory, to check that our code can
            # handle that
            # NOTE: this line would raise an exception, as the database file is
            # still open; we ignore the error since we want to test what
            # happens if the directory disappears
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir.strpath, ignore_errors=True)
            g = memory.cache(f)
            current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
            out = g(1)

        assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1
        # Also, check that Memory.eval works similarly
        assert memory.eval(f, 1) == out
        assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1

    # Now do a smoke test with a function defined in __main__, as the name
    # mangling rules are more complex
    f.__module__ = '__main__'
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
Example #41
def test_persistence(tmpdir):
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    func_id, args_id = h._get_output_identifiers(1)
    output_dir = os.path.join(h.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id)
    assert os.path.exists(output_dir)
    assert output == h.store_backend.load_item([func_id, args_id])
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    assert memory.store_backend.location == memory2.store_backend.location

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with location=None works
    memory = Memory(location=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #42
def test_argument_change(tmpdir):
    """ Check that if a function has a side effect in its arguments, it
        should use the hash of changing arguments.
    mem = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    func = mem.cache(count_and_append)
    # call the function for the first time, is should cache it with
    # argument x=[]
    assert func() == 0
    # the second time the argument is x=[None], which is not cached
    # yet, so the functions should be called a second time
    assert func() == 1
Example #43
def test_argument_change(tmpdir):
    """ Check that if a function has a side effect in its arguments, it
        should use the hash of changing arguments.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(count_and_append)
    # call the function for the first time, is should cache it with
    # argument x=[]
    assert func() == 0
    # the second time the argument is x=[None], which is not cached
    # yet, so the functions should be called a second time
    assert func() == 1
Example #44
def test_persistence(tmpdir):
    # Test the memorized functions can be pickled and restored.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    output = g(1)

    h = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))

    func_id, args_id = h._get_output_identifiers(1)
    output_dir = os.path.join(h.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id)
    assert os.path.exists(output_dir)
    assert output == h.store_backend.load_item([func_id, args_id])
    memory2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))
    assert memory.store_backend.location == memory2.store_backend.location

    # Smoke test that pickling a memory with location=None works
    memory = Memory(location=None, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(f)
    gp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(g))
Example #45
def check_identity_lazy(func, accumulator, location):
    """ Given a function and an accumulator (a list that grows every
        time the function is called), check that the function can be
        decorated by memory to be a lazy identity.
    # Call each function with several arguments, and check that it is
    # evaluated only once per argument.
    memory = Memory(location=location, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(func)
    for i in range(3):
        for _ in range(2):
            assert func(i) == i
            assert len(accumulator) == i + 1
Example #46
def check_identity_lazy(func, accumulator, location):
    """ Given a function and an accumulator (a list that grows every
        time the function is called), check that the function can be
        decorated by memory to be a lazy identity.
    # Call each function with several arguments, and check that it is
    # evaluated only once per argument.
    memory = Memory(location=location, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(func)
    for i in range(3):
        for _ in range(2):
            assert func(i) == i
            assert len(accumulator) == i + 1
Example #47
def test_load(tmpdir):
    " Test load function."

    def g(a, b=1):
        return a, b

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(g)
    a, b = 1, 4
    g(a, b=b)
    assert (a, b) == g.load(a, b=b)
    with raises(ValueError):
        g.load(0, b=0)
Example #48
def check_identity_lazy(func, accumulator):
    """ Given a function and an accumulator (a list that grows every
        time the function is called), check that the function can be
        decorated by memory to be a lazy identity.
    # Call each function with several arguments, and check that it is
    # evaluated only once per argument.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(func)
    for i in range(3):
        for _ in range(2):
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, func(i), i
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(accumulator), i + 1
Example #49
def test_memory_in_memory_function_code_change(tmpdir):
    _function_to_cache.__code__ = _sum.__code__

    mem = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    f = mem.cache(_function_to_cache)

    assert f(1, 2) == 3
    assert f(1, 2) == 3

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning):
        # Check that inline function modification triggers a cache invalidation
        _function_to_cache.__code__ = _product.__code__
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
Example #50
def test_memory_kwarg(tmpdir):
    " Test memory with a function with keyword arguments."
    accumulator = list()

    def g(l=None, m=1):
        return l

    check_identity_lazy(g, accumulator, tmpdir.strpath)

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(g)
    # Smoke test with an explicit keyword argument:
    assert g(l=30, m=2) == 30
Example #51
def test_no_memory():
    """ Test memory with location=None: no memoize """
    accumulator = list()

    def ff(l):
        return l

    memory = Memory(location=None, verbose=0)
    gg = memory.cache(ff)
    for _ in range(4):
        current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
        assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1
Example #52
def check_identity_lazy(func, accumulator):
    """ Given a function and an accumulator (a list that grows every
        time the function is called), check that the function can be
        decorated by memory to be a lazy identity.
    # Call each function with several arguments, and check that it is
    # evaluated only once per argument.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(func)
    for i in range(3):
        for _ in range(2):
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, func(i), i
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(accumulator), i + 1
Example #53
def test_no_memory():
    """ Test memory with cachedir=None: no memoize """
    accumulator = list()

    def ff(l):
        return l

    mem = Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0)
    gg = mem.cache(ff)
    for _ in range(4):
        current_accumulator = len(accumulator)
        assert len(accumulator) == current_accumulator + 1
Example #54
def test_memory_kwarg(tmpdir):
    " Test memory with a function with keyword arguments."
    accumulator = list()

    def g(l=None, m=1):
        return l

    check_identity_lazy(g, accumulator, tmpdir.strpath)

    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(g)
    # Smoke test with an explicit keyword argument:
    assert g(l=30, m=2) == 30
Example #55
def check_identity_lazy_async(func, accumulator, location):
    """ Similar to check_identity_lazy_async for coroutine functions"""
    memory = Memory(location=location, verbose=0)
    func = memory.cache(func)

    def main():
        for i in range(3):
            for _ in range(2):
                value = yield from func(i)
                assert value == i
                assert len(accumulator) == i + 1

Example #56
def test_memory_in_memory_function_code_change(tmpdir):
    _function_to_cache.__code__ = _sum.__code__

    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    f = memory.cache(_function_to_cache)

    assert f(1, 2) == 3
    assert f(1, 2) == 3

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning):
        # Check that inline function modification triggers a cache invalidation
        _function_to_cache.__code__ = _product.__code__
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
Example #57
def test_memory_kwarg():
    " Test memory with a function with keyword arguments."
    accumulator = list()

    def g(l=None, m=1):
        return l

    for test in check_identity_lazy(g, accumulator):
        yield test

    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    g = memory.cache(g)
    # Smoke test with an explicit keyword argument:
    nose.tools.assert_equal(g(l=30, m=2), 30)
Example #58
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection():
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0)
    # For isolation with other tests
    a1 = eval("lambda x: x")
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval("lambda x: x+1")
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    if not hasattr(warnings, "catch_warnings"):
        # catch_warnings is new in Python 2.6

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.

        yield nose.tools.assert_equal, len(w), 2
        yield nose.tools.assert_true, "cannot detect" in str(w[-1].message).lower()
Example #59
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions():
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0)
    # For isolation with other tests
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
        # This is a temporary workaround until we get rid of
        # inspect.getargspec, see
        # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/247
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
        nose.tools.assert_equal(0, a(0))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(2, b(1))
        nose.tools.assert_equal(1, a(1))

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(w), 4)
Example #60
def test_cached_function_race_condition_when_persisting_output(tmpdir, capfd):
    # Test race condition where multiple processes are writing into
    # the same output.pkl. See
    # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/490 for more details.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath)
    func_cached = memory.cache(fast_func_with_complex_output)

    Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(func_cached)() for i in range(3))

    stdout, stderr = capfd.readouterr()

    # Checking both stdout and stderr (ongoing PR #434 may change
    # logging destination) to make sure there is no exception while
    # loading the results
    exception_msg = 'Exception while loading results'
    assert exception_msg not in stdout
    assert exception_msg not in stderr