def Ok(self,widget): '''When the Add Cast Dialog's OK button is hit''' Casts = KirbyBase() treeCastList = self.pyCast.get_widget("podcastlist") treeSelection = treeCastList.get_selection() (model, iter) = treeSelection.get_selected() selected = model.get_value(iter,0) print selected Casts.delete(CASTDB,['name'],['^'+selected+'$']) UpdateCastDisplay(self.pyCast) self.wRemoveCast.destroy()
def __init__(self,db_dir): # open objects for our dbs and locks for them self.Rss = KirbyBase() self.RssLock = Lock() self.Casts = KirbyBase() self.CastsLock = Lock() # simple config stuff self.db_dir = db_dir self.cdb = db_dir+'casts.db' self.rdb =db_dir+'rss.db' # error checkin n stuff # CHECK IF NEEDED ...... self.rsserror = [] self.casterror = [] socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) # RSS updating vars. self.RSSUpdates = Queue.Queue() # do i need this? rewrite with lock if so self.RSSUpdateLock = False # checking for connection to internet # such an easy way out :) if checkurl(''): self.connection = True else: self.connection = False # checks for existance of databases and creates if not existing if not checkdb(self.cdb): self.Casts.create(self.cdb, ['name:str', 'url:str', 'update:bool']) if not checkdb(self.rdb): self.Rss.create(self.rdb, ['name:str', 'date:datetime.datetime', 'title:str', 'description:str', 'link:str', 'enclosure:str', 'enclosuretype:str', 'downloaded:bool', 'filename:str', 'opml:str']) # create some vars with some usefull info on the casts.. self.AllCasts = delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])) self.AllCastDetails =, ['recno'],['*'])
def UpdateCastDisplay(pyCast): '''Update the cast treelist''' ## EXTRA CODE?? Casts = KirbyBase() treeCastList=pyCast.get_widget("podcastlist") modlCastList=gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) treeCastList.set_model(modlCastList) treeCastList.set_headers_visible(gtk.FALSE) x=0 for name in delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])): position=modlCastList.insert_after(None,None) modlCastList.set_value(position,0,name) x=x+1
def __init__(self,db_dir): self.Rss = KirbyBase() self.Casts = KirbyBase() # simple config stuff self.db_dir = db_dir self.cdb = db_dir+'casts.db' self.rdb =db_dir+'rss.db' # error checkin n stuff self.rsserror = [] self.casterror = [] socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) # RSS updating vars. self.RSSUpdateList = [] self.RSSUpdateLock = False # checking for connection to internet # such an easy way out :) if checkurl(''): self.connection = True else: self.connection = False # Names of all casts. if not checkdb(self.cdb): self.Casts.create(self.cdb, ['name:str', 'url:str', 'update:bool']) if not checkdb(self.rdb): self.Rss.create(self.rdb, ['name:str', 'date:datetime.datetime', 'title:str', 'description:str', 'link:str', 'enclosure:str', 'enclosuretype:str', 'downloaded:bool', 'filename:str', 'opml:str']) self.AllCasts = delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])) self.AllCastDetails =, ['recno'],['*'])
def Ok(self,widget): '''When the Add Cast Dialog's OK button is hit''' Casts = KirbyBase() CloseWindow=True EditCastName = self.EditCast.get_widget("tEditCastName") EditCastUrl = self.EditCast.get_widget("tEditCastUrl") EditCastUpdate= self.EditCast.get_widget("cEditCastUpdate") for name in delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])): if EditCastName.get_text()== name: EditCastName.set_text("Name Already Used") CloseWindow=False if CloseWindow is True: UpdateCastDisplay(self.pyCast) self.wEditCast.destroy()
def ListCasts(pyCast): '''Lists all the casts into their container''' treeCastList=pyCast.get_widget("podcastlist") modlCastList=gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) Casts = KirbyBase() treeCastList.set_model(modlCastList) treeCastList.set_headers_visible(gtk.FALSE) # Set the columns column=gtk.TreeViewColumn("Podcast",gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) column.set_resizable(gtk.TRUE) treeCastList.append_column(column) x=0 # Loop through and add the casts for name in delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])): position=modlCastList.insert_after(None,None) modlCastList.set_value(position, 0, name) x=x+1 selection=treeCastList.get_selection() selection.select_path(0)
def Ok(self,widget): '''When the Add Cast Dialog's OK button is hit''' Casts = KirbyBase() CloseWindow=True AddCastName = self.AddCast.get_widget("tAddCastName") AddCastUrl = self.AddCast.get_widget("tAddCastUrl") AddCastUpdate= self.AddCast.get_widget("cAddCastUpdate") for name in delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])): if AddCastName.get_text()== name: AddCastName.set_text("Name Already Used") CloseWindow=False if CloseWindow is True: if casts.DownloadTestRSS(AddCastUrl.get_text()): Casts.insert(CASTDB, [AddCastName.get_text(), AddCastUrl.get_text(), AddCastUpdate.get_mode(),]) casts.DownloadRSS(self.pyCast,AddCastUrl.get_text()) UpdateCastDisplay(self.pyCast) self.wAddCast.destroy()
# # sets treatme to True/False for the images you want # Syntax: if column1=column2 then set column 4 to column 3 # Example: if setname = 1 then set treatme to false. # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * print "This script is to change the treatme flags... adapt the source !" proquest(askquestions) backupfile(imgdb, dbbudir, "treatmeupdate") db = KirbyBase() # We do not have to select images first: directly update with a criteria ! n = db.update(imgdb, ['imgname'], ['3_ECAM.2012-04-16T09:26:06.000'], [True], ['gogogo']) #n = db.update(imgdb, ['setname'], ['3'], [True], ['treatme']) #n = db.update(imgdb, ['recno'], ['*'], [False], ['treatme']) # there is a bug, this does not seem to work :-( #n = db.update(imgdb, ['treatme'], [False], [True], ['treatme']) #n = db.update(imgdb, ['seeingpixels'], ['>-100'], [True], ['treatme']) #n = db.update(imgdb, ['imgname'], [refimgname], [True], ['treatme'])
def Load(): Conf = KirbyBase() if not app.checkdb(CONFDB): Conf.create(CONFDB, ['name:str', 'value:str']) if == 'posix': LIBRARY=os.getenv('HOME')+'/podcasts/' elif == 'nt': LIBRARY='My Documents/My Podcasts/' Conf.insert(CONFDB, ['LIBRARY',LIBRARY]) Conf.insert(CONFDB, ['KEEPDAYS','7']) Conf.insert(CONFDB, ['KEEPNUM','5']) Conf.insert(CONFDB, ['DATE','%D%m%Y']) Conf.insert(CONFDB, ['LIBFORMAT','date/name'])
print "Done." print "- " * 40 print "Checking number of fields per line ..." nbroffields = len(lines[0].split("|")) - 2 for line in lines[1:]: n = len(line.split("|")) if n != nbroffields: print "\n\nWrong number of fields in line :" print line print "Done." print "- " * 40 print "Checking field types ..." db = KirbyBase() output = db.validate(database) if len(output) == 0: print "All entries are correct, my dear master." else: print "\n\nBummer !\n\n" for line in output: print line print "Done." sys.exit()
# # Runs sextractor on the input images. Next script will measure seeing + ellipticity. # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta #from readandreplace_fct import * import shutil import os db = KirbyBase() if thisisatest: print "This is a test run." images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'testlist'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') elif update: print "This is an update." images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') askquestions = False else: images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') nbrofimages = len(images) print "Number of images to treat :", nbrofimages proquest(askquestions)
# # A little script to inspect the status quo of the testlist flag # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * fields = ['setname', 'imgname', 'testcomment'] db = KirbyBase() report =, ['testlist'], ['True'], fields, sortFields=['setname', 'imgname'], returnType='report') images =, ['testlist'], ['True'], returnType='dict') print report print "There are %i images selected." % len(images)
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star # Select images to treat db = KirbyBase() #images =, ['gogogo','treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') images =, ['recno'], ["*"], returnType='dict') nbrofimages = len(images) print "Number of images to treat :", nbrofimages proquest(askquestions) # As we will tweak the database, do a backup first backupfile(imgdb, dbbudir, "tweak") for image in images: if image["telescopename"] == "EulerCAM": print image["imgname"] db.update(imgdb, ['recno'], [image['recno']], {'scalingfactor': 0.89767829371}) db.pack(imgdb) # to erase the blank lines print "Done"
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * if not update: raise mterror("update keyword not set to True !") print "I will update the database with new images in set %s, telescope %s from %s" %(setname, telescopename, rawdir) print "" db = KirbyBase() images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname', 'mjd']) nbrofimages = len(images) print "Number of images to treat :", nbrofimages print "If you are sure that everything is all right, I can change the updating flag of the new images to False." proquest(True) print "So be it. Shall your word be my credo, I will fully devote myself to this task and shall not stop until the skies fall upon me." print "As I want your FULL ATTENTION here, I'm asking a second time..." proquest(True) updateimages =, ['gogogo','treatme','updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') for image in updateimages: db.update(imgdb, ['recno'], [image['recno']], [False], ['updating']) db.pack(imgdb) # always a good idea ! print "...aaaaand done !"
# # write a report about this identification of coordinates # This report is written for ALL imagesets, independent of current "treatme" flag. # But results are present one imageset after the other. execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * from star import * db = KirbyBase() fields = [ 'imgname', 'seeing', 'goodstars', 'nbralistars', 'maxalistars', 'flagali', 'angle', 'alicomment' ] usedsetnames = set( map(lambda x: x[0],, ['recno'], ['*'], ['setname']))) reporttxt = "" for setname in sorted(list(usedsetnames)): reporttxt += "\n\n\n###################### %10s ###################\n\n" % setname noali =, ['flagali', 'setname'], ['!= 1', setname], fields, sortFields=['seeing'], returnType='report') nbr = len(
pngdir = os.path.join(workdir, "imgpngs") if update: print "I will complete the existing sky folder. Or create it if you deleted it to save space" if not os.path.isdir(pngdir): os.mkdir(pngdir) else: if os.path.isdir(pngdir): print "I will delete existing stuff." proquest(askquestions) shutil.rmtree(pngdir) os.mkdir(pngdir) # We select the images to treat : db = KirbyBase() if thisisatest : print "This is a test run." images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'testlist'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname','mjd']) elif update: print "This is an update." images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname','mjd']) askquestions=False else : #images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['mjd']) images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname','mjd']) #images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['date']) #images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['seeing']) #images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['mjd']) #images =, ['gogogo', 'ell'], [True, ">0.65"], returnType='dict', sortFields=['mjd'])
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * fields = [ 'imgname', 'skylevel', 'prealistddev', 'seeing', 'goodstars', 'moonpercent', 'moondist', 'moonalt', 'sunalt' ] db = KirbyBase() reporttxt = "" usedsetnames = set( map(lambda x: x[0],, ['recno'], ['*'], ['setname']))) for setname in usedsetnames: reporttxt += "\n\n ########### %10s ########\n\n" % setname setreport =, ['gogogo', 'setname'], ['True', setname], fields, sortFields=['skylevel'], returnType='report') reporttxt += setreport reporttxtfile = open(os.path.join(workdir, "report_skylevel.txt"), "w") reporttxtfile.write(reporttxt) reporttxtfile.close()
# # put gogogo to False for images that could not be aligned # this is not done in the script, so that you can rerun the alignement with another set of parameters # if you are not happy with it, without breaking your previoulsy set gogogo flags. # # # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * backupfile(imgdb, dbbudir, "aliflagupdate") db = KirbyBase() nbdemotions = db.update(imgdb, ['flagali', 'treatme'], ['!=1', 'True'], [False, "Could not be aligned."], ['gogogo', 'whynot']) print "I've kicked", nbdemotions, "images." db.pack(imgdb)
#!/usr/bin/env python from conf import glade,gladefile,config,castdb from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError import datetime import app Casts = KirbyBase() #Casts.create(castdb, ['name:str','url:str','update:bool','utime:datetime.datetime']) #x=0 #while x<len(OCast.names): # #if OCast.update[x] == '0': # udatev=False # else: # udatev=True # Casts.insert(castdb, [OCast.names[x],OCast.urls[x],udatev,]) # x=x+1 joe=, ['name'],[''],['name']) x=0 while x<len(joe): joe[x]=joe[x][0] x=x+1 print joe
# NOW LOOK AT THIS ! # # Using pyfits, we will replace the zeroes in the sigma files prior to the psf construction # superfast, superclean... # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import pyfits origdir = os.getcwd() # select images to treat db = KirbyBase() images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', objkeyflag], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') print "Number of images to treat :", len(images) proquest(askquestions) def isNaN(x): return x!=x def replaceNaN(filename, value): sigstars =, mode='update') scidata = sigstars[0].data if True in isNaN(scidata): print "Yep, some work for me : ", len(scidata[isNaN(scidata)]), "pixels." scidata[isNaN(scidata)] = value sigstars.flush()
# the actual normalization coefficients that were used for your deconvolution. writeheader = True outputfilename = "imgbyimg_%s.rdb" % selectiondeckey # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * from combibynight_fct import * from rdbexport import * import star import numpy as np db = KirbyBase() images =, ["gogogo", "treatme", "decfilenum_" + selectiondeckey], [True, True, '\d\d*'], returnType='dict', useRegExp=True) print "I will export the deconvolution %s" % selectiondeckey print "This corresponds to ", len(images), "images." # We extend these general fields by the flux measurements for the selected deconvolution. ptsrc = star.readmancat(os.path.join(configdir, selectiondeckey + "")) print "Sources : " + ", ".join([ for src in ptsrc]) proquest(askquestions)
from kirbybase import KirbyBase db = KirbyBase() print'/home/micheles/packages/KirbyBase-1.8/plane.tbl', ['country', 'speed'], ['USA', '>400'])
datestr = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") filename = "%s_%s" % (datestr, configstr) configdir = "." readmefilepath = os.path.join(configdir, filename + "_readme.txt") pklfilepath = os.path.join(configdir, filename + "_db.pkl") print "My basename : %s" % (filename) ########### The readme ############# readme = ["This is the automatic readme file for\n%s\n" % pklfilepath] # We do only one select : db = KirbyBase() images =, ['recno'], ['*'], sortFields=['setname', 'mjd'], returnType='dict') mjdsortedimages = sorted(images, key=lambda k: k['mjd']) readme.append("Target : %s" % configstr) readme.append("Total : %i images" % (len(images))) readme.append("Time span : %s -> %s" % (mjdsortedimages[0]["datet"], mjdsortedimages[-1]["datet"])) telescopes = sorted(list(set([image["telescopename"] for image in images]))) setnames = sorted(list(set([image["setname"] for image in images]))) readme.append("Telescopes : %s" % ",".join(telescopes))
if os.path.isdir(pngdir): print "Deleting existing stuff." proquest(askquestions) shutil.rmtree(pngdir) reflinkdestpath = os.path.join(workdir, deckey + "_ref.png") if os.path.exists(reflinkdestpath): os.remove(reflinkdestpath) os.mkdir(pngdir) # Read input positions of point sources, to draw a legend. ptsrcs = star.readmancat(ptsrccat) print "Number of point sources :", len(ptsrcs) db = KirbyBase() images =, [deckeyfilenum], ['\d\d*'], returnType='dict', useRegExp=True, sortFields=[deckeyfilenum]) # This time we do not include the duplicated reference ! print "Number of images (we disregard the duplicated reference) : %i" % ( len(images)) # Now, just for these pngs, lets put the unique ref image into the first position : # We select the reference image refimage = [image for image in images if image['imgname'] == refimgname ][0] # we take the first and only element. # The "others" : images = [image for image in images if image['imgname'] != refimgname]
# here we do the actual geomap and gregister (pyraf) # we apply this inprinciple to all images gogogo, treatme, and flagali # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError import math from pyraf import iraf from variousfct import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta # As we will tweak the database, let's do a backup backupfile(imgdb, dbbudir, "alignimages") db = KirbyBase() if thisisatest: print "This is a test." images =, ['flagali', 'gogogo', 'treatme', 'testlist'], ['==1', True, True, True], ['recno', 'imgname'], sortFields=['imgname'], returnType='dict') elif update: print "This is an update." images =, ['flagali', 'gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], ['==1', True, True, True], ['recno', 'imgname'], sortFields=['imgname'], returnType='dict') askquestions = False else: images =, ['flagali', 'gogogo', 'treatme'],
# # write a report about the renormalization # not sure if useful... let's see # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * fields = ['imgname', renormname, renormerrfieldname, renormcommentfieldname] db = KirbyBase() reporttxt = "" usedsetnames = set( map(lambda x: x[0],, ['recno'], ['*'], ['setname']))) for setname in sorted(list(usedsetnames)): reporttxt += "\n\n\n###################### %10s ###################\n\n" % setname setreport =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'setname'], [True, True, setname], fields, sortFields=[renormname], returnType='report') reporttxt += setreport reportname = "report_renorm_" + renormname + ".txt" reporttxtfile = open(os.path.join(workdir, reportname), "w")
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt db = KirbyBase() images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields = ["mhjd"]) if update: askquestions = False nbrofimages = len(images) print "I respect treatme, and selected only %i images" % (nbrofimages) # Read the manual star catalog : photomstarscatpath = os.path.join(configdir, "") photomstars = star.readmancat(photomstarscatpath) print "Photom stars :" print "\n".join(["%s\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (, s.x, s.y) for s in photomstars]) nbrofimages = len(images) print "I respect treatme and will treat", nbrofimages, "images." proquest(askquestions)
example usage: >>> a=rand(6,4); b=rebin(a,(3,2)) """ shape = a.shape lenShape = len(shape) factor = np.asarray(shape) / np.asarray(newshape) evList = ['a.reshape('] + \ ['newshape[%d],factor[%d],'%(i,i) for i in xrange(lenShape)] + \ [')'] + ['.sum(%d)'%(i+1) for i in xrange(lenShape)] + \ ['/factor[%d]'%i for i in xrange(lenShape)] return eval(''.join(evList)) db = KirbyBase() # We select only the images that are deconvolved (and thus have a deckeyfilenum) images =, [deckeyfilenum], ['\d\d*'], returnType='dict', useRegExp=True) # the sorting is not important # We duplicate the ref image, this will be easier for the output reading. refimage = [image for image in images if image['imgname'] == refimgname ][0] # we take the first and only element. images.insert(0, refimage.copy()) # This copy is important !!! images[0][deckeyfilenum] = mcsname(1) # The duplicated ref image gets number 1 nbimg = len(images) print "Number of images (including duplicated reference) : %i" % (nbimg) # read params of point sources
print "WARNING OLD VERSION LOOK AT PIPE_VLT FOR UPDATED VERSION" import sys sys.exit() execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import pyfits import numpy as np import cosmics # used to read and write the fits files askquestions = False db = KirbyBase() images =, ['flagali','gogogo','treatme'], ['==1',True, True], ['recno','imgname', 'stddev', 'emptymean'], sortFields=['imgname'], returnType='dict') print "I will treat %i images." % len(images) proquest(askquestions) for n, image in enumerate(images): tempfile = open(os.path.join(configdir, 'skysubcorr_done.txt'), 'a') lines = open(os.path.join(configdir, 'skysubcorr_done.txt'), 'r').readlines() lines = [line.split('\n')[0] for line in lines] print n+1, "/", len(images), ":", image['imgname'] if image['imgname'] in lines: print 'Already corrected !'
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * from datetime import datetime from variousfct import * if update: # override config settings... execfile(os.path.join(configdir, '')) askquestions = False # nothing more. Let's run on the whole set of images now. print "Starting deconvolution %s" % (deckey) db = KirbyBase() images =, [deckeyfilenum], ['\d\d*'], returnType='dict', useRegExp=True, sortFields=[deckeyfilenum]) nbimg = len(images) + 1 print "%i images (ref image is duplicated)" % nbimg proquest(askquestions) print "Of course I do not update the database here," print "so you can go on with something else in the meantime." starttime = db = KirbyBase() images =, [deckeyfilenum], ['\d\d*'],
class podcasts: def __init__(self,db_dir): self.Rss = KirbyBase() self.Casts = KirbyBase() # simple config stuff self.db_dir = db_dir self.cdb = db_dir+'casts.db' self.rdb =db_dir+'rss.db' # error checkin n stuff self.rsserror = [] self.casterror = [] socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) # RSS updating vars. self.RSSUpdateList = [] self.RSSUpdateLock = False # checking for connection to internet # such an easy way out :) if checkurl(''): self.connection = True else: self.connection = False # Names of all casts. if not checkdb(self.cdb): self.Casts.create(self.cdb, ['name:str', 'url:str', 'update:bool']) if not checkdb(self.rdb): self.Rss.create(self.rdb, ['name:str', 'date:datetime.datetime', 'title:str', 'description:str', 'link:str', 'enclosure:str', 'enclosuretype:str', 'downloaded:bool', 'filename:str', 'opml:str']) self.AllCasts = delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])) self.AllCastDetails =, ['recno'],['*']) def AppendRSS(self,name): def UpdateRSS(self,name=None): ''' Download/Rss of name 'name' ''' print "hello world" # Function declared, new, clean, fixed and complete.. I wish :) # By god joe, i think this function is Threadsafe! if self.RSSUpdateLock: if name is None: # ok, we gotta make sure we dont double requests. objects =,['name','url'],['',''],['name','url']) for object in objects: if object not in self.RSSUpdateList: print "hi jo" self.RSSUpdateList = self.RSSUpdateList.append(object) else: if name not in self.RSSUpdateList:,['name'],[name],['name','url']) self.RSSUpdateList = self.RSSUpdateList.append(appendage) else: print 1 # and on we go! if name is None:,['name','url'],['',''],['name','url']) self.RSSUpdateLock = True else: # they specified a name...,['name'],[name],['name','url']) self.RSSUpdateList = self.RSSUpdateList.append(appendage) print 2 for cast in self.RSSUpdateList: print cast print name print 3 self.RSSUpdateList.pop() if cast[0] == name and name != None or name == None: print 4 (handle, tmp) = tempfile.mkstemp() urlgood = checkurl(cast[1]) print urlgood print "ok",cast if urlgood: print 5 print cast try: urllib.urlretrieve(cast[1],tmp) except socket.timeout, ex: self.rsserror.append({ 'name' : cast[0], 'url': cast[1]}) except socket.gaierror, ex: self.rsserror.append({ 'name' : cast[0], 'url': cast[1]}) rssfile=feedparser.parse(tmp) for entry in rssfile.entries: try: enclosureurl=entry.enclosures[0].url enclosuretype=entry.enclosures[0].type except AttributeError: enclosureurl='' enclosuretype='' try: NewEntry = [] NewEntry.append(cast[0]) NewEntry.append( NewEntry.append(str(entry.title)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str(entry.summary)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str( except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') NewEntry=NewEntry+[str(enclosureurl),str(enclosuretype),False,'na','na'] NewEntryCut = [NewEntry[0]]+NewEntry[2:6] print NewEntry ExistingEntries =,['name','title','description','link','enclosure',], ['','','','',''],['name','title','description','link','enclosure',]) if NewEntryCut not in ExistingEntries: self.Rss.insert(self.rdb,NewEntry) print "Added: "+NewEntry[2] else: print "well the url "+cast[0]+" went bad, offer to remove later..." self.RSSUpdateLock=False
import app from conf import CASTDB from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError import datetime Casts = KirbyBase(), ['name','url'],['',''],['name','url']) print Cast2
# # Similar to the 1a_checkalistars, we draw the alignment stars, this time on the combi image (to make a "nice" map) # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star #import shutil import f2n #from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Read reference image info from database db = KirbyBase() refimage =, ['imgname'], [refimgname], returnType='dict') refimage = refimage[0] refsexcat = os.path.join(alidir, refimage['imgname'] + ".cat") refautostars = star.readsexcat(refsexcat) refautostars = star.sortstarlistbyflux(refautostars) refscalingfactor = refimage['scalingfactor'] # read and identify the manual reference catalog refmanstars = star.readmancat( alistarscat) # So these are the "manual" star coordinates id = star.listidentify( refmanstars, refautostars, tolerance=identtolerance ) # We find the corresponding precise sextractor coordinates preciserefmanstars = star.sortstarlistbyflux(id["match"]) maxalistars = len(refmanstars)
""" execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star import numpy as np import os, sys import f2n import datetime from headerstuff import juliandate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt db = KirbyBase() images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') # remove saturated skipimages = [ image[0] for image in readimagelist(os.path.join(configdir, 'saturatedlist.txt')) ] # image[1] would be the comment #print "Something special here: I do not plot images that you put in saturatedlist.txt" images = [image for image in images if not image['imgname'] in skipimages] nbrofimages = len(images) print "I respect treatme, saturatedlist and other keywords defined in the script, and selected only %i images" % ( nbrofimages)
# # Histogramm of the measured seeings, for each set. # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #imgdb = "/Users/mtewes/Desktop/vieuxdb.dat" db = KirbyBase() # We read this only once. images =, ['gogogo'], [True], returnType='dict') times = [image['mhjd'] for image in images] ellipticities = [image['ell'] for image in images] plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) plt.scatter(times, ellipticities) plt.title('')
elif radalt > math.pi / 2.0: return -2.0 else: return 1.0 / (math.sin(radalt) + 0.025 * math.exp(-11.0 * math.sin(radalt))) # A plot to test : #n = 100 #alts = [(float(i)/float(n)) *math.pi/2.0 for i in range(n+1)] #ams = [airmass(alt) for alt in alts] #degs = [alt*180.0/math.pi for alt in alts] #plt.plot(degs, ams) db = KirbyBase() if update: images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') askquestions = False else: images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') nbrofimages = len(images) print "Number of images to treat :", nbrofimages proquest(askquestions) print "Doublecheck that this is true : ", xephemlens proquest(askquestions)
import matplotlib.dates print "You want to analyze the deconvolution %s" %deckey print "Deconvolved object : %s" % decobjname if plotnormfieldname == None: print "I will use the normalization coeffs used for the deconvolution." else: print "Using %s for the normalization." % (plotnormfieldname) deckeynormused = plotnormfieldname ptsources = star.readmancat(ptsrccat) print "Number of point sources : %i" % len(ptsources) print "Names of sources : %s" % ", ".join([ for s in ptsources]) db = KirbyBase() images =, [deckeyfilenum], ['\d\d*'], returnType='dict', useRegExp=True, sortFields=['mjd']) print "%i images" % len(images) fieldnames = db.getFieldNames(imgdb) plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) mhjds = np.array([image["mhjd"] for image in images]) seeings = np.array([image["seeing"] for image in images]) for s in ptsources: fluxfieldname = "out_%s_%s_flux" % (deckey, mags = -2.5*np.log10(np.array([image[fluxfieldname]*image[deckeynormused] for image in images]))
""" We add raw sextractor photom into the database (i.e., not normalized). Can be run at any time once : - the alignment is done - the normalisation catalogs are written ( """ execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star # Selecting the images db = KirbyBase() if update: print "This is an update." images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating'], [True, True, True], returnType='dict') askquestions = False else: images =, ['gogogo', 'treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') nbrofimages = len(images) # Read the manual star catalog : photomstarscatpath = os.path.join(configdir, "") photomstars = star.readmancat(photomstarscatpath) print "I will look for these stars :" print "\n".join(["%s\t%.2f\t%.2f" % (, s.x, s.y) for s in photomstars])
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError db = KirbyBase() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np images =, ['recno'], ['*'], returnType='dict') #images =, ['gogogo','treatme'], [True, True], returnType='dict') jds = np.array([float(image['jd']) for image in images]) hjds = np.array([float(image['hjd']) for image in images]) moondist = np.array([float(image['moondist']) for image in images]) plt.plot(jds, hjds - jds, "b.")
decskipimages = [image[0] for image in readimagelist(decskiplist) ] # image[1] would be the comment print "It contains %i images." % len(decskipimages) #proquest(askquestions) # We have a look at the psfkicklists and the flags for each psf in the database: print "Ok, now looking at the PSFs ..." psfimages = { } # we will build a dictionary, one entry for each psfname, containing # available images. db = KirbyBase() for particularpsfname in decpsfnames: print "- " * 30 # the database particularpsfkey = "psf_" + particularpsfname particularpsfkeyflag = "flag_" + particularpsfkey particulartreatedimages = [ image[0] for image in, [particularpsfkeyflag], [True], ['imgname']) ] # we get a list of imgnames # the [0] is just to get rid of the list-of-list structure # the skiplist particularskiplist = os.path.join(configdir, particularpsfkey + "_skiplist.txt") particularskiplistimages = [
class podcasts: def __init__(self,db_dir): # open objects for our dbs and locks for them self.Rss = KirbyBase() self.RssLock = Lock() self.Casts = KirbyBase() self.CastsLock = Lock() # simple config stuff self.db_dir = db_dir self.cdb = db_dir+'casts.db' self.rdb =db_dir+'rss.db' # error checkin n stuff # CHECK IF NEEDED ...... self.rsserror = [] self.casterror = [] socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) # RSS updating vars. self.RSSUpdates = Queue.Queue() # do i need this? rewrite with lock if so self.RSSUpdateLock = False # checking for connection to internet # such an easy way out :) if checkurl(''): self.connection = True else: self.connection = False # checks for existance of databases and creates if not existing if not checkdb(self.cdb): self.Casts.create(self.cdb, ['name:str', 'url:str', 'update:bool']) if not checkdb(self.rdb): self.Rss.create(self.rdb, ['name:str', 'date:datetime.datetime', 'title:str', 'description:str', 'link:str', 'enclosure:str', 'enclosuretype:str', 'downloaded:bool', 'filename:str', 'opml:str']) # create some vars with some usefull info on the casts.. self.AllCasts = delistify(, ['name'],[''],['name'])) self.AllCastDetails =, ['recno'],['*']) def AppendRSS(self,name): ''' Add an RSS item to the queue to be updated ''' appendable =,['name','url'],['^'+name+'$',''],['name','url']) self.RSSUpdates.put(appendable) print appendable def UpdateRSS(self): ''' Download/Rss of name 'name' ''' # Function declared, new, clean, fixed and complete.. I wish :) # By god joe, i think this function is Threadsafe! # if process not already running... if not self.RSSUpdateLock: # mark as running self.RSSUpdateLock = True # and go forever..... while True: # get our first item, get temp item, check item, then download cast = self.RSSUpdates.get(block=True,timeout=None) (handle, tmp) = mkstemp() urlgood = checkurl(cast[1]) if urlgood: # url's good, im downloading try: urlretrieve(cast[1],tmp) except socket.timeout, ex: self.rsserror.append({ 'name' : cast[0], 'url': cast[1]}) except socket.gaierror, ex: self.rsserror.append({ 'name' : cast[0], 'url': cast[1]}) # load it into feedparser :D rssfile=feedparser.parse(tmp) # lotsa try's here >.< just in case objects arent in cast. for entry in rssfile.entries: try: enclosureurl=entry.enclosures[0].url enclosuretype=entry.enclosures[0].type except AttributeError: enclosureurl='' enclosuretype='' try: NewEntry = [] NewEntry.append(cast[0]) NewEntry.append( NewEntry.append(str(entry.title)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str(entry.summary)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str( except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') # if we made it through there, we create the new entry NewEntry=NewEntry+[str(enclosureurl),str(enclosuretype),False,'na','na'] NewEntryCut = [NewEntry[0]]+NewEntry[2:6] ExistingEntries =,['name','title','description','link','enclosure',], ['','','','',''],['name','title','description','link','enclosure',]) # check its not already existing if NewEntryCut not in ExistingEntries: # get lock and add :D self.RssLock.acquire(blocking=True) self.Rss.insert(self.rdb,NewEntry) self.RssLock.release() # yay!!!! print "Added: "+NewEntry[2] else: # bad url!!! print "well the url "+cast[0]+" went bad, offer to remove later..."
execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import glob print "I will simply remove all" print "imgname_skysub.fits" print "imgname_sky.fits" print "imgname.fits" print "images from the alidir." print 'This will save some disk space, now that images are aligned...' print 'You can rebuild these images at any time if needed.' # We select the images to treat : db = KirbyBase() images =, ['recno'], ["*"], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname', 'mjd']) nbrofimages = len(images) for i, image in enumerate(images): print i + 1, "/", nbrofimages, " : ", image['imgname'] rmfiles = [ "%s%s" % (image["imgname"], ext) for ext in [".fits", "_skysub.fits", "_sky.fits"] ] for rmfile in rmfiles: rmpath = os.path.join(alidir, rmfile)
def DownloadRSS(pycast,name): Rss = KirbyBase() Casts = KirbyBase() if not app.checkdb(RSSDB): Rss.create(RSSDB, ['name:str', 'date:datetime.datetime', 'title:str', 'description:str', 'link:str', 'enclosure:str', 'enclosuretype:str', 'downloaded:bool', 'filename:str', 'opml:str']),['name','url'],['',''],['name','url']) for cast in CastList: if cast[0] == name and name != '' or name == '': (handle, tmp) = tempfile.mkstemp() urlgood = DownloadTestRSS(cast[1]) print "ok",cast if urlgood: print cast urllib.urlretrieve(cast[1],tmp) rssfile=feedparser.parse(tmp) for entry in rssfile.entries: debug=False if cast[0]=="Evil Genius Chronicles": print entry debug=True try: enclosureurl=entry.enclosures[0].url enclosuretype=entry.enclosures[0].type except AttributeError: enclosureurl='' enclosuretype='' try: NewEntry = [] NewEntry.append(cast[0]) NewEntry.append( NewEntry.append(str(entry.title)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str(entry.summary)) except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') try: NewEntry.append(str( except AttributeError: NewEntry.append('') NewEntry=NewEntry+[str(enclosureurl),str(enclosuretype),False,'na','na'] NewEntryCut = [NewEntry[0]]+NewEntry[2:6] ExistingEntries =,['name','title','description','link','enclosure',], ['','','','',''],['name','title','description','link','enclosure',]) if NewEntryCut not in ExistingEntries: Rss.insert(RSSDB,NewEntry) print "Added: "+NewEntry[2] else: print "well the url "+cast[0]+" went bad, offer to remove later..."
"""Simple test of kirbybase. """ import os from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError import datetime # Uncomment one or the other of next two lines to switch between multiuser # and embedded. If multiuser, make sure you have a kbserver running. db = KirbyBase() #db = KirbyBase('client', '', 44444) # If table exists, delete it. if os.path.exists('plane.tbl'): db.drop('plane.tbl') # Create a table. db.create('plane.tbl', ['name:str','country:str','role:str','speed:int', 'range:int','', 'still_flying:bool']) # Insert a bunch of records. print db.insert('plane.tbl', ['P-51','USA','Fighter',403,1201,,6,24),True]) print db.insert('plane.tbl', ['P-47','USA','Fighter',365,888,,3,12),False]) print db.insert('plane.tbl', ['B-17','USA','Bomber',315,1400,,5,1),True]) print db.insert('plane.tbl', ['Typhoon', 'Great Britain','Fighter-Bomber', 389,690,,11,20),False]) print db.insert('plane.tbl', ['Sptitfire','Great Britain','Fighter',345,