Example #1
from MCS_interface import MCS_interface

rewriteconfig = True
nofitnum = False
redofromscratch = True

if rewriteconfig == True:
	psfstars = star.readmancat(psfstarcat)
	nbrpsf = len(psfstars)
	starscouplelist = repr([(int(s.x), int(s.y)) for s in psfstars])
	config_template = justread(os.path.join(configdir, "template_pyMCS_psf_config.py"))

# Select images to treat
db = KirbyBase()

if thisisatest :
	print "This is a test run."
	images = db.select(imgdb, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'testlist',psfkeyflag], [True, True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname', 'mjd'])
elif update:
	print "This is an update."
	images = db.select(imgdb, ['gogogo', 'treatme', 'updating', psfkeyflag], [True, True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname', 'mjd'])
else :
	images = db.select(imgdb, ['gogogo', 'treatme',psfkeyflag], [True, True, True], returnType='dict', sortFields=['setname', 'mjd'])

print "I will build the PSF of %i images." % len(images)

ncorestouse = forkmap.nprocessors()
#ncorestouse = multiprocessing.cpu_count()