def _decorator(fn): if not fs.which(fpath): print("Error: {f} doesn't exist".format(f=fpath)) print("Traceback: {func}() in {src}".format(func=fn.__name__, src=__file__)) my_exit(1) # def step_func(*args, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return step_func
def cache_pygmentize(): """ The first call of pygmentize is slow, thus we call it upon startup in the background. """ fname = "{root}/assets/".format(root=cfg.ROOT) if fs.which("pygmentize") and os.path.isfile(fname): with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: cmd = pcat.format(cfg.colors[cfg.g.BACKGROUND]["pygmentize_style"], fname) args = shlex.split(cmd) call(args, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
def to_clipboards(key): if fs.which("xsel"): o = hdict[key] # action = o["action"] verb = action[0] if verb == 'cat': with open("data/" + action[1]) as f: text_to_clipboards("\n")) else: print("Warning: xsel is not installed, cannot copy to clipboards.")
def path_to_clipboards(key): if fs.which("xsel"): o = hdict[key] # action = o["action"] verb = action[0] if verb == 'cat': f = os.path.abspath("data/" + action[1]) print('#', f) text_to_clipboards(f) else: print("Warning: xsel is not installed, cannot copy to clipboards.")
def cat(fname, o, search_term=""): """ Show file content on stdout. If pygmentize is available, show a syntax-highlighted output. Otherwise fall back to a normal "cat". """ print(bold("-" * 78)) doc = o["doc"] if doc: print(bold(doc)) print(bold("-" * 78)) if fs.which("pygmentize"): print_pcat(fname, search_term) else: with open(fname) as f: for line in f: if search_term in line: print(line, end='') print()
def cat(fname, o): """ Show file content on stdout. If pygmentize is available, show a syntax-highlighted output. Otherwise fall back to a normal "cat". """ fname = "data/" + fname # print(bold("-" * 78)) doc = o["doc"] if doc: print(bold(doc)) print(bold("-" * 78)) if fs.which("pygmentize"): os.system(pcat.format(cfg.colors[cfg.g.BACKGROUND]["pygmentize_style"], fname)) else: with open(fname) as f: for line in f: print(line, end=' ') print() # process_extras(fname, o)
def cat(fname, o, search_term=""): """ Show file content on stdout. If pygmentize is available, show a syntax-highlighted output. Otherwise fall back to a normal "cat". """ p = Path(fname) ext = p.suffix print(bold("-" * 78)) doc = o["doc"] if doc: print(bold(doc)) print(bold("-" * 78)) if fs.which("pygmentize") and ext != ".txt": # .txt files were colored incorrectly, so let's switch coloring off for .txt files print_pcat(fname, search_term) else: with open(fname) as f: for line in f: if search_term in line: print(line, end='') print()
def check_dependencies(): for prg in dependencies: if not fs.which(prg): print("Warning: {0} is not available.".format(prg)) print("tip: {0}".format(dependencies[prg]))