Example #1
def start():
    base = misc.onyx_base
    path = base + 'etc/cfg/services/'
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    # Setup NGINX
    if len(step()) < 1:
        print(' Setting up Nginx HTTP Server')
        if not os.path.exists(path + '_backups/nginx.conf'):
            misc.copy_to('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', path + '_backups/nginx.conf')
        misc.copy_to(path + 'nginx/', '/etc/nginx/')
        misc.cmd(['systemctl', 'enable', 'nginx'])
        misc.cmd(['systemctl', 'start', 'nginx'])

    # Setup PHP
    if len(step()) < 2:
        print(' Setting up PHP')
        if not os.path.exists(path + '_backups/php.ini'):
            misc.copy_to('/etc/php/php.ini', path + '_backups/php.ini')
            misc.copy_to('/etc/php/php-fpm.d', path + '_backups/php-fpm.d')
        misc.copy_to(path + 'php/', '/etc/php/')
        misc.cmd(['systemctl', 'enable', 'php-fpm'])
        misc.cmd(['systemctl', 'start', 'php-fpm'])

    # Setup PHP-MY-ADMIN
    if len(step()) < 3:
        print(' Setting up phpMyAdmin')
        if not os.path.exists(base + 'etc/web/api/phpmyadmin'):
            os.symlink('/usr/share/webapps/phpMyAdmin', base + 'etc/web/api/phpmyadmin')
Example #2
def rmv(username):
    if username is True:
        username = misc.question(" What's the name of the user?")
        username = username[0]

    code = misc.cmd(["userdel", "-fr", username])

    if code == 0:
        misc.cmd(["gpasswd", "-d", "http", username])
        exit(" Successfully removed user: "******" User %s doesn't exist." % username)
    elif code == 12:
        exit(" Couldn't remove user's home directory.")
        exit(" --userdel returned error code: " + str(code))
Example #3
def add(cmd):
    if misc.arg_range(cmd):
        exit(' Error! Usage: onyx-api --webadd user domain')

    user = cmd[0]
    domain = cmd[1]

    if misc.user_chk(user):
        base = '/home/' + user + '/web/' + domain

        # Create domain dirs if missing
        if not os.path.exists(base):
            os.makedirs(base + '/logs/')

            misc.copy_to('/opt/onyx/etc/web/usr/public_html/', base + '/public_html/')
            misc.copy_to('/opt/onyx/etc/web/usr/nginx/', base + '/nginx/')

            # Update user nginx template with correct values
            for line in fileinput.input([base + '/nginx/default.conf', base + '/nginx/default_s.conf'], inplace=True):
                line = line.replace('%web_port%', '80')
                line = line.replace('%web_ssl_port%', '443')
                line = line.replace('%proxy_port%', '8080')
                line = line.replace('%proxy_ssl_port%', '8443')
                line = line.replace('%user%', user)
                line = line.replace('%domain_idn%', domain)
                line = line.replace('%alias_idn%', 'www.' + domain)
                line = line.replace('%docroot%', base + '/public_html/')
                line = line.replace('%sdocroot%', base + '/public_html/')

            # Update user html template with correct values
            for line in fileinput.input([base + '/public_html/50x.html',
                                         base + '/public_html/403.html',
                                         base + '/public_html/404.html',
                                         base + '/public_html/index.html'], inplace=True):
                line = line.replace('%domain%', domain)

            # Set user as owner of dirs and files
            misc.cmd(['chown', '-R', user + ':' + user, '/home/' + user])

            exit(' %s was added successfully.' % domain)

            exit(' %s already exists.' % domain)
Example #4
def add(username=misc.user_gen(), password=misc.pass_gen()):
    i = 1
    code = 9
    while code == 9:
        code = misc.cmd(["useradd", username, "-p", password, "-s", "/sbin/nologin", "-md", "/home/" + username])

        if code == 0:
            misc.cmd(["chown", "750", "-Rf", "/home/" + username])
            misc.cmd(["gpasswd", "-a", "http", username])
            exit(" Successfully added user: %s with password: %s" % (username, password))
        elif code == 9:
            if i >= 100:
                exit(" --useradd has timed-out after 100 attempts to generate a username.")
            i += 1
        elif code == 12:
            exit(" Couldn't create user's home directory.")
            exit(" --useradd returned error code: " + str(code))
Example #5
def ctl(cmd):
    swt_list = ['start', 'stop', 'restart']
    srv_list = ['mariadb', 'nginx', 'php-fpm', 'vsftpd']
    switch = cmd[0]
    services = [cmd[1]] if len(cmd) >= 2 else srv_list

    if cmd[0] not in swt_list or cmd[1] not in srv_list:
        exit(str(' Usage: onyx-api --services %s %s' % (swt_list, srv_list)).replace("'", ''))

    for service in services:
        code = misc.cmd(['systemctl', switch, service])
        if code == 0:
            print(' %s [%s] ' % (service, switch))
            print(' %s didn\'t %s properly. For details run: systemctl status %s' % (service, switch, service))