Example #1
 def show_post(self):
   self.template = 'slots_edit'
   user = users.get_current_user()
   event_id = self.request.get('event')
   event = CEvent(event_id).get()
   form = DaysSlotsForm(self.request.POST)
   # check permissions...
   if user and event and (user in event.organizers or users.is_current_user_admin()):
     # add the days for validation
     if form.validate():
       # start with the days as they are used by slots
       old_days = CDayList(event_id).get()
       for i in range(0,1024):
         prefix = 'days-' + str(i) + '-'
         if self.request.get(prefix + 'date'):
           # is this a modification of an existing day or a new one?
           day_id = self.request.get(prefix + 'day')
           if day_id in [str(d.key()) for d in old_days]:
             day = [d for d in old_days if str(d.key()) == day_id][0]
             # delete from old_days
             old_days = [d for d in old_days if str(d.key()) != day_id]
             day = Day()
           # fill in values for old/new day
           day.description = self.request.get(prefix + 'description')
           day.date = datetime.strptime(self.request.get(prefix + 'date'), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
           day.event = event
           # update day
       # end for
       # now delete all days not mentioned yet
       for d in old_days:
       # clear day list
       # and load uploaded day list
       days = CDayList(event_id).get()
       # now the slots...
       old_slots = CSlotList(event_id).get()
       for i in range(0,1024):
         prefix = 'slots-' + str(i) + '-'
         if self.request.get(prefix + 'name'):
           # is this a modification of an existing slot or a new one?
           slot_id = self.request.get(prefix + 'slot')
           if slot_id in [str(s.key()) for s in old_slots]:
             slot = [s for s in old_slots if str(s.key()) == slot_id][0]
             # delete from old_slots
             old_slots = [s for s in old_slots if str(s.key()) != slot_id]
             slot = Slot()
           # fill in values for old/new slot
           slot.name = self.request.get(prefix + 'name')
           (hour,min) = self.request.get(prefix + 'start').split(':')
           if hour and min:
             slot.start = time(int(hour), int(min))
           (hour,min) = self.request.get(prefix + 'end').split(':')
           if hour and min:
             slot.end = time(int(hour), int(min))
           # find date
           date = datetime.strptime(self.request.get(prefix + 'date'), '%Y-%m-%d').date()            
           day_list = [ day for day in days if day.date == date ]            
           if len(day_list) < 1:
             day = Day()
             day.date = date
             day.event = event
             # clear day list
             # and load uploaded day list
             days = CDayList(event_id).get()
             slot_day = day
             slot_day = day_list[0]
           slot.day = slot_day
           slot.event = event
           # update slot
       # end for
       # now delete all slots not mentioned yet
       for s in old_slots:
       # set info that modification was successful
       self.values['modified_successful'] = True
       # clear the cache for the event
     # set event into form object
     self.values['event'] = event
   elif not user:
     return self.redirect(
                  users.create_login_url("/event/slots/edit/" + event_id))
     return self.redirect("/event/create");
   self.values['current_navigation'] = 'slots'
   self.values['form_url'] = '/event/slots/upload'
   self.values['form'] = form
Example #2
 def load_from_db(self):
   self.entity_collection = Day.all().filter('event =', CEvent(self.id).get())