Example #1
def main():
    fraction_pairs = []
    fractions = []
    for d in range(1, 10):
        for n in range(1, d):
            n_over_d = n / d
            if n_over_d >= 1:
            for cancelled in range(1, 10):
                numerator = join_digits(cancelled, n)
                denominator = join_digits(cancelled, d)
                if numerator / denominator == n_over_d:
                    fraction_pairs.append([[numerator, denominator], [n, d]])
                    fractions.append([numerator, denominator])
                numerator = join_digits(cancelled, n)
                denominator = join_digits(d, cancelled)
                if numerator / denominator == n_over_d:
                    fraction_pairs.append([[numerator, denominator], [n, d]])
                    fractions.append([numerator, denominator])
                numerator = join_digits(n, cancelled)
                denominator = join_digits(cancelled, d)
                if numerator / denominator == n_over_d:
                    fraction_pairs.append([[numerator, denominator], [n, d]])
                    fractions.append([numerator, denominator])
                numerator = join_digits(n, cancelled)
                denominator = join_digits(d, cancelled)
                if numerator / denominator == n_over_d:
                    fraction_pairs.append([[numerator, denominator], [n, d]])
                    fractions.append([numerator, denominator])
    result_fraction = [1, 1]
    for fraction in fractions:
        result_fraction[0] *= fraction[0]
        result_fraction[1] *= fraction[1]
    result_gcd = gcd(result_fraction[0], result_fraction[1])
    print(result_fraction[1] / result_gcd)
    def calculate_inner_points(self):
        new_inner_points = 0

        # if this is the origin return 0
        if self.parent is None:
            return 0

        # if this is the first non-origin point on the polygon, then we have no 3d shape yet
        # the inner points are just the ones colinear to this first edge
        if self.parent.x == 0 and self.parent.y == 0:
            # gcd is a sneaky way to do this - think about it
            return gcd(abs(self.x), self.y) # y is already positive

        # any points on y = 0 have already been dealt with in the trivial cases
        for _y in xrange(1, N + 1):
            min_x = int(math.ceil(float(_y) / self.y * self.x)) if self.y != 0 else -N
            max_x = int(math.floor(float(_y) / self.parent.y * self.parent.x)) if self.parent.y != 0 else N + 1
            for _x in xrange(min_x, max_x):
                if _y > float(self.y - self.parent.y) / (self.x - self.parent.x) * (_x - self.x) + self.y:
                    # exclude points in the wedge but outside the triangle
                if _x == self.x and _y == self.y:
                    # exclude the new vertex
                new_inner_points = new_inner_points + 1

        # add in parent points
        return new_inner_points + self.parent.get_inner_points()
Example #3
def euler_33():
    nums = range(10, 100)
    dens = range(10, 100)

    fracs = ((n, d) for n, d in itertools.product(nums, dens))
    filtered_fracs = list(filter(cancel_filter, fracs))
    num = functools.reduce(operator.mul, [x[0] for x in filtered_fracs], 1)
    den = functools.reduce(operator.mul, [x[1] for x in filtered_fracs], 1)
    divisor = lib.gcd(num, den)
    return den // divisor
Example #4
def D(N):
    # d/dk((N/k)^k) = 0 -> k=N/2
    k = int(N / math.e + 0.5)
    # Check if N/k is a terminating decimal
    # Reduce by gcd
    k //= gcd(N, k)
    # Reduce by terminating decimal divisors
    while k % 2 == 0:
        k //= 2
    while k % 5 == 0:
        k //= 5
    return N if k > 1 else -N
Example #5
def main(limit):
    rv = 0
    for n in count(3):
        if gcd(n, 10) != 1:
        if primes.isPrime(n):
        if (n - 1) % A(n) != 0:
        rv += n
        limit -= 1
        if limit == 0:
            return rv
Example #6
def main(limit):
    rv = 0
    for n in count(3):
        if gcd(n, 10) != 1:
        if primes.isPrime(n):
        if (n - 1) % A(n) != 0:
        rv += n
        limit -= 1
        if limit == 0:
            return rv
Example #7
import itertools
from lib import gcd

def is_equal_fraction(n1, d1, n2, d2):
    return n1 * d2 == n2 * d1

def rev(l):
    return list(reversed(l))

def is_curious(n, d):
    ns = map(int, str(n))
    ds = map(int, str(d))
    return ns[1] == ds[0] and is_equal_fraction(n, d, ns[0], ds[1])

total_n = 1
total_d = 1
for n in range(10, 100):
    for d in range(n+1, 100):
        if is_curious(n, d):
            total_n *= n
            total_d *= d

factor = gcd(total_n, total_d)

print "%d/%d" % (total_n/factor, total_d/factor)
Example #8
from lib import gcd

if __name__ == '__main__':
	product = 1
	for i in xrange(2, 21):
		product = (product * i) / gcd(product, i)
	print product
Example #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from lib import gcd

Lmax = 1500000
seen = {}

for m in range(1,int((Lmax)**.5)):
	for n in range(1,m):
		if (m+n)%2 == 1 and gcd(m,n) == 1:
			a = m**2 - n**2
			b = 2*m*n
			c = m**2 + n**2
			s = a+b+c
			for k in range(s, Lmax+1, s):
				if k not in seen:
					seen[k] = set([])

count = 0
for key in seen:
	if len(seen[key]) == 1:
		count += 1


Example #10
def reduce_frac((n, d)):
    g = gcd(n, d)
    return n / g, d / g
Example #11
def D(N):
	k = int(N / math.e + 0.5)
	k //= gcd(N, k)
	while k % 2 == 0: k //= 2
	while k % 5 == 0: k //= 5
	return N if k > 1 else -N
Example #12
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import lib, math
from collections import Counter
N = 12_000

prime = lib.prime_sieve(N + 1)

count = 0
for d in range(2, N + 1):
    for n in range(int(d / 3), int(d / 2) + 1):
        if 2 * n >= d:  #n/d >= 1/2
        if 3 * n > d:  #n/d > 1/3
            if prime[d]:
                count += 1
            elif lib.gcd(n, d) == 1:
                count += 1
    if d % 100 == 0:
        print('d = ' + str(d), count)
Example #13
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import lib
from collections import defaultdict


def odd(n):
  return n % 2 == 1

triangles = defaultdict(set)

for n in range(1, int((L//2)**0.5)):
  n2 = n**2
  for m in range(n+1, int((L//2)**0.5)): # n must be less than m
    if not(odd(m) and odd(n)) == 1 and lib.gcd(m,n) == 1: # conditions for a primitive pythagorean triple
      m2 = m**2
      k = 1
      # Euclid's formula for pythagorean triples
      a,b,c = m2 - n2, 2*m*n, m2 + n2
      l = a+b+c
      if l > L:
      while a+b+c <= L:
        l = [a,b,c]
        k += 1
        a,b,c = (m2 - n2)*k, 2*m*n*k, (m2 + n2)*k

count = 0
for k,v in triangles.items():  
Example #14
from lib import gcd

if __name__ == '__main__':
    product = 1
    for i in xrange(2, 21):
        product = (product * i) / gcd(product, i)
    print product