def houDoBooleanOperation(self, prim, previousPrim, listOfDividedPrims, crack, volumeNode, sweepingNode): logging.debug("Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided") global epsilon logging.debug("This prim: %s", str(prim)) logging.debug("Previous prim: %s", str(previousPrim)) if previousPrim in listOfDividedPrims.keys(): edgeToValidate = GeoMath.getSharedEdges( listOfDividedPrims[previousPrim].pointsOutside, [list(po.point().position()) for po in prim.vertices()], 1, ) if not edgeToValidate: self.prim = None logging.error("No edge to validate") logging.debug( "Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: No edge to valide in prim %s", str(prim.number()), ) return False edgeToValidate = edgeToValidate[0] else: edgeToValidate = GeoMath.getSharedEdgesPrims(previousPrim, prim, 1)[0] if not edgeToValidate: logging.error("No edge to validate") logging.debug( "Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: No edge to valide in prim %s", str(prim.number()), ) self.prim = None return False logging.debug("Edge to validate: %s", str(edgeToValidate)) edgeToValidate = [list(edgeToValidate[0]), list(edgeToValidate[1])] firstPointCrack = crack[prim][0] lastPointCrack = crack[prim][len(crack[prim]) - 1] matched = False # Points ordered by prim points = [list(p.point().position()) for p in prim.vertices()] edgeFirst = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, firstPointCrack) edgeFirst = [list(edgeFirst[0]), list(edgeFirst[1])] # Put the edge in clockwise direction if GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeFirst, prim, True): curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[1]] else: curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[0]] index = 0 logging.debug("Points: %s", str(points)) logging.debug("Current edge: %s", str(curEdge)) count = 0 while points[index] != curEdge[1]: count += 1 if count == 10: logging.error("First edge not found") logging.debug("End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: first edge not found") return index += 1 nextIndex = (index + 1) % len(points) nextEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] edgeLast = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, lastPointCrack) edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[0]), list(edgeLast[1])] if not GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeLast, prim, True): edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[1]), list(edgeLast[0])] pointsDisplaced = [] # Normal iteration over points count = 0 logging.debug("Last edge where the 'to validate edge' lies: %s", str(edgeLast)) self.pointsOutside = [] logging.debug("Normal iteration over points") while len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeLast, 1)) == 0: logging.debug("Current edge: %s", str(curEdge)) count += 1 if count == 10: logging.error("Last edge not found") logging.debug("End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found") return # Calcule the displacement vecDis = self.calculateDisplacement(curEdge, nextEdge) pointDisplaced = self.applyDisplacement(curEdge[1], vecDis) # Add displace point pointsDisplaced.append(pointDisplaced) self.pointsOutside.append(curEdge[1]) if len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0: matched = True curEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] nextIndex = (nextIndex + 1) % len(points) nextEdge = [nextEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] logging.debug("Ha salido del segundo bucle con: %s", str(curEdge)) curEdge = [curEdge[0], lastPointCrack] # Last comprovation if not matched and (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0): logging.debug("Final comprovation edge: %s", str(curEdge)) matched = True if not matched: logging.debug("Not matched at normal iteration over points, trying in inverse mode") # Do inverse # Put the edge in not clockwise direction if GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeFirst, prim, False): curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[1]] else: curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[0]] index = 0 count = 0 while points[index] != curEdge[1]: count += 1 if count == 10: logging.error("First edge not found") logging.debug("End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found") return index += 1 nextIndex = index - 1 if nextIndex < 0: nextIndex = len(points) - 1 nextEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] edgeLast = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, lastPointCrack) if not GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeLast, prim, False): edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[1]), list(edgeLast[0])] pointsDisplaced = [] self.pointsOutside = [] # Inverse iteration over points count = 0 logging.debug("Inverse iteration over points") while len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeLast, 1)) == 0: count += 1 if count == 10: logging.error("Last edge not found") logging.debug("End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found") return # Calcule the displacement vecDis = self.calculateDisplacement(curEdge, nextEdge) pointDisplaced = self.applyDisplacement(curEdge[1], vecDis) pointsDisplaced.append(pointDisplaced) self.pointsOutside.append(curEdge[1]) if len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0: matched = True curEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] nextIndex = nextIndex - 1 if nextIndex < 0: nextIndex = len(points) - 1 nextEdge = [nextEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] curEdge = [curEdge[0], lastPointCrack] # Last comprovation if not matched and (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0): logging.debug("Final comprovation edge: %s", str(curEdge)) matched = True if not matched: logging.error("Validate edge not found at primitive") # Add the extrem points self.pointsOutside.insert(0, firstPointCrack) self.pointsOutside.append(lastPointCrack) # Now we have a structure with the points in correct order, with the edge that was broken and # with applied displacement for each point. Not firstCrackPoint either lastCrackPoint added. curveNode = sweepingNode.createNode("curve", "crack_pattern_" + str(prim.number())) # curveNode.setNextInput(volumeNode) pointsString = "" for point in crack[prim]: pointsString = pointsString + str(point[0]) + "," + str(point[1]) + "," + str(point[2]) + " " # Now we add the displacement point to close the prim pointsDisplaced.reverse() for point in pointsDisplaced: pointsString = pointsString + str(point[0]) + "," + str(point[1]) + "," + str(point[2]) + " " curveNode.parm("coords").set(pointsString) curveNode.moveToGoodPosition() curveNode.parm("close").set(True) extrudeNode = sweepingNode.createNode("extrude", "extrude_" + str(prim.number())) extrudeNode.setNextInput(curveNode) largeOfGeo = extrudeNode.geometry().boundingBox().sizevec().length() extrudeNode.parm("depthxlate").set(-largeOfGeo / 2 - 0.5) extrudeNode.parm("depthscale").set(largeOfGeo + 1) # Associate part B with crack line volume # extrudeNode.setNextInput(crackNode) cookieNode = sweepingNode.createNode("cookie", "cookie_" + str(prim.number())) cookieNode.parm("dojitter").set(True) cookieNode.parm("jitteramount").set(0.001) cookieNode.parm("seed").set(3) cookieNode.parm("boolop").set("other") cookieNode.parm("insideB").set(True) cookieNode.parm("outsideB").set(True) cookieNode.setNextInput(extrudeNode) # Associate part B with volume cookieNode.setNextInput(volumeNode) cookieNode.parm("groupB").set("__" + str(prim.number())) cookieNode.parm("createGroup").set(True) cookieNode.parm("insideAGroup").set("Ain") cookieNode.parm("insideBGroup").set(self.nameGroupBroken) cookieNode.parm("outsideAGroup").set("Aout") cookieNode.parm("outsideBGroup").set(self.nameGroupNotBroken) cookieNode.parm("overlapAGroup").set("Aover") cookieNode.parm("overlapBGroup").set("Bover") # Delete the unwanted groups deleteNode = sweepingNode.createNode("delete", "unwantedGroups_" + str(prim.number())) deleteNode.parm("group").set(self.nameGroupBroken + " Ain Aout Aover Bover") deleteNode.setNextInput(cookieNode) self.curveNode = curveNode self.extrudeNode = extrudeNode self.cookieNode = cookieNode self.deleteNode = deleteNode self.curveNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.extrudeNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.cookieNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.deleteNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.nodes.append(self.curveNode) self.nodes.append(self.extrudeNode) self.nodes.append(self.cookieNode) self.nodes.append(self.deleteNode) logging.debug("End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: good")
def getExtremPrims(self, Ipoint, primOfIpoint, partDes, refPrim, notDes, volume=None): ''' We can't ensure that the primitives have a posible path, but we ensure that last primitive have at least 2 adjacent primitives and first primitive is connected with the last primitive ''' logging.debug("Start method getExtremPrims, class DefPath") firstPrim = None lastPrim = None if (primOfIpoint and Ipoint): # NOT YET TOTALLY IMPLEMENTED edge = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(primOfIpoint, Ipoint) lastPrim = primOfIpoint for prim in partDes: if (prim != lastPrim): sharedEdges = GeoMath.getSharedEdgesPrims(lastPrim, prim) rs_lP_fP = False if (volume): for edge in sharedEdges: rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling( edge, volume) point = rs.getValue() if (point): rs_lP_fP = True break if (len(sharedEdges >= 1) and (edge in sharedEdges) and (volume == None or rs_lP_fP)): firstPrim = prim else: # Automatically decision of extrem prims. # Ensure that 2 prims is connected to another primitive in # group of partially destroyed. # Didn't use "getConnectedPrims" because need ramdonless in choice of prims. stopSearch = False tempList1 = list(partDes) # minimum of 4 prims to get a path while (len(tempList1) > 4 and not stopSearch): numPrim1 = random.randint(0, len(tempList1) - 1) prim1 = tempList1[numPrim1] del tempList1[numPrim1] # We have to ensure that first prim has at least two conected prims if (True): # prim1.number()>17 and prim1.number()<27 while ( (len(GeoMath.getConnectedPrims(prim1, list(partDes), 2)) < 2) and (len(tempList1) > 4)): numPrim1 = random.randint(0, len(tempList1) - 1) prim1 = tempList1[numPrim1] del tempList1[numPrim1] # If prim1 has at least two conected prims if (len(tempList1) > 4): conectedToPrim1 = GeoMath.getConnectedPrims( prim1, list(tempList1)) while (len(conectedToPrim1) > 0 and not stopSearch): numPrim2 = random.randint(0, len(conectedToPrim1) - 1) prim2 = conectedToPrim1[numPrim2] if (prim2 != prim1): # If prim2 has at least 2 conected prims if (len( GeoMath.getConnectedPrims( prim2, list(tempList1), 2)) >= 2): stopSearch = True if (volume): rs_lP_fP = False for edge in GeoMath.getEdgesBetweenPrims( prim1, prim2): logging.debug( "Edge: %s", str(edge)) rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling( edge, volume) point = rs.getValue() if (point): rs_lP_fP = True break if (not rs_lP_fP): stopSearch = False if (stopSearch): # Assign the last evaluate because we have it now in a variable. firstPrim = InfoPathPrim.InfoPathPrim( prim2) # Last prim sure has two adjacent primitives. lastPrim = InfoPathPrim.InfoPathPrim( prim1) firstPrim.setiPoint(list(point)) lastPrim.setfPoint(list(point)) del conectedToPrim1[numPrim2] if (firstPrim and lastPrim): logging.debug( "End method getExtremPrims, class DefPath. State: good") else: logging.debug( "End method getExtremPrims, class DefPath. State: no extrem prims" ) return firstPrim, lastPrim
def houDoBooleanOperation(self, prim, previousPrim, listOfDividedPrims, crack, volumeNode, sweepingNode): logging.debug("Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided") global epsilon logging.debug("This prim: %s", str(prim)) logging.debug("Previous prim: %s", str(previousPrim)) if (previousPrim in listOfDividedPrims.keys()): edgeToValidate = GeoMath.getSharedEdges( listOfDividedPrims[previousPrim].pointsOutside, [list(po.point().position()) for po in prim.vertices()], 1) if (not edgeToValidate): self.prim = None logging.error("No edge to validate") logging.debug( "Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: No edge to valide in prim %s", str(prim.number())) return False edgeToValidate = edgeToValidate[0] else: edgeToValidate = GeoMath.getSharedEdgesPrims( previousPrim, prim, 1)[0] if (not edgeToValidate): logging.error("No edge to validate") logging.debug( "Start method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: No edge to valide in prim %s", str(prim.number())) self.prim = None return False logging.debug("Edge to validate: %s", str(edgeToValidate)) edgeToValidate = [list(edgeToValidate[0]), list(edgeToValidate[1])] firstPointCrack = crack[prim][0] lastPointCrack = crack[prim][len(crack[prim]) - 1] matched = False # Points ordered by prim points = [list(p.point().position()) for p in prim.vertices()] edgeFirst = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, firstPointCrack) edgeFirst = [list(edgeFirst[0]), list(edgeFirst[1])] # Put the edge in clockwise direction if (GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeFirst, prim, True)): curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[1]] else: curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[0]] index = 0 logging.debug("Points: %s", str(points)) logging.debug("Current edge: %s", str(curEdge)) count = 0 while (points[index] != curEdge[1]): count += 1 if (count == 10): logging.error("First edge not found") logging.debug( "End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: first edge not found" ) return index += 1 nextIndex = (index + 1) % len(points) nextEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] edgeLast = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, lastPointCrack) edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[0]), list(edgeLast[1])] if (not GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeLast, prim, True)): edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[1]), list(edgeLast[0])] pointsDisplaced = [] # Normal iteration over points count = 0 logging.debug("Last edge where the 'to validate edge' lies: %s", str(edgeLast)) self.pointsOutside = [] logging.debug("Normal iteration over points") while (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeLast, 1)) == 0): logging.debug("Current edge: %s", str(curEdge)) count += 1 if (count == 10): logging.error("Last edge not found") logging.debug( "End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found" ) return # Calcule the displacement vecDis = self.calculateDisplacement(curEdge, nextEdge) pointDisplaced = self.applyDisplacement(curEdge[1], vecDis) # Add displace point pointsDisplaced.append(pointDisplaced) self.pointsOutside.append(curEdge[1]) if (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0): matched = True curEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] nextIndex = (nextIndex + 1) % len(points) nextEdge = [nextEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] logging.debug("Ha salido del segundo bucle con: %s", str(curEdge)) curEdge = [curEdge[0], lastPointCrack] # Last comprovation if (not matched and (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0)): logging.debug("Final comprovation edge: %s", str(curEdge)) matched = True if (not matched): logging.debug( "Not matched at normal iteration over points, trying in inverse mode" ) # Do inverse # Put the edge in not clockwise direction if (GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeFirst, prim, False)): curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[1]] else: curEdge = [firstPointCrack, edgeFirst[0]] index = 0 count = 0 while (points[index] != curEdge[1]): count += 1 if (count == 10): logging.error("First edge not found") logging.debug( "End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found" ) return index += 1 nextIndex = (index - 1) if (nextIndex < 0): nextIndex = (len(points) - 1) nextEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] edgeLast = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(prim, lastPointCrack) if (not GeoMath.determineDirEdge(edgeLast, prim, False)): edgeLast = [list(edgeLast[1]), list(edgeLast[0])] pointsDisplaced = [] self.pointsOutside = [] # Inverse iteration over points count = 0 logging.debug("Inverse iteration over points") while (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeLast, 1)) == 0): count += 1 if (count == 10): logging.error("Last edge not found") logging.debug( "End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: Last edge not found" ) return # Calcule the displacement vecDis = self.calculateDisplacement(curEdge, nextEdge) pointDisplaced = self.applyDisplacement(curEdge[1], vecDis) pointsDisplaced.append(pointDisplaced) self.pointsOutside.append(curEdge[1]) if ((len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0)): matched = True curEdge = [curEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] nextIndex = (nextIndex - 1) if (nextIndex < 0): nextIndex = len(points) - 1 nextEdge = [nextEdge[1], points[nextIndex]] curEdge = [curEdge[0], lastPointCrack] # Last comprovation if (not matched and (len(GeoMath.getSharedEdges(curEdge, edgeToValidate, 1)) > 0)): logging.debug("Final comprovation edge: %s", str(curEdge)) matched = True if (not matched): logging.error("Validate edge not found at primitive") # Add the extrem points self.pointsOutside.insert(0, firstPointCrack) self.pointsOutside.append(lastPointCrack) # Now we have a structure with the points in correct order, with the edge that was broken and # with applied displacement for each point. Not firstCrackPoint either lastCrackPoint added. curveNode = sweepingNode.createNode( 'curve', 'crack_pattern_' + str(prim.number())) # curveNode.setNextInput(volumeNode) pointsString = "" for point in crack[prim]: pointsString = pointsString + str(point[0]) + "," + str( point[1]) + "," + str(point[2]) + " " # Now we add the displacement point to close the prim pointsDisplaced.reverse() for point in pointsDisplaced: pointsString = pointsString + str(point[0]) + "," + str( point[1]) + "," + str(point[2]) + " " curveNode.parm('coords').set(pointsString) curveNode.moveToGoodPosition() curveNode.parm('close').set(True) extrudeNode = sweepingNode.createNode('extrude', 'extrude_' + str(prim.number())) extrudeNode.setNextInput(curveNode) largeOfGeo = extrudeNode.geometry().boundingBox().sizevec().length() extrudeNode.parm('depthxlate').set(-largeOfGeo / 2 - 0.5) extrudeNode.parm('depthscale').set(largeOfGeo + 1) # Associate part B with crack line volume # extrudeNode.setNextInput(crackNode) cookieNode = sweepingNode.createNode('cookie', 'cookie_' + str(prim.number())) cookieNode.parm('dojitter').set(True) cookieNode.parm('jitteramount').set(0.001) cookieNode.parm('seed').set(3) cookieNode.parm('boolop').set('other') cookieNode.parm('insideB').set(True) cookieNode.parm('outsideB').set(True) cookieNode.setNextInput(extrudeNode) # Associate part B with volume cookieNode.setNextInput(volumeNode) cookieNode.parm('groupB').set("__" + str(prim.number())) cookieNode.parm('createGroup').set(True) cookieNode.parm('insideAGroup').set("Ain") cookieNode.parm('insideBGroup').set(self.nameGroupBroken) cookieNode.parm('outsideAGroup').set("Aout") cookieNode.parm('outsideBGroup').set(self.nameGroupNotBroken) cookieNode.parm('overlapAGroup').set("Aover") cookieNode.parm('overlapBGroup').set("Bover") # Delete the unwanted groups deleteNode = sweepingNode.createNode( 'delete', 'unwantedGroups_' + str(prim.number())) deleteNode.parm('group').set(self.nameGroupBroken + ' Ain Aout Aover Bover') deleteNode.setNextInput(cookieNode) self.curveNode = curveNode self.extrudeNode = extrudeNode self.cookieNode = cookieNode self.deleteNode = deleteNode self.curveNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.extrudeNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.cookieNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.deleteNode.moveToGoodPosition() self.nodes.append(self.curveNode) self.nodes.append(self.extrudeNode) self.nodes.append(self.cookieNode) self.nodes.append(self.deleteNode) logging.debug( "End method houDoBooleanOperation, class PrimDivided. State: good")
def getExtremPrims(self, Ipoint, primOfIpoint, partDes, refPrim, notDes, volume=None): ''' We can't ensure that the primitives have a posible path, but we ensure that last primitive have at least 2 adjacent primitives and first primitive is connected with the last primitive ''' logging.debug("Start method getExtremPrims, class DefPath") firstPrim = None lastPrim = None if(primOfIpoint and Ipoint): # NOT YET TOTALLY IMPLEMENTED edge = GeoMath.getEdgeWithPointInPrim(primOfIpoint, Ipoint) lastPrim = primOfIpoint for prim in partDes: if(prim != lastPrim): sharedEdges = GeoMath.getSharedEdgesPrims(lastPrim, prim) rs_lP_fP = False if(volume): for edge in sharedEdges: rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling(edge, volume) point = rs.getValue() if(point): rs_lP_fP = True break if (len(sharedEdges >= 1) and (edge in sharedEdges) and (volume == None or rs_lP_fP)): firstPrim = prim else: # Automatically decision of extrem prims. # Ensure that 2 prims is connected to another primitive in # group of partially destroyed. # Didn't use "getConnectedPrims" because need ramdonless in choice of prims. stopSearch = False tempList1 = list(partDes) # minimum of 4 prims to get a path while (len(tempList1) > 4 and not stopSearch): numPrim1 = random.randint(0, len(tempList1) - 1) prim1 = tempList1[numPrim1] del tempList1[numPrim1] # We have to ensure that first prim has at least two conected prims if(True): # prim1.number()>17 and prim1.number()<27 while((len(GeoMath.getConnectedPrims(prim1, list(partDes), 2)) < 2) and (len(tempList1) > 4)): numPrim1 = random.randint(0, len(tempList1) - 1) prim1 = tempList1[numPrim1] del tempList1[numPrim1] # If prim1 has at least two conected prims if(len(tempList1) > 4): conectedToPrim1 = GeoMath.getConnectedPrims(prim1, list(tempList1)) while (len(conectedToPrim1) > 0 and not stopSearch): numPrim2 = random.randint(0, len(conectedToPrim1) - 1) prim2 = conectedToPrim1[numPrim2] if(prim2 != prim1): # If prim2 has at least 2 conected prims if(len(GeoMath.getConnectedPrims(prim2, list(tempList1), 2)) >= 2): stopSearch = True if(volume): rs_lP_fP = False for edge in GeoMath.getEdgesBetweenPrims(prim1, prim2): logging.debug("Edge: %s", str(edge)) rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling(edge, volume) point = rs.getValue() if(point): rs_lP_fP = True break if(not rs_lP_fP): stopSearch = False if(stopSearch): # Assign the last evaluate because we have it now in a variable. firstPrim = InfoPathPrim.InfoPathPrim(prim2) # Last prim sure has two adjacent primitives. lastPrim = InfoPathPrim.InfoPathPrim(prim1) firstPrim.setiPoint(list(point)) lastPrim.setfPoint(list(point)) del conectedToPrim1[numPrim2] if(firstPrim and lastPrim): logging.debug("End method getExtremPrims, class DefPath. State: good") else: logging.debug("End method getExtremPrims, class DefPath. State: no extrem prims") return firstPrim, lastPrim