def detVec(prim, dirVec, exception):
        global epsilon
        vec1 = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(list(prim.vertices()[0].point().position()), list(prim.vertices()[1].point().position())))
        vec2 = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(list(prim.vertices()[2].point().position()), list(prim.vertices()[1].point().position())))
        prim_normal = list(prim.normal())
        if(list(prim_normal) != [0, 1, 0]):
            # We consider that y is vertical and x horizontal
            if(math.fabs(vec1[1]) > math.fabs(vec2[1])):
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if(math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec1) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec1
                vecH = vec2
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if(math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec2) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec2
                vecH = vec1
            # We consider that x is vertical and z horizontal
            if(math.fabs(vec1[0]) > math.fabs(vec2[0])):
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if(math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec1) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec1
                vecH = vec2
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if(math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, 90)
                    if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec2) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec2
                vecH = vec1

        if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(dirVec, vecH) < 0):
            vecH = GeoMath.vecSub([0, 0, 0], vecH)
        if(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(dirVec, vecV) < 0):
            vecV = GeoMath.vecSub([0, 0, 0], vecV)
        vecH = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
        vecV = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
        return vecH, vecV
Example #2
 def getSimX(self, pattern):
     horizontal = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     vertical = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [0, 1, 0]))
     oblique = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     if (horizontal > vertical and horizontal > oblique):
         # return vertical simetry, but how this is the x and normal... it will be false
         return self.simx[1]
     if(vertical > horizontal and vertical > oblique):
         # return horizontal
         return self.simx[0]
     if(oblique > horizontal and oblique > vertical):
         # return oblique simetry
         return self.simx[2]
Example #3
 def getSimNormal(self, pattern):
     horizontal = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     vertical = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [0, 1, 0]))
     oblique = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     if (horizontal > vertical and horizontal > oblique):
         # return vertical simetry
         return self.simN[1]
     if(vertical > horizontal and vertical > oblique):
         # return horizontal simetry
         return self.simN[0]
     if(oblique > horizontal and oblique > vertical):
         # return oblique simetry
         return self.simN[2]
Example #4
 def getSimX(self, pattern):
     horizontal = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     vertical = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [0, 1, 0]))
     oblique = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     if (horizontal > vertical and horizontal > oblique):
         # return vertical simetry, but how this is the x and normal... it will be false
         return self.simx[1]
     if (vertical > horizontal and vertical > oblique):
         # return horizontal
         return self.simx[0]
     if (oblique > horizontal and oblique > vertical):
         # return oblique simetry
         return self.simx[2]
Example #5
 def getSimNormal(self, pattern):
     horizontal = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     vertical = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [0, 1, 0]))
     oblique = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(pattern.getNormal(), [1, 0, 0]))
     if (horizontal > vertical and horizontal > oblique):
         # return vertical simetry
         return self.simN[1]
     if (vertical > horizontal and vertical > oblique):
         # return horizontal simetry
         return self.simN[0]
     if (oblique > horizontal and oblique > vertical):
         # return oblique simetry
         return self.simN[2]
Example #6
 def bresenham(Ipoint, point1, fPoint, xSize, ySize, prim, exception):
     reload (GeoMath)
     reload (DetermineVectors)
     reload (Validator)
     curPoint = point1
     dirVec = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(fPoint, Ipoint))
     # Get the horizontal and vertical vectors
     xVec, yVec = DetermineVectors.DetermineVectors.detVec(prim, dirVec, exception)
     xSizeVec = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(xVec, xSize)
     ySizeVec = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(yVec, ySize)
     vecToFinal = GeoMath.vecSub(curPoint, fPoint)
     sizeToFinalx = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecToFinal, xVec) / GeoMath.vecModul(xVec))
     sizeToFinaly = abs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecToFinal, yVec) / GeoMath.vecModul(yVec))
     if(sizeToFinalx > xSize or sizeToFinaly > ySize):
         pointx = GeoMath.vecPlus(curPoint, xSizeVec)
         pointy = GeoMath.vecPlus(curPoint, ySizeVec)
         pointxy = GeoMath.vecPlus(curPoint, xSizeVec)
         pointxy = GeoMath.vecPlus(pointxy, ySizeVec)
         curxVec = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(pointx, Ipoint))
         curyVec = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(pointy, Ipoint))
         curxyVec = GeoMath.vecNormalize(GeoMath.vecSub(pointxy, Ipoint))
         # We get the max dot product, the vector nearest to line
         dotx = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(curxVec, dirVec)
         doty = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(curyVec, dirVec)
         dotxy = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(curxyVec, dirVec)
         pointsTemp = {}
         if(Validator.Validator.pointInsidePrim(pointx, prim)): pointsTemp[dotx] = pointx
         if(Validator.Validator.pointInsidePrim(pointy, prim)): pointsTemp[doty] = pointy
         if(Validator.Validator.pointInsidePrim(pointxy, prim)): pointsTemp[dotxy] = pointxy
         if(not pointsTemp):
             point = list(fPoint)
             bestPoint = list(pointsTemp[sorted(pointsTemp)[len(pointsTemp) - 1]])
             point = bestPoint
         point = list(fPoint)
         print "Ipoint, fpoint"
         print Ipoint, fPoint
         print "pointx, pointy, pointxy"
         print pointx, pointy, pointxy
         print "Dots"
         print dotx, doty, dotxy
         print "sizes"
         print sizeToFinalx, sizeToFinaly            
         print "Point"
         print point
     return point
Example #7
 def applyJoker(self, point1, point2, vecH, vecV):
     vec = GeoMath.vecSub(point2, point1)
     dotH = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec, vecH) / GeoMath.vecModul(vecH)
     dotV = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec, vecV) / GeoMath.vecModul(vecV)
     if(math.fabs(dotH) < math.fabs(dotV)):
         normal = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
         normal = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
     norV = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
     norH = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
     sizeX = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norH, dotH))
     sizeY = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norV, dotV))
     pointI1 = GeoMath.vecPlus(point1, GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norH, dotH / 2))
     pointI2 = GeoMath.vecPlus(pointI1, GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norV, dotV))
     return WallPattern(normal, [list(point1), pointI1, pointI2, list(point2)], [sizeX, sizeY], 0)
Example #8
 def applyJoker(self, point1, point2, vecH, vecV):
     vec = GeoMath.vecSub(point2, point1)
     dotH = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec, vecH) / GeoMath.vecModul(vecH)
     dotV = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec, vecV) / GeoMath.vecModul(vecV)
     if (math.fabs(dotH) < math.fabs(dotV)):
         normal = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
         normal = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
     norV = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
     norH = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
     sizeX = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norH, dotH))
     sizeY = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norV, dotV))
     pointI1 = GeoMath.vecPlus(point1,
                               GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norH, dotH / 2))
     pointI2 = GeoMath.vecPlus(pointI1,
                               GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(norV, dotV))
     return WallPattern(normal,
                        [list(point1), pointI1, pointI2,
                         list(point2)], [sizeX, sizeY], 0)
Example #9
 def getBestPrimReference(self, curPrim):
     listPrims = self.totDes
     index = 0
     #More little than the possible dot
     bestDot = -2
     while(index < len(listPrims) and bestDot < 0.998):
         #Both normals are good, because the projection will be the same
         dot = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(curPrim.prim.normal(), listPrims[index].prim.normal())
         if(dot > bestDot):
             bestDot = dot
             bestPrim = listPrims[index]
         index += 1
     return bestPrim
Example #10
    def detVec(prim, dirVec, exception):
        global epsilon
        vec1 = GeoMath.vecNormalize(
        vec2 = GeoMath.vecNormalize(
        prim_normal = list(prim.normal())
        if (list(prim_normal) != [0, 1, 0]):
            # We consider that y is vertical and x horizontal
            if (math.fabs(vec1[1]) > math.fabs(vec2[1])):
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if (math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec1) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec1
                vecH = vec2
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if (math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec2) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec2
                vecH = vec1
            # We consider that x is vertical and z horizontal
            if (math.fabs(vec1[0]) > math.fabs(vec2[0])):
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if (math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, 90)
                    # Quads!!
                    if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec1) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec2, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec1
                vecH = vec2
                # If the vectors are dependent
                if (math.fabs(GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)) > epsilon):
                    vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, 90)
                    if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecV, vec2) < -epsilon):
                        vecV = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(vec1, prim_normal, -90)
                    vecV = vec2
                vecH = vec1

        if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(dirVec, vecH) < 0):
            vecH = GeoMath.vecSub([0, 0, 0], vecH)
        if (GeoMath.vecDotProduct(dirVec, vecV) < 0):
            vecV = GeoMath.vecSub([0, 0, 0], vecV)
        vecH = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecH)
        vecV = GeoMath.vecNormalize(vecV)
        return vecH, vecV
    def do(self, scale=False):
        # Calcule points to tbn matrix
        # Get some arbitrary vectors conected from vertices of prim

        vec1 = GeoMath.vecSub(self.get_previous_point(), self.get_point_which_is_relative())
        vec2 = GeoMath.vecSub(self.get_next_point(), self.get_point_which_is_relative())
        # logging.debug('Two arbitrary vec1 and vec2:' + str(vec1) + ' ' + str(vec2))

        # We have to know which angle reside between the two coencted vectors, to know if suposed vectors
        # in tangent space will be correct

        angle = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2) / (GeoMath.vecModul(vec1) * GeoMath.vecModul(vec2))
        angle = math.acos(angle)
        angle = math.degrees(angle)
        # logging.debug('Angle between vecs:' + str(angle))

        # We put relative one arbitrary point to tangent space

        # logging.debug('Point relative:' + str(self.get_point_which_is_relative()))
        # Determine x and y vectors, now we'll have suposed horizontal and vertical vectors acording to
        # prim and direction of the crack
        hasTheNormalToY = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(list(self.get_prim().normal()), [0, 1, 0])
        # logging.debug('Has the normal to y?:' + str(hasTheNormalToY))
        if(hasTheNormalToY < (1 - epsilon) and hasTheNormalToY > (-1 + epsilon)):
            vecH, vecV = DetermineVectors.DetermineVectors.detVec(self.get_prim(), [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])
            # logging.debug('Yes, it has the normal to y and vecs are:' + str(vecH) + ' ' + str(vecV))
            vecH, vecV = DetermineVectors.DetermineVectors.detVec(self.get_prim(), [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1])
            # logging.debug('No, it isnt has the normal to y and vecs are:' + str(vecH) + ' ' + str(vecV))
        # CHAPUZA CON NUMEROS COMPLEJOS!!! Precision de python pésima, 1.000000001>1?? no! y math.acos error
        cosAngle = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecH, vec1) / (GeoMath.vecModul(vec1) * GeoMath.vecModul(vecH))
        complexAngle = cmath.acos(cosAngle)
        if(complexAngle.imag == 0):
            angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(cosAngle)
            if(cosAngle < 0):
                angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(-1)
                angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(1)

        # Now we have to ensure that the vec1 has the same direction that the horizontal vector, if not, we
        # change and the horizontal vector will be vec2. Also we have to check if the prim is not a quad,
        # in this case we have to get the vertical vector from horizontal vector, rotating the known angle
        # between the two vectors conected in prim (in quad we know that the angle is 90 and we already have the
        # good vectors)
        if((math.fabs(angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH) < epsilon) or (math.fabs(angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH) > (math.pi - epsilon))):
                x = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct([1, 0, 0], GeoMath.vecModul(vec1))
            x = [1, 0, 0]
            y = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(x, [0, 0, 1], angle)
                y = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(GeoMath.vecNormalize(y), GeoMath.vecModul(vec2))
            tbn = GeoMath.createTBNmatrix(self.get_previous_point(), self.get_point_which_is_relative(), self.get_next_point(), x, [0, 0], y)
                x = [1, 0, 0]
            y = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(x, [0, 0, 1], angle)
                y = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(GeoMath.vecNormalize(y), GeoMath.vecModul(vec1))
            tbn = GeoMath.createTBNmatrix(self.get_previous_point(), self.get_point_which_is_relative(), self.get_next_point(), y, [0, 0], x)
        # logging.debug('tbn: ' + str(tbn.printAttributes()))
        tbnInverse = GeoMath.Matrix(3, 3)

Example #12
    def defCrack(self, prim, Ipoint, Fpoint, texturePrim):
        global epsilon
        global primnumber
        # TEMP: only for debug the patterns
        # Size x and size y is the valor of some material with the minor wavelength(bigger pattern)
        curPoint = Ipoint
        self.patternCrack[prim] = []
        vertices = [list(p.point().position()) for p in prim.vertices()]
        print "vertices"
        print vertices
        # Convert prim to tangent space of patterns
        # Get some arbitrary vectors conected from vertices of prim
        vec1 = GeoMath.vecSub(vertices[0], vertices[1])
        vec2 = GeoMath.vecSub(vertices[2], vertices[1])
        # We have to know which angle reside between the two coencted vectors, to know if suposed vectors
        # in tangent space will be correct
        angle = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2) / (GeoMath.vecModul(vec1) * GeoMath.vecModul(vec2))
        angle = math.acos(angle)
        angle = math.degrees(angle)

        # We put relative one arbitrary point to tangent space
        pointWhichIsRelative = vertices[1]
        # Determine x and y vectors, now we'll have suposed horizontal and vertical vectors acording to
        # prim and direction of the crack

        vecH, vecV = DetermineVectors.DetermineVectors.detVec(prim, GeoMath.vecSub(Ipoint, Fpoint), [0, 0, 1])
        # CHAPUZA CON NUMEROS COMPLEJOS!!! Precision de python pésima, 1.000000001>1?? no! y math.acos error

        cosAngle = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(vecH, vec1) / (GeoMath.vecModul(vec1) * GeoMath.vecModul(vecH))
        complexAngle = cmath.acos(cosAngle)
        if(complexAngle.imag == 0):
            angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(cosAngle)
            if(cosAngle < 0):
                angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(-1)
                angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH = math.acos(1)

        # Now we have to ensure that the vec1 has the same direction that the horizontal vector, if not, we
        # change and the horizontal vector will be vec2. Also we have to check if the prim is not a quad,
        # in this case we have to get the vertical vector from horizontal vector, rotating the known angle
        # between the two vectors conected in prim (in quad we know that the angle is 90 and we already have the
        # good vectors)
        print "Create TBN"
        if((math.fabs(angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH) < epsilon) or (math.fabs(angleBetweenDetVecAndVecH) > (math.pi - epsilon))):
            x = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct([1, 0, 0], GeoMath.vecModul(vec1))
            y = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(x, [0, 0, 1], angle)
            y = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(GeoMath.vecNormalize(y), GeoMath.vecModul(vec2))
            tbn = GeoMath.createTBNmatrix(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], x, [0, 0], y)
            x = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct([1, 0, 0], GeoMath.vecModul(vec2))
            y = GeoMath.rotateVecByVec(x, [0, 0, 1], angle)
            y = GeoMath.vecScalarProduct(GeoMath.vecNormalize(y), GeoMath.vecModul(vec1))
            tbn = GeoMath.createTBNmatrix(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], y, [0, 0], x)

        print "Edn create tbn"
        tbnInverse = GeoMath.Matrix(3, 3)

        # Get the first material:
        print "texture get first layer"
        texture = texturePrim.getFirstLayer(Ipoint)
        nextMaterial = texture.get_material()
        print "end get material"
        # Create status of the process to show to the user
        distance_to_complete = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecSub(curPoint, Fpoint))
        ui_process_status = UIProcessStatus.UIProcessStatus('crack for prim',
        while(GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecSub(curPoint, Fpoint)) > epsilon):
            # Print status of the process
            dist = GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecSub(curPoint, Fpoint))
            ui_process_status.calculate_status(dist, inverse=True)

            genPattern = Data.GeneralPattern()
            for wavelength in nextMaterial.mat.keys():
                singleMat = nextMaterial.mat[wavelength]
                setOfTypeOfPattern = CDF.cdf([[singleMat.classesAndPercentage[k], k] for k in singleMat.classesAndPercentage.keys()])
                if(wavelength == 0):
                    nextPoint = Bresenham.Bresenham.bresenham(Ipoint, curPoint, Fpoint, setOfTypeOfPattern.getSizex(), setOfTypeOfPattern.getSizey(), prim, [1, 0, 0])
                    pat = AutoPattern.AutoPattern(curPoint, nextPoint, setOfTypeOfPattern, prim, wavelength, self.patternCrack, tbn, tbnInverse, pointWhichIsRelative, texture, texturePrim).pattern
                genPattern.applyPattern(pat, wavelength)

            # Check texture
            previousTexture = texture
            pii, texture = self.checkTexture(texturePrim, previousTexture, genPattern, Fpoint, nextPoint)
            logging.debug('Pii defcrack: ' + str(pii))
            logging.debug('CurPoint defcrack: ' + str(curPoint))
            logging.debug('genPattern ' + str(genPattern.getPoints()))
            if(not curPoint):
            curPoint = genPattern.getLastPoint()
                nextMaterial = texture.get_material()
                if(not (GeoMath.vecModul(GeoMath.vecSub(curPoint, Fpoint)) > epsilon)):
                    logging.error('Texture no matched, previous texture applied')
            # version 4
    def do(self):
        epsilon = 0.001
        if (self.DEBUG):
            print "REF PRIM"
            print self.refPrim.prim.number()
            print "########## START PATH ###############"
        Construct a path around refPrim with start prim "firstPrim" and goal prim "lastPrim"
        if parameter minimum is true, que path is the minimum path, otherwise is the "maximum"
        path (inverted heuristic, but not maximum path)
        count = 0
        path = []
        while (not path and count < 2):
            count += 1
            openList = []
            closedList = []
            connectedPrims = []
            if (count == 1):
                angleMin, angleMax = GeoMath.getMinMaxAngleBetweenPointsInPrim(
                    self.lastPrim.prim, self.firstPrim.prim, self.refPrim.prim)
                clockWise = max(math.fabs(angleMin),
                                math.fabs(angleMax)) == math.fabs(angleMin)
                clockWise = not clockWise
            if (self.DEBUG):
                print "Angulo min max"
                print angleMin, angleMax, clockWise


            # Start A* search
            while (len(openList) > 0 and (self.lastPrim not in closedList)):
                # Get the node with more or less heuristic depending of parm minimum
                if (self.minimum):
                    curPrim = openList[0]
                    del openList[0]
                    curPrim = openList.pop()
                # Switch the current prim to closest list
                # Get connected primitives
                connectedPrims = GeoMath.getConnectedInfoPrims(
                    curPrim, self.partDes)
                if (self.DEBUG):
                    print "CLOSE PRIM"
                    print curPrim.prim.number()
                    print "CONNECTED PRIMS"
                    print[conp.prim.number() for conp in connectedPrims]
                # Clean not possible primitives(because we are go around refPrim)
                for index in range(len(connectedPrims)):
                    conPrim = connectedPrims[index]
                    # angleMin, angleMax = GeoMath.getMinMaxAngleBetweenPointsInPrim(curPrim.prim, conPrim.prim, refPrim)
                    angleMin = angleMax = GeoMath.angleBetweenPointsByPrim(
                    dot = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(self.refPrim.normal(),
                    if (dot > 1 - epsilon):
                        # precision error
                        dot = 1
                    # math.acos(dot) > aperture

                    if (self.volume):
                        edges = GeoMath.getEdgesBetweenPrims(
                            curPrim.prim, curPrim.parent.prim)
                        for edge in edges:
                            rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling(
                                edge, self.volume)
                            inicialPoint = rs.getValue()
                            if (inicialPoint):
                    if((not((math.acos(dot) > self.aperture) or \
                           (clockWise and (angleMin > 0 or angleMin < -(math.pi - math.pi * 0.1))) or \
                           (not clockWise and (angleMax < 0 or angleMax > (math.pi - math.pi * 0.1))) or \
                           (conPrim in closedList) or \
                           (conPrim == self.lastPrim and curPrim.sumAngle < (1.4 * math.pi))) or \
                           (conPrim == self.lastPrim and curPrim.sumAngle > (1.4 * math.pi))) and \
                           (inicialPoint or not self.volume)):

                        # If prim is already in openList
                        if (conPrim in openList):
                            heuristic = 1
                            if ((curPrim.G + heuristic > conPrim.G
                                 and not self.minimum)
                                    or (curPrim.G + heuristic < conPrim.G
                                        and self.minimum)):
                                # If this path is better than the path with the current parent
                                conPrim = self.calculateHeuristic(
                                    curPrim, conPrim, self.refPrim)
                                if (self.volume):
                                    conPrim.fPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                    curPrim.iPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                if (self.DEBUG):
                                    print "Prim aceptada y ya estaba en openlist"
                                    print curPrim.prim.number(
                                    ), conPrim.prim.number()
                            conPrim = self.calculateHeuristic(
                                curPrim, conPrim, self.refPrim)
                            if (self.volume):
                                conPrim.fPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                curPrim.iPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                            if (self.DEBUG):
                                print "Prim aceptada y no estaba en openlist"
                                print curPrim.prim.number(
                                ), conPrim.prim.number()

                # Sort nodes by heuristic
                openList.sort(key=lambda infoPrim: infoPrim.F)

            if (self.lastPrim in closedList):
                if (self.DEBUG):
                    print "Last prim Angle", self.lastPrim.sumAngle
                curPrim = closedList.pop()
                while (curPrim != self.firstPrim):
                    curPrim = curPrim.parent
                path = []
        print "########## FINALIZE PATH ###############"
        self.path = path
    def do(self):
        epsilon = 0.001
        if (self.DEBUG):
            print "REF PRIM"
            print self.refPrim.prim.number()
            print "########## START PATH ###############"
        Construct a path around refPrim with start prim "firstPrim" and goal prim "lastPrim"
        if parameter minimum is true, que path is the minimum path, otherwise is the "maximum"
        path (inverted heuristic, but not maximum path)
        count = 0
        path = []
        while(not path and count < 2):
            count += 1
            openList = []
            closedList = []
            connectedPrims = []
            if(count == 1):
                angleMin, angleMax = GeoMath.getMinMaxAngleBetweenPointsInPrim(self.lastPrim.prim, self.firstPrim.prim, self.refPrim.prim)
                clockWise = max(math.fabs(angleMin), math.fabs(angleMax)) == math.fabs(angleMin)
                clockWise = not clockWise
                print "Angulo min max"
                print angleMin, angleMax, clockWise


            # Start A* search
            while(len(openList) > 0 and (self.lastPrim not in closedList)):
                # Get the node with more or less heuristic depending of parm minimum
                    curPrim = openList[0]
                    del openList[0]
                    curPrim = openList.pop()
                # Switch the current prim to closest list
                # Get connected primitives
                connectedPrims = GeoMath.getConnectedInfoPrims(curPrim, self.partDes)
                    print "CLOSE PRIM"
                    print curPrim.prim.number()
                    print "CONNECTED PRIMS"
                    print [conp.prim.number() for conp in connectedPrims]
                # Clean not possible primitives(because we are go around refPrim)
                for index in range(len(connectedPrims)):
                    conPrim = connectedPrims[index]
                    # angleMin, angleMax = GeoMath.getMinMaxAngleBetweenPointsInPrim(curPrim.prim, conPrim.prim, refPrim)
                    angleMin = angleMax = GeoMath.angleBetweenPointsByPrim(GeoMath.primBoundingBox(curPrim.prim).center(), GeoMath.primBoundingBox(conPrim.prim).center(), self.refPrim)
                    dot = GeoMath.vecDotProduct(self.refPrim.normal(), conPrim.prim.normal())
                    if(dot > 1 - epsilon):
                        # precision error
                        dot = 1
                    # math.acos(dot) > aperture

                        edges = GeoMath.getEdgesBetweenPrims(curPrim.prim, curPrim.parent.prim)
                        for edge in edges:
                            rs = RejectionSampling.RejectionSampling(edge, self.volume)
                            inicialPoint = rs.getValue()
                    if((not((math.acos(dot) > self.aperture) or \
                           (clockWise and (angleMin > 0 or angleMin < -(math.pi - math.pi * 0.1))) or \
                           (not clockWise and (angleMax < 0 or angleMax > (math.pi - math.pi * 0.1))) or \
                           (conPrim in closedList) or \
                           (conPrim == self.lastPrim and curPrim.sumAngle < (1.4 * math.pi))) or \
                           (conPrim == self.lastPrim and curPrim.sumAngle > (1.4 * math.pi))) and \
                           (inicialPoint or not self.volume)):

                        # If prim is already in openList
                        if(conPrim in openList):
                            heuristic = 1
                            if((curPrim.G + heuristic > conPrim.G and not self.minimum) or
                               (curPrim.G + heuristic < conPrim.G and self.minimum)):
                                # If this path is better than the path with the current parent
                                conPrim = self.calculateHeuristic(curPrim, conPrim, self.refPrim)
                                    conPrim.fPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                    curPrim.iPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                    print "Prim aceptada y ya estaba en openlist"
                                    print curPrim.prim.number(), conPrim.prim.number()
                            conPrim = self.calculateHeuristic(curPrim, conPrim, self.refPrim)
                                conPrim.fPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                curPrim.iPoint = list(inicialPoint)
                                print "Prim aceptada y no estaba en openlist"
                                print curPrim.prim.number(), conPrim.prim.number()

                # Sort nodes by heuristic
                openList.sort(key=lambda infoPrim: infoPrim.F)

            if(self.lastPrim in closedList):
                    print "Last prim Angle", self.lastPrim.sumAngle
                curPrim = closedList.pop()
                while(curPrim != self.firstPrim):
                    curPrim = curPrim.parent
                path = []
        print "########## FINALIZE PATH ###############"
        self.path = path