Example #1
    def fit(
        cov_type: str = "robust",
        debiased: bool = False,
        method: str = "auto",
        absorb_options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[bool, str, ArrayLike, None,
                                                 Dict[str, Any]]]] = None,
        use_cache: bool = True,
        lsmr_options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, bool]]] = None,
        **cov_config: Any,
    ) -> AbsorbingLSResults:
        Estimate model parameters

        cov_type : str, optional
            Name of covariance estimator to use. Supported covariance
            estimators are:

            * 'unadjusted', 'homoskedastic' - Classic homoskedastic inference
            * 'robust', 'heteroskedastic' - Heteroskedasticity robust inference
            * 'kernel' - Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust
            * 'cluster' - One-way cluster dependent inference.
              Heteroskedasticity robust

        debiased : bool, optional
            Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using
            a degree of freedom adjustment.
        method : str, optional
            One of:

            * "auto" - (Default). Use HDFE when applicable and fallback to LSMR.
            * "lsmr" - Force LSMR.
            * "hdfe" - Force HDFE. Raises RuntimeError if the model contains
              continuous variables or continuous-binary interactions to absorb or
              if the model is weighted.

        absorb_options : dict, optional
            Dictionary of options to pass to the absorber. Passed to either
            scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr or pyhdfe.create depending on the method used
            to absorb the absorbed regressors.
        use_cache : bool
            Flag indicating whether the variables, once purged from the
            absorbed variables and interactions, should be stored in the cache,
            and retrieved if available. Cache can dramatically speed up
            re-fitting large models when the set of absorbed variables and
            interactions are identical.
        lsmr_options: dict
            Options to ass to scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr.

            .. deprecated:: 4.17

               Use absorb_options to pass options

            Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. The list
            of optional parameters differ according to ``cov_type``. See
            the documentation of the alternative covariance estimators for
            the complete list of available commands.

            Results container

        Additional covariance parameters depend on specific covariance used.
        The see the docstring of specific covariance estimator for a list of
        supported options. Defaults are used if no covariance configuration
        is provided.

        If use_cache is True, then variables are hashed based on their
        contents using either a 64 bit value (if xxhash is installed) or
        a 256 bit value. This allows variables to be reused in different
        models if the set of absorbing variables and interactions is held

        See also
        if lsmr_options is not None:
            if absorb_options is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "absorb_options cannot be used with lsmr_options")
            warnings.warn("lsmr_options is deprecated.  Use absorb_options.",
            absorb_options = {k: v for k, v in lsmr_options.items()}
        if self._absorbed_dependent is None:
            self._first_time_fit(use_cache, absorb_options, method)

        exog_resid = self.absorbed_exog.to_numpy()
        dep_resid = self.absorbed_dependent.to_numpy()
        if self._exog.shape[1] == 0:
            params = empty((0, 1))
            params = lstsq(exog_resid, dep_resid, rcond=None)[0]
            self._num_params += exog_resid.shape[1]

        cov_estimator = COVARIANCE_ESTIMATORS[cov_type]
        cov_config["debiased"] = debiased
        cov_config["kappa"] = 0.0
        cov_config_copy = {k: v for k, v in cov_config.items()}
        if "center" in cov_config_copy:
            del cov_config_copy["center"]
        cov_estimator_inst = cov_estimator(exog_resid, dep_resid, exog_resid,
                                           params, **cov_config_copy)

        results = {"kappa": 0.0, "liml_kappa": 0.0}
        pe = self._post_estimation(params, cov_estimator_inst, cov_type)
        results["df_model"] = self._num_params

        return AbsorbingLSResults(results, self)
Example #2
    def fit(
        cov_type: str = "robust",
        debiased: bool = False,
        lsmr_options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, bool]]] = None,
        use_cache: bool = True,
        **cov_config: Any,
    ) -> AbsorbingLSResults:
        Estimate model parameters

        cov_type : str, optional
            Name of covariance estimator to use. Supported covariance
            estimators are:

            * 'unadjusted', 'homoskedastic' - Classic homoskedastic inference
            * 'robust', 'heteroskedastic' - Heteroskedasticity robust inference
            * 'kernel' - Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust
            * 'cluster' - One-way cluster dependent inference.
              Heteroskedasticity robust

        debiased : bool, optional
            Flag indicating whether to debiased the covariance estimator using
            a degree of freedom adjustment.
            Additional parameters to pass to covariance estimator. The list
            of optional parameters differ according to ``cov_type``. See
            the documentation of the alternative covariance estimators for
            the complete list of available commands.
        lsmr_options : dict
            Dictionary of options to pass to scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr
        use_cache : bool
            Flag indicating whether the variables, once purged from the
            absorbed variables and interactions, should be stored in the cache,
            and retrieved if available. Cache can dramatically speed up
            re-fitting large models when the set of absorbed variables and
            interactions are identical.

            Results container

        Additional covariance parameters depend on specific covariance used.
        The see the docstring of specific covariance estimator for a list of
        supported options. Defaults are used if no covariance configuration
        is provided.

        If use_cache is True, then variables are hashed based on their
        contents using either a 64 bit value (if xxhash is installed) or
        a 256 bit value. This allows variables to be reused in different
        models if the set of absorbing variables and interactions is held

        See also

        if self._absorbed_dependent is None:
            self._first_time_fit(use_cache, lsmr_options)

        self._x = exog_resid = to_numpy(self.absorbed_exog)
        dep_resid = to_numpy(self.absorbed_dependent)
        if self._exog.shape[1] == 0:
            params = empty((0, 1))
            if exog_resid.shape[1]:
                check_absorbed(exog_resid, self.exog.cols)
            params = lstsq(exog_resid, dep_resid, rcond=None)[0]
            self._num_params += exog_resid.shape[1]

        cov_estimator = COVARIANCE_ESTIMATORS[cov_type]
        cov_config["debiased"] = debiased
        cov_config["kappa"] = 0.0
        cov_config_copy = {k: v for k, v in cov_config.items()}
        if "center" in cov_config_copy:
            del cov_config_copy["center"]
        cov_estimator_inst = cov_estimator(exog_resid, dep_resid, exog_resid,
                                           params, **cov_config_copy)

        results = {"kappa": 0.0, "liml_kappa": 0.0}
        pe = self._post_estimation(params, cov_estimator_inst, cov_type)
        results["df_model"] = self._num_params

        return AbsorbingLSResults(results, self)