def restart_and_reconnect(): print('Failed to connect to MQTT broker. Reconnecting...') time.sleep(10) machine.reset() d = dht.DHT11(machine.Pin(15)) def measure_temp(c): topic = "api/v1/%s/me/measurement" % MQTT_TOKEN try: d.measure() c.publish(topic, "dht,measure=temp value=%d" % (d.temperature())) c.publish(topic, "dht,measure=humi value=%d" % (d.humidity())) except: pass try: connect_to_wifi() client = connect_to_mqtt() tmr = Timer(-1) tmr.init(period=2000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: measure_temp(client)) while True: client.wait_msg() except: restart_and_reconnect()
def init_timers(): timer_attitude_ctrl = Timer(1) timer_attitude_ctrl.init(period=50, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=callback_attitude_ctrl) timer_imu_update = Timer(2) timer_imu_update.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=callback_imu_update)
time.sleep_ms(500) def GNSS_info_update(timer): GNSS.GNSS_Read() GNSS.GNSS_Parese() lcd.draw_string(0, 40, "Date: " +, lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.draw_string(0, 60, "UTC Time: " + GNSS.UTC_Time, lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.draw_string(0, 80, "latitude: " + GNSS.latitude + GNSS.N_S, lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.draw_string(0, 100, "longitude: " + GNSS.longitude + GNSS.E_W, lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.draw_string(0, 120, "Speed: " + str(GNSS.speed_to_groud_kh) + "km/h", lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) lcd.draw_string(0, 140, "Course_over_ground: " + str(GNSS.course_over_ground), lcd.BLACK, lcd.WHITE) GNSS.print_GNSS_info() tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PERIODIC, period=3000, callback=GNSS_info_update) tim.start() while True: img = sensor.snapshot() lcd.display(img)
def __init__(self, g, log, host=''): self.tim = Timer(-1) self.reporter = Reporter(g, host, log) self.display = False
0, (addr >> 24) & 0xFF, (addr >> 16) & 0xFF, (addr >> 8) & 0xFF, addr & 0xFF ])) spi.write(data) ctrl(4) ctrl(0) # mount SD can load initial bitstream try: os.mount(SDCard(slot=3), "/sd") import ecp5 #ecp5.prog("/sd/c64/bitstreams/ulx3s_85f_v20_c64_origrom.bit") except: print("check SD and") # initialization gc.collect() init_spi() alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) enable = bytearray(1) timer = Timer(3) init_fb() read_dir() irq_handler(0) # service eventual pending/stale IRQ # activate IRQ service irq_handler_ref = irq_handler # allocation happens here spi_request = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=irq_handler_ref)
print(dic) refind(dic) def refind(dicc): match0 ="{\"powerstate\":(.*?)}", dicc) #获取灯的开关信息 if match0: value0 = eval( led.value(value0) try: client = MQTTClient(CLIENT_ID, SERVER, PORT, username, password, 60) print(client) client.set_callback(sub_cb) client.connect() #connect mqtt client.subscribe(subscribe_TOPIC) print("Connected to %s, subscribed to %s topic" % (SERVER, subscribe_TOPIC)) timer = Timer(0) timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=5000, callback=Dataupload) while True: client.wait_msg() except Exception as ex_results: print('exception1', ex_results) finally: if (client is not None): client.disconnect()
#print('{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}'.format(*localtime)) # oled.fill(0) oled.text(haftaninGUNU[localtime[6]], 8, 8) oled.text('{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}'.format(*localtime), 8, 24) oled.text('{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}'.format(*localtime), 8, 40) # #timer objesi olusturmak def tmr1_kesmesi(timer): global dakikasayaci # global degiskeni localde kullanmak için dakikasayaci = dakikasayaci + 1 # bu daha kısa yazılabilir mi? if dakikasayaci >= 59: ntpGuncelle() dakikasayaci = 0 ntpOLEDyazdir() #aga baglımıyım testi if wifi.isconnected(): Led_status.value(1 - Led_status.value()) #yanık else: Led_status.value(1) #sonuk from machine import Timer tmr1 = Timer(-1) # sanal zamanlayici olustur tmr1.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=tmr1_kesmesi) #timer objesi olusturmak
LEFT_SCROLL = 0x27 DUMMY_BYTE_0 = 0x00 DUMMY_BYTE_F = 0xFF PAGE_7 = 0x07 FRAMES_5 = 0x00 PAGE_0 = 0x00 # setup pins button_a = Pin(12, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button_b = Pin(13, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button_c = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) adc = ADC(0) alarm_led= Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # initalize timers tim = Timer(-1) tim2 = Timer(-1) tim3 = Timer(-1) tim4 = Timer(-1) rtc = machine.RTC() # initialize oled screen i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=100000) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128,32,i2c) alarm_led.value(not alarm_led.value()) #initialize adxl345 spi = machine.SPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=machine.Pin(16), mosi=machine.Pin(0), miso=machine.Pin(15)) cs = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT) class My_time(object):
''' 定时器演示实例, 打印定时器,讲解定时器的属性。 ''' from machine import Timer import utime timer = Timer(1) def timer_print(timer): # 打印当前的计数 print("Timer InteruptCount , counter= %d" % (timer.value())) print(timer) ''' 定时器 模式: Timer.ONE_SHOT --- 0 -- # 执行一次 Timer.PERIODIC --- 1 -- # 循环执行 ''' # timer.init(period=3000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC , callback=timer_print) #这里直接在回调函数中打印tim状态信息 timer.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: print("Counter: %d" % (t.value()))) try: while True: print("do something..., counter = %d" % (timer.value())) utime.sleep_ms(100) except:
def continuous_mode(self): self.my_timer = Timer(1) self.my_timer.init(period=1000, mode=self.my_timer.PERIODIC, callback=self.my_callback)
def sub_cb(topic, msg): global sessionID, Sensor_Data, ack global temp print((topic, msg)) if topic == b'Sensor_Data': Sensor_Data = msg c = MQTTClient(client_id = ubinascii.hexlify(machine.unique_id()), \ server = '',user='******', password='******',port ='16060') c.set_callback(sub_cb) c.connect() c.subscribe(b"Sensor_Data") ####publish message on the sessionID every one second tim = Timer(0) counter = 0 ack = 1 temp = 0 temp1 = 0 def handleInterrupt(tim): global temp global temp1 global counter global ack if ack == 1: #temp1 = temp temp = bytes([random.getrandbits(5)])
from machine import Timer def aaa(self): """ docstring """ print("arostnaorien") t1 = Timer(1) t1.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=300, callback=aaa)
from machine import Timer from machine import LED tim = Timer(1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC) #创建Timer 1为一个频率定期运行对象 tim_a =, freq=1) #创建Timer A其频率为1Hz l = LED(1) led_off = 2 led_on = 3 irq_count = 0 def toggle(t): #中断回调函数 global irq_count if irq_count < led_off: else: l.on() if irq_count < (led_off + led_on - 1): irq_count = irq_count + 1 else: irq_count = 0 tim_a.irq(trigger=Timer.TIMEOUT, handler=toggle) #回调函数将使用设置的频率定期执行中断
import machine from machine import Pin, Timer import time led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) def toggleLED(timer): led.value(not led.value()) tim4 = Timer(4) tim4.init(period=300, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=toggleLED) time.sleep(20) tim4.deinit()
# PWM. # ################################################## # import ################################################## import time from machine import Timer, PWM from board import board_info from fpioa_manager import fm ################################################## # main ################################################## # タイマー設定 tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM) # PWM出力ピン設定 ch = PWM(tim, freq=500000, duty=50, pin=board_info.LED_W) # ループ duty = 0 dir = True while True: if dir: duty += 10 else: duty -= 10 if 100 < duty: duty = 100 dir = False
raise Exception( "Config error: InfluxDB URL is not set. Check configuration") if idb is None: raise Exception( "Config error: InfluxDB Database is not set. Check configuration") if imetric is None: raise Exception("Config error: InfluxDB Metric is not set") influx = InfluxDB(iurl, idb, iusr, ipsw, imetric, place=iplace) print("influx: ", iurl, idb) except Exception as e: print("config Exception: {0}".format(e)) print("Use config.setup()") exit(1) display = disp7_init()"wifiConn") net = WiFiConnect() net.connect()"timer on") tim1 = Timer(0) # for main 10 sec timer timer_init(tim1) # --- run --- print("--- run ---") # print("RAM free: " + str(mem_free()))
print("Oh Yes! Get connected") print("Connected to " + str(wlan.config("essid"))) print("MAC Address: " + str(ubinascii.hexlify(wlan.config('mac'), ':').decode())) print("IP Address: " + wlan.ifconfig()[0]) connect() #Clock UTC time ntptime.settime() rtc = RTC() year, month, day, weekday, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds = rtc.datetime() rtc.datetime((year, month, day, weekday, hours - 4, minutes, seconds, microseconds)) = "" #Hardware timer - 1 tim1 = Timer(1) tim1.init(period=15000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:printtime(rtc.datetime())) #Variables #LEDs green = Pin(21, Pin.OUT) red = Pin(32, Pin.OUT) #Buttons button_red = Pin(25, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_green = Pin(26, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) #Touchpad tpin = TouchPad(Pin(27)) tpin_green = TouchPad(Pin(33))
释放资源 备注 ADC没有deinit方法 ''' # 释放ADC资源 # self.adc.deinit() pass if __name__ == '__main__': ''' 测量电池电压 ''' from car_config import gpio_dict # from battery_voltage import BatteryVoltage from machine import Timer bv = BatteryVoltage(gpio_dict['BATTERY_ADC'], is_debug=True) # 创建一个定时器 timer = Timer(1) # 每隔100ms执行一次 10s 判断一次电池电压是否过放 timer.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=bv.callback) try: while True: pass except: # 释放定时器资源 timer.deinit() # 释放ADC资源 bv.deinit()
import _thread import padog import time from machine import Timer from machine import UART from padog import g, m uart6 = UART(2, 115200) t = Timer(1) def OpenMV_Run(t): command = "" DIS = 0 if uart6.any(): read ='gbk') while read != '/': command = command + read read ='gbk') if (command != "1/") and command != "": try: exec(command) print("exec:", command) except: print("execerr:", command) command = "" def app_1(): exec(open('').read())
return json def refresh(): nowRsp = nowWeather(API_KEY) #通过API密钥获取天气实况 dailyRsp = dailyWeather(API_KEY) #通过API密钥获取多日天气预报 today = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['date'][-5:] #当前日期,显示“月-日” todayHigh = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['high'] #最高温度 todaylow = dailyRsp['results'][0]['daily'][0]['low'] #最低温度 nowText = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['text'] #天气现象文字 nowTemper = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['temperature'] #温度 todayIco = nowRsp['results'][0]['now']['code'] #天气现象图标 city = nowRsp['results'][0]['location']['name'] #地理位置 oled.fill(0) oled.bitmap(10, 23, weather_icon.from_code(int(todayIco)), 38, 38, 1) #显示当前天气现象图标 oled.DispChar("%s,天气实况" % city, 0, 0) oled.DispChar(today, 90, 0) oled.DispChar("%s℃/%s" % (nowTemper, nowText), 70, 25) #显示当前温度 oled.DispChar("%s~%s℃" % (todaylow, todayHigh), 70, 45) #显示今日最低、最高气温 refresh() #数据更新 tim1 = Timer(1) tim1.init(period=1800000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda _: refresh()) #定时,每半个钟刷新一次
def __init__(self, geiger): self.geiger = geiger self.tim = Timer(-1) self.acc = Accumulator() self.display = False
_OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg) return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset()
# adress i2c module LCD i2c_address = 0x3F # decimaal 63 # i2c en lcd instances i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(21), sda=Pin(22)) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, i2c_address, 2, 16) # localtime instance lt = LocalTime(1, debug=False) # instellen RTC op esp32 lt.startInternetTime() # haal iedere seconde de tijd op timer1 = Timer(0) timer1.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=getTime) try: # oneindige lus while True: # LCD scherm leegmaken lcd.clear() # toon de tijd op LCD scherm lcd.move_to(4, 0) lcd.putstr( # even wachten utime.sleep_ms(500) except Exception as E: print('Fout: ', E)
button = Pin(34, Pin.IN) year = int(input("Year? ")) month = int(input("Month? ")) day = int(input("Day? ")) weekday = int(input("Weekday? ")) hour = int(input("Hour? ")) minute = int(input("Minute? ")) second = int(input("Second? ")) microsecond = int(input("Microsecond? ")) rtc = RTC() rtc.datetime((year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, microsecond)) adc = ADC(Pin(36)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) tim0 = Timer(0) week = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ] tim0.init(period=30000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: display()) tim1 = Timer(1) tim1.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t: choice()) pwm0 = PWM(Pin(16), freq=10, duty=256) pwm1 = PWM(Pin(17), freq=10, duty=256) mode = 0 prev = 0 def choice(): if mode == 1:
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 ''' @File @Author :youxinweizhi @Date :2020/7/16 @Github : ''' import machine from machine import Timer t1 = Timer(2) def timer_wifi(f): if wifi.isconnected(): pass else: do_connect() def is_legal_wifi(essid, password): ''' 判断WIFI密码是否合法 ''' if len(essid) == 0 or len(password) == 0: return False return True def do_connect():
from machine import Timer def on_timer(timer): #print("time up:",timer) #print("param:",timer.callback_arg()) timer.callback_arg().state() try: # default: maix dock / maix duino set shift=0 t = maix_asr(0x500000, I2S.DEVICE_0, 3, shift=0) # maix bit set shift=1 tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PERIODIC, period=64, callback=on_timer, arg=t) tim.start() #for i in range(50): #time.sleep_ms(100) #t.stop() #for i in range(50): #time.sleep_ms(100) t.config({ 'xiao-ai-ya': 0.3, 'hao-de-ya': 0.2, 'ni-hao-ya': 0.3,
class Wifi(object): # rtc=Rtc() c = None ssid = "" password = "" server = "" led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value=1) button = Pin(0, Pin.IN) clients = ubinascii.hexlify(machine.unique_id()) client = clients.decode() topic = b"kembang" state = "" timer = Timer(0) timer2 = Timer(1) status = 0 nyala_pada_1 = "" nyala_pada_2 = "" nyala_pada_3 = "" nyala_pada_4 = "" mati_pada_1 = "" mati_pada_2 = "" mati_pada_3 = "" mati_pada_4 = "" waktu = "" # menit=0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Wifi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=self.func) self.start_ap() self.start_mqtt() def tim2(self, dt): pass def func(self, dt): self.ap() def start_ap(self): print("menunggu....") time.sleep(5) if station.isconnected() == True: print("sudah konek") return self.ap() def ap(self): self.timer.deinit() station.disconnect() while (wlan.ifconfig()[0] == ''): time.sleep(1) print(wlan.ifconfig()) try: print("tcp sedang menuggu") ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0] s = socket.socket() s.bind(("", 800)) s.listen(1) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) station.disconnect() while True: if self.status == 1: break print("acepting....") conn, addr = s.accept() print(addr, "connected") while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if (len(data) == 0): print("close socket") conn.close() break print(data) str_data = data.decode() print(str_data) if "connect" in str_data: print("conceting AP") paket = str_data.split("-") print(paket) t = ("ssid=\"{}\"".format(paket[1]), "pwd=\"{}\"".format(paket[2]), "server=\"{}\"".format(paket[3])) print(t) f = open("", "w") f.write("\n".join(t)) f.close() self.server = paket[3] print(self.server) station.connect(paket[1], paket[2]) conn.send("data diterima") if str_data == "scan": lis = [] nets = station.scan() for nt in nets: name = str(nt[0], 'utf8') lis.append(name) print(lis) conn.send(str(lis)) if str_data == "exit": self.status = 1 break if str_data == "tanya": print(station.isconnected()) if station.isconnected() == True: conn.send("terhubung") return self.start_mqtt() self.status = 1 break else: conn.send("belum terhubung") except: print("gagal c*k") if (s): s.close() def start_mqtt(self): try: self.c = MQTTClient(self.clients, net.server) self.c.connect() except: self.c = MQTTClient(self.clients, self.server) self.c.connect() try: print("mulai mqtt") self.c.set_callback(self.sub_cb) self.c.subscribe(self.topic) self.c.subscribe(b"waktu") self.c.subscribe(b"nyala_pada_1") self.c.subscribe(b"nyala_pada_2") self.c.subscribe(b"nyala_pada_3") self.c.subscribe(b"nyala_pada_4") self.c.subscribe(b"mati_pada_1") self.c.subscribe(b"mati_pada_2") self.c.subscribe(b"mati_pada_3") self.c.subscribe(b"mati_pada_4") print("Connected to %s, subscribed to %s topic" % (self.server, self.topic)) while 1: self.timer.deinit() self.state = "terhubung" self.c.wait_msg() except: print("pedot") self.state = "terputus" self.timer.init(period=1000, callback=self.tim) def sub_cb(self, topic, msg): strtopic = topic.decode() message = msg.decode() if "waktu" in strtopic: self.waktu = message elif self.client + "add" in strtopic: self.c.publish(self.clients + b"lampu", b"[lampu,on,off]") elif self.client + "nyala_pada_1" in strtopic: self.nyala_pada_1 = message elif self.client + "nyala_pada_2" in strtopic: self.nyala_pada_2 = message elif self.client + "nyala_pada_3" in strtopic: self.nyala_pada_3 = message elif self.client + "nyala_pada_4" in strtopic: self.nyala_pada_4 = message elif self.client + "mati_pada_1" in strtopic: self.mati_pada_1 = message elif self.client + "mati_pada_2" in strtopic: self.mati_pada_2 = message elif self.client + "mati_pada_3" in strtopic: self.mati_pada_3 = message elif self.client + "mati_pada_4" in strtopic: self.mati_pada_4 = message elif self.waktu == self.nyala_pada_1: self.led.value(0) elif self.waktu == self.nyala_pada_2: self.led.value(0) elif self.waktu == self.nyala_pada_3: self.led.value(0) elif self.waktu == self.nyala_pada_4: self.led.value(0) elif self.waktu == self.mati_pada_1: self.led.value(1) elif self.waktu == self.mati_pada_2: self.led.value(1) elif self.waktu == self.mati_pada_3: self.led.value(1) elif self.waktu == self.mati_pada_4: self.led.value(1) elif msg == b"on": self.led.value(0) # self.c.publish(self.client,b"saya client") elif msg == b"off": self.led.value(1) print(self.waktu) print(self.client) print(self.nyala_pada_1) def tim(self, dt): print(station.isconnected()) if self.state == "terputus": self.start_mqtt() else: self.timer.deinit()
# Example using PIO to create a UART TX interface from machine import Pin, Timer from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio import utime # blink the LED, for the comfort of the viewer: led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT) tim = Timer() def tick(timer): global led led.toggle() tim.init(freq=2.5, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=tick) # do the useful work - flood 8 UARTS with noncence: #UART_BAUD = 115200 UART_BAUD = 57600 PIN_BASE = 10 NUM_UARTS = 8 @asm_pio(sideset_init=PIO.OUT_HIGH, out_init=PIO.OUT_HIGH, out_shiftdir=PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT) def uart_tx(): # Block with TX deasserted until data available
datetime = rtc.datetime() # 获取当前时间 oled.fill(0) # 清屏显示黑色背景 oled.text('01Studio', 0, 0) # 首行显示01Studio oled.text('RTC Clock', 0, 15) # 次行显示实验名称 # 显示日期,字符串可以直接用“+”来连接 oled.text( str(datetime[0]) + '-' + str(datetime[1]) + '-' + str(datetime[2]) + ' ' + week[datetime[3]], 0, 40) # 显示时间需要判断时、分、秒的值否小于10,如果小于10,则在显示前面补“0”以达 # 到较佳的显示效果 for i in range(4, 7): if datetime[i] < 10: time_list[i - 4] = "0" else: time_list[i - 4] = "" # 显示时间 oled.text( time_list[0] + str(datetime[4]) + ':' + time_list[1] + str(datetime[5]) + ':' + time_list[2] + str(datetime[6]), 0, 55) #开启RTOS定时器 tim = Timer(-1) tim.init(period=300, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=RTC_Run) #周期300ms
#distance traveled per slot = diameter of wheel = 2pi(2.5/2) / 20 slots = .4 in counts_travel = int((-.0000002 * (float(max_code))**2 + .0036 * (float(max_code)) + 2.41 + 2) / .4) print('counts_travel: ' + str(counts_travel)) enc2.clear() enc2.resume() while enc2.count() < counts_travel: print('straight: ' + str(enc2.count())) pwm1.duty(100) pwm2.duty(60) pwm3.duty(100) pwm4.duty(60) temperature = imu.temperature print('temperature: ' + str(temperature)) topic = "channels/" + "436089" + "/publish/" + "S2L5BJH71OCHNBLN" message = "field1={}".format(temperature) print("PUBLISH topic = {} message = {}".format(topic, message)) mqtt.publish(topic, message) pwm1.duty(100) pwm2.duty(100) pwm3.duty(100) pwm4.duty(100) tm = Timer(1) tm.init(period=7000, mode=tm.PERIODIC, callback=turn)