Example #1
 def __find_best(name: str, targetCP: int,
                 validator: Callable[["Pokemon", "Pokemon"], bool],
                 lowerIV) -> Tuple[float, List[int]]:
     if targetCP == LEAGUES[-1].cp:
         return (40.0, [15, 15, 15])
     best = Pokemon(name, 1, [0, 0, 0])
     staminaIV = 15
     while staminaIV >= lowerIV:
         defenseIV = 15
         while defenseIV >= lowerIV:
             attackIV = 15
             while attackIV >= lowerIV:
                 targetCPM = fpow(
                     targetCP * 10 / ((best.baseAttack + attackIV) * fpow(
                         (best.baseDefense + defenseIV), 0.5) * fpow(
                             (best.baseStamina + staminaIV), 0.5)),
                     level = (next(i for i, cpm in enumerate(Pokemon.CPMS)
                                   if cpm >= targetCPM) / 2 - 1)
                 except StopIteration:
                     level = 40.0
                 while level <= 40:
                     pokemon = Pokemon(name, level,
                                       [attackIV, defenseIV, staminaIV])
                     if pokemon.cp > targetCP:
                     if validator(pokemon, best):
                         best = pokemon
                     level += 0.5
                 attackIV -= 1
             defenseIV -= 1
         staminaIV -= 1
     return (best.level, [best.attackIV, best.defenseIV, best.staminaIV])
    def read_sensor(self):
        # Split and return only compass data
        data = self.device_handler.read()

        ((x_a, y_a, z_a), (x_m, y_m, z_m, or_)) = data
        # logging.info("Compass:\tX: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f" % (x_m, y_m, z_m))

        # Test
        # heading = (atan2(y_m, x_m)*180)/pi
        # if heading < 0:
        #     heading = 360 + heading
        # print("testheading: %F" % heading)

        # Calculate roll and pitch in radians
        pitch_r = atan2(x_a, sqrt(fpow(y_a, 2) + fpow(z_a, 2)))
        roll_r = atan2(y_a, z_a)

        x_h = x_a * cos(pitch_r) + z_m * sin(pitch_r)
        y_h = ((x_m * sin(roll_r) * sin(pitch_r)) + (y_m * cos(roll_r)) -
            (z_m * sin(roll_r) * cos(pitch_r)))
        heading = (atan2(y_h, x_h)*180)/pi
        if y_h < 0:
            heading = 360 + heading

        pitch = pitch_r * 180 / pi
        roll = roll_r * 180 / pi

        return heading, pitch, roll
Example #3
 def cp(self):
     return max(
         floor(((self.baseAttack + self.attackIV) * fpow(
             (self.baseDefense + self.defenseIV), 0.5) * fpow(
                 (self.baseStamina + self.staminaIV), 0.5) *
                fpow(self.cpm, 2)) / 10),
Example #4
    def xyz_to_llh(x, y, z):
        """Converty XYZ coordinate into longitude/latitude/height
        llh = []
        da = 0.0
        df = 0.0
        a = 6378137 - da
        f = 1 / 298.2572235630 - df
        b = (1 - f) * a
        e2 = 2 * f - f * f
        E2 = (a * a - b * b) / (b * b)
        p = sqrt(x * x + y * y)

        llh.append(atan2(y, x))
        theta = atan((z * a) / (p * b))
            atan((z + E2 * b * fpow(sin(theta), 3)) /
                 (p - e2 * a * fpow(cos(theta), 3))))
        N = a / sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(llh[1]) * sin(llh[1]))
        llh.append(p / cos(llh[1]) - N)
        llh[0] = degrees(llh[0])
        llh[1] = degrees(llh[1])

        return llh
Example #5
def euclidian(p, q):
    """Compute the euclidian distance between two tuples of numbers.

    The tuples must be of the same length, and should both be numbers.
    assert len(p) == len(q), \
        "Distance between tuples of unequal length doesn't work."
    # This function basically computes (formula in LaTeX)
    # $\sqrt{(p_1 - q_1)^2 + (p_2 - q_2)^2 + \ldots + (p_n - p_n)^2}$

    # coordinate_pairs is an iterable of tuples, with each tuple being made up
    # of the i-th element of p an q. It's prep for doing the subtraction and
    # summation later.
    coordinate_pairs = zip(p, q)
    # differences is an iterable of the difference between the items of each
    # item in coordinate_pairs
    differences = starmap(sub, coordinate_pairs)
    # raise differences to the second power (square them)
    raised_differences = map(lambda x: fpow(x, 2), differences)
    # Sum raised_differences in preparation for...
    sum_coordinates = fsum(raised_differences)
    # ...finding the square root and returning.
    return sqrt(sum_coordinates)
Example #6
def test_blinkc_duty(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blinkc duty")
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(7, 0, -1):
        seg.blinkc('@', period=0.01, duty=1.0/fpow(2, pace), cycles=100)
Example #7
def test_blink_duty(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blink duty")
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(0, 7, 1):
        seg.blink('@', period=0.02, duty=1.0/fpow(2, pace), elapse=1.0)
Example #8
def test_blinkc_period(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blinkc period")
    # test 'blink' by blinking all segments with decreasing periods
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(7, 0, -1):
        seg.blinkc('@', period=1.0/fpow(2, pace), cycles=2 ** pace)
Example #9
def test_blink_period(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blink period")
    # test 'blink' by blinking all segments with decreasing periods
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(0, 7, 1):
        seg.blink('@', period=1.0/fpow(2, pace), elapse=1.0)
def decay(x, half_life):
    return fpow(0.5, (float(x) / float(half_life)))
Example #11
# Author: Martin Tran
# Email: [email protected]
# Feel free to send any questions about this problem to the email above
# or ask in the CPC discord. (discord.gg/MEXwfze)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
from math import pow as fpow  # Make sure you use the pow() from the math library
N = float(input())            # since the regular pow() is only accurate for ints!
print(fpow(N, 1/N))
def test_blinkc_duty(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blinkc duty")
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(7, 0, -1):
        seg.blinkc('@', period=0.01, duty=1.0 / fpow(2, pace), cycles=100)
def test_blink_duty(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blink duty")
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(0, 7, 1):
        seg.blink('@', period=0.02, duty=1.0 / fpow(2, pace), elapse=1.0)
def test_blinkc_period(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blinkc period")
    # test 'blink' by blinking all segments with decreasing periods
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(7, 0, -1):
        seg.blinkc('@', period=1.0 / fpow(2, pace), cycles=2**pace)
def test_blink_period(seg):
    print("Calamari Seg7 test: blink period")
    # test 'blink' by blinking all segments with decreasing periods
    from math import pow as fpow
    for pace in range(0, 7, 1):
        seg.blink('@', period=1.0 / fpow(2, pace), elapse=1.0)
Example #16
# In[12]:

get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.stem([4, 3, 2, 1])
plt.title('A sequence of numbers')

# We can also rename a function as we import it to avoid name collision:

# In[13]:

from math import pow as fpow
fpow(2, 2), pow(2, 2)

# **Exercise** What is wrong with the following code?

# In[14]:

import math as m
for m in range(5):
    m.pow(m, 2)

# There is a name collision: `m` is assigned to an integer in the for loop and so it is no longer the module `math` when calling `m.pow`.

# **Exercise** Use the `randint` function from `random` to simulate the rolling of a die, by printing a random integer from 1 to 6.

# In[15]: