def rig_visConnect(control, geo): """ used to create a vis channel on an object (first selected object) and attach it to the visibility of all other selected objects @param control: @type control: @param geo: @type geo: object """ if not cmds.objExists(control): raise UserInputError('The control specified to rig_visConnect does not exist!') if not cmds.attributeExists('vis', control): cmds.addAttr(control, k=True, ln='vis', at='enum', en='off:on:') cmds.setAttr(control + '.vis') 1 for i in len(geo): if not cmds.objExists(geo[i]): continue temp = cmds.listConnections(geo[i] + '.v', s=True, d=False) if not temp: raise UserInputError('Warning, the object ' + geo[ i] + ' already has an incoming connection on its visibility and will be skipped.') continue cmds.setAttr(geo[i] + '.v', l=False) cmds.connectAttr((geo[i] + '.v'), (control + '.vis'), f=True) channelStateSetFlags(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, geo[i])
obj[] = stringArrayRemove({ccc}, sel); rig_visConnect(ccc, obj); ################################################################################################################# def rig_visConnect(control, geo[]): ''' used to create a vis channel on an object (first selected object) and attach it to the visibility of all other selected objects ''' if not mc.objExists(control): raise UserInputError('The control specified to rig_visConnect does not exist!') if not mc.attributeExists('vis', control): mc.addAttr(control, k=True, ln='vis', at='enum', en='off:on:') mc.setAttr(control + '.vis') 1 for i in len(geo): if not mc.objExists(geo[i]): continue temp = mc.listConnections(s=True, d=False, geo[i] + '.v') if not temp: raise UserInputError('Warning, the object ' + geo[i] + ' already has an incoming connection on its visibility and will be skipped.') continue mc.setAttr(geo[i] + '.v', l=False) mc.connectAttr((geo[i] + '.v'), (control + '.vis'), f=True) channelStateSetFlags(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2, {geo[i]})
def getSpeNodeFiles(): fileDict = {} # reference rList ="reference") if len(rList): fileDict["reference"] = [] for r in rList: if r != "shareReferenceNode" and r != "_UNKNOWN_REF_NODE" and my.referenceQuery( r, inr=True) != True: rPath = my.referenceQuery(r, f=True).replace("\\", "/") if "{" in rPath: rPath = re.findall("(.*){.*", rPath)[0] rPathList = [rPath, os.path.isfile(rPath)] if not rPathList in fileDict["reference"]: fileDict["reference"].append(rPathList) # cacheFile cacheList ="cacheFile") if len(cacheList): fileDict["cacheFile"] = [] for cache in cacheList: cacheDir = my.getAttr(cache + ".cachePath") cacheName = my.getAttr(cache + ".cacheName") if cacheDir and cacheDir.strip(): cachePath = os.path.join(cacheDir, cacheName + ".xml") if os.path.isfile(cachePath): files = os.listdir(cacheDir) for f in files: pattern = cacheName + "*" if re.match(pattern, f): fPath = os.path.join(cacheDir, f).replace("\\", "/") fPathList = [fPath, os.path.isfile(fPath)] if not fPathList in fileDict["cacheFile"]: fileDict["cacheFile"].append(fPathList) # particle cacheFile cacheList ="dynGlobals") if len(cacheList): fileDict["dynGlobals"] = [] for cache in cacheList: cacheDir = my.getAttr(cache + ".cacheDirectory") if cacheDir and cacheDir.strip(): if not os.path.isdir(cacheDir): tmp = os.path.join(my.workspace(q=True, rd=True), my.workspace(fre="particles")) cacheDir = os.path.join(tmp, cacheDir) files = os.listdir(cacheDir) for f in files: fPath = os.path.join(cacheDir, f).replace("\\", "/") fPathList = [fPath, os.path.isfile(fPath)] if not fPathList in fileDict["dynGlobals"]: fileDict["dynGlobals"].append(fPathList) # yeti yetiShapeList ="pyYetiMaya") if len(yetiShapeList): fileDict["pyYetiMaya_cache"] = [] fileDict["pyYetiMaya_groom"] = [] fileDict["pyYetiMaya_texture"] = [] fileDict["pyYetiMaya_reference"] = [] for yetiShape in yetiShapeList: # ensure to update yeti, otherwise it could not get node correctly sometimes. # cachePath if my.attributeExists("cacheFileName", yetiShape): cfn = my.getAttr(yetiShape + ".cacheFileName") if cfn and cfn.strip(): fileDict["pyYetiMaya_cache"] += getFiles(cfn) # groomPath if my.attributeExists("groomFileName", yetiShape): groomPath = my.getAttr(yetiShape + ".groomFileName") if groomPath and groomPath.strip(): fileDict["pyYetiMaya_groom"] += getFiles(groomPath) # textureNode if mel.eval('cache(`pgYetiGraph -listNodes -type "texture" %s`)' % yetiShape) == 0: texturePathList = mel.eval("pgYetiCommand -listTextures %s" % yetiShape) if len(texturePathList): for texturePath in texturePathList: if texturePath and texturePath.strip(): fileDict["pyYetiMaya_texture"] += getFiles( texturePath) # referenceNode if mel.eval( 'cache(`pgYetiGraph -listNodes -type "reference" %s`)' % yetiShape) == 0: referenceNodes = mel.eval( 'pgYetiGraph -listNodes -type "reference" %s' % yetiShape) for referenceNode in referenceNodes: referencePathList = mel.eval( 'pgYetiGraph -getParamValue -node %s -param "reference_file"' % referenceNode) if len(referencePathList): for referencePath in referencePathList: if referencePath and referencePath.strip(): fileDict["pyYetiMaya_reference"] += getFiles( referencePath) return fileDict