def connectSkins(abc, asset):"%s:mesh_*" % asset) sel =, type="transform") selShape = cmds.listRelatives(shapes=True) selShapeLong = cmds.listRelatives(shapes=True, fullPath=True) list = cmds.listConnections(abc + ".outPolyMesh", connections=True, plugs=True) sourceList = [] for l in list: if abc in l: sourceList.append(l) for source in sourceList: connect = cmds.listConnections(source, connections=True, plugs=True) for c in connect: if not abc in c: cleanName = c.rsplit("|",1)[-1].rsplit(":",1)[-1].rsplit(".",1)[0] attr = "." + c.rsplit("|",1)[-1].rsplit(".",1)[-1] if cleanName in sel: print "sel" temp = selShape[0].split(":",1)[0] if ("%s:%s" % (temp, cleanName)) in selShape: index = selShape.index("%s:%s" % (temp, cleanName)) cmds.connectAttr(connect[0], selShapeLong[index] + attr, force=True)
def keyToOn(): controller =[0] channelBox = mel.eval('global string $gChannelBoxName; $temp=$gChannelBoxName;') #fetch maya's main channelbox attrs = mc.channelBox(channelBox, q=True, sma=True) if attrs: channel = controller + "." + attrs[0] constraint = mc.listConnections(channel, type="constraint")[0] currentTime = mc.currentTime( query=True ) # save rest pose on constraint # mc.currentTime(currentTime-1) constraintChannels = mc.listConnections(constraint, type="animCurve") mc.parentConstraint(controller, constraint, edit=True, maintainOffset=True) for i in constraintChannels: value = mc.getAttr(mc.listConnections(i, plugs=True)[0]) setKeyframe(mc.listConnections(i, plugs=True)[0], currentTime, value) # set key on 1 for controller setKeyframe(channel, currentTime-1, value=0) setKeyframe(channel, currentTime, value=1) # mc.currentTime( currentTime ) else: mc.warning("Select constrain channel!")
def __init__( self, fullAttrName ): self.className = 'AnimCurveForBake' nodeName, attr = fullAttrName.split( '.' ) attrType = cmds.attributeQuery( attr, node=nodeName, attributeType=1 ) self.nodeType = '' if attrType == 'doubleLinear': self.nodeType = 'animCurveTL' elif attrType == 'doubleAngle': self.nodeType = 'animCurveTA' else: self.nodeType = 'animCurveTU' self.attrName = fullAttrName self.times = [] self.values = [] self.connectionExists = True if not cmds.listConnections( fullAttrName, s=1, d=0 ): node, attr = fullAttrName.split( '.' ) parentAttrs = cmds.attributeQuery( attr, node=node, listParent=1 ) if parentAttrs: if cmds.listConnections( node+'.'+parentAttrs[0] ):pass else: self.connectionExists = False self.times.append( 1 ) self.values.append( cmds.getAttr( fullAttrName ) ) else: self.connectionExists = False self.times.append( 1 ) self.values.append( cmds.getAttr( fullAttrName ) )
def getKeyAttrConnectedChildren( topObj ): children = cmds.listRelatives( topObj, c=1, ad=1, f=1 ) children.append( topObj ) targetChildren = [] targetCons = [] for child in children: if not cmds.nodeType( child ) in ['joint', 'transform']: continue listAttrs = cmds.listAttr( child, k=1 ) for attr in listAttrs: cons = cmds.listConnections( child+'.'+ attr, s=1, d=0 ) if cons: targetChildren.append( child ) targetCons += cons else: parentAttrs = cmds.attributeQuery( attr, node=child, listParent = 1 ) if parentAttrs: cons= cmds.listConnections( child+'.'+parentAttrs[0], s=1, d=0 ) if cons: targetChildren.append( child ) targetCons += cons targetChildren = list( set( targetChildren ) ) targetCons = list( set( targetCons ) ) return targetChildren, targetCons
def getSkinClusterNode(obj): shapes = [] objSets = [] connections = [] skinClusters = [] shapes = cmds.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True) if shapes and len(shapes) > 0: #found shape node directSkinClusters = cmds.listConnections(shapes[0], type='skinCluster') if directSkinClusters: print '1' skinClusters.append(directSkinClusters[0]) else: print '2' objSets = cmds.listConnections(shapes[0], type='objectSet') if objSets and len(objSets) > 0: #found objectSet node print objSets for objSet in objSets: connections = cmds.listConnections(objSet, type='skinCluster') if connections and len(connections) > 0: #found skinCluster node print '4' if not connections[0] in skinClusters: skinClusters.append(connections[0]) if len(skinClusters) > 1: print "more than one skinClusters found" else: return skinClusters[0]
def test_connectionsTo_MetaNodes_child(self): ''' Test how the code handles connections to other MetaNodes ''' facialNode=r9Meta.MetaFacialRig(name='FacialNode') self.MClass.connectChild(facialNode,'Facial') assert self.MClass.Facial.mNode=='FacialNode' assert isinstance(self.MClass.Facial, r9Meta.MetaFacialRig) assert self.MClass.hasAttr('Facial') assert not facialNode.hasAttr('Facial') assert facialNode.hasAttr('MetaClass_Test') assert cmds.listConnections('%s.Facial' % self.MClass.mNode,c=True,p=True)==['MetaClass_Test.Facial', 'FacialNode.MetaClass_Test'] #test disconnect call self.MClass.disconnectChild(self.MClass.Facial, deleteSourcePlug=True, deleteDestPlug=True) assert not self.MClass.hasAttr('Facial') assert not facialNode.hasAttr('MetaClass_Test') #test the additional attr flag self.MClass.connectChild(facialNode,'parentAttr','childAttr') assert cmds.listConnections('%s.parentAttr' % self.MClass.mNode,c=True,p=True)==['MetaClass_Test.parentAttr', 'FacialNode.childAttr'] self.MClass.disconnectChild(self.MClass.parentAttr, deleteSourcePlug=True, deleteDestPlug=True) assert not self.MClass.hasAttr('parentAttr') assert not facialNode.hasAttr('childAttr')
def removeLayTex(self, argsv): # get shapes of selection: args = shapesInSel =,o=1,s=1,sl=1) shapeIndex = 0 for arg in args : # get shading groups from shapes: shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(shapesInSel[shapeIndex],type='shadingEngine') # get the shaders: shaders =,materials=1) shader = shaders[0] #print cmds.listRelatives (p=True, arg) layeredTex = cmds.listConnections(shader, type='layeredTexture') layeredTex = layeredTex[0] if (not layeredTex == None): fileTex = cmds.listConnections(layeredTex, type='file') fileTex = fileTex[0] if (not fileTex == None): cmds.delete(layeredTex) print 'Connecting ' + shader + '.color to ' + fileTex + '.outColor' cmds.connectAttr(fileTex+'.outColor', shader+'.color', f=1) else: print ('Object ' + arg + ' does not have a file texture attached, skipping') else: print ('Object ' + arg + ' does not have a layered texture attached, skipping') shapeIndex += 1
def connectMovedDriverToFixedNode(self): targetMesh = self._targetMesh node = getBlendAndFixedShapeNode( targetMesh ) attrs = [] for driver, attr in self._driverAndAttr: value0 = cmds.getAttr( driver+'.'+attr ) attrs.append( driver+'.'+attr ) self._connectIndices = [] self._connectWeights = [] for attr in attrs: blendAndFixedShapeCons = cmds.listConnections( attr, type='blendAndFixedShape' ) if not blendAndFixedShapeCons: targetIndex = fnc.getLastIndex( node+'.driverWeights' )+1 cmds.connectAttr( attr, node+'.driverWeights[%d]' % targetIndex ) self._connectIndices.append( targetIndex ) self._connectWeights.append( value0 ) continue if not node in blendAndFixedShapeCons: continue cons = cmds.listConnections( attr, p=1, c=1 ) targetAttr = cons[1] connectedIndex = int( targetAttr.split('[')[1].replace(']','' ) ) connectedValue = cmds.getAttr( cons[1] ) self._connectIndices.append( connectedIndex ) self._connectWeights.append( connectedValue )
def memberList(layer, objectList=True): """ Return a list of objects assigned to the specified layer @param obj: The layer to return an object list for @type obj: bool """ # Check Layer if not isLayer(layer): raise Excpetion('Object "' + layer + '" is not a valid layer type!') # Get Member List members = [] if isDisplayLayer(layer): members = cmds.listConnections(layer + '.drawInfo', s=False, d=True, sh=True) if isRenderLayer(layer): members = cmds.listConnections(layer + '.renderInfo', s=False, d=True, sh=True) if isAnimLayer(layer): members = cmds.listConnections(layer + '.dagSetMembers', s=True, d=False, sh=True) # Get List of Objects from Member List if objectList: members =, o=True) # Format Result if not members: members = [] members = list(set(members)) # Return Result return members
def unloadReference( rfn ): #Get reference node. result = [] if cmds.nodeType( rfn ) == "reference": rfn = rfn elif os.path.isfile( rfn ): rfn = cmds.referenceQuery( rfn, rfn=True ) else: print "%s is not reference" % rfn return None relatives = referenceRelatives( rfn, onlyLoaded=True, parents=False ) if cmds.referenceQuery( rfn, isLoaded=True ): if relatives: for i in range( len( relatives )-1, -1, -1 ): parent = cmds.referenceQuery( relatives[i], parent=True, filename=True ) parent = parent and parent or "untitled" pm = cmds.listConnections( relatives[i], type="proxyManager" ) if pm: mcache = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyList" % pm[0], type="reference" ) else: mcache = [ relatives[i] ] for n in range( 0, len( mcache )): if mcache[n] not in result: result.append( mcache[n] ) pcache = cmds.referenceQuery( mcache[n], parent=True, filename=True ) pcache = pcache and pcache or "untitled" if parent != pcache: print "//Warning:\n//\treference is not valid:\n//\t{0} has parent {1}\n//\t{2} has parent {3}\n//\tplease check reference nodes connections.\n".format( relatives[i], parent, mcache[n], pcache ) if cmds.referenceQuery( mcache[n], isLoaded=True ): print "unload reference: %s" % mcache[n] cmds.file( unloadReference=mcache[n] ) return result
def makeActive( rfn ): """ Make active all nested references. """ result = [] references = referenceRelatives( rfn, onlyLoaded=False, parents=False ) if references: m_count = len( references ) if m_count > 1: for i in range( 0, m_count ): if references[i] not in result: result.append( references[i] ) pm = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyMsg" % references[i], type="proxyManager" ) if pm: pm = pm[0] #Get active reference. rfn = "" proxy = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyList" % pm, type="reference", source=False, destination=True ) if proxy: for n in range( 0, len( proxy )): if cmds.referenceQuery( proxy[n], isLoaded=True ): rfn = proxy[n] break if rfn == "": rfn = proxy[0] #Deactivate all non active references. active = cmds.listConnections( "%s.activeProxy" % pm, plugs=True ) if active: for n in range( 0, len( active )): cmds.disconnectAttr( "%s.activeProxy" % pm, active[n] ) #Make active reference. lproxy = cmds.connectionInfo( "%s.proxyMsg" % rfn, sourceFromDestination=True ) if lproxy: cmds.connectAttr( "%s.activeProxy" % pm, lproxy ) return result
def cleanupReference( rfn ): #Get reference node. if cmds.nodeType( rfn ) == "reference": rfn = rfn elif os.path.isfile( rfn ): rfn = cmds.referenceQuery( rfn, rfn=True ) else: print "%s is not reference" % rfn return None references = [] pm = cmds.listConnections( rfn, type="proxyManager" ) if pm: references = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyList" % pm[0], type="reference" ) if not references: references = [ rfn ] m_words = "|".join( references ) else: references = [ rfn ] m_words = rfn edits = [] if references: for i in range( 0, len( references )): strings = cmds.referenceQuery( references[i], failedEdits=True, successfulEdits=True, editStrings=True ) if strings: for i in range( 0, len( strings )): if strings[i] not in edits: if not re.findall( m_words, strings[i] ): edits.append( strings[i] ) if edits: removeEdits( rfn, edits )
def switchProxy( rfn, to="" ): if cmds.nodeType( rfn ) == "reference": pm = cmds.listConnections( rfn, type="proxyManager" ) else: print "%s has not any connected proxy references." % rfn return None if pm: pm = pm[0] if to == "": references = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyList" % pm, type="reference", source=False, destination=True ) active = cmds.listConnections( "%s.activeProxy" % pm, source=False, destination=True, plugs=True ) if active: for i in range( 0, len( references )): connections = cmds.listConnections( "%s.proxyMsg" % references[i], type="proxyManager", source=True, destination=False, plugs=True ) if connections and active[0] in connections: return loadReference( references[i-1] ) break else: return loadReference( references[0] ) else: if cmds.objExists( to ) and cmds.nodeType( to ) == "reference": tm = cmds.listConnections( to, type="proxyManager" ) if tm and pm == tm[0]: return loadReference( to ) else: print "%s is not proxy reference for current reference." % to return None else: print "%s is not proxy reference." % to return None
def finalize(self): """ corrective shape finalize """ mesh = self.mesh if not mesh: sels = = 1) if sels: mesh = sels[0] #END if #END if assert mesh, "--\ncorrectiveData.createCorrectiveUI.__finalize: no mesh specified" corrs = = "correctiveShape") if not corrs: print "No corrective shapes found in " + mesh + "'s history" return #END if csp = corrs[0] sculpt = cmds.listConnections(csp + ".inputMesh") shape = cmds.listConnections(csp + ".og[0]") if sculpt: sculptShapes = cmds.listRelatives(sculpt[0], s=True, ad=True) sculpt.insert(0, sculptShapes[0]) #END if cmds.delete(sculpt)[0]) cmds.DeleteHistory()
def get_shader(node): '''Get the shader applied to a transform or mesh :param node: Transform or mesh shape ''' node_type = cmds.nodeType(node) if node_type == 'transform': shape = get_shape(node) if not shape: return elif node_type == 'mesh': shape = node try: shading_engine = cmds.listConnections(shape, type='shadingEngine')[0] except IndexError: raise Exception('{} is not attached to a shading engine'.format(shape)) try: shader = cmds.listConnections(shading_engine + '.surfaceShader')[0] except IndexError: raise Exception('{} shadingEngine has no surfaceShader attached'.format(shading_engine)) return shader
def showDCtl(self, winPointer, basePointer, *args ): surfs = winPointer.getSurfaceShapes( basePointer ) upObjList = [] for surf in surfs: surfObj = cmds.listRelatives( surf, p=1 )[0] if cmds.attributeQuery( 'upObject', node=surfObj, ex=1 ): upObjGrpCons = cmds.listConnections( surfObj+'.upObject' ) if upObjGrpCons: upObjGrp = upObjGrpCons[0] upObj = cmds.listRelatives( upObjGrp, c=1 )[0] upObjList.append( upObj ) if not upObjList: return None children = cmds.listRelatives( upObjList, c=1, ad=1 ) if not children: return None dCtls = [] for child in children: nodeCons = cmds.listConnections( child, d=1, s=0, type='clusterControledCurve' ) if nodeCons: dCtls.append( child ) for dCtl in dCtls: dhValue = cmds.getAttr( dCtl+'.dh' ) if dhValue: cmds.setAttr( dCtl+'.dh', 0 ) else: cmds.setAttr( dCtl+'.dh', 1 )
def getMuscle(muscleObject): """ Get muscle connected to the specified muscleObject @param muscleObject: Muscle object to query @type muscleObject: str """ # Get muscle object type muscleObjType = getMuscleObjectType(muscleObject) # Get muscle muscle = '' if muscleObjType == 'geo': muscle = muscleObject elif (muscleObjType == 'profile') or (muscleObjType == 'attachment') or (muscleObjType == 'spline'): muscleConn = cmds.listConnections(muscleObject + '.muscle', s=True, d=False) if not muscleConn: raise Exception('Unable to determine muscle connection from muscleObject "' + muscleObject + '"!') muscle = muscleConn[0] elif (muscleObjType == 'attachmentTangent'): muscleObjParent = cmds.listRelatives(muscleObject, p=True)[0] muscleConn = cmds.listConnections(muscleObjParent + '.muscle', s=True, d=False) if not muscleConn: raise Exception('Unable to determine muscle connection from muscleObject "' + muscleObject + '"!') muscle = muscleConn[0] else: raise Exception('Invalid muscleObjectType value: "' + muscleObjType + '"!') # Return result return muscle
def cacheFluidsToCTemp(): if cmds.objExists(CONST.FOAM_FLUID_SHAPENODE) and cmds.objExists(CONST.WAKE_FLUID_SHAPENODE): ## Get default non-cached wake and foam fluidsToCache = [] for cache in [CONST.FOAM_FLUID_SHAPENODE, CONST.WAKE_FLUID_SHAPENODE]: fluidConnection = cmds.listConnections(cache, type = 'cacheFile') or cmds.listConnections(cache, type = 'cacheBlend') if fluidConnection: if cmds.nodeType(fluidConnection[0]) == 'cacheFile' or cmds.nodeType(fluidConnection[0]) == 'cacheBlend': cmds.confirmDialog(title = 'CACHE FLUIDS', message = 'Cache already exist for "%s". You should cleanup your caches if you want to re-cache a newer one!' % cache, button = 'OK') else: fluidsToCache.append(cache) else: fluidsToCache.append(cache) ## Cache em fluids at one go to save time if fluidsToCache: cachePath = _getPathFromSceneName() if cachePath: if os.path.exists(cachePath): _cacheWake(cachepath = cachePath, fluids = fluidsToCache) ## Set time to min [cmds.currentTime( cmds.playbackOptions(q = True, min = True) ) for x in range(2)] else: cmds.confirmDialog(title = 'CACHE FLUIDS', message = 'Both "%s" and "%s" fluids don\'t exist in your scene!' % (CONST.FOAM_FLUID_SHAPENODE, CONST.WAKE_FLUID_SHAPENODE), button = 'OK')
def getRetargetNode_for( self, target ): retargetBlenderCons = cmds.listConnections( target, s=1, d=0, type='retargetBlender' ) if not retargetBlenderCons: retargetBlender = cmds.createNode( 'retargetBlender', n= target+'_retargetBlender' ) sourceName = target.replace( self._targetNS, self._sourceNS ) retargetNode = cmds.createNode( 'retargetTransNode', n= sourceName+'_RTTrans' ) self.blenderToControl( retargetBlender, target ) if cmds.nodeType( target ) == 'joint': fnc.tryConnect( target+'.jo', retargetBlender+'.orient' ) cmds.connectAttr( retargetNode+'.transMatrix', retargetBlender+'.input[0].transMatrix' ) else: retargetBlender = retargetBlenderCons[0] fnc.clearArrayElement( retargetBlender+'.input' ) cuIndex = fnc.getLastIndex( retargetBlender+'.input' ) if cuIndex == -1: cuIndex = 0 retargetTransCons = cmds.listConnections( retargetBlender+'.input[%d].transMatrix ' % cuIndex ) if retargetTransCons: cuIndex += 1 sourceName = target.replace( self._targetNS, self._sourceNS ) retargetNode = cmds.createNode( 'retargetTransNode', n= sourceName+'_RTTrans' ) cmds.connectAttr( retargetNode+'.transMatrix', retargetBlender+'.input[%d].transMatrix' % cuIndex ) return retargetNode
def pfxhairDynamicSetting( hairSystems, skinMesh ): startCurvesAll = [] for hairSystem in hairSystems: hairSystemShape = cmds.listRelatives( hairSystem, s=1 )[0] follicles = cmds.listConnections( hairSystemShape+'.inputHair', s=1, d=0, type='follicle', shapes=1 ) startCurves = cmds.listConnections( follicles, s=1, d=0, type='nurbsCurve' ) startCurvesShapes = cmds.listRelatives( startCurves, s=1, f=1 ) for shape in startCurvesShapes: cons = cmds.listConnections( shape, d=1, s=0, shapes=1 ) if not cons: cmds.delete( shape ) continue if cmds.nodeType( cons[0] ) == 'follicle': cmds.setAttr( shape+'.io', 1 ) startCurvesAll += startCurves grp = startCurvesAll, n='startCurveGrps' ) startCurvesAll = cmds.listRelatives( grp, c=1, type='transform', f=1 ) import sgRigSkinCluster for curve in startCurvesAll: sgRigSkinCluster.autoCopyWeight( skinMesh, curve ) return grp
def setRestCurve( startCurves ): restCurves = [] index = 0 for startCurve in startCurves: follicle = cmds.listConnections( startCurve+'.wm', type='follicle', shapes=1 )[0] if cmds.listConnections( follicle+'.restPosition', s=1, d=0 ): continue startShape = cmds.listConnections( follicle+'.startPosition', s=1, d=0, shapes=1 )[0] rebuildCurve= cmds.listConnections( startShape+'.create', type='rebuildCurve' )[0] crvShape = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve' ) cmds.connectAttr( rebuildCurve+'.outputCurve', crvShape+'.create' ) cmds.connectAttr( crvShape+'.worldSpace', follicle+'.restPosition' ) cmds.setAttr( crvShape+'.io', 1 ) crv = cmds.listRelatives( crvShape, p=1 )[0] crv = cmds.rename( crv, 'restCurve_%03d' % index ) startMtx = cmds.getAttr( crv+'.wm' ) cmds.xform( crv, ws=1, matrix= startMtx ) restCurves.append( crv ) index += 1 restCurves, n='restCurveGrps' )
def reorderInfluence(glusterNode): influenceList = mc.listConnections(glusterNode + ".matrix", s=1, d=0) bindPreMatrixList = mc.listConnections(glusterNode + ".bindPreMatrix", s=1, d=0) indexArray = range(len(influenceList)) indexArray.reverse() popWeightList = mc.getAttr(glusterNode + ".influenceWeight[" + str(indexArray[0]) + "]") for ind in indexArray: if ind: copyWeightList = mc.getAttr(glusterNode + ".influenceWeight[" + str(ind - 1) + "]") mc.setAttr(glusterNode + ".influenceWeight[" + str(ind) + "]", copyWeightList, type="doubleArray") mc.connectAttr(influenceList[(ind - 1)] + ".worldMatrix[0]", glusterNode + ".matrix[" + str(ind) + "]", f=1) mc.connectAttr( bindPreMatrixList[(ind - 1)] + ".worldInverseMatrix[0]", glusterNode + ".bindPreMatrix[" + str(ind) + "]", f=1, ) else: mc.setAttr(glusterNode + ".influenceWeight[" + str(ind) + "]", popWeightList, type="doubleArray") mc.connectAttr(influenceList[indexArray[0]] + ".worldMatrix[0]", glusterNode + ".matrix[0]", f=1) mc.connectAttr( bindPreMatrixList[indexArray[0]] + ".worldInverseMatrix[0]", glusterNode + ".bindPreMatrix[0]", f=1 )
def createMaterialSelect(): selNodes = # get selection mtlSelectToCreate = [] # clean out array for node in selNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'VRayBlendMtl': #make sure it's a vray blend mat mat = (cmds.listConnections('%s.base_material' % (node))[0]) print mat, node if mat != None and mat not in mtlSelectToCreate: mtlSelectToCreate.append(mat) for n in range(0,9): mat = (cmds.listConnections('%s.coat_material_%d' % (node,n))) # go thru each coat and add if it's there if mat != None and mat not in mtlSelectToCreate: mtlSelectToCreate.append(mat[0]) if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'VRayMtl': if node not in mtlSelectToCreate: mtlSelectToCreate.append(node) for curMat in mtlSelectToCreate: matSelName = 'mtl_%s' % (curMat) # create a reasonable name if not cmds.objExists(matSelName): # make sure it doesn't already exist renderElement = mel.eval('vrayAddRenderElement MaterialSelectElement;') # create render element renderElement = cmds.rename(renderElement,matSelName) # rename the old to new cmds.connectAttr (curMat + '.outColor', renderElement + '.vray_mtl_mtlselect') # connect up the shader to the render element cmds.setAttr (renderElement + '.vray_explicit_name_mtlselect', matSelName, type = 'string') # make sure the name that gets shoved in the exr is named the same
def getWristAngleNode( target, targetBase=None ): wristAngleCons = cmds.listConnections( target+'.m', s=0, d=1, type='wristAngle' ) wristAngleNode = '' if not wristAngleCons: mmCons = cmds.listConnections( target+'.wm', s=0, d=1, type='multMatrix' ) if mmCons: wristAngleCons = cmds.listConnections( mmCons[0]+'.o', s=0, d=1, type='wristAngle' ) if wristAngleCons: wristAngleNode = wristAngleCons[0] else: wristAngleNode = wristAngleCons[0] if wristAngleNode: return wristAngleNode wa = cmds.createNode( 'wristAngle' ) if not targetBase: targetBase = cmds.listRelatives( target, p=1, f=1 )[0] cmds.connectAttr( target+'.m', wa+'.inputMatrix' ) else: mm = cmds.createNode( 'multMatrix' ) cmds.connectAttr( target+'.wm', mm+'.i[0]' ) cmds.connectAttr( targetBase+'.wim', mm+'.i[1]' ) cmds.connectAttr( mm+'.o', wa+'.inputMatrix' ) wa ) return wa
def setupStrechy (): # >>> get IK from selection, get start/end joints & IK curve, determine strechy joints _IK = (selection = True)[0] _IKcurve = cmds.listConnections (_IK + '.inCurve', destination = True)[0] _startJoint = cmds.listConnections (_IK + '.startJoint', destination = True)[0] _endEffector = cmds.listConnections (_IK + '.endEffector', destination = True)[0] _endJoint = cmds.listConnections (_endEffector + '.translateX', destination = True)[0] (_endJoint, hierarchy = True) _jointsTrash = (selection = True) (_startJoint, hierarchy = True) _strachyJoints_ = (selection = True) _strachyJoints_ = _strachyJoints_[:len (_strachyJoints_) - len (_jointsTrash)-1] # >>> setup utility nodes _curveInfo = cmds.arclen (_IKcurve, constructionHistory = True) _condtition = cmds.createNode ('condition') _startLength = cmds.getAttr (_curveInfo + '.arcLength') _currentLength = cmds.createNode ('multiplyDivide') cmds.setAttr (_currentLength + '.operation', 2) cmds.setAttr (_currentLength + '.input2X', _startLength) cmds.setAttr (_condtition + '.firstTerm', _startLength) cmds.setAttr (_condtition + '.operation', 4) cmds.connectAttr (_curveInfo + '.arcLength', _currentLength + '.input1X', force = True) cmds.connectAttr (_curveInfo + '.arcLength', _condtition + '.secondTerm', force = True) cmds.connectAttr (_currentLength + '.outputX', _condtition + '.colorIfTrueR', force = True) # >>> connect calculated scale to joints for _j in _strachyJoints_: cmds.connectAttr (_condtition + '.outColorR', _j + '.scaleX', force = True)
def deleteExpression(con='', attr=''): ''' # ''' # find exp cnn = cmds.listConnections(con + '.' + attr, s=True, d=False) if cnn: if cmds.nodeType(cnn[0]) == 'unitConversion': cnn_uc = cmds.listConnections(cnn, s=True, d=False, type='expression') if cnn_uc: if cmds.nodeType(cnn_uc[0]) == 'expression': exp = cnn_uc[0] elif cmds.nodeType(cnn[0]) == 'expression': exp = cnn[0] # delete exp if exp: st1 = cmds.expression(exp, q=True, s=True) st2 = 'frame' if st2 in st1: cmds.delete(exp) print 'deleted___ ', con, ' ___ ', exp else: print ' nope ' else: print 'no expression ', attr
def separateMeshsBySkinWeight2( meshObjs ): import sgBFunction_connection import sgBFunction_dag meshObjs = sgBFunction_dag.getChildrenMeshExists( meshObjs ) meshs = [] for meshObj in meshObjs: meshs += separateMeshBySkinWeight2( meshObj ) jntAndBindTargets = {} appendedJnts = [] for sel in meshs: mmdc = cmds.listConnections( sel, s=1, d=0 )[0] bindObj = cmds.listConnections( mmdc, s=1, d=0 )[0] bindObjP = cmds.listRelatives( bindObj, p=1, f=1 )[0] if not bindObjP in appendedJnts: appendedJnts.append( bindObjP ) jntAndBindTargets.update( {bindObjP:[]} ) jntAndBindTargets[ bindObjP ].append( sel ) for jnt, bindObjs in jntAndBindTargets.items(): if len( bindObjs ) == 1: continue bindObj, polyUnite = cmds.polyUnite( bindObjs, n=bindObjs[0] ) bindObj = cmds.rename( bindObj, jnt.split( '|' )[-1]+'_mesh' ) sgBFunction_connection.bindConnect( bindObj, jnt )
def ConstraintVisibility(self, Objects , ControlObject , SpaceSwitchName = 'spaceSwitch', reverse = False ): if (self.AddNumericParameter (ControlObject, Name = SpaceSwitchName)): SWMultDiv = cmds.shadingNode("multiplyDivide",asUtility = True ,name = SpaceSwitchName + "SWMultDivide" ) SWMultDiv = self.NameConv.RMRenameBasedOnBaseName(ControlObject, SWMultDiv, NewName = SWMultDiv) cmds.connectAttr(ControlObject+"."+SpaceSwitchName ,SWMultDiv+".input1X") cmds.setAttr(SWMultDiv+".input2X",10) cmds.setAttr(SWMultDiv+".operation",2) else: SWMultDiv = cmds.listConnections(ControlObject + "." + SpaceSwitchName, type = "multiplyDivide")[0] if reverse == True: ConnectionsList = cmds.listConnections (SWMultDiv + ".outputX", type = "reverse") reverseSW = "" if ConnectionsList and len(ConnectionsList) >= 1: reverseSW = ConnectionsList[0] else : reverseSW = cmds.shadingNode('reverse', asUtility=True, name = SpaceSwitchName + "SWReverse") reverseSW = self.NameConv.RMRenameBasedOnBaseName(ControlObject, reverseSW, NewName ="SWReverse") cmds.connectAttr( SWMultDiv + ".outputX", reverseSW + ".inputX") if self.NameConv.RMIsNameInFormat (ControlObject): reverseSW = self.NameConv.RMRenameBasedOnBaseName(ControlObject,reverseSW, NewName = reverseSW) else: reverseSW = self.NameConv.RMRenameNameInFormat(reverseSW) for eachObject in Objects: cmds.connectAttr(reverseSW + ".outputX", eachObject + ".visibility") else: for eachObject in Objects: cmds.connectAttr(SWMultDiv + ".outputX", eachObject + ".visibility")
def chimaPullThemDown() : num = -6975.209 nodes = sl=True ) tys = [] for node in nodes : src = mc.listConnections( '%s.ty' % node , p=True , s=True , d=False )[0] srcType = mc.nodeType( src ) ty = '' if srcType == 'character' : ty = mc.listConnections( src , s=True , d=False )[0] elif srcType == 'animCurveTL' : ty = src.split( '.' )[0] else : print '%s has been constrained to object' % node ty = None if ty : tys.append( ty ) mc.keyframe( tys , e=True , includeUpperBound=False , animation='objects' , time=(0,100000) , r=True , o='move' , timeChange=0 , valueChange=num )
def getAffectedJoints(ikHandle): """ Get a list of joints affected by a specified ikHandle @param ikHandle: IK Handle to query affected joints for @type ikHandle: str """ # Check ikHandle if not cmds.objExists(ikHandle): raise Exception('IK handle ' + ikHandle + ' does not exist!') if cmds.objectType(ikHandle) != 'ikHandle': raise Exception('Object ' + ikHandle + ' is not a valid ikHandle!') # Get startJoint startJoint = cmds.listConnections(ikHandle + '.startJoint', s=True, d=False)[0] # Get endEffector endEffector = cmds.listConnections(ikHandle + '.endEffector', s=True, d=False)[0] endJoint = cmds.listConnections(endEffector + '.translateX', s=True, d=False)[0] # Get list of joints affected by ikHandle ikJoints = [endJoint] while ikJoints[-1] != startJoint: ikJoints.append(cmds.listRelatives(ikJoints[-1], p=True)[0]) # Reverse joint list ikJoints.reverse() # Return ik joints list return ikJoints
def edo_autoConnectCorrectBlendShape(clearbs=1): #axis=8 sels = if len(sels) >= 3: target = sels[0] skmesh = sels[1] skdbf = sels[2] dctrl = skdbf.replace('_FRAME', '_CONNECT') #record driver angle drsk = '' drsks = None if cmds.objExists(skdbf + '.SKDB'): drsks = cmds.listConnections(skdbf + '.SKDB', s=1, d=0) if drsks: drsk = drsks[0] else: drsk = edo_findoutDriverSkeletonFromSKDB(skdbf) maxrt = edo_getSKDBCurrenctAttrFromAttrs(skdbf) if float(maxrt.split(':')[1]) <= 0.001: print 'attributes are too small,please repose your character' return False #rcattr='' #if not mr=='': # rcattr=skdbf+'.'+drsk+'__'+mr #if rcattr=='': # print 'the joint doesnt have any rotation, so you don\t need add any correct blendshape to it' # return ##rewrite rotation Value list #edo_rewriteRotationValueList(skdbf,rcattr,mv,mr) edo_rewriteDirValueList(skdbf, maxrt, drsk) #auto calculate and connect blendshape fbs = edo_calculateBlendShape(target, skmesh) axis = 4 if cmds.objExists(skdbf.replace('FRAME', 'eightDirPlane_curve')): axis = 8 mxattr = '' if axis == 4: mxattr = edo_getSKDBmaxCurrentAttrFromFourAttrs(skdbf) else: mxattr = edo_getSKDBmaxCurrentAttrFromEightAttrs(skdbf) outs = cmds.listConnections(skdbf + '.' + mxattr[0], d=1, s=0, p=1) animCurves = [] if outs: for out in outs: #out = outs[0] outobj ='.')[0], type='animCurve') if outobj: animCurves.append(outobj[0]) #print animCurve dirvalue = mxattr[1] outvalue = mxattr[1] cbs = edo_findNodeFromHis(skmesh, 'blendShape') canim = '' if not cbs == None: if animCurves: for am in animCurves: #am = animCurves[0] outputs = cmds.listConnections(am, s=0, d=1) if outputs: for output in outputs: #output = outputs[0] if output == cbs: canim = am if not canim == '': outvalue = cmds.getAttr(canim + '.output') #skmesh=skmesh+'_', add=1) bsmeshes = edo_skautoConnectBlendShapes.edo_renameBlendShapeMeshInbetween( outvalue) cmds.parent(bsmeshes, dctrl + '_' + mxattr[0]) allbms = edo_skautoConnectBlendShapes.edo_autoConnectBlendshapes() allbms ='__')[0] + '__' + bsmeshes.split('__')[1] + '*', type='transform') #delete blendshape mesh if clearbs == 1: print 'clear blendshape : ' + bsmeshes if allbms: for bm in allbms: #bm=allbms[0] if cmds.objExists(bm): shs = cmds.listRelatives(bm, p=1, pa=1) if shs: sh = shs[0] if dctrl + '_' in sh: cmds.delete(bm) #convert expression to setDriven Key cbs = edo_findNodeFromHis(skmesh, 'blendShape') if cbs == skmesh + '_BLENDSHAPE': #cbs mxattr[1] edo_convertBlendShapeDrivingExToSdk(cbs, canim, dirvalue, outvalue) return [maxrt]
def overlap(self): NotUseFirstCtrl = self.First_CB.isChecked() CycleCheckBox = self.Cycle_CB.isChecked() TRANSLATEmode = self.Translate_CB.isChecked() OnLayerSwitch = self.Bake_CB.isChecked() WindSwitch = self.Wind_CB.isChecked() windScaleValue = self.Wind_Scale_SP.value() windSpeedValue = self.Wind_Speed_SP.value() overlapIntensity = self.Scale_SP.value() timeShift = self.Softness_SP.value() timeStart = cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1) timeEnd = cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1) controller_list = # NOTE 生成骨骼 | 调整轴向 jnt_list = [] _jnt = None for controller in controller_list: pos = cmds.xform(controller, q=1, rp=1, ws=1) jnt = cmds.joint(p=pos, rad=1, n="%s_OverlapJoint" % controller) if _jnt: cmds.joint(_jnt, e=1, zso=1, oj="xyz", sao="yup") jnt_list.append(jnt) _jnt = jnt else: last_jnt = cmds.duplicate(jnt, rr=1, n="%s_LastOrientJoint" % controller)[0] cmds.move(2, 0, 0, r=1, ls=1, wd=1) cmds.parent(last_jnt, jnt) jnt_list.append(last_jnt) cmds.joint(jnt, e=1, zso=1, oj="xyz", sao="yup") sumLenghtJoints = sum( [cmds.getAttr("%s.tx" % jnt) for jnt in jnt_list]) averageLenghtJoints = (sumLenghtJoints - 2) / len(jnt_list) cmds.setAttr(last_jnt + ".tx", averageLenghtJoints) constraint_list = [] for controller, jnt in zip(controller_list, jnt_list): constraint_list.extend(cmds.parentConstraint(controller, jnt, mo=1)) # NOTE 烘焙骨骼跟随控制器的关键帧 cmds.bakeResults( jnt_list, simulation=1, # NOTE 开启模拟 解决卡顿问题 t=(timeStart, timeEnd), sampleBy=1, oversamplingRate=1, disableImplicitControl=1, preserveOutsideKeys=1, sparseAnimCurveBake=0, removeBakedAttributeFromLayer=0, removeBakedAnimFromLayer=0, bakeOnOverrideLayer=0, minimizeRotation=1, at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) cmds.delete(constraint_list) if CycleCheckBox: # NOTE 将骨骼关键帧复制多几份 for i, jnt in enumerate(jnt_list): cmds.selectKey(cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".tx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".ty", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".tz", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".rx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".ry", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(jnt + ".rz", type="animCurve"), r=1, k=1, t=(timeStart, timeEnd)) cmds.copyKey() cmds.pasteKey(time=(timeEnd, timeEnd), float=(timeEnd, timeEnd), option="insert", copies=2, connect=0, timeOffset=0, floatOffset=0, valueOffset=0) cycleLenghts = timeEnd - timeStart timeEnd = timeEnd + 2 * cycleLenghts # NOTE 进行 overlap overlapIntensityMult = averageLenghtJoints / overlapIntensity * 5 timeShiftNeg = -timeShift timeShiftCurrent = 1 + timeShift gc_list = [] aim_data = {} for i, jnt in enumerate(jnt_list): offset_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="overlapOffsetLocator%s" % i)[0] cmds.delete(cmds.parentConstraint(jnt, offset_loc, w=1)) cmds.move(overlapIntensityMult, 0, 0, r=1, os=1, ls=1) con = cmds.parentConstraint(jnt, offset_loc, mo=1) cmds.bakeResults(offset_loc, simulation=0, t=(timeStart, timeEnd), sampleBy=1, disableImplicitControl=1, preserveOutsideKeys=1, minimizeRotation=1, at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) cmds.delete(con) wind_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="overlapOffsetLocatorWind%s" % i)[0] gc_list.append(wind_loc) cmds.parent(wind_loc, offset_loc) cmds.makeIdentity(wind_loc, a=0, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0, pn=1) animCurve_list = [ (offset_loc + "_translateX"), (offset_loc + "_translateY"), (offset_loc + "_translateZ"), (offset_loc + "_rotateX"), (offset_loc + "_rotateY"), (offset_loc + "_rotateZ"), ] for animCurve in animCurve_list: cmds.keyframe(animCurve, e=1, iub=1, r=1, o="over", tc=timeShift) cmds.keyframe(animCurve, t=(timeShiftCurrent, timeShiftCurrent), option="over", relative=1, timeChange=timeShiftNeg) aim_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="overlapInLocator_aim_%s" % i)[0] aim_grp =, n=aim_loc + "_grp") cmds.pointConstraint(jnt, aim_grp) aim_data[aim_loc] = aim_grp cmds.aimConstraint(wind_loc, aim_grp, aimVector=[1, 0, 0], upVector=[0, 1, 0], worldUpType="object", worldUpObject=wind_loc) cmds.orientConstraint(wind_loc, aim_loc, mo=1, skip=["y", "z"], w=1) # NOTE 添加控制器 translate 坐标位移 if TRANSLATEmode and i != len(jnt_list) - 1: IK_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n="overlapOffsetIKLocator%s" % i)[0] cmds.pointConstraint(jnt, IK_loc) cmds.bakeResults(IK_loc, simulation=0, t=(timeStart, timeEnd), sampleBy=1, disableImplicitControl=1, preserveOutsideKeys=1, minimizeRotation=1, at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz']) animCurve_list = [ (IK_loc + "_translateX"), (IK_loc + "_translateY"), (IK_loc + "_translateZ"), ] for animCurve in animCurve_list: cmds.keyframe(animCurve, e=1, iub=1, r=1, o="over", tc=timeShift) cmds.keyframe(animCurve, t=(timeShiftCurrent, timeShiftCurrent), option="over", relative=1, timeChange=timeShiftNeg) cmds.pointConstraint(IK_loc, aim_loc) gc_list.append(IK_loc) # NOTE 添加随机风向控制 if WindSwitch: windMultiply = 0.07 * overlapIntensityMult * windScaleValue speedMultiply = 20 / windSpeedValue cmds.setKeyframe(wind_loc, attribute=['translateY', 'translateZ'], t=[timeStart, timeStart]) cmds.bakeResults(wind_loc, simulation=0, t=(timeStart, timeEnd + speedMultiply), sampleBy=speedMultiply, oversamplingRate=1, disableImplicitControl=1, preserveOutsideKeys=1, at=['ty', 'tz']) for attr in cmds.listAttr(wind_loc, k=1): animCurve = cmds.listConnections("%s.%s" % (wind_loc, attr), type="animCurve") if not animCurve: continue for animCurveCurrent in animCurve: for animCurveCurrentKeysTime in cmds.keyframe( animCurveCurrent, q=1, t=(timeStart, timeEnd), tc=1): t = (animCurveCurrentKeysTime, animCurveCurrentKeysTime) animCurveCurrentKeysTimeArray = cmds.keyframe( animCurveCurrent, q=1, time=t, vc=1) RandomizerValue = random.random() * 2 - 1 animCurveCurrentKeysValueArrayAddRandom = animCurveCurrentKeysTimeArray[ 0] + windMultiply * RandomizerValue cmds.keyframe( animCurveCurrent, e=1, iub=1, r=1, o="over", vc=animCurveCurrentKeysValueArrayAddRandom, t=t) attr = (wind_loc + "_translateY") cmds.keyframe(attr, e=1, iub=1, r=1, o="over", tc=speedMultiply / 2) t = (speedMultiply / 2) + 1 cmds.selectKey(attr, add=1, k=1, t=(t, t)) cmds.keyframe(attr, animation="keys", r=1, o="over", tc=speedMultiply / -2) cmds.bakeResults(aim_grp, aim_loc, simulation=0, t=(timeStart, timeEnd), sampleBy=1, disableImplicitControl=1, preserveOutsideKeys=1, minimizeRotation=1, at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) cmds.parentConstraint(aim_loc, jnt, mo=1) gc_list.append(offset_loc) gc_list.append(aim_grp) # NOTE 动画循环控制 if CycleCheckBox: timeStart = cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1) timeEnd = cmds.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1) cycleLenghts = timeEnd - timeStart # NOTE 将关键帧挪动回去两个时间范围 for aim_loc, aim_grp in aim_data.items(): cmds.keyframe(cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".tx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".ty", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".tz", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".rx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".ry", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_loc + ".rz", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".tx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".ty", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".tz", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".rx", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".ry", type="animCurve"), cmds.listConnections(aim_grp + ".rz", type="animCurve"), e=1, iub=1, r=1, o="over", tc=cycleLenghts * -2) constraint_list = [] for i, [controller, jnt] in enumerate(zip(controller_list, jnt_list)): if NotUseFirstCtrl and i == 0: continue if cmds.getAttr(controller+".tx",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".tx",l=1) and \ cmds.getAttr(controller+".ty",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".ty",l=1) and \ cmds.getAttr(controller+".tz",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".tz",l=1): constraint_list.extend( cmds.pointConstraint(jnt, controller, mo=1)) if cmds.getAttr(controller+".rx",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".rx",l=1) and \ cmds.getAttr(controller+".ry",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".ry",l=1) and \ cmds.getAttr(controller+".rz",k=1) and not cmds.getAttr(controller+".rz",l=1): constraint_list.extend( cmds.orientConstraint(jnt, controller, mo=1)) if NotUseFirstCtrl: controller_list = controller_list[1:] # NOTE 输出到控制器上 cmds.bakeResults( controller_list, simulation=1, # NOTE 开启模拟 解决卡顿问题 t=(timeStart, timeEnd), sampleBy=1, disableImplicitControl=1, bakeOnOverrideLayer=OnLayerSwitch, preserveOutsideKeys=1, minimizeRotation=1, at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']) cmds.delete(constraint_list) cmds.delete(jnt_list) cmds.delete(gc_list)
def Light_Export_Fn(self): File_Path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, caption=u"1", directory=".", filter="json (*.json)") # 空数组处理 try: if type(File_Path) is tuple: File_Path = File_Path[0] if type(File_Path) is list: File_Path = File_Path[0] except: traceback.print_exc() return Light_Json = {} Light_Json['Application'] = "Maya" Light_Json['LightData'] = {} lightList ='lightList')[0] lightList = cmds.listConnections(lightList + ".lights") for lightName in lightList: if cmds.getAttr(lightName + ".visibility") == 0: continue light = cmds.listRelatives(lightName, c=1)[0] Light_Json['LightData'][lightName] = {} Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Name'] = lightName Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Type'] = cmds.objectType(light) Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Intensity'] = cmds.getAttr( light + ".intensity") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Exposure'] = cmds.getAttr( light + ".aiExposure") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['color'] = {} Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['color']["R"] = cmds.getAttr( light + ".color")[0][0] Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['color']["G"] = cmds.getAttr( light + ".color")[0][1] Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['color']["B"] = cmds.getAttr( light + ".color")[0][2] Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Translate'] = {} Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Translate'][ 'tx'] = cmds.getAttr(lightName + ".tx") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Translate'][ 'ty'] = cmds.getAttr(lightName + ".ty") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Translate'][ 'tz'] = cmds.getAttr(lightName + ".tz") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Rotate'] = {} Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Rotate']['rx'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".rx") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Rotate']['ry'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".ry") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Rotate']['rz'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".rz") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Sacle'] = {} Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Sacle']['sx'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".sx") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Sacle']['sy'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".sy") Light_Json['LightData'][lightName]['Sacle']['sz'] = cmds.getAttr( lightName + ".sz") try: with open(File_Path, 'w') as f: json.dump(Light_Json, f, indent=4) except: if path != "": QMessageBox.warning(self, u"Warning", u"空路径读取失败")
def edo_mirrorSKDBdeform(rp=['L_', 'R_'], mode=0): #mode=1 sels = mesh = sels[0] skdbs = sels[1:], r=1) edo_mirrorSKDBvalue(rp) # af = 0 af = edo_checkTheEndStr(mesh) if af == 1: mesh = mesh + '_' oaf = 0 omesh = '' if mode == 1: omesh = mesh.replace(rp[0], rp[1]) if omesh[-1] == '_': omesh = omesh[:-1] oaf = edo_checkTheEndStr(omesh) if not omesh[-1] == '_': omesh = omesh + '_' if not cmds.objExists(omesh): print 'can not find the mesh in the other side' return False #mirrorBs allbs = edo_findAllBlendshapeInTheFrame(rp) fallbs = [] for bs in allbs: #bs=allbs[0] edo_lockAndUnlockTransform.edo_unLockReferenceObjectTransformAttrs(bs) if mesh in bs: fallbs.append(bs) allbs = fallbs allmirrorbs = [] if mode == 0: edo_lockAndUnlockTransform.edo_unLockReferenceObjectTransformAttrs( mesh) orgmesh = cmds.duplicate(mesh, n='ORG_' + mesh)[0], r=1), add=1) allmirrorbs = edo_mirrorBlendShape.edo_mirrorBlendShape() cmds.delete(orgmesh) if mode == 1: for bs in allbs: #bs=allbs[0] dbs = cmds.duplicate(bs, n=bs.replace(rp[0], rp[1]))[0] cmds.parent(dbs, w=1) cmds.xform(dbs, ws=1, t=[0, 0, 0], ro=[0, 0, 0], s=[-1, 1, 1]) cmds.makeIdentity(dbs, a=1, t=0, r=1, s=1, n=0) allmirrorbs.append(dbs) mirroredCurve = [] for bs in allmirrorbs: #bs=allmirrorbs[0] #bsname=bs.split() #rbs=bs.replace('CTRR_','CTRL_') rbs = bs rbs = cmds.rename(bs, rbs) frame = rbs.split('__')[-1] if cmds.objExists(frame): cmds.parent(rbs, frame) ms = frame.split('_CONNECT')[0] + '_CONNECT' if cmds.objExists(ms):, r=1) #reload(edo_autoConnectBlendShapes) allbms = edo_autoConnectBlendShapes.edo_autoConnectBlendshapes( ) #delete blendshape mesh cbs = '' #cbs=allbms[2] for bms in allbms: if bms: bms = bms[0] if cmds.objExists(bms): cmds.delete(bms) cbs = bms if cmds.objExists(rbs): cmds.delete(rbs) tmp = rbs.split('__') rbs = tmp[0] + '__' + tmp[1] + '__' + tmp[3] if cmds.objExists(rbs): cmds.delete(rbs) #mirror set driven key #if cbs=='': # continue bsn = rbs.split('__')[1] + '__BLENDSHAPE' lbsn = bsn.replace(rp[1], rp[0]) tmp = rbs.replace(rp[1], rp[0]).split('__') ocbs = tmp[0] + '__' + tmp[1] + '__' + tmp[2] if cmds.objExists(lbsn + '.' + ocbs): anc = cmds.listConnections(lbsn + '.' + ocbs, s=1, d=0, p=1) if anc: an = anc[0] if cmds.nodeType(an)[0:9] == 'animCurve': print 'duplicate anim curve' if an in mirroredCurve: continue if cmds.objExists( an.split('.')[0].replace(rp[0], rp[1])): print 'delete animCurve ... ' + an.split( '.')[0].replace(rp[0], rp[1]) cmds.delete( an.split('.')[0].replace(rp[0], rp[1])) oc = cmds.duplicate(an, n=an.split('.')[0].replace( rp[0], rp[1])) mirroredCurve.append(an) if oc: c = oc[0] #rnc=c.replace('_CTRR','_CTRL') rnc = c #if cmds.objExists(rnc): # print 'delete animCurve ... '+rnc # cmds.delete(rnc) #rnc=cmds.rename(c,rnc) #bsattr=(bsn+'.'+ocbs).replace(rp[0],rp[1]).replace('_CTRR','_CTRL') bsattr = (bsn + '.' + ocbs).replace( rp[0], rp[1]) if cmds.objExists(bsattr): cmds.connectAttr(rnc + '.output', bsattr, f=1) inattr = rnc.split('__')[-1].replace( '_CONNECT_', '_FRAME.') if cmds.objExists(inattr): cmds.connectAttr(inattr, rnc + '.input', f=1) print 'mirror .. ' + bs + ' .. was successful.' if af == 1: cmds.rename(mesh, mesh[:-1]) if oaf == 1: cmds.rename(omesh, omesh[:-1]) cmds.delete(allbs)
def patch(reference_node): """A patch after commit 06c2ef9 and should be removed ASAP Before commit 06c2ef9, published rig has no namespace on imported models or shaders. And sometimes animator may make their own change on referenced rig that may create extra meshes under referenced transform node, which Maya will not able to re-apply those edits when replacing reference if the original rig was published before commit 06c2ef9 and the new rig was published after that (because new node will have namespace). Hence we need this patch for the transition, and will remove this once we could pin config version on each project. """ from maya import cmds referenced = cmds.referenceQuery(reference_node, nodes=True, dagPath=True) transforms =, type="transform", long=True) meshes = cmds.listRelatives( transforms, shapes=True, fullPath=True, type="mesh") or [] # Collect meshes(uuid) that were created in scene mesh_uuids = dict() for mesh in meshes: if cmds.referenceQuery(mesh, isNodeReferenced=True): continue parent ="|", 1)[0], uuid=True)[0] shading =, source=False, destination=True, connections=True, type="shadingEngine"), uuid=True) mesh =, uuid=True)[0] mesh_uuids[mesh] = (parent, shading) yield # Adopt new parent foster = cmds.listConnections(reference_node + ".fosterParent") if foster and mesh_uuids: foster = foster[0] shapes = cmds.listRelatives(foster, shapes=True, fullPath=True) shapes =, uuid=True) for uuid in shapes: if uuid not in mesh_uuids: continue parent, shading = mesh_uuids[uuid] parent = fostered_shape =, long=True) if parent and fostered_shape: # Move fostered mesh node to newly referenced transform node fostered_shape = fostered_shape[0] shape = cmds.parent(fostered_shape, parent[0], addObject=True, shape=True) cmds.parent(fostered_shape, removeObject=True, shape=True) # Try to fix shading if shading: shading = iter(shading) for src, dst in zip(shading, shading): dst = if not dst: continue src = shape[0] + "." + src.split(".", 1)[-1] dst = dst[0] + ".dagSetMembers" try: cmds.connectAttr(src, dst, nextAvailable=True) except Exception as e: cmds.warning(str(e))
def doIt(self, mArgs): ret, argData = self.grabArgDb(mArgs) if ret: return sel = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() argData.getObjects(sel) objs = [] for n in range(sel.length()): obj = MObject() sel.getDependNode(n, obj) objs.append(obj) # if argData.isQuery(): rotNode = objs[0] if argData.isFlagSet(self.kFlagAxis): self.setResult(cmd.getAttr('%s.mirrorAxis' % rotNode)) elif argData.isFlagSet(self.kFlagMode): self.setResult(cmd.getAttr('%s.mirrorTranslation' % rotNode)) return #if we're in edit mode, find the node elif argData.isEdit(): rotNode = objs[0] #otherwise we're in creation mode - so build the node and connect things up else: obj, tgt = objs #is dummy mode set? isDummyMode = argData.isFlagSet( self.kFlagDummy) or argData.isFlagSet(self.kFlagDummy) #see if there is already a node connected existing = cmd.listConnections('%s.t' % tgt, '%s.r' % tgt, type=MirrorNode.NODE_TYPE_NAME) if existing: self.displayWarning( "There is a %s node already connected - use edit mode!" % MirrorNode.NODE_TYPE_NAME) self.setResult(existing[0]) return else: rotNode = cmd.createNode('rotationMirror') cmd.connectAttr('%s.worldMatrix' % obj, '%s.inWorldMatrix' % rotNode) cmd.connectAttr('%s.parentInverseMatrix' % obj, '%s.inParentInverseMatrix' % rotNode) cmd.connectAttr('%s.parentInverseMatrix' % tgt, '%s.targetParentInverseMatrix' % rotNode) joAttrpath = '' % tgt if cmd.objExists(joAttrpath): cmd.connectAttr(joAttrpath, '%s.targetJointOrient' % rotNode) cmd.connectAttr('%s.rotateOrder' % tgt, '%s.targetRotationOrder' % rotNode) if not isDummyMode: cmd.connectAttr('%s.outTranslate' % rotNode, '%s.t' % tgt) cmd.connectAttr('%s.outRotate' % rotNode, '%s.r' % tgt) #set the result to the node created... self.setResult(rotNode) #set any attributes passed in from the command-line if argData.isFlagSet(self.kFlagAxis): axisInt = Axis.FromName( argData.flagArgumentString(self.kFlagAxis, 0)) cmd.setAttr('%s.mirrorAxis' % rotNode, axisInt) if argData.isFlagSet(self.kFlagMode): modeStr = argData.flagArgumentString(self.kFlagMode, 0) modeIdx = list(MirrorNode.MIRROR_MODE_NAMES).index(modeStr) cmd.setAttr('%s.mirrorTranslation' % rotNode, modeIdx)
def edo_calculateBlendShape(target, skmesh, method=2): #target='body_skin_proxy2' #skmesh='body_skin_proxy' #load plugin ELPLUGIN.edo_loadPlugin('geometryComputer.mll') sk = edo_findNodeFromHis(skmesh, 'skinCluster') tw = edo_findNodeFromHis(skmesh, 'tweak') bs = edo_findNodeFromHis(skmesh, 'blendShape') org = '' orgid = -1 skorg = cmds.listRelatives(skmesh, s=1, pa=1) if not skorg: cmds.error('skin mesh has no org node') return False norg = cmds.listRelatives(skmesh, s=1, pa=1, ni=1)[0] skorg.remove(norg) i = 0 for so in skorg: #so=skorg[1] if cmds.listConnections(so + '.worldMesh', d=1, s=0, p=1): org = so orgid = i i += 1 if org == '': cmds.error('skin mesh has no org node') return False tm = cmds.duplicate(org, n='CALCULATE_BLENDSHAPE_TARGETMESH')[0] shs = cmds.listRelatives(tm, s=1, pa=1) if not shs: cmds.error('skin mesh has no org node') return False sh = cmds.listRelatives(tm, s=1, pa=1, ni=1)[0] shs.remove(sh) cmds.delete(sh) org = shs[orgid] osh = cmds.rename(org, tm + 'Shape') cmds.setAttr(osh + '.io', 0) #turnOff blendShape bsst = 1 try: bsst = cmds.getAttr(bs + '.nodeState') cmds.setAttr(bs + '.nodeState', 1) except: print 'turn off the blendShape effect has been failed,please check the result.' try: gcnode = edo_mathBlendShapeCmd.edo_mathBlendShape( '', tm, target, '', 'SkinCluster_inverse', tw, sk) except: print 'calculate blendshape has been failed,please check the result.' cmds.delete(tm) try: cmds.setAttr(bs + '.nodeState', bsst) except: print 'turn off the blendShape effect has failed,please check the result.' return False finalbs = cmds.duplicate(tm)[0] cmds.delete(tm) try: cmds.setAttr(bs + '.nodeState', bsst) except: print 'turn off the blendShape effect has failed,please check the result.' edo_lockAndUnlockTransform.edo_unLockReferenceObjectTransformAttrs(finalbs) return finalbs
def buildData(self, nodeList=None, chanList=None): ''' Build ChannelData class. @param nodeList: List of nodes to store channel values and connections for. @type nodeList: list ''' # ========== # - Checks - # ========== # Node List if not nodeList: print('ChannelData: Empty node list! Unable to build channelData!') return # Channel List if not chanList: chanList = self.userChannelList if not chanList: chanList = [] # ============== # - Build Data - # ============== # Start timer timer = mc.timerX() # Reset Data --- ? self.reset() # Build Node Channel Data self._data['channelDataNodes'] = [] for node in nodeList: # Initialize Node Data self._channelData[node] = {} self._data['channelDataNodes'].append(node) # Build Node.Channel List nodeChanList = [ node + '.' + i for i in chanList if mc.objExists(node + '.' + i) ] # Get Value Channel List valChanList = [] if chanList: valChanList = chanList else: valChanList = mc.listAttr(node, se=True, r=True, w=True, m=True, v=True) # Get Source Connection Channel List srcChanList = [] if nodeChanList: srcChanList = mc.listConnections( nodeChanList, s=True, d=False, p=True, c=True, sh=True) or [] else: srcChanList = mc.listConnections( node, s=True, d=False, p=True, c=True, sh=True) or [] # Get Destination Connection Channel List dstChanList = [] if nodeChanList: dstChanList = mc.listConnections( nodeChanList, s=False, d=True, p=True, c=True, sh=True) or [] else: dstChanList = mc.listConnections( node, s=False, d=True, p=True, c=True, sh=True) or [] # Add Channel Value Data for chan in valChanList: # Check Attribute #if not mc.attributeQuery(chan,n=node,ex=True): if not mc.objExists(node + '.' + chan): if self.verbosity > 0: print('ChannelData: Node "' + node + '" has no attribute "' + chan + '"! Skipping...') continue # Check Settable if not mc.getAttr(node + '.' + chan, se=True): if not mc.listConnections( node + '.' + chan, s=True, d=False): if self.verbosity > 0: print('ChannelData: Attribute "' + node + '.' + chan + '" is not settable! Skipping...') continue # Get Channel Value chanVal = None try: chanVal = mc.getAttr(node + '.' + chan) except Exception, e: if self.verbosity > 0: print('ChannelData: Error getting channel value "' + node + '.' + chan + '"! Skipping...') if self.verbosity > 1: print('ChannelData: Exception message: ' + str(e)) else: # Create Channel Entry if not self._channelData[node].has_key(chan): self._channelData[node][chan] = {} # Store Channel Value if not chanVal == None: if type(chanVal) == list: if type(chanVal[0]) == tuple: chanVal = list(chanVal[0]) self._channelData[node][chan]['value'] = chanVal # Add Channel Source Data for i in range(0, len(srcChanList), 2): # Get Channel Name chan = str(srcChanList[i].replace(node + '.', '')) # Create Channel Entry if not self._channelData[node].has_key(chan): self._channelData[node][chan] = {} # Store Channel Source Data self._channelData[node][chan]['source'] = srcChanList[i + 1] # Store Channel Value Data try: chanVal = mc.getAttr(srcChanList[i]) except Exception, e: if self.verbosity > 0: print('ChannelData: Error getting channel value "' + node + '.' + chan + '"! Skipping...') if self.verbosity > 1: print('ChannelData: Exception message: ' + str(e)) else: self._channelData[node][chan]['value'] = chanVal
def CreateConstraints(fingerCount, spineAmount): #left l_wristCtrl ="CTRL_L_Wrist", type='transform') l_wristIK ="IK_L_Arm") l_wristJoint ="RIG_L_Wrist") #right r_wristCtrl ="CTRL_R_Wrist", type='transform') r_wristIK ="IK_R_Arm") r_wristJoint ="RIG_R_Wrist") base.pointConstraint(l_wristCtrl, l_wristIK, mo=True) base.orientConstraint(l_wristCtrl, l_wristJoint, mo=True) base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Wrist.Elbow_PV", "IK_L_Arm.twist") base.pointConstraint(r_wristCtrl, r_wristIK, mo=True) base.orientConstraint(r_wristCtrl, r_wristJoint, mo=True) base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Wrist.Elbow_PV", "IK_R_Arm.twist") base.orientConstraint("CTRL_L_Clavicle", "RIG_L_Clavicle", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_R_Clavicle", "RIG_R_Clavicle", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_NECK", "RIG_Neck_Start", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_HEAD", "RIG_Neck_End", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_JAW", "RIG_Jaw_Start", mo=True) if (base.objExists("CTRL_BREATHING")): base.orientConstraint("CTRL_BREATHING", "RIG_BREATHING_START", mo=True) base.connectAttr("CTRL_SPINE_" + str(spineAmount - 1) + ".rotateY", "IK_Spine.twist") if base.objExists("RIG_L_ArmTwist_0"): l_twistJoints ="RIG_L_ArmTwist_*") r_twistJoints ="RIG_L_ArmTwist_*") for i, x in enumerate(l_twistJoints): l_wristMultiply = base.shadingNode("multiplyDivide", asUtility=True, n="L_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i)) base.setAttr(l_wristMultiply + ".operation", 1) base.setAttr(l_wristMultiply + ".input2Y", (1.0 - (1.0 / len(l_twistJoints) * (i + 1))) * -1) #check connections print base.listConnections("L_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i), plugs=True) #input base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Wrist.rotateY", "L_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i) + ".input1Y") #output base.connectAttr("L_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i) + ".outputY", "RIG_L_ArmTwist_" + str(i) + ".rotateX") r_wristMultiply = base.shadingNode("multiplyDivide", asUtility=True, n="R_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i)) base.setAttr(r_wristMultiply + ".operation", 1) base.setAttr(r_wristMultiply + ".input2Y", (1.0 - (1.0 / len(r_twistJoints) * (i + 1))) * -1) #input base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Wrist.rotateY", "R_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i) + ".input1Y") #output base.connectAttr("R_ArmTwist_Node_" + str(i) + ".outputY", "RIG_R_ArmTwist_" + str(i) + ".rotateX") clusters ="Spine_Cluster_*", type='transform') spineCtrl ="CTRL_SPINE_*", type='transform') for j, cl in enumerate(clusters): if j > 0: print j base.parent(cl, spineCtrl[j - 1]) print spineCtrl[j - 1] else: base.parent(cl, "CTRL_PELVIS") for k in range(0, fingerCount): l_allFingers ="RIG_L_Finger_" + str(k) + "_*") r_allFingers ="RIG_R_Finger_" + str(k) + "_*") for l in range(0, 3): if (k > 0): base.connectAttr( "CTRL_L_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateZ", l_allFingers[l] + ".rotateZ") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_R_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateZ", r_allFingers[l] + ".rotateZ") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_L_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateX", l_allFingers[l] + ".rotateY") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_R_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateX", r_allFingers[l] + ".rotateY") else: base.connectAttr( "CTRL_L_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateZ", l_allFingers[l] + ".rotateZ") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_R_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateZ", r_allFingers[l] + ".rotateZ") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_L_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateX", l_allFingers[l] + ".rotateY") base.connectAttr( "CTRL_R_Finger_" + str(k) + "_" + str(l) + ".rotateX", r_allFingers[l] + ".rotateY") """ if(k > 0): base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateZ", l_allFingers[0]+".rotateY") base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateZ", r_allFingers[0]+".rotateY") for l, l_finger in enumerate(l_allFingers): base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateY", l_finger+".rotateZ") for m, r_finger in enumerate(r_allFingers): base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateY", r_finger+".rotateZ") else: base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateZ", l_allFingers[0]+".rotateY") base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateZ", r_allFingers[0]+".rotateY") for l, l_finger in enumerate(l_allFingers): base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateX", l_finger+".rotateZ") for m, r_finger in enumerate(r_allFingers): base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Finger_"+str(k)+".rotateX", r_finger+".rotateZ") """ if base.objExists("RIG_L_INV_Heel"): base.pointConstraint("RIG_L_INV_Toes", "IK_L_Toes", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("RIG_L_INV_Ball", "IK_L_FootBall", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("RIG_L_INV_Ankle", "IK_L_Leg", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("RIG_R_INV_Toes", "IK_R_Toes", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("RIG_R_INV_Ball", "IK_R_FootBall", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("RIG_R_INV_Ankle", "IK_R_Leg", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("CTRL_L_Foot", "RIG_L_INV_Heel", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_L_Foot", "RIG_L_INV_Heel", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("CTRL_R_Foot", "RIG_R_INV_Heel", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_R_Foot", "RIG_R_INV_Heel", mo=True) base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Foot.Foot_Roll", "RIG_L_INV_Ball.rotateX") base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Foot.Ball_Roll", "RIG_L_INV_Toes.rotateX") base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Foot.Foot_Roll", "RIG_R_INV_Ball.rotateX") base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Foot.Ball_Roll", "RIG_R_INV_Toes.rotateX") else: base.parent("IK_L_Toes", "IK_L_FootBall") base.parent("IK_L_FootBall", "IK_L_Leg") base.parent("IK_R_Toes", "IK_R_FootBall") base.parent("IK_R_FootBall", "IK_R_Leg") base.pointConstraint("CTRL_R_Foot", "IK_R_Leg", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_R_Foot", "IK_R_Leg", mo=True) base.pointConstraint("CTRL_L_Foot", "IK_L_Leg", mo=True) base.orientConstraint("CTRL_L_Foot", "IK_L_Leg", mo=True) #feet constraints #lleft base.setAttr("IK_L_Leg.poleVectorX", 1) base.setAttr("IK_L_Leg.poleVectorZ", 0) l_footAverage = base.shadingNode("plusMinusAverage", asUtility=True, n="L_Foot_Node") base.setAttr(l_footAverage + ".operation", 2) base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Foot.Knee_Fix", l_footAverage + ".input1D[0]") base.connectAttr("CTRL_L_Foot.Knee_Twist", l_footAverage + ".input1D[1]") base.connectAttr(l_footAverage + ".output1D", "IK_L_Leg.twist") base.setAttr("CTRL_L_Foot.Knee_Fix", 90) #right base.setAttr("IK_R_Leg.poleVectorX", 1) base.setAttr("IK_R_Leg.poleVectorZ", 0) r_footAverage = base.shadingNode("plusMinusAverage", asUtility=True, n="R_Foot_Node") base.setAttr(r_footAverage + ".operation", 2) base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Foot.Knee_Fix", r_footAverage + ".input1D[0]") base.connectAttr("CTRL_R_Foot.Knee_Twist", r_footAverage + ".input1D[1]") base.connectAttr(r_footAverage + ".output1D", "IK_R_Leg.twist") base.setAttr("CTRL_R_Foot.Knee_Fix", 90) SetAttributes.LockAttributes()
def serialise_shaders(nodes): """Generate a shader set dictionary Arguments: nodes (list): Absolute paths to nodes Returns: dictionary of (shader: id) pairs Schema: { "shader1": ["id1", "id2"], "shader2": ["id3", "id1"] } Example: { "Bazooka_Brothers01_:blinn4SG": [ "f9520572-ac1d-11e6-b39e-3085a99791c9.f[4922:5001]", "f9520572-ac1d-11e6-b39e-3085a99791c9.f[4587:4634]", "f9520572-ac1d-11e6-b39e-3085a99791c9.f[1120:1567]", "f9520572-ac1d-11e6-b39e-3085a99791c9.f[4251:4362]" ], "lambert2SG": [ "f9520571-ac1d-11e6-9dbb-3085a99791c9" ] } """ valid_nodes =, long=True, recursive=True, showType=True, objectsOnly=True, type="transform") meshes_by_id = {} for mesh in valid_nodes: shapes = cmds.listRelatives(valid_nodes[0], shapes=True, fullPath=True) or list() if shapes: shape = shapes[0] if not cmds.nodeType(shape): continue try: id_ = cmds.getAttr(mesh + ".modelID") if id_ not in meshes_by_id: meshes_by_id[id_] = list() meshes_by_id[id_].append(mesh) except ValueError: continue meshes_by_shader = dict() for id_, mesh in meshes_by_id.items(): shape = cmds.listRelatives(mesh, shapes=True, fullPath=True) or list() for shader in cmds.listConnections(shape, type="shadingEngine") or list(): # Objects in this group are those that haven't got # any shaders. These are expected to be managed # elsewhere, such as by the default model loader. if shader == "initialShadingGroup": continue if shader not in meshes_by_shader: meshes_by_shader[shader] = list() shaded = cmds.sets(shader, query=True) or list() meshes_by_shader[shader].extend(shaded) shader_by_id = {} for shader, shaded in meshes_by_shader.items(): if shader not in shader_by_id: shader_by_id[shader] = list() for mesh in shaded: # Enable shader assignment to faces. name = mesh.split(".f[")[0] transform = name if cmds.objectType(transform) == "mesh": transform = cmds.listRelatives(name, parent=True)[0] try: id_ = cmds.getAttr(transform + ".modelID") shader_by_id[shader].append(mesh.replace(name, id_)) except KeyError: continue # Remove duplicates shader_by_id[shader] = list(set(shader_by_id[shader])) return shader_by_id
def kinematify(mainChainStartJoint, mainChainEndJoint, ikControl, ikfkSwitch, jointNameSuffix): mainChain = getJointChainBetween(mainChainStartJoint, mainChainEndJoint, []) numLayers = len(mainChain) # Create IK chain ikChain = [] for joint in mainChain: jointPos = cmds.xform(joint, q=1, rotatePivot=1, worldSpace=1) ikJoint = cmds.joint(position=jointPos, name=joint.replace(jointNameSuffix, '_IK' + jointNameSuffix), radius=cmds.joint(joint, q=1, radius=1)[0]) ikChain.append(ikJoint) ikChainStartJoint = ikChain[0] ikChainEndJoint = ikChain[len(ikChain) - 1] # ...Create IK handle ikHandle = cmds.ikHandle(startJoint=ikChainStartJoint, endEffector=ikChainEndJoint)[0] ikHandle = cmds.rename(ikHandle, ikControl.replace('_CTRL', '_IK')) cmds.parent(ikHandle, ikControl) # Create FK chain fkChain = [] for joint in mainChain: jointPos = cmds.xform(joint, q=1, rotatePivot=1, worldSpace=1) fkJoint = cmds.joint(position=jointPos, name=joint.replace(jointNameSuffix, '_FK' + jointNameSuffix), radius=cmds.joint(joint, q=1, radius=1)[0]) fkChain.append(fkJoint) fkChainStartJoint = fkChain[0] fkChainEndJoint = fkChain[len(ikChain) - 1] # Orient main chain to IK and FK chains orientConstrs = [] for i in range(len(mainChain)): orientConstr = cmds.orientConstraint(ikChain[i], fkChain[i], mainChain[i], maintainOffset=1)[0] cmds.setAttr(orientConstr + '.interpType', 2) # Shortest interpolation orientConstrs.append(orientConstr) cmds.orientConstraint(ikControl, ikChainEndJoint, maintainOffset=1) # Connect IKFK switch control to all orient constraints' attributes cmds.addAttr(ikfkSwitch, ln='IK', at='float', min=0, max=1, keyable=1) cmds.addAttr(ikfkSwitch, ln='FK', at='float', min=0, max=1, keyable=1) for orientConstr in orientConstrs: attrs = cmds.listAttr(orientConstr, keyable=1) for attr in attrs: for fkJoint in fkChain: if fkJoint in attr: orientConstrAttr = orientConstr + '.' + attr ikfkSwitchFK = ikfkSwitch + '.FK' if not cmds.isConnected(ikfkSwitchFK, orientConstrAttr): cmds.connectAttr(ikfkSwitchFK, orientConstrAttr) for ikJoint in ikChain: if ikJoint in attr: orientConstrAttr = orientConstr + '.' + attr ikfkSwitchIK = ikfkSwitch + '.IK' if not cmds.isConnected(ikfkSwitchIK, orientConstrAttr): cmds.connectAttr(ikfkSwitchIK, orientConstrAttr) # Relate IK attribute to FK attribute cmds.expression(string="%s = 1 - %s" % (ikfkSwitch + '.FK', ikfkSwitch + '.IK')) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.FK', keyable=0, channelBox=0) # Create FK controls fkControl = createFkControls(fkChainStartJoint, jointNameSuffix) # Parent constrain FK controls to the main chain's parent control mainChainParentJoint = getParentJoint(mainChainStartJoint) if mainChainParentJoint is not None: parentConstrs = cmds.listConnections(mainChainParentJoint, type='parentConstraint') if parentConstrs is not None: parentConstr = parentConstrs[0] parentCtrls = [ ctrl for ctrl in cmds.listConnections(parentConstr, type='transform') if '_CTRL' in ctrl ] if parentCtrls is not None: parentCtrl = parentCtrls[0] cmds.parentConstraint(parentCtrl, fkControl, maintainOffset=1) # Point constrain IK start to main chain start cmds.pointConstraint(mainChainStartJoint, ikChainStartJoint) # Parent constraint IKFK switch to end joint cmds.parentConstraint(mainChainEndJoint, ikfkSwitch, maintainOffset=1) # Lock IK/FK switch attributes cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.tx', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.ty', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.tz', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.rx', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.ry', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.rz', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.sx', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.sy', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.sz', keyable=0) cmds.setAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.visibility', keyable=0) # Handle controls/joints visibility cmds.connectAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.IK', ikControl + '.visibility') cmds.connectAttr(ikfkSwitch + '.FK', fkControl + '.visibility') cmds.setAttr(fkChainStartJoint + '.visibility', 0) cmds.setAttr(ikChainStartJoint + '.visibility', 0) # Group everything for cleanup worldGroup = 'world' if not cmds.objExists(worldGroup):, empty=1) ikfkGrp =, fkChainStartJoint, fkControl, name=mainChainStartJoint.replace( jointNameSuffix, '_IKFK_GRP')) cmds.parent(ikfkGrp, worldGroup)
'ChannelData: Node channel "' + node + '.' + chan + '" is not settable!! Unable to restore channel value...' ) # Restore Channel Destination Connection if connectDestination: if self._channelData[node][chan].has_key('destination'): src = node + '.' + chan dst = self._channelData[node][chan]['destination'] # Check existing connections connect = True dstConn = mc.listConnections(dst, s=True, d=False, p=True, sh=True) if dstConn: if dstConn[0] == src: if self.verbosity > 0: print('ChannelData: "' + src + '" already connected to "' + dst + '"! Skipping...') connect = False # Check Locked Destination if connect: dstLocked = mc.getAttr(dst, l=True) if dstLocked: try:
def getUVData(meshName, jointName, borderEdges): getObj =, dag=1)[1] print "meshName", meshName shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(getObj, type='shadingEngine') #cmds.polyEditUV("[3]",q=True) #shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(meshName,type='shadingEngine') shaders =, materials=1) fileNode = cmds.listConnections('%s.color' % (shaders[0]), type='file')[0] print fileNode imageWidth = getImageMetaData(fileNode)[1] imageHeight = getImageMetaData(fileNode)[2] #print imageWidth,imageHeight, getImageMetaData(fileNode) # scaleRatio = imageHeight/imageWidth # print "scaleRatio",scaleRatio.imageWidth,imageHeight uvCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(meshName, uv=True) uvCoordDict = {} for i in range(0, uvCount): uvCoord = cmds.polyEditUV("[%s]" % (meshName, i), q=True) uvCoordDict.update({i: uvCoord}) triangleVertexDict = {} faceCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(meshName, f=True) for i in range(0, faceCount): toVertex = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( "%s.f[%s]" % (meshName, i), tv=True, ) faceRefVertex =, fl=True) triangleVertexDict.update({i: faceRefVertex}) edgeCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(meshName, e=True) border = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(, fl=True), uvs=True) uvCoordListForSpine = [] for i in uvCoordDict.keys(): # print i uvCoordListForSpine.append(uvCoordDict[i][0]) uvCoordListForSpine.append((1 - uvCoordDict[i][1])) # print "uvCoordListForSpine",uvCoordListForSpine trianglesListForSpine = [] for i in triangleVertexDict.keys(): trianglesListForSpine.append( int(triangleVertexDict[i][0].split("[")[1].split("]")[0])) trianglesListForSpine.append( int(triangleVertexDict[i][1].split("[")[1].split("]")[0])) trianglesListForSpine.append( int(triangleVertexDict[i][2].split("[")[1].split("]")[0])) # print "trianglesListForSpine",trianglesListForSpine allvertexs = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(meshName, tv=True) #vertexList = [] vertexList =, fl=True) ox = cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" % jointName) oy = cmds.getAttr("%s.translateY" % jointName) print ox, oy # print vertexList vertexPositionForSpine = [] for i in vertexList: # print cmds.pointPosition(i) vertexPositionForSpine.append(cmds.pointPosition(i)[0] - ox) vertexPositionForSpine.append(cmds.pointPosition(i)[1] - oy) # print "vertexPositionForSpin",vertexPositionForSpine # borderEdgesString = cmds.getAttr("%s.borderList"%meshName) # borderEdges = borderEdgesString.split(",") borderEdgesCount = len(borderEdges) edgesVertexDict = {} for i in range(0, borderEdgesCount): toVertex = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( borderEdges[i], tv=True, ) edgeRefVertex =, fl=True) edgesVertexDict.update({i: edgeRefVertex}) edgesVertexForSpineList = [] for i in edgesVertexDict.keys(): v1 = edgesVertexDict[i][0].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0] v2 = edgesVertexDict[i][1].split("[")[-1].split("]")[0] edgesVertexForSpineList.append(int(v1) * 2) edgesVertexForSpineList.append(int(v2) * 2) #print "edgesVertexForSpineList",edgesVertexForSpineList width = imageWidth #cmds.getAttr("%s.scaleX"%meshName) height = imageHeight #cmds.getAttr#("%s.scaleZ"%meshName) dataForSpine = { "type": "mesh", "width": width, "height": height, "uvs": uvCoordListForSpine, "triangles": trianglesListForSpine, "vertices": vertexPositionForSpine, "hull": borderEdgesCount, "edges": edgesVertexForSpineList } return dataForSpine
############################################################################ BUILD RIG PUPPET import maya.cmds as mc attr = 'pCube1.ty' anm = mc.listConnections(attr, s=True, d=False)[0] breakdown = mc.keyframe(anm, q=1, breakdown=1) eval = mc.keyframe(anm, q=1, eval=1) floatChange = mc.keyframe(anm, q=1, floatChange=1) # NONE TIME INPUT valueChange = mc.keyframe(anm, q=1, valueChange=1) timeChange = mc.keyframe(anm, q=1, timeChange=1) inTangentType = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, inTangentType=1) outTangentType = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, outTangentType=1) weightedTangents = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, weightedTangents=1) mc.keyTangent(anm, e=1, weightedTangents=1) ix = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, ix=1) iy = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, iy=1) ox = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, ox=1) oy = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, oy=1) #mc.keyTangent(anm, e=1, weightedTangents=weightedTangents) inAngle = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, inAngle=1) inWeight = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, inWeight=1) lock = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, lock=1) outAngle = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, outAngle=1) outWeight = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, outWeight=1) weightLock = mc.keyTangent(anm, q=1, weightLock=1)
def ExportVrayMeshToFbx_ex(mode): myPlaneChangeFlag = False myactivePlane = '' i = 1 while (i): try: tmp = mc.modelEditor('modelPanel%d' % i, q=True, av=True) except: pass else: if tmp: myactivePlane = 'modelPanel%d' % i break i += 1 myActivePlaneV = mc.modelEditor(myactivePlane, q=True, da=True) if myActivePlaneV != "boundingBox": #mc.modelEditor(myactivePlane, e=True, da='boundingBox') myPlaneChangeFlag = True myAllVrayPath = [] try: allVrayMeshs ="VRayMesh") except: mc.warning(u'没有VrayMesh缓存') else: if allVrayMeshs: #判断如果有文件不存在退出 for myVrayMesh in allVrayMeshs: myeachName = mc.getAttr('%s.fileName' % myVrayMesh) if not os.path.isfile(myeachName): mc.confirmDialog(title=u'温馨提示', message=u'代理物体指定的路径找不到相应文件!', button=['OK'], defaultButton='Yes', dismissString='No') #return False if not mc.pluginInfo('fbxmaya', query=True, loaded=True): mc.loadPlugin("fbxmaya") numAllVrayMeshs = len(allVrayMeshs) mc.progressWindow(title=u'正在导出VrayMesh为FBX到Data中!\n 请耐心等待', progress=0, status=u'即将开始', min=0, max=numAllVrayMeshs, isInterruptable=True) tmp = mc.workspace("FBX export", query=True, renderTypeEntry=True) myDataPath = mc.workspace(expandName=tmp) allMyVrayMeshs = [] for i, myVrayMesh in enumerate(allVrayMeshs): # print u"正在导出第 %s 个,总共有 %s 个VrayMesh代理文件" % (i, numAllVrayMeshs) myVrayPath = mc.getAttr('%s.fileName' % myVrayMesh) myVrayMeshTran = '' VrayMeshCons = mc.listConnections(myVrayMesh) if VrayMeshCons: for eachCon in VrayMeshCons: if mc.nodeType(eachCon) == "transform": myVrayMeshTran = eachCon break if myVrayPath in myAllVrayPath: continue elif myVrayMeshTran == '': continue else: myAllVrayPath.append(myVrayPath) allMyVrayMeshs.append(myVrayMesh) if allMyVrayMeshs: for myVrayMesh in allMyVrayMeshs: myVrayPath = mc.getAttr('%s.fileName' % myVrayMesh) mc.setAttr("%s.reassignShaders" % myVrayMesh, 1) myBaseName = os.path.basename(myVrayPath) myFileName = os.path.splitext(myBaseName)[0] myNerMeshTr = "" if mode == 1: mm.eval("vray restoreMesh %s;" % myVrayMesh) myNewMeshShape = myNerMeshTr = mc.listRelatives(myNewMeshShape[0], f=True, p=True)[0] mc.setAttr("%s.tx" % myNerMeshTr, 0) mc.setAttr("%s.ty" % myNerMeshTr, 0) mc.setAttr("" % myNerMeshTr, 0) elif mode == 2: #print mode BoxChangeFlag = False MeshChangeFlag = False myVrayMeshTran = "" BoxFlag = mc.getAttr("%s.showBBoxOnly" % myVrayMesh) MeshFlag = mc.getAttr("%s.showWholeMesh" % myVrayMesh) if BoxFlag: mc.setAttr("%s.showBBoxOnly" % myVrayMesh, 0) BoxChangeFlag = True if not MeshFlag: mc.setAttr("%s.showWholeMesh" % myVrayMesh, 1) MeshChangeFlag = True #print myVrayMesh VrayMeshCons = mc.listConnections(myVrayMesh) if VrayMeshCons: for eachCon in VrayMeshCons: if mc.nodeType(eachCon) == "transform": myVrayMeshTran = eachCon break if myVrayMeshTran: myVrayMeshDTran = mc.duplicate(myVrayMeshTran, rr=True) try: myVrayMeshNew = mc.parent(myVrayMeshDTran, w=True) except: myVrayMeshNew = myVrayMeshDTran myNerMeshTr =, l=True) if MeshChangeFlag: mc.setAttr("%s.showWholeMesh" % myVrayMesh, MeshFlag) if BoxChangeFlag: mc.setAttr("%s.showBBoxOnly" % myVrayMesh, BoxFlag) if myNerMeshTr: myFileFullName = os.path.join(myDataPath, myFileName + ".fbx") myFileFullName = os.path.normpath(myFileFullName) myNerMeshTr = mc.rename(myNerMeshTr, myFileName) mc.file(myFileFullName, force=True, options="v=0", type="FBX export", pr=True, es=True) mc.delete(myNerMeshTr) mc.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=i + 1) if mc.progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True): break mc.progressWindow(endProgress=True) os.startfile(myDataPath) else: mc.warning(u'没有VrayMesh缓存') if myPlaneChangeFlag: mc.modelEditor(myactivePlane, e=True, da=myActivePlaneV)
def getAnimationList(slotList, boneList, fps, start, end, offsetRange, actionName): animationList = {} actionAnimation = {actionName: {"slots": {}, "bones": {}}} soltsAnimationDict = {} for slot in slotList: slotName = slot["name"] tempSlotDict = {slotName: {"color": []}} soltsAnimationDict.update(tempSlotDict) getObj =, dag=1)[1] shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(getObj, type='shadingEngine') shaders =, materials=1) fileNode = cmds.listConnections('%s.color' % (shaders[0]), type='file')[0] attachment = slot["attachment"] keyFrameList = getAllkeyFrameList(fileNode, start, end) for i in keyFrameList: if int(i) in range(start, end + 1): cmds.currentTime(i, e=True) alphaGain = cmds.getAttr("%s.alphaGain" % fileNode) colorGain = cmds.getAttr("%s.colorGain" % fileNode)[0] alphaGainHex = "%02x" % int((alphaGain / 1) * 255) colorGainHex = "%02x" % int( (colorGain[0] / 1) * 255) + "%02x" % int( (colorGain[1] / 1) * 255) + "%02x" % int( (colorGain[2] / 1) * 255) exportColorHex = str(colorGainHex + alphaGainHex) soltsAnimationDict[slotName]["color"].append({ "time": float(i) / fps, "color": exportColorHex }) else: pass if cmds.getAttr("%s.useFrameExtension" % fileNode) == True: sequenceFrameList = [] soltsAnimationDict[slotName].update({"attachment": []}) fileName = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode).split("/")[-1] fileDir = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode).split(fileName)[0] allFiles = os.listdir(fileDir) sequenceList = [] for j in allFiles: # print i.split(".") if j.split(".")[0] == fileName.split(".")[0]: sequenceList.append(j) # print sequenceList for i in range(start, end): sequenceFrameList.append(i) offsetFrame = random.randint(0, offsetRange) # print offsetFrame for i in sequenceFrameList: # print i ,float(i)/fps if int(i) in range(start, end + 1): # print fileDir attachmentFile = sequenceList[(i + offsetFrame) % (len(sequenceList)) - 1].split(".png")[0] soltsAnimationDict[slotName]["attachment"].append({ "time": float(i) / fps, "name": attachmentFile }) else: pass else: pass actionAnimation[actionName]["slots"].update(soltsAnimationDict) animationList.update(actionAnimation) # print "keyFrameList",keyFrameList # return animationList for bone in boneList: # boneKeyFrameList = [] boneName = bone["name"] keyFrameList = getAllkeyFrameList(boneName, start, end) # print "keyFrameList",keyFrameList translateKeyValueList = [] scaleKeyValueList = [] rotateKeyValueList = [] # print keyFrameList if keyFrameList == None: pass else: for i in range(0, len(keyFrameList)): frame = float(keyFrameList[i]) print "frame", frame if i == 0: preFrame = 0 # frame = 0.0 translateX = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='tx', t=(0, 0), q=True, eval=True)[0])) translateY = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='ty', t=(0, 0), q=True, eval=True)[0])) rotate = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='rz', t=(0, 0), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleX = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='sx', t=(0, 0), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleY = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='sy', t=(0, 0), q=True, eval=True)[0])) else: preFrame = keyFrameList[i - 1] translateXFrame = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='tx', t=(frame, frame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) translateXpreFrame = float( "%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe(boneName, at='tx', t=(preFrame, preFrame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) translateX = translateXFrame - translateXpreFrame translateYFrame = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='ty', t=(frame, frame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) translateYpreFrame = float( "%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe(boneName, at='ty', t=(preFrame, preFrame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) translateY = translateYFrame - translateYpreFrame rotateFrame = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='rz', t=(frame, frame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) rotatePreFrame = float( "%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe(boneName, at='rz', t=(preFrame, preFrame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) rotate = rotateFrame #-rotatePreFrame scaleXFrame = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='sx', t=(frame, frame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleXPreFrame = float( "%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe(boneName, at='sx', t=(preFrame, preFrame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleX = scaleXFrame / scaleXPreFrame scaleYFrame = float("%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe( boneName, at='sy', t=(frame, frame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleYPreFrame = float( "%.4f" % (cmds.keyframe(boneName, at='sy', t=(preFrame, preFrame), q=True, eval=True)[0])) scaleY = scaleYFrame / scaleYPreFrame # print boneName,frame,rotateFrame,rotatePreFrame,rotate translateKeyValueList.append({ "time": frame / fps, "x": translateX, "y": translateY }) #,"curve": [ 0.25, 0, 0.75, 1 ] scaleKeyValueList.append({ "time": frame / fps, "x": scaleX, "y": scaleY }) rotateKeyValueList.append({ "time": frame / fps, "angle": rotate }) ''' for i in keyFrameList: if int(i) in range(start,end+1): print i,boneName translateX = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='tx',t=(i,i),q=True,eval=True)[0])) translateY = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='ty',t=(i,i),q=True,eval=True)[0])) rotate = float( "%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='rz',t=(i,i),q=True,eval=True)[0])) width = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='sx',t=(i,i),q=True,eval=True)[0])) height = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='sy',t=(i,i),q=True,eval=True)[0])) originalWidth = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='sx',t=(0,0),q=True,eval=True)[0])) originalHeight = float("%.4f"%(cmds.keyframe( boneName,at='sy',t=(0,0),q=True,eval=True)[0])) scaleX = width/ originalWidth scaleY = height /originalHeight # print i ,boneName,rotate if i == 0: # print "0000" getAnimationList translateKeyValueList.append({"time":i/fps,"x":translateX,"y":translateY}) #,"curve": [ 0.25, 0, 0.75, 1 ] else: translateKeyValueList.append({"time":i/fps,"x":translateX,"y":translateY}) #,"curve": [ 0.25, 0, 0.75, 1 ] scaleKeyValueList.append({"time":i/fps,"x":scaleX,"y":scaleY}) rotateKeyValueList.append({"time":i/fps,"angle":rotate}) else: pass ''' boneAnimationDict = { str(boneName): { "translate": translateKeyValueList, "scale": scaleKeyValueList, "rotate": rotateKeyValueList } } animationList[actionName]["bones"].update(boneAnimationDict) return animationList
def bakeControlOverride(controlList, start=None, end=None, bakeSim=True): ''' Bake control constraint to transform channel keys. @param controlList: The control list that will have its constraints baked to keyframes. @type controlList: list @param start: Start frame of the bake animation range. If greater that end, use current playback settings. @type start: float @param end: End frame of the bake animation range. If less that start, use current playback settings. @type end: float @param bakeSim: Bake results using simulation option which updates the entire scene at each bake sample. @type bakeSim: bool ''' print( '!!==== DEPRICATED ====!! (glTools.rig.mocapOverride.bakeControlOverride)' ) # ========== # - Checks - # ========== # Start/End if start == None: start = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) if end == None: end = mc.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) # For Each Control bakeControlList = [] constraintList = [] for control in controlList: # Control if not mc.objExists(control): raise Exception('Rig control transform "' + control + '" does not exist!') # Override Target Constraint overrideConstraint = + '.' + overrideAttribute(), d=True, s=False), type='constraint') if not overrideConstraint: # Check PairBlend (intermediate) Connection # - This fix was made in preparation for baking keys from multiple mocap sources (bake in frame chunks). overridePairBlend =, s=True, d=False), type='pairBlend') if overridePairBlend: overrideConstraint = overrideTargetPairBlend, s=True, d=False) or [], type='constraint') if not overrideConstraint: print( 'Unable to determine override constraint from control transform "' + control + '"!') continue # Append to Override Target List bakeControlList.append(control) # Append to Override Constraint List [ constraintList.append(i) for i in overrideConstraint if not i in constraintList ] # ================================= # - Bake Override Target Channels - # ================================= # Check Bake Control List if not bakeControlList: print('Found no controls to bake! Skipping...') return None # Bake to Controls mc.bakeResults(bakeControlList, t=(start, end), at=['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz'], preserveOutsideKeys=True, simulation=bakeSim) # ====================== # - Delete Constraints - # ====================== if constraintList: mc.delete(constraintList) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= return bakeControlList
def getSlotData(boneName): for i in cmds.listConnections(boneName): print i, cmds.nodeType(i) print cmds.listConnections(i, d=True, type="mesh")
def getSkinsListB(slotList): skinList = {"default": {}} # print "slotList",slotList # print "slotListLength",len(slotList) for i in slotList: slotName = i["name"] #print "slotName",slotName getObj =, dag=1)[1] shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(getObj, type='shadingEngine') shaders =, materials=1) fileNode = cmds.listConnections('%s.color' % (shaders[0]), type='file')[0] currentFile = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode) fileInSlot = currentFile.split("/")[-1].split(".png")[0] attachmentImage = fileInSlot width = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.scaleX" % slotName)) height = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.scaleZ" % slotName)) x = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" % slotName)) y = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.translateY" % slotName)) # print "slotList",slotList # print "fileNode",fileNode if cmds.getAttr("%s.useFrameExtension" % fileNode) == True: fileName = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode).split("/")[-1] fileDir = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode).split(fileName)[0] allFiles = os.listdir(fileDir) sequenceList = [] for j in allFiles: # print i.split(".") if j.split(".")[0] == fileName.split(".")[0]: sequenceList.append(j) # print "sequenceList",sequenceList # print width,height sequenceFrameInfoDict = {} for index in range(0, len(sequenceList)): # print sequenceList[index] sequenceFrameInfoDict.update({ sequenceList[index].split(".png")[0]: { "width": width, "height": height, "x": x, "y": y } }) # print "sequenceFrameInfoDict",sequenceFrameInfoDict,type(sequenceFrameInfoDict) skinList["default"].update({slotName: sequenceFrameInfoDict}) else: # print width,height skinList["default"].update({ slotName: { attachmentImage: { "width": width, "height": height, "x": x, "y": y } } }) return skinList
def test_auto_consolidate(self): """ Test automatic attribute consolidating: .tx, .ty, .tz -> .t """ # Test that by default consolidating takes place self.node_a.s = self.node_a.t child_connections = [ cmds.listConnections("{}.sx".format(TEST_NODES[0]), connections=True, plugs=True), cmds.listConnections("{}.sy".format(TEST_NODES[0]), connections=True, plugs=True), cmds.listConnections("{}.sz".format(TEST_NODES[0]), connections=True, plugs=True), ] parent_connections = cmds.listConnections("{}.s".format(TEST_NODES[0]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1] self.assertEqual(child_connections, [None, None, None]) self.assertEqual(parent_connections, "A.translate") # Test individual auto consolidate setting node_b_no_auto_consolidate = noca.Node(TEST_NODES[1], auto_consolidate=False) node_b_no_auto_consolidate.s = self.node_a.t child_connections = [ cmds.listConnections("{}.sx".format(TEST_NODES[1]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], cmds.listConnections("{}.sy".format(TEST_NODES[1]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], cmds.listConnections("{}.sz".format(TEST_NODES[1]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], ] parent_connections = cmds.listConnections("{}.s".format(TEST_NODES[1]), connections=True, plugs=True) self.assertEqual(child_connections, ["A.translateX", "A.translateY", "A.translateZ"]) self.assertEqual(parent_connections, None) # Test global auto consolidate setting noca.set_global_auto_consolidate(False) self.node_c.s = self.node_a.t child_connections = [ cmds.listConnections("{}.sx".format(TEST_NODES[2]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], cmds.listConnections("{}.sy".format(TEST_NODES[2]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], cmds.listConnections("{}.sz".format(TEST_NODES[2]), connections=True, plugs=True)[1], ] parent_connections = cmds.listConnections("{}.s".format(TEST_NODES[2]), connections=True, plugs=True) self.assertEqual(child_connections, ["A.translateX", "A.translateY", "A.translateZ"]) self.assertEqual(parent_connections, None)
def renameSkinClusters(): for skincluster in"skinCluster"): sc_object = cmds.listConnections( "{}.outputGeometry[0]".format(skincluster))[0] cmds.rename(skincluster, "{}_SkinCluster".format(sc_object))
def constrainControlOverrideTarget(control, constraintTarget, constraintType='parent', maintainOffset=False, skipTranslate=[], skipRotate=[], interpType=None, prefix=''): ''' Constrain the override target transform of the specified control to a given target transform. This function can be used to constrain rig controls to a mocap driven skeleton. @param control: The control that will have its override target transform constrainted to the specified target transform. @type control: str @param constraintTarget: The target transform that the override target transform will be constrainted to. @type constraintTarget: str @param constraintType: The constraint type to apply to the override target transform. @type constraintType: str @param maintainOffset: Initialize the constraint offset necessary for the slave transform to mainatain its current position and orientation. @type maintainOffset: bool @param skipTranslate: List the translate channels to leave unaffected by the constraint. @type skipTranslate: list @param skipRotate: List the rotate channels to leave unaffected by the constraint. @type skipRotate: list @param interpType: Orientation interpolation type. "average", "shortest", "longest" @type interpType: str or None @param prefix: Name prefix for override nodes created by the function. If empty, prefix is taken from the input control name. @type prefix: str ''' # ========== # - Checks - # ========== # Control if not mc.objExists(control): raise Exception('Rig control transform "' + control + '" does not exist!') # Constraint Target if isinstance(constraintTarget, types.StringTypes): if not mc.objExists(constraintTarget): raise Exception('Override transform target "' + constraintTarget + '" does not exist!') elif isinstance(constraintTarget, types.ListType): for target in constraintTarget: if not mc.objExists(target): raise Exception('Override transform target "' + target + '" does not exist!') else: raise Exception('Invalid argument type for constraintTarget!') # Constraint Type if not constraintType in ['point', 'orient', 'parent']: raise Exception('Unsupported constraint type "' + constraintType + '"!') # Override Enable Attribute overrideAttr = overrideAttribute() if not mc.objExists(control + '.' + overrideAttr): raise Exception('OverrideEnable attribute "' + control + '.' + overrideAttr + '" does not exist!') # Override Constraint overrideConstraint = mc.listConnections(control + '.' + overrideAttr, s=False, d=True) if not overrideConstraint: raise Exception( 'Override constraint could not be determined from overrideEnabled attribute "' + control + '.' + overrideAttr + '"!') overrideConstraint =, type='constraint') if not overrideConstraint: raise Exception( 'Override constraint could not be determined from overrideEnabled attribute "' + control + '.' + overrideAttr + '"!') # Override Target overrideTarget = glTools.utils.constraint.targetList(overrideConstraint[0]) if not overrideTarget: raise Exception( 'Unable to determine override target transform from constraint "' + overrideConstraint[0] + '"!') # InterpType interpIndex = {'average': 1, 'shortest': 2, 'longest': 3} if constraintType == 'parent' or constraintType == 'orient': if interpType and not interpType in interpIndex.keys(): raise Exception('Invalid interpolation type "' + interpType + '"!') # Prefix if not prefix: prefix = glTools.utils.stringUtils.stripSuffix(control) # ===================================== # - Create Override Target Constraint - # ===================================== overrideTargetConstraint = '' # Create pointConstraint if constraintType == 'point': overrideTargetConstraint = mc.pointConstraint( constraintTarget, overrideTarget[0], mo=maintainOffset, sk=skipTranslate, n=prefix + '_overrideTarget_pointConstraint')[0] # Create orientConstraint elif constraintType == 'orient': overrideTargetConstraint = mc.orientConstraint( constraintTarget, overrideTarget[0], mo=maintainOffset, sk=skipRotate, n=prefix + '_overrideTarget_orientConstraint')[0] # Interp Type if interpType: mc.setAttr(overrideTargetConstraint + '.interpType', interpIndex[interpType]) # Create parentConstraint elif constraintType == 'parent': overrideTargetConstraint = mc.parentConstraint( constraintTarget, overrideTarget[0], mo=maintainOffset, st=skipTranslate, sr=skipRotate, n=prefix + '_overrideTarget_parentConstraint')[0] # Interp Type if interpType: mc.setAttr(overrideTargetConstraint + '.interpType', interpIndex[interpType]) # Unsupported Constraint Type else: raise Exception('Unsupported constraint type "' + constraintType + '"!') # Enable overrideConstraint mc.setAttr(control + '.' + overrideAttr, True) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= return overrideTargetConstraint
def patch(): facialDrv = 'facialDrivers' eyeMaskOrig = 'eyeMask_ctrl_orig' JawClenchLOrig = 'Jaw_Clench_l_ctrl_orig' JawClenchROrig = 'Jaw_Clench_r_ctrl_orig' jawChinOrig = 'jawChin_ctrl_orig' UpHeadGuide = 'UpHead_ctrl_GUIDE_01' UpHeadOrig = 'UpHead_ctrl_01_orig' UpHeadCtrl = 'UpHead_ctrl_01' LowerHeadGuide = 'LowerHead_ctrl_GUIDE_01' LowerHeadOrig = 'LowerHead_ctrl_01_orig' LowerHeadCtrl = 'LowerHead_ctrl_01' mouthSquashOrig = 'mouthSquash_jnt_orig' mouthSquashSKN = 'mouthSquash_SKN' mouthGlobal = 'mouthGlobal_ctrl_orig' foreheadGrp = 'forehead_grp' headSKN = 'head_SKN' jawctrl = 'jaw_ctrl' jawJntOrig = 'jaw_jnt_orig' jawShapeGrp = 'jaw_SHAPE_grp' jawMidSkin = 'jaw_02_SKN' noseGrp = 'nose_grp' noseUp = 'nose_up_ctrl' noseUpOrig = 'nose_up_ctr_orig' neckTrash = 'neck_grpTRASH' earGrp = 'ear_grp' eyeGrp = 'eye_grp' eyeMaskGrp = 'eyeMask_ctrl_orig' sides = ['L', 'R', 'C'] lipFlapOrig = 'lipFlap_ctrl_01_orig' lipflapAll = 'lipFlap_all_ctrl' lipflapTip = 'lipFlap_tip_ctrl' lipflapCup = 'lipFlap_cup_ctrl' lipFlapList = [lipflapAll, lipflapTip, lipflapCup] #try : #reparent halfSkulls mc.parent(eyeMaskOrig, UpHeadOrig, LowerHeadOrig, headSKN) #reparent jawClenches mc.parent(JawClenchLOrig, JawClenchROrig, jawctrl) #reparent foreHead into topSKull mc.parent(foreheadGrp, UpHeadCtrl) #reparent mouthSquash et nose into lowerSkull mc.parent(noseGrp, mouthSquashOrig, LowerHeadCtrl) #deparent halfSkulls guides mc.parent(UpHeadGuide, LowerHeadGuide, facialDrv) # reparent jawChin in MidHJaw mc.parent(jawChinOrig, jawMidSkin) #change midSkulls ctrlShapes shapes.create(UpHeadCtrl, shape='circleHalf', size=2, scale=[1.25, 1, 1.75], axis='y', twist=-90, offset=[0, 0, 0.5], color=[255, 255, 0], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) shapes.create(LowerHeadCtrl, shape='circleHalf', size=2, scale=[1.25, 1, 1.75], axis='y', twist=90, offset=[0, 0, -0.5], color=[255, 255, 0], colorDegradeTo=False, replace=True, middle=False) # --- add upjaw ctrl ## create jawUp and jawUp proxies upJaw = mc.joint(n='upJaw_ctrl') mc.setAttr('{}.radius'.format(upJaw), 0.01) upJawLoHeadProxy = mc.joint(n='upJaw_loHead_proxy') mc.setAttr('{}.radius'.format(upJawLoHeadProxy), 0.01) upJawMSquashProxy = mc.joint(n='upJaw_mSquash_proxy') mc.setAttr('{}.radius'.format(upJawMSquashProxy), 0.01) jawpPos = mc.xform(jawctrl, q=True, ws=True, t=True) mc.xform(upJaw, ws=True, t=jawpPos) mc.xform(upJawLoHeadProxy, ws=True, t=jawpPos) mc.xform(upJawMSquashProxy, ws=True, t=jawpPos) jawPosOrigs = orig.orig( objlist=[upJaw, upJawLoHeadProxy, upJawMSquashProxy], suffix=['_orig'], origtype='joint', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto') ## reparent nodes in jawUp nodes mc.parent(eyeGrp, eyeMaskGrp, UpHeadOrig, upJaw) mc.parent(noseGrp, upJawLoHeadProxy) mSquashSKNChilds = mc.listRelatives(mouthSquashSKN, c=True) for child in mSquashSKNChilds: if not (child == jawJntOrig or child == jawShapeGrp): print child mc.parent(child, upJawMSquashProxy) ## reparent jawUp nodes mc.parent(jawPosOrigs[0], headSKN) mc.parent(jawPosOrigs[1], LowerHeadCtrl) mc.parent(jawPosOrigs[2], mouthSquashSKN) ## connectJawUps smartConnect(upJaw, upJawLoHeadProxy) smartConnect(upJaw, upJawMSquashProxy) # --- add shape to UpJaw shapes.create(upJaw, shape='pinSphere', size=0.75, scale=[1, 1, 1], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, .75, 0], color=[1, 1, 0], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) # --- change mouthGlobal parentConstraint targets mouthGlobalCns = mc.listConnections('{}.translateX'.format(mouthGlobal), s=True)[0] mc.delete(mouthGlobalCns) mc.parentConstraint(upJaw, jawctrl, mouthGlobal, mo=True) # --- add upJaw to skinSet mc.sets(upJaw, add='head_jnt_skin_set') # --- reparent and adjust Shapes for flaps ctrls mainColList = [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]] secColList = [[0.5, 0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0, 0.65]] sizeList = [0.07, 0.07, 0.04] for s, side in enumerate(sides): ## --- reparent dKey ctrls to world allCtrl = '%s_%s' % (side, lipflapAll) tipCtrl = '%s_%s' % (side, lipflapTip) allCtrlOrig = mc.listRelatives('%s_%s' % (side, lipflapAll), p=True)[0] mc.parent(allCtrlOrig, w=True) if side == 'L': shapes.create(allCtrl, shape='pyramid', size=sizeList[s], scale=[1.5, -1.5, 1.5], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, -0.5, 0], color=mainColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) shapes.create(tipCtrl, shape='arrowFourCurve', size=sizeList[s], scale=[0.8, -0.8, 0.8], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, -0.28, 0], color=secColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) elif side == 'R': shapes.create(allCtrl, shape='pyramid', size=sizeList[s], scale=[1.5, 1.5, 1.5], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, 0.5, 0], color=mainColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) shapes.create(tipCtrl, shape='arrowFourCurve', size=sizeList[s], scale=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, 0.28, 0], color=secColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) elif side == 'C': shapes.create(allCtrl, shape='pyramid', size=sizeList[s], scale=[1.5, -1.5, 1.5], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, -0.2, 0], color=mainColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) shapes.create(tipCtrl, shape='arrowFourCurve', size=sizeList[s], scale=[0.8, -0.8, 0.8], axis='y', twist=0, offset=[0, -0.12, 0], color=secColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) # add hierarchy for drivenKeys on lipFlaps fk joints dKeyAllNodesList = [] dKeyTipNodesList = [] for side in sides: sideDKeyNodesList = [] firstOrig = '%s_%s' % (side, lipFlapOrig) flapRoot = orig.orig(objlist=[firstOrig], suffix=['_root'], origtype='joint', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto')[0] allChilds = mc.listRelatives(flapRoot, c=True, typ='transform', ad=True) allChilds.reverse() for child in allChilds: stripName = child.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] if not stripName == 'orig' and not stripName == 'end': dkeyNode = orig.orig(objlist=[child], suffix=['_dKeyAll'], origtype='joint', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto')[0] sideDKeyNodesList.append(dkeyNode) dKeyAllNodesList.append(sideDKeyNodesList) for list in dKeyAllNodesList: sideDKeyNodesList = [] listLen = len(list) for i in range((listLen / 2), listLen): ctrl = mc.listRelatives(list[i], c=True, typ='transform')[0] dkeyNode = orig.orig(objlist=[ctrl], suffix=['_dKeyTip'], origtype='joint', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto')[0] sideDKeyNodesList.append(dkeyNode) dKeyTipNodesList.append(sideDKeyNodesList) # change controls shapes on lipFlaps FKs attrName = 'showLipFlapsFK' for s, side in enumerate(sides): mainFlapCtrl = '%s_%s' % (side, lipflapAll) mc.addAttr(mainFlapCtrl, ln=attrName, at='bool') mc.setAttr('%s.%s' % (mainFlapCtrl, attrName), edit=True, k=True) flapRoot = '%s_%s_root' % (side, lipFlapOrig) allChilds = mc.listRelatives(flapRoot, c=True, typ='transform', ad=True) allChilds.reverse() for child in allChilds: stripName = child.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] if not stripName == 'orig' and not stripName == 'end' and not stripName == 'dKeyAll' and not stripName == 'dKeyTip': if not side == 'R': shapes.create(child, shape='pinPyramid', size=sizeList[s], scale=[4, 5, 5], axis='-X', twist=0, offset=[0, 0, 0], color=mainColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) else: shapes.create(child, shape='pinPyramid', size=sizeList[s], scale=[-4, 5, 5], axis='-X', twist=0, offset=[0, 0, 0], color=mainColList[s], colorDegradeTo=None, replace=True, middle=False) childShapes = mc.listRelatives(child, s=True) if childShapes: for childShape in childShapes: mc.connectAttr('%s.%s' % (mainFlapCtrl, attrName), '%s.visibility' % childShape) # scale R side -1 to get propper symmetrical behavior for each in (lipFlapList[0], lipFlapList[1]): if each == 'lipFlap_cup_ctrl': mc.setAttr('%s_%s.jointOrientY' % (sides[1], each), 180) else: mc.setAttr('%s_%s_orig.scale' % (sides[1], each), -1, -1, -1) for side in sides[1]: root = '%s_%s_root' % (side, lipFlapOrig) allChilds = mc.listRelatives(root, c=True, typ='transform', ad=True) allChilds.reverse() for child in allChilds: stripName = child.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] if stripName == 'orig' or stripName == 'dKeyAll' or stripName == 'dKeyTip': mc.setAttr('%s.scale' % child, -1, -1, -1) #reparent all flaps inside mouthSquash for side in sides: mc.parent('%s_%s_root' % (side, lipFlapOrig), '%s_%s_orig' % (side, lipflapAll), mouthSquashSKN) mc.parent('%s_%s_orig' % (side, lipflapCup), mouthSquashSKN) # --- create smart_flaps joints smartFlapsGrp ='flaps_smart_grp', em=True) mc.parent(smartFlapsGrp, 'facial_fGrp') mc.setAttr('%s.inheritsTransform' % smartFlapsGrp, False) smartFlapsHoldJnt = mc.joint(n='flaps_smart_hold_jnt') mc.parent(smartFlapsHoldJnt, smartFlapsGrp) smartTrgt = [ '%s_%s_root' % (sides[0], lipFlapOrig), '%s_%s_root' % (sides[1], lipFlapOrig), '%s_%s_root' % (sides[2], lipFlapOrig) ] smartDupTargets = [] for each in smartTrgt: newTrgt = mc.duplicate(each, n='%s_smart' % each)[0] smartDupTargets.append(newTrgt) mc.parent(smartDupTargets, smartFlapsGrp) # --- add dkNode on top of nose_upCtrl noseUpDkey ='{}_dKey'.format(noseUp), em=True) mc.parent(noseUpDkey, mouthSquashSKN) mc.setAttr('{}.translate'.format(noseUpDkey), 0, 0, 0) mc.parent(noseUpDkey, noseGrp) mc.parent(noseUpOrig, noseUpDkey) # --- goes into the hierarchy of duplicated Fks and counts the depth of the hierarchy. stops when arrived at end of hierarchy for i, each in enumerate(smartDupTargets): nexChild = '' stopLoop = False for j in range(0, 30): if j == 0: nexChild = each getChild = mc.listRelatives(nexChild, c=True, f=True) if getChild: for child in getChild: if mc.objectType(child) == 'nurbsCurve': mc.delete(child) else: if mc.objectType(child) == 'joint': splittedName1 = child.rsplit('|')[-1] checkEnd = splittedName1.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] newName = mc.rename(child, '%s_smart' % splittedName1) smartConnect(splittedName1, newName) if not checkEnd == 'end': nexChild = newName else: stopLoop = True if stopLoop == True: break # --- add dkNode on top of C_lipFlap_dKey CNoseSideDKeyAll = orig.orig(objlist=['C_lipFlap_ctrl_01_dKeyAll'], suffix=['_side'], origtype='transform', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto')[0] CNoseSideDKeyAllSmart = orig.orig( objlist=['C_lipFlap_ctrl_01_dKeyAll_smart'], suffix=['_side'], origtype='transform', fromsel=False, viz=False, get_ssc=False, rtyp='auto')[0] smartConnect(CNoseSideDKeyAll, CNoseSideDKeyAllSmart) #save lists in tempNode tempSaveGrp ='tempSaveGrp', em=True) mc.hide(tempSaveGrp) mc.addAttr(tempSaveGrp, ln='dKeyAllNodesList', dt='string') mc.addAttr(tempSaveGrp, ln='dKeyTipNodesList', dt='string') mc.setAttr('%s.dKeyAllNodesList' % tempSaveGrp, dKeyAllNodesList, type='string') mc.setAttr('%s.dKeyTipNodesList' % tempSaveGrp, dKeyTipNodesList, type='string') # --- do teeth generate teethGen.generateTeeth()
def renameUnitConversionNodes(): for unitconversion in"unitConversion"): input = cmds.listConnections(unitconversion)[0] cmds.rename(unitconversion, "{}_UC".format(input))
def _getConnections(nodeName): c = cmds.listConnections(nodeName,p=True,d=False,c=True,s=True) try: return zip(c[0::2], c[1::2]) except: return None
boneList = cmds.listRelatives("root", c=True) cmds.currentTime(0, e=True) ## move to frame 0, as bind pose for i in boneList: x = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" % i)) y = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.translateY" % i)) r = int(cmds.getAttr("%s.rotateZ" % i)) boneDict = {"name": i, "parent": "root", "rotation": r, "x": x, "y": y} bones.append(boneDict) ## define slots slotFileDict = {} for i in range(0, len(boneList)): getObj =[i], dag=1)[1] shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(getObj, type='shadingEngine') shaders =, materials=1) fileNode = cmds.listConnections('%s.color' % (shaders[0]), type='file') currentFile = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName" % fileNode[0]) fileInSlot = currentFile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] alphaGain = "%02x" % int( (cmds.getAttr("%s.alphaGain" % fileNode[0]) / 1) * 255) colorGain = cmds.getAttr("%s.colorGain" % fileNode[0])[0] colorGainHex = "%02x" % int((colorGain[0] / 1) * 255) + "%02x" % int( (colorGain[1] / 1) * 255) + "%02x" % int((colorGain[2] / 1) * 255) exportColorHex = colorGainHex + alphaGain slotDict = { "name": "pId_%s" % i, "bone": boneList[i], "color": exportColorHex,
def buildData(self,wire): ''' Build wire data and store as class object dictionary entries @param wire: Wire deformer to store data for. @type wire: str ''' # ========== # - Checks - # ========== # Verify node glTools.utils.base.verifyNode(wire,'wire') # ===================== # - Get Deformer Data - # ===================== # Clear Data self.reset() # Get influence curves influenceList = glTools.utils.connection.connectionListToAttr(wire,'deformedWire') # Custom Attribute Data for inf in influenceList.keys(): ind = influenceList[inf][1] self._data['attrConnectionList'].append('dropoffDistance['+str(ind)+']') self._data['attrConnectionList'].append('scale['+str(ind)+']') super(WireData, self).buildData(wire) # ====================== # - Get Influence Data - # ====================== for influence in influenceList.keys(): infIndex = influenceList[influence][1] self._influenceData[influence] = {} self._influenceData[influence]['index'] = infIndex self._influenceData[influence]['influenceBase'] = mc.listConnections(wire+'.baseWire['+str(infIndex)+']',s=True,d=False)[0] self._influenceData[influence]['dropoffDist'] = mc.getAttr(wire+'.dropoffDistance['+str(infIndex)+']') self._influenceData[influence]['scale'] = mc.getAttr(wire+'.scale['+str(infIndex)+']') # ============================ # - Get Dropoff Locator Data - # ============================ dropoffLocatorList = glTools.utils.connection.connectionListToAttr(wire,'wireLocatorParameter') for locator in dropoffLocatorList.keys(): # Initialize dropoff locator data dictionary self._locatorData[locator] = {} # Build dropoff locator data locIndex = dropoffLocatorList[locator][1] self._locatorData[locator]['index'] = locIndex self._locatorData[locator]['envelope'] = mc.getAttr(wire+'.wireLocatorEnvelope['+str(locIndex)+']') self._locatorData[locator]['twist'] = mc.getAttr(wire+'.wireLocatorTwist['+str(locIndex)+']') self._locatorData[locator]['percent'] = mc.getAttr(locator+'.percent') self._locatorData[locator]['parameter'] = mc.getAttr(locator+'.param') # Get wire curve parent locParent = mc.listRelatives(locator,p=True)[0] crvParent = mc.listRelatives(locParent,p=True)[0] self._locatorData[locator]['parent'] = crvParent
def replaceNucleus(self): """ Replace existed nucleus with selected nucleus or new nucleus :return: None """ currentNucleus = cmds.listConnections(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', source=0, destination=1)[0] if currentNucleus == self.repNecleusComBox.currentText(): return elif currentNucleus != self.repNecleusComBox.currentText( ) and self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() != 'New...': # disconnect original nucleus currentNCloth = cmds.listConnections(self.currentSetGrp + '.nCloth', source=0, destination=1, shapes=1)[0] inputActiveAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.currentState', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] inputActiveStartAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.startState', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] outputObjectAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.nextState', source=1, destination=0, plugs=1)[0] cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNCloth + '.currentState', inputActiveAttr) cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNCloth + '.startState', inputActiveStartAttr) cmds.disconnectAttr(outputObjectAttr, currentNCloth + '.nextState') cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNucleus + '.startFrame', currentNCloth + '.startFrame') currentNucleusAttr = cmds.listConnections(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] cmds.disconnectAttr(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', currentNucleusAttr) # connect specified nucleus index = lib.findTribleAvailableIndex( firstAttr=self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.inputActive', secondAttr=self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.inputActiveStart', thirdAttr=self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.outputObjects') nucleusIndex = lib.findSingleAvailableIndex( self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.nucleus') cmds.connectAttr(self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.outputObjects[%s]' % (str(index)), currentNCloth + '.nextState', f=1) cmds.connectAttr(self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.startFrame', currentNCloth + '.startFrame', f=1) cmds.connectAttr(currentNCloth + '.currentState', self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.inputActive[%s]' % (str(index)), f=1) cmds.connectAttr(currentNCloth + '.startState', self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.inputActiveStart[%s]' % (str(index)), f=1) cmds.connectAttr(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', self.repNecleusComBox.currentText() + '.nucleus[%s]' % (str(nucleusIndex)), f=1) else: # disconnect original nucleus currentNCloth = cmds.listConnections(self.currentSetGrp + '.nCloth', source=0, destination=1, shapes=1)[0] inputActiveAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.currentState', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] inputActiveStartAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.startState', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] outputObjectAttr = cmds.listConnections(currentNCloth + '.nextState', source=1, destination=0, plugs=1)[0] cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNCloth + '.currentState', inputActiveAttr) cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNCloth + '.startState', inputActiveStartAttr) cmds.disconnectAttr(outputObjectAttr, currentNCloth + '.nextState') cmds.disconnectAttr(currentNucleus + '.startFrame', currentNCloth + '.startFrame') currentNucleusAttr = cmds.listConnections(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', source=0, destination=1, plugs=1)[0] cmds.disconnectAttr(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', currentNucleusAttr) # create and connect createdNucleus = lib.createNucleus( name=name.removeSuffix(self.currentSetGrp)) inputActiveIndex = cmds.getAttr(createdNucleus + '.inputActive', size=1) inputActiveStartIndex = cmds.getAttr(createdNucleus + '.inputActiveStart', size=1) outputObjectIndex = cmds.getAttr(createdNucleus + '.outputObjects', size=1) nucleusIndex = cmds.getAttr(createdNucleus + '.nucleus', size=1) cmds.connectAttr(createdNucleus + '.outputObjects[%s]' % (str(outputObjectIndex)), currentNCloth + '.nextState', f=1) cmds.connectAttr(createdNucleus + '.startFrame', currentNCloth + '.startFrame', f=1) cmds.connectAttr(currentNCloth + '.currentState', createdNucleus + '.inputActive[%s]' % (str(inputActiveIndex)), f=1) cmds.connectAttr(currentNCloth + '.startState', createdNucleus + '.inputActiveStart[%s]' % (str(inputActiveStartIndex)), f=1) cmds.connectAttr(self.currentSetGrp + '.nucleus', createdNucleus + '.nucleus[%s]' % (str(nucleusIndex)), f=1) # clean hierarchy targetParent = cmds.listRelatives(self.currentSetGrp, c=0, p=1, path=1)[0] cmds.parent(createdNucleus, targetParent) self.setCurrentSetGrp()
def rebuild(self): ''' Rebuild the wire deformer from the recorded deformerData ''' # ========== # - Checks - # ========== # Check Data for influence in self._influenceData.iterkeys(): # Check Wire Curve if not mc.objExists(influence): print('Wire curve "'+influence+'" does not exist! Curve will not be added to deformer!') # Check Base Curves baseCurve = self._influenceData[influence]['influenceBase'] if not mc.objExists(baseCurve): print('Wire curve base "'+baseCurve+'" does not exist! A static base curve will be generated from the deforming wire curve!') # Check Dropoff Locators for locator in self._locatorData.iterkeys(): if mc.objExists(locator): mc.delete(mc.listRelatives(locator,p=True)[0]) # ==================== # - Rebuild Deformer - # ==================== result = super(WireData, self).rebuild() wireDeformer = result['deformer'] # ======================= # - Connect Wire Curves - # ======================= for influence in self._influenceData.iterkeys(): # Get current wire curve pair wireCurve = influence infIndex = self._influenceData[influence]['index'] baseCurve = self._influenceData[influence]['influenceBase'] # Connect deformed wire if not mc.objExists(influence): continue mc.connectAttr(wireCurve+'.worldSpace[0]',wireDeformer+'.deformedWire['+str(infIndex)+']',f=True) # Connect base wire if not mc.objExists(baseCurve): baseCurve = mc.duplicate(influence,n=baseCurve)[0] mc.connectAttr(baseCurve+'.worldSpace[0]',wireDeformer+'.baseWire['+str(infIndex)+']',f=True) mc.setAttr(baseCurve+'.v',0) # Set Influence Attributes if mc.getAttr(wireDeformer+'.dropoffDistance['+str(infIndex)+']',se=True): mc.setAttr(wireDeformer+'.dropoffDistance['+str(infIndex)+']',self._influenceData[influence]['dropoffDist']) if mc.getAttr(wireDeformer+'.scale['+str(infIndex)+']',se=True): mc.setAttr(wireDeformer+'.scale['+str(infIndex)+']',self._influenceData[influence]['scale']) # ============================ # - Rebuild Dropoff Locators - # ============================ for locator in self._locatorData.iterkeys(): # Get data parent = self._locatorData[locator]['parent'] param = self._locatorData[locator]['parameter'] env = self._locatorData[locator]['envelope'] percent = self._locatorData[locator]['percent'] twist = self._locatorData[locator]['twist'] # Create Locator loc = mc.dropoffLocator(env,percent,wire,parent+'.u['+str(param)+']')[0] # Apply Twist locConn = mc.listConnections(loc+'.param',s=False,d=True,p=True)[0] locConnIndex = locConn.split('[')[-1].split(']')[0] mc.setAttr(wireDeformer+'.wireLocatorTwist['+str(locConnIndex)+']',twist) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= self.result['influence'] = self._influenceData.keys() self.result['dropoffLocator'] = self._locatorData.keys() return self.result
def get_animated_nodes(): return mc.listConnections(get_anim_curves()) or []