def destroy(self): if self.thread: self.stop() Label.destroy(self)
class DataFileImportFrame(Frame): """ TODO: should I also ask for sample conditions info with chemical shifts? Or do in ECI - possible? Check! """ # TODO should go where? email = '*****@*****.**' defaultSelectText = "Select file." fontOkColor = 'green3' fontCheckColor = 'orange3' fontBadColor = 'red3' fontDefaultColor = 'black' def __init__(self, parent, basePopup, *args, **kw): # # Variable initialisation # self.fcWrapper = basePopup.fcWrapper self.project = basePopup.project self.basePopup = basePopup # TODO necessary? if self.project: self.nmrProject = self.project.currentNmrProject self.entry = self.project.currentNmrEntryStore.findFirstEntry() if not self.entry: self.entry = self.project.currentNmrEntryStore.newEntry( else: self.nmrProject = None self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded = False self.shiftsLoaded = False self.linkResDone = False self.currentShiftList = None self.shiftListChainPairs = [] self.moleculeList = [] self.moleculeDict = {} # # Frame setup # Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kw) self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) options = ['Import', 'Deposition'] tabbedFrame = TabbedFrame(self, options=options, callback=self.selectTab) tabbedFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nsew') self.tabbedFrame = tabbedFrame frameA, frameD = tabbedFrame.frames # # Main # frameA.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #frameA.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Change to 2 if want 2 columns frameA.grid_rowconfigure(12, weight=1) #frameA.grid_rowconfigure(12, weight=1) row = 0 div = LabelDivider( frameA, text= 'Select the full coordinate file or a sequence file (with info for a single molecule).', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 1)) row += 1 self.sequenceCoordinatesImport = Button( frameA, text=self.defaultSelectText, command=self.importSequenceOrCoords, foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.sequenceCoordinatesImport.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(frameA, text="") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 div = LabelDivider( frameA, text='Select the molecule relevant for your chemical shift file.', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 1)) row += 1 self.moleculeSelect = Label( frameA, text="None available yet - import valid file first", foreground=self.fontBadColor) self.moleculeSelect.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') self.moleculeSelectRow = row row += 1 label = Label(frameA, text="") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 div = LabelDivider( frameA, text= 'Select a chemical shift file with values only for the above molecule.', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 1)) row += 1 self.shiftImport = Button(frameA, text=self.defaultSelectText, command=self.importShifts, foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.shiftImport.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(frameA, text="") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 div = LabelDivider( frameA, text='Consistency check between molecule and shift information.', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(2, 1)) row += 1 self.linkResCheckInfo = Label(frameA, text='') self.linkResCheckInfo.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 div = Separator(frameA, grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 1)) row += 1 texts = ['Import new sequence', 'Import new set of shifts'] commands = [self.resetSequenceImport, self.resetShiftImport] self.mainButtons = ButtonList(frameA, texts=texts, commands=commands) self.mainButtons.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='ew') self.mainButtons.buttons[0].config(foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) #print row self.frameA = frameA # # Not in use... # #frameX.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #frameX.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) #frameX.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) #frameX.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1) # # Deposition, is updated after each successful import run. # frameD.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frameD.grid_rowconfigure(5, weight=1) self.frameD = frameD row = 0 div = LabelDivider(frameD, text='Imported data.', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 2)) row += 1 self.depositionImportText = "\nImported %d shift list(s) for a total of %d shifts.\n\nImported %d molecule(s) and %d chain(s).\n\nImported %d model(s) for a total of %d atom coordinates.\n\nLinked %.2f%% of imported NMR information to %d chain(s)." self.depositionImportLoc = (row, 0) # These used for setting text above... self.depositionImportNums = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0] self.importedShiftLists = [] self.connectedChains = [] self.depositionImportLabel = Label(frameD, text=self.depositionImportText % tuple(self.depositionImportNums), foreground=self.fontBadColor) self.depositionImportLabel.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') row += 1 label = Label(frameD, text="") label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') # # Finalize the import part, proceed to ECI. # row += 1 div = LabelDivider( frameD, text= 'Import completed, save project and start Entry Completion Interface.', justify='center', grid=(row, 0), gridSpan=(1, 1)) row += 1 self.eciStart = Button(frameD, text="Finalise import", command=self.finaliseImport, foreground=self.fontBadColor) self.eciStart.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='ew') def finaliseImport(self): if not self.depositionImportNums[6]: showWarning('Failure', 'Need connected molecule and shift information first') return if showYesNo( "Save project and continue annotation", "Are you sure you want to save this project and continue?", parent=self): if self.depositionImportNums[5] or showYesNo( "No coordinates", "No coordinates are available - are you sure you want to continue?", parent=self): showInfo("Project name", "Your project will be saved in the %s directory." %, parent=self) self.project.saveModified() #userData = self.project.findFirstRepository(name='userData') #currentPath = userData.url.path #currentProjectName = #projectDir = os.path.join(currentPath,currentProjectName) eci = EntryCompletionGui(self.basePopup.root) eci.initProject(self.project) # # File type determination and import # def createFileTypes(self, dataTypes): fileTypes = [FileType('all', ['*'])] for dataType in dataTypes: formatNames = fileTypeDict[dataType].keys() formatNames.sort() for formatName in formatNames: if formatName in self.fcWrapper.formatNameLists[dataType]: fileTypes.append( FileType(formatName, fileTypeDict[dataType][formatName])) return fileTypes def getFileName(self, title, fileTypes): fileSelectPopup = FileSelectPopup( self, file_types=fileTypes, title=title, dismiss_text='Cancel', selected_file_must_exist=True, multiSelect=False, ) self.fileName = fileSelectPopup.getFile() if not self.fileName: showWarning('Failure', 'Please select an existing file.', parent=self) return False return True def importSequenceOrCoords(self): dataTypes = ['sequence', 'coordinates'] fileTypes = self.createFileTypes(dataTypes) if self.getFileName('Import sequence or coordinate file', fileTypes): formatNameSuggestions = {} for dataType in dataTypes: tmpList = self.fcWrapper.determineFormatNamesForFile( dataType, self.fileName) if tmpList: formatNameSuggestions[dataType] = tmpList if not formatNameSuggestions: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False # # Let user select if multiple options, otherwise take default # if len(formatNameSuggestions) == 1 and len(formatNameSuggestions[ formatNameSuggestions.keys()[0]]) == 1: dataType = formatNameSuggestions.keys()[0] formatName = formatNameSuggestions[dataType][0] if not showYesNo( 'File type detected', 'Reading as %s file in %s format. Is this correct?' % (dataType, formatName), parent=self): showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False else: # # Create a selection (hopefully user-understandable) # selectionList = [] selectionDict = {} for dataType in dataTypes: dataTypeString = dataType if formatNameSuggestions.has_key(dataType): formatNames = formatNameSuggestions[dataType] formatNames.sort() for formatName in formatNames: selectionString = "%s file in %s format." % ( dataTypeString, formatName) selectionList.append(selectionString) selectionDict[selectionString] = (dataType, formatName) interaction = SelectionListPopup(self, selectionList, title='File format selection', text='This is a:', selectionDict=selectionDict, dismissButton=True, modal=True) # # Check if anything was selected... # dataType = formatName = None if interaction.isSelected: (dataType, formatName) = interaction.selection else: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot by read without a format selection.\nIf the correct format is not available, please send the file with an explanation to %s' %, parent=self) return False # # Now read the file, need to do some field updates! # (fileRead, fileInformation) = self.fcWrapper.readFile( dataType, formatName, self.fileName) if not fileRead: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software:%s\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' % (fileInformation,, parent=self) return False (conversionInfo, conversionSuccess) = ( self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.conversionInfo, self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.conversionSuccess) if not conversionSuccess: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file was read by the software but contains invalid information.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False # # Set info if import worked OK # conversionLines = conversionInfo.split(": ") showInfo("Import coordinate and/or sequence information", ":\n".join(conversionLines), parent=self) if dataType == 'sequence': chains = self.fcWrapper.importReturns[dataType] models = [] elif dataType == 'coordinates': models = self.fcWrapper.importReturns[dataType] chains = [ cChain.chain for cChain in models[0].structureEnsemble.coordChains ] self.sequenceCoordinatesImport.setText( self.fileName) # TODO change color or something? self.sequenceCoordinatesImport.configure( foreground=self.fontOkColor) self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded = True # # Reset to list selector for further use # moleculeName = None for chain in chains: if chain in self.moleculeDict.values(): continue numResidues = len(chain.residues) if numResidues == 1: residueText = "%s residue" % chain.findFirstResidue( ).ccpCode else: residueText = "%d residues" % numResidues moleculeName = "%s (chain '%s', %s)" % (, chain.code, residueText) self.moleculeList.append(moleculeName) self.moleculeDict[moleculeName] = chain self.moleculeList.sort() self.moleculeSelect.destroy() if len(chains) == 1 and moleculeName: selectedIndex = self.moleculeList.index(moleculeName) else: selectedIndex = 0 self.moleculeSelect = PulldownList(self.frameA, texts=self.moleculeList, index=selectedIndex, sticky='ew') self.moleculeSelect.grid(row=self.moleculeSelectRow, column=0) # # Now update Deposition tab # molecules = [] for chain in chains: if not chain.molecule in molecules: molecules.append(chain.molecule) numCoords = 0 for model in models: numCoords += len(model.coords) self.updateDepositionImportLabel(molecules=len(molecules), chains=len(chains), models=len(models), coordinates=numCoords) # Add the molSystem to the entry! if chains and not chains[0].molSystem == self.entry.molSystem: self.entry.molSystem = chains[0].molSystem self.updateAll() def importShifts(self): currentChain = self.getCurrentChain() if not currentChain: showWarning( 'Failure', 'Please first read in a sequence or coordinate file and select the molecule relevant for this shift list.', parent=self) return elif self.currentShiftList: shiftListChainPair = (self.currentShiftList, currentChain) if shiftListChainPair in self.shiftListChainPairs: showWarning( 'Failure', "You already read in chemical shifts for this chain.\nPlease read in related shifts for the other chain(s), if present, or press the 'Import new set of shifts' button to read in a new set of shifts.", parent=self) return dataType = 'shifts' fileTypes = self.createFileTypes([dataType]) if self.getFileName('Import chemical shift file', fileTypes): formatNameSuggestions = self.fcWrapper.determineFormatNamesForFile( dataType, self.fileName) if not formatNameSuggestions: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False # # Let user select if multiple options, otherwise take default # if len(formatNameSuggestions) == 1: formatName = formatNameSuggestions[0] if not showYesNo( 'File type detected', 'Reading as a chemical shift file in %s format. Is this correct?' % formatName, parent=self): showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False else: # # Create a selection (hopefully user-understandable) # selectionList = [] selectionDict = {} formatNameSuggestions.sort() for formatName in formatNameSuggestions: selectionString = "chemical shift file in %s format." % ( formatName) selectionList.append(selectionString) selectionDict[selectionString] = formatName interaction = SelectionListPopup(self, selectionList, title='File format selection', text='This is a:', selectionDict=selectionDict, dismissButton=True, modal=True) # # Check if anything was selected... # formatName = None if interaction.isSelected: formatName = interaction.selection else: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot by read without a format selection.\nIf the correct format is not available, please send the file with an explanation to %s' %, parent=self) return False # # Now read the file, need to do some field updates! Also make sure to re-use shift list for other molecules... # (fileRead, fileInformation) = self.fcWrapper.readFile( dataType, formatName, self.fileName, addKeywords={'measurementList': self.currentShiftList}) if not fileRead: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file cannot be read by this software:%s\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' % (fileInformation,, parent=self) return False (conversionInfo, conversionSuccess) = ( self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.conversionInfo, self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.conversionSuccess) if not conversionSuccess: showWarning( 'Failure', 'This file was read by the software but contains invalid information.\nPlease send the file with an explanation to %s.' %, parent=self) return False # # Set info if import worked OK # conversionLines = conversionInfo.split(": ") showInfo("Import chemical shift information", ":\n".join(conversionLines), parent=self) self.shiftImport.setText( self.fileName) # TODO change color or something? self.shiftImport.configure(foreground=self.fontOkColor) self.shiftsLoaded = True self.shiftsFormatName = formatName shiftList = self.fcWrapper.importReturns[dataType] if not self.currentShiftList: self.currentShiftList = shiftList self.shiftListChainPairs.append( (self.currentShiftList, currentChain)) self.updateDepositionImportLabel(shiftList=shiftList) if not shiftList in self.entry.measurementLists: print shiftList self.entry.addMeasurementList(shiftList) print self.entry.measurementLists self.updateAll() # # Updaters # def selectTab(self, index): funcsDict = { 0: (self.updateMain, ), 1: (self.updateCoordinates, ), 2: (self.updateDeposition, ) } for func in funcsDict[index]: func() def updateMain(self): pass def updateCoordinates(self): pass def updateDeposition(self): pass def updateAll(self): self.selectTab(self.tabbedFrame.selected) if self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded and self.shiftsLoaded: if showYesNo( 'Connect shifts to sequence', 'You have to check whether the chemical shift information matches the sequence. Do you want to this now?', parent=self): self.connectShiftsSequence() self.waiting = False def getCurrentChain(self): if len(self.moleculeList) == 1: chain = self.moleculeDict.values()[0] else: try: moleculeSelected = self.moleculeSelect.getText() chain = self.moleculeDict[moleculeSelected] except: chain = None return chain def connectShiftsSequence(self): if not self.linkResDone: changeResetColor = False # # Get chain mapping and run linkResonances # chain = self.getCurrentChain() forceChainMappings = self.fcWrapper.linkResonancesToSequence( chain=chain) self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.linkResonances( forceChainMappings=forceChainMappings, guiParent=self) # # Get information about the linking process # # TODO Should only have an nmrProject (no restraint import, should be included?) # In any case, is always the LAST info in numResonancesLinked info numResonancesLinked = self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.numResonancesLinked (origLinked, origUnlinked, linked, unlinked) = (numResonancesLinked['origLinked'][-1], numResonancesLinked['origUnlinked'][-1], numResonancesLinked['linked'][-1], numResonancesLinked['unlinked'][-1]) # # Track number of new resonances, and reset for new import # if self.fcWrapper.formatConversion.allResonancesLinked: status = 'All information matches (for all imports).' foreground = self.fontOkColor changeResetColor = True else: if origUnlinked - unlinked == self.fcWrapper.numNewResonances: status = 'All information matches (for this import)' foreground = self.fontOkColor changeResetColor = True else: if origUnlinked != unlinked: status = 'Not all information matches (for this and/or another import).' foreground = self.fontCheckColor changeResetColor = True else: status = 'No information matches (for this import).' foreground = self.fontBadColor otherUnlinked = (origUnlinked - self.fcWrapper.numNewResonances) notLinked = unlinked - otherUnlinked status += "\nUnable to link %d out of %d imported shifts (%.2f%%)." % ( notLinked, self.fcWrapper.numNewResonances, (notLinked * 100.0) / self.fcWrapper.numNewResonances) self.linkResCheckInfo.set("Status: %s" % status) self.linkResCheckInfo.config(foreground=foreground) self.linkResDone = True # # Change the color of the reset button to indicate OK to do next one # if changeResetColor: self.mainButtons.buttons[0].config(foreground=self.fontOkColor) self.updateDepositionImportLabel( shiftList=None, percentageLinked=(linked * 100.0 / (unlinked + linked)), connectedChain=chain) def updateDepositionImportLabel(self, shiftList=None, molecules=0, chains=0, models=0, coordinates=0, percentageLinked=None, connectedChain=None): if shiftList and shiftList not in self.importedShiftLists: self.importedShiftLists.append(shiftList) self.depositionImportNums[0] += 1 shifts = 0 for shiftList in self.importedShiftLists: shifts += len(shiftList.measurements) self.depositionImportNums[1] += shifts self.depositionImportNums[2] += molecules self.depositionImportNums[3] += chains self.depositionImportNums[4] += models self.depositionImportNums[5] += coordinates if percentageLinked != None: self.depositionImportNums[6] = percentageLinked if connectedChain and connectedChain not in self.connectedChains: self.depositionImportNums[7] += 1 self.connectedChains.append(connectedChain) self.depositionImportLabel.destroy() finalForeground = self.fontBadColor if self.depositionImportNums[0] == 0 and self.depositionImportNums[ 2] == 0: # Nothing imported foreground = self.fontBadColor elif self.depositionImportNums[6]: # Linked shifts available - TODO base this on % of shifts linked? foreground = self.fontOkColor if self.depositionImportNums[5]: finalForeground = self.fontOkColor else: finalForeground = self.fontCheckColor else: # Intermediate state foreground = self.fontCheckColor self.depositionImportLabel = Label(self.frameD, text=self.depositionImportText % tuple(self.depositionImportNums), foreground=foreground) self.depositionImportLabel.grid(row=self.depositionImportLoc[0], column=self.depositionImportLoc[1], sticky='ew') self.eciStart.configure(foreground=finalForeground) def resetSequenceImport(self): doReset = True if not self.linkResDone and self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded and self.shiftsLoaded: if showYesNo( 'Shifts not connected to sequence', 'You have not checked whether the imported chemical shift information matches the imported sequence. Do you want to this first? If not, the last imported data will be invalid.', parent=self): self.connectShiftsSequence() doReset = False if doReset: self.mainButtons.buttons[0].config( foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded = self.shiftsLoaded = self.linkResDone = False self.sequenceCoordinatesImport.setText(self.defaultSelectText) self.sequenceCoordinatesImport.configure( foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.moleculeSelect.destroy() self.moleculeSelect = Label( self.frameA, text="None available yet - import valid file first", foreground=self.fontBadColor) self.moleculeSelect.grid(row=self.moleculeSelectRow, column=0, sticky='ew') self.shiftImport.setText(self.defaultSelectText) self.shiftImport.configure(foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.linkResCheckInfo.set("") def resetShiftImport(self): doReset = True if not self.linkResDone and self.sequenceCoordinatesLoaded and self.shiftsLoaded: if showYesNo( 'Shifts not connected to sequence', 'You have not checked whether the imported chemical shift information matches the imported sequence. Do you want to this first? If not, the last imported data will be invalid.', parent=self): self.connectShiftsSequence() doReset = False if doReset: self.mainButtons.buttons[1].config( foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.shiftsLoaded = self.linkResDone = False self.currentShiftList = None self.shiftImport.setText(self.defaultSelectText) self.shiftImport.configure(foreground=self.fontDefaultColor) self.linkResCheckInfo.set("") def destroy(self): Frame.destroy(self) # # Instructions # def showMainInstructions(self): popup = getPopup(self) message = """Use this tab to import the chemical shifts and the coordinate and/or sequence information for your molecular chains. The imported chemical shift file should contain information for only *one* molecular chain to make it easier to connect the molecule information to the chemical shift information. You therefore have to select a single chain for each shift list from the dropdown menu that will appear after you imported a coordinate or sequence file. For example, when using sequence files for a dimer, import the information for the chemical shifts for each chain separately: 1. Import the sequence for the first molecular chain. 2. Import a chemical shift file with shifts only for this molecular chain. 3. Reset using the 'Import new sequence' button 4. Import the sequence for the second molecular chain 5. Import a chemical shift file with shifts only for this second chain Alternatively, it is possible to read in the molecule information from a full coordinate file: 1. Import a coordinate file with all molecular information, including coordinates. 2. Select a molecular chain. 3. Import a chemical shift file with shifts only for the selected molecular chain. 4. Go back to step 2. if necessary. You can also import multiple sets of chemical shifts (e.g. for the sample in different conditions). In this case, you have to import all chemical shift information that belongs together for all molecular chains, then press the 'Import new set of shifts' button. Notes: 1. This application always creates a new CCPN project. It is not possible to import files into existing projects. 2. If your chemical shift file contains information for multiple chains, you have to edit it manually to split up the information per chain. """ showHelpText(self, message, popup=popup) def showFormats(self): popup = getPopup(self) message = """For chemical shifts, the following formats are recognised: *** Auremol *** section_sequenzdefinition _Residue_seq_code _Atom_num_code _Residue_label _Atom_name _Atom_type _Atom_alias _Atom_equivalent _Atom_CSA 1 1 MET HN H - - 8.95 1 2 MET N N - - 157.00 1 3 MET CA C - - 40.00 *** Autoassign *** AA HN N15 CO-1 CA-1 CB-1 HA-1 CO CA CB HA A31 8.14 121.4 51.3 19.6 (GS178 115.HSQC) D32 8.88 122.9 51.3 19.5 55.4 39.6 (GS271 22.HSQC) *** CNS *** do ( store1 = 53.13218 ) ( resid 78 and name CA ) do ( store1 = 0.7356673 ) ( resid 15 and name HD1# ) do ( store1 = 120.5381 ) ( resid 8 and name N ) do ( store1 = 121.1414 ) ( resid 78 and name N ) *** Cosmos *** CS_VALUES 3 C_ALA 176.6 CA_ALA 51.66 CB_ALA 17.26 END *** CSI *** # A HA CA CO CB Consensus # 1 MET 0 C 0 C NA 0 C 0 C 2 GLY 0 C 0 C NA 0 C 0 C *** MARS *** H N CO-1 CA CA-1 PR_2 8.900 123.220 170.540 55.080 54.450 PR_4 8.320 115.340 175.920 - 55.080 *** MONTE *** 1 102.544 8.211 45.853 54.925 0.000 18.069 180.112 2 103.276 8.580 45.334 54.154 0.000 35.650 175.087 3 103.997 7.407 45.165 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 *** NMR-STAR *** data_test save_shifts1 _Saveframe_category assigned_chemical_shifts loop_ _Atom_shift_assign_ID _Residue_seq_code _Residue_label _Atom_name _Atom_type _Chem_shift_value _Chem_shift_value_error _Chem_shift_ambiguity_code 1 1 ASP CA C 52.000 0.02 1 2 1 ASP HA H 4.220 0.02 1 stop_ save_ *** NMRVIEW *** 2.CG1 18.549 0 2.CG2 18.844 0 2.HG1# 0.800 0 2.HG2# 0.723 0 3.HG2 2.298 0 3.HG1 2.298 0 *** PIPP *** RES_ID 1 RES_TYPE MET SPIN_SYSTEM_ID 1 CA 55.9920 CB 33.1470 HA 4.1141 HB# 2.0492 HG# 2.4250 END_RES_DEF *** PISTACHIO *** 1 1 GLY C C 172.621 1.000 0 2 1 GLY CA C 44.308 1.000 0 3 2 SER N N 122.241 1.000 0 *** PRONTO *** Spin system HN HA Other: 1: Val-1 3.76 HB: 1.945, HG1: 0.770, HG2: 0.608 2: Ile-2 8.80 4.26 HB: 1.526, HG1: 1.278, HG2: 0.728, HD: 0.918 *** SHIFTX *** NUM RES HA H N CA CB C --- --- ------ ------ -------- ------- ------- -------- 2 T 4.4161 8.1749 111.0443 61.8324 70.3867 172.5362 3 Y 4.9022 9.0239 120.2106 56.0493 41.4218 173.0761 NUM RES H HA HB HB2 HB3 HD1 HD2 HD21 HD22 HD3 HE HE1 HE2 HE21 HE22 HE3 HG HG1 HG12 HG13 HG2 HG3 HZ 2 T 8.17 4.42 4.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 3 Y 9.02 4.90 0.00 2.22 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** SPARKY *** Group Atom Nuc Shift SDev Assignments R2 CA 13C 56.539 0.003 3 R2 CB 13C 30.808 0.009 3 *** TALOS *** VARS RESID RESNAME PHI PSI DPHI DPSI DIST COUNT CLASS FORMAT %4d %s %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %2d %s 1 Q 9999.000 9999.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 None 2 N -85.000 124.000 23.000 28.000 85.920 10 Good ***XEASY/CYANA: 1 117.803 0.000 N 1 2 8.208 0.002 HN 1 3 56.508 0.055 CA 1 4 999.000 0.000 HA 1 5 29.451 0.004 CB 1 """ showHelpText(self, message, popup=popup)