Example #1
  # Make sure it saves the information in the projectDir
  # To do this on the Python level you have to reset the path
  # for the urls that indicate the directory locations for the
  # saved files...
  # Alternatively create the project in the right directory to
  # start with - see convertCns2Pdb
  for repository in ccpnProject.repositories:
    if repository.name in ('userData','backup'):
      (oldUrlPath,baseName) = uniIo.splitPath((repository.url.path))
      newUrlPath = uniIo.joinPath(projectDir,baseName)
      repository.url = Implementation.Url(path = newUrlPath)

  # Create main Tk window for popups

  gui = Tkinter.Tk()

  # Create an NmrView class and read in the files... create an experiment
  # for the peak list beforehand and pass in the parameters.
Example #2
    def getObjDirName(self, metaObj, absoluteName=True):

        fileName = self.getObjFileName(metaObj, absoluteName=absoluteName)
        dirName = uniIo.splitPath(fileName)[0]

        return dirName
Example #3
    # Make sure it saves the information in the projectDir
    # To do this on the Python level you have to reset the path
    # for the urls that indicate the directory locations for the
    # saved files...
    # Alternatively create the project in the right directory to
    # start with - see convertCns2Pdb

    for repository in ccpnProject.repositories:

        if repository.name in ('userData', 'backup'):

            (oldUrlPath, baseName) = uniIo.splitPath(repository.url.path)
            newUrlPath = uniIo.joinPath(projectDir, baseName)

            repository.url = Implementation.Url(path=newUrlPath)

    # Open a Tk window for handling the popups...

    root = Tkinter.Tk()

    # Create the FormatConverter CnsFormat object

    cnsFormat = CnsFormat(ccpnProject, root)
Example #4
def findDataStoringFromFilepath(project,
    """ Get DataUrl and relative filePath from normalised absolute filePath
  Uses heuristics to select compatible DataUrl from existing ones.
  sisterObjects is a collection of objects with a dataStore link - 
  DataUrls in use for sisterObjects are given preference in the
  uses dataLocationStore or current dataLocationStore
  If no compatible DataUrl is found the routine returns dataUrl None
  and the file name plus the lowest keepDirectories directories 
  as the filePath
    # NB fullFilePath *must* be absolute her for code to work properly
    if not os.path.isabs(fullFilePath):
        raise ApiError(
            "findDataStoringFromFilepath called with non-absolute file name %s"
            % fullFilePath)

    # get DataLocationStore
    if not dataLocationStore:
        setCurrentStore(project, 'DataLocationStore')
        dataLocationStore = project.currentDataLocationStore

    # get DataUrl that match fullFilePath
    dataUrls = []
    for dataUrl in dataLocationStore.dataUrls:
        dirPath = uniIo.normalisePath(dataUrl.url.path)
        if fullFilePath.startswith(dirPath):
            lenPath = len(dirPath)
            ss = fullFilePath
            while len(ss) > lenPath:
                ss, junk = uniIo.splitPath(ss)
            if ss == dirPath:
                # DataUrl path matches file path

    # process result
    if dataUrls:
        if preferDataUrls:
            # look for DataUrls that are in use with related objects
            ll = [x for x in dataUrls if x in preferDataUrls]
            if ll:
                dataUrls = ll

        if len(dataUrls) == 1:
            # only one DataUrl - use it
            dataUrl = dataUrls[0]
            # use DataUrl with longest path
            ll = [(len(dataUrl.url.path), dataUrl) for dataUrl in dataUrls]
            dataUrl = ll[-1][1]

        # get filePath
        ss = uniIo.joinPath(dataUrl.url.path,
                            '')  # removes file separator from end
        filePath = fullFilePath[len(ss) + 1:]

        dataUrl = None
        ll = []
        ss = fullFilePath
        for dummy in range(keepDirectories + 1):
            ss, name = os.path.split(ss)
        filePath = uniIo.joinPath(*ll)

    return (dataUrl, filePath)