Example #1
class MessageBrokerHeartBeatChecker(AbstractAsyncScheduledTask):
    A scheduled task to periodically check if the connected message broker is online.
    If the message broker goes offline, it will disconnect the currently connected
    client object and it will return from the loop_forever() method.
    def __init__(self,
        self.__mb_client = mqtt.Client()

        if username is not None:
            self.__mb_client.username_pw_set(username, password)

        self.__mb_ip = mb_ip
        self.__mb_port = mb_port
        self.__connected_client = connected_client
        self.__log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def execute_task(self):
            self.__mb_client.connect(self.__mb_ip, self.__mb_port, 60)
        except Exception:
                "Message broker %s:%s cannot be reached. Disconnecting client..."
                % (self.__mb_ip, self.__mb_port))
class MessageBrokerHeartBeatChecker(AbstractAsyncScheduledTask):
    A scheduled task to periodically check if the connected message broker is online.
    If the message broker goes offline, it will disconnect the currently connected
    client object and it will return from the loop_forever() method.

    def __init__(self, connected_client, mb_ip, mb_port, username=None, password=None):
        self.__mb_client = mqtt.Client()

        if username is not None:
            self.__mb_client.username_pw_set(username, password)

        self.__mb_ip = mb_ip
        self.__mb_port = mb_port
        self.__connected_client = connected_client
        self.__log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def execute_task(self):
            self.__mb_client.connect(self.__mb_ip, self.__mb_port, 60)
        except Exception:
                "Message broker %s:%s cannot be reached. Disconnecting client..." % (self.__mb_ip, self.__mb_port))
 def export_env_var(self, variable, value):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     if value is not None:
         os.environ[variable] = value
         log.info("Exported environment variable %s: %s" % (variable, value))
         log.warn("Could not export environment variable %s " % variable)
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading the Complete Topology in order to get the dependent ip addresses ...")

        topology = values["TOPOLOGY_JSON"]
        topology_str = json.loads(topology)

        master_ip = None

        if topology_str is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_str["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_str["serviceMap"][service_name]
                if service_name == "hadoop" :
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        # add member map
                        for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                            member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                            if master_ip is None:
                                master_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]
                                os.environ["CONFIG_PARAM_HADOOP_MASTER"] = master_ip

        log.info("configured master ip - ")

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring Hadoop...")
        config_command = "python /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("Hadoop configured successfully")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s" % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get("SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s" % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint

        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = port_no

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")
 def checkout(self, repo_info):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
         log.info("Running extension for checkout job")
         repo_info = values['REPO_INFO']
         git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
     except Exception as e:
         log.exception("Error while executing CheckoutJobHandler extension: %s" % e)
Example #7
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s" % tomcat_start_command)

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started: [command] %s, [output] %s" % (p.args, output))
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        # start server
        log.info("Starting APACHE STORM SUPERVISOR...")

        start_command = "${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm supervisor"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("APACHE STORM SUPERVISOR started successfully")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        os.environ["GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY"] = "1"

        s2gitDomain = values.get("S2GIT_DOMAIN")
        s2gitIP = values.get("S2GIT_IP")
        entry_command = "echo '" + s2gitIP + " " + s2gitDomain + "' >> /etc/hosts"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(entry_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("S2git host entry added successfully")
 def run_plugin(self, values):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     os.environ["GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY"] = "1"
     s2gitDomain = values.get("S2GIT_DOMAIN")
     s2gitIP = values.get("S2GIT_IP")
     entry_command = "echo '"+ s2gitIP + " "+  s2gitDomain + "' >> /etc/hosts"
     env_var = os.environ.copy()
     p = subprocess.Popen(entry_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
     output, errors = p.communicate()
     log.info("S2git host entry added successfully")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading environment variables...")
        clustering_enable= os.environ.get('CLUSTER')

        if clustering_enable == 'true':

            # start server
            log.info("Starting Hadoop Namenode ...")

            format_namenode_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop namenode -format"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(format_namenode_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            start_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/sbin/start-all.sh"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            log.debug("Hadoop Namenode started successfully")


            # start server
            log.info("Starting Hadoop Datanode ...")

            start_command = "exec ${HADOOP_HOME}/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start datanode"
            env_var = os.environ.copy()
            p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()

            log.debug("Hadoop Datanode started successfully")
Example #12
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        event_name = values["EVENT"]
        log.debug("Running extension for %s" % event_name)
        extension_values = {}
        for key in values.keys():
            extension_values["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            # log.debug("%s => %s" % ("STRATOS_" + key, extension_values["STRATOS_" + key]))

            output, errors = ExtensionExecutor.execute_script(event_name + ".sh")
        except OSError:
            raise RuntimeError("Could not find an extension file for event %s" % event_name)

        if len(errors) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Extension execution failed for script %s: %s" % (event_name, errors))

        log.info("%s Extension executed. [output]: %s" % (event_name, output))
Example #13
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        event_name = values["EVENT"]
        log.debug("Running extension for %s" % event_name)
        extension_values = {}
        for key in values.keys():
            extension_values["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            os.environ["STRATOS_" + key] = values[key]
            # log.debug("%s => %s" % ("STRATOS_" + key, extension_values["STRATOS_" + key]))

            output, errors = ExtensionExecutor.execute_script(event_name + ".sh", extension_values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError("Could not find an extension file for event %s %s" % (event_name, e))

        if len(errors) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Extension execution failed for script %s: %s" % (event_name, errors))

        log.info("%s Extension executed. [output]: %s" % (event_name, output))
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]

        mgt_console_https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:9443"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "mgt-console" and protocol == "https":
                        mgt_console_https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service management console https port: %s" % mgt_console_https_port)
        if mgt_console_https_port is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = .*/CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = %s/g\" %s" % (mgt_console_https_port, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated management console https proxy port: %s in CEP template module" % mgt_console_https_port)

        # start server
        log.info("Starting WSO2 CEP...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 CEP started successfully")
Example #15
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get(
                    "SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" %

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
            "Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s"
            % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint

        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = port_no

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        f = open(TEMP_FILE_PATH, "w+")
            "USE mysql;\n"
            "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\n"
            "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n"
            "UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('" + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD + "') WHERE user='******';")

        log.info("Temp File created")

        mysql_command = "/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --verbose=0 < "+TEMP_FILE_PATH
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(mysql_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("%s file executed" %TEMP_FILE_PATH)

        mysql_start_command = "service mysql restart"
        p = subprocess.Popen(mysql_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("mysql started successfully")

        # get local ip as to export to metadata
        get_local_ip_cmd = "awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' /etc/hosts"
        local_ip = subprocess.check_output(get_local_ip_cmd, shell=True)

        if local_ip is not None:
            local_ip = local_ip[0:-1]
        log.info("local IP from /etc/hosts : %s " % local_ip)

        # publishing to metadata service
        mysql_host = {"key": "MYSQL_HOST", "values": local_ip}
        mysql_password = {"key": "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", "values": MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}
        mysql_username = {"key": "MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME", "values": "root"}

    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring APACHE STORM UI...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("APACHE STORM UI configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting APACHE STORM UI...")

        start_command = "${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm ui"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("APACHE STORM UI started successfully")
 def publish_metadata(self, properties_data):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
     publish_data.properties = properties_data
     mdsclient.put(publish_data, app=True)
     log.info("Published metadata: %s " % publish_data)
class WkaMemberConfigurator(ICartridgeAgentPlugin):

    def __init__(self):
        self.log = None
        self.my_member_id = None

    def publish_metadata(self, properties_data):
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        publish_data.properties = properties_data
        mdsclient.put(publish_data, app=True)

    def add_to_restart_queue(self, member_id):
        data = {"key":"restart","values":member_id}
        self.log.info("Publishing members to be restarted data=%s" % (data))

    def publish_as_wka_member(self, ip):
        private_ip = ip
        data = {"key":"wka","values":private_ip}
        self.log.info("Publishing wka members data=%s " % (data))

    def remove_me_from_queue(self):
        self.log.info("Removing me %s from restart queue" % self.my_member_id);
        mdsclient.delete_property_value("restart", self.my_member_id)

    def publish_wka_members(self, service_name, cluster_id):
        topology = TopologyContext.get_topology()
        service = topology.get_service(service_name)
        cluster = service.get_cluster(cluster_id)

        members = cluster.get_members()
        for member in members:
            if(member.member_id == self.my_member_id):
                self.log.info("My Ips %s , %s" % (member.member_default_private_ip, member.member_default_public_ip))
                self.log.info("Other WKA members memberid=%s privateip=%s, public ip=%s " % (member.member_id, member.member_default_private_ip, member.member_default_public_ip))

        #configure me with other wka members
        # remove me from queue if i am there

        return None, None

    def isTrue(self, str):
        #should be an utility method
        return str.lower() in ("true", "True", "1" , "yes", "Yes")

    def fetch_wka_members(self):
        mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
        wka_members= None
        if mds_response is not None:
            wka_members = mds_response.properties.get("wka")

        self.log.info("WKA members %s " % wka_members);

    def run_plugin(self, values):
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        self.log.info("Starting Clustering Configuration")

        clusterId = values['CLUSTER_ID']
        self.log.info("CLUSTER_ID %s" % clusterId)

        service_name = values['SERVICE_NAME']
        self.log.info("SERVICE_NAME %s" % service_name)

        cluering_type = values['CLUSTERING_TYPE']
        self.log.info("CLUSTERING_TYPE %s" % cluering_type)

        is_wka_member = values['WKA_MEMBER']
        self.log.info("WKA_MEMBER %s" % is_wka_member)

        self.my_member_id = values['MEMBER_ID']
        self.log.info("MEMBER_ID %s" % self.my_member_id)

        if self.is_wka(WkaMemberConfigurator.isTrue(is_wka_member)):
            self.log.info("This is a WKA member")
            self.get_all_members(service_name, clusterId)
            self.log.info("This is not a WKA member")
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling

    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
                    new_git_repo) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                self.log.info("Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url], new_git_repo.local_repo_path)
                if errors.strip() != "":
                    self.log.error("Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                self.log.debug("Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s [SUCCESS] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, updated)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                self.log.debug("Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify.")
                git_repo.cloned = False
                self.log.debug("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)

                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
            self.log.info("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                          git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)

            if Config.backup_initial_artifacts:
                self.log.info("Default artifact backup disabled")

                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")

    def check_and_backup_initial_artifacts(self, initial_artifact_dir):
        verifies if there are any default artifacts by checking the 'initial_artifact_dir' and
        whether its empty, and takes a backup to a directory  initial_artifact_dir_backup in the
        same location

        :param initial_artifact_dir: path to local artifact directory
        # copy default artifacts (if any) to a a temp location
        # if directory name is dir, the backup directory name would be dir_backup
        if self.initial_artifacts_exists(initial_artifact_dir):
            self.log.info("Default artifacts exist at " + initial_artifact_dir)
            self.log.info("No default artifacts exist at " + initial_artifact_dir)

    def initial_artifacts_exists(self, dir):
            return os.path.exists(dir) and os.listdir(dir)
        except OSError as e:
            self.log.error('Unable to check if directory exists | non-empty, error: %s' % e)
            return False

    def backup_initial_artifacts(self, src):
        self.log.info('Initial artifacts exists, taking backup to ' + Utils.strip_trailing_slash(src)
                      + constants.BACKUP_DIR_SUFFIX +
                      ' directory')
            shutil.copytree(src, Utils.strip_trailing_slash(src) + constants.BACKUP_DIR_SUFFIX)
        except OSError as e:
            self.log.error('Directory not copied. Error: %s' % e)
Example #21
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting wso2is metadata handler...")

        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement(



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        # read kubernetes service https port
        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if protocol == "https":
                        https_port = port

            "Kubernetes service port of wso2is management console https transport: %s"
            % https_port)

        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, https_port)
        saml_endpoint_property = {
            "key": "SAML_ENDPOINT",
            "values": [saml_endpoint]
        mdsclient.put(saml_endpoint_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SAML_ENDPOINT: %s" %

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (
            member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")

        log.info("wso2is metadata handler completed")
 def commit(self, repo_info):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     log.info("Running extension for commit job")
Example #23
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting wso2is metadata handler...")

        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                      % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement("EnableAttributeProfile")



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        # read kubernetes service https port
        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if protocol == "https":
                        https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of wso2is management console https transport: %s" % https_port)

        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, https_port)
        saml_endpoint_property = {"key": "SAML_ENDPOINT", "values": [ saml_endpoint ]}
        mdsclient.put(saml_endpoint_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SAML_ENDPOINT: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (https_port, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")

        log.info("wso2is metadata handler completed")
class WkaMemberConfigurator(ICartridgeAgentPlugin):

    def __init__(self):
        self.log = None
        self.my_member_id = None

    def publish_metadata(self, properties_data):
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        publish_data.properties = properties_data
        mdsclient.put(publish_data, app=True)

    def add_to_restart_queue(self, member_id):
        data = {"key":"restart","values":member_id}
        self.log.info("Publishing members to be restarted data=%s" % (data))

    def publish_as_wka_member(self, ip):
        private_ip = ip
        data = {"key":"wka","values":private_ip}
        self.log.info("Publishing wka members data=%s " % (data))

    def remove_me_from_queue(self):
        self.log.info("Removing me %s from restart queue" % self.my_member_id);
        mdsclient.delete_property_value("restart", self.my_member_id)

    def publish_wka_members(self, service_name, cluster_id):
        topology = TopologyContext.get_topology()
        service = topology.get_service(service_name)
        cluster = service.get_cluster(cluster_id)

        members = cluster.get_members()
        for member in members:
            if(member.member_id == self.my_member_id):
                self.log.info("My Ips %s , %s" % (member.member_default_private_ip, member.member_default_public_ip))
                self.log.info("Other WKA members memberid=%s privateip=%s, public ip=%s " % (member.member_id, member.member_default_private_ip, member.member_default_public_ip))

        #configure me with other wka members
        # remove me from queue if i am there
        local_members = ','.join(map(str, wka_members))
        local_members= "'{}'".format(local_members)
        self.log.info("*** local_members=%s " % (local_members))

        os.environ['STRATOS_MEMBERS'] = str(local_members)
        self.log.info("env local members=%s" % (os.environ.get('STRATOS_MEMBERS')))

        return None, None

    def isTrue(str):
        #should be an utility method
        return str.lower() in ("true", "True", "1" , "yes", "Yes")

    def fetch_wka_members(self):
        mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
        if mds_response is not None:
            wka_members_ips = mds_response.properties.get("wka")

        for wka_member_ip in wka_members_ips:
            self.log.info("WKA members %s=" % wka_member_ip)
            wka_members_ips.append(wka_member_ip +':'+str(local_member_port))

        self.log.info("WKA members %s " % wka_members_ips)

        wka_members_ips = ','.join(map(str, wka_members_ips))
        wka_members_ips= "'{}'".format(wka_members_ips)
        self.log.info("local_members=%s " % (wka_members_ips))

        os.environ['STRATOS_MEMBERS'] = str(wka_members_ips)
        self.log.info("env local members=%s" % (os.environ.get('STRATOS_MEMBERS')))

    def execute_clustring_configurater(self):

    def run_plugin(self, values):
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        self.log.info("Starting Clustering Configuration")

        clusterId = values['CLUSTER_ID']
        self.log.info("CLUSTER_ID %s" % clusterId)

        service_name = values['SERVICE_NAME']
        self.log.info("SERVICE_NAME %s" % service_name)

        cluering_type = values['CLUSTERING_TYPE']
        self.log.info("CLUSTERING_TYPE %s" % cluering_type)

        is_wka_member = values['WKA_MEMBER']
        self.log.info("WKA_MEMBER %s" % is_wka_member)

        self.my_member_id = values['MEMBER_ID']
        self.log.info("MEMBER_ID %s" % self.my_member_id)

        sub_domain = values['SUB_DOMAIN']
        sub_domain= "'{}'".format(sub_domain)
        self.log.info("SUB_DOMAIN %s" % (sub_domain))

        os.environ['STRATOS_SUB_DOMAIN'] = str(sub_domain)
        self.log.info("env clustering  SUB_DOMAIN=%s" % (os.environ.get('SUB_DOMAIN','worker')))

        if WkaMemberConfigurator.isTrue(is_wka_member):
            self.log.info("This is a WKA member")
            self.publish_wka_members(service_name, clusterId)
            self.log.info("This is not a WKA member")

Example #25
    class __CartridgeAgentConfiguration:
        def __init__(self):
            # set log level
            self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

            self.__payload_params = {}
            self.__properties = None
            """ :type : ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser """


            self.application_id = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.service_group = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_clustered = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.member_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.network_partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cartridge_key = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.app_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.repo_url = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.ports = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.log_file_paths = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.is_multitenant = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.persistence_mappings = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_commits_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.is_checkout_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.listen_address = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_internal_repo = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.tenant_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.min_count = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_private_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_public_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.super_tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.deployment = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.manager_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.worker_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.dependant_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.export_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.import_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_primary = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.artifact_update_interval = None
            """ :type : str """

            self.initialized = False
            """ :type : bool """

                self.service_group = self.__payload_params[constants.SERVICE_GROUP] \
                    if constants.SERVICE_GROUP in self.__payload_params \
                    else None

                if constants.CLUSTERING in self.__payload_params and \
                        str(self.__payload_params[constants.CLUSTERING]).strip().lower() == "true":
                    self.is_clustered = True
                    self.is_clustered = False

                self.application_id = self.read_property(
                self.service_name = self.read_property(constants.SERVICE_NAME)
                self.cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_ID)
                self.cluster_instance_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID, False)
                self.member_id = self.read_property(constants.MEMBER_ID, False)
                self.network_partition_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.NETWORK_PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.partition_id = self.read_property(constants.PARTITION_ID,
                self.cartridge_key = self.read_property(
                self.app_path = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_PATH,
                self.repo_url = self.read_property(constants.REPO_URL, False)
                self.ports = str(self.read_property(
                self.dependant_cluster_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.DEPENDENCY_CLUSTER_IDS, False)
                self.export_metadata_keys = self.read_property(
                    constants.EXPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.import_metadata_keys = self.read_property(
                    constants.IMPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)

                    self.log_file_paths = str(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read log file path : %r" %
                    self.log_file_paths = None

                is_multi_str = self.read_property(constants.MULTITENANT)
                self.is_multitenant = True if str(
                    is_multi_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                    self.persistence_mappings = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read persistence mapping : %r" %
                    self.persistence_mappings = None

                    is_commit_str = self.read_property(
                    self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(
                        is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                        is_commit_str = self.read_property(
                        self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(
                            is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                    except ParameterNotFoundException:
                            "%r is not found and setting it to false" %
                        self.is_commits_enabled = False

                auto_checkout_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_CHECKOUT,
                self.is_checkout_enabled = True if str(
                    auto_checkout_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                self.listen_address = self.read_property(
                    constants.LISTEN_ADDRESS, False)

                    int_repo_str = self.read_property(constants.INTERNAL)
                    self.is_internal_repo = True if str(
                        int_repo_str).strip().lower() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.log.info(" INTERNAL payload parameter is not found")
                    self.is_internal_repo = False

                self.tenant_id = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_ID)
                self.lb_cluster_id = self.read_property(
                    constants.LB_CLUSTER_ID, False)
                self.min_count = self.read_property(
                    constants.MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, False)
                self.lb_private_ip = self.read_property(
                    constants.LB_PRIVATE_IP, False)
                self.lb_public_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PUBLIC_IP,
                self.tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(
                    constants.TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)
                self.super_tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(
                    constants.SUPER_TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)

                    self.deployment = self.read_property(constants.DEPLOYMENT)
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - manager service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.manager_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - worker service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.worker_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower(
                ) == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                    self.is_primary = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.is_primary = None

                    self.artifact_update_interval = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.artifact_update_interval = "10"

            except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                raise RuntimeError(ex)

            self.log.info("Cartridge agent configuration initialized")

            self.log.debug("service-name: %r" % self.service_name)
            self.log.debug("cluster-id: %r" % self.cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("cluster-instance-id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("member-id: %r" % self.member_id)
            self.log.debug("network-partition-id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("partition-id: %r" % self.partition_id)
            self.log.debug("cartridge-key: %r" % self.cartridge_key)
            self.log.debug("app-path: %r" % self.app_path)
            self.log.debug("repo-url: %r" % self.repo_url)
            self.log.debug("ports: %r" % str(self.ports))
            self.log.debug("lb-private-ip: %r" % self.lb_private_ip)
            self.log.debug("lb-public-ip: %r" % self.lb_public_ip)
            self.log.debug("dependant_cluster_id: %r" %
            self.log.debug("export_metadata_keys: %r" %
            self.log.debug("import_metadata_keys: %r" %
            self.log.debug("artifact.update.interval: %r" %

        def __read_conf_file(self):
            Reads and stores the agent's configuration file
            :return: void

            conf_file_path = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/agent.conf"
            self.log.debug("Config file path : %r" % conf_file_path)
            self.__properties = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

            # set calculated values
            param_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split(
                "modules")[0] + "/payload/launch-params"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH,

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/plugins"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PLUGINS_DIR, plugins_dir)

        def __read_parameter_file(self):
            Reads the payload file of the cartridge and stores the values in a dictionary
            :return: void

            param_file = self.read_property(constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, False)
            self.log.debug("Param file path : %r" % param_file)

                if param_file is not None:
                    metadata_file = open(param_file)
                    metadata_payload_content = metadata_file.read()
                    for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","):
                        if param.strip() != "":
                            param_value = param.strip().split("=")
                                if str(param_value[1]).strip().lower(
                                ) == "null" or str(
                                        param_value[1]).strip() == "":
                                        param_value[0]] = None
                                        param_value[0]] = param_value[1]
                            except IndexError:
                                # If an index error comes when reading values, keep on reading

                    # self.payload_params = dict(
                    #     param.split("=") for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","))
                    self.log.error("File not found: %r" % param_file)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Could not read launch parameter file: %s" %

        def read_property(self, property_key, critical=True):
            Returns the value of the provided property
            :param str property_key: the name of the property to be read
            :return: Value of the property,
            :rtype: str
            :exception: ParameterNotFoundException if the provided property cannot be found

            if self.__properties.has_option("agent", property_key):
                temp_str = self.__properties.get("agent", property_key)
                self.log.debug("Reading property: %s = %s", property_key,
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str.strip(
                ) != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if property_key in self.__payload_params:
                temp_str = self.__payload_params[property_key]
                self.log.debug("Reading payload parameter: %s = %s",
                               property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str != "" and temp_str.strip(
                ).lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if critical:
                raise ParameterNotFoundException(
                    "Cannot find the value of required parameter: %r" %
                return None

        def get_payload_params(self):
            return self.__payload_params
Example #26
    class __CartridgeAgentConfiguration:
        def __init__(self):
            # set log level
            self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

            self.__payload_params = {}
            self.__properties = None
            """ :type : ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser """


            self.application_id = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.service_group = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_clustered = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cluster_instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.member_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.instance_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.network_partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.partition_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.cartridge_key = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.app_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.repo_url = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.ports = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.log_file_paths = []
            """ :type : list[str]  """
            self.is_multitenant = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.persistence_mappings = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_commits_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.is_checkout_enabled = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.listen_address = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_internal_repo = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.tenant_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.min_count = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_private_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.lb_public_ip = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.super_tenant_repository_path = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.deployment = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.manager_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.worker_service_name = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.dependant_cluster_id = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.export_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.import_metadata_keys = None
            """ :type : str  """
            self.is_primary = False
            """ :type : bool  """
            self.artifact_update_interval = None
            """ :type : str """
            self.lvs_virtual_ip = None
            """ :type : str """

            self.initialized = False
            """ :type : bool """

                self.service_group = self.__payload_params[constants.SERVICE_GROUP] \
                    if constants.SERVICE_GROUP in self.__payload_params \
                    else None

                if constants.CLUSTERING in self.__payload_params and \
                        str(self.__payload_params[constants.CLUSTERING]).strip().lower() == "true":
                    self.is_clustered = True
                    self.is_clustered = False

                self.application_id = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_ID)
                self.service_name = self.read_property(constants.SERVICE_NAME)
                self.cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_ID)
                self.cluster_instance_id = self.read_property(constants.CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID, False)
                self.member_id = self.read_property(constants.MEMBER_ID, False)
                self.network_partition_id = self.read_property(constants.NETWORK_PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.partition_id = self.read_property(constants.PARTITION_ID, False)
                self.cartridge_key = self.read_property(constants.CARTRIDGE_KEY)
                self.app_path = self.read_property(constants.APPLICATION_PATH, False)
                self.repo_url = self.read_property(constants.REPO_URL, False)
                self.ports = str(self.read_property(constants.PORTS)).split("|")
                self.dependant_cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.DEPENDENCY_CLUSTER_IDS, False)
                self.export_metadata_keys = self.read_property(constants.EXPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.import_metadata_keys = self.read_property(constants.IMPORT_METADATA_KEYS, False)
                self.lvs_virtual_ip = self.read_property(constants.LVS_VIRTUAL_IP,False)

                    self.log_file_paths = str(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read log file path : %r" % ex.get_message())
                    self.log_file_paths = None

                is_multi_str = self.read_property(constants.MULTITENANT)
                self.is_multitenant = True if str(is_multi_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                    self.persistence_mappings = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                    self.log.debug("Cannot read persistence mapping : %r" % ex.get_message())
                    self.persistence_mappings = None

                    is_commit_str = self.read_property(constants.COMMIT_ENABLED)
                    self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                        is_commit_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_COMMIT)
                        self.is_commits_enabled = True if str(is_commit_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False
                    except ParameterNotFoundException:
                            "%r is not found and setting it to false" % constants.COMMIT_ENABLED)
                        self.is_commits_enabled = False

                auto_checkout_str = self.read_property(constants.AUTO_CHECKOUT, False)
                self.is_checkout_enabled = True if str(auto_checkout_str).lower().strip() == "true" else False

                self.listen_address = self.read_property(
                    constants.LISTEN_ADDRESS, False)

                    int_repo_str = self.read_property(constants.INTERNAL)
                    self.is_internal_repo = True if str(int_repo_str).strip().lower() == "true" else False
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.log.info(" INTERNAL payload parameter is not found")
                    self.is_internal_repo = False

                self.tenant_id = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_ID)
                self.lb_cluster_id = self.read_property(constants.LB_CLUSTER_ID, False)
                self.min_count = self.read_property(constants.MIN_INSTANCE_COUNT, False)
                self.lb_private_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PRIVATE_IP, False)
                self.lb_public_ip = self.read_property(constants.LB_PUBLIC_IP, False)
                self.tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(constants.TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)
                self.super_tenant_repository_path = self.read_property(constants.SUPER_TENANT_REPO_PATH, False)

                    self.deployment = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - manager service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.manager_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                # Setting worker-manager setup - worker service name
                if self.deployment is None:
                    self.worker_service_name = None

                if str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_WORKER.lower():
                    self.manager_service_name = self.service_name

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER.lower():
                    self.deployment = self.read_property(

                elif str(self.deployment).lower() == constants.DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT.lower():
                    self.deployment = None
                    self.deployment = None

                    self.is_primary = self.read_property(
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.is_primary = None

                    self.artifact_update_interval = self.read_property(constants.ARTIFACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
                except ParameterNotFoundException:
                    self.artifact_update_interval = "10"

            except ParameterNotFoundException as ex:
                raise RuntimeError(ex)

            self.log.info("Cartridge agent configuration initialized")

            self.log.debug("service-name: %r" % self.service_name)
            self.log.debug("cluster-id: %r" % self.cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("cluster-instance-id: %r" % self.cluster_instance_id)
            self.log.debug("member-id: %r" % self.member_id)
            self.log.debug("network-partition-id: %r" % self.network_partition_id)
            self.log.debug("partition-id: %r" % self.partition_id)
            self.log.debug("cartridge-key: %r" % self.cartridge_key)
            self.log.debug("app-path: %r" % self.app_path)
            self.log.debug("repo-url: %r" % self.repo_url)
            self.log.debug("ports: %r" % str(self.ports))
            self.log.debug("lb-private-ip: %r" % self.lb_private_ip)
            self.log.debug("lb-public-ip: %r" % self.lb_public_ip)
            self.log.debug("dependant_cluster_id: %r" % self.dependant_cluster_id)
            self.log.debug("export_metadata_keys: %r" % self.export_metadata_keys)
            self.log.debug("import_metadata_keys: %r" % self.import_metadata_keys)
            self.log.debug("artifact.update.interval: %r" % self.artifact_update_interval)
            self.log.debug("lvs-virtual-ip: %r" % self.lvs_virtual_ip)

        def __read_conf_file(self):
            Reads and stores the agent's configuration file
            :return: void

            conf_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/agent.conf"
            self.log.debug("Config file path : %r" % conf_file_path)
            self.__properties = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

            # set calculated values
            param_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/payload/launch-params"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, param_file)

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/plugins"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.PLUGINS_DIR, plugins_dir)

            plugins_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)).split("modules")[0] + "/extensions/py"
            self.__properties.set("agent", constants.EXTENSIONS_DIR, plugins_dir)

        def __read_parameter_file(self):
            Reads the payload file of the cartridge and stores the values in a dictionary
            :return: void

            param_file = self.read_property(constants.PARAM_FILE_PATH, False)
            self.log.debug("Param file path : %r" % param_file)

                if param_file is not None:
                    metadata_file = open(param_file)
                    metadata_payload_content = metadata_file.read()
                    for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","):
                        if param.strip() != "":
                            param_value = param.strip().split("=")
                                if str(param_value[1]).strip().lower() == "null" or str(param_value[1]).strip() == "":
                                    self.__payload_params[param_value[0]] = None
                                    self.__payload_params[param_value[0]] = param_value[1]
                            except IndexError:
                                # If an index error comes when reading values, keep on reading

                    # self.payload_params = dict(
                    #     param.split("=") for param in metadata_payload_content.split(","))
                    self.log.error("File not found: %r" % param_file)
            except Exception as e:
                    "Could not read launch parameter file: %s" % e)

        def read_property(self, property_key, critical=True):
            Returns the value of the provided property
            :param str property_key: the name of the property to be read
            :return: Value of the property,
            :rtype: str
            :exception: ParameterNotFoundException if the provided property cannot be found

            if self.__properties.has_option("agent", property_key):
                temp_str = self.__properties.get("agent", property_key)
                self.log.debug("Reading property: %s = %s", property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str.strip() != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if property_key in self.__payload_params:
                temp_str = self.__payload_params[property_key]
                self.log.debug("Reading payload parameter: %s = %s", property_key, temp_str)
                if temp_str is not None and temp_str != "" and temp_str.strip().lower() != "null":
                    return str(temp_str).strip()

            if critical:
                raise ParameterNotFoundException("Cannot find the value of required parameter: %r" % property_key)
                return None

        def get_payload_params(self):
            return self.__payload_params
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]

        mgt_console_https_port = None
        pt_http_port = None
        pt_https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:9443;
        #                          NAME:pt-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;
        #                          NAME:pt-https|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4502|PROXY_PORT:7243"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "mgt-console" and protocol == "https":
                        mgt_console_https_port = port
                    if name == "pt-http" and protocol == "http":
                        pt_http_port = port
                    if name == "pt-https" and protocol == "https":
                        pt_https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service management console https port: %s" % mgt_console_https_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through http port: %s" % pt_http_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through https port: %s" % pt_https_port)

        # export environment variables
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT', mgt_console_https_port)
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTP_PROXY_PORT', pt_http_port)
        self.export_env_var('CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT', pt_https_port)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring WSO2 ESB...")
        config_command = "python /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("WSO2 ESB configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting WSO2 ESB...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 ESB started successfully")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # read tomcat app related values from metadata
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SSO_ISSUER and CALLBACK_URL to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None:
                if mds_response.properties.get("SSO_ISSUER") is None or \
                        mds_response.properties.get("CALLBACK_URL") is None:
                    mds_response = None
        # mds_response = mdsclient.get()
        issuer = mds_response.properties["SSO_ISSUER"]
        acs = mds_response.properties["CALLBACK_URL"]

        # add a service provider in the security/sso-idp-config.xml file
        # is_root = values["APPLICATION_PATH"]
        is_root = os.environ.get("CARBON_HOME")
        sso_idp_file = "%s/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml" % is_root

        # <SSOIdentityProviderConfig>
        #     <ServiceProviders>
        #         <ServiceProvider>
        #         <Issuer>wso2.my.dashboard</Issuer>
        #         <AssertionConsumerService>https://is.wso2.com/dashboard/acs</AssertionConsumerService>
        #         <SignAssertion>true</SignAssertion>
        #         <SignResponse>true</SignResponse>
        #         <EnableAttributeProfile>false</EnableAttributeProfile>
        #         <IncludeAttributeByDefault>false</IncludeAttributeByDefault>
        #         <Claims>
        #             <Claim>http://wso2.org/claims/role</Claim>
        #         </Claims>
        #         <EnableSingleLogout>false</EnableSingleLogout>
        #         <SingleLogoutUrl></SingleLogoutUrl>
        #         <EnableAudienceRestriction>true</EnableAudienceRestriction>
        #         <AudiencesList>
        #             <Audience>carbonServer</Audience>
        #         </AudiencesList>
        #         <ConsumingServiceIndex></ConsumingServiceIndex>
        #     </ServiceProvider>
        with open(sso_idp_file, "r") as f:
            sp_dom = parse(f)

        root_element = sp_dom.documentElement
        sps_element = sp_dom.getElementsByTagName("ServiceProviders")[0]

        sp_entry = sp_dom.createElement("ServiceProvider")

        sp_entry_issuer = sp_dom.createElement("Issuer")

        sp_entry_acs = sp_dom.createElement("AssertionConsumerService")

        sp_entry_sign_resp = sp_dom.createElement("SignResponse")

        sp_entry_sign_assert = sp_dom.createElement("SignAssertion")

        sp_entry_single_logout = sp_dom.createElement("EnableSingleLogout")

        sp_entry_attribute_profile = sp_dom.createElement(



        with open(sso_idp_file, 'w+') as f:
            root_element.writexml(f, newl="\n")
        # root_element.writexml(f)

        # data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("http://ip.jsontest.com/").read())
        # ip_entry = data["ip"]

        # publish SAML_ENDPOINT to metadata service
        # member_hostname = socket.gethostname()
        member_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]
        payload_ports = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"].split("|")
        if values.get("LB_CLUSTER_ID") is not None:
            port_no = payload_ports[2].split(":")[1]
            port_no = payload_ports[1].split(":")[1]
        saml_endpoint = "https://%s:%s/samlsso" % (member_hostname, port_no)
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        hostname_entry = {"key": "SAML_ENDPOINT", "values": saml_endpoint}
        properties_data = [hostname_entry]
        publish_data.properties = properties_data

        mdsclient.put(publish_data, app=True)

        # start servers
        log.info("Starting WSO2 IS server")

        # set configurations
        carbon_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/CLUSTER_HOST_NAME/%s/g\" %s" % (
            member_hostname, "${CARBON_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml")

        p = subprocess.Popen(carbon_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set carbon.xml hostname")

        catalina_replace_command = "sed -i \"s/STRATOS_IS_PROXY_PORT/%s/g\" %s" % (

        p = subprocess.Popen(catalina_replace_command, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Set catalina-server.xml proxy port")

        wso2is_start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(wso2is_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 IS server started")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]

        mgt_console_https_port = None
        pt_http_port = None
        pt_https_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:pt-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;
        #                          NAME:pt-https|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4502|PROXY_PORT:7243"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "mgt-console" and protocol == "https":
                        mgt_console_https_port = port
                    if name == "pt-http" and protocol == "http":
                        pt_http_port = port
                    if name == "pt-https" and protocol == "https":
                        pt_https_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service management console https port: %s" % mgt_console_https_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through http port: %s" % pt_http_port)
        log.info("Kubernetes service pass-through https port: %s" % pt_https_port)

        if mgt_console_https_port is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = .*/CONFIG_PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = %s/g\" %s" % (mgt_console_https_port, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2am-1.8.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated management console https proxy port: %s in AM template module" % mgt_console_https_port)

        if pt_http_port is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTP_PROXY_PORT = .*/CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTP_PROXY_PORT = %s/g\" %s" % (pt_http_port, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2am-1.8.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated pass-through http proxy port: %s in AM template module" % pt_http_port)

        if pt_https_port is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = .*/CONFIG_PARAM_PT_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT = %s/g\" %s" % (pt_https_port, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2am-1.8.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated pass-through https proxy port: %s in AM template module" % pt_https_port)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring WSO2 AM...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("WSO2 AM configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting WSO2 AM...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/wso2server.sh start"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("WSO2 AM started successfully")
Example #30
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting tomcat server starter plugin...")

        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
                "Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s"
                % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get(
                    "SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" %

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
            "Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s"
            % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" %
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = tomcat_http_port

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")

        log.info("Tomcat server starter plugin completed")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        log.info("Starting tomcat server starter plugin...")

        # wait till SAML_ENDPOINT becomes available
        mds_response = None
        while mds_response is None:
            log.debug("Waiting for SAML_ENDPOINT to be available from metadata service for app ID: %s" % values["APPLICATION_ID"])
            mds_response = mdsclient.get(app=True)
            if mds_response is not None and mds_response.properties.get("SAML_ENDPOINT") is None:
                mds_response = None

        saml_endpoint = mds_response.properties["SAML_ENDPOINT"]
        log.debug("SAML_ENDPOINT value read from Metadata service: %s" % saml_endpoint)

        # start tomcat
        tomcat_start_command = "exec /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
        log.info("Starting Tomcat server: [command] %s, [STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT] %s" % (tomcat_start_command, saml_endpoint))
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        env_var["STRATOS_SAML_ENDPOINT"] = saml_endpoint
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_NAME"] = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" % tomcat_http_port)
        env_var["STRATOS_HOST_PORT"] = tomcat_http_port

        p = subprocess.Popen(tomcat_start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Tomcat server started")

        log.info("Tomcat server starter plugin completed")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Reading the Complete Topology in order to get the dependent ip addresses ...")

        topology_str = values["TOPOLOGY_JSON"]
        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % topology_str)

        zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = None
        nimbus_member_default_private_ip = None

        if topology_str is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_str["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_str["serviceMap"][service_name]
                if service_name == "zookeeper" :
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        # add member map
                        for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                            member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                            if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

                if service_name == "nimbus" :
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        # add member map
                        for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                            member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                            if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                nimbus_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

        if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = .*/ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = %s/g\" %s" % (zookeeper_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/apache-storm-0.9.5/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated zookeeper hostname: %s in Apache Storm template module" % zookeeper_member_default_private_ip)

        if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^#ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = .*/ZOOKEEPER_HOSTNAME = %s/g\" %s" % (nimbus_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/apache-storm-0.9.5/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated nimbus hostname: %s in Apache Storm template module" % nimbus_member_default_private_ip)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring Apache Storm Supervisor...")
        config_command = "exec /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("Apache Storm configured successfully")

        # start server
        log.info("Starting Apache Storm...")

        start_command = "exec ${CARBON_HOME}/bin/storm supervisor"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(start_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.debug("Apache Storm started successfully")
Example #33
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Starting tomcat metadata publisher...")
        # publish callback and issuer id from tomcat for IS to pickup
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        # hostname_entry = {"key": "TOMCAT_HOSTNAME", "values": member_hostname}
        cluster_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" %

        callback_url = "http://%s:%s/travelocity.com/home.jsp" % (
            cluster_hostname, tomcat_http_port)

        callback_url_property = {
            "key": "CALLBACK_URL",
            "values": [callback_url]
        mdsclient.put(callback_url_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: CALLBACK_URL: %s" %

        issuer_property = {"key": "SSO_ISSUER", "values": ["travelocity.com"]}
        mdsclient.put(issuer_property, app=True)
            "Published property to metadata API: SSO_ISSUER: travelocity.com")

        log.info("Tomcat metadata publisher completed")
Example #34
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling
    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
            ) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                    "Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" %
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url],
                if errors.strip() != "":
                        "Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" %

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                    "Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                    "Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                    "Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify."
                git_repo.cloned = False
                    "Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                    "Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
                "Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url,
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                    "Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                    git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # Read Application_Id, MB_IP, CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER and Topology from values
        app_id = values["APPLICATION_ID"]
        mb_ip = values["MB_IP"]
        is_cep_mgr = values["CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER"]
        topology_str = values["TOPOLOGY_JSON"]

        # log above information
        log.info("Application ID: %s" % app_id)
        log.info("MB IP: %s" % mb_ip)
        log.info("CEP Manager: %s" % is_cep_mgr)
        log.info("Topology: %s" % topology_str)

        topology_json = json.loads(topology_str)

        if is_cep_mgr == 'true':
            log.info("Configuring CEP Manager Template module ..")
            log.info("Reading the Complete Topology in order to get the dependent ip addresses ...")
            zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = None
            nimbus_member_default_private_ip = None

            if topology_json is not None:
                # add service map
                for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                    service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                    if service_name == "zookeeper":
                        # add cluster map
                        for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                            cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                            if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                                # add member map
                                for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                    member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                    if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                        zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

                    if service_name == "nimbus":
                        # add cluster map
                        for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                            cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                            if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                                # add member map
                                for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                    member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                    if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                        nimbus_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

            if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is not None:
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_ZOOKEEPER_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_ZOOKEEPER_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                zookeeper_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
                    "Successfully updated zookeeper host: %s in WSO2 CEP Manager template module" % zookeeper_member_default_private_ip)

            if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is not None:
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_NIMBUS_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_NIMBUS_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                nimbus_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
                    "Successfully updated nimbus host: %s in WSO2 CEP Manager template module" % nimbus_member_default_private_ip)

            # set local ip as CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST
            get_local_ip_cmd = "awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' /etc/hosts"
            local_ip = subprocess.check_output(get_local_ip_cmd, shell=True)
            log.info("local IP from /etc/hosts : %s " % local_ip)

            if local_ip is not None:
                local_ip = local_ip[0:-1]
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                local_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
                log.info("Successfully updated local member ip: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % local_ip)

            # Set CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=true
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=%s/g\" %s" % (
            is_cep_mgr, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated config parameter manager: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % is_cep_mgr)

        # Read all CEP Manager private IPs and update CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS in module.ini
        cep_mgr_private_ip_list = []
        if topology_json is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                if service_name == "cep-mgr":
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                            # add member map
                            for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                if member_str["defaultPrivateIP"] is not None:

        if cep_mgr_private_ip_list:
            managers_string = '['
            for member_ip in cep_mgr_private_ip_list:
                if member_ip is not cep_mgr_private_ip_list[-1]:
                    managers_string += member_ip + ':8904' + ','
                    managers_string += member_ip + ':8904'
            managers_string += ']'

            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=%s/g\" %s" % (
            managers_string, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated CEP Managers list: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % managers_string)
            # If no manager IPs are found comment-out CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS property
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=.*/#CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=/g\" %s" % "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini"
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
                "CEP Manager IPs are not found in topology, hence removing CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS property from module.ini")

        # Read all CEP Manager/Worker cluster-ids from topology and update CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs in module.ini
        cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids = []
        if topology_json is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                # Check for both CEP-Mgr and CEP-Wkr clusters
                if service_name == "cep-mgr" or service_name == "cep-wkr":
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                            # Append cep worker/manager cluster id

        if cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids:
            cep_clusterIds = ",".join(cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids)

            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=%s/g\" %s" % (
                cep_clusterIds, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated cep cluster_ids: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % cep_clusterIds)
            # If no cluster_ids are found in topology, comment-out CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs property from module.ini
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=.*/#CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=/g\" %s" % "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini"
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.warn("CEP Manager/Worker cluster ids are not found in topology, hence removing CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs"
                     " property from module.ini")

        # Update MB_IP in module.ini to be used by jndi.properties
        if mb_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MB_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MB_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                mb_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.info("Successfully updated mb ip: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % mb_ip)

        # configure server
        log.info("Configuring WSO2 CEP ...")
        config_command = "python /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/configurator.py"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()
        log.info("WSO2 CEP configured successfully")
class DefaultArtifactCheckout(IArtifactCheckoutPlugin):
    Default implementation for the artifact checkout handling

    def __init__(self):
        super(DefaultArtifactCheckout, self).__init__()
        self.log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

    def checkout(self, repo_info):
        Checks out the code from the remote repository.
        If local repository path is empty, a clone operation is done.
        If there is a cloned repository already on the local repository path, a pull operation
        will be performed.
        If there are artifacts not in the repository already on the local repository path,
        they will be added to a git repository, the remote url added as origin, and then
        a pull operation will be performed.

        :param Repository repo_info: The repository information object
        :return: A tuple containing whether it was an initial clone or not, and if the repo was updated on
        subsequent calls or not
        :rtype: tuple(bool, bool)
        new_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)

        # check whether this is the first artifact updated event for this tenant
        existing_git_repo = AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id)
        if existing_git_repo is not None:
            # check whether this event has updated credentials for git repo
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(
                    new_git_repo) and new_git_repo.repo_url != existing_git_repo.repo_url:
                # add the new git_repo object with updated credentials to repo list

                # update the origin remote URL with new credentials
                self.log.info("Changes detected in git credentials for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)
                (output, errors) = AgentGitHandler.execute_git_command(
                    ["remote", "set-url", "origin", new_git_repo.repo_url], new_git_repo.local_repo_path)
                if errors.strip() != "":
                    self.log.error("Failed to update git repo remote URL for tenant: %s" % new_git_repo.tenant_id)

        git_repo = AgentGitHandler.create_git_repo(repo_info)
        if AgentGitHandler.get_repo(repo_info.tenant_id) is not None:
            # has been previously cloned, this is not the subscription run
            if AgentGitHandler.is_valid_git_repository(git_repo):
                self.log.debug("Executing git pull: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                updated = AgentGitHandler.pull(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git pull executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s [SUCCESS] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, updated)
                # not a valid repository, might've been corrupted. do a re-clone
                self.log.debug("Local repository is not valid. Doing a re-clone to purify.")
                git_repo.cloned = False
                self.log.debug("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            # subscribing run.. need to clone
            self.log.info("Cloning artifacts from %s for the first time to %s",
                          git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
            self.log.info("Executing git clone: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s, [repo path] %s",
                          git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url, git_repo.local_repo_path)
                git_repo = AgentGitHandler.clone(git_repo)
                self.log.debug("Git clone executed: [tenant-id] %s [repo-url] %s",
                               git_repo.tenant_id, git_repo.repo_url)
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.exception("Git clone operation failed: %s" % e)
                # If first git clone is failed, execute retry_clone operation
                self.log.info("Retrying git clone operation...")
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)

        log.info("Starting tomcat metadata publisher...")
        # publish callback and issuer id from tomcat for IS to pickup
        publish_data = mdsclient.MDSPutRequest()
        # hostname_entry = {"key": "TOMCAT_HOSTNAME", "values": member_hostname}
        cluster_hostname = values["HOST_NAME"]

        log.info("Reading port mappings...")
        port_mappings_str = values["PORT_MAPPINGS"]
        tomcat_http_port = None

        # port mappings format: """NAME:mgt-console|PROTOCOL:https|PORT:4500|PROXY_PORT:8443;
        #                          NAME:tomcat-http|PROTOCOL:http|PORT:4501|PROXY_PORT:7280;"""

        log.info("Port mappings: %s" % port_mappings_str)
        if port_mappings_str is not None:

            port_mappings_array = port_mappings_str.split(";")
            if port_mappings_array:

                for port_mapping in port_mappings_array:
                    log.debug("port_mapping: %s" % port_mapping)
                    name_value_array = port_mapping.split("|")
                    name = name_value_array[0].split(":")[1]
                    protocol = name_value_array[1].split(":")[1]
                    port = name_value_array[2].split(":")[1]
                    if name == "tomcat-http" and protocol == "http":
                        tomcat_http_port = port

        log.info("Kubernetes service port of tomcat http transport: %s" % tomcat_http_port)

        callback_url = "http://%s:%s/travelocity.com/home.jsp" % (cluster_hostname, tomcat_http_port)

        callback_url_property = {"key": "CALLBACK_URL", "values": [callback_url]}
        mdsclient.put(callback_url_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: CALLBACK_URL: %s" % callback_url)

        issuer_property = {"key": "SSO_ISSUER", "values": ["travelocity.com"]}
        mdsclient.put(issuer_property, app=True)
        log.info("Published property to metadata API: SSO_ISSUER: travelocity.com")

        log.info("Tomcat metadata publisher completed")