def export_env_var(self, variable, value):
     log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
     if value is not None:
         os.environ[variable] = value"Exported environment variable %s: %s" % (variable, value))
         log.warn("Could not export environment variable %s " % variable)
    def run_plugin(self, values):
        log = LogFactory().get_log(__name__)
        # Read Application_Id, MB_IP, CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER and Topology from values
        app_id = values["APPLICATION_ID"]
        mb_ip = values["MB_IP"]
        is_cep_mgr = values["CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER"]
        topology_str = values["TOPOLOGY_JSON"]

        # log above information"Application ID: %s" % app_id)"MB IP: %s" % mb_ip)"CEP Manager: %s" % is_cep_mgr)"Topology: %s" % topology_str)

        topology_json = json.loads(topology_str)

        if is_cep_mgr == 'true':
  "Configuring CEP Manager Template module ..")
  "Reading the Complete Topology in order to get the dependent ip addresses ...")
            zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = None
            nimbus_member_default_private_ip = None

            if topology_json is not None:
                # add service map
                for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                    service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                    if service_name == "zookeeper":
                        # add cluster map
                        for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                            cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                            if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                                # add member map
                                for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                    member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                    if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                        zookeeper_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

                    if service_name == "nimbus":
                        # add cluster map
                        for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                            cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                            if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                                # add member map
                                for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                    member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                    if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is None:
                                        nimbus_member_default_private_ip = member_str["defaultPrivateIP"]

            if zookeeper_member_default_private_ip is not None:
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_ZOOKEEPER_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_ZOOKEEPER_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                zookeeper_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
                    "Successfully updated zookeeper host: %s in WSO2 CEP Manager template module" % zookeeper_member_default_private_ip)

            if nimbus_member_default_private_ip is not None:
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_NIMBUS_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_NIMBUS_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                nimbus_member_default_private_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
                    "Successfully updated nimbus host: %s in WSO2 CEP Manager template module" % nimbus_member_default_private_ip)

            # set local ip as CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST
            get_local_ip_cmd = "awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' /etc/hosts"
            local_ip = subprocess.check_output(get_local_ip_cmd, shell=True)
  "local IP from /etc/hosts : %s " % local_ip)

            if local_ip is not None:
                local_ip = local_ip[0:-1]
                command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_LOCAL_MEMBER_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                local_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
                p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
                output, errors = p.communicate()
      "Successfully updated local member ip: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % local_ip)

            # Set CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=true
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER=%s/g\" %s" % (
            is_cep_mgr, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
  "Successfully updated config parameter manager: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % is_cep_mgr)

        # Read all CEP Manager private IPs and update CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS in module.ini
        cep_mgr_private_ip_list = []
        if topology_json is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                if service_name == "cep-mgr":
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                            # add member map
                            for member_id in cluster_str["memberMap"]:
                                member_str = cluster_str["memberMap"][member_id]
                                if member_str["defaultPrivateIP"] is not None:

        if cep_mgr_private_ip_list:
            managers_string = '['
            for member_ip in cep_mgr_private_ip_list:
                if member_ip is not cep_mgr_private_ip_list[-1]:
                    managers_string += member_ip + ':8904' + ','
                    managers_string += member_ip + ':8904'
            managers_string += ']'

            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=%s/g\" %s" % (
            managers_string, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
  "Successfully updated CEP Managers list: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % managers_string)
            # If no manager IPs are found comment-out CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS property
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=.*/#CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS=/g\" %s" % "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini"
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
                "CEP Manager IPs are not found in topology, hence removing CONFIG_PARAM_MANAGER_MEMBERS property from module.ini")

        # Read all CEP Manager/Worker cluster-ids from topology and update CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs in module.ini
        cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids = []
        if topology_json is not None:
            # add service map
            for service_name in topology_json["serviceMap"]:
                service_str = topology_json["serviceMap"][service_name]
                # Check for both CEP-Mgr and CEP-Wkr clusters
                if service_name == "cep-mgr" or service_name == "cep-wkr":
                    # add cluster map
                    for cluster_id in service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"]:
                        cluster_str = service_str["clusterIdClusterMap"][cluster_id]
                        if cluster_str["appId"] == app_id:
                            # Append cep worker/manager cluster id

        if cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids:
            cep_clusterIds = ",".join(cep_worker_manager_cluster_ids)

            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=%s/g\" %s" % (
                cep_clusterIds, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
  "Successfully updated cep cluster_ids: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % cep_clusterIds)
            # If no cluster_ids are found in topology, comment-out CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs property from module.ini
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=.*/#CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs=/g\" %s" % "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini"
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
            log.warn("CEP Manager/Worker cluster ids are not found in topology, hence removing CONFIG_PARAM_CLUSTER_IDs"
                     " property from module.ini")

        # Update MB_IP in module.ini to be used by
        if mb_ip is not None:
            command = "sed -i \"s/^CONFIG_PARAM_MB_HOST=.*/CONFIG_PARAM_MB_HOST=%s/g\" %s" % (
                mb_ip, "${CONFIGURATOR_HOME}/template-modules/wso2cep-4.0.0/module.ini")
            p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
            output, errors = p.communicate()
  "Successfully updated mb ip: %s in WSO2 CEP template module" % mb_ip)

        # configure server"Configuring WSO2 CEP ...")
        config_command = "python /opt/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT/"
        env_var = os.environ.copy()
        p = subprocess.Popen(config_command, env=env_var, shell=True)
        output, errors = p.communicate()"WSO2 CEP configured successfully")