Example #1
    def __init__(self,
            | ``edges``  --  See base class (Graph) documentation
            | ``numbers``  --  consecutive atom numbers

           Optional arguments:
            | ``orders``  --  bond orders
            | ``symbols``  --  atomic symbols
            | ``num_vertices``  --  must be the same as the number of atoms or None

           When the nature of an atom or a bond is unclear ambiguous, set the
           corresponding integer to zero. This means the nature of the atom or
           bond is unspecified. When the bond orders are not given, they are all
           set to  zero.

           If you want to use 'special' atom types, use negative numbers. The
           same for bond orders. e.g. a nice choice for the bond order of a
           hybrid bond is -1.
        if num_vertices is not None and num_vertices != len(numbers):
            raise ValueError(
                'The number of vertices must be the same as the number of atoms.'
        if orders is None:
            orders = np.ones(len(edges), float)
        Graph.__init__(self, edges, len(numbers))
        self.numbers = numbers
        self.orders = orders
        self.symbols = symbols
Example #2
    def __init__(self, edges, numbers, orders=None, symbols=None, num_vertices=None):
            | ``edges``  --  See base class (Graph) documentation
            | ``numbers``  --  consecutive atom numbers

           Optional arguments:
            | ``orders``  --  bond orders
            | ``symbols``  --  atomic symbols
            | ``num_vertices``  --  must be the same as the number of atoms or None

           When the nature of an atom or a bond is unclear ambiguous, set the
           corresponding integer to zero. This means the nature of the atom or
           bond is unspecified. When the bond orders are not given, they are all
           set to  zero.

           If you want to use 'special' atom types, use negative numbers. The
           same for bond orders. e.g. a nice choice for the bond order of a
           hybrid bond is -1.
        if num_vertices is not None and num_vertices != len(numbers):
            raise ValueError('The number of vertices must be the same as the number of atoms.')
        if orders is None:
            orders = numpy.ones(len(edges), float)
        Graph.__init__(self, edges, len(numbers))
        self.numbers = numbers
        self.orders = orders
        self.symbols = symbols
Example #3
    def __init__(self, pairs, numbers, orders=None):
        """Initialize a molecular graph

          pairs -- See base class (Graph) documentation
          numbers -- consecutive atom numbers
          orders -- bond orders

        When the nature of an atom or a bond is unclear ambiguous, set the
        corresponding integer to zero. This means the nature of the atom or bond
        is unspecified. When the bond orders are not given, they are all set to

        If you want to use 'special' atom types, use negative numbers. The same
        for bond orders. e.g. a nice choice for the bond order of a hybrid bond
        is -1.
        if orders is None:
            orders = numpy.zeros(len(pairs), dtype=int)
        elif len(orders) != len(pairs):
            raise ValueError("The number of (bond) orders must be equal to the number of pairs")
        Graph.__init__(self, pairs, len(numbers))
        self._numbers = numpy.array(numbers)
        self._orders = numpy.array(orders)
Example #4
 def get_node_string(self, i):
     number = self.numbers[i]
     if number == 0:
         return Graph.get_node_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % number
Example #5
    def get_subgraph(self, subvertices, normalize=False):
        """Creates a subgraph of the current graph

           See :meth:`molmod.graphs.Graph.get_subgraph` for more information.
        graph = Graph.get_subgraph(self, subvertices, normalize)
        if normalize:
            new_numbers = self.numbers[
                graph._old_vertex_indexes]  # vertices do change
            new_numbers = self.numbers  # vertices don't change!
        if self.symbols is None:
            new_symbols = None
        elif normalize:
            new_symbols = tuple(self.symbols[i]
                                for i in graph._old_vertex_indexes)
            new_symbols = self.symbols
        new_orders = self.orders[graph._old_edge_indexes]
        result = MolecularGraph(graph.edges, new_numbers, new_orders,
        if normalize:
            result._old_vertex_indexes = graph._old_vertex_indexes
        result._old_edge_indexes = graph._old_edge_indexes
        return result
Example #6
 def get_pair_string(self, i):
     order = self.orders[i]
     if order == 0:
         return Graph.get_pair_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % order
Example #7
 def get_vertex_string(self, i):
     """Return a string based on the atom number"""
     number = self.numbers[i]
     if number == 0:
         return Graph.get_vertex_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % number
Example #8
 def __init__(self, criteria_sets=None, vertex_tags=None):
        Arguments: see :class:`molmod.graphs.CustomPattern`
     if vertex_tags is None:
         vertex_tags = {}
     pattern_graph = Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)])
     CustomPattern.__init__(self, pattern_graph, criteria_sets, vertex_tags)
Example #9
 def get_edge_string(self, i):
     """Return a string based on the bond order"""
     order = self.orders[i]
     if order == 0:
         return Graph.get_edge_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % order
Example #10
 def get_vertex_string(self, i):
     """Return a string based on the atom number"""
     number = self.numbers[i]
     if number == 0:
         return Graph.get_vertex_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % number
Example #11
 def get_edge_string(self, i):
     """Return a string based on the bond order"""
     order = self.orders[i]
     if order == 0:
         return Graph.get_edge_string(self, i)
         # pad with zeros to make sure that string sort is identical to number sort
         return "%03i" % order
Example #12
 def __init__(self, size, criteria_sets=None, vertex_tags=None, strong=False):
         | ``size``  --  the size of the ring
     if vertex_tags is None:
         vertex_tags = {}
     self.size = size
     self.strong = strong
     pattern_graph = Graph([(i, (i+1)%size) for i in range(size)])
     CustomPattern.__init__(self, pattern_graph, criteria_sets, vertex_tags)
Example #13
 def __mul__(self, repeat):
     result = Graph.__mul__(self, repeat)
     result.__class__ = MolecularGraph
     # copy numbers
     numbers = numpy.zeros((repeat, len(self.numbers)), int)
     numbers[:] = self.numbers
     result._numbers = numbers.ravel()
     # copy orders
     orders = numpy.zeros((repeat, len(self.orders)), int)
     orders[:] = self.orders
     result._orders = orders.ravel()
     return result
Example #14
        def make_graph_distance_matrix(system):
            """Return a bond graph distance matrix.

            system : System
                Molecule (with bonds) for which the graph distances must be computed.

            The graph distance is used for comparison because it allows the pattern
            matching to make optimal choices of which pairs of atoms to compare next, i.e.
            both bonded or nearby the last matched pair.
            from molmod.graphs import Graph
            return Graph(system.bonds, system.natom).distances
Example #15
    def get_subgraph(self, subnodes, normalize=False):
        """Creates a subgraph of the current graph.

        See help(Graph.get_subgraph) for more information.
        result = Graph.get_subgraph(self, subnodes, normalize)
        result.__class__ = MolecularGraph
        if normalize:
            result._numbers = self.numbers[result.old_node_indexes] # nodes do change
            result._numbers = self.numbers # nodes don't change!
        result._orders = self.orders[result.old_pair_indexes]
        return result
Example #16
    def get_subgraph(self, subvertices, normalize=False):
        """Creates a subgraph of the current graph

           See :meth:`molmod.graphs.Graph.get_subgraph` for more information.
        graph = Graph.get_subgraph(self, subvertices, normalize)
        if normalize:
            new_numbers = self.numbers[graph._old_vertex_indexes] # vertices do change
            new_numbers = self.numbers # vertices don't change!
        if self.symbols is None:
            new_symbols = None
        elif normalize:
            new_symbols = tuple(self.symbols[i] for i in graph._old_vertex_indexes)
            new_symbols = self.symbols
        new_orders = self.orders[graph._old_edge_indexes]
        result = MolecularGraph(graph.edges, new_numbers, new_orders, new_symbols)
        if normalize:
            result._old_vertex_indexes = graph._old_vertex_indexes
        result._old_edge_indexes = graph._old_edge_indexes
        return result
Example #17
 def get_graph(self):
     """Return the bond graph represented by the data structure"""
     return Graph(self.bonds)
Example #18
 def get_graph(self):
     return Graph(self.bonds)
Example #19
 def __init__(self, criteria_sets=None, node_tags={}):
     subgraph = Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)])
     SubgraphPattern.__init__(self, subgraph, criteria_sets, node_tags)
Example #20
 def __init__(self, size, criteria_sets=None, node_tags={}, strong=False):
     self.size = size
     self.strong = strong
     subgraph = Graph([(i,(i+1)%size) for i in xrange(size)])
     SubgraphPattern.__init__(self, subgraph, criteria_sets, node_tags)