Example #1
def identify_slits(slit_img, order=3, section=3, width=25, sigma=2.5, thres=6):
    """determine the x and y positions of the slits from identification in the image"""

    # split the image into sections determined from sect
    inc = mt.divide_image(slit_img, section)

    # determine where the slits are located, if option = True then only return the
    # edges, if option = False then return all the additional info.
    slits = mt.locate_slits(slit_img, inc, width, sigma, thres, False)

    # Check the detected slits for any variations in the amount of slits detected
    # for each image section and that the same amount of edges for left and right
    # have been detected for each image section.
    slit_positions = mt.get_slits(slits)

    return order, slit_positions
Example #2
def identify_slits(slit_img, order=3, section=3, width=25, sigma=2.5, thres=6):
    """determine the x and y positions of the slits from identification in the image"""

    # split the image into sections determined from sect
    inc = mt.divide_image(slit_img, section)

    # determine where the slits are located, if option = True then only return the
    # edges, if option = False then return all the additional info.
    slits = mt.locate_slits(slit_img, inc, width, sigma, thres, False)

    # Check the detected slits for any variations in the amount of slits detected
    # for each image section and that the same amount of edges for left and right
    # have been detected for each image section.
    slit_positions = mt.get_slits(slits)

    return order, slit_positions
Example #3
def specslit(image, outimage, outpref, exttype='auto', slitfile='', outputslitfile='',
             regprefix='', sections=3, width=25, sigma=2.2, thres=6, order=3, padding=5, yoffset=0,
             inter=False, clobber=True, logfile='salt.log', verbose=True):

    with logging(logfile, debug) as log:

        # check all the input and make sure that all the input needed is provided
        # by the user

        # read the image or image list and check if each in the list exist
        infiles = saltio.argunpack('Input', image)

        # unpack the outfiles
        outfiles = saltio.listparse(

        # from the extraction type, check whether the input file is specified.
        # if the slitfile parameter is specified then use the slit files for
        # the extraction. if the extraction type is auto then use image for the
        # detection and the slit extraction

        if exttype == 'rsmt' or exttype == 'fits' or exttype == 'ascii' or exttype == 'ds9':
            slitfiles = saltio.argunpack('Slitfile', slitfile)
            if len(slitfiles) == 1:
                slitfiles = slitfiles * len(infiles)
            saltio.comparelists(infiles, slitfiles, 'image', 'slitfile')
        elif exttype == 'auto':
            slitfiles = infiles
                'Extraction type is AUTO. Slit detection will be done from image')

        # read in if an optional ascii file is requested
        if len(outputslitfile) > 0:
            outslitfiles = saltio.argunpack('Outslitfiles', outputslitfile)
            outslitfiles = [''] * len(infiles)

        # check if the width and sigma parameters were specified.
        # default is 25 and 2.2
        if width < 10.:
            msg = 'The width parameter needs be a value larger than 10'
            raise SALTSpecError(msg)

        if sigma < 0.0:
            msg = 'Sigma must be greater than zero'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # check the treshold parameter. this needs to be specified by the user
        if thres <= 0.0:
            msg = 'Threshold must be greater than zero'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # check to make sure that the sections are greater than the order
        if sections <= order:
            msg = 'Number of sections must be greater than the order for the spline fit'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # run through each of the images and extract the slits
        for img, oimg, sfile, oslit in zip(
                infiles, outfiles, slitfiles, outslitfiles):
            log.message('Proccessing image %s' % img)

            # open the image
            struct = saltio.openfits(img)
            ylen, xlen = struct[1].data.shape
            xbin, ybin = saltkey.ccdbin(struct[0], img)
            # setup the VARIANCE and BPM frames
            if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[1]):
                varext = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[1])
                varlist = []
                varext = None

            # setup the BPM frames
            if saltkey.found('BPMEXT', struct[1]):
                bpmext = saltkey.get('BPMEXT', struct[1])
                bpmlist = []
                bpmext = None

            # open the slit definition file or identify the slits in the image
            slitmask = None
            ycheck = False
            if exttype == 'rsmt':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                if yoffset is None:
                   yoffset = 0 
                   ycheck = True
                slitmask = mt.read_slitmask_from_xml(sfile)
                xpos = -0.3066
                ypos = 0.0117
                cx = int(xlen / 2.0)
                cy = int(ylen / 2.0) + ypos / 0.015 / ybin + yoffset
                order, slit_positions = mt.convert_slits_from_mask(
                    slitmask, order=1, xbin=xbin, ybin=ybin, pix_scale=0.1267, cx=cx, cy=cy)
                sections = 1
            elif exttype == 'fits':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions = read_slits_from_fits(sfile)
            elif exttype == 'ascii':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions = mt.read_slits_from_ascii(sfile)
            elif exttype == 'ds9':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions, slitmask = mt.read_slits_from_ds9(
                    sfile, order=order)
                slitmask = None
                sections = 1
            elif exttype == 'auto':
                log.message('Identifying slits in %s' % img)
                # identify the slits in the image
                order, slit_positions = identify_slits(
                    struct[1].data, order, sections, width, sigma, thres)

                # write out the slit identifications if ofile has been supplied
                if oslit:
                    log.message('Writing slit positions to %s' % oslit)
                    mt.write_outputslitfile(slit_positions, oslit, order)

            if ycheck:
               slit_positions, dy = check_ypos(slit_positions, struct[1].data) 
               log.message('Using an offset of {}'.format(dy))

            # extract the slits
            spline_x = mt.divide_image(struct[1].data, sections)
            spline_x = 0.5 * (np.array(spline_x[:-1]) + np.array(spline_x[1:]))
            extracted_spectra, spline_positions = mt.extract_slits(slit_positions,
                                                                   spline_x, struct[1].data, order=order, padding=padding)
            if varext:
                extracted_var, var_positions = mt.extract_slits(slit_positions,
                                                                spline_x, struct[varext].data, order=order, padding=padding)
            if bpmext:
                extracted_bpm, bpm_positions = mt.extract_slits(slit_positions,
                                                                spline_x, struct[bpmext].data, order=order, padding=padding)

            # write out the data to the new array
            # create the new file
            hdulist = fits.HDUList([struct[0]])

            # log the extracted spectra if needed
            log.message('', with_stdout=verbose)

            # setup output ds9 file
            if regprefix:
                regout = open(
                    regprefix +
                    os.path.basename(img).strip('.fits') +
                regout.write('# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1\n')
                regout.write('# Filename: %s\n' % img)
                    'global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1\nphysical\n')

            # add each
            imglist = []
            nslits = len(spline_positions)
            for i in range(nslits):
                y1 = spline_positions[i][0].min()
                y2 = spline_positions[i][1].max()
                msg = 'Extracted Spectra %i between %i to %i' % (i + 1, y1, y2)
                # log.message(msg, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose)
                sdu = fits.ImageHDU(
                if varext:
                    vdu = fits.ImageHDU(
                    sdu.header['VAREXT'] = i + nslits + 1
                if bpmext:
                    bdu = fits.ImageHDU(
                    sdu.header['BPMEXT']= i + 2 * nslits + 1

                # add in some additional keywords
                imglist[i].header['MINY'] = (y1,
                    'Lower Y value in original image')
                imglist[i].header['MAXY'] = (y2,
                    'Upper Y value in original image')
                if regprefix:
                    xsize = struct[1].data.shape[1]
                    xsize = int(0.5 * xsize)
                    rtext = ''
                    if slitmask:
                        # rtext='%s, %8.7f, %8.7f, %3.2f' % (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['name'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_ra'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_dec'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['slit_width'])
                    regout.write('box(%i,%i, %i, %i) #text={%s}\n' % (
                        xsize, 0.5 * (y1 + y2), 2 * xsize, y2 - y1, rtext))

                # add slit information
                if slitmask:
                    imglist[i].header['SLITNAME'] = (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['name'],
                        'Slit Name')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT_RA'] = (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_ra'],
                        'Slit RA')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT_DEC'] = (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_dec'],
                        'Slit DEC')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT'] = (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['slit_width'],
                        'Slit Width')

            # add to the hdulist
            hdulist += imglist
            if varext:
                hdulist += varlist
            if bpmext:
                hdulist += bpmlist

            # write the slit positions to the header
            # create the binary table HDU that contains the split positions
            tbhdu = mt.slits_HDUtable(slit_positions, order)
            bintable_hdr = tbhdu.header

            # add the extname parameter to the extension
            tbhdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'BINTABLE'

            # add the extname parameter to the extension
            hdulist[0].header['SLITEXT'] = len(hdulist)

            # add addition header information about the mask
            if slitmask:
                hdulist[0].header['MASKNAME'] = (slitmask.mask_name, 'SlitMask Name')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_RA'] = (slitmask.center_ra,
                    'SlitMask RA')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_DEC'] = ( slitmask.center_dec,
                    'SlitMask DEC')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_PA'] = ( slitmask.position_angle,
                    'SlitMask Position Angle')

            # write out the image
            saltio.writefits(hdulist, oimg, clobber)
Example #4
def specslit(image,

    with logging(logfile, debug) as log:

        # check all the input and make sure that all the input needed is provided
        # by the user

        # read the image or image list and check if each in the list exist
        infiles = saltio.argunpack('Input', image)

        # unpack the outfiles
        outfiles = saltio.listparse('Outimages', outimage, outpref, infiles,

        # from the extraction type, check whether the input file is specified.
        # if the slitfile parameter is specified then use the slit files for
        # the extraction. if the extraction type is auto then use image for the
        # detection and the slit extraction

        if exttype == 'rsmt' or exttype == 'fits' or exttype == 'ascii' or exttype == 'ds9':
            slitfiles = saltio.argunpack('Slitfile', slitfile)
            if len(slitfiles) == 1:
                slitfiles = slitfiles * len(infiles)
            saltio.comparelists(infiles, slitfiles, 'image', 'slitfile')
        elif exttype == 'auto':
            slitfiles = infiles
                'Extraction type is AUTO. Slit detection will be done from image'

        # read in if an optional ascii file is requested
        if len(outputslitfile) > 0:
            outslitfiles = saltio.argunpack('Outslitfiles', outputslitfile)
            saltio.comparelists(infiles, outslitfiles, 'image',
            outslitfiles = [''] * len(infiles)

        # check if the width and sigma parameters were specified.
        # default is 25 and 2.2
        if width < 10.:
            msg = 'The width parameter needs be a value larger than 10'
            raise SALTSpecError(msg)

        if sigma < 0.0:
            msg = 'Sigma must be greater than zero'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # check the treshold parameter. this needs to be specified by the user
        if thres <= 0.0:
            msg = 'Threshold must be greater than zero'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # check to make sure that the sections are greater than the order
        if sections <= order:
            msg = 'Number of sections must be greater than the order for the spline fit'
            raise SaltSpecError(msg)

        # run through each of the images and extract the slits
        for img, oimg, sfile, oslit in zip(infiles, outfiles, slitfiles,
            log.message('Proccessing image %s' % img)

            # open the image
            struct = saltio.openfits(img)
            ylen, xlen = struct[1].data.shape
            xbin, ybin = saltkey.ccdbin(struct[0], img)
            # setup the VARIANCE and BPM frames
            if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[1]):
                varext = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[1])
                varlist = []
                varext = None

            # setup the BPM frames
            if saltkey.found('BPMEXT', struct[1]):
                bpmext = saltkey.get('BPMEXT', struct[1])
                bpmlist = []
                bpmext = None

            # open the slit definition file or identify the slits in the image
            slitmask = None
            ycheck = False
            if exttype == 'rsmt':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                if yoffset is None:
                    yoffset = 0
                    ycheck = True
                slitmask = mt.read_slitmask_from_xml(sfile)
                xpos = -0.3066
                ypos = 0.0117
                cx = int(xlen / 2.0)
                cy = int(ylen / 2.0) + ypos / 0.015 / ybin + yoffset
                order, slit_positions = mt.convert_slits_from_mask(
                sections = 1
            elif exttype == 'fits':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions = read_slits_from_fits(sfile)
            elif exttype == 'ascii':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions = mt.read_slits_from_ascii(sfile)
            elif exttype == 'ds9':
                log.message('Using slits from %s' % sfile)
                order, slit_positions, slitmask = mt.read_slits_from_ds9(
                    sfile, order=order)
                slitmask = None
                sections = 1
            elif exttype == 'auto':
                log.message('Identifying slits in %s' % img)
                # identify the slits in the image
                order, slit_positions = identify_slits(struct[1].data, order,
                                                       sections, width, sigma,

                # write out the slit identifications if ofile has been supplied
                if oslit:
                    log.message('Writing slit positions to %s' % oslit)
                    mt.write_outputslitfile(slit_positions, oslit, order)

            if ycheck:
                slit_positions, dy = check_ypos(slit_positions, struct[1].data)
                log.message('Using an offset of {}'.format(dy))

            # extract the slits
            spline_x = mt.divide_image(struct[1].data, sections)
            spline_x = 0.5 * (np.array(spline_x[:-1]) + np.array(spline_x[1:]))
            extracted_spectra, spline_positions = mt.extract_slits(
            if varext:
                extracted_var, var_positions = mt.extract_slits(
            if bpmext:
                extracted_bpm, bpm_positions = mt.extract_slits(

            # write out the data to the new array
            # create the new file
            hdulist = fits.HDUList([struct[0]])

            # log the extracted spectra if needed
            log.message('', with_stdout=verbose)

            # setup output ds9 file
            if regprefix:
                regout = open(
                    regprefix + os.path.basename(img).strip('.fits') + '.reg',
                regout.write('# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1\n')
                regout.write('# Filename: %s\n' % img)
                    'global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font="helvetica 10 normal roman" select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1\nphysical\n'

            # add each
            imglist = []
            nslits = len(spline_positions)
            for i in range(nslits):
                y1 = spline_positions[i][0].min()
                y2 = spline_positions[i][1].max()
                msg = 'Extracted Spectra %i between %i to %i' % (i + 1, y1, y2)
                # log.message(msg, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose)
                sdu = fits.ImageHDU(extracted_spectra[i],
                if varext:
                    vdu = fits.ImageHDU(extracted_var[i],
                    sdu.header['VAREXT'] = i + nslits + 1
                if bpmext:
                    bdu = fits.ImageHDU(extracted_bpm[i],
                    sdu.header['BPMEXT'] = i + 2 * nslits + 1

                # add in some additional keywords
                imglist[i].header['MINY'] = (y1,
                                             'Lower Y value in original image')
                imglist[i].header['MAXY'] = (y2,
                                             'Upper Y value in original image')
                if regprefix:
                    xsize = struct[1].data.shape[1]
                    xsize = int(0.5 * xsize)
                    rtext = ''
                    if slitmask:
                        # rtext='%s, %8.7f, %8.7f, %3.2f' % (slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['name'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_ra'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_dec'], slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['slit_width'])
                    regout.write('box(%i,%i, %i, %i) #text={%s}\n' %
                                 (xsize, 0.5 *
                                  (y1 + y2), 2 * xsize, y2 - y1, rtext))

                # add slit information
                if slitmask:
                    imglist[i].header['SLITNAME'] = (
                        slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['name'], 'Slit Name')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT_RA'] = (
                        slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_ra'], 'Slit RA')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT_DEC'] = (
                        slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['targ_dec'], 'Slit DEC')
                    imglist[i].header['SLIT'] = (
                        slitmask.slitlets.data[i]['slit_width'], 'Slit Width')

            # add to the hdulist
            hdulist += imglist
            if varext:
                hdulist += varlist
            if bpmext:
                hdulist += bpmlist

            # write the slit positions to the header
            # create the binary table HDU that contains the split positions
            tbhdu = mt.slits_HDUtable(slit_positions, order)
            bintable_hdr = tbhdu.header

            # add the extname parameter to the extension
            tbhdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'BINTABLE'

            # add the extname parameter to the extension
            hdulist[0].header['SLITEXT'] = len(hdulist)

            # add addition header information about the mask
            if slitmask:
                hdulist[0].header['MASKNAME'] = (slitmask.mask_name,
                                                 'SlitMask Name')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_RA'] = (slitmask.center_ra,
                                                'SlitMask RA')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_DEC'] = (slitmask.center_dec,
                                                 'SlitMask DEC')
                hdulist[0].header['MASK_PA'] = (slitmask.position_angle,
                                                'SlitMask Position Angle')

            # write out the image
            saltio.writefits(hdulist, oimg, clobber)