def move(direction): # Choose the direction of the request if direction == 'camleft': video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif direction == 'camright': video_dir.move_increase_x() elif direction == 'camup': video_dir.move_increase_y() elif direction == 'camdown': video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif direction == 'camhome': video_dir.home_x_y() elif direction == 'record':['motion'], shell=True) elif direction == 'stoprecord':['./'], shell=True) elif direction == 'forward': motor.forward() elif direction == 'reverse': motor.backward() elif direction == 'left': car_dir.turn_left() elif direction == 'right': car_dir.turn_right() elif direction == 'stop': motor.ctrl(0) elif direction == 'home': car_dir.home()
def command(cmd=None): if cmd == STOP: motor.stop() elif cmd == FORWARD: motor.forward() elif cmd == BACKWARD: motor.backward() elif cmd == LEFT: motor.left() else: motor.right() response = "Moving {}".format(cmd.capitalize()) return response, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
def change(changePin): changePin = int(changePin) if changePin == 1: motor.turnLeft() elif changePin == 2: motor.forward() elif changePin == 3: motor.turnRight() elif changePin == 4: motor.backward() elif changePin == 5: motor.stop() else: print("Wrong command") return render_template("index.html")
def command(cmd=None): if cmd == STOP: led.led_stop() motor.stop() elif cmd == FORWARD: led.led_off() motor.forward() elif cmd == BACKWARD: led.led_off() motor.backward() elif cmd == LEFT: led.led_left() motor.left() elif cmd == RIGHT: led.led_right() motor.right() return "Success", 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
async def hello(websocket, path): while True: msg = await websocket.recv() print("< {}".format(msg)) if msg == 'forward': motor.forward() if msg == 'stop': motor.stop() if msg == 'right': motor.right() if msg == 'left': motor.left() if msg == 'backward': motor.backward()
def choice(input,conn): t=5 start = t inc = 0.5 try: if input == 'f': while t>0: if(sensor.willFrontCrash()): print('stopped after ' + str(start-t)) break motor.forward(inc) t = t-inc print('Move forward') elif input == 'b': while t>0: if(sensor.willBackCrash()): print('stopped after ' + str(start-t)) break motor.backward(inc) t = t-inc print('Move backward') elif input == 'r': motor.turnRight(t) print('turn right') elif input == 'l': motor.turnLeft(t) print('turn left') elif input == 's': reading = sensor.getAllSensor() print('Read all sensors') print(reading) result = " ".join(reading) conn.send(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('key board interrupted!') finally: print('done') conn.send("\n")
def drive(stops): # setup all devices and initialize values busnum = 1 car_dir.setup(busnum=busnum) motor.setup(busnum=busnum) distance_detect.setup() car_dir.home() motor.setSpeed(30) video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(-1) video_capture.set(3, 160) video_capture.set(4, 120) command = 0 stopCount = 0 stopFound = 0 #drive until passed certain amount of stops while True: # capture video frames ret, frame = # set color masking boundaries for red and mask image colorLower = np.array([0, 0, 100], dtype='uint8') colorUpper = np.array([50, 50, 255], dtype='uint8') colorMask = cv2.inRange(frame, colorLower, colorUpper) outMask = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=colorMask) # create mask image, convert to grayscale, and blur clonedImg = outMask.copy() clonedImg = cv2.cvtColor(clonedImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) clonedImg = cv2.GaussianBlur(clonedImg, (5, 5), 0) # show current image cv2.namedWindow('Gray color select', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('Gray color select', clonedImg) # calculate circles within image circles = cv2.HoughCircles(clonedImg,, 1, 20, param1=50, param2=30, minRadius=15, maxRadius=100) # if a circle was detected if circles != None: # if this is first time encountering this stop increase stop count if stopFound == 0: stopCount += 1 stopFound = 1 # map out circles for display circles = np.uint16(np.around(circles)) for i in circles[0, :]:, (i[0], i[1]), i[2], (0, 255, 0), 2), (i[0], i[1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 3) elif (cv2.countNonZero(clonedImg) == 0): stopFound = 0 # display camera feed and circles cv2.namedWindow('Circles', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('Circles', clonedImg) # crop the image crop_img = frame[60:120, 0:160] # convert to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # gaussian blur blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) # color thresholding ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(blur, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) # find the contours of the frame contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), 1, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # detect distance to closes object dis = distance_detect.checkdis() print "distance: ", dis # find the biggest contour (if detected) if len(contours) > 0 and dis >= 15: c = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) M = cv2.moments(c) if M['m00'] != 0: cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) cv2.line(crop_img, (cx, 0), (cx, 720), (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.line(crop_img, (0, cy), (1280, cy), (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.drawContours(crop_img, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) if cx >= 120: print "Turn Right ", cx car_dir.turn_right() motor.forward() if cx < 120 and cx > 50: print "On Track! ", cx car_dir.home() motor.forward() if cx <= 50: print "Turn Left! ", cx car_dir.turn_left() motor.forward() else: if dis < 15: print "something blocking me" car_dir.home() motor.stop() else: print "I don't see the line" car_dir.home() motor.backward() # display the resulting frame cv2.namedWindow('frame', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('frame', crop_img) # exit condition after passing certain amount of stops or 'q' is pressed if stopCount == stops or (cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q')): # clean up motor.stop() distance_detect.cleanup() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
# one, which means it is suspended before the connection comes. tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept() print('...connected from :', addr) # Print the IP address of the client connected with the server. while True: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. if not data: break if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print('motor moving forward') motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print('recv backward cmd') motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print('recv left cmd') car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print('recv right cmd') car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print('recv home cmd') car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print('recv stop cmd') motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print('read cpu temp...') temp = # from RPi.GPIO
def backward(): motor.backward()
# accAngX = (math.atan2(rate_accX, rate_accY) + M_PI) * RAD_TO_DEG CFangleX = K * (CFangleX + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX # accAngX1 = get_x_rotation(rate_accX, rate_accY, rate_accX) CFangleX1 = (K * (CFangleX1 + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX1) # Followed the Second example because it gives resonable pid reading pid = int(p.update(CFangleX1)) #Add the sampling time in calculating PID speed = pid #print speed if (pid > 0): print "forward" MOTOR.forward(speed) elif (pid < 0): print "backward" MOTOR.backward(abs(speed)) else: print "stop" #MOTOR.forward(speed) #MOTOR.backward( abs(speed) ) MOTOR.stop( ) #Copy Paste forward and backward code here instead of stop() #print(j) #print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f} {2:.2f} {3:.2f} | {4:.2f} {5:.2f} | {6:.2f} | {7:.2f} ".format( gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY , accAngX, CFangleX, accAngX1, CFangleX1, pid, speed) #print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f} {2:.2f}".format( gyroAngleX, accAngX, CFangleX) #print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f}".format( sensor.read_pitch(), sensor.read_roll())
def motor_backward(request): motor.backward() return HttpResponse("Motor backward")
def CarController(socket): while True: print 'Waiting for connection to car controller service...' # Waiting for connection. Once receiving a connection, the function accept() returns a separate # client socket for the subsequent communication. By default, the function accept() is a blocking # one, which means it is suspended before the connection comes. clientSocket, addr = socket.accept() print '...connected to car controller service:', addr # Print the IP address of the client connected with the server. lastCmd = '' while True: msgs = '' recdata = clientSocket.recv(BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. msgs = recdata.split(';') #print("Received", len(msgs), "new messages") for data in msgs: if not data: break if lastCmd == data: print("Last Command:", lastCmd, "Current Data:", data, "Ignoring") break if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp = tcpCliSock.send('[%s] %0.2f' % (ctime(), temp)) elif data[0:5] == 'speed': #print data numLen = len(data) - len('speed') if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: tmp = data[-numLen:] #print 'tmp(str) = %s' % tmp spd = int(tmp) #print 'spd(int) = %d' % spd if spd < 24: spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(spd) elif data[0:8] == 'network=': print 'network =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) os.system('sudo tc qdisc del dev wlan0 root') os.system( 'sudo tc qdisc add dev wlan0 root netem delay {0}ms' .format(spd)) except: print 'ERROR , speed =', spd elif data[0:7] == 'offset=': print 'offset called, data = ', data offset = int(data[7:]) + 28 car_dir.calibrate(offset) elif data[0:8] == 'forward=': #print 'data =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.setSpeed(spd) motor.forward() except: print 'Error speed =', spd elif data[0:9] == 'backward=': #print 'data =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.setSpeed(spd) motor.backward() except: print 'ERROR , speed =', spd else: print 'Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data
face_bool_count = 6 # Don't let the variable blow up. # Check if the robot is pointing right at the person's face. centered_face_bool, xShift_face, yShift_face = blob.check_centered( point) straighten_bool = blob.check_straighten(cameraPos) print('centered', centered_face_bool, 'straighten', straighten_bool) print('cameraPos', cameraPos) if not centered_face_bool or not straighten_bool: # If the robot is not pointing at the person's face, # straighten up. cameraPos = blob.straighten_up(xShift_face, yShift_face, 0, adjust_speed * 4,\ cameraPos) else: # Visual cue that the robot is about to set the face's neutral expression. if not neutralBool: motor.backward(speed) time.sleep(.3) motor.forward(speed) time.sleep(.3) motor.brake() time.sleep(.5) # Set neutral expression if face is properly aligned. neutralBool, neutralFeaturesUpper, neutralFeaturesLower \ =face_op.set_neutral(feat, newFeaturesUpper, newFeaturesLower, neutralBool,tol) # Increase size of frame for viewing. big_frame = cv2.resize(small_frame, (0, 0), fx=scaleUp * 1 / scaleFactor, fy=scaleUp * 1 / scaleFactor) # Show text on video.
def run(self): while True: print 'Waiting for connection...' tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept() print '...connected from :', addr while True: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) if not data: break if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp = tcpCliSock.send('[%s] %0.2f' % (ctime(), temp)) elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]: print 'recv x+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[9]: print 'recv x- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[10]: print 'recv y+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[11]: print 'recv y- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[12]: print 'home_x_y' video_dir.home_x_y() elif data[0:5] == 'speed': print data numLen = len(data) - len('speed') if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: tmp = data[-numLen:] print 'tmp(str) = %s' % tmp spd = int(tmp) print 'spd(int) = %d' % spd if spd < 24: spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(spd) elif data[0:5] == 'turn=': print 'data =', data angle = data.split('=')[1] try: angle = int(angle) car_dir.turn(angle) except: print 'Error: angle =', angle elif data[0:8] == 'forward=': print 'data =', data spd = data[8:] try: spd = int(spd) motor.forward(spd) except: print 'Error speed =', spd elif data[0:9] == 'backward=': print 'data =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.backward(spd) except: print 'ERROR, speed =', spd else: print 'Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data tcpSerSock.close()
raw_accX = sensor.read_raw_accel_x() raw_accY = sensor.read_raw_accel_y() raw_accZ = sensor.read_raw_accel_z() # Accelerometer value Degree Per Second / Scalled Data rate_accX = sensor.read_scaled_accel_x() rate_accY = sensor.read_scaled_accel_y() rate_accZ = sensor.read_scaled_accel_z() # accAngX = ( math.atan2(rate_accX, rate_accY) + M_PI ) * RAD_TO_DEG CFangleX = K * ( CFangleX + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX # accAngX1 = get_x_rotation(rate_accX, rate_accY, rate_accX) CFangleX1 = ( K * ( CFangleX1 + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX1 ) # Followed the Second example because it gives resonable pid reading pid = int(p.update(CFangleX1)) speed = pid * 30 if(pid > 0): MOTOR.forward(speed) elif(pid < 0): MOTOR.backward( abs(speed) ) else: MOTOR.stop() print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f} {2:.2f} {3:.2f} | {4:.2f} {5:.2f} | {6:.2f} | {7:.2f} ".format( gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY , accAngX, CFangleX, accAngX1, CFangleX1, pid, speed) #print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f}".format( sensor.read_pitch(), sensor.read_roll())
ENBset(100) elif str == 'keycode': arrow = int(datalist[0][1]) if arrow == 38: print("Go Forward") mtr.forward() time.sleep(0.05) mtr.stop() elif arrow == 37: print("Turn Left") mtr.left() time.sleep(0.05) mtr.stop() elif arrow == 40: print("Go Backward") mtr.backward() time.sleep(0.05) mtr.stop() elif arrow == 39: print("Turn Right") mtr.right() time.sleep(0.05) mtr.stop() ## Control Arm/Camera Servo Motor elif str == 'range': servoNum = datalist[1][1] angle = int(datalist[0][1]) if servoNum == 0: ## Reset Servo Servo.XiaoRGEEK_ReSetServo() Servo.XiaoRGEEK_SetServoAngle(servoNum, angle)
def Localization(): global locationIndex #Peforming Localization Multi-Step Process MapDimensions = BitMap.shape indices = [i for i in range(MapDimensions[0] + 1)] indices[MapDimensions[0]] = -1 totalReps = 3 marginForBitError = totalReps - 1 index = 0 #Only for readings array bitReading = np.zeros(totalReps) readings = np.zeros((totalReps, 17)) while (marginForBitError >= 0): readings[index] = np.copy(Turn()) print readings[index] ComparedBitValues = np.zeros(MapDimensions[0]) bitReading[index] = bitMapRowGenerator(readings[index]) counter = 0 i = indices[counter] while (i != -1): if (i < MapDimensions[0]): ComparedBitValues[i] = 17 - ( bin(int(bitReading[index]) ^ int(BitMap[i])).count('1')) counter = counter + 1 i = indices[counter] print ComparedBitValues if (marginForBitError > 0): counter = 0 localmax = np.max(ComparedBitValues) for i in range(0, MapDimensions[0]): if (ComparedBitValues[i] + marginForBitError >= localmax): indices[counter] = i + 1 counter = counter + 1 indices[counter] = -1 time.sleep(0.5) motor.isObstacle = 0 motor.forward(0.75) time.sleep(0.5) else: time.sleep(0.5) motor.isObstacle = 0 motor.backward(1.5) time.sleep(0.5) marginForBitError = marginForBitError - 1 index = index + 1 sI = LocationArray[locationIndex].initialIndex fI = LocationArray[locationIndex].finalIndex count = 0 for i in range(sI, fI + 1): if (ComparedBitValues[i] >= 14): count += 1 if (count == 0): newIndex = -1 for x in range(1, 11): if (sI - x >= 0 and ComparedBitValues[sI - x] >= 14): newIndex = sI - x break if (fI + x >= 0 and ComparedBitValues[fI + x] >= 14): newIndex = fI + x break if (newIndex < 0): newIndex = np.max(ComparedBitValues) locationIndex = findLocationIndex(newIndex - 2)
def process_request(data): # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. if not data: return "cmd not understood" if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print('motor moving forward') motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print('recv backward cmd') motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print('recv left cmd') car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print('recv right cmd') car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print('recv home cmd') car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print('recv stop cmd') motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print('read cpu temp...') temp = tcpCliSock.send('[%s] %0.2f' % (ctime(), temp)) elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]: print('recv x+ cmd') video_dir.move_increase_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[9]: print('recv x- cmd') video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[10]: print('recv y+ cmd') video_dir.move_increase_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[11]: print('recv y- cmd') video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[12]: print('home_x_y') video_dir.home_x_y() elif data[0:5] == 'speed': # Change the speed print(data) numLen = len(data) - len('speed') if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: tmp = data[-numLen:] print('tmp(str) = %s' % tmp) spd = int(tmp) print('spd(int) = %d' % spd) if spd < 24: spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(spd) elif data[0:5] == 'turn=': # Turning Angle print('data =', data) angle = data.split('=')[1] try: angle = int(angle) car_dir.turn(angle) except: print('Error: angle =', angle) elif data[0:8] == 'forward=': print('data =', data) spd = data[8:] try: spd = int(spd) motor.forward(spd) except: print('Error speed =', spd) elif data[0:9] == 'backward=': print('data =', data) spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.backward(spd) except: print('ERROR, speed =', spd) else: print('Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data)
def gen(): """Video streaming generator function.""" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) faceDetect = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') rec = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create()"recognizer/training_data.yml") i = 0 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output' + str(i) + '.avi', fourcc, 10.0, (640, 480)) engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty( 'voice', "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\TTS_MS_EN-US_ZIRA_11.0" ) #set voice type engine.setProperty('rate', 100) ### 10 adalah kecepatan baca #cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 160) #cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 120) # Read until video is completed while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = # import image if not ret: #if vid finish repeat cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) continue if ret: # if there is a frame continue with code faceDetect = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # converts image to gray faces = faceDetect.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) cv2.putText(frame, str(, (10, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 4) #cv2.imshow("countours", image) id, conf = rec.predict(gray[y:y + h, x:x + w]) if (id == 1): text = "ILHAM" engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() else: text = "UNKNOWN" engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() cv2.putText(frame, text, (10, 80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) if os.path.exists("output" + str(i) + ".avi"): i += 1 out.write(frame) full = w + h tengah = x + (w / 2) print("posisi x :", str(tengah)) print("full" + str(full)) if tengah < 270: motor.turnLeft() elif tengah > 370: motor.turnRight() else: motor.stop() if full > 470: motor.backward() elif full < 430: motor.forward() else: motor.stop() frame = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)[1].tobytes() yield (b'--frame\r\n' b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n') #time.sleep(0.1) key = cv2.waitKey(20) if key == 27: break motor.cleanup()
def on_message(ws, data): print data # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. #if not data: if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp = tcpCliSock.send('[%s] %0.2f' % (ctime(), temp)) elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]: print 'recv x+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[9]: print 'recv x- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[10]: print 'recv y+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[11]: print 'recv y- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[12]: print 'home_x_y' video_dir.home_x_y() elif data[0:12] == ctrl_cmd[13]: # Change the speed print data #numLen = len(data) - len('speed') #if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: # tmp = data[-numLen:] # print 'tmp(str) = %s' % tmp # spd = int(tmp) # print 'spd(int) = %d' % spd # if spd < 24: # spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(30) elif data[0:5] == 'turn=': #Turning Angle print 'data =', data angle = data.split('=')[1] try: angle = int(angle) car_dir.turn(angle) except: print 'Error: angle =', angle elif data[0:8] == 'forward=': print 'data =', data spd = 30 try: spd = int(spd) motor.forward(spd) except: print 'Error speed =', spd elif data[0:9] == 'backward=': print 'data =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.backward(spd) except: print 'ERROR, speed =', spd else: print 'Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data
def backward(self, speed=None): if speed is None: motor.backward() else: motor.backwardWithSpeed(int(speed)) return self.ack()
def run_server(key): #!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import video_dir import car_dir import motor from time import ctime # Import necessary modules ctrl_cmd = [ 'forward', 'backward', 'left', 'right', 'stop', 'read cpu_temp', 'home', 'distance', 'x+', 'x-', 'y+', 'y-', 'xy_home' ] busnum = 1 # Edit busnum to 0, if you uses Raspberry Pi 1 or 0 HOST = '' # The variable of HOST is null, so the function bind( ) can be bound to all valid addresses. PORT = 21567 BUFSIZ = 1024 # Size of the buffer ADDR = (HOST, PORT) tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # Create a socket. tcpSerSock.bind(ADDR) # Bind the IP address and port number of the server. tcpSerSock.listen( 5 ) # The parameter of listen() defines the number of connections permitted at one time. Once the # connections are full, others will be rejected. #video_dir.setup(busnum=busnum) #car_dir.setup(busnum=busnum) #motor.setup(busnum=busnum) # Initialize the Raspberry Pi GPIO connected to the DC motor. #video_dir.home_x_y() #car_dir.home() while True: print 'Waiting for connection...' # Waiting for connection. Once receiving a connection, the function accept() returns a separate # client socket for the subsequent communication. By default, the function accept() is a blocking # one, which means it is suspended before the connection comes. tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept() print '...connected from :', addr # Print the IP address of the client connected with the server. while True: try: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv( BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. print "\nEncrypted command recieved from client = ,", eval( data)[2] data = crypto.AES_decrypt(eval(data), key) except: print "INCOMPLETE PACKET ERROR - try to input the command again" # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. if not data: break if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp = tcpCliSock.send('[%s] %0.2f' % (ctime(), temp)) elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]: print 'recv x+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[9]: print 'recv x- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[10]: print 'recv y+ cmd' video_dir.move_increase_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[11]: print 'recv y- cmd' video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[12]: print 'home_x_y' video_dir.home_x_y() elif data[0:5] == 'speed': # Change the speed print data numLen = len(data) - len('speed') if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: tmp = data[-numLen:] print 'tmp(str) = %s' % tmp spd = int(tmp) print 'spd(int) = %d' % spd if spd < 24: spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(spd) elif data[0:5] == 'turn=': #Turning Angle print 'data =', data angle = data.split('=')[1] try: angle = int(angle) car_dir.turn(angle) except: print 'Error: angle =', angle elif data[0:8] == 'forward=': print 'data =', data spd = data[8:] try: spd = int(spd) motor.forward(spd) except: print 'Error speed =', spd elif data[0:9] == 'backward=': print 'data =', data spd = data.split('=')[1] try: spd = int(spd) motor.backward(spd) except: print 'ERROR, speed =', spd else: #print 'Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data print "COMMAND ERROR - Unable to interpret recieved command" tcpSerSock.close()
gyroAngleY += rate_gyroY * time_diff gyroAngleZ += rate_gyroZ * time_diff # Accelerometer Raw Value raw_accX = sensor.read_raw_accel_x() raw_accY = sensor.read_raw_accel_y() raw_accZ = sensor.read_raw_accel_z() # Accelerometer value Degree Per Second / Scalled Data rate_accX = sensor.read_scaled_accel_x() rate_accY = sensor.read_scaled_accel_y() rate_accZ = sensor.read_scaled_accel_z() # accAngX = ( math.atan2(rate_accX, rate_accY) + M_PI ) * RAD_TO_DEG CFangleX = K * ( CFangleX + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX # accAngX1 = get_x_rotation(rate_accX, rate_accY, rate_accX) CFangleX1 = ( K * ( CFangleX1 + rate_gyroX * time_diff) + (1 - K) * accAngX1 ) # Followed the Second example because it gives resonable pid reading pid = p.update(CFangleX1) if(pid > 0): MOTOR.forward(pid) else: MOTOR.backward( (pid*-1) ) print "{0:.2f} {1:.2f} {2:.2f} {3:.2f} | {4:.2f} {5:.2f} | {6:.2f}".format( gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY , accAngX, CFangleX, accAngX1, CFangleX1, pid)
def server( value, collision ): #get value as Direction and collision as Collision detection from Shared memory pre_dir = 'home' x = 0 flag = 0 while True: sys.stdout.flush() print 'Waiting for connection...' # Waiting for connection. Once receiving a connection, the function accept() returns a separate # client socket for the subsequent communication. By default, the function accept() is a blocking # one, which means it is suspended before the connection comes. tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept() print '...connected from :', addr # Print the IP address of the client connected with the server. while True: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. print data if not data: break if x == 1: if flag < 5: flag = flag + 1 continue #if there is any collision, Do not receive data from client.If so, Get stacked! x = 0 #after refusing data from client, start receiving flag = 0 if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: #If Client send message "forward" if collision.value == 1: #if there is obstacle in front of iCar motor.ctrl(0) #stop else: motor.forward() #Run the motors to forward elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: #If Client send message "backward" motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: #If Client send message "left" car_dir.turn_left() #change car direction to Left elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: #If Client send message "right" car_dir.turn_right() #change car direction to Right elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: #If Client send message "home" car_dir.home() #Set car direction to center elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: #if Client send message "stop" motor.ctrl(0) #Stop Motor running elif data == ctrl_cmd[ 5]: #If Client click auto button, send message "auto" #auto drive motor.setSpeed(44) #Set motor speed with optimized speed 44 temp = value.value #get Value from that is information of Car Direction if collision.value != 0: #If there is Collision print 'Collision detected' if collision.value == 1: #Collision in front of iCar print "Obstacle In Front" motor.collision_auto( ) #collision_auto function let iCar move backward car_dir.turn_right() #to avoid collision, turn right motor.forward_auto( ) #move only for 0.8second (forward_auto let iCar move for 0.2second) motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() car_dir.home() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() pre_dir = 'left' #if iCar cannot detect any lane, it SHOULD BE on left side, so makes iCar go left after avoiding elif collision.value == 2: #Collision on Left side print "Obstacle is on Left" motor.collision_auto() car_dir.turn_right() #to avoid collision, turn right motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() car_dir.home() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() pre_dir = 'left' elif collision.value == 3: #go left print "Obstacle is on Right" motor.collision_auto() car_dir.turn_left() #to avoid collision, turn left motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() car_dir.home() motor.forward_auto() motor.forward_auto() pre_dir = 'right' #if iCar cannot detect any lane, it SHOULD BE on right side, so makes iCar go right after avoiding collision.value = 0 x = 1 #set x = 1 to Not receiving data from client for a moment elif temp == 1: #iCar is on Lane, Go with center direction print 'Lane is on my way' car_dir.home() motor.forward_auto() #move iCar for 0.2second with 44speed #because of camera delay elif temp == 2: #lane is located on left side print 'Lane is on left side' car_dir.turn_left() motor.forward_auto() pre_dir = 'left' elif temp == 3: #lane is located on right side print 'Lane is on right side' car_dir.turn_right() motor.setSpeed(44) motor.forward_auto() pre_dir = 'right' else: if pre_dir == 'right': #when No detection but predict that lane is on right side print 'cannot find but go right' car_dir.turn_right() motor.setSpeed(44) motor.forward_auto() elif pre_dir == 'left': #when No detection but predict that lane is on left side print 'cannot find but go left' car_dir.turn_left() motor.forward_auto() else: print 'Cannot find a Lane' #No detection with no prediction car_dir.home() #set center direction and stop motor.backward() time.sleep(0.6) motor.ctrl(0) time.sleep(1) elif data == ctrl_cmd[7]: #move camera right video_dir.move_increase_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]: #move camera left video_dir.move_decrease_x() elif data == ctrl_cmd[9]: #move camera up video_dir.move_increase_y() elif data == ctrl_cmd[10]: #move camera down video_dir.move_decrease_y() elif data[0:5] == 'speed': # Change the speed print data numLen = len(data) - len('speed') if numLen == 1 or numLen == 2 or numLen == 3: tmp = data[-numLen:] spd = int(tmp) if spd < 24: spd = 24 motor.setSpeed(spd) elif data[ 0: 7] == 'leftPWM': #If Client send message like ~PWM, it is for initialization or servo motor that control Car direction. numLen = len(data) - len('leftPWM') pwm = data[-numLen:] leftpwm = int(pwm) car_dir.change_left(leftpwm) elif data[0:7] == 'homePWM': numLen = len(data) - len('homePWM') pwm = data[-numLen:] homepwm = int(pwm) car_dir.change_home(homepwm) elif data[0:8] == 'rightPWM': numLen = len(data) - len('rightPWM') pwm = data[-numLen:] rightpwm = int(pwm) car_dir.change_right(rightpwm) else: print 'Command Error! Cannot recognize command: ' + data tcpSerSock.close()
elif pred < 0.03 and pred > -0.03: data = ctrl_cmd[6] else: angle = int((pred / 2 + 0.5) * 170 + 35) data = "turn=" + str(angle) if lstop_detected: motor.forward() lstop_detected = False if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp = elif data == ctrl_cmd[8]:
# one, which means it is suspended before the connection comes. tcpCliSock, addr = tcpSerSock.accept() print '...connected from :', addr # Print the IP address of the client connected with the server. while True: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. if not data: break if data == ctrl_cmd[0]: print 'motor moving forward' motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: print 'recv backward cmd' motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: print 'recv left cmd' car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: print 'recv right cmd' car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: print 'recv home cmd' car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: print 'recv stop cmd' motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: print 'read cpu temp...' temp =
joy = xbox.Joystick() # Setup motors GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) motor.setup() try: #Valid connect may require joystick input to occur print "Waiting for Joystick to connect" while not joy.connected(): time.sleep(0.10) print('Connected') #Show misc inputs until Back button is pressed while not joy.Back() and joy.connected(): if joy.rightTrigger() > 0: motor.forward() elif joy.leftTrigger() > 0: motor.backward() elif joy.rightBumper(): motor.right() elif joy.leftBumper(): motor.left() else: motor.stop() finally: #Always close out so that xboxdrv subprocess ends joy.close() print "Done."
direction = total_data[1] if (forward == "3") : speed = 35 motor.setSpeed(speed) motor.forward() elif (forward == "2") : speed = 25 motor.setSpeed(speed) motor.forward() elif (forward =="1"): speed = 25 motor.setSpeed(speed) motor.backward() elif (forward == "0") : speed = 30 motor.setSpeed(speed) motor.backward() elif forward == "4": motor.stop() elif forward == "5": motor.stop() if direction == "0":
def drive_backward(self): sfdriving.backward() return True
while True: data = '' data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZ) # Receive data sent from the client. # Analyze the command received and control the car accordingly. if not data: break print('data : ' + str(data)) elif data == ctrl_cmd[0]: motor.forward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[1]: motor.backward() elif data == ctrl_cmd[2]: car_dir.turn_left() elif data == ctrl_cmd[3]: car_dir.turn_right() elif data == ctrl_cmd[6]: car_dir.home() elif data == ctrl_cmd[4]: motor.ctrl(0) elif data == ctrl_cmd[5]: temp =
def b(): backward() return jsonify({"message":"Started moving backward"})