Example #1
def gen_gpgkey(ctx, rpmmacros="~/.rpmmacros", homedir=None, compat=True, passphrase=None):
    Generate and configure GPG key to sign RPMs built.

    :param ctx: Context object to instantiate the template
    :param rpmmacros: .rpmmacros file path
    :param homedir: GPG's home dir (~/.gnupg by default); see also gpg(1)
    :param compat: Keep compatibility of GPG key for older RHEL if True
    :param passphrase: Passphrase for this GPG key

    :return: List of command strings to deploy built RPMs.
    _check_vars_for_template(ctx, ["workdir"])
    workdir = ctx["workdir"]

    if passphrase is None:
        passphrase = getpass.getpass("Passphrase for this GPG key: ")

    homedir_opt = "" if homedir is None else "--homedir " + homedir

    gpgconf = os.path.join(workdir, ".gpg.conf")
    comment = "RPM sign key"
    c = _GPGKEY_CONF % dict(signer_name=ctx["fullname"], comment=comment, passphrase=passphrase)
    logging.info("Generate GPG conf to generate GPG key...")
    open(gpgconf, "w").write(c)
    os.chmod(gpgconf, 0600)

    sproc = gen_entoropy()
    logging.info("Generate GPG key...")
    MS.run("gpg -v --batch --gen-key %s %s" % (homedir_opt, gpgconf))

    keyid = find_keyid(ctx["fullname"], comment)

    logging.info("Export GPG pub key files...")
    for c in mk_export_gpgkey_files_cmds(keyid, workdir, ctx["repos"], homedir_opt):

    rpmmacros = os.path.expanduser("~/.rpmmacros")

    if os.path.exists(rpmmacros):
        m = "~/.rpmmacros already exists! Edit it manually as needed."
        fmt = _RPMMACROS_ADD_1 if compat else _RPMMACROS_ADD_0
        open(rpmmacros, "w").write(fmt % dict(keyid=keyid))
        logging.info("Added GPG key configurations to " + rpmmacros)