Example #1
def convert_notebook(nb_path):
    prt('Convert notebook to Metatab source package')

    if not exists(nb_path):
        err("Notebook path does not exist: '{}' ".format(nb_path))

    c = Config()

    pe = NotebookExecutor(config=c, log=logger)

    prt('Running the notebook')
    output, resources = pe.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = pe.output_dir

    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name=DEFAULT_METATAB_FILE)

    de = DocumentationExporter(config=c,

    prt('Exporting documentation')
    output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw.build_directory = join(pe.output_dir, 'docs')
    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name='notebook')

    new_mt_file = join(pe.output_dir, DEFAULT_METATAB_FILE)

    doc = MetapackDoc(new_mt_file)

    de.update_metatab(doc, resources)

    for lib_dir in pe.lib_dirs:
        lib_dir = normpath(lib_dir).lstrip('./')

        doc['Resources'].new_term("Root.PythonLib", lib_dir)

        path = abspath(lib_dir)
        dest = join(pe.output_dir, lib_dir)

        copytree(path, join(pe.output_dir, lib_dir))


    # Reset the input to use the new data

    prt('Running with new package file: {}'.format(new_mt_file))
Example #2
def notebook_to_rst(nbfilename):
    nbfilepath = os.path.join(EXPATH, nbfilename)
    rstfilename = get_rstfilename(nbfilename)
    output_files_dir = only_filename_no_ext(rstfilename)
    metadata_path = os.path.dirname(rstfilename)
    unique_key = nbfilename.rstrip('.ipynb')

    resources = {
        'metadata': {'path': metadata_path},
        'output_files_dir': output_files_dir,
        # Prefix for the output image filenames
        'unique_key': unique_key

    # Read notebook
    with open(nbfilepath, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Export
    exporter = nbsphinx.Exporter(execute='never', allow_errors=True)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb, resources)

    # Correct path for the resources
    for filename in list(resources['outputs'].keys()):
        tmp = os.path.join(RST_PATH, filename)
        resources['outputs'][tmp] = resources['outputs'].pop(filename)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = RST_PATH
    # Prevent "not in doctree" complains
    resources['output_extension'] = ''
    body = 'Examples\n--------\n' + body
    fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=rstfilename)
Example #3
def notebook_to_rst(nbfilename):
    nbfilepath = os.path.join(EXPATH, nbfilename)
    rstfilename = get_rstfilename(nbfilename)
    output_files_dir = only_filename_no_ext(rstfilename)
    metadata_path = os.path.dirname(rstfilename)
    unique_key = nbfilename.rstrip('.ipynb')

    resources = {
        'metadata': {'path': metadata_path},
        'output_files_dir': output_files_dir,
        # Prefix for the output image filenames
        'unique_key': unique_key

    # Read notebook
    with open(nbfilepath, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Export
    exporter = nbsphinx.Exporter(execute='never', allow_errors=True)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb, resources)

    # Correct path for the resources
    for filename in list(resources['outputs'].keys()):
        tmp = os.path.join(RST_PATH, filename)
        resources['outputs'][tmp] = resources['outputs'].pop(filename)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = RST_PATH
    # Prevent "not in doctree" complains
    resources['output_extension'] = ''
    body = 'Examples\n--------\n' + body
    fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=rstfilename)
Example #4
def convert_documentation(nb_path):
    """Run only the document conversion portion of the notebook conversion

      The final document will not be completel

    with open(nb_path) as f:
        nb = nbformat.reads(f.read(), as_version=4)

    doc = ExtractInlineMetatabDoc(package_url="metapack+file:" +

    package_name = doc.as_version(None)

    output_dir = join(getcwd(), package_name)

    de = DocumentationExporter(config=Config(),
    prt('Converting documentation')
    output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw = FilesWriter()

    fw.build_directory = join(output_dir, 'docs')
    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name='notebook')
    prt("Wrote documentation to {}".format(fw.build_directory))
Example #5
    def _convert(self, tmpdir: Path, entry: Path, outdir: Path, depth: int):
        """Convert a notebook.

            tmpdir: Temporary working directory
            entry: notebook to convert
            outdir: output directory for .html and .rst files
            depth: depth below root, for fixing image paths
        test_mode = self.s.get("test_mode")
        # strip special cells.
        if self._has_tagged_cells(entry, set(self._cell_tags.values())):
            _log.debug(f"notebook '{entry.name}' has test cell(s)")
            orig_entry, entry = entry, self._strip_tagged_cells(
                tmpdir, entry, ("remove", "exercise"), "testing")
            notify(f"Stripped tags from: {orig_entry.name}", 3)
            # copy to temporary directory just to protect from output cruft
            tmp_entry = tmpdir / entry.name
            shutil.copy(entry, tmp_entry)
            orig_entry, entry = entry, tmp_entry

        # convert all tag-stripped versions of the notebook.
        # before running, check if converted result is newer than source file
        if self._already_converted(orig_entry, entry, outdir):
                f"Skip notebook conversion, output is newer, for: {entry.name}",
        notify(f"Running notebook: {entry.name}", 3)
        nb = self._parse_and_execute(entry)
        if test_mode:  # don't do conversion in test mode
        notify(f"Exporting notebook '{entry.name}' to directory {outdir}", 3)
        wrt = FilesWriter()
        # export each notebook into multiple target formats
        created_wrapper = False
        for (exp, postprocess_func, pp_args) in (
            (RSTExporter(), self._postprocess_rst, ()),
            (HTMLExporter(), self._postprocess_html, (depth, )),
                f"export '{orig_entry}' with {exp} to notebook '{entry}'")
            (body, resources) = exp.from_notebook_node(nb)
            body = postprocess_func(body, *pp_args)
            wrt.build_directory = str(outdir)
            wrt.write(body, resources, notebook_name=entry.stem)
            # create a 'wrapper' page
            if not created_wrapper:
                    f"create wrapper page for '{entry.name}' in '{outdir}'")
                self._create_notebook_wrapper_page(entry.stem, outdir)
                created_wrapper = True
            # move notebooks into docs directory
            _log.debug(f"move notebook '{entry} to output directory: {outdir}")
            shutil.copy(entry, outdir / entry.name)
    def convert(self, file):
        assert os.path.exists(
            file), f"this should not happen, path {file} must exist"
        body, resources = self.export(file)

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = os.path.dirname(file)
        f_name = os.path.basename(file).replace(".ipynb", "")
        fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=f_name)
Example #7
    def convert(self, file):
        assert os.path.exists(
            file), f"this should not happen, path {file} must exist"
        body, resources = self.export(file)

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = self.dst_folder(file)
                 notebook_name=self.dest_file(file, withFormat=False))
Example #8
def export(filename):

    c = Config()

    # Configure our tag removal
    c.TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags = ("hide_cell", )
    c.TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_all_outputs_tags = ('hide_output', )
    c.TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_input_tags = ('hide_input', )

    # Configure and run out exporter
    c.LatexExporter.preprocessors = [

    targetDirectoryFull_loc = targetDirectoryFull + "\\" + filename.replace(
        ' ', '_')[:-6]
    targetFolder = filename.replace(' ', '_')[:-6]
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.build_directory = targetDirectoryFull_loc
    test = writer.write(*CustomLatexExporter(config=c).from_filename(filename),

    createdFile = targetDirectoryFull_loc + '\\' + filename[:-6] + '.tex'
    toBeCreatedFile = targetDirectoryCore + '\\' + filename[:-6] + '.tex'
    coreFileName = targetDirectoryCore + '\\' + filename[:-6] + '_Core.tex'

    tag = 'maketitle'
    lines_to_write = []
    tag_found = False

    with open(createdFile, encoding="utf8") as in_file:
        for line in in_file:
            if tag in line:
                tag_found = True
            elif tag_found:
                line = re.sub(r"{In}{incolor}{\d*}", r"{In}{incolor}{In}",
                line = re.sub(r"{Out}{outcolor}{\d*}", r"{Out}{outcolor}{Out}",
                string = r'JupyterNotebooksFull/' + targetFolder + '/'
                line = re.sub(r"(output.*jpg})", string + r"\g<1>", line)
                if r'\prompt{Out}{outcolor}{Out}{}' in line:
                        r'            \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable, size=fbox, boxrule=.5pt, pad at break*=1mm, opacityfill=0]'
                        + '\n')
                    line = r'\prompt{Out}{outcolor}{Out}{\boxspacing}'
                if r'{ \hspace*{\fill} \\}' in line:
                    lines_to_write.append(r'\end{tcolorbox}' + '\n')

    lines_to_write = lines_to_write[1:-5]
    with open(toBeCreatedFile, 'w+', encoding="utf8") as out_file:
Example #9
    def _load_documentation_files(self):

        from metapack_jupyter.exporters import DocumentationExporter

        notebook_docs = []

        # First find and remove notebooks from the docs. These wil get processed to create
        # normal documents.
            for term in list(

                u = parse_app_url(term.value)
                if u is not None and u.target_format == 'ipynb' and u.proto == 'file':
        except KeyError:
            self.warn("No documentation defined in metadata")

        # Process all of the normal files

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = join(self.package_path.path, 'docs')

        # Now, generate the notebook documents directly into the filesystem package
        for term in notebook_docs:

            de = DocumentationExporter(
                base_name=term.name or slugify(term.title))

            u = parse_app_url(term.value)

            nb_path = join(self.source_dir,
                           u.path)  # Only works if the path is relative.

                output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)
                         notebook_name=de.base_name +
                         '_full')  # Write notebook html with inputs

                de.update_metatab(self.doc, resources)
            except Exception as e:
                from metapack.cli.core import warn
                warn("Failed to convert document for {}: {}".format(
                    term.name, e))
def convert_to_html(result_notebook: Path) -> Path:
    :param result_notebook: The path to the result notebook
    :return: Path with output extension
    print(f"Running conversion to HTML for {result_notebook}")
    with result_notebook.open() as f:
        notebook = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
        html_exporter = HTMLExporter()
        html_exporter.exclude_input = True
        (body, resources) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        write_file = FilesWriter()
        write_file.build_directory = str(result_notebook.parent)
    return result_notebook.with_suffix(resources['output_extension'])
def generate_notebook(template_notebook: Path, notebook_params: Dict,
                      result_notebook: Path) -> Path:
    print(f"Writing report to {result_notebook}")
    print(f"Running conversion to HTML for {result_notebook}")
    with result_notebook.open() as f:
        notebook = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
        html_exporter = HTMLExporter()
        html_exporter.exclude_input = True
        (body, resources) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook)
        write_file = FilesWriter()
        write_file.build_directory = str(result_notebook.parent)
    return result_notebook.with_suffix(resources['output_extension'])
Example #12
def strip_tags(nb: Path) -> bool:
    """Strip tags from notebook, if there are any.

    Behavior depends on filename (case-insensitive).

    - if the notebook file name ends with "_solution_testing", create two files:

       1. chop off "_testing" from name, remove test and exercise cells
       2. chop off "_solution_testing" from name & add "_exercise", remove solution and test cells

    - if the file ends with "_testing" only, create one file:

        1. chop off "_testing" from name, remove test cells

    - otherwise: do nothing

        Was anything stripped (and new files created)?

        IOError: If the desired target for the stripped notebook already exists
    _log.info(f"stripping tags from notebook {nb}")
    nb_name = nb.stem

    # Figure out which tags to strip:
    # - check for case (1), solution_testing.ipynb
    if nb_name.lower().endswith("_solution_testing"):
        pre = nb_name[:-17]
        names = [f"{pre}_solution.ipynb", f"{pre}_exercise.ipynb"]
        tags_to_strip = [(REMOVE_CELL_TAG, EXERCISE_CELL_TAG),
                         (REMOVE_CELL_TAG, SOLUTION_CELL_TAG)]
    # - check for case (2), _testing.ipynb
    elif nb_name.lower().endswith("_testing"):
        pre = nb_name[:-8]
        names = [f"{pre}.ipynb"]
        tags_to_strip = [(REMOVE_CELL_TAG, )]
    # - if neither, we are done here
        _log.debug(f"notebook '{nb}' does not need to have tags stripped")
        return False

    # Create all desired tag-stripped copies
    for name, remove_tags in zip(names, tags_to_strip):
        target_nb = nb.parent / name
        _log.info(f"creating new notebook '{target_nb}'")
        # Don't overwrite an existing file
        if target_nb.exists():
                f"cannot create new notebook '{target_nb}': file exists")
        # Set up configuration for removing specially tagged cells
        conf = Config()
        conf.TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags = remove_tags
        conf.NotebookExporter.preprocessors = [
            # this requires the full module path
        # Convert from Notebook format to Notebook format, stripping tags
         resources) = NotebookExporter(config=conf).from_filename(str(nb))
        # Set up output destination
        wrt = FilesWriter()
        wrt.build_directory = str(target_nb.parent)
        # Write stripped notebook to output file
        wrt.write(body, resources, notebook_name=target_nb.stem)

    return True
            with open(str(notebook)) as f:
                nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

            ep.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': str(notebook_pth)}})

            print(f"Elapsed time : {time.time()-t}")

            with open(str(executed_notebook), "w") as f:
                nbformat.write(nb, f)

        # 3. Process the notebook we loaded earlier
        body, resources = html_exporter.from_filename(str(executed_notebook))

        writer = FilesWriter()
        writer.build_directory = str(html_pth)

        nb_name = executed_notebook.stem.split(".")[0]

        writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=nb_name)

        snippet_map_to_file[nb_name] = Path("notebooks_md") / (str(nb_name)+".md")

    with open("snippets.yaml", "w") as f:
        yaml.dump(snippet_map_to_file, f)

    with open("snippets.md", "w") as f:
        f.write("# Snippets \n")
        for key, val in snippet_map_to_file.items():
            f.write(f"- [{key.replace('_', ' ')}]({str(val)}) \n")