Example #1
def write_files(export_list, nb_node, file_name):
    Export and write files from a notebook node.

        export_list (list of strings) -- name of valid nbconvert exporters
        nb_node(nbformat node object) -- notebook to be my_converted
        file_name (str) -- base name of file to be written


        # export and write file.
        for export in export_list:
            if export == "html":
                exporter = HTMLExporter()
            elif export == "py":
                exporter = PythonExporter()

            (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_node)
            write_file = FilesWriter()
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"There was a problem exporting the file(s): {e}")
    return None
Example #2
def convert_hugo(nb_path, hugo_path):
    from os import environ
    from os.path import abspath

    # Total hack. Would like the -H to be allowed to have no arg, and then use the env var,
    # but I don't know how to do that. This is the case where the user types
    # -H nb_path, so just go with it.
    if hugo_path and not nb_path:
        nb_path = hugo_path
        hugo_path = environ.get('METAPACK_HUGO_DIR')

    if not hugo_path:
        err("Must specify value for -H or the METAPACK_HUGO_DIR environment var"

    if not exists(nb_path):
        err("Notebook path does not exist: '{}' ".format(nb_path))

    c = Config()
    c.HugoExporter.hugo_dir = abspath(
        hugo_path)  # Exports assume rel path is rel to notebook
    he = HugoExporter(config=c, log=logger)

    output, resources = he.from_filename(nb_path)

    prt('Writing Notebook to Hugo Markdown')

    prt('    Writing ',
        resources['unique_key'] + resources['output_extension'])
    for k, v in resources['outputs'].items():
        prt('    Writing ', k)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name=resources['unique_key'])
Example #3
def notebook_to_rst(nbfilename):
    nbfilepath = os.path.join(EXPATH, nbfilename)
    rstfilename = get_rstfilename(nbfilename)
    output_files_dir = only_filename_no_ext(rstfilename)
    metadata_path = os.path.dirname(rstfilename)
    unique_key = nbfilename.rstrip('.ipynb')

    resources = {
        'metadata': {'path': metadata_path},
        'output_files_dir': output_files_dir,
        # Prefix for the output image filenames
        'unique_key': unique_key

    # Read notebook
    with open(nbfilepath, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Export
    exporter = nbsphinx.Exporter(execute='never', allow_errors=True)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb, resources)

    # Correct path for the resources
    for filename in list(resources['outputs'].keys()):
        tmp = os.path.join(RST_PATH, filename)
        resources['outputs'][tmp] = resources['outputs'].pop(filename)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = RST_PATH
    # Prevent "not in doctree" complains
    resources['output_extension'] = ''
    body = 'Examples\n--------\n' + body
    fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=rstfilename)
Example #4
def notebook_to_rst(nbfilename):
    nbfilepath = os.path.join(EXPATH, nbfilename)
    rstfilename = get_rstfilename(nbfilename)
    output_files_dir = only_filename_no_ext(rstfilename)
    metadata_path = os.path.dirname(rstfilename)
    unique_key = nbfilename.rstrip('.ipynb')

    resources = {
        'metadata': {'path': metadata_path},
        'output_files_dir': output_files_dir,
        # Prefix for the output image filenames
        'unique_key': unique_key

    # Read notebook
    with open(nbfilepath, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Export
    exporter = nbsphinx.Exporter(execute='never', allow_errors=True)
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb, resources)

    # Correct path for the resources
    for filename in list(resources['outputs'].keys()):
        tmp = os.path.join(RST_PATH, filename)
        resources['outputs'][tmp] = resources['outputs'].pop(filename)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = RST_PATH
    # Prevent "not in doctree" complains
    resources['output_extension'] = ''
    body = 'Examples\n--------\n' + body
    fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=rstfilename)
Example #5
def export_tex(
    combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False, template_file=None
    A function that exports a .tex file from a notebook node object
    resources = {}
    resources["unique_key"] = "combined"
    resources["output_files_dir"] = "combined_files"

    # log.info('Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex')
    exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter()
    if template_file is not None:
        exporter.template_file = str(template_file)
    mypreprocessor = (
    )  # Create an instance of the RegexRemovePreprocessor
    mypreprocessor.patterns = [
    ]  # supply a re pattern (in a list) to the preprocessor's .patterns attribute
        mypreprocessor, enabled=True
    )  # apply the preprocessor to the exporter
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent))
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources)
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
Example #6
def export_tex(nbnode, outfile="export_tex_out", template="classicm"):
    latex_exporter = LatexExporter()
    latex_exporter.template_file = template
    (body, resources) = latex_exporter.from_notebook_node(nbnode)
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(body, resources,
                 notebook_name=outfile)  # will end up with .tex extension
Example #7
def convert_documentation(nb_path):
    """Run only the document conversion portion of the notebook conversion

      The final document will not be completel

    with open(nb_path) as f:
        nb = nbformat.reads(f.read(), as_version=4)

    doc = ExtractInlineMetatabDoc(package_url="metapack+file:" +

    package_name = doc.as_version(None)

    output_dir = join(getcwd(), package_name)

    de = DocumentationExporter(config=Config(),
    prt('Converting documentation')
    output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw = FilesWriter()

    fw.build_directory = join(output_dir, 'docs')
    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name='notebook')
    prt("Wrote documentation to {}".format(fw.build_directory))
def write_body_resources(notebook_filename, body, resources, output_dir=None):
    """Write actual notebook and files to output dir.
    Use notebook directory if output dir is none"""
    output_dir = determine_output_dir(notebook_filename, output_dir)
    config = Config()
    config.FilesWriter.build_directory = output_dir
    file_writer = FilesWriter(config=config)
    file_writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=to_notebook_basename(notebook_filename))
Example #9
    def _convert(self, tmpdir: Path, entry: Path, outdir: Path, depth: int):
        """Convert a notebook.

            tmpdir: Temporary working directory
            entry: notebook to convert
            outdir: output directory for .html and .rst files
            depth: depth below root, for fixing image paths
        test_mode = self.s.get("test_mode")
        # strip special cells.
        if self._has_tagged_cells(entry, set(self._cell_tags.values())):
            _log.debug(f"notebook '{entry.name}' has test cell(s)")
            orig_entry, entry = entry, self._strip_tagged_cells(
                tmpdir, entry, ("remove", "exercise"), "testing")
            notify(f"Stripped tags from: {orig_entry.name}", 3)
            # copy to temporary directory just to protect from output cruft
            tmp_entry = tmpdir / entry.name
            shutil.copy(entry, tmp_entry)
            orig_entry, entry = entry, tmp_entry

        # convert all tag-stripped versions of the notebook.
        # before running, check if converted result is newer than source file
        if self._already_converted(orig_entry, entry, outdir):
                f"Skip notebook conversion, output is newer, for: {entry.name}",
        notify(f"Running notebook: {entry.name}", 3)
        nb = self._parse_and_execute(entry)
        if test_mode:  # don't do conversion in test mode
        notify(f"Exporting notebook '{entry.name}' to directory {outdir}", 3)
        wrt = FilesWriter()
        # export each notebook into multiple target formats
        created_wrapper = False
        for (exp, postprocess_func, pp_args) in (
            (RSTExporter(), self._postprocess_rst, ()),
            (HTMLExporter(), self._postprocess_html, (depth, )),
                f"export '{orig_entry}' with {exp} to notebook '{entry}'")
            (body, resources) = exp.from_notebook_node(nb)
            body = postprocess_func(body, *pp_args)
            wrt.build_directory = str(outdir)
            wrt.write(body, resources, notebook_name=entry.stem)
            # create a 'wrapper' page
            if not created_wrapper:
                    f"create wrapper page for '{entry.name}' in '{outdir}'")
                self._create_notebook_wrapper_page(entry.stem, outdir)
                created_wrapper = True
            # move notebooks into docs directory
            _log.debug(f"move notebook '{entry} to output directory: {outdir}")
            shutil.copy(entry, outdir / entry.name)
    def convert(self, file):
        assert os.path.exists(
            file), f"this should not happen, path {file} must exist"
        body, resources = self.export(file)

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = os.path.dirname(file)
        f_name = os.path.basename(file).replace(".ipynb", "")
        fw.write(body, resources, notebook_name=f_name)
def write_only_body(notebook_filename, body, output_dir=None):
    output_dir = determine_output_dir(notebook_filename, output_dir)
    config = Config()
    config.FilesWriter.build_directory = output_dir
    file_writer = FilesWriter(config=config)
    # no resources since we don't want files written, but add .pdf extension
    resources = dict(output_extension='.pdf') 
    # add pdf to filename
    file_writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=to_notebook_basename(notebook_filename))
Example #12
def convert(input_fn, output_fn=None):
    """Execute and save notebook as html
    Executes notebook, extracts packagelist and saves everything to html
        input_fn {str} -- Input filename of notebook
        output_fn {str} -- Output filename for html file

    _logger.info(f'Reading notebook "{input_fn}"')
    with open(input_fn, encoding="utf-8") as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Execute notebook
    _logger.info(f'Executing notebook...')
    ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=-1)
    starttime = datetime.datetime.today()
    endtime = datetime.datetime.today()
    _logger.info(f'Executed notebook')

    timestamp = "Executed {} in {}.".format(
        starttime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
        pretty_duration((endtime - starttime).total_seconds()))

    # Extract .ipynb file
    scrubbed_nb = scrub_output(copy.deepcopy(nb))
    ipynb_data = nbformat.writes(scrubbed_nb).encode('utf-8')
    ipynb_link = create_embedded_link(os.path.basename(input_fn), ipynb_data)

    # Get package list
    _logger.info(f'Getting package list...')
    packages_data = get_package_list()
    if packages_data:
        packages_link = create_embedded_link('packages.txt', packages_data)
        packages_link = ''

    # Add files / links
    md = f"---\n {timestamp} {ipynb_link} {packages_link}"

    # Export to html
    _logger.info(f'Exporting to "{output_fn}"')
    exporter = HTMLExporter()
    (body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    if not output_fn:
        output_fn = build_output_filename(input_fn)

    writer = FilesWriter()
    resources['output_extension'] = None
    writer.write(output=body, resources=resources, notebook_name=output_fn)

Example #13
def export(combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False):
    resources = {}
    resources['unique_key'] = 'combined'
    resources['output_files_dir'] = 'combined_files'

    log.info('Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex')
    exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter()
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent))
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources)
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
Example #14
def write_body_resources(notebook_filename, body, resources, output_dir=None):
    """Write actual notebook and files to output dir.
    Use notebook directory if output dir is none"""
    output_dir = determine_output_dir(notebook_filename, output_dir)
    config = Config()
    config.FilesWriter.build_directory = output_dir
    file_writer = FilesWriter(config=config)
Example #15
    def convert(self, file):
        assert os.path.exists(
            file), f"this should not happen, path {file} must exist"
        body, resources = self.export(file)

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = self.dst_folder(file)
                 notebook_name=self.dest_file(file, withFormat=False))
Example #16
def write_only_body(notebook_filename, body, output_dir=None):
    output_dir = determine_output_dir(notebook_filename, output_dir)
    config = Config()
    config.FilesWriter.build_directory = output_dir
    file_writer = FilesWriter(config=config)
    # no resources since we don't want files written, but add .pdf extension
    resources = dict(output_extension='.pdf')
    # add pdf to filename
Example #17
def main(input, output, name):
    exporter = MarkdownExporter(template_file=HIDE_TEMPLATE)
    writer = FilesWriter()

    with open(input, 'rb') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    (body, res) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
                 PostProcesser().res_path(res, output),
                 notebook_name=output + name)
def nbnode_to_tex(nb_node, filename="texout"):
    function to export a .tex  file given a notebookNode object as input
    :param nb_node: notebookNode object
    :param filename: str, the name of the output .tex file. Don't need .tex extension
    :return: nothing returned, but function will output a new .pdf file
    e = MyLatexExporter
    body, resources = e.from_notebook_node(nb_node)
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=filename)
def nbnode_to_ipynb(nb_node, filename="notebookout"):
    function to export a .ipynb file given a notebookNode object as input
    :param nb_node: notebookNode object
    :param filename: str, the name of the output .ipynb file. Don't need extension
    :return: nothing returned, but fuction will output a new .ipynb file
    e = nbconvert.NotebookExporter()
    body, resources = e.from_notebook_node(nb_node)
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=filename)
Example #20
def main_report_generation_function():
    print('START: downloading and executing notebook from github')
       SCRATCH_DIR + '/output.ipynb'

    print('SUCCESS: downloading and executing notebook from github')

    print('START: convert to html')
    #jupyter nbconvert output.ipynb --no-input
    nb = nbformat.read(SCRATCH_DIR + '/output.ipynb', as_version=4)

    # Instantiate the exporter. 
    html_exporter = HTMLExporter()
    html_exporter.template_file = 'nbhtml'

    (body, resources) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    print('SUCCESS: convert to html')

    print('START: save html file')

    write_file = FilesWriter()
        notebook_name=SCRATCH_DIR + '/index'

    print('SUCCESS: save html file')

    print('START: uploading html file to Cloud Storage')

    storage_client = storage.Client()
    bucket = storage_client.bucket(BUCKET_NAME)
    # upload the index.html file
    blob = bucket.blob('index.html')
    blob.upload_from_filename(SCRATCH_DIR + '/index.html')
    print('File index.html uploaded')

    # upload the custom.css file
    blob = bucket.blob('custom.css')
    print('File custom.css uploaded')

    print('SUCCESS: uploading html and css file to Cloud Storage')

    return 'Done processing and updating the report'
Example #21
def export(combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False,
    resources = {}
    resources['unique_key'] = 'combined'
    resources['output_files_dir'] = 'combined_files'

    log.info('Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex')
    exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter()
    if template_file is not None:
        exporter.template_file = str(template_file)
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent))
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources)
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
def convertNotebooktoLaTeX(notebookPath, outfilePath='latex_out1', template='classicm'):
    REG_nb = re.compile(r'(\d\d)\.(\d\d)-(.*)\.ipynb')
    base_nb_filename = os.path.basename(notebookPath)
    if REG_nb.match(base_nb_filename):
        with open(notebookPath) as fh:
            nbnode = nbformat.read(fh, as_version=4)

        exporter = LatexExporter()
        exporter.template_file = template  # classicm style if not specified
        exporter.file_extension = '.tex'
        exporter.register_preprocessor(RegexRemovePreprocessor, enabled=False)  ###########################
        body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nbnode)
        writer = FilesWriter()
        writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=outfilePath)  # will end up with .tex extension
Example #23
def convert_notebook(nb_path):
    prt('Convert notebook to Metatab source package')

    if not exists(nb_path):
        err("Notebook path does not exist: '{}' ".format(nb_path))

    c = Config()

    pe = NotebookExecutor(config=c, log=logger)

    prt('Running the notebook')
    output, resources = pe.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw = FilesWriter()
    fw.build_directory = pe.output_dir

    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name=DEFAULT_METATAB_FILE)

    de = DocumentationExporter(config=c,

    prt('Exporting documentation')
    output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)

    fw.build_directory = join(pe.output_dir, 'docs')
    fw.write(output, resources, notebook_name='notebook')

    new_mt_file = join(pe.output_dir, DEFAULT_METATAB_FILE)

    doc = MetapackDoc(new_mt_file)

    de.update_metatab(doc, resources)

    for lib_dir in pe.lib_dirs:
        lib_dir = normpath(lib_dir).lstrip('./')

        doc['Resources'].new_term("Root.PythonLib", lib_dir)

        path = abspath(lib_dir)
        dest = join(pe.output_dir, lib_dir)

        copytree(path, join(pe.output_dir, lib_dir))


    # Reset the input to use the new data

    prt('Running with new package file: {}'.format(new_mt_file))
def export_nbnode(
    combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False, template_file=None
    resources = {}
    resources["unique_key"] = "combined"
    resources["output_files_dir"] = "combined_files"

    # log.info('Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex')
    exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter()
    if template_file is not None:
        exporter.template_file = str(template_file)
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent))
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources)
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
Example #25
    def from_meeting(self, meeting: Meeting):
        notebook_path = repositories.local_meeting_root(meeting) / "".join(
            [repr(meeting), FileExtensions.Solutionbook])

        # TODO concatenate front matter to notebook output
        front_matter = templates.load("meeting/hugo-front-matter.md.j2")
        front_matter = front_matter.render(
                "group": repr(meeting.group),
                "meeting": {
                    "title": meeting.required["title"],
                    "date": meeting.meta.date.isoformat(),
                    # TODO decide on what date qualifies to be `lastmod`
                    "lastmod": meeting.meta.date.isoformat(),
                    "authors": meeting.required["instructors"],
                    "tags": meeting.optional["tags"],
                    "description": meeting.required["description"],
                    "weight": meeting.number,
                    "room": meeting.meta.room,
                    "cover": meeting.required["cover"],
                "semester": {
                    "full": str(meeting.group.semester),
                    "short": repr(meeting.group.semester),
                "urls": {
                    "youtube": urlgen.youtube(meeting),
                    "slides": urlgen.slides(meeting),
                    "github": urlgen.github(meeting),
                    "kaggle": urlgen.kaggle(meeting),
                    "colab": urlgen.colab(meeting),

        # the notebook is output as a string, so treat it as such when concatenating
        notebook, resources = self.from_filename(str(notebook_path),
        resources.update({"output_extension": ".md"})

        writer = FilesWriter(

        front_matter_plus_notebook = f"{front_matter}\n{notebook}"

        writer.write(front_matter_plus_notebook, resources,
        # writer.write(notebook, resources, meeting.required["filename"])

        return notebook, resources
Example #26
def ipynb_to_jupyter(path):
    """Replace given ``.ipynb`` file with a ``.jupyter`` file.

    WARNING: This deletes the original file!

    :param path: Path to ``.ipynb`` file.
    :type path: os.PathLike or str

    path = Path(path)
    exporter = JupyterExporter()
    nb, resources = exporter.from_filename(str(path))
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(nb, resources, notebook_name=path.with_suffix('').name)
Example #27
    def _load_documentation_files(self):

        from metapack_jupyter.exporters import DocumentationExporter

        notebook_docs = []

        # First find and remove notebooks from the docs. These wil get processed to create
        # normal documents.
            for term in list(

                u = parse_app_url(term.value)
                if u is not None and u.target_format == 'ipynb' and u.proto == 'file':
        except KeyError:
            self.warn("No documentation defined in metadata")

        # Process all of the normal files

        fw = FilesWriter()
        fw.build_directory = join(self.package_path.path, 'docs')

        # Now, generate the notebook documents directly into the filesystem package
        for term in notebook_docs:

            de = DocumentationExporter(
                base_name=term.name or slugify(term.title))

            u = parse_app_url(term.value)

            nb_path = join(self.source_dir,
                           u.path)  # Only works if the path is relative.

                output, resources = de.from_filename(nb_path)
                         notebook_name=de.base_name +
                         '_full')  # Write notebook html with inputs

                de.update_metatab(self.doc, resources)
            except Exception as e:
                from metapack.cli.core import warn
                warn("Failed to convert document for {}: {}".format(
                    term.name, e))
Example #28
def convert_nb2inject() -> str:
    ''' Converts the current notebook to an executable .py file
    str : the full path and filename of the converted file

        import ipykernel
        import notebook.notebookapp
    except ImportError as e:
        #log.exception('ImportError : This only runs in a Jupyter Notebook environment ' + str(e))

    from nbconvert import PythonExporter
    from nbconvert.writers import FilesWriter
    import nbformat
    #from traitlets.config import Config

    exporter = PythonExporter()

    nbfile = get_notebook_name()
    nb = nbformat.read(nbfile, nbformat.NO_CONVERT)

    start = 0
    # Don't use the last cell
    nb.cells = nb.cells[start:-2]

    (output, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)

    filename = nbfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

    user = os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_USER")

    # FIX: This should not be hardcoded
    tmpdir = f"/tmp/cloudflow/inject/{user}"

    if not os.path.exists(tmpdir):

    outfile = f"{tmpdir}/{filename}"
    # Save to file
    writer = FilesWriter()
    writer.write(output, resources, outfile)

    return outfile + ".py"
Example #29
def write_hugo_formatted_nb_to_md(
        notebook: Union[Path, str],
        render_to: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None) -> Path:
    Convert Jupyter notebook to markdown and write it to the appropriate file.

        notebook: The path to the notebook to be rendered
        render_to: The directory we want to render the notebook to
    notebook = Path(notebook)
    notebook_metadata = json.loads(notebook.read_text())['metadata']
    rendered_markdown_string, res = notebook_to_markdown(notebook)
    slug = notebook_metadata['front-matter']['slug']
    print("render-to: " + str(notebook_metadata['hugo-jupyter']['render-to']))
    render_to = render_to or notebook_metadata['hugo-jupyter'][
        'render-to'] or 'content/post/'

    if not render_to.endswith('/'):
        render_to += '/'

    rendered_markdown_file = Path(render_to, slug + '.md')

    if not rendered_markdown_file.parent.exists():

    b_dir = render_to.replace('content/', '')
    static_dir = os.path.join('static', b_dir, slug)

    c = Config()
    c.FilesWriter.build_directory = render_to
    fw = FilesWriter(config=c)
    fw.write(rendered_markdown_string, res, notebook_name=slug)

    if not os.path.exists(static_dir):

    # Move all .png files from render_to to static_dir
    for fn in os.listdir(render_to):
        if fn.endswith('.png'):
            src = os.path.join(render_to, fn)
            dst = os.path.join(static_dir, fn)
            print("Moving: {} -> {}".format(src, dst))
            os.rename(src, dst)

    print(notebook.name, '->', rendered_markdown_file.name)
    return rendered_markdown_file
Example #30
def convertNotebooktoHTML(notebookPath, outfilePath='nb_out', template='md_not_converted'):
    REG_nb = re.compile(r'(\d\d)\.(\d\d)-(.*)\.ipynb')
    notebook_basename = os.path.basename(notebookPath)
    if REG_nb.match(notebook_basename):
        with open(notebookPath) as fh:
            nbnode = nbformat.read(notebookPath, as_version=4)

        exporter = HTMLExporter()
        exporter.template_file = template  # leaves markdown not converted, converts input and output cells
        exporter.file_extension = '.md'
        mypreprocessor = RegexRemovePreprocessor() # Create an instance of the RegexRemovePreprocessor
        mypreprocessor.patterns = ['\s*\Z']        # supply a re pattern (in a list) to the preprocessor's .patterns attribute 
        exporter.register_preprocessor(mypreprocessor, enabled=True) # apply the preprocessor to the exporter
        body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nbnode)
        writer = FilesWriter()
        writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=outfilePath)  # will end up with .html extension
def export(combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False,
    resources = {}
    resources['unique_key'] = 'combined'
    resources['output_files_dir'] = 'combined_files'

    # log.info('Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex')
    exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter()
    if template_file is not None:
        exporter.template_file = str(template_file)
    mypreprocessor = RegexRemovePreprocessor() # Create an instance of the RegexRemovePreprocessor
    mypreprocessor.patterns = ['\s*\Z']        # supply a re pattern (in a list) to the preprocessor's .patterns attribute 
    exporter.register_preprocessor(mypreprocessor, enabled=True) # apply the preprocessor to the exporter
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent))
    output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources)
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
Example #32
def write_page(html, path_out, resources, standalone=False,
               custom_css=None, custom_js=None):
    Write an HTML page to disk and extract images if desired.
    Meant for running after converting a page with `page_html`.
    This uses the nbconvert `FilesWriter` class to write the HTML

    html : string
        The HTML to be written to disk.
    path_out : string
        The path to the folder where the HTML will be output.
    resources : dictionary
        NBConvert resources to be used in the conversion process. These are
        generated from the `build_book` function.
    standalone : bool
        Whether to write the page as a full standalone HTML file with its own
        <head> and <body> sections. If False, just the converted HTML will
        be written with the expectation that it will be compiled to "full"
        HTML by Jupyter Book later.
    custom_css : string of css | path to css file
        A collection of custom CSS rules to include in the output HTML, or a
        path to a CSS file. Only used if `standalone=True`.
    custom_js : string of javascript | path to js file
        A collection of custom Javascript to include in the output HTML, or a
        path to a CSS file. Only used if `standalone=True`.
    c = Config()
    c.FilesWriter.build_directory = path_out
    notebook_name = op.split(resources.get("unique_key", "notebook"))[-1]

    if custom_css is None:
        custom_css = ''
    elif op.exists(custom_css):
        with open(custom_css, 'r') as ff:
            custom_css = ff.read()
    if custom_js is None:
        custom_js = ''
    elif op.exists(custom_js):
        with open(custom_js, 'r') as ff:
            custom_js = ff.read()

    # If standalone, add a head and body
    if standalone is True:
        head = page_head(custom_css=custom_css, custom_js=custom_js)
        html = f"""
        <!DOCTYPE html>

        <nav class="onthispage"></nav>
    # Now write the html and resources
    writer = FilesWriter(config=c)
    path_html = writer.write(html, resources, notebook_name=notebook_name)
    return path_html
Example #33
def convertNotebooktoLaTeX(notebookPath,
    REG_nb = re.compile(r"(\d\d)\.(\d\d)-(.*)\.ipynb")
    base_nb_filename = os.path.basename(notebookPath)
    if REG_nb.match(base_nb_filename):
        with open(notebookPath) as fh:
            nbnode = nbformat.read(fh, as_version=4)

        exporter = LatexExporter()
        exporter.template_file = template  # classicm style if not specified
        exporter.file_extension = ".tex"
        body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nbnode)
        writer = FilesWriter()
            body, resources,
            notebook_name=outfilePath)  # will end up with .tex extension
Example #34
def convertNotebooktoHTML(notebookPath,
    REG_nb = re.compile(r'(\d\d)\.(\d\d)-(.*)\.ipynb')
    notebook_basename = os.path.basename(notebookPath)
    if REG_nb.match(notebook_basename):
        with open(notebookPath) as fh:
            nbnode = nbformat.read(notebookPath, as_version=4)

        exporter = HTMLExporter()
        exporter.template_file = template  # leaves markdown not converted, converts input and output cells
        exporter.file_extension = '.md'
        body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nbnode)
        writer = FilesWriter()
            body, resources,
            notebook_name=outfilePath)  # will end up with .html extension
Example #35
def convert_notebooks(in_directory, html_directory, static_directory):
    dl = DictLoader({
        {%- extends 'basic.tpl' -%}

        {% block body %}---
title: {{nb.metadata['title']}}
notebook: {{resources['metadata']['path']}}/{{resources['metadata']['name']}}.ipynb
date: {{nb.metadata['date']}}
        {{ super() }}
        {% endblock body %}

    c = Config()
    c.HTMLExporter.preprocessors = [
    html_exporter = HTMLExporter(config=c, extra_loaders=[dl])
    html_exporter.template_file = 'post.tpl'
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=html_directory)

    for notebook_file in glob(path.join(in_directory, '*.ipynb')):
        out_name, _ = path.splitext(path.basename(notebook_file))
        out_name = out_name.lower().replace(' ', '-')

        print('Converting {}'.format(notebook_file))

        (body, resources) = html_exporter.from_filename(
            resources={'output_files_dir': out_name})
        writer.write(body, resources, notebook_name=out_name)
        shutil.rmtree(path.join(static_directory, out_name), True)
        rename(path.join(html_directory, out_name),
               path.join(static_directory, out_name))
Example #36
File: app.py Project: bassio/ipype
    def init_notebooks(self):
        filenames = []
        pipeline_path = Path(self.config.pipeline)
        output_path = Path(self.config.output_dir)

        if pipeline_path.is_dir():
            filenames = sorted(pipeline_path.glob('*.ipynb'))
        elif is_zipfile(str(pipeline_path)):
            filenames = get_notebooks_in_zip(str(pipeline_path))
        elif pipeline_path.is_file():
            if is_valid_notebook(str(pipeline_path)):
                filenames = [pipeline_path] # list with one notebook
                raise Exception("Could not validate notebook")

        _notebooks = [str(f) for f in filenames]
        #copy notebooks to pipeline subfolder
        copied_notebooks = []
        for notebook in _notebooks:
            notebook_pth = Path(notebook)
            from nbconvert.exporters import NotebookExporter
            pipeline_writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_path / 'pipeline'))
            pipeline_output, resources = export(NotebookExporter, notebook, resources={})
            pipeline_writer.write(pipeline_output, resources, notebook_name=notebook_pth.stem)
            copied_notebook_pth = output_path / 'pipeline' / notebook_pth.name
            assert copied_notebook_pth.exists()
        self.notebooks = copied_notebooks
        #add it into the Pipeline metadata
        self.config.pipeline_notebooks = [nb for nb in self.notebooks]
        self.config.executed_notebooks = []
Example #37
 def write(self, output, resources, **kwargs):
     output = ":orphan:\n\n" + output
     FilesWriter.write(self, output, resources, **kwargs)
Example #38
    def convert(self, remove_executed=False):
        Convert the executed notebook to a restructured text (RST) file.

        delete_executed : bool, optional
            Controls whether to remove the executed notebook or not.

        if not path.exists(self._executed_nb_path):
            raise IOError("Executed notebook file doesn't exist! Expected: {0}"

        if path.exists(self._rst_path) and not self.overwrite:
            logger.debug("RST version of notebook already exists at {0}. Use "
                         "overwrite=True or --overwrite (at cmd line) to re-run"
            return self._rst_path

        # Initialize the resources dict - see:
        # https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/master/nbconvert/nbconvertapp.py#L327
        resources = {}
        resources['config_dir'] = '' # we don't need to specify config
        resources['unique_key'] = self.nb_name

        # path to store extra files, like plots generated
        resources['output_files_dir'] = 'nboutput'

        # these keywords are used to build the filter keywords
        # TODO: add a pre-processor that extracts the keywords from the markdown
        # cell in the header and adds them to this list
        # NOTE: the split[-4] trick below is brittle in that it will break if
        # a notebook is, say, nested two layers deep instead of just one like
        # all of our notebooks thus far.
        resources['nb_keywords'] = [self.nb_path.split(sep)[-4]]

        # Exports the notebook to RST
        logger.debug('Exporting notebook to RST...')
        exporter = RSTExporter()

        if self.template_file:
            exporter.template_file = self.template_file
        output, resources = exporter.from_filename(self._executed_nb_path,

        # Write the output RST file
        writer = FilesWriter()
        output_file_path = writer.write(output, resources,

        # read the executed notebook, grab the keywords from the header,
        # add them in to the RST as filter keywords
        with open(self._executed_nb_path) as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=IPYTHON_VERSION)

        top_cell_text = nb['cells'][0]['source']
        match = re.search('## [kK]eywords\s+(.*)', top_cell_text)

        if match:
            keywords = match.groups()[0].split(',')
            keywords = [clean_keyword(k) for k in keywords if k.strip()]
            keyword_filters = ['filter{0}'.format(k) for k in keywords]
            keyword_filters = []

        # Add metatags to top of RST files to get rendered into HTML, used for
        # the search and filter functionality in Learn Astropy
        meta_tutorials = '.. meta::\n    :keywords: {0}\n'
        filters = ['filterTutorials'] + keyword_filters
        meta_tutorials = meta_tutorials.format(', '.join(filters))
        with open(output_file_path, 'r') as f:
            rst_text = f.read()

        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as f:
            rst_text = '{0}\n{1}'.format(meta_tutorials, rst_text)

        if remove_executed: # optionally, clean up the executed notebook file

        return output_file_path
Example #39
class BaseConverter(LoggingConfigurable):

    notebooks = List([])
    assignments = Dict({})
    writer = Instance(FilesWriter)
    exporter = Instance(Exporter)
    exporter_class = Type(NotebookExporter, klass=Exporter)
    preprocessors = List([])

    force = Bool(False, help="Whether to overwrite existing assignments/submissions").tag(config=True)

    permissions = Integer(
            Permissions to set on files output by nbgrader. The default is generally
            read-only (444), with the exception of nbgrader assign and nbgrader feedback,
            in which case the user also has write permission.

    def _permissions_default(self):
        return 444

    coursedir = Instance(CourseDirectory, allow_none=True)

    def __init__(self, coursedir=None, **kwargs):
        self.coursedir = coursedir
        super(BaseConverter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, "logfile"):
            self.logfile = self.parent.logfile
            self.logfile = None

        c = Config()
        c.Exporter.default_preprocessors = []

    def start(self):
        self.writer = FilesWriter(parent=self, config=self.config)
        self.exporter = self.exporter_class(parent=self, config=self.config)
        for pp in self.preprocessors:
        currdir = os.getcwd()

    def _classes_default(self):
        classes = super(BaseConverter, self)._classes_default()
        for pp in self.preprocessors:
            if len(pp.class_traits(config=True)) > 0:
        return classes

    def _input_directory(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _output_directory(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _format_source(self, assignment_id, student_id, escape=False):
        return self.coursedir.format_path(self._input_directory, student_id, assignment_id, escape=escape)

    def _format_dest(self, assignment_id, student_id, escape=False):
        return self.coursedir.format_path(self._output_directory, student_id, assignment_id, escape=escape)

    def init_notebooks(self):
        self.assignments = {}
        self.notebooks = []
        fullglob = self._format_source(self.coursedir.assignment_id, self.coursedir.student_id)
        for assignment in glob.glob(fullglob):
            found = glob.glob(os.path.join(assignment, self.coursedir.notebook_id + ".ipynb"))
            if len(found) == 0:
                self.log.warning("No notebooks were matched in '%s'", assignment)
            self.assignments[assignment] = found

        if len(self.assignments) == 0:
            msg = "No notebooks were matched by '%s'" % fullglob
            raise NbGraderException(msg)

    def init_single_notebook_resources(self, notebook_filename):
        regexp = re.escape(os.path.sep).join([
            self._format_source("(?P<assignment_id>.*)", "(?P<student_id>.*)", escape=True),

        m = re.match(regexp, notebook_filename)
        if m is None:
            msg = "Could not match '%s' with regexp '%s'" % (notebook_filename, regexp)
            raise NbGraderException(msg)

        gd = m.groupdict()

        self.log.debug("Student: %s", gd['student_id'])
        self.log.debug("Assignment: %s", gd['assignment_id'])
        self.log.debug("Notebook: %s", gd['notebook_id'])

        resources = {}
        resources['unique_key'] = gd['notebook_id']
        resources['output_files_dir'] = '%s_files' % gd['notebook_id']

        resources['nbgrader'] = {}
        resources['nbgrader']['student'] = gd['student_id']
        resources['nbgrader']['assignment'] = gd['assignment_id']
        resources['nbgrader']['notebook'] = gd['notebook_id']
        resources['nbgrader']['db_url'] = self.coursedir.db_url

        return resources

    def write_single_notebook(self, output, resources):
        # configure the writer build directory
        self.writer.build_directory = self._format_dest(
            resources['nbgrader']['assignment'], resources['nbgrader']['student'])

        # write out the results
        self.writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=resources['unique_key'])

    def init_destination(self, assignment_id, student_id):
        """Initialize the destination for an assignment. Returns whether the
        assignment should actually be processed or not (i.e. whether the
        initialization was successful).

        dest = os.path.normpath(self._format_dest(assignment_id, student_id))

        # the destination doesn't exist, so we haven't processed it
        if self.coursedir.notebook_id == "*":
            if not os.path.exists(dest):
                return True
            # if any of the notebooks don't exist, then we want to process them
            for notebook in self.notebooks:
                filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(notebook))[0] + self.exporter.file_extension
                path = os.path.join(dest, filename)
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    return True

        # if we have specified --force, then always remove existing stuff
        if self.force:
            if self.coursedir.notebook_id == "*":
                self.log.warning("Removing existing assignment: {}".format(dest))
                for notebook in self.notebooks:
                    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(notebook))[0] + self.exporter.file_extension
                    path = os.path.join(dest, filename)
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        self.log.warning("Removing existing notebook: {}".format(path))
            return True

        src = self._format_source(assignment_id, student_id)
        new_timestamp = self.coursedir.get_existing_timestamp(src)
        old_timestamp = self.coursedir.get_existing_timestamp(dest)

        # if --force hasn't been specified, but the source assignment is newer,
        # then we want to overwrite it
        if new_timestamp is not None and old_timestamp is not None and new_timestamp > old_timestamp:
            if self.coursedir.notebook_id == "*":
                self.log.warning("Updating existing assignment: {}".format(dest))
                for notebook in self.notebooks:
                    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(notebook))[0] + self.exporter.file_extension
                    path = os.path.join(dest, filename)
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        self.log.warning("Updating existing notebook: {}".format(path))
            return True

        # otherwise, we should skip the assignment
        self.log.info("Skipping existing assignment: {}".format(dest))
        return False

    def init_assignment(self, assignment_id, student_id):
        """Initializes resources/dependencies/etc. that are common to all
        notebooks in an assignment.

        source = self._format_source(assignment_id, student_id)
        dest = self._format_dest(assignment_id, student_id)

        # detect other files in the source directory
        for filename in find_all_files(source, self.coursedir.ignore + ["*.ipynb"]):
            # Make sure folder exists.
            path = os.path.join(dest, os.path.relpath(filename, source))
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
            if os.path.exists(path):
            self.log.info("Copying %s -> %s", filename, path)
            shutil.copy(filename, path)

    def set_permissions(self, assignment_id, student_id):
        self.log.info("Setting destination file permissions to %s", self.permissions)
        dest = os.path.normpath(self._format_dest(assignment_id, student_id))
        permissions = int(str(self.permissions), 8)
        for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(dest):
            for filename in filenames:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(dirname, filename), permissions)

    def convert_single_notebook(self, notebook_filename):
        """Convert a single notebook.

        Performs the following steps:
            1. Initialize notebook resources
            2. Export the notebook to a particular format
            3. Write the exported notebook to file

        self.log.info("Converting notebook %s", notebook_filename)
        resources = self.init_single_notebook_resources(notebook_filename)
        output, resources = self.exporter.from_filename(notebook_filename, resources=resources)
        self.write_single_notebook(output, resources)

    def convert_notebooks(self):
        errors = []

        def _handle_failure(gd):
            dest = os.path.normpath(self._format_dest(gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id']))
            if self.coursedir.notebook_id == "*":
                if os.path.exists(dest):
                    self.log.warning("Removing failed assignment: {}".format(dest))
                for notebook in self.notebooks:
                    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(notebook))[0] + self.exporter.file_extension
                    path = os.path.join(dest, filename)
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        self.log.warning("Removing failed notebook: {}".format(path))

        for assignment in sorted(self.assignments.keys()):
            # initialize the list of notebooks and the exporter
            self.notebooks = sorted(self.assignments[assignment])

            # parse out the assignment and student ids
            regexp = self._format_source("(?P<assignment_id>.*)", "(?P<student_id>.*)", escape=True)
            m = re.match(regexp, assignment)
            if m is None:
                msg = "Could not match '%s' with regexp '%s'" % (assignment, regexp)
                raise NbGraderException(msg)
            gd = m.groupdict()

                # determine whether we actually even want to process this submission
                should_process = self.init_destination(gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id'])
                if not should_process:

                # initialize the destination
                self.init_assignment(gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id'])

                # convert all the notebooks
                for notebook_filename in self.notebooks:

                # set assignment permissions
                self.set_permissions(gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id'])

            except UnresponsiveKernelError:
                    "While processing assignment %s, the kernel became "
                    "unresponsive and we could not interrupt it. This probably "
                    "means that the students' code has an infinite loop that "
                    "consumes a lot of memory or something similar. nbgrader "
                    "doesn't know how to deal with this problem, so you will "
                    "have to manually edit the students' code (for example, to "
                    "just throw an error rather than enter an infinite loop). ",
                errors.append((gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id']))

            except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
                msg = (
                    "There was an error accessing the nbgrader database. This "
                    "may occur if you recently upgraded nbgrader. To resolve "
                    "the issue, first BACK UP your database and then run the "
                    "command `nbgrader db upgrade`."
                raise NbGraderException(msg)

            except SchemaMismatchError:
                msg = (
                    "One or more notebooks in the assignment use an old version \n"
                    "of the nbgrader metadata format. Please **back up your class files \n"
                    "directory** and then update the metadata using:\n\nnbgrader update .\n"
                raise NbGraderException(msg)

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

            except Exception:
                self.log.error("There was an error processing assignment: %s", assignment)
                errors.append((gd['assignment_id'], gd['student_id']))

        if len(errors) > 0:
            for assignment_id, student_id in errors:
                    "There was an error processing assignment '{}' for student '{}'".format(
                        assignment_id, student_id))

            if self.logfile:
                msg = (
                    "Please see the error log ({}) for details on the specific "
                    "errors on the above failures.".format(self.logfile))
                msg = (
                    "Please see the the above traceback for details on the specific "
                    "errors on the above failures.")

            raise NbGraderException(msg)
Example #40
def convert(source_path: Path, output_dir: Path):
    exporter = MyHTMLExporter()
    writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_dir))
    output, resources = exporter.from_filename(str(source_path))
    notebook_name = source_path.stem
    writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=notebook_name)