Example #1
layers.append(Conv((3, 3, 384),  init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=1,  padding=1))
layers.append(Conv((1, 1, 384),  init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=1))
layers.append(Conv((3, 3, 384),  init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=2,  padding=1))  # 12->6

layers.append(Conv((3, 3, 1024), init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=1, padding=1))
layers.append(Conv((1, 1, 1024), init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=1))
layers.append(Conv((1, 1, 1000), init=init_uni, activation=relu, strides=1))
layers.append(Pooling(6, op='avg'))


cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti())

mlp = Model(layers=layers)

if args.model_file:
    import os
    assert os.path.exists(args.model_file), '%s not found' % args.model_file

# configure callbacks
callbacks = Callbacks(mlp, train, eval_set=test, **args.callback_args)
if args.deconv:
    callbacks.add_deconv_callback(train, test)

mlp.fit(train, optimizer=opt_gdm, num_epochs=args.epochs, cost=cost, callbacks=callbacks)

Example #2
cost = GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(usebits=True))
checkpoint_model_path = "~/image_caption2.pickle"
checkpoint_schedule = range(num_epochs)

model = Model(layers=layers)

callbacks = Callbacks(model,
callbacks.add_serialize_callback(checkpoint_schedule, checkpoint_model_path)

opt = RMSProp(decay_rate=0.997,

# train model

# load model (if exited) and evaluate bleu score on test set
test_set = ImageCaptionTest(path=data_path)
sents, targets = test_set.predict(model)
test_set.bleu_score(sents, targets)
Example #3
class DeepQNetwork:
    def __init__(self, num_actions, args):
        # remember parameters
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.discount_rate = args.discount_rate
        self.history_length = args.history_length
        self.screen_dim = (args.screen_height, args.screen_width)
        self.clip_error = args.clip_error

        # create Neon backend
        self.be = gen_backend(backend=args.backend,

        # prepare tensors once and reuse them
        self.input_shape = (self.history_length, ) + self.screen_dim + (
            self.batch_size, )
        self.tensor = self.be.empty(self.input_shape)
        self.tensor.lshape = self.input_shape  # needed for convolutional networks
        self.targets = self.be.empty((self.num_actions, self.batch_size))

        # create model
        layers = self.createLayers(num_actions)
        self.model = Model(layers=layers)
        self.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=SumSquared())
        self.model.initialize(self.tensor.shape[:-1], self.cost)
        self.optimizer = RMSProp(learning_rate=args.learning_rate,

        # create target model
        self.target_steps = args.target_steps
        self.train_iterations = 0
        if self.target_steps:
            self.target_model = Model(layers=self.createLayers(num_actions))
            self.save_weights_path = args.save_weights_path
            self.target_model = self.model

        self.callback = None

    def createLayers(self, num_actions):
        # create network
        init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)
        layers = []
        # The first hidden layer convolves 32 filters of 8x8 with stride 4 with the input image and applies a rectifier nonlinearity.
            Conv((8, 8, 32), strides=4, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
        # The second hidden layer convolves 64 filters of 4x4 with stride 2, again followed by a rectifier nonlinearity.
            Conv((4, 4, 64), strides=2, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
        # This is followed by a third convolutional layer that convolves 64 filters of 3x3 with stride 1 followed by a rectifier.
            Conv((3, 3, 64), strides=1, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
        # The final hidden layer is fully-connected and consists of 512 rectifier units.
        layers.append(Affine(nout=512, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
        # The output layer is a fully-connected linear layer with a single output for each valid action.
        layers.append(Affine(nout=num_actions, init=init_norm))
        return layers

    def setTensor(self, states):
        # change order of axes to match what Neon expects
        states = np.transpose(states, axes=(1, 2, 3, 0))
        # copy() shouldn't be necessary here, but Neon doesn't work otherwise
        # normalize network input between 0 and 1
        self.be.divide(self.tensor, 255, self.tensor)

    def train(self, minibatch, epoch):
        # expand components of minibatch
        prestates, actions, rewards, poststates, terminals = minibatch
        assert len(prestates.shape) == 4
        assert len(poststates.shape) == 4
        assert len(actions.shape) == 1
        assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
        assert len(terminals.shape) == 1
        assert prestates.shape == poststates.shape
        assert prestates.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == rewards.shape[
            0] == poststates.shape[0] == terminals.shape[0]

        if self.target_steps and self.train_iterations % self.target_steps == 0:
            # HACK: push something through network, so that weights exist
            # HACK: serialize network to disk and read it back to clone
            filename = os.path.join(self.save_weights_path,
            save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states=False), filename)

        # feed-forward pass for poststates to get Q-values
        postq = self.target_model.fprop(self.tensor, inference=True)
        assert postq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

        # calculate max Q-value for each poststate
        maxpostq = self.be.max(postq, axis=0).asnumpyarray()
        assert maxpostq.shape == (1, self.batch_size)

        # feed-forward pass for prestates
        preq = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference=False)
        assert preq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

        # make copy of prestate Q-values as targets
        targets = preq.asnumpyarray()

        # update Q-value targets for actions taken
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            if terminals[i]:
                targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i])
                targets[action, i] = float(
                    rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxpostq[0, i]

        # copy targets to GPU memory

        # calculate errors
        deltas = self.cost.get_errors(preq, self.targets)
        assert deltas.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
        #assert np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()) == 32

        # calculate cost, just in case
        cost = self.cost.get_cost(preq, self.targets)
        assert cost.shape == (1, 1)

        # clip errors
        if self.clip_error:
            self.be.clip(deltas, -self.clip_error, self.clip_error, out=deltas)

        # perform back-propagation of gradients

        # perform optimization
        self.optimizer.optimize(self.model.layers_to_optimize, epoch)

        # increase number of weight updates (needed for target clone interval)
        self.train_iterations += 1

        # calculate statistics
        if self.callback:
            self.callback.on_train(cost.asnumpyarray()[0, 0])

    def predict(self, states):
        # minibatch is full size, because Neon doesn't let change the minibatch size
        assert states.shape == ((
        ) + self.screen_dim)

        # calculate Q-values for the states
        qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference=True)
        assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            logger.debug("Q-values: " + str(qvalues.asnumpyarray()[:, 0]))

        # find the action with highest q-value
        actions = self.be.argmax(qvalues, axis=0)
        assert actions.shape == (1, self.batch_size)

        # take only the first result
        return actions.asnumpyarray()[0, 0]

    def getMeanQ(self, states):
        assert states.shape == ((
        ) + self.screen_dim)

        # calculate Q-values for the states
        qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference=True)
        assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

        # take maximum Q-value for each state
        actions = self.be.max(qvalues, axis=0)
        assert actions.astensor().shape == (1, self.batch_size)

        # calculate mean Q-value of all states
        meanq = self.be.mean(actions, axis=1)
        assert meanq.astensor().shape == (1, 1)

        # return the mean
        return meanq.asnumpyarray()[0, 0]

    def load_weights(self, load_path):

    def save_weights(self, save_path):
        save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states=True), save_path)
Example #4
def test_model_serialize(backend):
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), nclass = load_mnist()
    train_set = DataIterator([X_train, X_train],
                             lshape=(1, 28, 28))

    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)

    # initialize model
    path1 = [
        Conv((5, 5, 16),
        Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())
    path2 = [
        Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())
    layers = [
        MergeConcat([path1, path2]),
        Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()),
        Affine(nout=10, init=init_norm, activation=Logistic(shortcut=True))

    tmp_save = 'test_model_serialize_tmp_save.pickle'
    mlp = Model(layers=layers)
    mlp.optimizer = GradientDescentMomentum(learning_rate=0.1,
    mlp.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyBinary())

    n_test = 3
    num_epochs = 3
    # Train model for num_epochs and n_test batches
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
            x = mlp.fprop(x)
            delta = mlp.cost.get_errors(x, t)
            mlp.optimizer.optimize(mlp.layers_to_optimize, epoch=epoch)
            if i > n_test:

    # Get expected outputs of n_test batches and states of all layers
    outputs_exp = []
    pdicts_exp = [l.get_params_serialize() for l in mlp.layers_to_optimize]
    for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
        outputs_exp.append(mlp.fprop(x, inference=True))
        if i > n_test:

    # Serialize model
    save_obj(mlp.serialize(keep_states=True), tmp_save)

    # Load model
    mlp = Model(layers=layers)

    outputs = []
    pdicts = [l.get_params_serialize() for l in mlp.layers_to_optimize]
    for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
        outputs.append(mlp.fprop(x, inference=True))
        if i > n_test:

    # Check outputs, states, and params are the same
    for output, output_exp in zip(outputs, outputs_exp):
        assert np.allclose(output.get(), output_exp.get())

    for pd, pd_exp in zip(pdicts, pdicts_exp):
        for s, s_e in zip(pd['states'], pd_exp['states']):
            if isinstance(s, list):  # this is the batch norm case
                for _s, _s_e in zip(s, s_e):
                    assert np.allclose(_s, _s_e)
                assert np.allclose(s, s_e)
        for p, p_e in zip(pd['params'], pd_exp['params']):
            if isinstance(p, list):  # this is the batch norm case
                for _p, _p_e in zip(p, p_e):
                    assert np.allclose(_p, _p_e)
                assert np.allclose(p, p_e)

Example #5
def test_model_serialize(backend_default, data):
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), nclass = load_mnist(path=data)

    train_set = DataIterator(
        [X_train, X_train], y_train, nclass=nclass, lshape=(1, 28, 28))

    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)

    # initialize model
    path1 = Sequential([Conv((5, 5, 16), init=init_norm, bias=Constant(0), activation=Rectlin()),
                        Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())])
    path2 = Sequential([Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, bias=Constant(0), activation=Rectlin()),
                        Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())])
    layers = [MergeMultistream(layers=[path1, path2], merge="stack"),
              Affine(nout=20, init=init_norm, batch_norm=True, activation=Rectlin()),
              Affine(nout=10, init=init_norm, activation=Logistic(shortcut=True))]

    tmp_save = 'test_model_serialize_tmp_save.pickle'
    mlp = Model(layers=layers)
    mlp.optimizer = GradientDescentMomentum(learning_rate=0.1, momentum_coef=0.9)
    mlp.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyBinary())
    mlp.initialize(train_set, cost=mlp.cost)
    n_test = 3
    num_epochs = 3
    # Train model for num_epochs and n_test batches
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
            x = mlp.fprop(x)
            delta = mlp.cost.get_errors(x, t)
            mlp.optimizer.optimize(mlp.layers_to_optimize, epoch=epoch)
            if i > n_test:

    # Get expected outputs of n_test batches and states of all layers
    outputs_exp = []
    pdicts_exp = [l.get_params_serialize() for l in mlp.layers_to_optimize]
    for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
        outputs_exp.append(mlp.fprop(x, inference=True))
        if i > n_test:

    # Serialize model
    save_obj(mlp.serialize(keep_states=True), tmp_save)

    # Load model
    mlp = Model(layers=layers)

    outputs = []
    pdicts = [l.get_params_serialize() for l in mlp.layers_to_optimize]
    for i, (x, t) in enumerate(train_set):
        outputs.append(mlp.fprop(x, inference=True))
        if i > n_test:

    # Check outputs, states, and params are the same
    for output, output_exp in zip(outputs, outputs_exp):
        assert np.allclose(output.get(), output_exp.get())

    for pd, pd_exp in zip(pdicts, pdicts_exp):
        for s, s_e in zip(pd['states'], pd_exp['states']):
            if isinstance(s, list):  # this is the batch norm case
                for _s, _s_e in zip(s, s_e):
                    assert np.allclose(_s, _s_e)
                assert np.allclose(s, s_e)
        for p, p_e in zip(pd['params'], pd_exp['params']):
            assert type(p) == type(p_e)
            if isinstance(p, list):  # this is the batch norm case
                for _p, _p_e in zip(p, p_e):
                    assert np.allclose(_p, _p_e)
            elif isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
                assert np.allclose(p, p_e)
                assert p == p_e

Example #6
# model initialization
image_path = Sequential([Affine(hidden_size, init, bias=Constant(val=0.0))])
sent_path = Sequential([Affine(hidden_size, init, linear_name='sent')])

layers = [
    MergeMultistream(layers=[image_path, sent_path], merge="recurrent"),
    LSTM(hidden_size, init, activation=Logistic(), gate_activation=Tanh(), reset_cells=True),
    Affine(train_set.vocab_size, init, bias=init2, activation=Softmax())

cost = GeneralizedCostMask(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(usebits=True))
checkpoint_model_path = "~/image_caption2.pickle"
checkpoint_schedule = range(num_epochs)

model = Model(layers=layers)

callbacks = Callbacks(model, train_set, args)

opt = RMSProp(decay_rate=0.997, learning_rate=0.0005, epsilon=1e-8, clip_gradients=True,

# train model
model.fit(train_set, optimizer=opt, num_epochs=num_epochs, cost=cost, callbacks=callbacks)

# load model (if exited) and evaluate bleu score on test set
test_set = ImageCaptionTest(path=data_path)
sents, targets = test_set.predict(model)
test_set.bleu_score(sents, targets)
Example #7
    seq_len = 1

    if return_sequences is True:
        layers = [
            LSTM(hidden, init, Logistic(), Tanh(), reset_cells=False),
            Affine(train_set.nfeatures, init, bias=init, activation=Identity())
        layers = [
            LSTM(hidden, init, Logistic(), Tanh(), reset_cells=False),
            Affine(train_set.nfeatures, init, bias=init, activation=Identity())

    model_new = Model(layers=layers)
    model_new.initialize(dataset=(train_set.nfeatures, seq_len))

    output = np.zeros((train_set.nfeatures, num_predict))
    seed = time_series.train[:seed_seq_len]

    x = model_new.be.empty((train_set.nfeatures, seq_len))
    for s_in in seed:
        x.set(s_in.reshape(train_set.nfeatures, seq_len))
        y = model_new.fprop(x, inference=False)

    for i in range(num_predict):
        # Take last prediction and feed into next fprop
        pred = y.get()[:, -1]
        output[:, i] = pred
        x[:] = pred.reshape(train_set.nfeatures, seq_len)
Example #8
    Affine(2, init_glorot, bias=init_glorot, activation=Softmax())


cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(usebits=True))
metric = Accuracy()


model = Model(layers=layers)
optimizer = Adagrad(learning_rate=0.01, clip_gradients=clip_gradients)
callbacks = Callbacks(model, train_set, args, eval_set=valid_set)

model.load_weights(os.path.join(args.data_dir, '128128_49_model_e2.pkl'))

print "Test  Accuracy - ", 100 * model.eval(valid_set, metric=metric)
print "Train Accuracy - ", 100 * model.eval(train_set, metric=metric)

# output result directly
for x, y in valid_set:
    x = model.fprop(x, inference=True)

# continue training
# optimizer = Adagrad(learning_rate=0.01, clip_gradients=clip_gradients)
# callbacks = Callbacks(model, train_set, args, eval_set=valid_set)
Example #9
class DeepQNetwork:
  def __init__(self, num_actions, args):
    # create Neon backend
    self.be = gen_backend(backend = args.backend,
                 batch_size = args.batch_size,
                 rng_seed = args.random_seed,
                 device_id = args.device_id,
                 default_dtype = np.dtype(args.datatype).type,
                 stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)

    # create model
    layers = self.createLayers(num_actions)
    self.model = Model(layers = layers)
    self.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc = SumSquared())
    self.optimizer = RMSProp(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
        decay_rate = args.rmsprop_decay_rate, 
        stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)

    # create target model
    self.target_steps = args.target_steps
    self.train_iterations = 0
    if self.target_steps:
      self.target_model = Model(layers = self.createLayers(num_actions))
      self.save_weights_path = args.save_weights_path
      self.target_model = self.model

    # remember parameters
    self.num_actions = num_actions
    self.batch_size = args.batch_size
    self.discount_rate = args.discount_rate
    self.history_length = args.history_length
    self.screen_dim = (args.screen_height, args.screen_width)
    self.clip_error = args.clip_error

    # prepare tensors once and reuse them
    self.input_shape = (self.history_length,) + self.screen_dim + (self.batch_size,)
    self.tensor = self.be.empty(self.input_shape)
    self.tensor.lshape = self.input_shape # needed for convolutional networks
    self.targets = self.be.empty((self.num_actions, self.batch_size))

    self.callback = None

  def createLayers(self, num_actions):
    # create network
    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)
    layers = []
    # The first hidden layer convolves 32 filters of 8x8 with stride 4 with the input image and applies a rectifier nonlinearity.
    layers.append(Conv((8, 8, 32), strides=4, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The second hidden layer convolves 64 filters of 4x4 with stride 2, again followed by a rectifier nonlinearity.
    layers.append(Conv((4, 4, 64), strides=2, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # This is followed by a third convolutional layer that convolves 64 filters of 3x3 with stride 1 followed by a rectifier.
    layers.append(Conv((3, 3, 64), strides=1, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The final hidden layer is fully-connected and consists of 512 rectifier units.
    layers.append(Affine(nout=512, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The output layer is a fully-connected linear layer with a single output for each valid action.
    layers.append(Affine(nout = num_actions, init = init_norm))
    return layers

  def setTensor(self, states):
    # change order of axes to match what Neon expects
    states = np.transpose(states, axes = (1, 2, 3, 0))
    # copy() shouldn't be necessary here, but Neon doesn't work otherwise
    # normalize network input between 0 and 1
    self.be.divide(self.tensor, 255, self.tensor)

  def train(self, minibatch, epoch):
    # expand components of minibatch
    prestates, actions, rewards, poststates, terminals = minibatch
    assert len(prestates.shape) == 4
    assert len(poststates.shape) == 4
    assert len(actions.shape) == 1
    assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
    assert len(terminals.shape) == 1
    assert prestates.shape == poststates.shape
    assert prestates.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == rewards.shape[0] == poststates.shape[0] == terminals.shape[0]

    if self.target_steps and self.train_iterations % self.target_steps == 0:
      # HACK: push something through network, so that weights exist
      # HACK: serialize network to disk and read it back to clone
      filename = os.path.join(self.save_weights_path, "target_network.pkl")
      save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = False), filename)

    # feed-forward pass for poststates to get Q-values
    postq = self.target_model.fprop(self.tensor, inference = True)
    assert postq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # calculate max Q-value for each poststate
    maxpostq = self.be.max(postq, axis=0).asnumpyarray()
    assert maxpostq.shape == (1, self.batch_size)

    # feed-forward pass for prestates
    preq = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference = False)
    assert preq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # make copy of prestate Q-values as targets
    targets = preq.asnumpyarray()

    # update Q-value targets for actions taken
    for i, action in enumerate(actions):
      if terminals[i]:
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i])
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxpostq[0,i]

    # copy targets to GPU memory

    # calculate errors
    deltas = self.cost.get_errors(preq, self.targets)
    assert deltas.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    #assert np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()) == 32

    # calculate cost, just in case
    cost = self.cost.get_cost(preq, self.targets)
    assert cost.shape == (1,1)

    # clip errors
    if self.clip_error:
      self.be.clip(deltas, -self.clip_error, self.clip_error, out = deltas)

    # perform back-propagation of gradients

    # perform optimization
    self.optimizer.optimize(self.model.layers_to_optimize, epoch)

    # increase number of weight updates (needed for target clone interval)
    self.train_iterations += 1

    # calculate statistics
    if self.callback:

  def predict(self, states):
    # minibatch is full size, because Neon doesn't let change the minibatch size
    assert states.shape == ((self.batch_size, self.history_length,) + self.screen_dim)

    # calculate Q-values for the states
    qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference = True)
    assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
      logger.debug("Q-values: " + str(qvalues.asnumpyarray()[:,0]))

    # find the action with highest q-value
    actions = self.be.argmax(qvalues, axis = 0)
    assert actions.shape == (1, self.batch_size)

    # take only the first result
    return actions.asnumpyarray()[0,0]

  def getMeanQ(self, states):
    assert states.shape == ((self.batch_size, self.history_length,) + self.screen_dim)

    # calculate Q-values for the states
    qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.tensor, inference = True)
    assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    # take maximum Q-value for each state
    actions = self.be.max(qvalues, axis = 0)
    assert actions.astensor().shape == (1, self.batch_size)
    # calculate mean Q-value of all states
    meanq = self.be.mean(actions, axis = 1)
    assert meanq.astensor().shape == (1, 1)

    # return the mean
    return meanq.asnumpyarray()[0,0]

  def load_weights(self, load_path):

  def save_weights(self, save_path):
    save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = True), save_path)
Example #10
class DeepQNetwork:
  def __init__(self, num_actions, args):
    # remember parameters
    self.num_actions = num_actions
    self.batch_size = args.batch_size
    self.discount_rate = args.discount_rate
    self.history_length = args.history_length
    self.screen_dim = (args.screen_height, args.screen_width)
    self.clip_error = args.clip_error

    # create Neon backend
    self.be = gen_backend(backend = args.backend,
                 batch_size = args.batch_size,
                 rng_seed = args.random_seed,
                 device_id = args.device_id,
                 datatype = np.dtype(args.datatype).type,
                 stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)

    # prepare tensors once and reuse them
    self.input_shape = (self.history_length,) + self.screen_dim + (self.batch_size,)
    self.input = self.be.empty(self.input_shape)
    self.input.lshape = self.input_shape # HACK: needed for convolutional networks
    self.targets = self.be.empty((self.num_actions, self.batch_size))

    # create model
    layers = self._createLayers(num_actions)
    self.model = Model(layers = layers)
    self.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc = SumSquared())
    # Bug fix
    for l in self.model.layers.layers:
      l.parallelism = 'Disabled'
    self.model.initialize(self.input_shape[:-1], self.cost)
    if args.optimizer == 'rmsprop':
      self.optimizer = RMSProp(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          decay_rate = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adam':
      self.optimizer = Adam(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adadelta':
      self.optimizer = Adadelta(decay = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
      assert false, "Unknown optimizer"

    # create target model
    self.target_steps = args.target_steps
    self.train_iterations = 0
    if self.target_steps:
      self.target_model = Model(layers = self._createLayers(num_actions))
      # Bug fix
      for l in self.target_model.layers.layers:
        l.parallelism = 'Disabled'
      self.save_weights_prefix = args.save_weights_prefix
      self.target_model = self.model

    self.callback = None

  def _createLayers(self, num_actions):
    # create network
    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)
    layers = []
    if self.screen_dim == (84, 84):
      # The first hidden layer convolves 32 filters of 8x8 with stride 4 with the input image and applies a rectifier nonlinearity.
      logger.info("Using 8x8 filter for first Conv")
      layers.append(Conv((8, 8, 32), strides=4, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    elif self.screen_dim == (52, 40):
      # The first hidden layer convolves 32 filters of 5x4 with stride 2 with the input image and applies a rectifier nonlinearity.
      logger.info("Using 5x4 filter for first Conv")
      layers.append(Conv((5, 4, 32), strides=2, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
      raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported screen dim.")

    # The second hidden layer convolves 64 filters of 4x4 with stride 2, again followed by a rectifier nonlinearity.
    layers.append(Conv((4, 4, 64), strides=2, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # This is followed by a third convolutional layer that convolves 64 filters of 3x3 with stride 1 followed by a rectifier.
    layers.append(Conv((3, 3, 64), strides=1, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The final hidden layer is fully-connected and consists of 512 rectifier units.
    layers.append(Affine(nout=512, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The output layer is a fully-connected linear layer with a single output for each valid action.
    layers.append(Affine(nout=num_actions, init = init_norm))
    return layers

  def _setInput(self, states):
    # change order of axes to match what Neon expects
    states = np.transpose(states, axes = (1, 2, 3, 0))
    # copy() shouldn't be necessary here, but Neon doesn't work otherwise
    # normalize network input between 0 and 1
    self.be.divide(self.input, 255, self.input)

  def train(self, minibatch, epoch):
    # expand components of minibatch
    prestates, actions, rewards, poststates, terminals = minibatch
    assert len(prestates.shape) == 4
    assert len(poststates.shape) == 4
    assert len(actions.shape) == 1
    assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
    assert len(terminals.shape) == 1
    assert prestates.shape == poststates.shape
    assert prestates.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == rewards.shape[0] == poststates.shape[0] == terminals.shape[0]

    if self.target_steps and self.train_iterations % self.target_steps == 0:
      pdict = self.model.get_description(get_weights=True)
      self.target_model.deserialize(pdict, load_states=False)

    # feed-forward pass for poststates to get Q-values
    postq = self.target_model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert postq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # calculate max Q-value for each poststate
    maxpostq = self.be.max(postq, axis=0).asnumpyarray()
    assert maxpostq.shape == (1, self.batch_size)

    # feed-forward pass for prestates
    preq = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = False)
    assert preq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # make copy of prestate Q-values as targets
    targets = preq.asnumpyarray()

    # update Q-value targets for actions taken
    for i, action in enumerate(actions):
      if terminals[i]:
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i])
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxpostq[0,i]

    # copy targets to GPU memory

    # calculate errors
    deltas = self.cost.get_errors(preq, self.targets)
    assert deltas.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    #assert np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()) == 32

    # calculate cost, just in case
    cost = self.cost.get_cost(preq, self.targets)
    assert cost.shape == (1,1)

    # clip errors
    if self.clip_error:
      self.be.clip(deltas, -self.clip_error, self.clip_error, out = deltas)

    # perform back-propagation of gradients

    # perform optimization
    self.optimizer.optimize(self.model.layers_to_optimize, epoch)

    # increase number of weight updates (needed for target clone interval)
    self.train_iterations += 1

    # calculate statistics
    if self.callback:

  def predict(self, states):
    # minibatch is full size, because Neon doesn't let change the minibatch size
    assert states.shape == ((self.batch_size, self.history_length,) + self.screen_dim)

    # calculate Q-values for the states
    qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
      logger.debug("Q-values: " + str(qvalues.asnumpyarray()[:,0]))

    # transpose the result, so that batch size is first dimension
    return qvalues.T.asnumpyarray()

  def load_weights(self, load_path):

  def save_weights(self, save_path):
    save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = True), save_path)
Example #11
class DeepQNetwork:
  def __init__(self, state_size, num_steers, num_speeds, args):
    # remember parameters
    self.state_size = state_size
    self.num_steers = num_steers
    self.num_speeds = num_speeds
    self.num_actions = num_steers + num_speeds
    self.num_layers = args.hidden_layers
    self.hidden_nodes = args.hidden_nodes
    self.batch_size = args.batch_size
    self.discount_rate = args.discount_rate
    self.clip_error = args.clip_error

    # create Neon backend
    self.be = gen_backend(backend = args.backend,
                 batch_size = args.batch_size,
                 rng_seed = args.random_seed,
                 device_id = args.device_id,
                 datatype = np.dtype(args.datatype).type,
                 stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)

    # prepare tensors once and reuse them
    self.input_shape = (self.state_size, self.batch_size)
    self.input = self.be.empty(self.input_shape)
    self.targets = self.be.empty((self.num_actions, self.batch_size))

    # create model
    self.model = Model(layers = self._createLayers())
    self.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc = SumSquared())
    self.model.initialize(self.input_shape[:-1], self.cost)
    if args.optimizer == 'rmsprop':
      self.optimizer = RMSProp(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          decay_rate = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adam':
      self.optimizer = Adam(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adadelta':
      self.optimizer = Adadelta(decay = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
      assert false, "Unknown optimizer"

    # create target model
    self.target_steps = args.target_steps
    self.train_iterations = 0
    if self.target_steps:
      self.target_model = Model(layers = self._createLayers())
      self.save_weights_prefix = args.save_weights_prefix
      self.target_model = self.model

  def _createLayers(self):
    # create network
    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)
    layers = []
    for i in xrange(self.num_layers):
        layers.append(Affine(nout=self.hidden_nodes, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    layers.append(Affine(nout=self.num_actions, init = init_norm))
    return layers

  def _setInput(self, states):
    # change order of axes to match what Neon expects
    states = np.transpose(states)
    # copy() shouldn't be necessary here, but Neon doesn't work otherwise
    # normalize network input between 0 and 1
    #self.be.divide(self.input, 200, self.input)

  def train(self, minibatch, epoch = 0):
    # expand components of minibatch
    prestates, steers, speeds, rewards, poststates, terminals = minibatch
    assert len(prestates.shape) == 2
    assert len(poststates.shape) == 2
    assert len(steers.shape) == 1
    assert len(speeds.shape) == 1
    assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
    assert len(terminals.shape) == 1
    assert prestates.shape == poststates.shape
    assert prestates.shape[0] == steers.shape[0] == speeds.shape[0] == rewards.shape[0] == poststates.shape[0] == terminals.shape[0]

    if self.target_steps and self.train_iterations % self.target_steps == 0:
      # HACK: serialize network to disk and read it back to clone
      filename = self.save_weights_prefix + "_target.pkl"
      save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = False), filename)

    # feed-forward pass for poststates to get Q-values
    postq = self.target_model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert postq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # calculate max Q-value for each poststate
    postq = postq.asnumpyarray()
    maxsteerq = np.max(postq[:self.num_steers,:], axis=0)
    assert maxsteerq.shape == (self.batch_size,), "size: %s" % str(maxsteerq.shape)
    maxspeedq = np.max(postq[-self.num_speeds:,:], axis=0)
    assert maxspeedq.shape == (self.batch_size,)

    # feed-forward pass for prestates
    preq = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = False)
    assert preq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # make copy of prestate Q-values as targets
    # HACK: copy() was needed to make it work on CPU
    targets = preq.asnumpyarray().copy()

    # update Q-value targets for actions taken
    for i, (steer, speed) in enumerate(zip(steers, speeds)):
      if terminals[i]:
        targets[steer, i] = float(rewards[i])
        targets[self.num_steers + speed, i] = float(rewards[i])
        targets[steer, i] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxsteerq[i]
        targets[self.num_steers + speed, i] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxspeedq[i]

    # copy targets to GPU memory

    # calculate errors
    deltas = self.cost.get_errors(preq, self.targets)
    assert deltas.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    #assert np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()) == 2 * self.batch_size, str(np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()))

    # calculate cost, just in case
    cost = self.cost.get_cost(preq, self.targets)
    assert cost.shape == (1,1)
    #print "cost:", cost.asnumpyarray()

    # clip errors
    if self.clip_error:
      self.be.clip(deltas, -self.clip_error, self.clip_error, out = deltas)

    # perform back-propagation of gradients

    # perform optimization
    self.optimizer.optimize(self.model.layers_to_optimize, epoch)

    if np.any(rewards < 0):
        preqq = preq.asnumpyarray().copy()
        qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = True).asnumpyarray().copy()
        indexes = rewards < 0
        print "indexes:", indexes
        print "preq:", preqq[:, indexes].T
        print "preq':", qvalues[:, indexes].T
        print "diff:", (qvalues[:, indexes]-preqq[:, indexes]).T
        print "steers:", steers[indexes]
        print "speeds:", speeds[indexes]
        print "rewards:", rewards[indexes]
        print "terminals:", terminals[indexes]
        print "preq[0]:", preqq[:, 0]
        print "preq[0]':", qvalues[:, 0]
        print "diff:", qvalues[:, 0] - preqq[:, 0]
        print "deltas:", deltas.asnumpyarray()[:, indexes].T
        raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")

    # increase number of weight updates (needed for target clone interval)
    self.train_iterations += 1

  def predict(self, states):
    # minibatch is full size, because Neon doesn't let change the minibatch size
    assert states.shape == (self.batch_size, self.state_size)

    # calculate Q-values for the states
    qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
      logger.debug("Q-values: " + str(qvalues.asnumpyarray()[:,0]))

    # transpose the result, so that batch size is first dimension
    return qvalues.T.asnumpyarray()

  def load_weights(self, load_path):

  def save_weights(self, save_path):
    save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = True), save_path)
Example #12
class DeepQNetwork:
  def __init__(self, state_size, num_actions, args):
    # remember parameters
    self.state_size = state_size
    self.num_actions = num_actions
    self.batch_size = args.batch_size
    self.discount_rate = args.discount_rate
    self.clip_error = args.clip_error
    self.action_count = np.zeros(21)

    # create Neon backend
    self.be = gen_backend(backend = args.backend,
                 batch_size = args.batch_size,
                 rng_seed = args.random_seed,
                 device_id = args.device_id,
                 datatype = np.dtype(args.datatype).type,
                 stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)

    # prepare tensors once and reuse them
    self.input_shape = (self.state_size, self.batch_size)
    self.input = self.be.empty(self.input_shape)
    self.targets = self.be.empty((self.num_actions, self.batch_size))

    # create model
    layers = self._createLayers(num_actions)
    self.model = Model(layers = layers)
    self.cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc = SumSquared())
    self.model.initialize(self.input_shape[:-1], self.cost)
    if args.optimizer == 'rmsprop':
      self.optimizer = RMSProp(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          decay_rate = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adam':
      self.optimizer = Adam(learning_rate = args.learning_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
    elif args.optimizer == 'adadelta':
      self.optimizer = Adadelta(decay = args.decay_rate, 
          stochastic_round = args.stochastic_round)
      assert False, "Unknown optimizer"

    # create target model
    self.target_steps = args.target_steps
    self.train_iterations = 0
    if self.target_steps:
      self.target_model = Model(layers = self._createLayers(num_actions))
      self.save_weights_prefix = args.save_weights_prefix
      self.target_model = self.model

  def _createLayers(self, num_actions):
    # create network
    init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)
    layers = []
    # The final hidden layer is fully-connected and consists of 512 rectifier units.
    layers.append(Affine(nout=64, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
    # The output layer is a fully-connected linear layer with a single output for each valid action.
    layers.append(Affine(nout=num_actions, init=init_norm, bias=init_norm))
    return layers

  def _setInput(self, states):
    # change order of axes to match what Neon expects
    states = np.transpose(states)
    # copy() shouldn't be necessary here, but Neon doesn't work otherwise
    # normalize network input between 0 and 1
    # self.be.divide(self.input, 255, self.input)

  def train(self, minibatch, epoch):
    # expand components of minibatch
    prestates, actions, speed_actions, rewards, poststates, terminals = minibatch
    assert len(prestates.shape) == 2
    assert len(poststates.shape) == 2
    assert len(actions.shape) == 1
    assert len(rewards.shape) == 1
    assert len(terminals.shape) == 1
    assert prestates.shape == poststates.shape
    assert prestates.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == rewards.shape[0] == poststates.shape[0] == terminals.shape[0]
    if self.target_steps and self.train_iterations % self.target_steps == 0:
      # HACK: serialize network to disk and read it back to clone
      filename = self.save_weights_prefix + "_target.pkl"
      save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = False), filename)

    # feed-forward pass for poststates to get Q-values
    postq = self.target_model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert postq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # calculate max Q-value for each poststate
    postq = postq.asnumpyarray()
    maxpostq = np.max(postq, axis=0)
    #print maxpostq.shape
    assert maxpostq.shape == (self.batch_size,)

    # feed-forward pass for prestates
    preq = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = False)
    assert preq.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)

    # make copy of prestate Q-values as targets
    targets = preq.asnumpyarray().copy()

    # update Q-value targets for actions taken
    for i, action in enumerate(actions):
      self.action_count[action] += 1
      if terminals[i]:
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i])
        if rewards[i] == -1000:
            print "######################### action ", action, "should never be sampled again"
        print "sampled_terminal"
        targets[action, i] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxpostq[i]
        #targets[i,action] = float(rewards[i]) + self.discount_rate * maxpostq[i]
    #print "action count", self.action_count
    # copy targets to GPU memory

    # calculate errors
    deltas = self.cost.get_errors(preq, self.targets)
    assert deltas.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    #assert np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray()) == 32
    print "nonzero deltas", np.count_nonzero(deltas.asnumpyarray())

    # calculate cost, just in case
    cost = self.cost.get_cost(preq, self.targets)
    assert cost.shape == (1,1)
    print "cost:", cost.asnumpyarray()

    # clip errors
    #if self.clip_error:
    #  self.be.clip(deltas, -self.clip_error, self.clip_error, out = deltas)

    # perform back-propagation of gradients

    # perform optimization
    self.optimizer.optimize(self.model.layers_to_optimize, epoch)

    # increase number of weight updates (needed for target clone interval)
    self.train_iterations += 1

  def predict(self, states):
    # minibatch is full size, because Neon doesn't let change the minibatch size
    assert states.shape == (self.batch_size, self.state_size)

    # calculate Q-values for the states
    qvalues = self.model.fprop(self.input, inference = True)
    assert qvalues.shape == (self.num_actions, self.batch_size)
    if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
      logger.debug("Q-values: " + str(qvalues.asnumpyarray()[:,0]))

    # transpose the result, so that batch size is first dimension
    return qvalues.T.asnumpyarray()

  def load_weights(self, load_path):

  def save_weights(self, save_path):
    save_obj(self.model.serialize(keep_states = True), save_path)
Example #13
    prob = prob / (prob.sum() + 1e-6)
    return np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, prob, 1))

# Set batch size and time_steps to 1 for generation and reset buffers
be.bsz = 1
time_steps = 1
num_predict = 1000

layers = [
    LSTM(hidden_size, init, activation=Logistic(), gate_activation=Tanh()),
    Affine(len(train_set.vocab), init, bias=init, activation=Softmax())
model_new = Model(layers=layers)
model_new.initialize(dataset=(train_set.shape[0], time_steps))

# Generate text
text = []
seed_tokens = list('ROMEO:')

x = be.zeros((len(train_set.vocab), time_steps))

for s in seed_tokens:
    x[train_set.token_to_index[s], 0] = 1
    y = model_new.fprop(x)

for i in range(num_predict):
    # Take last prediction and feed into next fprop
    Affine(2, init_glorot, bias=init_glorot, activation=Softmax())


cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti(usebits=True))
metric = Accuracy()


model = Model(layers=layers)
optimizer = Adagrad(learning_rate=0.01, clip_gradients=clip_gradients)
callbacks = Callbacks(model, train_set, args, eval_set=valid_set)

model.load_weights(os.path.join(args.data_dir, '128128_49_model_e2.pkl'))

print "Test  Accuracy - ", 100 * model.eval(valid_set, metric=metric)
print "Train Accuracy - ", 100 * model.eval(train_set, metric=metric)

# output result directly
for x, y in valid_set:
    x = model.fprop(x, inference=True)

# continue training
# optimizer = Adagrad(learning_rate=0.01, clip_gradients=clip_gradients)
# callbacks = Callbacks(model, train_set, args, eval_set=valid_set)