Example #1
def batch_open_images(pathImage, file_typeImage, name_filterImage=None):

    if isinstance(pathImage, File):
        pathImage = pathImage.getAbsolutePath()

    def check_filter(string):
        '''This function is used to check for a given filter.
        It is possible to use a single string or a list/tuple of strings as filter.
        This function can access the variables of the surrounding function.
        :param string: The filename to perform the filtering on.
        if name_filterImage:
            # The first branch is used if name_filter is a list or a tuple.
            if isinstance(name_filterImage, (list, tuple)):
                for name_filter_ in name_filterImage:
                    if name_filter_ in string:
                        # Exit the function with True.

                        return True
                        # Next iteration of the for loop.
            # The second branch is used if name_filter is a string.
            elif isinstance(name_filterImage, string):
                if name_filterImage in string:
                    return True
                    return False
            return False
            # Accept all files if name_filter is None.
            return True

    def check_type(string):
        '''This function is used to check the file type.
        It is possible to use a single string or a list/tuple of strings as filter.
        This function can access the variables of the surrounding function.
        :param string: The filename to perform the check on.
        if file_typeImage:
            # The first branch is used if file_type is a list or a tuple.
            if isinstance(file_typeImage, (list, tuple)):
                for file_type_ in file_typeImage:
                    if string.endswith(file_type_):
                        # Exit the function with True.
                        return True
                        # Next iteration of the for loop.
            # The second branch is used if file_type is a string.
            elif isinstance(file_typeImage, string):
                if string.endswith(file_typeImage):
                    return True
                    return False
            return False
        # Accept all files if file_type is None.
            return True

    # We collect all files to open in a list.
    path_to_Image = []
    # Replacing some abbreviations (e.g. $HOME on Linux).
    path = os.path.expanduser(pathImage)
    path = os.path.expandvars(pathImage)
    # If we don't want a recursive search, we can use os.listdir().

    for directory, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(pathImage):
        # We are only interested in files.
        for file_name in file_names:
            # The list contains only the file names.
            # The full path needs to be reconstructed.
            full_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name)
            # Both checks are performed to filter the files.
            if check_type(file_name):
                if check_filter(file_name) is False:
                    # Add the file to the list of images to open.
    Images = []

    for img_path, file_name in path_to_Image:

        image = IJ.openImage(img_path)

        dataset = ds.create(ImageJFunctions.convertFloat(image))
        axes = [Axes.X, Axes.Y, Axes.Z, Axes.TIME, Axes.CHANNEL]
        dataImg = ds.create(
            ImgPlus(dataset.getImgPlus().copy(), file_name, axes))


    return Images