def generalized_degree(self, g: MultiGraph, f: set, active_node, node) -> (int, set): assert g.has_node(node), "Calculating gd for node which is not in g!" k = set(g.neighbors(node)) k.remove(active_node) k = k.intersection(f) gx = self.compress(g, k, node) neighbors = list(gx.neighbors(node)) neighbors.remove(active_node) return len(neighbors), neighbors
def generalized_degree(g: MultiGraph, f: set, active_node, node) -> (int, set): assert g.has_node(node), "Calculating gd for node which is not in g!" k = set(g.neighbors(node)) k.remove(active_node) k = k.intersection(f) gx = compress(g, k, node) neighbors = gx.neighbors(node) neighbors.remove(active_node) return (len(neighbors), neighbors)
class ShuttlingGraph(list): def __init__(self, shuttlingEdges=list() ): super(ShuttlingGraph, self).__init__(shuttlingEdges) self.currentPosition = None self.currentPositionName = None self.nodeLookup = dict() self.currentPositionObservable = Observable() self.graphChangedObservable = Observable() self.initGraph() self._hasChanged = True def initGraph(self): self.shuttlingGraph = MultiGraph() for edge in self: self.shuttlingGraph.add_node(edge.startName) self.shuttlingGraph.add_node(edge.stopName) self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge, weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine)) self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName def rgenerateNodeLookup(self): self.nodeLookup.clear() for edge in self: self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName @property def hasChanged(self): return self._hasChanged @hasChanged.setter def hasChanged(self, value): self._hasChanged = value def position(self, line): return self.nodeLookup.get(line) def setPosition(self, line): if self.currentPosition!=line: self.currentPosition = line self.currentPositionName = self.position(line) line=line, text=firstNotNone(self.currentPositionName, "") ) def getMatchingPosition(self,graph): """Try to match node name/position to the current settings in the provided ShuttlingGraph.""" if not graph: return self.currentPosition # no change # Matching node name. Need to set the corresponding position for edge in self: if edge.startName == graph.currentPositionName: return edge.startLine if edge.stopName == graph.currentPositionName: return edge.stopLine #if graph.currentPosition: # return graph.currentPosition #just use the graph's position return self.currentPosition def addEdge(self, edge): self._hasChanged = True self.append(edge) self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge, weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine)) self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) def isValidEdge(self, edge): return ((edge.startLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] == edge.startName) and (edge.stopLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] == edge.stopName)) def getValidEdge(self): index = 0 while self.shuttlingGraph.has_node("Start_{0}".format(index)): index += 1 startName = "Start_{0}".format(index) index = 0 while self.shuttlingGraph.has_node("Stop_{0}".format(index)): index += 1 stopName = "Stop_{0}".format(index) index = 0 startLine = (max( self.nodeLookup.keys() )+1) if self.nodeLookup else 1 stopLine = startLine + 1 return ShuttleEdge(startName, stopName, startLine, stopLine, 0, 0, 0, 0) def removeEdge(self, edgeno): self._hasChanged = True edge = self.pop(edgeno) self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, hash(edge)) if == 0: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_node(edge.startName) if == 0: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_node(edge.stopName) self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.rgenerateNodeLookup() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) def setStartName(self, edgeno, startName): self._hasChanged = True startName = str(startName) edge = self[edgeno] if edge.startName != startName: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge)) if == 0: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_node(edge.startName) edge.startName = startName self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge, weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) ) self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) self.rgenerateNodeLookup() return True def setStopName(self, edgeno, stopName): self._hasChanged = True stopName = str(stopName) edge = self[edgeno] if edge.stopName != stopName: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge)) if == 0: self.shuttlingGraph.remove_node(edge.stopName) edge.stopName = stopName self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge, weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) ) self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.rgenerateNodeLookup() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) return True def setStartLine(self, edgeno, startLine): self._hasChanged = True edge = self[edgeno] if startLine != edge.startLine and (startLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[startLine] == edge.startName): self.nodeLookup.pop(edge.startLine) edge.startLine = startLine self.shuttlingGraph.edge[edge.startName][edge.stopName][hash(edge)]['weight'] = abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) self.rgenerateNodeLookup() self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) return True return False def setStopLine(self, edgeno, stopLine): self._hasChanged = True edge = self[edgeno] if stopLine != edge.stopLine and (stopLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[stopLine] == edge.stopName): self.nodeLookup.pop(edge.stopLine) edge.stopLine = stopLine self.shuttlingGraph.edge[edge.startName][edge.stopName][hash(edge)]['weight'] = abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) self.rgenerateNodeLookup() self.graphChangedObservable.firebare() self.setPosition(self.currentPosition) return True return False def setIdleCount(self, edgeno, idleCount): self._hasChanged = True self[edgeno].idleCount = idleCount return True def setSteps(self, edgeno, steps): self._hasChanged = True self[edgeno].steps = steps return True def shuttlePath(self, fromName, toName ): fromName = firstNotNone(fromName, self.currentPositionName) fromName = fromName if fromName else self.position(float(self.currentPosition)) if fromName not in self.shuttlingGraph: raise ShuttlingGraphException("Shuttling failed, origin '{0}' is not a valid shuttling node".format(fromName)) if toName not in self.shuttlingGraph: raise ShuttlingGraphException("Shuttling failed, target '{0}' is not a valid shuttling node".format(toName)) sp = shortest_path(self.shuttlingGraph, fromName, toName) path = list() for a, b in pairs_iter(sp): edge = sorted(self.shuttlingGraph.edge[a][b].values(), key=itemgetter('weight'))[0]['edge'] path.append((a, b, edge, self.index(edge))) return path def nodes(self): return self.shuttlingGraph.nodes() def toXmlElement(self, root): mydict = dict( ( (key, str(getattr(self, key))) for key in ('currentPosition', 'currentPositionName') if getattr(self, key) is not None ) ) myElement = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "ShuttlingGraph", attrib=mydict ) for edge in self: edge.toXmlElement( myElement ) return myElement def setStartType(self, edgeno, Type): self._hasChanged = True self[edgeno].startType = str(Type) return True def setStopType(self, edgeno, Type): self._hasChanged = True self[edgeno].stopType = str(Type) return True def setStartLength(self, edgeno, length): edge = self[edgeno] if length!=edge.startLength: if length+edge.stopLength<edge.sampleCount: self._hasChanged = True edge.startLength = int(length) else: return False return True def setStopLength(self, edgeno, length): edge = self[edgeno] if length!=edge.stopLength: if edge.startLength+length<edge.sampleCount: self._hasChanged = True edge.stopLength = int(length) else: return False return True @staticmethod def fromXmlElement( element ): edgeElementList = element.findall("ShuttleEdge") edgeList = [ ShuttleEdge.fromXmlElement(e) for e in edgeElementList ] return ShuttlingGraph(edgeList)
class MultiEdgeUndirectedTopology(BaseTopology): """Class representing a topology with mutltiple undirected edges. :param iter nodes: Nodes in the graph :param iter edges: Edges in the graph """ # Names used to hold the node longitude and latitude NODE_LONG = 'long' NODE_LAT = 'lat' # Name used to hold the edge type EDGE_TYPE = 'type' def __init__(self, nodes=None, edges=None): self.graph = MultiGraph() # Nodes nodes = nodes or {} for node_id, (lon, lat) in nodes.items(): self.add_node(node_id, lon, lat) # Edges edges = edges or {} for (n1, n2), (edge_type, dict_attrs) in edges.items(): self.add_edge(n1, n2, edge_type, **dict_attrs) @property def num_of_nodes(self): """The number of nodes in the topology.""" return self.graph.number_of_nodes() @property def num_of_edges(self): """The number of nodes in the topology.""" return self.graph.number_of_edges() @property def nodes(self): """The nodes in the graph.""" return self.graph.nodes def add_node(self, node_id, longitude, latitude, **node_attrs): """Add a node defined by its label. :param int node_id: Node id. :param dict node_attrs: Node attributes. :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError`: if a node with the same ID already exists. """ # If there is no node with the same ID already, raise exception if self.graph.has_node(node_id): raise RuntimeError("Node %s already exists." % node_id) # Adding longitude and latitude to attributes node_attrs[self.NODE_LONG] = longitude node_attrs[self.NODE_LAT] = latitude # Create node self.graph.add_node(node_id, **node_attrs) def get_node(self, node_id): """Return node from its ID.""" try: return self.graph.nodes[node_id] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Node %s does not exist." % node_id) def distance(self, n1, n2): """ Calculate the distance between two nodes on the Earth. :param int n1: ID of the first node. :param int n2: ID of the second node. :returns: Distance in cm :rtype: float """ n1 = self.get_node(n1) n2 = self.get_node(n2) return utility_distance( n1[self.NODE_LONG], n1[self.NODE_LAT], n2[self.NODE_LONG], n2[self.NODE_LAT] ) def add_edge(self, node1, node2, edge_type, **edge_attrs): """Add an edge between two nodes in the graph. :param obj node1: Label of the first node. :param obj node2: Label of the second node. :param obj edge_type: Edge type. :param dict edge_attrs: Additional attributes of the edge. :raises: :py:class:`RuntimeError`: if an edge with the same type already exists. """ _ = self.get_node(node1) _ = self.get_node(node2) # If an edge of the given type between the two nodes already exits: error # We take into account that the graph in undirected with suppress(KeyError): types_existing_edges = [e[self.EDGE_TYPE] == edge_type for e in self.get_edges(node1, node2).values()] if any(types_existing_edges): raise RuntimeError( 'Already existing edge %s between nodes %s and %s' % (edge_type, node1, node2) ) # Adding type to attributes edge_attrs[self.EDGE_TYPE] = edge_type # Create edge self.graph.add_edge(node1, node2, **edge_attrs) def get_edges(self, node1, node2, edge_types=None): """Return all the edges between two nodes. :param obj node1: Label of the first node. :param obj node2: Label of the second node. :param iterable edge_types: If provided, return only the edges for these types. :returns: A dictionary where the keys are the edge number and the values a dictionary of the edges attributes. :rtype: dict :raises: :py:class:`ValueError`: if there is no edge between the nodes. """ try: edges = dict(self.graph[node1][node2]) except KeyError: # undirected graph try: edges = dict(self.graph[node2][node1]) except KeyError: raise KeyError('No edge between nodes %s and %s' % (node1, node2)) # Filter if necessary if edge_types: edges = {e: v for e, v in edges.items() if edges[e][self.EDGE_TYPE] in edge_types} # If dict is empty, there is no edge if not edges: raise KeyError('No edge between nodes %s and %s' % (node1, node2)) return edges def _get_min_weight(self, weight, allowed_types, best_types, node1, node2, _d): """ Find the edge with the minimum weight between two nodes. :param str weight: Weight name. :param allowed_types: Edge type(s) allowed to build path. :type allowed_types: dict-like object with TransportType as keys. :param dict best_types: dictionnary containing the best type for each pair of nodes. :note: other arguments are the ones needed by the NetworkX API. """ # The algorithm uses the full (symmetric) matrix # instead of considering the upper triangular only. # This means that for two nodes u ≠ v, the weight is extracted twice: # once for (u,v), once for (v,u). We do not need to do the work for both. if (node2, node1) in best_types: return None # Get all edges between the two nodes edges = self.get_edges(node1, node2) # Get all the weights but keep only those that are allowed # This will throw a KeyError is some edges do not have the weight specified try: weights = [(attrs[self.EDGE_TYPE], attrs[weight]) for attrs in edges.values() if attrs[self.EDGE_TYPE] in allowed_types] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "No edge with attribute %s found between nodes %s and %s" % ( weight, node1, node2 )) # If there is no valid edge if not weights: return None # If the weights need to be weighted. Skip if they are all None. if list(set(allowed_types.values()))[0]: weights = [(t, w * allowed_types[t]) for t, w in weights] # Otherwise, save type and return minimum weight min_type, min_weight = min(weights, key=lambda t: t[1]) best_types[(node1, node2)] = min_type return min_weight def get_shortest_path(self, node1, node2, criterion, allowed_types, edge_data=None): """Find the shortest path between two nodes using specified edges. :param obj node1: Label of the first node. :param obj node2: Label of the second node. :param str criterion: Criterion used to find shortest path. Must be an edge attribute. :param dict allowed_types: Edge type(s) allowed to build path. The keys are the edge types, the values (if any) indicate the preference for each type. :param iter(str) edge_data: Edge attributes for which data along the path is requested. :returns: A 3-tuple containing in this order * the score of the optimal path * the list of nodes along the path * a dict containing the edge type and values for the attributes specified in edge_data (data are stored in numpy arrays) :rtype: tuple :raises: :py:class:`.ValueError`: if nodes dont exists or no path has been found between them. :note: If `allowed_types` is a dict-like object, the weight of an edge will be weighted by the value of the given edge type. """ # Check that the nodes exist for node in node1, node2: if not self.graph.has_node(node): raise ValueError("Node %s does not exist." % node) # Using partial function to pass the edge types # The weight_func will be called for each edge on the graph # Even those which will not been part of the optimial path # So best_types cannot be a simple list to which we append values # Instead it will be a dict where the key is a pair of nodes # We will extract the relevant values and attributes afterwards best_types = {} weight_func = partial(self._get_min_weight, criterion, allowed_types, best_types) # Calculate path try: score, path = single_source_dijkstra( self.graph, node1, node2, weight=weight_func) except NetworkXNoPath: raise RuntimeError("No path found with type %s between %s and %s." % (allowed_types, node1, node2)) # Build the dict containing the attributes data # Because we do not want to assume anything about the data, # we build an intermediate list first. data = {} # Always extract the edge types edge_types = [] for u, v in zip(path, path[1:]): # The key could be (u,v) or (v,u) try: edge_types.append(best_types[(u, v)]) except KeyError: edge_types.append(best_types[(v, u)]) data[self.EDGE_TYPE] = np.array(edge_types) # Additional data if needed edge_data = edge_data or [] for attr in edge_data: try: temp_list = [ list(self.get_edges(u, v, [t]).values())[0][attr] for u, v, t in zip( path, path[1:], data[self.EDGE_TYPE])] data[attr] = np.array(temp_list) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Some edges do not have the attribute '%s'." % attr) return (score, path, data) def add_energy_based_edges( self, edge_types, num_edges_per_step, max_iterations, degree_energy_factor, distance_energy_factor, rng, attribute_name='distance'): """ This algorithm creates edges based on an energy sampling mechanism. At each iteration, the total energy (degree energy + potential energy) is calculated between all nodes and transformed into a Boltzmann distribution. Edges are more likely to be created between nodes which are: * close * already connected to other nodes A fixed number of random connections are then created based on this distribution, masking previous connections and self-edges. The process is repeated until either the maximum number of iterations is reached, or all nodes have been connected at least once to another node. :param iter edge_types: Types of the edges to add. :param int num_edges_per_step: Number of edges to create at each step :param int max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations. If None, the algorithm stops when each node has been connected at least once. :param float degree_energy_factor: Multiplier applied to the degree enery component during the search for new edges (higher means more prominent). :param float distance_energy_factor: Multiplier applied to the distance energy component during the search for new edges (higher means more prominent). :param rng: Random number generator. :type rng: :py:class:`RandomGenerator<city_graph.utils.RandomGenerator>` :note: The algorithm does take into account already exisiting edges to compute the probabilities. """ print("[Topology] Starting energy sampling algorithm to build edges.") # Step 1: prepare # Compute all distances: graph is undirected so we want all combinations with replacements # so we should have in total C(2,n) + n distances # TODO: We compute things twice for now, so things might be improved array_shape = (self.num_of_nodes,) * 2 distances = np.zeros(shape=array_shape) array_size = distances.size for (i, n1), (j, n2) in product(enumerate(self.nodes), repeat=2): distances[i, j] = self.distance(n1, n2) # Normalize by maximum distance - save scaling factor as it will be needed max_distance = distances.max() distances /= max_distance # Adjacency matrix (not taking into account previously existing edges) adjacency_matrix = np.zeros(shape=array_shape) # Step 2: sampling step = 0 termination = TerminationReason.NO_TERMINATION while termination == TerminationReason.NO_TERMINATION: # This loop could be put in a separate function. # We will see if it is necessary # Sampling step # a) compute the degree energies degree_energy = -1 / 2 * ( adjacency_matrix.sum(0, keepdims=True) + adjacency_matrix.sum(1, keepdims=True) ) if degree_energy_factor: degree_energy = degree_energy_factor * degree_energy # b) compute the distance energies distance_energy = distances if distance_energy_factor: distance_energy = distance_energy_factor * distances # c) compute edge sampling probability distribution total_energy = degree_energy + distance_energy # mask existing edges total_energy[adjacency_matrix > EPS_PRECISION] = np.inf # mask self-edges np.fill_diagonal(total_energy, np.inf) # compute Boltzmann distribution and normalize it bolz_dist = np.exp(-total_energy) bolz_dist /= bolz_dist.sum() # d) sample step # sample indices to activate sample_indices = rng.choice( np.arange(array_size), size=(num_edges_per_step,), p=bolz_dist.ravel(), replace=True) # unravel indices - get a tuple unravel_indices = np.unravel_index(sample_indices, array_shape) # add sample edges to the adjacency matrix # and make matric symmetric adjacency_matrix[unravel_indices] = 1 adjacency_matrix[unravel_indices[::-1]] = 1 # Increase counter step += 1 # Check termination # Maximum step number reached if max_iterations: if step >= max_iterations: termination = TerminationReason.MAX_ITER # All nodes are connected if adjacency_matrix.sum(0).min() > EPS_PRECISION: termination = TerminationReason.ALL_NODES_CONNECTED # Inform the user why the algorithm has stopped print("[Topology] Sampling finished after", step, "steps. Reason:", termination) # Build edges from the adjacency matrix # Rescale the distances distances *= max_distance # Get pair of nodes to connect # Here we use indices because we will need them later on for the distances pairs = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(*adjacency_matrix.nonzero())] # Create edges old_num_edges = self.num_of_edges node_ids = list(self.nodes) for i, j in pairs: for edge_type in edge_types: # TODO: exception might be raised here because we now check # That there is no outgoing/incoming edges. # Should we fix when we use an actual triangular matrix with suppress(RuntimeError): self.add_edge(node_ids[i], node_ids[j], edge_type, **{attribute_name: distances[i, j]}) # Inform that edges have been built print("[Topology] %i edges have been created" % (self.num_of_edges - old_num_edges)) def add_edges_between_centroids(self, edge_types, num_centroids, rng, attribute_name='distance'): """ This algorithm creates edges between central nodes. These central nodes are determined by a clustering algorithm (here the Fluid Communities algorithm). :param iter edge_types: Types of the edges to add. :param int num_centroids: Number of centroids. :param rng: Random number generator. :type rng: :py:class:`RandomGenerator<city_graph.utils.RandomGenerator>` """ print("[Topology] Starting building edges between %s central nodes." % num_centroids) # Calculate clusters # TODO: I think it would make sense to instead use e.g. a k-means for two reasons: # * this algo assumes that the clusters have the same density, which is not necessarily # application to cities (some areas are more crowded) # * the implementation needs the graph to be fully connected to begin with. It seems # to be a limitation clusters = (list(c) for c in asyn_fluidc( self.graph, k=num_centroids, seed=rng.rand_int())) # Extract centroids: we take the node with the highest degree centroids = [c[int(np.argmax([[n] for n in c]))] for c in clusters] # Create temporary graph for the centroids tmp_graph = Graph() tmp_graph.add_nodes_from(centroids) # We need the combinations because the graph is undirected and we dont want self-edges for n1, n2 in combinations(centroids, 2): tmp_graph.add_edge(n1, n2, **{attribute_name: self.distance(n1, n2)}) # Calculate subgraph with the minimum sum of edge weights # TODO: to investigate why we do this here... subgraph = minimum_spanning_tree(tmp_graph, weight=attribute_name) # Build edges # Here we can reuse the previously calculated distances old_num_edges = self.num_of_edges for (n1, n2) in subgraph.edges: for edge_type in edge_types: # TODO: exception might be raised here because we now check # That there is no outgoing/incoming edges. # Should we fix when we use an actual triangular matrix with suppress(RuntimeError): self.add_edge(n1, n2, edge_type, **subgraph[n1][n2]) # Inform that edges have been built print("[Topology] %i edges have been created" % (self.num_of_edges - old_num_edges))