Example #1
 def ellipse(emittance, beta, alpha, gamma):
     phi = linspace(0, 2*const.pi, 1e3)
     a = sqrt(emittance/2*(beta+gamma+sqrt((beta+gamma)**2-4)))
     b = sqrt(emittance/2*(beta+gamma-sqrt((beta+gamma)**2-4)))
     if alpha > 0:
         PHI = acos(+sqrt((beta-b/a)*emittance/(a**2-b**2)))
         PHI = acos(-sqrt((beta-b/a)*emittance/(a**2-b**2)))
     pos = a*cos(phi)*cos(PHI)+b*sin(phi)*sin(PHI)
     mom = -a*cos(phi)*sin(PHI)+b*sin(phi)*cos(PHI)
     return pos, mom
Example #2
    def slerp(self, other, tVal):
        """Perform item-wise spherical linear interpolation at the given sample points

        other: Quaterion, QuaternionArray
            The other quaternions to slerp between
        tVal: float
            The percentages to compute for the slerp. For instance .25 would
            calculate the slerp at 25% all pairs

            A quaternion array of interpolands
        other = arrayCompat(other)
        cosHalfAngle = np.einsum("...ij, ...ij -> ...i", self, other)

        # Handle floating point errors
        cosHalfAngle[abs(cosHalfAngle) >= 1.0] = 1.0

        # Calculate the sin values
        halfAngle = np.acos(cosHalfAngle)
        sinHalfAngle = np.sqrt(1.0 - cosHalfAngle * cosHalfAngle)

        ratioA = np.sin((1 - tVal) * halfAngle) / sinHalfAngle
        ratioB = np.sin(tVal * halfAngle) / sinHalfAngle
        return (self * ratioA) + (other * ratioB)
Example #3
    def drawKochPyramid(self, level):
        angle = rad2deg(acos(1/3))

        if (level == 0):
            glScalef(1.0/3, 1.0/3, 1.0/3)

            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            glTranslatef(1.0, 0, 0)
            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            glTranslatef(1.0, 0, 0)
            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            glTranslatef(-0.5, sqrt(3)/2.0, 0)
            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            self.innerPyra(level, angle)

            glTranslatef(-1,0, 0)
            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            self.innerPyra(level, angle)

            glTranslatef(0.5, sqrt(3)/2.0, 0)
            self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

            self.innerPyra(level, angle)

Example #4
def get_phi_theta(vec):
    """ returns a tupel of the phi and theta angles of the given vector
        return (atan2(vec[1], vec[0]), acos(np.clip(vec[2] / length(vec), -1, 1))) * u.rad
    except ValueError:
        return (0, 0)
Example #5
 def point2unit_spherical(point):
     ub = dot(self.axinv, (point - self.origin))
     u = zeros((self.DIM, ))
     u[0] = sqrt(ub[0] * ub[0] + ub[1] * ub[1] + ub[2] * ub[2])
     u[1] = atan2(ub[1], ub[0]) * o2pi + .5
     u[2] = acos(ub[2] / u[0]) * o2pi * 2.0
     return u
Example #6
def getlatlon(x,y,z):
    #radEarth = 6378145. #[m]
    rmag = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
    longitude = np.arctan2(y,x)*180./np.pi
    latitude = 90. - np.acos(z/rmag)*180./np.pi
    return (latitude,longitude)
def chessboard_binary_noise(hologram):
    """Dump power into a binary chessboard grating"""
    signs = np.zeros(hologram.shape, dtype=np.float)
    signs[0::2, 1::2] = 1
    signs[1::2, 0::2] = 1
    # signs is a chessboard grating
    return nearest(hologram) + signs * np.acos(normalised_amplitude(hologram))
Example #8
 def __init__(
         i,  # input energy bin
         nphot,  # number of photons
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.rad = numpy.zeros(nphot)
     self.phi = numpy.zeros(nphot)  # initial left-right angle for position
     self.theta = numpy.zeros(nphot)  # initial up-down angle for position
     self.alpha = rng.uniform(
         0, 2 * pi, size=nphot
     )  # initial left-right direction for direction -- value does not matter due to symmetry
     #mu = numpy.linspace(-1, 1, nphot) # uniform distribution
     mu = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=nphot)
     self.beta = acos(mu)  # up-down angle for direction
     # self.beta = acos(numpy.linspace(-cone_in, cone_in, nphot)) # up-down angle for direction
     self.geometry = geometry
     energy_lo, energy_hi = bin2energy(i)
     e = (energy_lo + energy_hi) / 2.
     if self.verbose:
         print('PhotonBunch of size %d with energy %.2f keV' % (nphot, e))
     #self.energy = e * numpy.ones(nphot)
     self.energy = rng.uniform(low=energy_lo, high=energy_hi, size=nphot)
     #bin = energy2bin(self.energy)
     #assert (bin == i).all(), (bin.min(), bin.max(), self.energy.min(), self.energy.max(), energy_lo, energy_hi, self.energy[bin!=i])
     self.bin = i * numpy.ones(nphot, dtype=numpy.uint)
     self.stuck = self.rad != 0  # False
Example #9
def incid(d, Rmin, rf, geoh):  # interaction / impact
    costheta_max = d / np.sqrt(d**2 + (Rmin + rf)**2)
    follow0 = 1
    while follow0:
        follow1 = 1
        while follow1:
            xf = 2 * rf * random.random() - rf
            yf = 2 * rf * random.random() - rf
            if xf**2 + yf**2 <= rf**2:
                follow1 = 0
        x0 = xf
        y0 = yf
        theta1 = 1e-10
        phi1 = 0
        follow2 = 1
        while follow2:
            follow3 = 1
            if geoh[0] == "i":
                while follow3:
                    theta1 = np.acos(1 - random.random() * (1 - costheta_max))
                    follow3 = 0
                phi1 = 2 * np.pi * random.random()
                x0 = d * np.tan(theta1) * np.cos(phi1) + xf
                y0 = d * np.tan(theta1) * np.sin(phi1) + yf
            RA0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)

            if RA0 <= Rmin:
                follow2 = 0
                follow0 = 0
                follow2 = 0
    z0 = 0
    return theta1, phi1, x0, y0, z0
Example #10
def angles_from_matrix(rot_matrix):
    if rot_matrix.shape == (2, 2):
        theta = np.atan2(rot_matrix[1, 0], rot_matrix[0, 0])
        return theta,
    elif rot_matrix.shape == (3, 3):
        if rot_matrix[2, 2] == 1.:  # cannot use last row and column
            theta = 0.
            # upper-left block is 2d rotation for phi + psi, so one needs
            # to be fixed
            psi = 0.
            phi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[1, 0], rot_matrix[0, 0])
            if phi < 0:
                phi += 2 * np.pi  # in [0, 2pi)
            phi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[0, 2], -rot_matrix[1, 2])
            psi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[2, 0], rot_matrix[2, 1])
            theta = np.acos(rot_matrix[2, 2])

            if phi < 0. or psi < 0.:
                phi += np.pi
                psi += np.pi
                theta = -theta

        return phi, theta, psi

        raise ValueError('shape of `rot_matrix` must be (2, 2) or (3, 3), '
                         'got {}'.format(rot_matrix.shape))
Example #11
def angles_from_matrix(rot_matrix):
    if rot_matrix.shape == (2, 2):
        theta = np.atan2(rot_matrix[1, 0], rot_matrix[0, 0])
        return theta,
    elif rot_matrix.shape == (3, 3):
        if rot_matrix[2, 2] == 1.:  # cannot use last row and column
            theta = 0.
            # upper-left block is 2d rotation for phi + psi, so one needs
            # to be fixed
            psi = 0.
            phi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[1, 0], rot_matrix[0, 0])
            if phi < 0:
                phi += 2 * np.pi  # in [0, 2pi)
            phi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[0, 2], -rot_matrix[1, 2])
            psi = np.atan2(rot_matrix[2, 0], rot_matrix[2, 1])
            theta = np.acos(rot_matrix[2, 2])

            if phi < 0. or psi < 0.:
                phi += np.pi
                psi += np.pi
                theta = -theta

        return phi, theta, psi

        raise ValueError('shape of `rot_matrix` must be (2, 2) or (3, 3), '
                         'got {}'.format(rot_matrix.shape))
Example #12
 def point2unit_spherical(point):
     ub = dot(self.axinv,(point-self.origin)) 
     u[0] = sqrt(ub[0]*ub[0]+ub[1]*ub[1]+ub[2]*ub[2]) 
     u[1] = atan2(ub[1],ub[0])*o2pi+.5 
     u[2] = acos(ub[2]/u[0])*o2pi*2.0 
     return u
Example #13
  def develop(self):
    Develop the 3D shape into 2D
    ## Every flat generatrice is 2 2D points
    flatgen = np.zeros((n_gen, 2, 2))
    flatgen[0,0] = np.zeros(2)
    flatgen[0,1] = np.array([0, length(self.gen[0])])
    ## 1st generatrice is already in same plane as 0st
    u1 = self.support[1] - self.support[0]
    c = cos(self.gen[1], u1)
    s = cos(self.gen[1], u1)
    d1 = np.array(length(u1)*s + length(u1)*c)
    flatgen[1,0] = flatgen[0,0] + d1
    for i in np.range(1, n_gen):
        ## v is rotation axis
        v = self.gen[i]
        u1 = self.support[i] - self.support[i-1]
        u2 = self.support[i] + self.gen[i] - self.support[i-1] - self.gen[i-1] 
	## Pick the best triangle for reference plane
    	c1 = np.cross(u1, v)
        c2 = np.cross(v, u2)
        if length(c1) > length(c2):
           u = u1
           u = u2
        ## Compute angle between gen and v
        c = cos(self.gen[i+1], v)
        alpha = np.acos(c)
        ## alpha is preserved in rotation, such as length of gen
    return self
def SunPositionLocalNoon(DoY, longitude, latitude):
    Original code provided by: Jose Luis Gomez-Dans

    Modified by: Gerardo Lopez-Saldana 

    Calculates the position of the sun given a position at local solar noon.
    Basically, all you need to know is here: 
    import time
    from numpy import sin
    from numpy import cos
    from numpy import degrees
    from numpy import radians
    from numpy import arccos as acos
    from numpy import deg2rad

    #from math import sin, cos, degrees, radians, acos

    #DoY = int ( time.strftime( "%j", time.strptime( date, "%Y-%m-%d" ) ) )
    latitude = deg2rad(latitude)
    #longitude = deg2rad ( longitude )

    # Calculate Local Solar Time LST
    n = numpy.round(DoY - 2451545 - 0.0009 - (longitude / 360.))
    J = 2451545. + 0.0009 + (longitude / 360.) + n
    J = (J - JulianDay) * 60

    M = (2 * numpy.pi * JulianDay) / 365.242
    EoT = -7.655 * numpy.sin(M) + 9.873 * numpy.sin(2 * M + 3.588)

    TimeZone = 0
    LST = (720 - 4 * longitude - EoT + TimeZone * 60) / 1440

    longitude = deg2rad(longitude)

    #LST_hours = int(LST*24.0)
    #LST_mins = int((LST*24.0 - LST_hours) * 60.)
    #LST_secs = (((LST*24.0 - LST_hours) * 60.) - LST_mins) * 60.
    #print "LST:", str(LST_hours), str(LST_mins), str(LST_secs)

    #( hh, mm )  = hour.split(":")
    #h = float(hh)
    #h = h + float(mm)/60.

    # To emulate MODIS products, set fixed LST = 12.00
    LST[:, :] = 12.0

    ##Now we can calculate the Sun Zenith Angle (SZA):
    h = (12.0 - (LST)) / 12.0 * numpy.pi
    delta = -23.45 * (numpy.pi / 180.0) * cos(2 * numpy.pi / 365.0 *
                                              (DoY + 10))
    SZA = degrees(
        acos(sin(latitude) * sin(delta) + cos(latitude) * cos(delta) * cos(h)))

    return (SZA, LST * 24)
Example #15
    def beta(self,m1,d,g=1.4,i=0):
        q=(2.*m1*m1+1.)/ np.pow(m1,4.)+((g+1.)*(g+1.)/4.+



        if (test>0.0):
            return -1.0
        elif (test==0.0):



        if(s1<s2 and s1<s3):
        elif(s2<s1 and s2<s3):



            return betaw
            return betas
 def angle_to(self, other):
     """computes the angle between two vectors
         cos theta = (n * m) / (n.length * m.length)
     arc = self.dot(other) / self.length / other.length
     if abs(arc - 1) <= 1e-6 or abs(arc + 1) <= 1e-6:
         arc = 1
     return np.acos(arc)
Example #17
 def x_to_th(self, x):
     """Returns the angle on position for a given x coordinate"""
     if not x_in_workspace():
         raise Arm_Exception('X not in Workspace')
     X_e = x[2]
     Y_e = x[1]
     Phi_e = x[0]
     Y_c = Y_e - l[2] * np.sin(Phi_e)
     X_c = X_e - l[2] * np.cos(Phi_e)
     alpha = np.atan2(Y_c, X_c)
     r = (X_c**2 + Y_c**2)**0.5
     beta = np.acos((l[0]**2 + l[1]**2 - r**2) / (2 * l[0] * l[1]))
     gamma = np.acos((l[0]**2 + r**2 - l[1]**2) / (2 * l[0] * r))
     th0 = alpha - gamma
     th1 = np.pi - beta
     th2 = Phi_e - th0 - th1
     return np.array([th0, th1, th2])
Example #18
    def oneToS(self, x, y):

        if 'width' in self.params.keys():
            d = self.params['width']
            d = 1.0

        return np.acos(1.0 - 2. * x / d) / np.pi
Example #19
def get_phi_theta(vec):
    """ returns a tupel of the phi and theta angles of the given vector
        return (atan2(vec[1], vec[0]),
                acos(np.clip(vec[2] / length(vec), -1, 1))) * u.rad
    except ValueError:
        return (0, 0)
Example #20
    def oneToT(self, x, y):

        if 'height' in self.params.keys():
            d = self.params['height']
            d = 1.0

        return np.acos(1.0 - 2. * y / d) / np.pi
Example #21
  def evaluate(self, xOrig):
      Calculates and returns RV curve according to current model parameters.
      .. note:: The units of the model RV curve are **stellar-radii per second**.
      xOrig : array
          The time stamps at which to calculate the model RV curve.
          Note that the orbit period and central transit time are used
          to convert time into "true anomaly".
    x = self.trueAnomaly(xOrig)
    Xp = self.Xp(x)
    Zp = self.Zp(x)
    rho = self.rho(Xp, Zp)
    etap = self.etap(Xp, Zp)
    zeta = self.zeta(etap)
    x0 = self.x0(etap)
    xc = self.xc(zeta, x0)

    # dphase is the phase difference between the primary transit and the time points
    # It is used to exclude the secondary transit from the calculations 
    dphase = numpy.abs((xOrig-self["T0"])/self["P"])
    dphase = numpy.minimum( dphase-numpy.floor(dphase), numpy.abs(dphase-numpy.floor(dphase)-1))

    y = numpy.zeros(len(x))
    indi = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(rho < (1.0-self["gamma"]), dphase < 0.25))[0]

    y[indi] = Xp[indi]*self["Omega"]*sin(self["Is"])* self["gamma"]**2 * \
        (1.0 - self["epsilon"]*(1.0 - self.W2(rho[indi]))) / \
        (1.0 - self["gamma"]**2 - self["epsilon"]*(1./3. - self["gamma"]**2*(1.0-self.W1(rho[indi]))))
    indi = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and( \
                numpy.logical_and(rho >= 1.-self["gamma"], rho < 1.0+self["gamma"]), dphase < 0.25))[0]
    z0 = self.z0(etap, indi)
    y[indi] = (Xp[indi]*self["Omega"]*sin(self["Is"])*( \
        (1.0-self["epsilon"]) * (-z0[indi]*zeta[indi] + self["gamma"]**2*acos(zeta[indi]/self["gamma"])) + \
        (self["epsilon"]/(1.0+etap[indi]))*self.W4(x0[indi], zeta[indi], xc[indi], etap[indi]))) / \
        (pi*(1.-1.0/3.0*self["epsilon"]) - (1.0-self["epsilon"]) * (asin(z0[indi])-(1.+etap[indi])*z0[indi] + \
        self["gamma"]**2*acos(zeta[indi]/self["gamma"])) - self["epsilon"]*self.W3(x0[indi], zeta[indi], xc[indi], etap[indi]))

    return y
def SunPositionLocalNoon ( DoY, longitude, latitude ):
    Original code provided by: Jose Luis Gomez-Dans

    Modified by: Gerardo Lopez-Saldana 

    Calculates the position of the sun given a position at local solar noon.
    Basically, all you need to know is here: 
    import time
    from numpy import sin
    from numpy import cos
    from numpy import degrees
    from numpy import radians
    from numpy import arccos as acos
    from numpy import deg2rad

    #from math import sin, cos, degrees, radians, acos

    #DoY = int ( time.strftime( "%j", time.strptime( date, "%Y-%m-%d" ) ) )
    latitude = deg2rad ( latitude )
    #longitude = deg2rad ( longitude )

    # Calculate Local Solar Time LST
    n = numpy.round(DoY - 2451545 - 0.0009 - (longitude / 360.))
    J = 2451545. + 0.0009 + (longitude / 360.) + n
    J = (J - JulianDay) * 60

    M = (2*numpy.pi*JulianDay)/365.242
    EoT = -7.655 * numpy.sin(M) + 9.873*numpy.sin(2*M + 3.588)

    TimeZone = 0
    LST = (720-4*longitude-EoT+TimeZone*60)/1440

    longitude = deg2rad ( longitude )

    #LST_hours = int(LST*24.0)
    #LST_mins = int((LST*24.0 - LST_hours) * 60.)
    #LST_secs = (((LST*24.0 - LST_hours) * 60.) - LST_mins) * 60.
    #print "LST:", str(LST_hours), str(LST_mins), str(LST_secs)

    #( hh, mm )  = hour.split(":")
    #h = float(hh)
    #h = h + float(mm)/60.

    # To emulate MODIS products, set fixed LST = 12.00
    LST[:,:] = 12.0

    ##Now we can calculate the Sun Zenith Angle (SZA):
    h = (12.0 - (LST)) / 12.0 * numpy.pi
    delta = -23.45 * (numpy.pi/180.0) * cos (2 * numpy.pi/365.0 * (DoY+10))
    SZA = degrees( acos(sin(latitude) * sin(delta) + cos(latitude) * cos(delta) * cos(h)) )

    return (SZA, LST*24)
def arccos(x):
    A fast version of the periodic function arccosine(x),
    where x is in radians.
    if x < -1:
        x = -1
    if x > 1:
        x = 1
    return acos(x)
Example #24
def kepel(r, v):
    mu = 3.986004415E+14
    h = angular_momentum(r, v)
    n = node_vector(h)
    ev = eccentricity_vector(r, v, mu)
    E = specific_orbital_energy(r, v, mu)
    a = -mu / (2 * E)
    e = norm(ev)
    SMALL_NUMBER = 1E-15
    # Inclination is the angle between the angular
    # momentum vector and its z component.
    i = acos(h.z / norm(h))
    if abs(i - 0) < SMALL_NUMBER:
        # For non-inclined orbits, raan is undefined;
        # set to zero by convention
        raan = 0
        if abs(e - 0) < SMALL_NUMBER:
            # For circular orbits, place periapsis
            # at ascending node by convention
            arg_pe = 0
            # Argument of periapsis is the angle between
            # eccentricity vector and its x component.
            arg_pe = acos(ev.x / norm(ev))
        # Right ascension of ascending node is the angle
        # between the node vector and its x component.
        raan = acos(n.x / norm(n))
        if n.y < 0:
            raan = 2 * pi - raan

        # Argument of periapsis is angle between
        # node and eccentricity vectors.
        arg_pe = acos(dot(n, ev) / (norm(n) * norm(ev)))

    if abs(e - 0) < SMALL_NUMBER:
        if abs(i - 0) < SMALL_NUMBER:
            # True anomaly is angle between position
            # vector and its x component.
            f = acos(r.x / norm(r))
            if v.x > 0:
                f = 2 * pi - f
            # True anomaly is angle between node
            # vector and position vector.
            f = acos(dot(n, r) / (norm(n) * norm(r)))
            if dot(n, v) > 0:
                f = 2 * pi - f
        if ev.z < 0:
            arg_pe = 2 * pi - arg_pe
        # True anomaly is angle between eccentricity
        # vector and position vector.
        f = acos(dot(ev, r) / (norm(ev) * norm(r)))
        if dot(r, v) < 0:
            f = 2 * pi - f
    KOE = np.array([a, e, i, raan, arg_pe, f])
    return KOE
Example #25
def acos(*args, **kw):
    arg0 = args[0]
    if isinstance(arg0, (int, float, long)):
        return _math.acos(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, complex):
        return _cmath.acos(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, _sympy.Basic):
        return _sympy.acos(*args,**kw)
        return _numpy.acos(*args,**kw)
Example #26
def angle2vecs(vec1, vec2):
    """angle between two vectors"""
    # vector a * vector b = |a|*|b|* cos(angle between vector a and vector b)
    dot = np.dot(vec1, vec2)
    vec1_modulus = np.sqrt(np.multiply(vec1, vec1).sum())
    vec2_modulus = np.sqrt(np.multiply(vec2, vec2).sum())
    if (vec1_modulus * vec2_modulus) == 0:
        cos_angle = 1
    else: cos_angle = dot / (vec1_modulus * vec2_modulus)
    return math.degrees(acos(cos_angle))
Example #27
def angle2vecs(vec1, vec2):
    """angle between two vectors"""
    # vector a * vector b = |a|*|b|* cos(angle between vector a and vector b)
    dot = np.dot(vec1, vec2)
    vec1_modulus = np.sqrt(np.multiply(vec1, vec1).sum())
    vec2_modulus = np.sqrt(np.multiply(vec2, vec2).sum())
    if (vec1_modulus * vec2_modulus) == 0:
        cos_angle = 1
        cos_angle = dot / (vec1_modulus * vec2_modulus)
    return math.degrees(acos(cos_angle))
Example #28
def xieta_from_radecl(inra, indecl, incenterra, incenterdecl, deg=True):
    '''This returns the image-plane projected xi-eta coords for inra, indecl.

    If deg = True, the input angles are assumed to be in degrees and the output
    is in degrees as well. A center RA and DEC are required.


    if deg:

        ra = np.radians(inra)
        decl = np.radians(indecl)
        centerra = np.radians(incenterra)
        centerdecl = np.radians(incenterdecl)


        ra = inra
        decl = indecl
        centerra = incenterra
        centerdecl = incenterdecl

    cdecc = np.cos(centerdecl)
    sdecc = np.sin(centerdecl)
    crac = np.cos(centerra)
    srac = np.sin(centerra)

    uu = np.cos(decl) * np.cos(ra)
    vv = np.cos(decl) * np.sin(ra)
    ww = np.sin(decl)

    uun = uu * cdecc * crac + vv * cdecc * srac + ww * sdecc
    vvn = -uu * srac + vv * crac
    wwn = -uu * sdecc * crac - vv * sdecc * srac + ww * cdecc
    denom = vvn * vvn + wwn * wwn

    aunn = np.zeros_like(uun)
    aunn[uun >= 1.0] = 0.0
    aunn[uun < 1.0] = np.acos(uun)

    xi, eta = np.zeros_like(aunn), np.zeros_like(aunn)

    xi[(aunn <= 0.0) | (denom <= 0.0)] = 0.0
    eta[(aunn <= 0.0) | (denom <= 0.0)] = 0.0

    sdenom = np.sqrt(denom)

    xi[(aunn > 0.0) | (denom > 0.0)] = aunn * vvn / sdenom
    eta[(aunn > 0.0) | (denom > 0.0)] = aunn * wwn / sdenom

    if deg:
        return np.degrees(xi), np.degrees(eta)
        return xi, eta
Example #29
    def calc_to_goal_cost(self, traj, goal):
        # calc to goal cost. It is 2D norm.

        goal_magnitude = np.sqrt(goal[0]**2 + goal[1]**2)
        traj_magnitude = np.sqrt(traj[-1, 0]**2 + traj[-1, 1]**2)
        dot_product = (goal[0] * traj[-1, 0]) + (goal[1] * traj[-1, 1])
        error = dot_product / (goal_magnitude * traj_magnitude)
        error_angle = np.acos(error)
        cost = self.to_goal_cost_gain * error_angle

        return cost
Example #30
    def drawFaces(self, level):
        glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1) # let these be the upper face of pyramid
        glRotatef(acos(1.0/3.0)*(180.0/pi), 1,0,0) # apply the dihedral angle
        self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

        glRotatef(300, 0, 0, 1) # let these be the upper face of pyramid
        glRotatef(acos(1.0/3.0)*(180.0/pi), 1,0,0) # apply the dihedral angle
        self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)

        glTranslate(-1/2.0, -sqrt(3)/2.0, 0)
        glRotatef(420, 0, 0, 1) # let these be the lower right face of pyramid
        glRotatef(acos(1.0/3.0)*(180.0/pi), 1,0,0) # apply the dihedral angle
        self.drawKochPyramid(level - 1)
Example #31
def angle(v1,v2):
    calculates the angle between two vectors.
    v1 and v2 are numpy.array objects.
    returns a float containing the angle in radians.
    length_product = norm(v1)*norm(v2)
    if length_product == 0:
        raise AngleGeometryError(\
        "Cannot calculate angle for vectors with length zero")
    angle = acos(scalar(v1,v2)/length_product)
    return angle
    def finger_pose_callback(self, msg):
        self.finger_pose_list = msg
        a = list(self.finger_pose_list[0])
        b = list(self.finger_pose_list[1])
        c = [0, 0, 0]
        A = a - c
        B = a - b
        self.finger1_dist_ang = np.pi - np.acos(
            (A[0] * B[0] + A[1] * B[1] + A[2] * B[2]) /
            (sqrt(A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1] + A[2] * A[2]) *
             sqrt(B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1] + B[2] * B[2])))

        a = list(self.finger_pose_list[2])
        b = list(self.finger_pose_list[3])
        c = [0, 0, 0]
        A = a - c
        B = a - b
        self.finger2_dist_ang = np.pi - np.acos(
            (A[0] * B[0] + A[1] * B[1] + A[2] * B[2]) /
            (sqrt(A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1] + A[2] * A[2]) *
             sqrt(B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1] + B[2] * B[2])))
Example #33
def lp_proximal_mapping(val_norm, amount, p):
	## helper function for vector version of soft thresholding for l1 (lp) minimization
	shrink_factor = np.zeros(val_norm.shape)
	if p == 1: ## soft thresholding
		nz = (val_norm > amount)
		shrink_factor[nz] = (val_norm[nz]-amount) / val_norm[nz]
	elif p == 1/2: # see eg "Computing the proximity operator of the lp norm..., Chen et al, IET Signal processing, 2016"
		nz = val_norm > 3/2*(val_norm)**(2/3)
		shrink_factor[nz] = (2/3*val_norm[nz]*(1+np.cos(2/3*np.acos(-3**(3/2)/4*amount*val_norm[nz]**(-3/2)))))/(val_norm[nz])
		raise Exception('not implemented!')
	return shrink_factor
def solution_errors(solution, comparison):
    c = solution[1]
    solution = solution[0]
    wobj = comparison[:,:3]
    tool = comparison[:,3]

    tool_err = abs(tool - solution[:,3]) * 1000
    wobj_err = abs(wobj - solution[:,:3])
    wobjsol2, _ = fit_to_ori(solution[:,:3])
    wobj_err22 = abs(wobj - wobjsol2)
    errors = {
        'wobj': {
            'norm': norm(wobj_err),
            'x_ang': acos(wobj[:,0].dot(normalize(solution[:,0])))*180.0/pi,
            'y_ang': acos(wobj[:,1].dot(normalize(solution[:,1])))*180.0/pi,
            'n_ang': acos(wobj[:,2].dot(normalize(solution[:,2])))*180.0/pi,
            'unit': 'deg'
        'wobj22': {
            'norm': norm(wobj_err22),
            'x_ang': acos(wobj[:,0].dot(wobjsol2[:,0]))*180.0/pi,
            'y_ang': acos(wobj[:,1].dot(wobjsol2[:,1]))*180.0/pi,
            'n_ang': acos(wobj[:,2].dot(wobjsol2[:,2]))*180.0/pi,
            'unit': 'deg'
        'tool': {
            'norm': norm(tool_err),
            'x': tool_err[0],
            'y': tool_err[1],
            'z': tool_err[2],
            'unit': 'mm'
        'cond': c
    return errors
Example #35
def kcurv(cont, delta):
    COEF_MIN = 1.0 / (1.0 * delta)
    COEF_MAX = 1.0 * delta
    ret = []
    d = 0
    j = 0
    i = 0
    length = cv2.arcLength(cont, False)
    overlap = int(length) % delta
    k = (int(length) + overlap) / delta
    #pad contour with points from the head to be of size k*delta >= length
    cont = np.append(cont, cont[0:overlap+delta, ...], axis=0)
    d_table = {(0, 1): 1.0, (1, 0): 1.0, (1, 1): sqrt(2)}
    ret.append([cont[0][0], 0])
    while True:
        while d < delta and j < len(cont) - 1:
            dx = abs(cont[j][0][0] - cont[j+1][0][0])
            dy = abs(cont[j][0][1] - cont[j+1][0][1])
            d += d_table[(dx, dy)]
            j += 1
        ret.append([cont[j][0], 0])
        d = 0
        i = j
        if j == len(cont) - 1:
    #calculate k-curvature as angle between two adjacent segments
    l = len(ret)
        ret[0][1] = acos(cos_phi(ret[l-1], ret[0], ret[1]))
        for i in range(1, l-1):
            ret[i][1] = acos(cos_phi(ret[i-1], ret[i], ret[i+1]))
        ret[l-1][1] = acos(cos_phi(ret[l-2], ret[l-1], ret[0]))
    except Exception, e:
        print cos_phi(ret[l-1], ret[0], ret[1])
        print cos_phi(ret[i-1], ret[i], ret[i+1])
        print cos_phi(ret[l-2], ret[l-1], ret[0])
        rospy.signal_shutdown('acos error')
        print e
Example #36
def quaternion_to_axisangle(quat):
    data = quat._data
    sqr_length = sum(np.square(data[1:]))
    axis = np.zeros(3)
    if sqr_length > 0:
        angle = 2.0 * np.acos(data[0])
        inv_length = 1.0 / np.sqrt(sqr_length)
        axis = inv_length * data[1:]
        angle = 0
        axis[0] = 1
        axis[1] = 0
        axis[2] = 0
    return axis, angle
Example #37
def angle(v1, v2):
    """ computes the angle between two vectors
        assuming carthesian coordinates

    vec1 : numpy array
    vec2 : numpy array

    the angle between vec1 and vec2 as a dimensioned astropy quantity
    return acos(np.clip(v1.dot(v2) / (length(v1) * length(v2)), -1.0, 1.0))
Example #38
def angle(v1, v2):
    """ computes the angle between two vectors
        assuming carthesian coordinates

    vec1 : numpy array
    vec2 : numpy array

    the angle between vec1 and vec2 as a dimensioned astropy quantity
    return acos(np.clip(v1.dot(v2) / (length(v1) * length(v2)), -1.0, 1.0))
Example #39
def quaternion_to_axisangle(quat):
    data = quat._data
    sqr_length = sum(np.square(data[1:]))
    axis = np.zeros(3)
    if sqr_length > 0:
        angle = 2.0 * np.acos(data[0])
        inv_length = 1.0 / np.sqrt(sqr_length)
        axis = inv_length * data[1:]
        angle = 0
        axis[0] = 1
        axis[1] = 0
        axis[2] = 0
    return axis, angle
Example #40
def LSM(inliersList, param):
    J = np.empty((0, 3), float)  # Jacobian matrix (mx3)
    F = np.empty((0, 1), float)  # F matrix (mx1)
    P = np.empty((3, 1), float)  # P matrix (3x1)
    X = param.reshape(
        (3, 1)
    )  # X=[a, b, c] # X의 초기값을 param 값으로 설정 # RANSAC에서 param을 np.array 형태로 받아옴

    while True:

        # 현재의 X 추정값 (a,b,c 추정값)에 대해 J, F를 계산함
        for i in inliersList:
            x = i[0]  # x value로 변환 of i번째 inliersList
            y = i[1]  # y value of i번째 inliersList
            a = X[0, 0]
            b = X[1, 0]
            c = X[2, 0]

            Ja = (a**2 - b * x) / (a**2 * np.sqrt(1 - x**2 / a**2)
                                   )  # f를 a로 편미분
            Jb = -np.acos(x / a)
            J = np.append(J, np.array([[Ja, Jb, 1]]), axis=0)

            fi = a * np.sin(np.acos(x / a)) - b * np.acos(x / a) + c - y
            F = np.append(F, np.array([[fi]]), axis=0)

        # P 계산, X 업데이트
        P = np.linalg.inv(J.T @ J) @ J.T @ F  # @ : 행렬곱
        bX = X  # 업데이트 전 X
        X = X - P  # X 업데이트

        # 역행렬은 정방 행렬 (nxn)에서만 정의됨. J는 정방 행렬 될 수 없음. 따라서 역행렬이 존재하지 않음
        # 종료 조건은 x 값의 변화가 거의 없을 때
        if all(abs(X - bX) < 0.5):

    return X  # np.array X를 return
Example #41
def ASBII(ATcur_P, ATxyz_P, ATxyz_K):
    |  X   |                                 Astr. Azimuth , Zenith   , Slope
    |  Y   |        ---------------+-------> from P to K     distance   distance
    |  Z   |AT_P                   |         (Apk)           (Bpk)      (Spk)
                                   |                | LAT  |   
                                   +--------------- | LON  |
                                   |                |  H   |AT_P
    |  X   |                       |
    |  Y   |        ---------------+
    |  Z   |AT_K                            
    # given====================================================================
    # ATcur_P   ---->   Cur.Coor. (LAT, LON, H)[3x1] of
    #           |||     Station Point(P) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    #           |||
    #           ||----LAT ----> Astronomic latitude on Avg. Terr.
    #           ||              Coor. Sys.
    #           ||
    #           |-----LON ----> Astronomic longtitude on Avg. Terr.
    #           |               Coor. Sys.
    #           |
    #           ----- H   ----> Orthometric height on Avg. Terr.
    #                           Coor. Sys.
    # ATxyz_P   ---->   Car.Coor. (X, Y, Z)[3x1] of
    #                   Station Point(P) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    # ATxyz_K   ---->   Car.Coor. (X, Y, Z)[3x1] of
    #                   Obs. Point(K) on Avg. Terr. Coor. Sys.
    # asked====================================================================
    # Apk       ---->   Astronomic azimuth
    # Spk       ---->   Distance between sta. and obs. point
    # Bpk       ---->   Zenith distance
    d = ATxyz_K - ATxyz_P
    Apk = atan(
        -d[0, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) + d[1, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad),
        -d[0, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) -
        d[1, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
        d[2, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad))
    Spk = (d[0, 0]**2 + d[1, 0]**2 + d[2, 0]**2)**.5
    Bpk = acos((d[0, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * cos(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
                d[1, 0] * cos(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad) * sin(ATcur_P[1, 0].rad) +
                d[2, 0] * sin(ATcur_P[0, 0].rad)) / Spk)
    return angle(Apk, "rad"), Spk, angle(Bpk, "rad")
Example #42
def aitoff(lon, lat):
    Make Aitoff map projection.

    Take traditional longitude and latitude in radians and return a
    tuple (x, y).

    Notice that traditionally longitude is in [-pi:pi] from the meridian,
    and latitude is in [-pi/2:pi/2] from the equator. So, for example, if
    you would like to make a galactic map projection centered on the galactic
    center, before passing galactic longitude l to the function you should
    first do:
    l = l if l <= numpy.pi else l - 2 * numpy.pi

    Keyword arguments:
    lon -- Traditional longitude in radians, in range [-pi:pi]
    lat -- Traditional latitude in radians, in range [-pi/2:pi/2]

    def sinc(x):
        # a quick unnormalized sinc function, with discontinuity removed
        if not x:
            return 0
            return numpy.sin(x) / x

    x = numpy.zeros_like(lon)
    y = numpy.zeros_like(lat)

    # check if the input values are in the range
    if lon > numpy.pi or lon < -numpy.pi or lat > numpy.pi / 2 or \
            lat < -numpy.pi / 2:
        print('Aitoff: Input longitude and latitude out of range.\n')
        print('           lon: [-pi,pi]; lat: [-pi/2,pi/2].\n')
        return None

    # take care of the sigularity at (0, 0), otherwise division by zero may
    # happen
    if lon == 0 and lat == 0:
        return 0.0, 0.0

    alpha = numpy.acos(numpy.cos(lat) * numpy.cos(lon / 2.0))

    # the sinc function used here is the unnormalized sinc function
    x = 2.0 * numpy.cos(lat) * numpy.sin(lon / 2.0) / sinc(alpha)

    y = numpy.sin(lat) / sinc(alpha)

    return x, y
Example #43
    def angles(self, other):
        """Return the minimal angles between two quaternion rotations

        other: Quaternion, QuaternionArray
            The other quaterions to compare to

            The calculated angles
        other = arrayCompat(other)
        return 2 * np.acos(np.einsum("...ij, ...ij -> ...i", self, other))
Example #44
 def generateAngle(self, nnew, emitted_energy, incident_energy):
     Use Moller approximation, or delegate calculation to rsoopic (return
     result from call to rsoopic function h2crosssections.generateAngle)
     if self.useMollerApproximation:
         theta = np.empty((nnew))
         for i in range(nnew):
             costheta = emitted_energy[i] * (incident_energy[i] + 2. * self.emassEV)
             costheta /= incident_energy[i] * (emitted_energy[i] + 2. * self.emassEV)
             costheta = np.sqrt(costheta)
             theta[i] = np.acos(costheta)
         return theta
         return h2crosssections.generateAngle(nnew, emitted_energy, incident_energy)
Example #45
def fold_P8p(data, costheta_k, costheta_l, phi):
    theta_k = np.acos(data[costheta_k])
    theta_l = np.acos(data[costheta_l])

    data[f'{costheta_k}_P8p'] = np.where(theta_l > 0.5 * pi,
                                         np.cos(pi - theta_k),

    data[f'{phi}_P8p'] = np.where(data[phi] > 0.5 * pi, pi - data[phi],
    data[f'{phi}_P8p'] = np.where(data[f'{phi}_P8p'] < -0.5 * pi,
                                  -pi - data[f'{phi}_P8p'], data[f'{phi}_P8p'])
    data[f'{costheta_l}_P8p'] = np.where(theta_l > 0.5 * pi,
                                         np.cos(pi - theta_l),

    return zfit.Data.from_pandas(data[f'{costheta_l}_P8p', f'{costheta_k}_P8p',
                                              f'{costheta_l}_P8p': costheta_l,
                                              f'{costheta_k}_P8p': costheta_k,
                                              f'{phi}_P8p': phi
Example #46
    def evaluate(self, xOrig):
        Calculates and returns RV curve according to current model parameters.

        .. note:: The units of the model RV curve are **stellar-radii per second**.

        xOrig : array
            The time stamps at which to calculate the model RV curve.
            Note that the orbit period and central transit time are used
            to convert time into "true anomaly".
        # In coordinate system with observer in -z axis
        pos = self._ke.xyzPos(xOrig)
        # Use coordinate used by Ohta (looking into -y direction)
        Xp = -pos[::, 0]
        Zp = pos[::, 1]
        Yp = pos[::, 2]

        rho = RmcL.rho(self, Xp, Zp)
        etap = RmcL.etap(self, Xp, Zp)
        zeta = RmcL.zeta(self, etap)
        x0 = RmcL.x0(self, etap)
        xc = RmcL.xc(self, zeta, x0)

        # Planet in front of star
        y = np.zeros_like(xOrig)
        indi = np.where((Yp < 0) & (rho < (1.0 - self["gamma"])))[0]

        y[indi] = Xp[indi] * self["Omega"] * sin(self["Is"]) * self["gamma"]**2 * \
            (1.0 - self["epsilon"] * (1.0 - RmcL.W2(self, rho[indi]))) / \
            (1.0 - self["gamma"]**2 - self["epsilon"] * (1. /
                                                         3. - self["gamma"]**2 * (1.0 - RmcL.W1(self, rho[indi]))))

        indi = np.where((rho >= 1. - self["gamma"])
                        & (rho < 1.0 + self["gamma"]) & (Yp < 0))[0]
        z0 = RmcL.z0(self, etap, indi)

        y[indi] = (Xp[indi] * self["Omega"] * sin(self["Is"]) * (
            (1.0 - self["epsilon"]) * (-z0[indi] * zeta[indi] + self["gamma"]**2 * acos(zeta[indi] / self["gamma"])) +
            (self["epsilon"] / (1.0 + etap[indi])) * RmcL.W4(self, x0[indi], zeta[indi], xc[indi], etap[indi]))) / \
            (pi * (1. - 1.0 / 3.0 * self["epsilon"]) - (1.0 - self["epsilon"]) * (asin(z0[indi]) - (1. + etap[indi]) * z0[indi] +
                                                                                  self["gamma"]**2 * acos(zeta[indi] / self["gamma"])) - \
                                                                                  self["epsilon"] * RmcL.W3(self, x0[indi], zeta[indi], xc[indi], etap[indi]))

        return y
Example #47
 def re_orient(self, draw_points):
     """rotates so that self angle and self velocity are parellel
        angle is dot product of self direction and self velocity"""
     if np.asarray(self.velocity).any() and \
        np.asarray(self.direction).any() and \
         angle = np.acos(
                 np.linalg.norm(self.direction) * \
         rotation_matrix = self._rotate(angle)
         self.direction = self._normalise(np.copy(self.velocity))
         return [rotation_matrix.dot(point) for point in draw_points]
         return draw_points
Example #48
def aligned_cylindrical(grid_coords, voxel_size, origin, axis):
    cartesian = space(grid_coords, voxel_size, origin)
    # To get theta, we have to construct an 'up', i.e. theta = 0 direction.
    # We make this up = (0,1,0) - q * axis, with up.axis = 0.
    # I.e. it's a unit in the y-direction, moved along axis until we're perpendicular
    # to the axis.
    # Some straightforward maths gives q = axis_y, if axis is normalised.
    up = (0,1,0) - axis[1] * axis
    up /= np.sqrt(np.dot(up, up))
    result = np.empty_like(cartesian)

    result[..., 2] = np.tensordot(cartesian, axis, axes=1)
    off_axis = cartesian - result[...,2:3] * axis
    result[..., 0] = (off_axis**2).sum(axis=-1)
    result[..., 1] = np.acos(np.tensordot(off_axis, up, axes=1) /  result[..., 0])
    return result
def angle(A,B): # this was really here just for developing the above function

    a = sqrt(A[0]**2 + A[1]**2)
    b = sqrt(B[0]**2 + B[1]**2)
    AdotB = sum( A * B ) 
    T = AdotB / (a*b)
    Theta1 = np.acos( T )
    AXB =  A[0]*B[1] - B[0]*A[1]
    Theta2 =  arcsin( AXB / (a*b) )
    if Theta2 < 0:
        Theta = -Theta1
        Theta = Theta1
    return Theta
Example #50
def solar_zenith(longitude=0,latitude=0, j2000_ott=None):
    """Zenith Angle, angle between sun and nadir"""
    if latitude > 90 or latitude < -90:
        raise ValueError("Latitude out of Bounds: {0}".format(latitude))
    if j2000_ott is None:
        jday_tt = julian_tt()
        j2000_ott = j2000_offset_tt()
    ha = hourangle(longitude, j2000_ott)
    ls = Mars_Ls(j2000_ott)
    dec = solar_declination(ls)*np.pi/180

    cosZ = np.sin(dec) * np.sin(latitude*np.pi/180) + \

    if use_numpy:
        Z = np.arccos(cosZ)*180./np.pi
        Z = np.acos(cosZ)*180./np.pi
    return Z
Example #51
def rot2axis(rot):
    Converts a 3x3 rotation matrix to axis-angle representation

    @type rot: 3x3 numpy.ndarray with determinant = 1
    @param rot: Rotation matrix

    @rtype: tuple
    @return: (e, theta) Axis-angle representation
        e - (3x1 numpy.ndarray) Rotation axis
        theta - (float) Angle of rotation in radians


    if not(type(rot) == np.ndarray and rot.shape == (3, 3) and \
            np.allclose(np.linalg.det(rot), 1.0)):
        raise Exception("Invalid argument:\n" + str(rot) + \
                "\n" + "Valid types: " + \
                "3x3 numpy.array with determinant = 1")

    D, V = np.linalg.eig(rot) # Eigen decomposition of rotation matrix
    I1 = np.isclose(np.real(D), 1.)  # Indices of eigenvalue with real part = 1
    ind = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(V[:, I1])**2, axis=0))  # Index with best eigenvector
    I2 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
    I = I2[I1][ind]  # Index with real part = 1 and best eigenvector
    u = V[:, I:I+1]  # Axis unit vector
    v = nullspace(u.T)  # Vectors perpendicular to u
    v = v[:, 0:1]  # A vector perpendicular to u
    w = np.cross(u.T, v.T).T # A vector perpendicular to u and v
    p = min(max(np.asscalar(np.real(np.dot(np.dot(rot, v).T, v))), -1), 1) # Bounded projection of rot*v onto v
    theta = acos(p)  # Angle of rotation acos((rot*v)'*v)
    sign = np.sign(np.real(np.dot(np.dot(rot, v).T, w))) # Sign of angle (rot*v)'*w
    if sign != 0:
        theta = np.asscalar(sign*wrap_to_pi(theta))

    if np.all(u < 0):
        u = -1.*u
        theta = -1.*theta

    return (u, theta)
Example #52
def main():

    inFile, outFile, nFrames = getArgs(argv)

    # define a function that calculates interactions based on LJ potential with cut-offs
    # Start out with polymers that don't have vapor
    #  thus:  cos (theta) = - gamma_sl
    # Make the interactions function compare interactions between two lists
    #  If the lists are identical, pass just one (use *args to handle this)

    NDIMS = 3
    epsilon = 1
    sigma = 1
    r_cut = 1.75
    cutOffEnergy = 4 * epsilon * ((sigma / r_cut) ** 12 - (sigma / r_cut) ** 6)
    U_LJ = lambda r: 4 * epsilon * ((sigma / r) ** 12 - (sigma / r) ** 12) - cutOffEnergy

    with open(outFile, "w") as otp:
        otp.write("# Youngs law calculation of theta and surface energy\n")

    with open(inFile, "r") as inp:
        # For each frame
        for n in range(nFrames):
            time, atoms = readFrame(inp)

            # filter out surface and polymer
            polymer = atoms[atoms[:, 0] == 1][:, 1:]
            surface = atoms[atoms[:, 0] == 2][:, 1:]
            box = makeBox(NDIMS, surface, polymer)

            # Calculate gamma_sl
            gamma_sl = interactions(U_LJ, r_cut, box, polymer, surface)

            # Calculate theta using Young's equation
            Youngs = lambda x: np.acos(-x)
            theta = Youngs(gamma_sl)

            with open(outFile, "a") as otp:
                np.savetxt(otp, [[time, gamma_sl, theta]], fmt="%d %.5f %.5f\n")
Example #53
def angle_axis(matrix, unit=None):
    Computes the angle of rotation and the rotation axis for a given rotation

    matrix : array-like
        A 3 x 3 unitary rotation matrix.

    unit : UnitBase
        The output unit.  If `None`, the output unit is degrees.

    angle : Angle
        The angle of rotation for this matrix.

    axis : array (length 3)
        The axis of rotation for this matrix.
    # TODO: This doesn't handle arrays of angles

    from numpy import sin, cos, acos, degrees, sqrt

    m = np.asmatrix(matrix)
    if m.shape != (3, 3):
        raise ValueError('matrix is not 3x3')

    angle = acos((m[0, 0] + m[1, 1] + m[2, 2] - 1) / 2)
    denom = sqrt(2 * ((m[2, 1] - m[1, 2]) + (m[0, 2] - m[2, 0]) + (m[1, 0] - m[0, 1])))
    axis = np.array((m[2, 1] - m[1, 2], m[0, 2] - m[2, 0], m[1, 0] - m[0, 1])) / denom
    axis /= sqrt(np.sum(axis ** 2))

    angle = Angle(angle, u.radian)
    if unit is None:
        unit = u.degree
    return angle.to(unit), axis
Example #54
 def points2domains_spherical(self,points,domains,points_outside):        
     u  = zeros((self.DIM,))
     iu = zeros((self.DIM,),dtype=int)
     npoints,ndim = points.shape
     for p in xrange(npoints):
         ub = dot(self.axinv,(points[p]-self.origin)) 
         u[0] = sqrt(ub[0]*ub[0]+ub[1]*ub[1]+ub[2]*ub[2]) 
         u[1] = atan2(ub[1],ub[0])*o2pi+.5 
         u[2] = acos(ub[2]/u[0])*o2pi*2.0 
         if (u>self.umin).all() and (u<self.umax).all():
             iu=floor( (u-self.umin)*self.odu )
             iu[0] = self.gmap[0][iu[0]]
             iu[1] = self.gmap[1][iu[1]]
             iu[2] = self.gmap[2][iu[2]]
             domains[ndomains,0] = p
             domains[ndomains,1] = dot(self.dm,iu)
     return ndomains 
Example #55
def xyGaussian(nside,sigx,sigy,moll=False):
	import healpy as hp
	import numpy as np
	import pylab as pl
	npix = 12l*nside**2
	ipix = np.array( range(npix) )

	sigx = sigx * np.pi/180.	
	sigy = sigy * np.pi/180.	

	theta, phi = hp.pixelfunc.pix2ang( nside, ipix )
	theta = np.pi/2. - theta

	snd = np.array( phi > np.pi )
	phi[snd] = phi[snd] - 2.*np.pi
	g = np.zeros( npix, dtype='float' )
	g = np.exp( -0.5 * ( (theta/sigy)**2 + (phi/sigx)**2 ) )

	if moll:
		hp.mollview(g, fig=1)
	if sigx == sigy:
		vec0 = np.reshape( hp.pixelfunc.ang2vec( np.pi/2, 0. ), (3) )
		vec = np.reshape( hp.pixelfunc.pix2vec( nside, ipix ), (npix,3) )
		angdist = np.acos( np.dot(vec, vec0) )
		ga = np.exp( -0.5*(angdist/sigx)**2 )
		hp.mollview(ga, fig=2)

	return g