Example #1
	def __init__(self, Args={}):
		Initializes the NVS Api by reading configuration 
		parameters from nvs.config file OR from the parameters 
		passed through Args as a Python dictionary.
		Parameters passed through Args take precedence 
		over parameters in nvs.config
		For MODE=POST (Default Mode): Creates a http proxy, to be able to talk to NVS Server
		if self.verbose():
			print "configuration dictionary:", self.configDict
			print "using version",self.version()
			print "using mode   ",self.mode()
		# Connect to the Server proxy
		self._server = ""
		self._server = NvsHttpService(self.url(), "0", Args)
		# Set up logging
		if not self.configDict.has_key('level'):
			self.configDict['level'] = "ERROR"
		if not self.configDict.has_key('log'):
			self.configDict['log'] = "STDOUT"
		NvsLogger(self.loglevel(), self.log())
		logging.log(NVSDEBUG, "NVS Api initialized")
Example #2
class NvsApi(NvsConfig):
	NvsApi class, provides access to Nvs Server, 
	all clients must use this interface 
	def __init__(self, Args={}):
		Initializes the NVS Api by reading configuration 
		parameters from nvs.config file OR from the parameters 
		passed through Args as a Python dictionary.
		Parameters passed through Args take precedence 
		over parameters in nvs.config
		For MODE=POST (Default Mode): Creates a http proxy, to be able to talk to NVS Server
		if self.verbose():
			print "configuration dictionary:", self.configDict
			print "using version",self.version()
			print "using mode   ",self.mode()
		# Connect to the Server proxy
		self._server = ""
		self._server = NvsHttpService(self.url(), "0", Args)
		# Set up logging
		if not self.configDict.has_key('level'):
			self.configDict['level'] = "ERROR"
		if not self.configDict.has_key('log'):
			self.configDict['log'] = "STDOUT"
		NvsLogger(self.loglevel(), self.log())
		logging.log(NVSDEBUG, "NVS Api initialized")
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	#  nvsApi API Implementation follows
	# ------------------------------------------------------------
	def validate(self, name, type):
		returns:list of similar names if validation succeeds
			api.validate(name = "relval", type = "Primary") : 
		raise: NvsException
		funcInfo = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())
		logging.log(NVSDEBUG, "Api call invoked %s" % str(funcInfo[2]))
		# Invoke Server.    
		data = self._server._call ({ 'name' : name, 'type' : type }, 'GET')
		logging.log(NVSDEBUG, data)
		if self.verbose():
			print data
		# Parse the resulting xml output.
		result = []
		class Handler (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
			def startElement(self, name, attrs):
				if name == 'nvs_name':
					tmp = {}
					tmp['name'] = str(attrs['name'])
					tmp['similarity'] = str(attrs['similarity'])
		xml.sax.parseString (data, Handler ())
		return result