Example #1
def read_nlloc_sum(file_in):
    Function made to read a nlloc hypocenter-file and store it into a simple LOTOS_class Catalog
    The ID is read from the event.comments part
    from obspy.io.nlloc.core import read_nlloc_hyp
    from lotos.LOTOS_class import Catalog, Event, Phase
    from general import util as gutil


    Ray = Catalog()
    cat = read_nlloc_hyp(file_in)

    stations_dic = Ray.stations_realname

    for event in cat:

        id_event = event.comments[0].text
        origin = event.preferred_origin()
        OT = origin.time

        #### Initialize Event

        Event_p = Event()

        Event_p.x = origin.longitude
        Event_p.y = origin.latitude
        Event_p.z = origin.depth / 1000
        Event_p.id = id_event
        Event_p.ot = OT
        Event_p.num_phase = origin.quality.used_phase_count
        Picks_p = event.picks

        for arrival in origin.arrivals:
            Phase_p = Phase()

            if arrival.phase in ['P', 'Pn']:
                Phase_p.type = 1
                Phase_p.type = 2

            Pick_p = gutil.getPickForArrival(Picks_p, arrival)
            Phase_p.station = stations_dic[Pick_p.waveform_id.station_code]
            Phase_p.t_obs = Pick_p.time - OT
            Phase_p.t_tho = Phase_p.t_obs - arrival.time_residual



    return Ray