Example #1
def find_cueballs(image, table):
    """Finds N best cueballs, evaluates them an returns a list of the
    cueballs sorted by best to worst."""
    global CURRENT_FRAME

    matchmap = matchTemplate(image, tmpl_ball)

    cueballs = []
    for i in range(NUM_BALLS):

        minval, maxval, minloc, maxloc = cvMinMaxLoc(matchmap)

        if DEBUG: print("Found %dth cueball at min %d:%d = %.3f, max %d:%d = %.3f" % 
                        (i, minloc.x + int(tmpl_ball.width/2), minloc.y, minval, maxloc.x, maxloc.y, maxval))

        # Ball position is set as the top center of the ball template
        ball = Cueball(minloc.x + int(tmpl_ball.width/2), minloc.y, minval)
        ball.flags['nth_match'] = i
        ball.confidence = evaluate_cueball(ball, image, table)


        # Remove the local minimum so we can use cvMinMaxLoc again
        removeMinimum(matchmap, minloc.x, minloc.y, tmpl_ball.width, tmpl_ball.height)

    # We are able to save a pretty interesting normalized heightmap of the
    # match here
    #cvSaveImage(here("results/%d_hmap_ball.jpg" % CURRENT_FRAME), normalize(matchmap))

    cueballs = sorted(cueballs, key=lambda x: x.confidence)

    return cueballs
Example #2
def removeMinimum(img, x, y, w, h):
    """Utility function for removing the global minimum from a cvArray.
    This finds the global maximum of the same array and then blits a rectangle of the same color
    over the area designated by x,y and w,h.
    This way to find the next _local_ minimum, we can just remove the current global
    minimum and search for the global one again using cvMinMaxLoc - should be faster than looking
    for all local minima with python."""
    minmax = cvMinMaxLoc(img)
    cvRectangle(img, cvPoint(x-int(w/2), y-int(h/2)), cvPoint(x+int(w/2), y+int(h/2)), cvScalar(minmax[1], 0, 0, 0), CV_FILLED)
Example #3
def get_table(image):
    """Find the table in the image by matching each pocket separately.
    Uses POCKET_TRESHOLD and some sanity checks to filter matches.

    Returns a dictionary with keys 'tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br', with a cvPoint instance
    as the value for each one.
    bounds = {}
    for pocket in ['tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br']:

        matchmap = matchTemplate(image, pocket_templates[pocket])
        minval, maxval, minloc, maxloc = cvMinMaxLoc(matchmap)

        #print("Pocket %s value = %d" % (pocket, minval))

        if minval < POCKET_TRESHOLD:
            # Found a possible match
            bounds[pocket] = cvPoint(minloc.x + pocket_markers[pocket].x, minloc.y + pocket_markers[pocket].y)
            # If the best match for a pocket is above the treshold, then we can discard
            # the whole thing
            return None

    if DEBUG: print("Possible table bounds %s" % bounds)

    # Sanity check

    if bounds['tl'].x >= bounds['tr'].x or bounds['bl'].x >= bounds['br'].x:
        return None
    if bounds['tl'].x <= bounds['bl'].x or bounds['tr'].x >= bounds['br'].x:
        return None
    if bounds['bl'].y <= bounds['tl'].y:
        return None

    # Make sure top and bottom edges are straight
    if abs( bounds['tl'].y - bounds['tr'].y ) > image.height / 80:
        return None
    if abs( bounds['bl'].y - bounds['br'].y ) > image.height / 80:
        return None

    # Make sure table is more or less symmetrical
    if math.fabs((bounds['tl'].x-bounds['bl'].x)-(bounds['br'].x-bounds['tr'].x)) > image.width / 100:
        return None

    return bounds