def changePt(self): dl = FindPatientDialog(self.om_gui) if dl.exec_(): serialno = dl.chosen_sno try: self.setPatient(patient_class.patient(serialno)) except localsettings.PatientNotFoundError: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information( self, _("Error"), _("patient not found")) self.setPatient(patient_class.patient(0))
def printSelectedAccounts(om_gui): ''' iterate over te accounts table, and print letters to those who have been selected to get an invoice ''' if om_gui.ui.accounts_tableWidget.rowCount() == 0: om_gui.advise("Please load the table first", 1) return firstPage = True no_printed = 0 for row in range(om_gui.ui.accounts_tableWidget.rowCount()): for col in range(11, 14): item = om_gui.ui.accounts_tableWidget.item(row, col) if item.checkState(): tone = ("A", "B", "C")[col - 11] sno = int(om_gui.ui.accounts_tableWidget.item(row, 1).text())"Account tone %s letter to %s", tone, sno) printpt = patient_class.patient(sno) doc = AccountLetter(printpt.title, printpt.fname, printpt.sname, (printpt.addr1, printpt.addr2, printpt.addr3,, printpt.county), printpt.pcde, printpt.fees) doc.setTone(tone) if firstPage: # -raise a print dialog for the first letter of the run # -only if not doc.dialogExec(): # - user has abandoned the print run return chosenPrinter = doc.printer chosenPageSize = doc.printer.pageSize() firstPage = False else: doc.printer = chosenPrinter doc.printer.setPaperSize(chosenPageSize) doc.requireDialog = False if tone == "B": doc.setPreviousCorrespondenceDate(printpt.billdate) if doc.print_(): printpt.updateBilling(tone) printpt.addHiddenNote( "printed", "account - tone %s" % tone) patient_write_changes.discreet_changes( printpt, ("billct", "billdate", "billtype")) patient_write_changes.toNotes(sno, printpt.HIDDENNOTES) commitPDFtoDB(om_gui, "Account tone%s" % tone, printpt.serialno) no_printed += 1 om_gui.advise("%d letters printed" % no_printed, 1)
def test_exec(self): pt = patient_class.patient(20862) if self.exec_(pt): for Form in self.dl.chosen_forms: form = Form() form.set_data( form.set_testing_mode(self.dl.print_boxes) form.set_background_mode(self.dl.print_background) form.controlled_print()
def test_exec(self): mw = QtWidgets.QWidget() = patient_class.patient(1) self.exec_(mw) for att, item in self.dl.deleted_plan_items: print("%spl %s deleted" % (att, item)) for att, item in self.dl.deleted_cmp_items: print("%scmp %s deleted" % (att, item)) for att, item in self.dl.new_plan_items: print("%spl %s added" % (att, item)) for att, item in self.dl.new_cmp_items: print("%scmp %s added" % (att, item)) for att, item in self.dl.completed_items: print("%s %s was completed" % (att, item)) for att, item in self.dl.reversed_items: print("%s %s was reveresed" % (att, item))
def takePayment(om_gui): ''' raise a dialog, and take some money ''' if == 0: try: paymentPt = patient_class.patient(22963) except PatientNotFoundError: om_gui.advise(_("Please choose a patient"), 1) return om_gui.advise( "%s <br />%s" % (_("No patient Selected"), _("Monies will be allocated to Other Payments, and no receipt " "offered")), 1) else: paymentPt = dl = PaymentDialog(om_gui) dl.set_treatment_default_amount(paymentPt.fees) dl.hide_treatment( == 0) payment_taken = False name = "%s %s" % (paymentPt.sname, paymentPt.fname[:1]) if paymentPt.dnt2 != 0: dent = paymentPt.dnt2 else: dent = paymentPt.dnt1 while not payment_taken: if not dl.exec_(): break if (dl.tx_total > paymentPt.fees and QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question( dl, _("Confirm"), _("Overpayment of treatment fees, is this correct?"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No): continue LOGGER.debug("TAKING PAYMENT for patient %s", paymentPt.serialno) if cashbook.paymenttaken(paymentPt.serialno, name, dent, paymentPt.cset, dl.tx_cash, dl.tx_cheque, dl.tx_card, dl.sundry_cash, dl.sundry_cheque, dl.sundry_card, dl.hdp, dl.other, dl.refund): paymentPt.addHiddenNote( "payment", " treatment %s sundries %s" % (dl.tx_total_text, dl.sundry_total_text)) om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel() if != 0: LOGGER.debug("loaded patient == payment patient") om_printing.printReceipt(om_gui, { "Treatments and Services": dl.tx_total_text, "Sundry Items": dl.sundry_total_text, "Unspecified Items": dl.other_text, "REFUND": dl.refund_text }, total=dl.grand_total_text) # always refer to money in terms of pence LOGGER.debug("adjusting money") if[:1] == "N": += dl.tx_total else: += dl.tx_total -= dl.refund else: LOGGER.debug( "Payment patient is not loaded. skipping receipt offer.") LOGGER.debug("writing payment notes") if patient_write_changes.discreet_changes( paymentPt, ("money2", "money3", "money11", "billdate", "billct", "billtype")) and != 0: LOGGER.debug("updating patient's stored money values") = = = om_gui.updateDetails() om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel()"PAYMENT ALL DONE!") payment_taken = True
def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) = patient_class.patient(1)
printpt.updateBilling(tone) printpt.addHiddenNote( "printed", "account - tone %s" % tone) patient_write_changes.discreet_changes( printpt, ("billct", "billdate", "billtype")) patient_write_changes.toNotes(sno, printpt.HIDDENNOTES) commitPDFtoDB(om_gui, "Account tone%s" % tone, printpt.serialno) no_printed += 1 om_gui.advise("%d letters printed" % no_printed, 1) def historyPrint(om_gui): html = om_gui.ui.debugBrowser.toHtml() myclass = bookprint.printBook(html) myclass.printpage() if __name__ == "__main__": import os os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) # for printing to pdf app = QtGui.QApplication([]) widg = QtGui.QWidget() = patient_class.patient(1) printLetter(widg)
if not plandata.retrieved: return "There was an error retrieving this information" retarg = '''<html><body><center> <h3>PLAN DETAILS</h3> <table width ="100%" border="1"> ''' retarg += "<tr><td>PLAN TYPE</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % plandata.plantype retarg += "<tr><td>BAND</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % retarg += "<tr><td>GROSS CHARGE</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % ( localsettings.formatMoney(plandata.grosschg)) retarg += "<tr><td>DISCOUNT</td><td>%s%</td></tr>" % retarg += "<tr><td>NET CHARGE</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % ( localsettings.formatMoney(plandata.netchg)) retarg += "<tr><td>CATEGORY</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % plandata.catcode retarg += "<tr><td>DATE JOINED</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % plandata.planjoin retarg += \ "<tr><td>REGISTRATION NUMBER</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % plandata.regno retarg += '</table></body></html>' return retarg if __name__ == "__main__": from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class localsettings.initiate() pt = patient_class.patient(1) print(toHtml(pt.plandata))
def test_exec(self): pt = patient_class.patient(10781) self.exec_(pt, None)
if self.appts.remove(appt) self.set_label_text() else: self.enableApply(False) self.get_data() def accept(self): if self.appts == []: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "warning", _("No appointments to print!")) self.reject() card = apptcardPrint.Card() card.setProps(, self.appts) card.print_()"printed", "appt card") BaseDialog.accept(self) if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate() from openmolar.qt4gui import resources_rc from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(20862) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = AppointmentCardDialog(pt, None) dl.exec_()
def _test(): from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(1) return getHtml(pt)
retarg += newline retarg += '</table></div></body></html>' return retarg def todays_notes(serialno): html = notes(get_notes_dict(serialno, True)) if not _("Today") in html: html = HEADER html += "%s <a href='edit_notes?%s'>%s</a></body></html>" % ( _("No notes found"), serialno, _("Add a note")) return html.replace("||SNO||", str(serialno)) if __name__ == "__main__": import datetime LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1]) except: serialno = 303 # 1 notes_ = notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict) print notes_.encode("ascii", "replace") notes_ = rec_notes( patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict,, 10, 1)) print notes_.encode("ascii", "replace")
def test_exec(self): pt = patient(1) pt.HIDDENNOTES = [('COURSE OPENED', '= = = = = '), ('TC: EXAM', 'CE')] self.exec_(pt, None)
break i += 1 def tooth(data): # return str(data.split("\t")) retarg = "" for c in data: i = char(c) if i in CHART: retarg += CHART[i] + " " else: retarg += c return retarg if __name__ == "__main__": sys.path.append("/home/neil/openmolar") from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1]) except: serialno = 1 if "-v" in sys.argv: verbose = True else: verbose = False # print "getting notes" # print rec_notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict) print(notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict, verbose))
def test_exec(self): pt = patient_class.patient(1) self.exec_(pt)
newline += '\n</tr>\n' retarg += newline retarg += '</table></div></body></html>' return retarg def todays_notes(serialno): html = notes(get_notes_dict(serialno, True)) if not _("Today") in html: html = HEADER html += "%s <a href='edit_notes?%s'>%s</a></body></html>" % ( _("No notes found"), serialno, _("Add a note")) return html.replace("||SNO||", str(serialno)) if __name__ == "__main__": import datetime LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1]) except: serialno = 303 # 1 notes_ = notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict) print(notes_) notes_ = rec_notes( patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict,, 10, 1)) print(notes_)
def test_exec(self): pt = patient_class.patient(11932) if self.exec_(pt): print(self.dl.result)
form = Form() form.set_data( form.printer.setDocName(form.NAME) form.set_testing_mode(dl.print_boxes) form.set_background_mode(dl.print_background) if form.controlled_print() and not test: commitPDFtoDB(self.om_gui, form.NAME) "printed", "%s %s"% (form.NAME, dl.dent_inits)) self.om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel() if __name__ == "__main__": from openmolar.settings import localsettings from openmolar.qt4gui import maingui from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) #for save pdf localsettings.initiate() localsettings.station="reception" #prevent no clinician popup app = QtGui.QApplication([]) om_gui = maingui.OpenmolarGui() = patient_class.patient(2981) p = GP17Printer(om_gui) p.test_print()
font = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 7) font.setItalic(True) painter.setFont(font) option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) option.setWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WordWrap) painter.drawText( QtCore.QRectF(0, y, pageRect.width(), 31), _("Please note, this estimate may be subject to change if " "clinical circumstances dictate."), option) return True if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate(False) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class from openmolar.ptModules import estimates pt = patient_class.patient(23664) app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) myreceipt = EstimateLetter() myreceipt.title = pt.title myreceipt.fname = pt.fname myreceipt.sname = pt.sname myreceipt.ourref = pt.serialno myreceipt.estItems = estimates.sorted_estimates(pt.estimates) myreceipt.print_()
alert = "" if pt.fees > 0: amount = localsettings.formatMoney(pt.fees) retarg += '<hr /><h3 class="debt">Account = %s %s</h3>'% ( amount, alert) if pt.fees < 0: amount = localsettings.formatMoney(-pt.fees) retarg += '<hr /><h3>%s in credit %s</h3>'% (amount, alert) if pt.underTreatment: retarg += '<hr /><h2 class="ut_label">UNDER TREATMENT</h2><hr />' return '''%s\n</div></body></html>'''% retarg except Exception as exc: LOGGER.exception("error in patientDetails.details") return "error displaying details, sorry <br />%s"% exc if __name__ == '__main__': localsettings.initiate() localsettings.loadFeeTables() try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1]) except: serialno = 4792 if '-v' in sys.argv: verbose = True else: verbose = False print details(patient_class.patient(serialno))
def print_mh_forms(serialnos, om_gui): for serialno in serialnos: pt = patient_class.patient(serialno)"print MH form for %s" % pt.serialno) mh_printer = MHPrint(pt, om_gui) mh_printer.print_()
''' get daybook history for this tooth ''' tooth = tooth.upper() hist = "" for tdate, apptix, items in pt.dayBookHistory: regex = "%s (.*)" % tooth for item in items.split(" "): for tx in re.findall(regex, item): hist += "<li>%s - %s - %s</li>" % ( localsettings.formatDate(tdate), localsettings.ops.get(int(apptix)), tx) if hist == "": hist = "None Found" else: hist = "<ul>%s</ul>" % hist return "History for %s<hr />%s" % (tooth, hist) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class localsettings.initiate() try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1]) except: serialno = 11283 pt = patient_class.patient(serialno) print pt.dayBookHistory print getHistory(pt, "lr5")
but = QtGui.QPushButton(crown_button.description) but.setToolTip(crown_button.tooltip) but.clicked.connect( partial(self.but_clicked, crown_button.shortcut)) self.but_layout.addWidget(but, row // 2, row % 2) self.but_layout.setRowStretch((row + 2) // 2, 100) def _show_all_crowns(self): self.add_buttons(localsettings.FEETABLES.ui_crown_chart_buttons) self.hide_extension() def but_clicked(self, shortcut): self.chosen_shortcut = shortcut self.accept() if __name__ == "__main__": from gettext import gettext as _ from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient app = QtGui.QApplication([]) mw = QtGui.QWidget() = patient(11956) dl = CrownChoiceDialog(True, mw) if dl.exec_(): print dl.chosen_shortcut localsettings.loadFeeTables() dl = CrownChoiceDialog(False, mw) if dl.exec_(): print dl.chosen_shortcut
i += 1 def tooth(data): # return str(data.split("\t")) retarg = "" for c in data: i = char(c) if i in CHART: retarg += CHART[i] + " " else: retarg += c return retarg if __name__ == "__main__": sys.path.append("/home/neil/openmolar") from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1]) except: serialno = 1 if "-v" in sys.argv: verbose = True else: verbose = False # print "getting notes" # print rec_notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict) print(notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict, verbose))
self.appts.remove(appt) self.set_label_text() else: self.enableApply(False) self.get_data() def accept(self): if self.appts == []: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "warning", _("No appointments to print!")) self.reject() card = apptcardPrint.Card() card.setProps(, self.appts) card.print_()"printed", "appt card") BaseDialog.accept(self) if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate() from openmolar.qt4gui import resources_rc from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(20862) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = AppointmentCardDialog(pt, None) dl.exec_()
form.set_data( form.printer.setDocName(form.NAME) form.set_testing_mode(dl.print_boxes) form.set_background_mode(dl.print_background) if form.controlled_print() and not test: commitPDFtoDB(self.om_gui, form.NAME) "printed", "%s %s" % (form.NAME, dl.dent_inits)) self.om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel() if __name__ == "__main__": from openmolar.settings import localsettings from openmolar.qt4gui import maingui from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) # for save pdf localsettings.initiate() localsettings.station = "reception" # prevent no clinician popup app = QtGui.QApplication([]) om_gui = maingui.OpenmolarGui() = patient_class.patient(2981) p = GP17Printer(om_gui) p.test_print()
if and y += line_height bold_off() italic_on() print_text(, y, rowspan=4) italic_off() bold_on() y = self.printer.pageRect().height() - MARGIN_BOTTOM print_text(_("Patient's Signature"), y, 0, 3) print_line(y, 3, 6) print_text(self.date_text, y, 10, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": import os os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) localsettings.initiate() app = QtGui.QApplication([]) from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient mw = QtGui.QWidget() mw.include_mh = True pt = patient(29833) mh_print = MHPrint(pt, mw) mh_print.print_()
myreceipt.setProps(,,,,,,,, = amount * 100 myreceipt.receivedDict = {_("Professional Services"): amount * 100} myreceipt.isDuplicate = True myreceipt.dupdate = if myreceipt.print_():"printed", "%s %.02f" % ( _("duplicate receipt for"), amount)) self.duplicate_printed = True self.accept() def apply_changed(self): print "applying changes" if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate() from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(10781) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = DuplicateReceiptDialog(pt, None) dl.exec_()
def takePayment(om_gui): ''' raise a dialog, and take some money ''' if == 0: om_gui.advise("No patient Selected <br />Monies will be "+ \ "allocated to Other Payments, and no receipt offered") dl = PaymentDialog(om_gui) dl.set_treatment_default_amount( dl.hide_treatment( == 0) if dl.exec_(): if == 0: paymentPt = patient_class.patient(22963) else: paymentPt = name = "%s %s"% (paymentPt.sname, paymentPt.fname[:1]) if paymentPt.dnt2 != 0: dent = paymentPt.dnt2 else: dent = paymentPt.dnt1 LOGGER.debug("TAKING PAYMENT for patient %s"% paymentPt.serialno) if cashbook.paymenttaken(paymentPt.serialno, name, dent,paymentPt.cset, dl.tx_cash, dl.tx_cheque, dl.tx_card, dl.sundry_cash, dl.sundry_cheque, dl.sundry_card, dl.hdp, dl.other, dl.refund): paymentPt.addHiddenNote("payment", " treatment %s sundries %s"% ( dl.tx_total_text, dl.sundry_total_text)) om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel() if != 0: LOGGER.debug("loaded patient == payment patient") om_printing.printReceipt(om_gui,{ "Treatments and Services" : dl.tx_total_text, "Sundry Items" : dl.sundry_total_text, "Unspecified Items" : dl.other_text, "REFUND" : dl.refund_text}, total=dl.grand_total_text) #-- always refer to money in terms of pence print "adjusting money" if[:1] == "N": += dl.tx_total else: += dl.tx_total -= dl.refund else: LOGGER.debug( "Payment patient is not loaded. skipping receipt offer.") patient_write_changes.toNotes(paymentPt.serialno, paymentPt.HIDDENNOTES) LOGGER.debug("writing payment notes") if patient_write_changes.discreet_changes(paymentPt, ("money2", "money3", "money11")) and != 0: LOGGER.debug("updating patient's stored money values") = = = paymentPt.clearHiddenNotes() om_gui.updateDetails() om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel()"PAYMENT ALL DONE!") else: LOGGER.warning("payment failed to write to database!") message = "%s<br />%s"% ( _("error applying payment.... sorry!"), _("This shouldn't happen - please report as an urgent bug") ) om_gui.advise(message, 2)
return (self.has_money_changes or self.has_date_changes or self.has_hidden_note_changes) def _check_enable(self): self.enableApply(self.has_changes) def apply(self): LOGGER.warning("advanced record management dialog applying changes") self.changeMoney() self.changeDates() self.changeHidden_notes() if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate() localsettings.loadFeeTables() LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient pt = patient(1) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) pt.HIDDENNOTES = [ ('COURSE OPENED', '= = = = = '), ('TC: EXAM', 'CE') ] dl = AdvancedRecordManagementDialog(pt, None) if dl.exec_(): dl.apply()
adate = localsettings.longDate( text = "%s - %s with %s" % (atime, adate, appt.dent_inits) rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, y, pageRect.width(), fontLineHeight * 1.5) painter.drawText(rect, text, option) y = pageRect.height() * 2 / 3 painter.drawLine(0, int(y), int(pageRect.width()), int(y)) font.setItalic(True) painter.setFont(font) rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, y, pageRect.width(), pageRect.height() * 1 / 3) painter.drawText(rect, localsettings.APPOINTMENT_CARD_FOOTER, option) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys localsettings.initiate(False) app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) mycard = Card() print(mycard.printer.getPageMargins(QtPrintSupport.QPrinter.Millimeter)) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class from openmolar.dbtools import appointments pt = patient_class.patient(11956) appts = appointments.get_pts_appts(pt, True) mycard.setProps(pt, appts) mycard.print_()
font = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 7) font.setItalic(True) painter.setFont(font) option = QtGui.QTextOption(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) option.setWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WordWrap) painter.drawText( QtCore.QRectF(0, y, pageRect.width(), 31), _("Please note, this estimate may be subject to change if " "clinical circumstances dictate."), option) return True if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate(False) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class from openmolar.ptModules import estimates pt = patient_class.patient(23664) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) myreceipt = estimate() myreceipt.title = pt.title myreceipt.fname = pt.fname myreceipt.sname = pt.sname myreceipt.ourref = pt.serialno myreceipt.estItems = estimates.sorted_estimates(pt.estimates) myreceipt.print_()
def setUp(self): super().setUp() localsettings.initiateUsers() localsettings.initiate() = QtWidgets.QWidget() = patient_class.patient(11956)
def test_exec(self): = patient_class.patient(1) if self.exec_( print(self.dl.chosen_treatments)
return html_ def treatment_html(pt): return u"<h4>Treatments (courseno %s)</h4>%s" % ( pt.courseno0, estimate_synopsis.html(pt.courseno0)) def payments_html(pt): return u'''<h4>Payments Since this course began (excluding Sundries)</h4> %s ''' % paymentHistory.summary_details( pt.serialno, pt.treatment_course.accd) def html(pt): html_ = HTML_TEMPLATE.replace("{{TREATMENTS}}", treatment_html(pt)) html_ = html_.replace("{{PAYMENTS}}", payments_html(pt)) html_ = html_.replace("{{HEADER}}", header_html(pt)) return html_ if __name__ == '__main__': from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient localsettings.initiate() pt = patient(1314) html = html(pt) html = html.encode("ascii", "replace") print html
y += line_height bold_off() italic_on() print_text(, y, rowspan=4) italic_off() bold_on() y = self.printer.pageRect().height() - MARGIN_BOTTOM print_text(_("Patient's Signature"), y, 0, 3) print_line(y, 3, 6) print_text(self.date_text, y, 10, 2) if __name__ == "__main__": import os os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) localsettings.initiate() app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient mw = QtWidgets.QWidget() mw.include_mh = True pt = patient(29833) mh_print = MHPrint(pt, mw) mh_print.print_()
def getInput(self): ''' yields selected usercodes (allowing multiple selections) ''' if self.exec_(): for item_widg in self.itemWidgets: number = item_widg.spinBox.value() if number != 0: for n in range(number): yield item_widg.usercode if __name__ == "__main__": import sys localsettings.initiate() localsettings.loadFeeTables() app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(11956) items = ( ("exam", "CE"), ("xray", "M"), ("perio", "SP") ) dl = AddTreatmentDialog(items, pt) dl.use_completed_messages() for att, shortcut in dl.getInput(): print "chosen item = %s %s" % (att, shortcut)
content += "<li><b>%s</b> - %s</li>" % (key, value) content += "</ul>" html_ = HTML_TEMPLATE.replace("{{CONTENT}}", content) return html_ def finished_today_html(pt): return active_course_html(pt).replace( "<!-- HEADER -->", _("COMPLETED COURSE TODAY") ) def html(pt, summary=True): if summary: return summary_html(pt) if pt.last_treatment_date == localsettings.currentDay(): return finished_today_html(pt) return active_course_html(pt) if __name__ == '__main__': from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient localsettings.initiate() pt = patient(26041) html = html(pt) print(html)
def takePayment(om_gui): ''' raise a dialog, and take some money ''' if == 0: om_gui.advise("No patient Selected <br />Monies will be " + "allocated to Other Payments, and no receipt offered") dl = PaymentDialog(om_gui) dl.set_treatment_default_amount( dl.hide_treatment( == 0) if dl.exec_(): if == 0: paymentPt = patient_class.patient(22963) else: paymentPt = name = "%s %s" % (paymentPt.sname, paymentPt.fname[:1]) if paymentPt.dnt2 != 0: dent = paymentPt.dnt2 else: dent = paymentPt.dnt1 LOGGER.debug("TAKING PAYMENT for patient %s" % paymentPt.serialno) if cashbook.paymenttaken(paymentPt.serialno, name, dent, paymentPt.cset, dl.tx_cash, dl.tx_cheque, dl.tx_card, dl.sundry_cash, dl.sundry_cheque, dl.sundry_card, dl.hdp, dl.other, dl.refund): paymentPt.addHiddenNote( "payment", " treatment %s sundries %s" % (dl.tx_total_text, dl.sundry_total_text)) om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel() if != 0: LOGGER.debug("loaded patient == payment patient") om_printing.printReceipt(om_gui, { "Treatments and Services": dl.tx_total_text, "Sundry Items": dl.sundry_total_text, "Unspecified Items": dl.other_text, "REFUND": dl.refund_text }, total=dl.grand_total_text) #-- always refer to money in terms of pence print "adjusting money" if[:1] == "N": += dl.tx_total else: += dl.tx_total -= dl.refund else: LOGGER.debug( "Payment patient is not loaded. skipping receipt offer.") patient_write_changes.toNotes(paymentPt.serialno, paymentPt.HIDDENNOTES) LOGGER.debug("writing payment notes") if patient_write_changes.discreet_changes( paymentPt, ("money2", "money3", "money11")) and != 0: LOGGER.debug("updating patient's stored money values") = = = paymentPt.clearHiddenNotes() om_gui.updateDetails() om_gui.updateHiddenNotesLabel()"PAYMENT ALL DONE!") else: LOGGER.warning("payment failed to write to database!") message = "%s<br />%s" % ( _("error applying payment.... sorry!"), _("This shouldn't happen - please report as an urgent bug")) om_gui.advise(message, 2)
def test_exec(self): mw = QtWidgets.QWidget() = patient_class.patient(3) self.exec_(mw)
self.new_plan_items.remove(item) except ValueError: pass return True return False if __name__ == "__main__": from gettext import gettext as _ from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient app = QtGui.QApplication([]) mw = QtGui.QWidget() = patient(11956) dl = AdvancedTxPlanningDialog(mw) if dl.exec_(): for att, item in dl.deleted_plan_items: print("%spl %s deleted" % (att, item)) for att, item in dl.deleted_cmp_items: print("%scmp %s deleted" % (att, item)) for att, item in dl.new_plan_items: print("%spl %s added" % (att, item)) for att, item in dl.new_cmp_items: print("%scmp %s added" % (att, item)) for att, item in dl.completed_items: print("%s %s was completed" % (att, item)) for att, item in dl.reversed_items: print("%s %s was reveresed" % (att, item))
myreceipt.setProps(,,,,,,,, = amount * 100 myreceipt.receivedDict = {_("Professional Services"): amount * 100} myreceipt.isDuplicate = True myreceipt.dupdate = if myreceipt.print_(): "printed", "%s %.02f" % (_("duplicate receipt for"), amount)) self.duplicate_printed = True self.accept() def apply_changed(self): print "applying changes" if __name__ == "__main__": localsettings.initiate() from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class pt = patient_class.patient(10781) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) dl = DuplicateReceiptDialog(pt, None) dl.exec_()
def print_mh_forms(serialnos, om_gui): for serialno in serialnos: pt = patient_class.patient(serialno) dl = MHFormDialog(pt, om_gui) if dl.exec_(): dl.apply()
self.insertWidget(self.patient_label) self.insertWidget(self.warning_label) self.enableApply() def sizeHint(self): return QtCore.QSize(400, 200) def _clicked(self, but): if but == self.ignore_but: self.result = self.IGNORE self.accept() return BaseDialog._clicked(self, but) def reject(self): self.result = self.CANCEL BaseDialog.reject(self) if __name__ == "__main__": LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) from openmolar.dbtools.patient_class import patient dl = RecallPromptDialog(patient(11932)) dl.exec_() print dl.result
if currentMax: newSerialno = currentMax+1 else: newSerialno = 1 try: cursor.execute(sqlcommand, tuple(values + [newSerialno])) cursor.close() db.commit() break except connect.IntegrityError, e: print "error saving new patient, will retry with new serialno" print e newSerialno = -1 Attempts += 1 if Attemps > 20: break #db.close() return newSerialno if __name__ == "__main__": global pt from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class import copy pt= patient_class.patient(0) pt.fname="Norman" pt.sname="Wisdom" #ok - so a trivial change has been made - now write to the database print commit(pt)
retarg += newline retarg += '</table></div></body></html>' return retarg def todays_notes(serialno): html = notes(get_notes_dict(serialno, True)) if not _("Today") in html: html = HEADER html += "%s <a href='edit_notes?%s'>%s</a></body></html>"% ( _("No notes found"), serialno, _("Add a note")) name = header = "<h3>%s %s</h3>"% (_("Todays notes for"), name) html = html.replace("<!HEADER>", header) html = html.replace("||SNO||", str(serialno)) return html if __name__ == "__main__": LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from openmolar.dbtools import patient_class try: serialno = int(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1]) except: serialno = 1 notes_ = notes(patient_class.patient(serialno).notes_dict) print notes_.encode("ascii", "replace")