def test_newsgroup_link(self): self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.newsgroup_link('foo'), '[[news:foo][foo]]') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.newsgroup_link('comp.emacs'), '[[news:comp.emacs][comp.emacs]]') with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): OrgFormat.newsgroup_link('')
def __handle_file(self, photo_file, filename): """ checks if file is an image, try to get exif data and write to org file """ logging.debug("handling file %s", filename) # check if file is an image: if imghdr.what(filename) != None: datetime = get_exif_datetime(filename) if datetime == None: logging.debug("skipping: %s has no EXIF information", filename) else: try: datetime = time.strptime(datetime, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") timestamp =, show_time=True) output =, photo_file) properties = OrgProperties(photo_file + timestamp) self._writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties) except ValueError as e: logging.warning("skipping: Could not parse " + \ "timestamp for %s : %s", filename, e)
def __get_datetime(self, mydate): """ @return string: Datetime - in Org Format """ mydate_tuple = OrgFormat.parse_basic_iso_datetime(mydate) return
def _handle_url(self, params): timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(params['timestamp'] / 1000000)) if not self._args.omit_drawer: properties = OrgProperties() if (params['title'] == ""): params['title'] = params['url'] properties.add('URL', params['url']) properties.add('VISIT_COUNT', params['visit_count']) output =['url'], params['title']) try: output = self._args.output_format.decode('utf-8').format(**params) except Exception: pass if self._args.omit_drawer: self._writer.write_org_subitem( timestamp, show_time=True), output=output, properties=None) else: self._writer.write_org_subitem( timestamp, show_time=True), output=output, properties=properties)
def test_daterange_autodetect_time(self): # NOTE: time.strptime() returns a time.struct_time self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time( time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue 20:38]--[2011-11-30 Wed 23:59]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time( time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue 20:38]--[2011-11-30 Wed 23:59]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time( time.strptime('2011-11-29', '%Y-%m-%d'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue 00:00]--[2011-11-30 Wed 23:59]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time( time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), time.strptime('2011-11-30', '%Y-%m-%d'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue 20:38]--[2011-11-30 Wed 00:00]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time( time.strptime('2011-11-29', '%Y-%m-%d'), time.strptime('2011-11-30', '%Y-%m-%d'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue]--[2011-11-30 Wed]')
def test_mailto_link(self): self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.mailto_link('Bob Bobby <*****@*****.**>'), '[[mailto:[email protected]][Bob Bobby]]') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.mailto_link('<*****@*****.**>'), '[[mailto:[email protected]][[email protected]]]') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.mailto_link('*****@*****.**'), '[[mailto:[email protected]][[email protected]]]') self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.mailto_link('foo bar'), '[[mailto:foo bar][foo bar]]')
def test_parse_extended_iso_datetime(self): # NOTE: time.strptime() returns a time.struct_time self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2"), time.strptime('2011-01-02', '%Y-%m-%d')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2T3.4"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2T3.4.5"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04.05', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2T3:4"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2T3:4:5"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04.05', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2 3:4"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2 3:4:5"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04.05', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2 3.4"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M')) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.parse_extended_iso_datetime("2011-1-2 3.4.5"), time.strptime('2011-01-02 03.04.05', '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S'))
def test_link(self): self.assertEqual('foo/bar'), '[[foo/bar]]') self.assertEqual('foo/bar', 'my description'), '[[foo/bar][my description]]') self.assertEqual('file:foo/bar/some file.pdf'), '[[file:foo/bar/some%20file.pdf]]') self.assertEqual('file:foo/bar/some file.pdf', 'my description'), '[[file:foo/bar/some%20file.pdf][my description]]') self.assertEqual('file:foo/bar/some file.pdf', 'my description', replacespaces=False), '[[file:foo/bar/some file.pdf][my description]]')
def __getTimestamp(self, time, onlyDate=False): """ converts xml timestamp into org readable timestamp Do 6 Nov 21:22:17 2014 """ time = time.strip() mail_date = datetime.strptime(time,"%c") if onlyDate is False: return, show_time=True) return
def test_fix_struct_time_wday(self): self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.fix_struct_time_wday(time.struct_time([2013, 4, 3, 10, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0])), time.struct_time([2013, 4, 3, 10, 54, 0, 2, 0, 0])) # same test but a bit more human readable for understanding: # define a time-stamp with weekday == 0: timestamp = time.struct_time([2013, 4, 3, 10, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # ## '<2013-04-03 Mon>' -> Mon is wrong for April 3rd 2013 self.assertEqual(, show_time=True, inactive=False), '<2013-04-03 Wed 10:54>')
def test_date(self): # NOTE: time.strptime() returns a time.struct_time self.assertEqual( time.strptime('2011-11-02T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')), '<2011-11-02 Wed>') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')), '<2011-11-02 Wed>') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), show_time=True), '<2011-11-02 Wed 20:38>') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), show_time=True), '<2011-11-02 Wed 20:38>') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-02 Wed]') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-02 Wed]') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), inactive=True, show_time=True), '[2011-11-02 Wed 20:38]') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), inactive=True, show_time=True), '[2011-11-02 Wed 20:38]') ## testing repeater_or_delay: self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), inactive=False, repeater_or_delay='+2w '), '<2011-11-02 Wed +2w>') self.assertEqual('2011-11-02T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), inactive=True, show_time=True, repeater_or_delay=' ++1m '), '[2011-11-02 Wed 20:38 ++1m]')
def test_apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp(self): self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-11-05 Tue 23:59>', 1), '<2019-11-06 Wed 00:59>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-11-06 Wed 00:59>', -1), '<2019-11-05 Tue 23:59>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-11-05 Tue 23:59>', 2.0), '<2019-11-06 Wed 01:59>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-11-06 Wed 00:59>', -2.0), '<2019-11-05 Tue 22:59>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-12-31 Tue 23:00>', 2.5), '<2020-01-01 Wed 01:30>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2020-01-01 Wed 01:30>', -2.5), '<2019-12-31 Tue 23:00>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2019-12-31 Tue 23:00>-<2019-12-31 Tue 23:30>', 2.5), '<2020-01-01 Wed 01:30>--<2020-01-01 Wed 02:00>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_org_timestamp( '<2020-01-01 Wed 01:30>--<2020-01-01 Wed 02:00>', -2.5), '<2019-12-31 Tue 23:00>--<2019-12-31 Tue 23:30>')
def test_autotag(self): test_filename = self.TMPFOLDER + "" autotag_dict = {} autotag_dict["programming"] = ["programming", "python", "java"] autotag_dict["TUG"] = ["tugraz", "university"] output = "Programming for my bachelor thesis at University" # writing test output writer = OrgOutputWriter(short_description="short-des", tag="tag", file_name=test_filename, autotag_dict=autotag_dict) timestamp =, show_time=True) properties = OrgProperties("data_for_hashing") writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties) writer.close() # read and check the file_handler file_handler =, "r", "utf-8") input_handler = file_handler.readlines() file_handler.close() self.assertTrue(input_handler[4].startswith( "** <1970-01-01 Thu 00:00> Programming for my " + "bachelor thesis at University\t:")) self.assertTrue(input_handler[4].endswith("programming:TUG:\n") or input_handler[4].endswith("TUG:programming:\n"))
def __check_datestamp_correctness(self, datestamp): """ Checks a datestamp 'YYYY.MM.DD' if its components are a valid date. """ if len(datestamp) != 10: return False try: year = int(datestamp[:4]) month = int(datestamp[5:7]) day = int(datestamp[8:10]) except ValueError: logging.debug( '__check_datestamp_correctness(' + str(datestamp) + ') does not follow YYYY-MM-DD with integers as components for year, month, day.' ) return False if year < 1900 or \ year > 2100 or \ month < 1 or \ month > 12 or \ day < 1 or \ day > 31: logging.debug('__check_datestamp_correctness(' + str(datestamp) + ') NEGATIVE') return False else: try: orgdate = OrgFormat.strdate(datestamp) except ValueError: return False return True
def startElement(self, name, attrs): """ at every <sms> tag write to orgfile """ logging.debug("Handler @startElement name=%s,attrs=%s", name, attrs) if name == "sms": #sms_subject = attrs['subject'] sms_date = int(attrs['date']) / 1000 # unix epoch sms_body = attrs['body'] sms_address = attrs['address'] sms_time = attrs['time'] sms_service_center = attrs['service_center'] sms_type_incoming = int(attrs['type']) == 1 contact_name = attrs['name'] skip = False if sms_type_incoming == True: output = "SMS from " if self._ignore_incoming: skip = True else: output = "SMS to " if self._ignore_outgoing: skip = True if not skip: name_string = "" if contact_name: name_string = '[[contact:' + contact_name + '][' + contact_name + ']]' else: name_string = "Unknown" output += name_string + ": " #if sms_subject != "null": # in case of MMS we have a subject # output += sms_subject # notes = sms_body #else: # output += sms_body # notes = "" notes = sms_body timestamp =, show_time=True) data_for_hashing = output + timestamp + notes properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=data_for_hashing) properties.add("NUMBER", sms_address) properties.add("NAME", contact_name) properties.add("SMS_SERVICE_CENTER", sms_service_center) properties.add("TIME", sms_time) self._writer.write_org_subitem(output=output, timestamp=timestamp, note=notes, properties=properties)
def write_point(self, p): """write a point (including geocoding)""" timestamp =, show_time=True) geocode = self.reverse_geocode(p.latitude, p.longitude) output = self._args.output_format.format(**geocode) tags = [] properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=timestamp) if p.latitude: properties.add('LATITUDE', p.latitude) if p.longitude: properties.add('LONGITUDE', p.longitude) if p.source: tags.append(p.source.lower()) if timestamp: self._writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties, tags=tags)
def format_timestamp(self, timestamp): # show time with the timestamp format, but only # if it contains at least hours and minutes show_time = not self._args.timestamp_format or \ any(x in self._args.timestamp_format for x in ['%H', '%M']) timestamp =, show_time=show_time) return timestamp
def _handle_message(self, msg): """parse a single message row""" msg['number'] = '00' + msg['number'].split('@')[0] msg['name'] = self._numberdict.get(msg['number'], msg['number']) msg['verb'] = 'to' if msg['type'] else 'from' msg['type'] = 'OUTGOING' if msg['type'] else 'INCOMING' msg['handler'] = self._args.handler if msg['text']: if self._args.demojize: msg['text'] = emoji.demojize(msg['text']) if self._args.skip_emoji: msg['text'] = re.sub(emoji.get_emoji_regexp(), '', msg['text']) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(msg['timestamp'] / 1000) properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=json.dumps(msg)) properties.add('NUMBER', msg['number']) properties.add('TYPE', msg['type']) output = self._args.output_format.format(**msg) if msg['text'] and not self._is_ignored(msg): self._writer.write_org_subitem( timestamp, show_time=True), output=output, properties=properties)
def write_org_subitem(self, timestamp, output, note="", properties=OrgProperties(), tags=None): """ Writes an org item line. i.e:** <timestamp> <output> :<tags>:\n :PROPERTIES: <properties> :ID: -generated id- :END: if an argument -a or --append is given, then a desicion regarding the :ID: is made if the item has to be written to file @param timestamp: str/unicode @param output: st tar/unicode @param note: str/unicode @param tags: list of tags @param properties: OrgProperties object """ assert (timestamp.__class__ == str or timestamp.__class__ == unicode) assert tags.__class__ == list or tags == None assert properties.__class__ == OrgProperties assert (output.__class__ == str or output.__class__ == unicode) assert (note.__class__ == str or note.__class__ == unicode) # count the entries we have written, if above our limit do not write if self.__number_entries and \ self.__entries_count == self.__number_entries: return else: self.__entries_count += 1 if tags == None: tags = [] if self.__autotag_dict != {}: self.__get_autotags(tags, output) ## fix time-stamps (if user wants to) if self.__timestamp_delta: timestamp = OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_Orgmode_timestamp(timestamp, int(self.__timestamp_delta)) if self.__append: self.__append_org_subitem(timestamp, output, note, properties, tags) else: self.__write_org_subitem(timestamp, output, note, properties, tags)
def __get_datetime_range(self, dtstart, dtend): """ @return string: Datetime - Range in Org Format """ begin_tuple = OrgFormat.parse_basic_iso_datetime(dtstart) end_tuple = OrgFormat.parse_basic_iso_datetime(dtend) # handle "all-day" - events if begin_tuple.tm_sec == 0 and \ begin_tuple.tm_min == 0 and \ begin_tuple.tm_hour == 0 and \ end_tuple.tm_sec == 0 and \ end_tuple.tm_min == 0 and \ end_tuple.tm_hour == 0: # we have to subtract 1 day to get the correct dates end_tuple = time.localtime(time.mktime(end_tuple) - 24 * 60 * 60) return OrgFormat.daterange_autodetect_time(begin_tuple, end_tuple)
def test_daterange(self): # NOTE: time.strptime() returns a time.struct_time self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29', '%Y-%m-%d'), time.strptime('2011-11-30', '%Y-%m-%d')), '<2011-11-29 Tue>--<2011-11-30 Wed>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange( time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')), '<2011-11-29 Tue>--<2011-11-30 Wed>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), show_time=False), '<2011-11-29 Tue>--<2011-11-30 Wed>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), show_time=False, inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue]--[2011-11-30 Wed]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), show_time=True, inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue 20:38]--[2011-11-30 Wed 23:59]') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), show_time=False, inactive=False), '<2011-11-29 Tue>--<2011-11-30 Wed>') self.assertEqual( OrgFormat.daterange(time.strptime('2011-11-29T20:38:42', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), time.strptime('2011-11-30T23:59:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), inactive=True), '[2011-11-29 Tue]--[2011-11-30 Wed]')
def test_properties_with_own_created(self): p = OrgProperties() p.add("CREATED",, show_time=True)) properties = str(p).splitlines() self.assertEqual(properties[0], " :PROPERTIES:") self.assertEqual(properties[1], " :CREATED: <1970-01-0" + \ "1 Thu 00:00>") self.assertEqual(properties[2], " :ID: fede47e9" + \ "f49e1b7f5c6599a6d607e9719ca98625") self.assertEqual(properties[3], " :END:")
def __write_footer(self): """ Writes the footer of the file including calling python script and time Don't call this function - call instead function close(), close() does call this function """ self.writeln(u"* successfully parsed by " + \ sys.argv[0] + u" at " + \ OrgFormat.inactive_datetime(time.localtime()) + \ u" in ~" + self.__time + u".")
def _handle_row(self, row): """ handle a single row """ try: # assume unix timestamp if not self._args.timestamp_format: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(row[self._args.timestamp_field])) else: timestamp = time.strptime(row[self._args.timestamp_field], self._args.timestamp_format) # show time with the timestamp format, but only # if it contains at least hours and minutes if not self._args.timestamp_format or \ any(x in self._args.timestamp_format for x in ['%H', '%M']): timestamp =, show_time=True) else: timestamp = except ValueError as e: logging.error("timestamp-format does not match: %s", e) sys.exit(1) except IndexError as e: logging.error("did you specify the right delimiter?", e) sys.exit(1) properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=json.dumps(row)) output = self._args.output_format.format(**row) if for prop in','): properties.add(prop.upper().strip(), row[prop]) self._writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties)
def _main(self): APP_KEY = self._get_config_option("APP_KEY") APP_SECRET = self._get_config_option("APP_SECRET") OAUTH_TOKEN = self._get_config_option("OAUTH_TOKEN") OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = self._get_config_option("OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET") screen_name = self._get_config_option("screen_name") count = self._get_config_option("count") twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) try: home_timeline = twitter.get_home_timeline(screenname=screen_name, count=count) except TwythonError as e: logging.error(e) sys.exit(1) for tweet in home_timeline: # strptime doesn't support timezone info, so we are using dateutils. date_object = parser.parse(tweet['created_at']) timestamp =, show_time=True) try: # Data is already Unicode, so don't try to re-encode it. output = tweet['text'] except: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) print("Error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]) data_for_hashing = output + timestamp + output properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=data_for_hashing) properties.add("name", tweet['user']['name']) properties.add("twitter_id", tweet['id']) properties.add("contributors", tweet['contributors']) properties.add("truncated", tweet['truncated']) properties.add("in_reply_to_status_id", tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']) properties.add("favorite_count", tweet['favorite_count']) properties.add("source", tweet['source']) properties.add("retweeted", tweet['retweeted']) properties.add("coordinates", tweet['coordinates']) properties.add("entities", tweet['entities']) self._writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties)
def __write_footer(self): """ Writes the footer of the file including calling python script and time Don't call this function - call instead function close(), close() does call this function """ self.writeln(u"* successfully parsed " +\ unicode(self.__entries_count) + \ " entries by " + \ sys.argv[0] + u" at " + \ OrgFormat.inactive_datetime(time.localtime()) + \ u" in ~" + self.__time + u".")
def __write_footer(self): """ Writes the footer of the file including calling python script and time Don't call this function - call instead function close(), close() does call this function """ self.writeln("* successfully parsed " +\ str(self.__entries_count) + \ " entries by " + \ sys.argv[0] + " at " + \, show_time=True, inactive=True) + \ " in ~" + self.__time.strip() + ".")
def __set_author_timestamp(self, line): """ extracts the date + time from line: author Forename Lastname <mail> 1234567890 +0000 @param line """ self.__empty = False date_info = line[-16:] # 1234567890 +0000 seconds_since_epoch = float(date_info[:10]) #timezone_info = date_info[11:] self.__timestamp = time.localtime(seconds_since_epoch), show_time=True) self.__author = line[7:line.find("<")].strip()
def __write(self): """ write attributes to writer (make an org_sub_item) """ logging.debug("msg:%s", self.__msg) self.__msg = self.__msg.splitlines() subject = "" notes = "" # idea: look for the first -nonempty- message if len(self.__msg) > 0: start_notes = 0 for i in range(len(self.__msg)): if self.__msg[i].strip() != "": subject = self.__msg[i].strip() start_notes = i + 1 break if len(self.__msg) > start_notes: for n in self.__msg[start_notes:]: if n != "": notes += n + "\n" output = "%s (r%d): %s" % (self.__author, self.__rev, subject) properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=self.__author + subject) timestamp = self.__date), show_time=True) properties.add("REVISION", self.__rev) if self.__grepauthor == None or \ (self.__author.strip() == self.__grepauthor.strip()): self._writer.write_org_subitem(output=output, timestamp=timestamp, note=notes, properties=properties)
def __write_file(self, file, link, timestamp): """ write entry to org file (omit replacement of spaces in file names) """ output ="file:" + link, description=file, replacespaces=False) properties = None if not self._args.omit_drawers: # we need optional data for hashing due it can be, that more # than one file have the same timestamp properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=output) self._writer.write_org_subitem(timestamp=timestamp, output=output, properties=properties)
def test_orgmode_timestamp_to_datetime(self): self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.orgmode_timestamp_to_datetime( '<1980-12-31 Wed 23:59>'), datetime.datetime(1980, 12, 31, 23, 59, 0, tzinfo=None)) self.assertEqual(OrgFormat.orgmode_timestamp_to_datetime( '[1980-12-31 Wed 23:59]'), datetime.datetime(1980, 12, 31, 23, 59, 0, tzinfo=None)) with self.assertRaises(TimestampParseException): OrgFormat.orgmode_timestamp_to_datetime('foobar') with self.assertRaises(TimestampParseException): OrgFormat.orgmode_timestamp_to_datetime('<1980-12-31 23:59>') # missing day of week
def _handle_recent_tracks(self, tracks): """parse recent tracks""" logging.debug(tracks) for t in tracks: timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t.timestamp)) output = self._args.output_format.format(title=t.track.title, artist=t.track.artist, album=t.album) properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=t.timestamp) properties.add('ARTIST', t.track.artist) properties.add('ALBUM', t.album) self._writer.write_org_subitem(, show_time=True), output=output, properties=properties)
def write_org_subitem(self, timestamp, output, note="", properties=OrgProperties(), tags=None): """ Writes an org item line. i.e:** <timestamp> <output> :<tags>:\n :PROPERTIES: <properties> :ID: -generated id- :END: if an argument -a or --append is given, then a desicion regarding the :ID: is made if the item has to be written to file @param timestamp: str/unicode @param output: st tar/unicode @param note: str/unicode @param tags: list of tags @param properties: OrgProperties object """ assert (timestamp.__class__ == str or timestamp.__class__ == unicode) assert tags.__class__ == list or tags == None assert properties.__class__ == OrgProperties assert (output.__class__ == str or output.__class__ == unicode) assert (note.__class__ == str or note.__class__ == unicode) # count the entries we have written, if above our limit do not write if self.__number_entries and \ self.__entries_count == self.__number_entries: return else: self.__entries_count += 1 if tags == None: tags = [] if self.__autotag_dict != {}: self.__get_autotags(tags, output) ## fix time-stamps (if user wants to) if self.__timestamp_delta: timestamp = OrgFormat.apply_timedelta_to_Orgmode_timestamp(timestamp, int(self.__timestamp_delta)) ## a bit of a hack to get inactive time-stamps: ## FIXXME: use OrgFormat method to generate inactive time-stamps in the first place and remove asserts if self.__inactive_timestamps: assert(timestamp[0] == '<') ## at least try to find cases where this replace method fails assert(timestamp[-1] == '>') ## at least try to find cases where this replace method fails timestamp = '[' + timestamp[1:-1] + ']' if self.__append: self.__append_org_subitem(timestamp, output, note, properties, tags) else: self.__write_org_subitem(timestamp, output, note, properties, tags)
def parse_message(message, add_body=False): """ parses whole mail from string @param message: mail message @param add_body: if specified, body is added @return values for OrgWriter.write_org_subitem """ msg = message_from_string(message) # Read only these fields use_headers = ["To", "Date", "From", "Subject", "Reply-To", "Newsgroups", "Cc", ] # These fields are added, if found to :PROPERTIES: drawer not_properties = ["Date", "Subject", "From" ] properties = OrgProperties() headers = {} logging.debug("Message items:") logging.debug(msg.items()) msg_id = None # fill headers and properties for key, value in msg.items(): value = value.replace("\r", "").decode('utf-8') if key in use_headers: headers[key] = value if key not in not_properties: properties.add(key, value.replace("\n", "")) if key.upper() == "MESSAGE-ID": msg_id = value notes = "" # look for payload # if more than one payload, use text/plain payload if add_body: payload = msg.get_payload() if payload.__class__ == list: # default use payload[0] payload_msg = payload[0].get_payload() for payload_id in len(payload): for param in payload[payload_id].get_params(): if param[0] == 'text/plain': payload_msg = payload[payload_id].get_payload() break if payload_msg != payload[0].get_payload(): break notes = payload_msg else: notes = payload notes = notes.replace("\r", "").decode('utf-8') output_from = MailParser.get_value_or_empty_str(headers, "From") if output_from != "": output_from = OrgFormat.contact_mail_mailto_link(output_from) subject = MailParser.get_value_or_empty_str(headers, "Subject", True) dt = MailParser.get_value_or_empty_str(headers, "Date", False) timestamp = "" if dt != "": try: time_tupel = time.localtime(time.mktime(parsedate(dt))) timestamp = OrgFormat.datetime(time_tupel) except TypeError: logging.error("could not parse dateime from msg %s", dt) properties.add_data_for_hashing(timestamp + "_" + msg_id) if "Newsgroups" in headers: ng_list = [] for ng in headers["Newsgroups"].split(","): ng_list.append(OrgFormat.newsgroup_link(ng)) output_ng = ", ".join(map(str, ng_list)) output = output_from + u"@" + output_ng + ": " + subject else: output = output_from + u": " + subject return timestamp, output, notes, properties